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Namespaces | |
eventhypothesis | |
helper | |
tau | |
Classes | |
class | BadPFCandidateJetsEEnoiseProducer |
class | bJetSelector |
class | CaloIsolationEnergy |
Calculates a lepton's calorimetric isolation energy. More... | |
class | CaloJetSelector |
Selects good Jets. More... | |
class | CandidateSummaryTable |
Produce a summary table of some candidate collections. More... | |
class | CandKinResolution |
class | CompositeCandidate |
Analysis-level particle class. More... | |
class | Conversion |
class | DiObjectProxy |
class | DisplacedMuonFilterProducer |
class | DuplicatedElectronCleaner |
Remove duplicates from the list of electrons. More... | |
class | DuplicatedElectronRemover |
class | DuplicatedPhotonRemover |
class | Electron |
Analysis-level electron class. More... | |
class | EventHypothesis |
class | FakeTrackProducer |
Matcher of reconstructed objects to other reconstructed objects using the tracks inside them. More... | |
class | Flags |
Flags used in PAT, and static translator from flags to strings. More... | |
class | GenericDuplicateRemover |
class | GenericOverlapFinder |
class | GenericParticle |
Analysis-level Generic Particle class (e.g. for hadron or muon not fully reconstructed) More... | |
class | GenJetFlavourInfoPreserver |
Transfers the JetFlavourInfos from the original GenJets to the slimmedGenJets in MiniAOD. More... | |
class | GenJetMatcher |
class | GenMETExtractor |
Retrieves the genMET from a pat::MET. More... | |
class | GenPlusSimParticleProducer |
Produces reco::GenParticle from SimTracks. More... | |
class | HcalDepthEnergyFractions |
class | HeavyIon |
class | Hemisphere |
class | HLTL1MuonMatcher |
class | IsolatedTrack |
class | Jet |
Analysis-level calorimeter jet class. More... | |
class | JetCorrFactors |
Class for the storage of jet correction factors. More... | |
class | JetCorrFactorsProducer |
Produces a ValueMap between JetCorrFactors and the to the originating reco jets. More... | |
struct | JetSelection |
class | L1MuonMatcher |
Matcher of reconstructed objects to L1 Muons. More... | |
class | Lepton |
Analysis-level lepton class. More... | |
class | LeptonJetIsolationAngle |
Calculates a lepton's jet isolation angle. More... | |
class | LeptonUpdater |
class | LeptonVertexSignificance |
Calculates a lepton's vertex association significance. More... | |
class | LookupTableRecord |
Class to store the result of a lookup table fetch, e.g. for efficiencies. More... | |
class | MatcherByPulls |
class | MatcherUsingTracks |
Matcher of reconstructed objects to other reconstructed objects using the tracks inside them. More... | |
class | MatcherUsingTracksAlgorithm |
Matcher of reconstructed objects to other reconstructed objects using the tracks inside them. More... | |
class | MET |
Analysis-level MET class. More... | |
class | MHT |
class | ModifiedObjectProducer |
class | Muon |
Analysis-level muon class. More... | |
class | MuonMvaEstimator |
class | MuonMvaIDEstimator |
class | MuonReSeeder |
Matcher of reconstructed objects to other reconstructed objects using the tracks inside them. More... | |
struct | MuonSelection |
Structure defining the muon selection. More... | |
class | MuonSelector |
Selects good muons. More... | |
class | ObjectModifier |
class | ObjectResolutionCalc |
Class to calculate MC resolutions for pat objects. More... | |
class | OutsideInMuonSeeder |
Matcher of reconstructed objects to other reconstructed objects using the tracks inside them. More... | |
struct | OverlapByDeltaR |
struct | OverlapDistance |
class | PackedCandidate |
class | PackedCandidateMuonSelectorProducer |
class | PackedCandidateTrackChi2Producer |
class | PackedGenParticle |
class | PackedGenParticleSignalProducer |
class | PackedPFCandidateRefMixer |
class | PackedTriggerPrescales |
class | Particle |
Analysis-level particle class. More... | |
class | PATCleaner |
PAT Cleaner module for PAT Objects. More... | |
class | PATCompositeCandidateProducer |
Produces the pat::CompositeCandidate. More... | |
class | PATConversionProducer |
class | PATElectronProducer |
Produces pat::Electron's. More... | |
class | PATElectronSlimmer |
Slimmer of PAT Electrons. More... | |
class | PATGenCandsFromSimTracksProducer |
Produces reco::GenParticle from SimTracks. More... | |
class | PATGenericParticleProducer |
Produces the pat::GenericParticle. More... | |
class | PATGenJetSlimmer |
Matcher of reconstructed objects to L1 Muons. More... | |
class | PATIsolatedTrackProducer |
class | PATJetProducer |
Produces pat::Jet's. More... | |
class | PATJetSelector |
class | PATJetSlimmer |
Matcher of reconstructed objects to L1 Muons. More... | |
class | PATJetUpdater |
Produces pat::Jet's. More... | |
class | PATLeptonCountFilter |
class | PATLostTracks |
class | PATMETProducer |
Produces the pat::MET. More... | |
class | PATMETSlimmer |
Slimmer of PAT METs. More... | |
class | PATMHTProducer |
class | PATMuonHeavyObjectCache |
class | PATMuonProducer |
class definition More... | |
class | PATMuonSlimmer |
Slimmer of PAT Muons. More... | |
class | PATObject |
Templated PAT object container. More... | |
class | PATObjectUserDataEmbedder |
class | PATPackedCandidateProducer |
class | PATPackedGenParticleProducer |
class | PATPFParticleProducer |
Produces pat::PFParticle's. More... | |
class | PATPhotonProducer |
Produces the pat::Photon. More... | |
class | PATPhotonSlimmer |
slimmer of PAT Taus More... | |
class | PATPrimaryVertexSelector |
class | PATSecondaryVertexSlimmer |
class | PATSingleVertexSelector |
Produces a list containing a single vertex selected by some criteria. More... | |
class | PATTauDiscriminator |
class | PATTauProducer |
Produces pat::Tau's. More... | |
class | PATTauSlimmer |
Slimmer of PAT Taus. More... | |
class | PATTrackAndVertexUnpacker |
class | PATTriggerEventProducer |
Produces the central entry point to full PAT trigger information. More... | |
class | PATTriggerMatchEmbedder |
class | PATTriggerMatchSelector |
class | PATTriggerObjectStandAloneSlimmer |
Packs filter labels and/or 4-vectors of a pat::TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection. More... | |
class | PATTriggerObjectStandAloneUnpacker |
Unpacks a pat::TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection with packed path names. More... | |
class | PATTriggerProducer |
Produces the full or stand-alone PAT trigger information collections. More... | |
class | PATUserDataHelper |
Assists in assimilating all pat::UserData into pat objects. More... | |
class | PATUserDataMerger |
Assimilates pat::UserData into pat objects. More... | |
class | PATVertexAssociationProducer |
Produces VertexAssociation and a ValueMap to the originating reco jets. More... | |
class | PATVertexSlimmer |
class | PFIsolation |
class | PFParticle |
Analysis-level class for reconstructed particles. More... | |
class | Photon |
Analysis-level Photon class. More... | |
class | RawJetExtractorT |
class | RawJetExtractorT< pat::Jet > |
class | RecoMETExtractor |
Retrieves the recoMET from a pat::MET. More... | |
class | SoftMuonMvaEstimator |
class | strbitset |
class | Tau |
Analysis-level tau class. More... | |
class | TauCorrFactors |
Class for the storage of tau-jet energy correction factors. More... | |
class | TauJetCorrFactors |
class | TauJetCorrFactorsProducer |
Produces a ValueMap between TauJetCorrFactors and the originating reco taus. More... | |
class | TrackerIsolationPt |
Calculates a lepton's tracker isolation pt. More... | |
class | TriggerAlgorithm |
Analysis-level L1 trigger algorithm class. More... | |
class | TriggerCondition |
Analysis-level L1 trigger condition class. More... | |
class | TriggerEvent |
Analysis-level trigger event class. More... | |
class | TriggerFilter |
Analysis-level HLTrigger filter class. More... | |
class | TriggerObject |
Analysis-level trigger object class. More... | |
class | TriggerObjectStandAlone |
Analysis-level trigger object class (stand-alone) More... | |
class | TriggerPath |
class | UnclusteredBlobProducer |
class | UserData |
Base class for data that users can add to pat objects. More... | |
class | UserHolder |
class | VertexAssociation |
Analysis-level structure for vertex-related information. More... | |
class | VertexAssociationSelector |
Enumerations | |
enum | IsolationKeys { TrackIso = 0, EcalIso = 1, HcalIso = 2, PfAllParticleIso = 3, PfChargedHadronIso = 4, PfNeutralHadronIso = 5, PfGammaIso = 6, User1Iso = 7, User2Iso = 8, User3Iso = 9, User4Iso = 10, User5Iso = 11, UserBaseIso = 7, CaloIso = -1, PfPUChargedHadronIso = 12, PfChargedAllIso = 13 } |
Enum defining isolation keys. More... | |
enum | ParticleStatus { GOOD = 0, BAD, HOVERE, SHOWER, MATCHING } |
Definition of particle status after selection. More... | |
Definition of particle types. More... | |
Functions | |
const reco::CandidatePtrVector & | get_empty_cpv () |
const std::string & | get_empty_str () |
PFIsolation | getMiniPFIsolation (const pat::PackedCandidateCollection *pfcands, const reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector &p4, float mindr=0.05, float maxdr=0.2, float kt_scale=10.0, float ptthresh=0.5, float deadcone_ch=0.0001, float deadcone_pu=0.01, float deadcone_ph=0.01, float deadcone_nh=0.01, float dZ_cut=0.0) |
float | miniIsoDr (const reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector &p4, float mindr, float maxdr, float kt_scale) |
double | muonRelMiniIsoPUCorrected (const PFIsolation &iso, const reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector &p4, double dr, double rho, const std::vector< double > &area) |
strbitset | operator & (const strbitset &l, const strbitset &r) |
strbitset | operator & (const strbitset &l, const strbitset &r) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const strbitset::index_type &r) |
strbitset | operator^ (const strbitset &l, const strbitset &r) |
strbitset | operator| (const strbitset &l, const strbitset &r) |
void | throwMissingLabel (const std::string &what, const std::string &bad_label, const std::vector< std::string > &available) |
Variables | |
static const int | qualityMap [8] = {1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 5, 6} |
conversion map from quality flags used in PV association and miniAOD one More... | |
Take as input:
typedef std::vector<edm::FwdPtr<CaloTower> > pat::CaloTowerFwdPtrCollection |
typedef std::vector<CandKinResolution> pat::CandKinResolutionCollection |
Definition at line 153 of file CandKinResolution.h.
Definition at line 154 of file CandKinResolution.h.
typedef std::vector<CompositeCandidate> pat::CompositeCandidateCollection |
Definition at line 22 of file CompositeCandidate.h.
Definition at line 24 of file CompositeCandidate.h.
Definition at line 25 of file CompositeCandidate.h.
typedef std::vector<Conversion> pat::ConversionCollection |
Definition at line 13 of file Conversion.h.
Definition at line 15 of file Conversion.h.
Definition at line 16 of file Conversion.h.
typedef std::vector<Electron> pat::ElectronCollection |
Definition at line 36 of file Electron.h.
typedef edm::Ptr<pat::Electron> pat::ElectronPtr |
Definition at line 39 of file CutApplicatorBase.h.
typedef edm::Ref<ElectronCollection> pat::ElectronRef |
Definition at line 38 of file Electron.h.
Definition at line 39 of file Electron.h.
typedef std::vector<GenericParticle> pat::GenericParticleCollection |
Definition at line 29 of file GenericParticle.h.
Definition at line 31 of file GenericParticle.h.
Definition at line 32 of file GenericParticle.h.
typedef std::vector<Hemisphere> pat::HemisphereCollection |
Definition at line 9 of file Hemisphere.h.
Definition at line 11 of file Hemisphere.h.
Definition at line 12 of file Hemisphere.h.
typedef reco::IsoDeposit pat::IsoDeposit |
Definition at line 7 of file Isolation.h.
typedef std::vector<IsolatedTrack> pat::IsolatedTrackCollection |
Definition at line 173 of file IsolatedTrack.h.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<pat::IsolatedTrackCollection, StringCutObjectSelector<pat::IsolatedTrack> > pat::IsoTrackSelector |
Definition at line 280 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef std::vector<Jet> pat::JetCollection |
typedef std::vector<edm::Ptr<pat::Jet> > pat::JetPtrCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<JetCollection> pat::JetRef |
typedef edm::RefVector<JetCollection> pat::JetRefVector |
typedef std::pair<bool, std::string> pat::L1Seed |
Pair to store decision and name of L1 seeds.
Definition at line 33 of file TriggerPath.h.
typedef std::vector<L1Seed> pat::L1SeedCollection |
Collection of L1Seed.
Definition at line 35 of file TriggerPath.h.
typedef std::vector<MET> pat::METCollection |
typedef edm::Ref<METCollection> pat::METRef |
typedef edm::RefVector<METCollection> pat::METRefVector |
typedef std::vector<pat::MHT> pat::MHTCollection |
typedef std::vector<Muon> pat::MuonCollection |
typedef edm::Ptr<pat::Muon> pat::MuonPtr |
Definition at line 41 of file CutApplicatorBase.h.
typedef edm::Ref<MuonCollection> pat::MuonRef |
typedef ObjectCountFilter<pat::MuonCollection, StringCutObjectSelector<pat::Muon> >::type pat::MuonRefPatCount |
Definition at line 282 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > pat::OverlapList |
A vector of pairs of indices <i1,i2>, for each i1 that overlaps, i2 is the "best" overlap match. if an element of does not overlap with anyone, it will not end up in this list.
Definition at line 15 of file GenericOverlapFinder.h.
typedef std::vector<pat::PackedCandidate> pat::PackedCandidateCollection |
Definition at line 1150 of file PackedCandidate.h.
typedef edm::Ptr< pat::PackedCandidate > pat::PackedCandidatePtr |
Definition at line 18 of file PATMuonMerger.cc.
Definition at line 1151 of file PackedCandidate.h.
Definition at line 1152 of file PackedCandidate.h.
typedef std::vector<pat::PackedGenParticle> pat::PackedGenParticleCollection |
Definition at line 505 of file PackedGenParticle.h.
Definition at line 506 of file PackedGenParticle.h.
Definition at line 507 of file PackedGenParticle.h.
typedef std::vector<Particle> pat::ParticleCollection |
Definition at line 22 of file Particle.h.
typedef edm::Ref<ParticleCollection> pat::ParticleRef |
Definition at line 24 of file Particle.h.
Definition at line 25 of file Particle.h.
typedef ObjectCountFilter<edm::View<reco::Candidate>, AnySelector, AndSelector<MinNumberSelector, MaxNumberSelector> >::type pat::PATCandViewCountFilter |
Definition at line 13 of file PATObjectFilter.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector< std::vector<CompositeCandidate>, StringCutObjectSelector<CompositeCandidate, true>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<CompositeCandidate> > > pat::PATCompositeCandidateRefSelector |
Definition at line 277 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector< std::vector<CompositeCandidate>, StringCutObjectSelector<CompositeCandidate, true> > pat::PATCompositeCandidateSelector |
Definition at line 245 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
Definition at line 138 of file PATCleaner.cc.
typedef edm::Ptr<pat::Electron> pat::patElectronPtr |
Definition at line 38 of file ElectronPFIsolationWithMapBasedVeto.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Electron>, StringCutObjectSelector<Electron>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<Electron> > > pat::PATElectronRefSelector |
Definition at line 254 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Electron>, StringCutObjectSelector<Electron> > pat::PATElectronSelector |
Definition at line 231 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
Definition at line 144 of file PATCleaner.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<GenericParticle>, StringCutObjectSelector<GenericParticle>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<GenericParticle> > > pat::PATGenericParticleRefSelector |
Definition at line 272 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<GenericParticle>, StringCutObjectSelector<GenericParticle> > pat::PATGenericParticleSelector |
Definition at line 249 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef pat::PATCleaner<pat::Jet> pat::PATJetCleaner |
Definition at line 142 of file PATCleaner.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Jet>, StringCutObjectSelector<Jet>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<Jet> > > pat::PATJetRefSelector |
Definition at line 262 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef pat::PATCleaner<pat::MET> pat::PATMETCleaner |
Definition at line 143 of file PATCleaner.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<MET>, StringCutObjectSelector<MET>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<MET> > > pat::PATMETRefSelector |
Definition at line 264 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<MET>, StringCutObjectSelector<MET> > pat::PATMETSelector |
Definition at line 239 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef pat::PATCleaner<pat::Muon> pat::PATMuonCleaner |
Definition at line 139 of file PATCleaner.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Muon>, StringCutObjectSelector<Muon>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<Muon> > > pat::PATMuonRefSelector |
Definition at line 256 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Muon>, StringCutObjectSelector<Muon> > pat::PATMuonSelector |
Definition at line 232 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
Definition at line 145 of file PATCleaner.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<PFParticle>, StringCutObjectSelector<PFParticle>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<PFParticle> > > pat::PATPFParticleRefSelector |
Definition at line 268 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<PFParticle>, StringCutObjectSelector<PFParticle> > pat::PATPFParticleSelector |
Definition at line 240 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
Definition at line 141 of file PATCleaner.cc.
typedef edm::Ptr<pat::Photon> pat::patPhotonPtr |
Definition at line 36 of file PhotonPFIsolationWithMapBasedVeto.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Photon>, StringCutObjectSelector<Photon>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<Photon> > > pat::PATPhotonRefSelector |
Definition at line 260 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Photon>, StringCutObjectSelector<Photon> > pat::PATPhotonSelector |
Definition at line 234 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef pat::PATCleaner<pat::Tau> pat::PATTauCleaner |
Definition at line 140 of file PATCleaner.cc.
typedef edm::AssociationVector<pat::TauRefProd, std::vector<float> > pat::PATTauDiscriminatorBase |
Definition at line 10 of file PATTauDiscriminator.h.
Definition at line 23 of file PATTauDiscriminator.h.
Definition at line 24 of file PATTauDiscriminator.h.
Definition at line 25 of file PATTauDiscriminator.h.
Definition at line 22 of file PATTauDiscriminator.h.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Tau>, StringCutObjectSelector<Tau>, edm::RefVector<std::vector<Tau> > > pat::PATTauRefSelector |
Definition at line 258 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<Tau>, StringCutObjectSelector<Tau> > pat::PATTauSelector |
Definition at line 233 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
Definition at line 55 of file PATTriggerMatchEmbedder.cc.
Definition at line 56 of file PATTriggerMatchEmbedder.cc.
Definition at line 57 of file PATTriggerMatchEmbedder.cc.
Definition at line 58 of file PATTriggerMatchEmbedder.cc.
Definition at line 59 of file PATTriggerMatchEmbedder.cc.
Definition at line 60 of file PATTriggerMatchEmbedder.cc.
typedef SingleObjectSelector<std::vector<TriggerObjectStandAlone>, StringCutObjectSelector<TriggerObjectStandAlone> > pat::PATTriggerObjectStandAloneSelector |
Definition at line 247 of file PATObjectSelector.cc.
typedef std::vector<edm::FwdPtr<reco::PFCandidate> > pat::PFCandidateFwdPtrCollection |
typedef std::vector<PFParticle> pat::PFParticleCollection |
Definition at line 23 of file PFParticle.h.
Definition at line 25 of file PFParticle.h.
Definition at line 26 of file PFParticle.h.
typedef reco::PFJet::Specific pat::PFSpecific |
typedef std::vector<Photon> pat::PhotonCollection |
typedef edm::Ptr<pat::Photon> pat::PhotonPtr |
Definition at line 40 of file CutApplicatorBase.h.
typedef edm::Ref<PhotonCollection> pat::PhotonRef |
typedef std::vector<edm::FwdPtr<reco::BaseTagInfo> > pat::TagInfoFwdPtrCollection |
typedef std::vector<Tau> pat::TauCollection |
typedef edm::Ptr<pat::Tau> pat::TauPtr |
Definition at line 42 of file CutApplicatorBase.h.
typedef edm::Ref<TauCollection> pat::TauRef |
typedef edm::RefProd<TauCollection> pat::TauRefProd |
typedef edm::RefVector<TauCollection> pat::TauRefVector |
typedef std::vector<TriggerAlgorithm> pat::TriggerAlgorithmCollection |
Collection of TriggerAlgorithm.
Definition at line 144 of file TriggerAlgorithm.h.
Persistent reference to an item in a TriggerAlgorithmCollection.
Definition at line 146 of file TriggerAlgorithm.h.
Persistent reference to a TriggerAlgorithmCollection product.
Definition at line 148 of file TriggerAlgorithm.h.
Vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerAlgorithmCollection.
Definition at line 150 of file TriggerAlgorithm.h.
Const iterator over vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerAlgorithmCollection.
Definition at line 152 of file TriggerAlgorithm.h.
typedef std::vector<TriggerCondition> pat::TriggerConditionCollection |
Collection of TriggerCondition.
Definition at line 112 of file TriggerCondition.h.
Persistent reference to an item in a TriggerConditionCollection.
Definition at line 114 of file TriggerCondition.h.
Persistent reference to a TriggerConditionCollection product.
Definition at line 116 of file TriggerCondition.h.
Vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerConditionCollection.
Definition at line 118 of file TriggerCondition.h.
Const iterator over vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerConditionCollection.
Definition at line 120 of file TriggerCondition.h.
typedef std::vector<TriggerFilter> pat::TriggerFilterCollection |
Collection of TriggerFilter.
Definition at line 129 of file TriggerFilter.h.
Persistent reference to an item in a TriggerFilterCollection.
Definition at line 131 of file TriggerFilter.h.
Persistent reference to a TriggerFilterCollection product.
Definition at line 133 of file TriggerFilter.h.
Vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerFilterCollection.
Definition at line 135 of file TriggerFilter.h.
Const iterator over vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerFilterCollection.
Definition at line 137 of file TriggerFilter.h.
typedef std::vector<TriggerObject> pat::TriggerObjectCollection |
Collection of TriggerObject.
Definition at line 173 of file TriggerObject.h.
Association of TriggerObjects to store matches to Candidates.
Definition at line 185 of file TriggerObject.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, TriggerObjectMatchRefProd> pat::TriggerObjectMatchContainer |
Container to store references to matches from different producers in the trigger event.
Definition at line 189 of file TriggerObject.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, TriggerObjectRef> pat::TriggerObjectMatchMap |
Container to store match references from different producers (for one PAT object)
Definition at line 177 of file TriggerObject.h.
Persistent reference to a TriggerObjectMatch product.
Definition at line 187 of file TriggerObject.h.
Persistent reference to an item in a TriggerObjectCollection.
Definition at line 175 of file TriggerObject.h.
Persistent reference to a TriggerObjectCollection product.
Definition at line 179 of file TriggerObject.h.
Vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerObjectCollection.
Definition at line 181 of file TriggerObject.h.
Const iterator over vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerObjectCollection.
Definition at line 183 of file TriggerObject.h.
typedef std::vector<TriggerObjectStandAlone> pat::TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection |
Collection of TriggerObjectStandAlone.
Definition at line 219 of file TriggerObjectStandAlone.h.
Association of TriggerObjectStandAlones to store matches to Candidates.
Definition at line 229 of file TriggerObjectStandAlone.h.
Persistent reference to an item in a TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection.
Definition at line 221 of file TriggerObjectStandAlone.h.
Persistent reference to a TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection product.
Definition at line 223 of file TriggerObjectStandAlone.h.
Vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection.
Definition at line 225 of file TriggerObjectStandAlone.h.
typedef edm::RefVectorIterator<TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection> pat::TriggerObjectStandAloneRefVectorIterator |
Const iterator over vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection.
Definition at line 227 of file TriggerObjectStandAlone.h.
typedef std::vector<TriggerPath> pat::TriggerPathCollection |
Collection of TriggerPath.
Definition at line 160 of file TriggerPath.h.
Persistent reference to an item in a TriggerPathCollection.
Definition at line 162 of file TriggerPath.h.
Persistent reference to a TriggerPathCollection product.
Definition at line 164 of file TriggerPath.h.
Vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerPathCollection.
Definition at line 166 of file TriggerPath.h.
Const iterator over vector of persistent references to items in the same TriggerPathCollection.
Definition at line 168 of file TriggerPath.h.
Definition at line 86 of file UserData.h.
enum pat::IsolationKeys |
Enum defining isolation keys.
Definition at line 9 of file Isolation.h.
enum pat::ParticleStatus |
Definition of particle status after selection.
Enumerator | |
GOOD | 0: Passed selection |
BAD | 1: Failed selection (without additional info) |
HOVERE | 2: Bad H/E ratio |
SHOWER | 3: Bad ECAL shower shape |
MATCHING | 4: Bad matching to track |
Definition at line 30 of file ParticleCode.h.
enum pat::ParticleType |
Definition of particle types.
Enumerator | |
UNKNOWN | 0: Unidentified isolated particle |
MUON | 2: |
TAU | 3: |
PHOTON | 4: |
JET | 5: |
BJET | 6: |
TOP | 7: |
INVISIBLE | 8: Invisible particle (Monte Carlo only) |
Definition at line 17 of file ParticleCode.h.
const reco::CandidatePtrVector & pat::get_empty_cpv | ( | ) |
const std::string & pat::get_empty_str | ( | ) |
Definition at line 9 of file PATObject.cc.
References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
Referenced by pat::PATObject< reco::Muon >::userDataObjectType().
PFIsolation pat::getMiniPFIsolation | ( | const pat::PackedCandidateCollection * | pfcands, |
const reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector & | p4, | ||
float | mindr = 0.05 , |
float | maxdr = 0.2 , |
float | kt_scale = 10.0 , |
float | ptthresh = 0.5 , |
float | deadcone_ch = 0.0001 , |
float | deadcone_pu = 0.01 , |
float | deadcone_ph = 0.01 , |
float | deadcone_nh = 0.01 , |
float | dZ_cut = 0.0 |
) |
Definition at line 19 of file MiniIsolation.cc.
References funct::abs(), HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cfi::deltaR2, isotracks_cff::fromPV, MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock_cfi::maxdr, MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock_cfi::mindr, miniIsoDr(), HLT_2022v15_cff::pfcands, displacedMuons_cfi::PFIsolation, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.
Referenced by pat::LeptonUpdater< T >::produce(), pat::PATElectronProducer::setElectronMiniIso(), and pat::PATMuonProducer::setMuonMiniIso().
float pat::miniIsoDr | ( | const reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector & | p4, |
float | mindr, | ||
float | maxdr, | ||
float | kt_scale | ||
) |
Definition at line 15 of file MiniIsolation.cc.
References SiStripPI::max, MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock_cfi::maxdr, SiStripPI::min, and MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock_cfi::mindr.
Referenced by getMiniPFIsolation(), and pat::PATMuonProducer::getRelMiniIsoPUCorrected().
double pat::muonRelMiniIsoPUCorrected | ( | const PFIsolation & | iso, |
const reco::Candidate::PolarLorentzVector & | p4, | ||
double | dr, | ||
double | rho, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | area | ||
) |
Definition at line 59 of file MiniIsolation.cc.
References funct::abs(), custom_jme_cff::area, pat::PFIsolation::chargedHadronIso(), pfMETCorrectionType0_cfi::correction, SiStripPI::max, pat::PFIsolation::neutralHadronIso(), and pat::PFIsolation::photonIso().
Referenced by pat::PATMuonProducer::getRelMiniIsoPUCorrected().
Definition at line 7 of file strbitset.cc.
References cmsLHEtoEOSManager::l, and runTheMatrix::ret.
Definition at line 7 of file strbitset.cc.
References cmsLHEtoEOSManager::l, and runTheMatrix::ret.
std::ostream& pat::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const strbitset::index_type & | r | ||
) |
Definition at line 19 of file strbitset.cc.
References cmsLHEtoEOSManager::l, and runTheMatrix::ret.
Definition at line 13 of file strbitset.cc.
References cmsLHEtoEOSManager::l, and runTheMatrix::ret.
void pat::throwMissingLabel | ( | const std::string & | what, |
const std::string & | bad_label, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | available | ||
) |
Definition at line 7 of file throwMissingLabel.cc.
References Skims_PA_cff::name, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
Referenced by pat::PATObject< reco::Muon >::userFloat(), and pat::PATObject< reco::Muon >::userInt().
static |
conversion map from quality flags used in PV association and miniAOD one
Definition at line 37 of file PATPackedCandidateProducer.cc.
Referenced by pat::PATPackedCandidateProducer::produce().