![]() |
![]() |
#include <Histos.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual bool | available () const |
virtual void | book () |
virtual bool | enabled () const |
virtual void | endJobAnalysis (const HTrphi::ErrorMonitor *htRphiErrMon=nullptr) |
virtual void | fill (const InputData &inputData, const Array2D< std::unique_ptr< Sector >> &mSectors, const Array2D< std::unique_ptr< HTrphi >> &mHtPhis, const Array2D< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> &mGet3Dtrks, const std::map< std::string, std::list< const L1fittedTrack *>> &mapFinalTracks) |
Histos (const Settings *settings) | |
virtual void | trackerGeometryAnalysis (const std::list< TrackerModule > &listTrackerModule) |
virtual | ~Histos ()=default |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookEtaPhiSectors () |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookInputData () |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookRphiHT () |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookRZfilters () |
virtual TFileDirectory | bookTrackCands (const std::string &tName) |
virtual std::map< std::string, TFileDirectory > | bookTrackFitting () |
virtual void | fillEtaPhiSectors (const InputData &inputData, const Array2D< std::unique_ptr< Sector >> &mSectors) |
virtual void | fillInputData (const InputData &inputData) |
virtual void | fillRphiHT (const Array2D< std::unique_ptr< HTrphi >> &mHtRphis) |
virtual void | fillRZfilters (const Array2D< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> &mMake3Dtrks) |
virtual void | fillTrackCands (const InputData &inputData, const Array2D< std::unique_ptr< Make3Dtracks >> &mMake3Dtrks, const std::string &tName) |
virtual void | fillTrackCands (const InputData &inputData, const std::vector< L1track3D > &tracks, const std::string &tName) |
virtual void | fillTrackFitting (const InputData &inputData, const std::map< std::string, std::list< const L1fittedTrack *>> &mapFinalTracks) |
virtual void | makeEfficiencyPlot (TFileDirectory &inputDir, TEfficiency *outputEfficiency, TH1F *pass, TH1F *all, TString name, TString title) |
virtual void | plotHybridDupRemovalEfficiency () |
virtual TFileDirectory | plotTrackEffAfterFit (const std::string &fitName) |
virtual TFileDirectory | plotTrackEfficiency (const std::string &tName) |
virtual void | plotTrackletSeedEfficiency () |
virtual void | printFitTrackPerformance (const std::string &fitName) |
virtual void | printHybridDupRemovalPerformance () |
virtual void | printTrackletSeedFindingPerformance () |
virtual void | printTrackPerformance (const std::string &tName) |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | bApproxMistake_ |
float | chosenRofZ_ |
edm::Service< TFileService > | fs_ |
unsigned int | genMinStubLayers_ |
TGraph * | graphBVsZoverR_ |
TH1F * | hisBendResStub_ |
TH1F * | hisBendStub_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisD0ResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisEtaRes_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisEtaResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitD0Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitD0Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitEtaMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitEtaUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitPhi0Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitPhi0Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitQinvPtMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPd0ForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPetaForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPinvptForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPphiForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitTPz0ForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitZ0Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFitZ0Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisFracMatchStubsOnTracks_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisLayersPerTrack_ |
TH1F * | hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumFitTrks_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumFitTrksPerNon_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumFitTrksPerSect_ |
TH1F * | hisNumLayersPerTP_ |
TH1F * | hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_ |
TH1F * | hisNumPSLayersPerTP_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumStubsPerLink_ |
TH1F * | hisNumStubsPerSec_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumTracksVsQoverPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisNumTrksPerNon_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPhi0_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisPhi0Res_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisQoverPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisQoverPtRes_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPd0ForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPetaForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPinvptForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPphiForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisRecoTPz0ForEff_ |
TProfile * | hisStubIneffiVsEta_ |
TProfile * | hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_ |
TProfile * | hisStubKillFE_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisStubsOnTracksPerNon_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisStubsPerFitTrack_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisStubsPerTrack_ |
TH1F * | hisStubsVsEta_ |
TH1F * | hisStubsVsR_ |
TH1F * | hisTPd0ForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPd0ForEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPetaForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPetaForEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPinvptForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPinvptForEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPphiForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPphiForEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPz0ForAlgEff_ |
TH1F * | hisTPz0ForEff_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > | hisZ0Res_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_ |
float | houghMinPt_ |
unsigned int | houghNbinsPhi_ |
unsigned int | houghNbinsPt_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapBarrelLayerMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapBarrelLayerMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapEndcapWheelMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapModuleTypeMaxR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapModuleTypeMaxZ_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapModuleTypeMinR_ |
std::map< unsigned int, float > | mapModuleTypeMinZ_ |
unsigned int | numEtaRegions_ |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | numFitAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | numFitAlgEffPass_ |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | numFitPerfAlgEff_ |
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | numFitPerfAlgEffPass_ |
unsigned int | numPhiSectors_ |
bool | oldSumW2opt_ |
bool | printedGeomAnalysis_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profDupFitTrksVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profDupTracksVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profDupTracksVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profMeanStubsPerLink_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profNumFitTracks_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profNumTrackCands_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profNumTracksVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profStubsOnFitTracks_ |
std::map< std::string, TProfile * > | profStubsOnTracks_ |
bool | ranRZfilter_ |
bool | resPlotOpt_ |
const Settings * | settings_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsD0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsPhi_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffFitVsZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsD0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsPhi_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffAlgEffVsZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsD0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsPhi_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffFitVsZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsD0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsPhi_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffEffVsZ0_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffFitVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffFitVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfAlgEffVsPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfEffFitVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfEffFitVsInvPt_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfEffVsEta_ |
std::map< std::string, TEfficiency * > | teffPerfEffVsInvPt_ |
std::vector< std::string > | trackFitters_ |
std::vector< std::string > | useRZfilter_ |
Histos::Histos | ( | const Settings * | settings | ) |
Definition at line 39 of file Histos.cc.
References tmtt::Settings::chosenRofZ(), chosenRofZ_, tmtt::Settings::genMinStubLayers(), genMinStubLayers_, tmtt::Settings::houghMinPt(), houghMinPt_, tmtt::Settings::houghNbinsPhi(), houghNbinsPhi_, tmtt::Settings::houghNbinsPt(), houghNbinsPt_, tmtt::Settings::numEtaRegions(), numEtaRegions_, tmtt::Settings::numPhiSectors(), numPhiSectors_, ranRZfilter_, tmtt::Settings::resPlotOpt(), resPlotOpt_, tmtt::Settings::trackFitters(), trackFitters_, tmtt::Settings::useRZfilter(), and useRZfilter_.
virtualdefault |
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 57 of file Histos.h.
References fs_, and edm::Service< T >::isAvailable().
Referenced by enabled().
virtual |
Definition at line 55 of file Histos.cc.
References bookEtaPhiSectors(), bookInputData(), bookRphiHT(), bookRZfilters(), bookTrackCands(), bookTrackFitting(), enabled(), oldSumW2opt_, and ranRZfilter_.
Referenced by tmtt::GlobalCacheTMTT::GlobalCacheTMTT().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 369 of file Histos.cc.
References fs_, hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_, hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_, hisNumStubsPerSec_, TFileDirectory::make(), and TFileService::mkdir().
Referenced by book().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 121 of file Histos.cc.
References fs_, hisBendResStub_, hisBendStub_, hisNumLayersPerTP_, hisNumPSLayersPerTP_, hisStubIneffiVsEta_, hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_, hisStubKillFE_, hisStubsVsEta_, hisStubsVsR_, hisTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisTPd0ForEff_, hisTPetaForAlgEff_, hisTPetaForEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForEff_, hisTPphiForAlgEff_, hisTPphiForEff_, hisTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisTPz0ForEff_, M_PI, TFileDirectory::make(), and TFileService::mkdir().
Referenced by book().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 437 of file Histos.cc.
References fs_, and TFileService::mkdir().
Referenced by book().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 455 of file Histos.cc.
References fs_, and TFileService::mkdir().
Referenced by book().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 471 of file Histos.cc.
References fs_, hisEta_, hisEtaRes_, hisFracMatchStubsOnTracks_, hisLayersPerTrack_, hisNumStubsPerLink_, hisNumTracksVsQoverPt_, hisNumTrksPerNon_, hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_, hisPhi0_, hisPhi0Res_, hisQoverPt_, hisQoverPtRes_, hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPd0ForEff_, hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPetaForEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForEff_, hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPphiForEff_, hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPz0ForEff_, hisStubsOnTracksPerNon_, hisStubsPerTrack_, hisZ0_, hisZ0Res_, M_PI, TFileDirectory::make(), TFileService::mkdir(), HLT_2022v15_cff::nEta, numEtaRegions_, profDupTracksVsEta_, profDupTracksVsInvPt_, profMeanStubsPerLink_, profNumTrackCands_, profNumTracksVsEta_, profStubsOnTracks_, alignCSCRings::s, ProducerSetup_cfi::TMTT, and simpleEdmComparison::tName.
Referenced by book().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 865 of file Histos.cc.
References fs_, hisD0ResVsTrueEta_, hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_, hisEtaResVsTrueEta_, hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_, hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_, hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_, hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_, hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_, hisFitD0Matched_, hisFitD0Unmatched_, hisFitEtaMatched_, hisFitEtaUnmatched_, hisFitPhi0Matched_, hisFitPhi0Unmatched_, hisFitQinvPtMatched_, hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_, hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPd0ForEff_, hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisFitTPetaForEff_, hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisFitTPinvptForEff_, hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_, hisFitTPphiForEff_, hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPz0ForEff_, hisFitZ0Matched_, hisFitZ0Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_, hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_, hisNumFitTrks_, hisNumFitTrksPerNon_, hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_, hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_, hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_, hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_, hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_, hisStubsPerFitTrack_, hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_, hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_, M_PI, TFileDirectory::make(), TFileService::mkdir(), profDupFitTrksVsEta_, profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_, profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_, profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_, profNumFitTracks_, profStubsOnFitTracks_, alignCSCRings::s, and trackFitters_.
Referenced by book().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 60 of file Histos.h.
References available(), tmtt::Settings::enableHistos(), and settings_.
Referenced by book(), endJobAnalysis(), fill(), and trackerGeometryAnalysis().
virtual |
Definition at line 1563 of file Histos.cc.
References bApproxMistake_, enabled(), dqmMemoryStats::float, DivergingColor::frac, hisRecoTPinvptForEff_, tmtt::Settings::hybrid(), mapBarrelLayerMaxR_, mapBarrelLayerMinR_, mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_, mapEndcapWheelMinZ_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_, mapModuleTypeMaxR_, mapModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapModuleTypeMinR_, mapModuleTypeMinZ_, tmtt::HTrphi::ErrorMonitor::maxLineGradient, tmtt::HTrphi::ErrorMonitor::numErrorsNorm, tmtt::HTrphi::ErrorMonitor::numErrorsTypeA, tmtt::HTrphi::ErrorMonitor::numErrorsTypeB, oldSumW2opt_, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, plotHybridDupRemovalEfficiency(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), plotTrackEfficiency(), plotTrackletSeedEfficiency(), printFitTrackPerformance(), printHybridDupRemovalPerformance(), printTrackletSeedFindingPerformance(), printTrackPerformance(), ranRZfilter_, settings_, and trackFitters_.
Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::globalEndJob().
virtual |
Definition at line 83 of file Histos.cc.
References enabled(), fillEtaPhiSectors(), fillInputData(), fillRphiHT(), fillRZfilters(), fillTrackCands(), fillTrackFitting(), and ranRZfilter_.
Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::produce().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 386 of file Histos.cc.
References hisNumEtaSecsPerStub_, hisNumPhiSecsPerStub_, hisNumStubsPerSec_, tmtt::Sector::inside(), tmtt::Sector::insideEta(), tmtt::Sector::insidePhi(), mutex, numEtaRegions_, numPhiSectors_, and tmtt::InputData::stubsConst().
Referenced by fill().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 164 of file Histos.cc.
References funct::abs(), tmtt::InputData::allStubs(), tmtt::Utility::countLayers(), tmtt::InputData::getTPs(), hisBendResStub_, hisBendStub_, hisNumLayersPerTP_, hisNumPSLayersPerTP_, hisStubIneffiVsEta_, hisStubIneffiVsInvPt_, hisStubKillFE_, hisStubsVsEta_, hisStubsVsR_, hisTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisTPd0ForEff_, hisTPetaForAlgEff_, hisTPetaForEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForEff_, hisTPphiForAlgEff_, hisTPphiForEff_, hisTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisTPz0ForEff_, mapBarrelLayerMaxR_, mapBarrelLayerMinR_, mapEndcapWheelMaxZ_, mapEndcapWheelMinZ_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraAModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraBModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraCModuleTypeMinZ_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxR_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMinR_, mapExtraDModuleTypeMinZ_, mapModuleTypeMaxR_, mapModuleTypeMaxZ_, mapModuleTypeMinR_, mapModuleTypeMinZ_, mutex, alignCSCRings::s, settings_, tmtt::InputData::stubsConst(), and cmsswSequenceInfo::tp.
Referenced by fill().
protectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
Referenced by fill().
protectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1029 of file Histos.cc.
References funct::abs(), reco::deltaPhi(), tmtt::InputData::getTPs(), hisD0ResVsTrueEta_, hisD0ResVsTrueInvPt_, hisEtaResVsTrueEta_, hisEtaResVsTrueInvPt_, hisFitChi2DofRphiMatched_, hisFitChi2DofRphiUnmatched_, hisFitChi2DofRzMatched_, hisFitChi2DofRzUnmatched_, hisFitD0Matched_, hisFitD0Unmatched_, hisFitEtaMatched_, hisFitEtaUnmatched_, hisFitPhi0Matched_, hisFitPhi0Unmatched_, hisFitQinvPtMatched_, hisFitQinvPtUnmatched_, hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPd0ForEff_, hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisFitTPetaForEff_, hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisFitTPinvptForEff_, hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_, hisFitTPphiForEff_, hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPz0ForEff_, hisFitZ0Matched_, hisFitZ0Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay0Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay1Unmatched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Matched_, hisKalmanChi2DofSkipLay2Unmatched_, hisKalmanNumUpdateCalls_, hisNumFitTrks_, hisNumFitTrksPerNon_, hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_, hisPhi0ResVsTrueEta_, hisPhi0ResVsTrueInvPt_, hisQoverPtResVsTrueEta_, hisQoverPtResVsTrueInvPt_, hisStubsPerFitTrack_, hisZ0ResVsTrueEta_, hisZ0ResVsTrueInvPt_, mutex, EgammaValidation_cff::num, tmtt::Settings::numPhiNonants(), numPhiSectors_, profDupFitTrksVsEta_, profDupFitTrksVsInvPt_, profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtMatched_, profFitChi2DofRphiVsInvPtUnmatched_, profNumFitTracks_, profStubsOnFitTracks_, resPlotOpt_, settings_, cmsswSequenceInfo::tp, and trackFitters_.
Referenced by fill().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1464 of file Histos.cc.
References python.cmstools::all(), TFileDirectory::make(), Skims_PA_cff::name, and runGCPTkAlMap::title.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1363 of file Histos.cc.
References fs_, hisFitTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPd0ForEff_, hisFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisFitTPetaForEff_, hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisFitTPinvptForEff_, hisFitTPphiForAlgEff_, hisFitTPphiForEff_, hisFitTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisFitTPz0ForEff_, hisPerfFitTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPetaForEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForEff_, hisTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisTPd0ForEff_, hisTPetaForAlgEff_, hisTPetaForEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForEff_, hisTPphiForAlgEff_, hisTPphiForEff_, hisTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisTPz0ForEff_, makeEfficiencyPlot(), TFileService::mkdir(), alignCSCRings::s, teffAlgEffFitVsD0_, teffAlgEffFitVsEta_, teffAlgEffFitVsInvPt_, teffAlgEffFitVsPhi_, teffAlgEffFitVsZ0_, teffEffFitVsD0_, teffEffFitVsEta_, teffEffFitVsInvPt_, teffEffFitVsPhi_, teffEffFitVsZ0_, teffPerfAlgEffFitVsEta_, teffPerfAlgEffFitVsInvPt_, teffPerfEffFitVsEta_, and teffPerfEffFitVsInvPt_.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1258 of file Histos.cc.
References fs_, hisPerfRecoTPetaForAlgEff_, hisPerfRecoTPetaForEff_, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForEff_, hisRecoTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPd0ForEff_, hisRecoTPetaForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPetaForEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForEff_, hisRecoTPphiForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPphiForEff_, hisRecoTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPz0ForEff_, hisTPd0ForAlgEff_, hisTPd0ForEff_, hisTPetaForAlgEff_, hisTPetaForEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForEff_, hisTPphiForAlgEff_, hisTPphiForEff_, hisTPz0ForAlgEff_, hisTPz0ForEff_, makeEfficiencyPlot(), TFileService::mkdir(), alignCSCRings::s, teffAlgEffVsD0_, teffAlgEffVsEta_, teffAlgEffVsInvPt_, teffAlgEffVsPhi_, teffAlgEffVsZ0_, teffEffVsD0_, teffEffVsEta_, teffEffVsInvPt_, teffEffVsPhi_, teffEffVsZ0_, teffPerfAlgEffVsEta_, teffPerfAlgEffVsInvPt_, teffPerfEffVsEta_, teffPerfEffVsInvPt_, and simpleEdmComparison::tName.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1519 of file Histos.cc.
References submitPVResolutionJobs::count, MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, dqmMemoryStats::float, hisFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisPerfFitTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, profNumFitTracks_, profStubsOnFitTracks_, tmtt::Settings::rzFilterName(), settings_, mathSSE::sqrt(), and useRZfilter_.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1473 of file Histos.cc.
References MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, alignBH_cfg::fixed, dqmMemoryStats::float, hisPerfRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisRecoTPinvptForAlgEff_, hisTPinvptForAlgEff_, profNumTrackCands_, profStubsOnTracks_, mathSSE::sqrt(), and simpleEdmComparison::tName.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis().
virtual |
Definition at line 1705 of file Histos.cc.
References funct::abs(), tmtt::Settings::bApprox_gradient(), tmtt::Settings::bApprox_intercept(), bApproxMistake_, enabled(), fs_, graphBVsZoverR_, mps_fire::i, TFileDirectory::make(), TFileService::mkdir(), HLTSiStripMonitoring_cff::nSigma, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, settings_, and tmtt::Settings::useApproxB().
Referenced by tmtt::TMTrackProducer::globalEndJob().
protected |
Definition at line 357 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and trackerGeometryAnalysis().
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 110 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by available(), bookEtaPhiSectors(), bookInputData(), bookRphiHT(), bookRZfilters(), bookTrackCands(), bookTrackFitting(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), plotTrackEfficiency(), and trackerGeometryAnalysis().
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 145 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by trackerGeometryAnalysis().
protected |
Definition at line 142 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 141 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 253 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 259 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 171 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 177 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 251 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 257 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 241 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 245 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 242 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 246 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 223 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 229 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 225 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 231 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 222 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 228 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 221 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 227 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 275 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 268 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 273 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 266 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 272 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and printFitTrackPerformance().
protected |
Definition at line 265 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 274 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 267 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 276 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 269 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 224 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 230 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 164 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 234 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 237 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 235 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 238 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 236 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 239 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 233 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 160 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 148 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookEtaPhiSectors(), and fillEtaPhiSectors().
protected |
Definition at line 215 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 216 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 135 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 149 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookEtaPhiSectors(), and fillEtaPhiSectors().
protected |
Definition at line 136 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 162 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 150 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookEtaPhiSectors(), and fillEtaPhiSectors().
protected |
Definition at line 155 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 156 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 278 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 271 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 277 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and printFitTrackPerformance().
protected |
Definition at line 270 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 210 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 201 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 209 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), plotTrackEfficiency(), and printTrackPerformance().
protected |
Definition at line 200 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 170 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 176 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 250 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 256 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 169 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 175 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 249 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 255 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 206 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 197 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 204 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 195 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 203 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), plotTrackEfficiency(), and printTrackPerformance().
protected |
Definition at line 194 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), endJobAnalysis(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 205 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 196 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 207 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 198 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 140 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 139 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 138 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 158 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 218 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 159 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 132 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 133 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 190 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 184 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 188 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 182 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 187 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), plotTrackEfficiency(), printFitTrackPerformance(), and printTrackPerformance().
protected |
Definition at line 181 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 189 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 183 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 191 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 185 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookInputData(), fillInputData(), plotTrackEffAfterFit(), and plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 172 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 178 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 252 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 258 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 329 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 328 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 332 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 331 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 341 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 343 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 340 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 342 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 345 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 347 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 344 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 346 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 349 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 351 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 348 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 350 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 353 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 355 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 352 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 354 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 336 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 338 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 335 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 337 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by endJobAnalysis(), and fillInputData().
protected |
Definition at line 119 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), fillEtaPhiSectors(), and Histos().
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 118 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by fillEtaPhiSectors(), fillTrackFitting(), and Histos().
protected |
Definition at line 129 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by book(), and endJobAnalysis().
protected |
Definition at line 261 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 262 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 165 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 166 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 243 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 247 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), and fillTrackFitting().
protected |
Definition at line 163 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 214 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and printFitTrackPerformance().
protected |
Definition at line 153 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and printTrackPerformance().
protected |
Definition at line 154 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands().
protected |
Definition at line 219 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), fillTrackFitting(), and printFitTrackPerformance().
protected |
Definition at line 157 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackCands(), and printTrackPerformance().
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 127 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by fillTrackFitting(), and Histos().
protected |
Definition at line 116 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by enabled(), endJobAnalysis(), fillInputData(), fillTrackFitting(), printFitTrackPerformance(), and trackerGeometryAnalysis().
protected |
Definition at line 313 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 311 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 310 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 312 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 314 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 289 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 293 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 292 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 294 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 290 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 304 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 302 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 301 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 303 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 305 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 284 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 282 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 281 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 283 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 285 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 317 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 316 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 298 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 296 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 308 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 307 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEffAfterFit().
protected |
Definition at line 288 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 287 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by plotTrackEfficiency().
protected |
Definition at line 124 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by bookTrackFitting(), endJobAnalysis(), fillTrackFitting(), and Histos().
protected |
Definition at line 125 of file Histos.h.
Referenced by Histos(), and printFitTrackPerformance().