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typedef HandlerTemplate< trigger::TriggerObject, trigger::TriggerObject > | FSQ::HLTHandler |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::Candidate::LorentzVector, int > | FSQ::RecoCandidateCounter |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::Candidate::LorentzVector, reco::Candidate::LorentzVector > | FSQ::RecoCandidateHandler |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::GenParticle, int > | FSQ::RecoGenParticleCounter |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::GenParticle, reco::GenParticle > | FSQ::RecoGenParticleHandler |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::Muon, reco::Muon > | FSQ::RecoMuonHandler |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::PFJet, reco::PFJet > | FSQ::RecoPFJetHandler |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::PFJet, reco::PFJet, ApplyJEC > | FSQ::RecoPFJetWithJECHandler |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::Photon, reco::Photon > | FSQ::RecoPhotonHandler |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::Track, int > | FSQ::RecoTrackCounter |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::Track, int, BestVertexMatching > | FSQ::RecoTrackCounterWithVertexConstraint |
typedef HandlerTemplate< reco::Track, reco::Track > | FSQ::RecoTrackHandler |
◆ s_filler__LINE__()
◆ s_maker__LINE__()