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1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 from __future__ import print_function
4 import ROOT
5 from ROOT import TBufferFile, TH1F, TProfile, TProfile2D, TH2F, TFile, TH1D, TH2D
6 import re
7 import os
10 def draw_line(lineList,x1,x2,y1,y2,width=1,style=1,color=1):
11  from ROOT import TLine
12  l=TLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
13  l.SetBit(ROOT.kCanDelete)
14  l.SetLineWidth(width)
15  l.SetLineStyle(style)
16  l.SetLineColor(color)
17  l.Draw()
18  lineList.append(l)
20 def draw_box(boxList,xl,xr,yl,yr,opacity=1,color=1,style=1001,lstyle=1,lw=3):
21  from ROOT import TBox
22  b=TBox(xl,yl,xr,yr)
23  b.SetBit(ROOT.kCanDelete)
24  b.SetFillStyle(style)
25  b.SetFillColorAlpha(color, opacity)
26  b.SetLineColor(color)
27  b.SetLineWidth(lw)
28  b.SetLineStyle(lstyle)
29  b.Draw()
30  boxList.append(b)
32 def renderPluginBPIX(lineList,layer) :
33  from ROOT import TCanvas,TLine
34  nlad=[6,14,22,32]
35  coordSign=[(-1,-1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(1,1)]
36  for xsign,ysign in coordSign:
37  xlow = xsign*0.5
38  xhigh= xsign*(0.5+4)
39  ylow = ysign*0.5
40  yhigh= ysign*(0.5 + nlad[layer-1])
41  # Outside Box
42  draw_line(lineList,xlow, xhigh, ylow, ylow) # bottom
43  draw_line(lineList,xlow, xhigh, yhigh, yhigh) # top
44  draw_line(lineList,xlow, xlow, ylow, yhigh) # left
45  draw_line(lineList,xhigh, xhigh, ylow, yhigh) # right
46  # Inner Horizontal lines
47  for lad in range(nlad[layer-1]):
48  lad+=1
49  if lad != nlad[layer-1]:
50  y = ysign * (lad+0.5)
51  draw_line(lineList,xlow, xhigh, y, y)
52  y = ysign * (lad);
53  draw_line(lineList,xlow, xhigh, y, y, 1, 3);
54  # Inner Vertical lines
55  for mod in range(3) :
56  mod+=1
57  x = xsign * (mod + 0.5);
58  draw_line(lineList,x, x, ylow, yhigh);
60  # Draw ROC0
61  for mod in range(4):
62  mod+=1
63  for lad in range(nlad[layer-1]):
64  lad+=1
65  if ysign==1:
66  flipped = not(lad%2==0)
67  else :
68  flipped = not(lad%2==1)
69  if flipped : roc0_orientation = -1
70  else : roc0_orientation = 1
71  if xsign==-1 : roc0_orientation *= -1
72  if ysign==-1 : roc0_orientation *= -1
73  x1 = xsign * (mod+0.5)
74  x2 = xsign * (mod+0.5 - 1./8);
75  y1 = ysign * (lad)
76  y2 = ysign * (lad + roc0_orientation*1./2)
77  if layer == 1 and xsign == -1 :
78  x1 = xsign * (mod-0.5)
79  x2 = xsign * (mod-0.5 + 1./8)
80  y1 = ysign * (lad)
81  y2 = ysign * (lad - roc0_orientation*1./2)
83  draw_line(lineList,x1, x2, y1, y1, 1)
84  draw_line(lineList,x2, x2, y1, y2, 1)
86  else:
87  draw_line(lineList,x1, x2, y1, y1, 1)
88  draw_line(lineList,x2, x2, y1, y2, 1)
90 def maskBPixROC(boxList,xsign,ysign,layer,lad,mod,roc):
91  if roc<8 :
92  rocShiftX=roc*1./8
93  rocShiftY=0
94  else :
95  rocShiftX=(15-roc)*1./8
96  rocShiftY=1./2
97  if ysign==1:
98  flipped = not(lad%2==0)
99  else :
100  flipped = not(lad%2==1)
101  if flipped : roc0_orientation = -1
102  else : roc0_orientation = 1
103  if xsign==-1 : roc0_orientation *= -1
104  if ysign==-1 : roc0_orientation *= -1
105  x1 = xsign * (mod+0.5-rocShiftX)
106  x2 = xsign * (mod+0.5 - 1./8-rocShiftX);
107  y1 = ysign * (lad-roc0_orientation*rocShiftY)
108  y2 = ysign * (lad + roc0_orientation*1./2-roc0_orientation*rocShiftY)
109  if layer == 1 and xsign == -1 :
110  x1 = xsign * (mod-0.5)-rocShiftX
111  x2 = xsign * (mod-0.5 + 1./8)-rocShiftX
112  y1 = ysign * (lad +rocShiftY)
113  y2 = ysign * (lad - roc0_orientation*1./2+rocShiftY)
114  draw_box(boxList,min(x1,x2),max(x1,x2),min(y1, y2),max(y1,y2),0.75)
118 def renderPluginFPIX(lineList,ring) :
119  from ROOT import TCanvas,TLine
120  coordSign=[(-1,-1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(1,1)]
121  for dsk in range(3) :
122  dsk+=1
123  for xsign,ysign in coordSign:
124  for bld in range(5+ring*6):
125  bld+=1
126  # Panel 2 has dashed mid-plane
127  x1 = xsign * (0.5 + dsk - 1)
128  x2 = xsign * (0.5 + dsk)
129  sign = ysign
130  y1 = ysign * (bld + sign*0.5)
131  y2 = ysign * (bld)
132  yp2_mid = ysign * (bld - sign*0.25)
133  y3 = ysign * (bld - sign*0.5)
134  draw_line(lineList,x1, x2, y1, y1)
135  draw_line(lineList,x1, x2, y2, y2)
136  draw_line(lineList,x1, x2, yp2_mid, yp2_mid,1,2)
137  draw_line(lineList,x1, x2, y3, y3)
138  # Vertical lines
139  x = xsign * (0.5 + dsk - 1)
140  draw_line(lineList,x, x, y1, y2)
141  draw_line(lineList,x, x, y2, y3)
142  if ring==2 :
143  x = xsign * (0.5 + dsk)
144  draw_line(lineList,x, x, y1, y2)
145  draw_line(lineList,x, x, y2, y3)
146  #Make a BOX around ROC 0
147  x1 = xsign * (0.5 + dsk - 1/8.)
148  x2 = xsign * (0.5 + dsk)
149  y1_p1 = ysign * (bld + sign*0.25)
150  y2_p1 = ysign * (bld + sign*0.25 + xsign*ysign*0.25)
151  draw_line(lineList,x1, x2, y1_p1, y1_p1, 1)
152  draw_line(lineList,x1, x1, y1_p1, y2_p1, 1)
153  y1_p2 = ysign * (bld - sign*0.25)
154  y2_p2 = ysign * (bld - sign*0.25 - xsign*ysign*0.25)
155  draw_line(lineList,x1, x2, y1_p2, y1_p2)
156  draw_line(lineList,x1, x1, y1_p2, y2_p2)
158 def maskFPixROC(boxList,xsign,ysign,dsk,bld,pnl,roc) :
159  from ROOT import TCanvas,TLine
160  if roc<8 :
161  rocShiftX=roc*1./8
162  rocShiftY=0
163  else :
164  rocShiftX=(15-roc)*1./8
165  rocShiftY=1./4
166  sign=ysign
167  x1 = xsign * (0.5 + dsk - 1/8.-rocShiftX)
168  x2 = xsign * (0.5 + dsk-rocShiftX)
169  if pnl==1:
170  y1 = ysign * (bld + sign*0.25)-xsign*rocShiftY
171  y2 = ysign * (bld + sign*0.25 + xsign*ysign*0.25)-xsign*rocShiftY
172  else:
173  y1 = ysign * (bld - sign*0.25)+xsign*rocShiftY
174  y2 = ysign * (bld - sign*0.25 - xsign*ysign*0.25)+xsign*rocShiftY
175  draw_box(boxList,min(x1,x2),max(x1,x2),min(y1,y2),max(y1,y2),0.75)
178 def dqm_get_dataset(server, match, run, type="offline_data"):
179  datareq = urllib2.Request(('%s/data/json/samples?match=%s') % (server, match))
180  datareq.add_header('User-agent', ident)
181  # Get data
182  data = eval(re.sub(r"\bnan\b", "0", urllib2.build_opener(X509CertOpen()).open(datareq).read()),
183  { "__builtins__": None }, {})
184  ret = ""
185  for l in data['samples']:
186  if l['type'] == type:
187  for x in l['items']:
188  if int(x['run']) == int(run):
189  ret=x['dataset']
190  break
191  print(ret)
192  return ret
197 def main():
198  import sys
199  import os
200  import ROOT
202  if len(sys.argv) != 3:
203  print("input files needed!")
204  return
205  else:
206  filename=sys.argv[1]
207  pclfile=sys.argv[2]
208  print(filename+" -- "+filename[19:25])
209  print(pclfile+" -- "+pclfile[19:25])
210  runNum=filename[19:25]
212  dir="DQMData/Run " + runNum + "/PixelPhase1/Run summary/Pahse1_MechanicalView/"
213  dirERROR="DQMData/Run " + runNum + "/PixelPhase1/Run summary/SiPixelQualityPCL/BadROC_Other/"
216  dirBPix=dir + "PXBarrel/"
217  dirFPix=dir + "PXForward/"
219  hoccB="digi_occupancy_per_SignedModuleCoord_per_SignedLadderCoord_PXLayer_"
220  hoccF="digi_occupancy_per_SignedDiskCoord_per_SignedBladePanelCoord_PXRing_"
221  hdeadB="Dead Channels per ROC_per_SignedModuleCoord_per_SignedLadderCoord_PXLayer_"
222  hdeadF="Dead Channels per ROC_per_SignedDiskCoord_per_SignedBladePanelCoord_PXRing_"
224  ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1)
225  ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
226  ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(52) #104 kTemperatureMap // 55 kRainBow // 97 kRust // 57 kBird
227  color=[]
228  for i in range(0,255):
229  color.append(ROOT.TColor.GetColorPalette(i))
230  ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) #104 kTemperatureMap // 55 kRainBow
231  ROOT.gStyle.SetNumberContours(128)
232  rootf=ROOT.TFile(filename)
233  rootp=ROOT.TFile(pclfile)
237  c=ROOT.TCanvas("c","c",1250,1000)
238  #BPIX
239  print("----> Build maps for BPix")
240  histOccList=[]
241  histDeadList=[]
242  for lyr in range(1,5):
243  histOccList.append(rootf.FindObjectAny(hoccB+str(lyr)))
244  histDeadList.append(rootp.Get(dirERROR+hdeadB+str(lyr)))
245  for hist1, hist2 in zip(histOccList, histDeadList):
246  if hist1 != None or hist2 !=None:
247  hist1.Draw("colz")
249  if match != None and "per_SignedModuleCoord_per_SignedLadderCoord" in hist1.GetName():
250  lyr=int(
251  hist1.SetTitle("Digi Occupancy Layer {0}".format(lyr))
252  boxList=[]
253  lineList=[]
254  renderPluginBPIX(lineList,lyr)
255  lineWd=3
256  if lyr==4 :
257  lineWd=2
258  if lyr==1:
259  tbmRoc=4
260  else:
261  tbmRoc=8
262  binTBM=[]
263  singleROC=0
264  maxx=hist2.GetMaximum()
265  for biny in range(1,hist2.GetNbinsY()+1):
266  if len(binTBM)!=0:
267  x1=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(binTBM[0])
268  x2=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(binTBM[len(binTBM)-1])
269  y1=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(biny-1)
270  y2=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(biny-1)
271  draw_box(boxList,x1,x2,y1,y2,0.2,color[100+int((224-100)*(1-hist2.GetBinContent(binTBM[0],biny-1)/maxx))],0,1,lineWd)
272  binTBM=[]
273  singleROC=0
274  for binx in range(1,hist2.GetNbinsX()+1):
275  if len(binTBM)==0:
276  check=True
277  elif hist2.GetBinContent(binx,biny)==hist2.GetBinContent(binTBM[len(binTBM)-1],biny):
278  check=True
279  else:
280  check=False
281  if hist2.GetBinContent(binx,biny)!=0 and check:
282  if len(binTBM)==0:
283  binTBM.append(binx)
284  else:
285  if len(binTBM)==(tbmRoc):
286  x1=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(binTBM[0])
287  x2=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(binTBM[len(binTBM)-1])
288  y1=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(biny)
289  y2=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(biny)
290  draw_box(boxList,x1,x2,y1,y2,0.2,color[100+int((224-100)*(1-hist2.GetBinContent(binTBM[0],biny)/maxx))],0,1,lineWd)
291  binTBM=[]
292  singleROC=0
293  binTBM.append(binx)
294  else:
295  binTBM.append(binx)
296  else:
297  if len(binTBM)!=0:
298  x1=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(binTBM[0])
299  x2=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(binTBM[len(binTBM)-1])
300  y1=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(biny)
301  y2=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(biny)
302  draw_box(boxList,x1,x2,y1,y2,0.2,color[100+int((224-100)*(1-hist2.GetBinContent(binTBM[0],biny)/maxx))],0,1,lineWd)
303  binTBM=[]
304  if hist2.GetBinContent(binx,biny)!=0:
305  binTBM.append(binx)
306  c.SaveAs('MergedPCLOther_BPix_Layer{0}_TBM.pdf'.format(lyr))
307  os.system('gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=MergedPCLOther_BPix_Layer{0}_TBM.png -r144 -q MergedPCLOther_BPix_Layer{0}_TBM.pdf'.format(lyr))
308  os.system('rm -f MergedPCLOther_BPix_Layer{0}_TBM.pdf'.format(lyr))
309  else :
310  print("Some Error in get the histograms for FPIX")
311  #FPIX
312  print("----> Build maps for FPix")
313  for rng in range(1,3):
314  histOccList.append(rootf.FindObjectAny(hoccF+str(rng)))
315  histDeadList.append(rootp.Get(dirERROR+hdeadF+str(rng)))
316  for hist1, hist2 in zip(histOccList, histDeadList):
317  if hist1 != None or hist2 !=None:
318  hist1.Draw("colz")
320  if match != None and "per_SignedDiskCoord_per_SignedBladePanelCoord" in hist1.GetName():
321  ring=int(
322  hist1.SetTitle("Digi Occupancy Ring {0}".format(ring))
323  boxList=[]
324  lineList=[]
325  renderPluginFPIX(lineList,ring)
326  lineWd=3
327  if ring==2 :
328  lineWd=2
329  tbmRoc=8
330  binTBM=[]
331  maxx=hist2.GetMaximum()
332  for biny in range(1,hist2.GetNbinsY()+1):
333  if len(binTBM)!=0:
334  x1=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(binTBM[0])
335  x2=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(binTBM[len(binTBM)-1])
336  y1=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(biny-1)
337  y2=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(biny-1)
338  draw_box(boxList,x1,x2,y1,y2,0.2,color[100+int((224-100)*(1-hist2.GetBinContent(binTBM[0],biny-1)/maxx))],0,1,lineWd)
339  binTBM=[]
340  for binx in range(1,hist2.GetNbinsX()+1):
341  if len(binTBM)==0:
342  check=True
343  elif hist2.GetBinContent(binx,biny)==hist2.GetBinContent(binTBM[len(binTBM)-1],biny):
344  check=True
345  else:
346  check=False
347  if hist2.GetBinContent(binx,biny)!=0 and check:
348  if len(binTBM)==0:
349  binTBM.append(binx)
350  else:
351  if len(binTBM)==tbmRoc:
352  x1=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(binTBM[0])
353  x2=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(binTBM[len(binTBM)-1])
354  y1=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(biny)
355  y2=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(biny)
356  draw_box(boxList,x1,x2,y1,y2,0.2,color[100+int((224-100)*(1-hist2.GetBinContent(binTBM[0],biny)/maxx))],0,1,lineWd)
357  binTBM=[]
358  binTBM.append(binx)
359  else:
360  binTBM.append(binx)
361  else:
362  if len(binTBM)!=0:
363  x1=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(binTBM[0])
364  x2=hist2.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(binTBM[len(binTBM)-1])
365  y1=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(biny)
366  y2=hist2.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(biny)
367  draw_box(boxList,x1,x2,y1,y2,0.2,color[100+int((224-100)*(1-hist2.GetBinContent(binTBM[0],biny)/maxx))],0,1,lineWd)
368  binTBM=[]
369  if hist2.GetBinContent(binx,biny)!=0:
370  binTBM.append(binx)
371  c.SaveAs('MergedPCLOther_FPix_Ring{0}_TBM.pdf'.format(ring))
372  os.system('gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=MergedPCLOther_FPix_Ring{0}_TBM.png -r144 -q MergedPCLOther_FPix_Ring{0}_TBM.pdf'.format(ring))
373  os.system('rm -f MergedPCLOther_FPix_Ring{0}_TBM.pdf'.format(ring))
375  else :
376  print("Some Error in get the histograms for FPIX")
381 if __name__ == '__main__':
382  main()
def maskFPixROC(boxList, xsign, ysign, dsk, bld, pnl, roc)
def maskBPixROC(boxList, xsign, ysign, layer, lad, mod, roc)
OutputIterator zip(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp)
def dqm_get_dataset(server, match, run, type="offline_data")
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def renderPluginBPIX(lineList, layer)
def renderPluginFPIX(lineList, ring)
def main()
def draw_line(lineList, x1, x2, y1, y2, width=1, style=1, color=1)
def draw_box(boxList, xl, xr, yl, yr, opacity=1, color=1, style=1001, lstyle=1, lw=3)
#define str(s)