Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include "TMath.h"
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <iomanip>
6 // analyzer of a summary information product on filter efficiency for a user specified path
7 // meant for the generator filter efficiency calculation
9 // system include files
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <vector>
12 #include <map>
14 // user include files
31 //
32 // class declaration
33 //
34 namespace gxsec {
35  struct LumiCache {};
36  struct RunCache {
38  : product_(-9999),
39  filterOnlyEffRun_(0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0.),
40  hepMCFilterEffRun_(0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0.) {}
41  // for weight before GenFilter and HepMCFilter and before matching
44  // for weight after GenFilter and HepMCFilter and after matching
47  // GenLumiInfo before HepMCFilter and GenFilter, this is used
48  // for computation
51  // statistics from additional generator filter, for computation
52  // reset for each run
55  // statistics from HepMC filter, for computation
58  // the following vectors all have the same size
59  // LHE or Pythia/Herwig cross section of previous luminosity block
60  // vector size = number of processes, used for computation
61  CMS_THREAD_GUARD(GenXSecAnalyzer::mutex_) mutable std::map<int, GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec> previousLumiBlockLHEXSec_;
63  // LHE or Pythia/Herwig combined cross section of current luminosity block
64  // updated for each luminosity block, initialized in every run
65  // used for computation
66  CMS_THREAD_GUARD(GenXSecAnalyzer::mutex_) mutable std::map<int, GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec> currentLumiBlockLHEXSec_;
67  };
68 } // namespace gxsec
71  : public edm::global::EDAnalyzer<edm::RunCache<gxsec::RunCache>, edm::LuminosityBlockCache<gxsec::LumiCache>> {
72 public:
73  explicit GenXSecAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &);
74  ~GenXSecAnalyzer() override;
76 private:
77  void beginJob() final;
78  std::shared_ptr<gxsec::RunCache> globalBeginRun(edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) const final;
79  std::shared_ptr<gxsec::LumiCache> globalBeginLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const &,
80  edm::EventSetup const &) const final;
81  void analyze(edm::StreamID, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) const final;
82  void globalEndLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &) const final;
83  void globalEndRun(edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) const final;
84  void endJob() final;
85  // computation of cross section after matching and before HepcFilter and GenFilter
87  // combination of cross section from different MCs after matching (could be either before or after HepcFilter and GenFilter)
88  void combine(GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec &, double &, const GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec &, const double &) const;
89  void combine(double &, double &, double &, const double &, const double &, const double &) const;
96  // ----------member data --------------------------
98  mutable std::atomic<int> nMCs_;
100  mutable std::atomic<int> hepidwtup_;
104  // for weight before GenFilter and HepMCFilter and before matching
107  // for weight after GenFilter and HepMCFilter and after matching
110  // combined cross sections before HepMCFilter and GenFilter
113  // final combined cross sections
116  // statistics from additional generator filter, for print-out only
119  // statistics from HepMC filter, for print-out only
122  // the vector/map size is the number of LHE processes + 1
123  // needed only for printouts, not used for computation
124  // only printed out when combining the same physics process
125  // uncertainty-averaged cross sections before matching
126  CMS_THREAD_GUARD(mutex_) mutable std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec> xsecBeforeMatching_;
127  // uncertainty-averaged cross sections after matching
128  CMS_THREAD_GUARD(mutex_) mutable std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec> xsecAfterMatching_;
129  // statistics from jet matching
130  CMS_THREAD_GUARD(mutex_) mutable std::map<int, GenFilterInfo> jetMatchEffStat_;
131 };
134  : nMCs_(0),
135  hepidwtup_(-9999),
136  totalWeightPre_(0),
137  totalWeight_(0),
138  xsecPreFilter_(-1, -1),
139  xsec_(-1, -1),
140  filterOnlyEffStat_(0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0.),
141  hepMCFilterEffStat_(0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0.) {
142  genFilterInfoToken_ = consumes<GenFilterInfo, edm::InLumi>(edm::InputTag("genFilterEfficiencyProducer", ""));
143  hepMCFilterInfoToken_ = consumes<GenFilterInfo, edm::InLumi>(edm::InputTag("generator", ""));
144  genLumiInfoToken_ = consumes<GenLumiInfoProduct, edm::InLumi>(edm::InputTag("generator", ""));
145  lheRunInfoToken_ = consumes<LHERunInfoProduct, edm::InRun>(edm::InputTag("externalLHEProducer", ""));
146 }
152 std::shared_ptr<gxsec::RunCache> GenXSecAnalyzer::globalBeginRun(edm::Run const &iRun, edm::EventSetup const &) const {
153  // initialization for every different physics MC
155  nMCs_++;
157  {
158  std::lock_guard l{mutex_};
159  xsecBeforeMatching_.clear();
160  xsecAfterMatching_.clear();
161  jetMatchEffStat_.clear();
162  }
163  return std::make_shared<gxsec::RunCache>();
164 }
166 std::shared_ptr<gxsec::LumiCache> GenXSecAnalyzer::globalBeginLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const &iLumi,
167  edm::EventSetup const &) const {
168  return std::shared_ptr<gxsec::LumiCache>();
169 }
176  if (!genLumiInfo.isValid())
177  return;
178  hepidwtup_ = genLumiInfo->getHEPIDWTUP();
180  std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo> const &theProcesses = genLumiInfo->getProcessInfos();
182  unsigned int theProcesses_size = theProcesses.size();
184  // if it's a pure parton-shower generator, check there should be only one element in thisProcessInfos
185  // the error of lheXSec is -1
186  if (hepidwtup_ == -1) {
187  if (theProcesses_size != 1) {
188  edm::LogError("GenXSecAnalyzer::endLuminosityBlock") << "Pure parton shower has thisProcessInfos size!=1";
189  return;
190  }
191  }
193  for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < theProcesses_size; ip++) {
194  if (theProcesses[ip].lheXSec().value() < 0) {
195  edm::LogError("GenXSecAnalyzer::endLuminosityBlock")
196  << "cross section of process " << ip << " value = " << theProcesses[ip].lheXSec().value();
197  return;
198  }
199  }
201  auto runC = runCache(iLumi.getRun().index());
202  {
203  std::lock_guard g{mutex_};
204  runC->product_.mergeProduct(*genLumiInfo);
205  }
206  edm::Handle<GenFilterInfo> genFilter;
207  iLumi.getByToken(genFilterInfoToken_, genFilter);
209  if (genFilter.isValid()) {
210  std::lock_guard g{mutex_};
211  filterOnlyEffStat_.mergeProduct(*genFilter);
212  runC->filterOnlyEffRun_.mergeProduct(*genFilter);
213  runC->thisRunWeight_ += genFilter->sumPassWeights();
214  }
216  edm::Handle<GenFilterInfo> hepMCFilter;
217  iLumi.getByToken(hepMCFilterInfoToken_, hepMCFilter);
219  if (hepMCFilter.isValid()) {
220  std::lock_guard g{mutex_};
221  hepMCFilterEffStat_.mergeProduct(*hepMCFilter);
222  runC->hepMCFilterEffRun_.mergeProduct(*hepMCFilter);
223  }
225  std::lock_guard g{mutex_};
226  // doing generic summing for jet matching statistics
227  // and computation of combined LHE information
228  for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < theProcesses_size; ip++) {
229  int id = theProcesses[ip].process();
231  GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec &y = runC->currentLumiBlockLHEXSec_[id];
232  GenLumiInfoProduct::FinalStat temp_killed = theProcesses[ip].killed();
233  GenLumiInfoProduct::FinalStat temp_selected = theProcesses[ip].selected();
234  double passw = temp_killed.sum();
235  double passw2 = temp_killed.sum2();
236  double totalw = temp_selected.sum();
237  double totalw2 = temp_selected.sum2();
238  GenFilterInfo tempInfo(theProcesses[ip].nPassPos(),
239  theProcesses[ip].nPassNeg(),
240  theProcesses[ip].nTotalPos(),
241  theProcesses[ip].nTotalNeg(),
242  passw,
243  passw2,
244  totalw,
245  totalw2);
247  // matching statistics for all processes
248  jetMatchEffStat_[10000].mergeProduct(tempInfo);
249  double currentValue = theProcesses[ip].lheXSec().value();
250  double currentError = theProcesses[ip].lheXSec().error();
252  // this process ID has occurred before
253  auto &thisRunWeightPre = runC->thisRunWeightPre_;
254  if (y.value() > 0) {
255  x.mergeProduct(tempInfo);
256  double previousValue = runC->previousLumiBlockLHEXSec_[id].value();
258  if (currentValue != previousValue) // transition of cross section
259  {
260  double xsec = y.value();
261  double err = y.error();
262  combine(xsec, err, thisRunWeightPre, currentValue, currentError, totalw);
263  y = GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec(xsec, err);
264  } else // LHE cross section is the same as previous lumiblock
265  thisRunWeightPre += totalw;
267  }
268  // this process ID has never occurred before
269  else {
270  x = tempInfo;
271  y = theProcesses[ip].lheXSec();
272  thisRunWeightPre += totalw;
273  }
275  runC->previousLumiBlockLHEXSec_[id] = theProcesses[ip].lheXSec();
276  } // end
278  return;
279 }
281 void GenXSecAnalyzer::globalEndRun(edm::Run const &iRun, edm::EventSetup const &) const {
282  //xsection before matching
285  if (iRun.getByToken(lheRunInfoToken_, run)) {
286  const lhef::HEPRUP thisHeprup = run->heprup();
288  for (unsigned int iSize = 0; iSize < thisHeprup.XSECUP.size(); iSize++) {
289  std::cout << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << thisHeprup.XSECUP[iSize] << std::setw(14) << std::fixed
290  << thisHeprup.XERRUP[iSize] << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << thisHeprup.XMAXUP[iSize] << std::setw(14)
291  << std::fixed << thisHeprup.LPRUP[iSize] << std::endl;
292  }
293  std::cout << " " << std::endl;
294  }
296  auto runC = runCache(iRun.index());
297  std::lock_guard l{mutex_};
299  // compute cross section for this run first
300  // set the correct combined LHE+filter cross sections
301  unsigned int i = 0;
302  std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo> newInfos;
303  for (std::map<int, GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec>::const_iterator iter = runC->currentLumiBlockLHEXSec_.begin();
304  iter != runC->currentLumiBlockLHEXSec_.end();
305  ++iter, i++) {
306  GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo temp = runC->product_.getProcessInfos()[i];
307  temp.setLheXSec(iter->second.value(), iter->second.error());
308  newInfos.push_back(temp);
309  }
310  runC->product_.setProcessInfo(newInfos);
312  const GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec thisRunXSecPre = compute(runC->product_);
313  // xsection after matching before filters
314  combine(xsecPreFilter_, totalWeightPre_, thisRunXSecPre, runC->thisRunWeightPre_);
316  double thisHepFilterEff = 1;
317  double thisHepFilterErr = 0;
319  if (runC->hepMCFilterEffRun_.sumWeights2() > 0) {
320  thisHepFilterEff = runC->hepMCFilterEffRun_.filterEfficiency(hepidwtup_);
321  thisHepFilterErr = runC->hepMCFilterEffRun_.filterEfficiencyError(hepidwtup_);
322  if (thisHepFilterEff < 0) {
323  thisHepFilterEff = 1;
324  thisHepFilterErr = 0;
325  }
326  }
328  double thisGenFilterEff = 1;
329  double thisGenFilterErr = 0;
331  if (runC->filterOnlyEffRun_.sumWeights2() > 0) {
332  thisGenFilterEff = runC->filterOnlyEffRun_.filterEfficiency(hepidwtup_);
333  thisGenFilterErr = runC->filterOnlyEffRun_.filterEfficiencyError(hepidwtup_);
334  if (thisGenFilterEff < 0) {
335  thisGenFilterEff = 1;
336  thisGenFilterErr = 0;
337  }
338  }
339  double thisXsec = thisRunXSecPre.value() > 0 ? thisHepFilterEff * thisGenFilterEff * thisRunXSecPre.value() : 0;
340  double thisErr =
341  thisRunXSecPre.value() > 0
342  ? thisXsec * sqrt(pow(TMath::Max(thisRunXSecPre.error(), (double)0) / thisRunXSecPre.value(), 2) +
343  pow(thisHepFilterErr / thisHepFilterEff, 2) + pow(thisGenFilterErr / thisGenFilterEff, 2))
344  : 0;
345  const GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec thisRunXSec = GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec(thisXsec, thisErr);
346  combine(xsec_, totalWeight_, thisRunXSec, runC->thisRunWeight_);
347 }
349 void GenXSecAnalyzer::combine(double &finalValue,
350  double &finalError,
351  double &finalWeight,
352  const double &currentValue,
353  const double &currentError,
354  const double &currentWeight) const {
355  if (finalValue <= 0) {
356  finalValue = currentValue;
357  finalError = currentError;
358  finalWeight += currentWeight;
359  } else {
360  double wgt1 = (finalError <= 0 || currentError <= 0) ? finalWeight : 1 / (finalError * finalError);
361  double wgt2 = (finalError <= 0 || currentError <= 0) ? currentWeight : 1 / (currentError * currentError);
362  double xsec = (wgt1 * finalValue + wgt2 * currentValue) / (wgt1 + wgt2);
363  double err = (finalError <= 0 || currentError <= 0) ? 0 : 1.0 / std::sqrt(wgt1 + wgt2);
364  finalValue = xsec;
365  finalError = err;
366  finalWeight += currentWeight;
367  }
368  return;
369 }
372  double &totalw,
373  const GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec &thisRunXSec,
374  const double &thisw) const {
375  double value = finalXSec.value();
376  double error = finalXSec.error();
377  double thisValue = thisRunXSec.value();
378  double thisError = thisRunXSec.error();
379  combine(value, error, totalw, thisValue, thisError, thisw);
380  finalXSec = GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec(value, error);
381  return;
382 }
385  // sum of cross sections and errors over different processes
386  double sigSelSum = 0.0;
387  double err2SelSum = 0.0;
388  double sigSum = 0.0;
389  double err2Sum = 0.0;
391  std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec> tempVector_before;
392  std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec> tempVector_after;
394  // loop over different processes for each sample
395  unsigned int vectorSize = iLumiInfo.getProcessInfos().size();
396  for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < vectorSize; ip++) {
398  double hepxsec_value = proc.lheXSec().value();
399  double hepxsec_error = proc.lheXSec().error() <= 0 ? 0 : proc.lheXSec().error();
400  tempVector_before.push_back(GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec(hepxsec_value, hepxsec_error));
402  sigSelSum += hepxsec_value;
403  err2SelSum += hepxsec_error * hepxsec_error;
405  // skips computation if jet matching efficiency=0
406  if (proc.killed().n() < 1) {
407  tempVector_after.push_back(GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec(0.0, 0.0));
408  continue;
409  }
411  // computing jet matching efficiency for this process
412  double fracAcc = 0;
413  double ntotal = proc.nTotalPos() - proc.nTotalNeg();
414  double npass = proc.nPassPos() - proc.nPassNeg();
415  switch (hepidwtup_) {
416  case 3:
417  case -3:
418  fracAcc = ntotal > 0 ? npass / ntotal : -1;
419  break;
420  default:
421  fracAcc = proc.selected().sum() > 0 ? proc.killed().sum() / proc.selected().sum() : -1;
422  break;
423  }
425  if (fracAcc <= 0) {
426  tempVector_after.push_back(GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec(0.0, 0.0));
427  continue;
428  }
430  // cross section after matching for this particular process
431  double sigmaFin = hepxsec_value * fracAcc;
433  // computing error on jet matching efficiency
434  double relErr = 1.0;
435  double efferr2 = 0;
436  switch (hepidwtup_) {
437  case 3:
438  case -3: {
439  double ntotal_pos = proc.nTotalPos();
440  double effp = ntotal_pos > 0 ? (double)proc.nPassPos() / ntotal_pos : 0;
441  double effp_err2 = ntotal_pos > 0 ? (1 - effp) * effp / ntotal_pos : 0;
443  double ntotal_neg = proc.nTotalNeg();
444  double effn = ntotal_neg > 0 ? (double)proc.nPassNeg() / ntotal_neg : 0;
445  double effn_err2 = ntotal_neg > 0 ? (1 - effn) * effn / ntotal_neg : 0;
447  efferr2 = ntotal > 0
448  ? (ntotal_pos * ntotal_pos * effp_err2 + ntotal_neg * ntotal_neg * effn_err2) / ntotal / ntotal
449  : 0;
450  break;
451  }
452  default: {
453  double denominator = pow(proc.selected().sum(), 4);
454  double passw = proc.killed().sum();
455  double passw2 = proc.killed().sum2();
456  double failw = proc.selected().sum() - passw;
457  double failw2 = proc.selected().sum2() - passw2;
458  double numerator = (passw2 * failw * failw + failw2 * passw * passw);
460  efferr2 = denominator > 0 ? numerator / denominator : 0;
461  break;
462  }
463  }
464  double delta2Veto = efferr2 / fracAcc / fracAcc;
466  // computing total error on cross section after matching efficiency
468  double sigma2Sum, sigma2Err;
469  sigma2Sum = hepxsec_value * hepxsec_value;
470  sigma2Err = hepxsec_error * hepxsec_error;
472  double delta2Sum = delta2Veto + sigma2Err / sigma2Sum;
473  relErr = (delta2Sum > 0.0 ? std::sqrt(delta2Sum) : 0.0);
474  double deltaFin = sigmaFin * relErr;
476  tempVector_after.push_back(GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec(sigmaFin, deltaFin));
478  // sum of cross sections and errors over different processes
479  sigSum += sigmaFin;
480  err2Sum += deltaFin * deltaFin;
482  } // end of loop over different processes
483  tempVector_before.push_back(GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec(sigSelSum, sqrt(err2SelSum)));
485  double total_matcheff = jetMatchEffStat_[10000].filterEfficiency(hepidwtup_);
486  double total_matcherr = jetMatchEffStat_[10000].filterEfficiencyError(hepidwtup_);
488  double xsec_after = sigSelSum * total_matcheff;
489  double xsecerr_after = (total_matcheff > 0 && sigSelSum > 0)
490  ? xsec_after * sqrt(err2SelSum / sigSelSum / sigSelSum +
491  total_matcherr * total_matcherr / total_matcheff / total_matcheff)
492  : 0;
494  GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec result(xsec_after, xsecerr_after);
495  tempVector_after.push_back(result);
497  xsecBeforeMatching_ = tempVector_before;
498  xsecAfterMatching_ = tempVector_after;
500  return result;
501 }
504  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "\n"
505  << "------------------------------------"
506  << "\n"
507  << "GenXsecAnalyzer:"
508  << "\n"
509  << "------------------------------------";
511  if (jetMatchEffStat_.empty()) {
512  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "------------------------------------"
513  << "\n"
514  << "Cross-section summary not available"
515  << "\n"
516  << "------------------------------------";
517  return;
518  }
520  // fraction of negative weights
521  double final_fract_neg_w = 0;
522  double final_fract_neg_w_unc = 0;
524  // below print out is only for combination of same physics MC samples and ME+Pythia MCs
526  if (nMCs_ == 1 && hepidwtup_ != -1) {
527  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer")
528  << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
529  "--------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
530  << "Overall cross-section summary \n"
531  << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
532  "---------------------------------------------------------------";
533  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "Process\t\txsec_before [pb]\t\tpassed\tnposw\tnnegw\ttried\tnposw\tnnegw "
534  "\txsec_match [pb]\t\t\taccepted [%]\t event_eff [%]";
536  const unsigned sizeOfInfos = jetMatchEffStat_.size();
537  const unsigned last = sizeOfInfos - 1;
538  std::string *title = new std::string[sizeOfInfos];
539  unsigned int i = 0;
540  double jetmatch_eff = 0;
541  double jetmatch_err = 0;
542  double matching_eff = 1;
543  double matching_efferr = 1;
545  for (std::map<int, GenFilterInfo>::const_iterator iter = jetMatchEffStat_.begin(); iter != jetMatchEffStat_.end();
546  ++iter, i++) {
547  GenFilterInfo thisJetMatchStat = iter->second;
548  GenFilterInfo thisEventEffStat =
549  GenFilterInfo(thisJetMatchStat.numPassPositiveEvents() + thisJetMatchStat.numPassNegativeEvents(),
550  0,
551  thisJetMatchStat.numTotalPositiveEvents() + thisJetMatchStat.numTotalNegativeEvents(),
552  0,
553  thisJetMatchStat.numPassPositiveEvents() + thisJetMatchStat.numPassNegativeEvents(),
554  thisJetMatchStat.numPassPositiveEvents() + thisJetMatchStat.numPassNegativeEvents(),
555  thisJetMatchStat.numTotalPositiveEvents() + thisJetMatchStat.numTotalNegativeEvents(),
556  thisJetMatchStat.numTotalPositiveEvents() + thisJetMatchStat.numTotalNegativeEvents());
558  jetmatch_eff = thisJetMatchStat.filterEfficiency(hepidwtup_);
559  jetmatch_err = thisJetMatchStat.filterEfficiencyError(hepidwtup_);
561  if (i == last) {
562  title[i] = "Total";
564  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer")
565  << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
566  "------------------------------------------------------------------- ";
568  // fill negative fraction of negative weights and uncertainty after matching
569  final_fract_neg_w = thisEventEffStat.numEventsPassed() > 0
570  ? thisJetMatchStat.numPassNegativeEvents() / thisEventEffStat.numEventsPassed()
571  : 0;
572  final_fract_neg_w_unc =
573  thisJetMatchStat.numPassNegativeEvents() > 0
574  ? final_fract_neg_w * final_fract_neg_w / thisEventEffStat.numEventsPassed() *
575  sqrt(thisJetMatchStat.numPassPositiveEvents() * thisJetMatchStat.numPassPositiveEvents() /
576  thisJetMatchStat.numPassNegativeEvents() +
577  thisJetMatchStat.numPassPositiveEvents())
578  : 0;
579  } else {
580  title[i] = Form("%d", i);
581  }
583  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << title[i] << "\t\t" << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3)
584  << xsecBeforeMatching_[i].value() << " +/- " << xsecBeforeMatching_[i].error()
585  << "\t\t" << thisEventEffStat.numEventsPassed() << "\t"
586  << thisJetMatchStat.numPassPositiveEvents() << "\t"
587  << thisJetMatchStat.numPassNegativeEvents() << "\t"
588  << thisEventEffStat.numEventsTotal() << "\t"
589  << thisJetMatchStat.numTotalPositiveEvents() << "\t"
590  << thisJetMatchStat.numTotalNegativeEvents() << "\t" << std::scientific
591  << std::setprecision(3) << xsecAfterMatching_[i].value() << " +/- "
592  << xsecAfterMatching_[i].error() << "\t\t" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1)
593  << (jetmatch_eff * 100) << " +/- " << (jetmatch_err * 100) << "\t" << std::fixed
594  << std::setprecision(1) << (thisEventEffStat.filterEfficiency(+3) * 100)
595  << " +/- " << (thisEventEffStat.filterEfficiencyError(+3) * 100);
597  matching_eff = thisEventEffStat.filterEfficiency(+3);
598  matching_efferr = thisEventEffStat.filterEfficiencyError(+3);
599  }
600  delete[] title;
602  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer")
603  << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
604  "---------------------------------------------------------------";
606  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "Before matching: total cross section = " << std::scientific
607  << std::setprecision(3) << xsecBeforeMatching_[last].value() << " +- "
608  << xsecBeforeMatching_[last].error() << " pb";
610  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "After matching: total cross section = " << std::scientific
611  << std::setprecision(3) << xsecAfterMatching_[last].value() << " +- "
612  << xsecAfterMatching_[last].error() << " pb";
614  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "Matching efficiency = " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << matching_eff
615  << " +/- " << matching_efferr << " [TO BE USED IN MCM]";
617  } else if (hepidwtup_ == -1)
618  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "Before Filter: total cross section = " << std::scientific
619  << std::setprecision(3) << xsecPreFilter_.value() << " +- "
620  << xsecPreFilter_.error() << " pb";
622  // hepMC filter efficiency
623  double hepMCFilter_eff = 1.0;
624  double hepMCFilter_err = 0.0;
625  if (hepMCFilterEffStat_.sumWeights2() > 0) {
626  hepMCFilter_eff = hepMCFilterEffStat_.filterEfficiency(-1);
627  hepMCFilter_err = hepMCFilterEffStat_.filterEfficiencyError(-1);
628  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "HepMC filter efficiency (taking into account weights)= "
629  << "(" << hepMCFilterEffStat_.sumPassWeights() << ")"
630  << " / "
631  << "(" << hepMCFilterEffStat_.sumWeights() << ")"
632  << " = " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << hepMCFilter_eff << " +- "
633  << hepMCFilter_err;
635  double hepMCFilter_event_total =
637  double hepMCFilter_event_pass =
639  double hepMCFilter_event_eff = hepMCFilter_event_total > 0 ? hepMCFilter_event_pass / hepMCFilter_event_total : 0;
640  double hepMCFilter_event_err =
641  hepMCFilter_event_total > 0
642  ? sqrt((1 - hepMCFilter_event_eff) * hepMCFilter_event_eff / hepMCFilter_event_total)
643  : -1;
644  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "HepMC filter efficiency (event-level)= "
645  << "(" << hepMCFilter_event_pass << ")"
646  << " / "
647  << "(" << hepMCFilter_event_total << ")"
648  << " = " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << hepMCFilter_event_eff
649  << " +- " << hepMCFilter_event_err;
650  }
652  // gen-particle filter efficiency
653  if (filterOnlyEffStat_.sumWeights2() > 0) {
654  double filterOnly_eff = filterOnlyEffStat_.filterEfficiency(-1);
655  double filterOnly_err = filterOnlyEffStat_.filterEfficiencyError(-1);
657  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "Filter efficiency (taking into account weights)= "
658  << "(" << filterOnlyEffStat_.sumPassWeights() << ")"
659  << " / "
660  << "(" << filterOnlyEffStat_.sumWeights() << ")"
661  << " = " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << filterOnly_eff << " +- "
662  << filterOnly_err;
664  double filterOnly_event_total =
666  double filterOnly_event_pass =
668  double filterOnly_event_eff = filterOnly_event_total > 0 ? filterOnly_event_pass / filterOnly_event_total : 0;
669  double filterOnly_event_err = filterOnly_event_total > 0
670  ? sqrt((1 - filterOnly_event_eff) * filterOnly_event_eff / filterOnly_event_total)
671  : -1;
672  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "Filter efficiency (event-level)= "
673  << "(" << filterOnly_event_pass << ")"
674  << " / "
675  << "(" << filterOnly_event_total << ")"
676  << " = " << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << filterOnly_event_eff
677  << " +- " << filterOnly_event_err << " [TO BE USED IN MCM]";
679  // fill negative fraction of negative weights and uncertainty after filter
680  final_fract_neg_w =
681  filterOnly_event_pass > 0 ? filterOnlyEffStat_.numPassNegativeEvents() / (filterOnly_event_pass) : 0;
682  final_fract_neg_w_unc =
684  ? final_fract_neg_w * final_fract_neg_w / filterOnly_event_pass *
688  : 0;
689  }
691  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "\nAfter filter: final cross section = " << std::scientific
692  << std::setprecision(3) << xsec_.value() << " +- " << xsec_.error() << " pb";
694  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "After filter: final fraction of events with negative weights = "
695  << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << final_fract_neg_w << " +- "
696  << final_fract_neg_w_unc;
698  // L=[N*(1-2f)^2]/s
699  double lumi_1M_evts =
700  xsec_.value() > 0 ? 1e6 * (1 - 2 * final_fract_neg_w) * (1 - 2 * final_fract_neg_w) / xsec_.value() / 1e3 : 0;
701  double lumi_1M_evts_unc =
702  xsec_.value() > 0 ? (1 - 2 * final_fract_neg_w) * lumi_1M_evts *
703  sqrt(1e-6 + 16 * pow(final_fract_neg_w_unc, 2) / pow(1 - 2 * final_fract_neg_w, 2) +
704  pow(xsec_.error() / xsec_.value(), 2))
705  : 0;
706  edm::LogPrint("GenXSecAnalyzer") << "After filter: final equivalent lumi for 1M events (1/fb) = " << std::scientific
707  << std::setprecision(3) << lumi_1M_evts << " +- " << lumi_1M_evts_unc;
708 }
std::vector< GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec > xsecBeforeMatching_
std::shared_ptr< gxsec::LumiCache > globalBeginLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &) const final
std::map< int, GenFilterInfo > jetMatchEffStat_
edm::EDGetTokenT< GenFilterInfo > hepMCFilterInfoToken_
GenLumiInfoProduct product_
Run const & getRun() const
static std::mutex mutex
GenFilterInfo filterOnlyEffStat_
edm::EDGetTokenT< GenLumiInfoProduct > genLumiInfoToken_
void combine(GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec &, double &, const GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec &, const double &) const
GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec compute(const GenLumiInfoProduct &) const
GenFilterInfo filterOnlyEffRun_
unsigned int numTotalNegativeEvents() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:29
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
void globalEndRun(edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) const final
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e g
Definition: Activities.doc:4
std::atomic< int > hepidwtup_
double sumWeights2() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:38
unsigned int numPassNegativeEvents() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:28
GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec xsec_
unsigned int numTotalPositiveEvents() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:26
void globalEndLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &) const final
GenFilterInfo hepMCFilterEffStat_
bool mergeProduct(GenFilterInfo const &other)
void analyze(edm::StreamID, const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) const final
const std::vector< ProcessInfo > & getProcessInfos() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
void beginJob() final
#define CMS_THREAD_GUARD(_var_)
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
double sumPassWeights() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:31
Log< level::Warning, true > LogPrint
std::vector< double > XERRUP
Definition: LesHouches.h:118
std::vector< double > XMAXUP
Definition: LesHouches.h:123
double filterEfficiency(int idwtup=+3) const
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
double sumWeights() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:37
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Run.h:318
double filterEfficiencyError(int idwtup=+3) const
unsigned int numEventsPassed() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:22
unsigned int numPassPositiveEvents() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:25
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
edm::EDGetTokenT< GenFilterInfo > genFilterInfoToken_
RunIndex index() const
GenXSecAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &)
std::vector< GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec > xsecAfterMatching_
~GenXSecAnalyzer() override
edm::EDGetTokenT< LHERunInfoProduct > lheRunInfoToken_
std::vector< double > XSECUP
Definition: LesHouches.h:112
unsigned int numEventsTotal() const
Definition: GenFilterInfo.h:23
std::map< int, GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec > currentLumiBlockLHEXSec_
std::shared_ptr< gxsec::RunCache > globalBeginRun(edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) const final
GenFilterInfo hepMCFilterEffRun_
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29
GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec xsecPreFilter_
std::atomic< int > nMCs_
void endJob() final
Definition: Run.h:45
std::vector< int > LPRUP
Definition: LesHouches.h:128
std::map< int, GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec > previousLumiBlockLHEXSec_