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#include <MuScleFitUtils.h>
Classes | |
struct | byPt |
struct | massResolComponentsStruct |
Public Member Functions | |
MuScleFitUtils () | |
virtual | ~MuScleFitUtils () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static lorentzVector | applyBias (const lorentzVector &muon, const int charge) |
static lorentzVector | applyScale (const lorentzVector &muon, const std::vector< double > &parval, const int charge) |
static lorentzVector | applyScale (const lorentzVector &muon, double *parval, const int charge) |
static lorentzVector | applySmearing (const lorentzVector &muon) |
static bool | checkMassWindow (const double &mass, const double &leftBorder, const double &rightBorder) |
Method to check if the mass value is within the mass window of the i-th resonance. More... | |
static double | computeWeight (const double &mass, const int iev, const bool doUseBkgrWindow=false) |
static double | deltaPhi (const double &phi1, const double &phi2) |
static double | deltaPhiNoFabs (const double &phi1, const double &phi2) |
Without fabs at the end, used to have a symmetric distribution for the resolution fits and variance computations. More... | |
static double | deltaR (const double &eta1, const double &eta2, const double &phi1, const double &phi2) |
static std::pair< MuScleFitMuon, MuScleFitMuon > | findBestRecoRes (const std::vector< MuScleFitMuon > &muons) |
static std::pair< SimTrack, SimTrack > | findBestSimuRes (const std::vector< SimTrack > &simMuons) |
static std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > | findGenMuFromRes (const reco::GenParticleCollection *genParticles) |
static std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > | findGenMuFromRes (const edm::HepMCProduct *evtMC) |
static std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > | findSimMuFromRes (const edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > &evtMC, const edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > &simTracks) |
static std::vector< TGraphErrors * > | fitMass (TH2F *histo) |
static std::vector< TGraphErrors * > | fitReso (TH2F *histo) |
static lorentzVector | fromPtEtaPhiToPxPyPz (const double *ptEtaPhiE) |
static double | invDimuonMass (const lorentzVector &mu1, const lorentzVector &mu2) |
static double | massProb (const double &mass, const double &rapidity, const int ires, const double &massResol) |
static double | massProb (const double &mass, const double &resEta, const double &rapidity, const double &massResol, const std::vector< double > &parval, const bool doUseBkgrWindow, const double &eta1, const double &eta2) |
static double | massProb (const double &mass, const double &resEta, const double &rapidity, const double &massResol, double *parval, const bool doUseBkgrWindow, const double &eta1, const double &eta2) |
static double | massResolution (const lorentzVector &mu1, const lorentzVector &mu2) |
static double | massResolution (const lorentzVector &mu1, const lorentzVector &mu2, const std::vector< double > &parval) |
static double | massResolution (const lorentzVector &mu1, const lorentzVector &mu2, std::unique_ptr< double > parval) |
static double | massResolution (const lorentzVector &mu1, const lorentzVector &mu2, double *parval) |
static double | massResolution (const lorentzVector &mu1, const lorentzVector &mu2, const ResolutionFunction &resolFunc) |
static void | minimizeLikelihood () |
static double | probability (const double &mass, const double &massResol, const double GLvalue[][1001][1001], const double GLnorm[][1001], const int iRes, const int iY) |
Computes the probability given the mass, mass resolution and the arrays with the probabilities and the normalizations. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const int | backgroundFunctionsRegions |
static BackgroundHandler * | backgroundHandler |
static TH1D * | backgroundProb_ = nullptr |
static int | BgrFitType = 0 |
static scaleFunctionBase< std::vector< double > > * | biasFunction = nullptr |
static int | BiasType = 0 |
static bool | computeMinosErrors_ |
static int | counter_resprob = 0 |
static double | crossSection [6] |
static CrossSectionHandler * | crossSectionHandler |
static int | debug = 0 |
static bool | debugMassResol_ |
static double | deltaPhiMaxCut_ = 100. |
static double | deltaPhiMinCut_ = -100. |
static std::vector< int > | doBackgroundFit |
static std::vector< int > | doCrossSectionFit |
static std::vector< int > | doResolFit |
static std::vector< int > | doScaleFit |
static bool | duringMinos_ = false |
static int | FitStrategy = 1 |
static std::vector< std::pair< MuScleFitMuon, MuScleFitMuon > > | genMuscleFitPair |
static std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > | genPair |
static double | GLNorm [6][1001] |
static double | GLValue [6][1001][1001] |
static double | GLZNorm [40][1001] |
static double | GLZValue [40][1001][1001] |
static int | goodmuon = 0 |
static int | iev_ = 0 |
static TH1D * | likelihoodInLoop_ = nullptr |
static unsigned int | loopCounter = 5 |
static struct MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct | massResolComponents |
static double | massWindowHalfWidth [3][6] |
static double | maxMuonEtaFirstRange_ = 6. |
static double | maxMuonEtaSecondRange_ = 100. |
static double | maxMuonPt_ = 100000000. |
static bool | minimumShapePlots_ |
static double | minMuonEtaFirstRange_ = -6. |
static double | minMuonEtaSecondRange_ = -100. |
static double | minMuonPt_ = 0. |
static int | minuitLoop_ = 0 |
static const double | mMu2 = 0.011163612 |
static const unsigned int | motherPdgIdArray [6] = {23, 100553, 100553, 553, 100443, 443} |
static const double | muMass = 0.105658 |
static int | MuonType |
static int | MuonTypeForCheckMassWindow |
static int | nbins = 1000 |
static unsigned int | normalizationChanged_ = 0 |
static bool | normalizeLikelihoodByEventNumber_ = true |
static double | oldNormalization_ = 0. |
static std::vector< double > | parBgr |
static std::vector< int > | parBgrFix |
static std::vector< int > | parBgrOrder |
static std::vector< double > | parBias |
static std::vector< double > | parCrossSection |
static std::vector< int > | parCrossSectionFix |
static std::vector< int > | parCrossSectionOrder |
static std::vector< int > | parfix |
static std::vector< int > | parorder |
static std::vector< double > | parResol |
static std::vector< int > | parResolFix |
static std::vector< double > | parResolMax |
static std::vector< double > | parResolMin |
static std::vector< int > | parResolOrder |
static std::vector< double > | parResolStep |
static std::vector< double > | parScale |
static std::vector< int > | parScaleFix |
static std::vector< double > | parScaleMax |
static std::vector< double > | parScaleMin |
static std::vector< int > | parScaleOrder |
static std::vector< double > | parScaleStep |
static std::vector< double > | parSmear |
static std::vector< std::vector< double > > | parvalue |
static bool | rapidityBinsForZ_ = true |
static std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > | ReducedSavedPair |
static std::vector< int > | resfind |
static bool | ResFound = false |
static double | ResGamma [6] = {2.4952, 0.000020, 0.000032, 0.000054, 0.000317, 0.0000932} |
static double | ResHalfWidth [6] |
static double | ResMass [6] = {91.1876, 10.3552, 10.0233, 9.4603, 3.68609, 3.0969} |
static double | ResMaxSigma [6] |
static double | ResMinMass [6] = {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99, -99} |
static int | ResolFitType = 0 |
static resolutionFunctionBase< double * > * | resolutionFunction = nullptr |
static resolutionFunctionBase< std::vector< double > > * | resolutionFunctionForVec = nullptr |
static TMinuit * | rminPtr_ = nullptr |
static std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > | SavedPair |
static std::vector< std::pair< MuScleFitMuon, MuScleFitMuon > > | SavedPairMuScleFitMuons |
static bool | scaleFitNotDone_ = true |
static int | ScaleFitType = 0 |
static scaleFunctionBase< double * > * | scaleFunction = nullptr |
static scaleFunctionBase< std::vector< double > > * | scaleFunctionForVec = nullptr |
static bool | separateRanges_ = true |
static bool | sherpa_ = false |
static TH1D * | signalProb_ = nullptr |
static std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > | simPair |
static smearFunctionBase * | smearFunction = nullptr |
static int | SmearType = 0 |
static bool | speedup = false |
static bool | startWithSimplex_ |
static const int | totalResNum = 6 |
static bool | useProbsFile_ = true |
static double | x [7][10000] |
Definition at line 51 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
inline |
Definition at line 55 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 59 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 444 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References biasFunction, chg, gather_cfg::cout, debug, fromPtEtaPhiToPxPyPz(), parBias, and scaleFunctionBase< T >::scale().
Referenced by MuScleFit::applyBias().
static |
Definition at line 465 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References chg, l1ctLayer2EG_cff::id, createfilelist::int, and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), and likelihood().
static |
Definition at line 483 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References chg, gather_cfg::cout, debug, fromPtEtaPhiToPxPyPz(), parResol, scaleFunctionBase< T >::scale(), scaleFunction, and edm::shift.
static |
Definition at line 416 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, debug, PVValHelper::eta, fromPtEtaPhiToPxPyPz(), goodmuon, mps_fire::i, parSmear, phi, DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, smearFunctionBase::smear(), smearFunction, SmearType, x, and y.
Referenced by MuScleFit::applySmearing().
inlinestatic |
Method to check if the mass value is within the mass window of the i-th resonance.
Definition at line 1157 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass.
Referenced by computeWeight(), massProb(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 1163 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References backgroundHandler, checkMassWindow(), gather_cfg::cout, debug, doBackgroundFit, loopCounter, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, resfind, mps_merge::weight, and BackgroundHandler::windowBorders().
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), and likelihood().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 109 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
References Pi.
Referenced by ResolutionAnalyzer::checkDeltaR(), MuScleFit::checkDeltaR(), deltaPhiNoFabs(), deltaR(), HDelta::Fill(), HMassResolutionVSPart::Fill(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
inlinestatic |
Without fabs at the end, used to have a symmetric distribution for the resolution fits and variance computations.
Definition at line 118 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
References deltaPhi(), and Pi.
Referenced by ResolutionAnalyzer::analyze(), HCovarianceVSParts::Fill(), and MuScleFit::fillComparisonHistograms().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 126 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
References deltaPhi(), HLT_2022v15_cff::eta1, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta2, funct::pow(), and mathSSE::sqrt().
static |
Definition at line 315 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::abs(), gather_cfg::cout, debug, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta1, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta2, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, massProb(), massResolution(), maxMuonEtaFirstRange_, maxMuonPt_, minMuonEtaFirstRange_, minMuonEtaSecondRange_, minMuonPt_, PDWG_BPHSkim_cff::muons, parResol, TtFullHadEvtBuilder_cfi::prob, HLT_2022v15_cff::pt1, HLT_2022v15_cff::pt2, resfind, ResFound, ResMass, useProbsFile_, and BeamSpotPI::Y.
Referenced by TestCorrection::analyze(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 279 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, massProb(), TtFullHadEvtBuilder_cfi::prob, resfind, and BeamSpotPI::Y.
Referenced by MuScleFitPlotter::fillSim().
static |
Definition at line 2344 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::abs(), gather_cfg::cout, debug, AJJGenJetFilter_cfi::genParticles, motherPdgIdArray, and resfind.
Referenced by MuScleFitGenFilter::filter().
static |
Definition at line 2306 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::abs(), edm::HepMCProduct::GetEvent(), motherPdgIdArray, resfind, and sherpa_.
static |
Definition at line 2265 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::abs(), GenParticle::GenParticle, edm::HepMCProduct::GetEvent(), runTauDisplay::gp, motherPdgIdArray, resfind, cscDigiValidation_cfi::simTrack, and TrackCandidateProducer_cfi::simTracks.
Referenced by MuScleFitPlotter::fillGenSim().
static |
Definition at line 1985 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References hltPixelTracks_cff::chi2, generateEDF::cont, gather_cfg::cout, debug, MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, submitPVResolutionJobs::err, timingPdfMaker::histo, mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, lorentzianPeak(), Skims_PA_cff::name, groupFilesInBlocks::nn, bookConverter::results, x, and geometryCSVtoXML::xx.
static |
Definition at line 2098 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References hltPixelTracks_cff::chi2, generateEDF::cont, gather_cfg::cout, MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, submitPVResolutionJobs::err, Gaussian(), timingPdfMaker::histo, mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, compareTotals::means, Skims_PA_cff::name, groupFilesInBlocks::nn, bookConverter::results, x, and geometryCSVtoXML::xx.
static |
Definition at line 502 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::cos(), JetChargeProducer_cfi::exp, muMass, multPhiCorr_741_25nsDY_cfi::px, multPhiCorr_741_25nsDY_cfi::py, funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), and createJobs::tmp.
Referenced by applyBias(), applyScale(), applySmearing(), and TestCorrection::correctMuon().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 518 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
Referenced by likelihood(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 2208 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, debug, MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, GL, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, np, Pi, ResGamma, ResMass, w(), and x.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), findBestRecoRes(), findBestSimuRes(), likelihood(), and massProb().
static |
Definition at line 710 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References HLT_2022v15_cff::eta1, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta2, l1ctLayer2EG_cff::id, createfilelist::int, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, massProb(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.
static |
Definition at line 889 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::abs(), BackgroundHandler::backgroundFunction(), backgroundHandler, backgroundProb_, checkMassWindow(), gather_cfg::cout, crossSectionHandler, debug, doBackgroundFit, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta1, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta2, GLNorm, GLValue, GLZNorm, GLZValue, mps_fire::i, createfilelist::int, dqmiolumiharvest::j, loopCounter, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, minuitLoop_, MuonType, parBgr, CrossSectionHandler::parNum(), parResol, parScale, probability(), rapidityBinsForZ_, CrossSectionHandler::relativeCrossSections(), resfind, ResHalfWidth, BackgroundHandler::resMass(), ResMass, signalProb_, totalResNum, and BackgroundHandler::windowBorders().
static |
static |
Definition at line 524 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References l1ctLayer2EG_cff::id, createfilelist::int, massResolution(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.
static |
static |
We use the following formula:
M = sqrt ( (E1+E2)^2 - (P1+P2)^2 )
where we express E and P as a function of Pt, phi, and theta:
E = sqrt ( Pt^2*(1+cotg(theta)^2) + M_mu^2 )
Px = Pt*cos(phi), Py = Pt*sin(phi), Pz = Pt*cotg(theta)
from which we find
M = sqrt( 2*M_mu^2 + 2*sqrt(Pt1^2/sin(theta1)^2 + M_mu^2)*sqrt(Pt2^2/sin(theta2)^2 + M_mu^2) - 2*Pt1*Pt2* ( cos(phi1-phi2) + cotg(theta1)*cotg(theta2) ) )
and derive WRT Pt1, Pt2, phi1, phi2, theta1, theta2 to get the resolution.
Definition at line 567 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::abs(), funct::cos(), counter_resprob, gather_cfg::cout, resolutionFunctionBase< T >::covPt1Pt2(), debug, debugMassResol_, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct::dmdcotgth1, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct::dmdcotgth2, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct::dmdphi1, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct::dmdphi2, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct::dmdpt1, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct::dmdpt2, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta1, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta2, JetChargeProducer_cfi::exp, LogDebug, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, massResolComponents, mMu2, funct::pow(), HLT_2022v15_cff::pt1, HLT_2022v15_cff::pt2, resfind, ResHalfWidth, ResMass, ResMaxSigma, resolutionFunction, resolutionFunctionBase< T >::sigmaCotgTh(), resolutionFunctionBase< T >::sigmaPhi(), resolutionFunctionBase< T >::sigmaPt(), funct::sin(), and mathSSE::sqrt().
static |
This method can be used outside MuScleFit. It gets the ResolutionFunction that must have been built with the parameters.
TO-DO: this method duplicates the code in the previous method. It should be changed to avoid the duplication.
Definition at line 658 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::cos(), HLT_2022v15_cff::eta1, HLT_2022v15_cff::eta2, JetChargeProducer_cfi::exp, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, mMu2, funct::pow(), HLT_2022v15_cff::pt1, HLT_2022v15_cff::pt2, ResolutionFunction::sigmaCotgTh(), ResolutionFunction::sigmaPhi(), ResolutionFunction::sigmaPt(), funct::sin(), and mathSSE::sqrt().
static |
Definition at line 1197 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References funct::abs(), backgroundHandler, backgroundProb_, BgrFitType, svgfig::canvas(), RPCNoise_example::check, checkMassWindow(), computeMinosErrors_, gather_cfg::cout, crossSectionHandler, debug, doBackgroundFit, doCrossSectionFit, doResolFit, doScaleFit, duringMinos_, FitStrategy, mps_fire::i, createfilelist::int, invDimuonMass(), likelihood(), likelihoodInLoop_, loopCounter, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, massWindowHalfWidth, minimumShapePlots_, minuitLoop_, MuonType, Skims_PA_cff::name, makeMEIFBenchmarkPlots::nev, normalizationChanged_, parBgr, parBgrFix, parBgrOrder, parCrossSection, parCrossSectionOrder, parfix, scaleFunctionBase< T >::parNum(), CrossSectionHandler::parNum(), resolutionFunctionBase< T >::parNum(), parorder, parResol, parResolFix, parResolMax, parResolMin, parResolOrder, parResolStep, parScale, parScaleFix, parScaleMax, parScaleMin, parScaleOrder, parScaleStep, parvalue, trackingParticleMuon_cfi::pmin, ReducedSavedPair, BackgroundHandler::regionsParNum(), CrossSectionHandler::relativeCrossSections(), CrossSectionHandler::releaseParameters(), BackgroundHandler::rescale(), scaleFunctionBase< T >::resetParameters(), resfind, ResMass, ResolFitType, resolutionFunctionForVec, rminPtr_, SavedPair, scaleFitNotDone_, ScaleFitType, scaleFunction, scaleFunctionForVec, scaleFunctionBase< T >::setParameters(), BackgroundHandler::setParameters(), CrossSectionHandler::setParameters(), resolutionFunctionBase< T >::setParameters(), signalProb_, startWithSimplex_, BackgroundHandler::unlockParameter(), and BackgroundHandler::windowBorders().
Referenced by MuScleFit::endOfFastLoop().
static |
Computes the probability given the mass, mass resolution and the arrays with the probabilities and the normalizations.
After the introduction of the rapidity bins for the Z the probability method works in the following way:
Definition at line 750 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
References counter_resprob, gather_cfg::cout, debug, createfilelist::int, LogDebug, EgHLTOffHistBins_cfi::mass, nbins, ResHalfWidth, ResMass, ResMaxSigma, and ResMinMass.
Referenced by massProb(), and MuScleFitBase::ProbForIntegral::operator()().
static |
Definition at line 163 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 175 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by computeWeight(), massProb(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 186 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 158 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 151 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by applyBias(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 149 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::applyBias(), MuScleFit::checkParameters(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 280 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 215 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massResolution(), probability(), and MuScleFit::startingNewLoop().
static |
Definition at line 138 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
static |
Definition at line 171 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), massProb(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 130 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by applyBias(), applyScale(), applySmearing(), computeWeight(), ErrorsAnalyzer::fillHistograms(), ErrorsPropagationAnalyzer::fillHistograms(), findBestRecoRes(), findGenMuFromRes(), fitMass(), likelihood(), runTauIdMVA.TauIDEmbedder::loadMVA_WPs_run2_2017(), massProb(), massResolution(), minimizeLikelihood(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), probability(), and runTauIdMVA.TauIDEmbedder::runTauID().
static |
Definition at line 268 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), ErrorsAnalyzer::fillHistograms(), ErrorsPropagationAnalyzer::fillHistograms(), MuScleFitBase::fillHistoMap(), massResolution(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 266 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 265 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 181 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), computeWeight(), massProb(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 180 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 178 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 179 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), likelihood(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 188 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 211 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 235 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 233 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 219 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), MuScleFitBase::ProbForIntegral::operator()(), and MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile().
static |
Definition at line 218 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), MuScleFitBase::ProbForIntegral::operator()(), and MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile().
static |
Definition at line 217 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), MuScleFitBase::ProbForIntegral::operator()(), and MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile().
static |
Definition at line 216 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), MuScleFitBase::ProbForIntegral::operator()(), and MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile().
static |
Definition at line 214 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::applyBias(), applySmearing(), MuScleFit::applySmearing(), ResolutionAnalyzer::fillMuonCollection(), MuScleFit::fillMuonCollection(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::startingNewLoop().
static |
Definition at line 253 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), likelihood(), and MuScleFit::startingNewLoop().
static |
Definition at line 184 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by likelihood(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 145 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by computeWeight(), likelihood(), massProb(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::startingNewLoop().
static |
Definition at line 262 of file MuScleFitUtils.cc.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), and massResolution().
static |
Definition at line 134 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 262 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by findBestRecoRes(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 264 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 260 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by findBestRecoRes(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 281 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 261 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by findBestRecoRes(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 263 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by findBestRecoRes(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 259 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by findBestRecoRes(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 183 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by likelihood(), massProb(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 139 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by ResolutionAnalyzer::analyze(), ResolutionAnalyzer::fillMuonCollection(), MuScleFit::fillMuonCollection(), ErrorsPropagationAnalyzer::massResolution(), and massResolution().
static |
Definition at line 143 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by findGenMuFromRes(), and findSimMuFromRes().
static |
Definition at line 140 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by fromPtEtaPhiToPxPyPz().
static |
Definition at line 223 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 224 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 222 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::__init_TGraph(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::__len__(), python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.Hist::_prepare_xaxis(), python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.Hist::_prepare_yaxis(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::av_xerr(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::av_yerr(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::delete_bin(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::divide(), probability(), MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::TGraph(), and python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::TH1F().
static |
Definition at line 245 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by likelihood(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 240 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by likelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 244 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by likelihood(), and MuScleFit::startingNewLoop().
static |
Definition at line 201 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), massProb(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 205 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 209 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 191 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by applyBias(), MuScleFit::checkParameters(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 200 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 204 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 208 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 228 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 229 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 192 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by ResolutionAnalyzer::analyze(), applyScale(), MuScleFit::checkParameters(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), findBestRecoRes(), massProb(), minimizeLikelihood(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), ResolutionAnalyzer::ResolutionAnalyzer(), and TestCorrection::TestCorrection().
static |
Definition at line 202 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 195 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 194 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 206 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 193 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 196 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), massProb(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 203 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 199 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 198 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 207 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 197 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 190 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by applySmearing(), MuScleFit::checkParameters(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 226 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 251 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile().
static |
Definition at line 232 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by likelihood(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 210 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::checkParameters(), computeWeight(), ErrorsAnalyzer::fillHistograms(), ErrorsPropagationAnalyzer::fillHistograms(), MuScleFitBase::fillHistoMap(), ResolutionAnalyzer::fillHistoMap(), findBestRecoRes(), findBestSimuRes(), findGenMuFromRes(), findSimMuFromRes(), massProb(), massResolution(), minimizeLikelihood(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), MuScleFitGenFilter::MuScleFitGenFilter(), MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile(), ResolutionAnalyzer::ResolutionAnalyzer(), and TestCorrection::TestCorrection().
static |
Definition at line 131 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by TestCorrection::analyze(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), findBestRecoRes(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 135 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb().
static |
Definition at line 221 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), massResolution(), probability(), and MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile().
static |
Definition at line 136 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by findBestRecoRes(), massProb(), massResolution(), minimizeLikelihood(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and probability().
static |
Definition at line 220 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massResolution(), probability(), and MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile().
static |
Definition at line 137 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by probability(), and MuScleFitBase::readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile().
static |
Definition at line 152 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and ResolutionAnalyzer::ResolutionAnalyzer().
static |
Definition at line 153 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by ErrorsAnalyzer::fillHistograms(), ErrorsPropagationAnalyzer::fillHistograms(), ErrorsPropagationAnalyzer::massResolution(), massResolution(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), ResolutionAnalyzer::ResolutionAnalyzer(), and TestCorrection::TestCorrection().
static |
Definition at line 154 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by ResolutionAnalyzer::analyze(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), minimizeLikelihood(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), ResolutionAnalyzer::ResolutionAnalyzer(), and TestCorrection::TestCorrection().
static |
Definition at line 242 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by likelihood(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 231 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by TestCorrection::analyze(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), MuScleFit::endOfLoop(), likelihood(), minimizeLikelihood(), MuScleFit::selectMuons(), and MuScleFit::~MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 234 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 238 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 155 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 156 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by applyScale(), minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 157 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 258 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 248 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by findGenMuFromRes(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 185 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb(), and minimizeLikelihood().
static |
Definition at line 236 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 148 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by applySmearing(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 147 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by applySmearing(), MuScleFit::applySmearing(), MuScleFit::checkParameters(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), and MuScleFit::selectMuons().
static |
Definition at line 212 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), MuScleFit::selectMuons(), and MuScleFit::~MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 279 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by minimizeLikelihood(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 133 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by massProb().
static |
Definition at line 255 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by MuScleFit::beginOfJobInConstructor(), findBestRecoRes(), and MuScleFit::MuScleFit().
static |
Definition at line 213 of file MuScleFitUtils.h.
Referenced by python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::__init_TGraph(), svgfig.Curve.Sample::__repr__(), svgfig.Ellipse::__repr__(), python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.Hist::_prepare_xaxis(), python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.Hist::_prepare_yaxis(), applySmearing(), python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.Hist2D::box(), python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.Hist2D::contour(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::delete_bin(), python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.Hist::errorbar(), python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.Hist::errorbarh(), fitMass(), fitReso(), massProb(), MuScleFit::MuScleFit(), geometryXMLparser.Alignable::pos(), ntupleDataFormat._HitObject::r(), ntupleDataFormat._HitObject::r3D(), and python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::TGraph().