List of all members | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
HLTL1TSeed Class Reference

#include <HLTL1TSeed.h>

Inheritance diagram for HLTL1TSeed:
HLTStreamFilter edm::stream::EDFilter<> edm::stream::EDFilterBase edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

Public Member Functions

bool hltFilter (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &filterproduct) override
 filter the event More...
 HLTL1TSeed (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 constructor More...
 ~HLTL1TSeed () override
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HLTStreamFilter
 HLTStreamFilter (const edm::ParameterSet &config)
int module (edm::Event const &) const
const std::string * moduleLabel () const
int path (edm::Event const &) const
const std::string * pathName (edm::Event const &) const
std::pair< int, int > pmid (edm::Event const &) const
bool saveTags () const
 ~HLTStreamFilter () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDFilter<>
 EDFilter ()=default
 EDFilter (const EDFilter &)=delete
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
const EDFilteroperator= (const EDFilter &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDFilterBase
 EDFilterBase ()
 EDFilterBase (const EDFilterBase &)=delete
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
const EDFilterBaseoperator= (const EDFilterBase &)=delete
 ~EDFilterBase () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
void callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func)
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const
 ProducerBase ()
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const
std::vector< bool > const & recordProvenanceList () const
void registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &)
std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> registrationCallback () const
 used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel)
TypeLabelList const & typeLabelList () const
 used by the fwk to register the list of products of this module More...
 ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
std::vector< ConsumesInfoconsumesInfo () const
void convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName)
 Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
 EDConsumerBase ()
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
ESProxyIndex const * esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const
std::vector< ESProxyIndex > const & esGetTokenIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const
std::vector< ESRecordIndex > const & esGetTokenRecordIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const
void itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
void itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > const & itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const
void labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const
void modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::array< std::vector< ModuleDescription const *> *, NumBranchTypes > &modulesAll, std::vector< ModuleProcessName > &modulesInPreviousProcesses, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const *> const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const
EDConsumerBase const & operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
EDConsumerBaseoperator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
bool registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const
bool registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const
void selectInputProcessBlocks (ProductRegistry const &productRegistry, ProcessBlockHelperBase const &processBlockHelperBase)
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const
void updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet)
void updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProxyIndices const &)
virtual ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false)

Static Public Member Functions

static void fillDescriptions (edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
 parameter description More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from HLTStreamFilter
static void makeHLTFilterDescription (edm::ParameterSetDescription &desc)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDFilterBase
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)

Private Member Functions

void dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs (trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &) const
 detailed print of filter content More...
bool seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps (edm::Event &, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &)
 seeding is done via L1 trigger object maps, considering the objects which fired in L1 More...
void updateAlgoLogicParser (const L1GtTriggerMenu *, const AlgorithmMap &)
void updateAlgoLogicParser (const std::vector< bool > &gtWord, const std::vector< unsigned int > &triggerMask, const int physicsDaqPartition)

Private Attributes

bool m_isDebugEnabled
 cache edm::isDebugEnabled() More...
GlobalLogicParser m_l1AlgoLogicParser
 logic parser for m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression More...
std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandTokenm_l1AlgoSeeds
 list of required algorithms for seeding More...
std::vector< std::vector< const std::vector< l1t::GlobalObject > * > > m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType
 vector of object-type vectors for each condition in the required algorithms for seeding More...
std::vector< const std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::TokenRPN > * > m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn
 vector of Rpn vectors for the required algorithms for seeding More...
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EGammaBxCollectionm_l1EGammaToken
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollectionm_l1EtSumToken
bool m_l1GlobalDecision
 flag to pass if L1TGlobal accept More...
edm::InputTag m_l1GlobalTag
 InputTag for L1 Global Trigger. More...
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalAlgBlkBxCollectionm_l1GlobalToken
edm::InputTag m_l1GtObjectMapTag
 InputTag for L1 Global Trigger object maps. This is done per menu. Should be part of Run. More...
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalObjectMapRecordm_l1GtObjectMapToken
edm::InputTag m_l1JetCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1JetTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::JetBxCollectionm_l1JetToken
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonShowerBxCollectionm_l1MuonShowerToken
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonBxCollectionm_l1MuonToken
int m_l1NrBxInEvent
std::string m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
edm::InputTag m_l1TauCollectionsTag
 Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection. More...
edm::InputTag m_l1TauTag
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::TauBxCollectionm_l1TauToken

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from edm::stream::EDFilter<>
using CacheTypes = CacheContexts< T... >
using GlobalCache = typename CacheTypes::GlobalCache
using HasAbility = AbilityChecker< T... >
using InputProcessBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::InputProcessBlockCache
using LuminosityBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockCache
using LuminosityBlockContext = LuminosityBlockContextT< LuminosityBlockCache, RunCache, GlobalCache >
using LuminosityBlockSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockSummaryCache
using RunCache = typename CacheTypes::RunCache
using RunContext = RunContextT< RunCache, GlobalCache >
using RunSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::RunSummaryCache
- Public Types inherited from edm::stream::EDFilterBase
typedef EDFilterAdaptorBase ModuleType
- Public Types inherited from edm::ProducerBase
using ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex > >
typedef ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelList TypeLabelList
- Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
typedef ProductLabels Labels
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto produces (std::string instanceName) noexcept
 declare what type of product will make and with which optional label More...
template<Transition B>
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
template<BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
BranchAliasSetter produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true)
template<typename ProductType , Transition B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<class ProductType >
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<class ProductType >
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces (std::string instanceName)
template<typename ProductType , Transition B>
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces ()
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto produces () noexcept
ProducesCollector producesCollector ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B = InEvent>
EDConsumerBaseAdaptor< Bconsumes (edm::InputTag tag) noexcept
EDGetToken consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector ()
 Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<BranchType B>
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes ()
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag)
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
constexpr auto esConsumes ()
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag tag)
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
ESGetTokenGeneric esConsumes (eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey const &iRecord, eventsetup::DataKey const &iKey)
 Used with EventSetupRecord::doGet. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
void resetItemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType)

Detailed Description

Description: filter L1 bits and extract seed objects from L1 GT for HLT algorithms.

Implementation: This class is an HLTStreamFilter (-> stream::EDFilter). It implements:

Definition at line 46 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HLTL1TSeed()

HLTL1TSeed::HLTL1TSeed ( const edm::ParameterSet parSet)


Definition at line 32 of file

References Exception, GlobalLogicParser::expressionSeedsOperandList(), m_l1AlgoLogicParser, m_l1AlgoSeeds, m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType, m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn, m_l1GlobalDecision, m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression, GlobalLogicParser::operandTokenVector(), and findQualityFiles::size.

33  : HLTStreamFilter(parSet),
34  //useObjectMaps_(parSet.getParameter<bool>("L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps")),
35  m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression(parSet.getParameter<string>("L1SeedsLogicalExpression")),
36  m_l1GtObjectMapTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1ObjectMapInputTag")),
37  m_l1GtObjectMapToken(consumes<GlobalObjectMapRecord>(m_l1GtObjectMapTag)),
38  m_l1GlobalTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1GlobalInputTag")),
39  m_l1GlobalToken(consumes<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection>(m_l1GlobalTag)),
40  m_l1MuonCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1MuonInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
42  m_l1MuonToken(consumes<l1t::MuonBxCollection>(m_l1MuonTag)),
44  parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1MuonShowerInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
46  m_l1MuonShowerToken(consumes<l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection>(m_l1MuonShowerTag)),
47  m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1EGammaInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
49  m_l1EGammaToken(consumes<l1t::EGammaBxCollection>(m_l1EGammaTag)),
50  m_l1JetCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1JetInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
52  m_l1JetToken(consumes<l1t::JetBxCollection>(m_l1JetTag)),
53  m_l1TauCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1TauInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
55  m_l1TauToken(consumes<l1t::TauBxCollection>(m_l1TauTag)),
56  m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1EtSumInputTag")), // FIX WHEN UNPACKERS ADDED
58  m_l1EtSumToken(consumes<l1t::EtSumBxCollection>(m_l1EtSumTag)),
59  m_l1GlobalDecision(false),
61  if (m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression.empty()) {
62  throw cms::Exception("FailModule") << "\nTrying to seed with an empty L1SeedsLogicalExpression.\n" << std::endl;
64  } else if (m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression != "L1GlobalDecision") {
65  // check also the logical expression - add/remove spaces if needed
68  // list of required algorithms for seeding
69  // dummy values for tokenNumber and tokenResult
72  size_t l1AlgoSeedsSize = m_l1AlgoSeeds.size();
74  m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn.reserve(l1AlgoSeedsSize);
75  m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType.reserve(l1AlgoSeedsSize);
77  } else {
78  m_l1GlobalDecision = true;
79  }
80 }
Write out results.
std::string m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:97
bool isDebugEnabled()
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollection > m_l1EtSumToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:136
std::vector< const std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::TokenRPN > * > m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn
vector of Rpn vectors for the required algorithms for seeding
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:85
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:110
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:115
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:119
edm::InputTag m_l1JetCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:124
std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken > expressionSeedsOperandList()
edm::InputTag m_l1JetTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:125
edm::InputTag m_l1GtObjectMapTag
InputTag for L1 Global Trigger object maps. This is done per menu. Should be part of Run...
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:100
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::JetBxCollection > m_l1JetToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:126
HLTStreamFilter(const edm::ParameterSet &config)
std::vector< OperandToken > & operandTokenVector()
return the vector of operand tokens
GlobalLogicParser m_l1AlgoLogicParser
logic parser for m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:79
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EGammaBxCollection > m_l1EGammaToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:121
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:135
edm::InputTag m_l1TauTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:130
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:134
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:114
edm::InputTag m_l1TauCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:129
bool m_isDebugEnabled
cache edm::isDebugEnabled()
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:142
std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken > m_l1AlgoSeeds
list of required algorithms for seeding
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:82
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:120
edm::InputTag m_l1GlobalTag
InputTag for L1 Global Trigger.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:104
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection > m_l1GlobalToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:105
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonCollectionsTag
Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:109
bool m_l1GlobalDecision
flag to pass if L1TGlobal accept
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:139
std::vector< std::vector< const std::vector< l1t::GlobalObject > * > > m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType
vector of object-type vectors for each condition in the required algorithms for seeding ...
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:88
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonBxCollection > m_l1MuonToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:111
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::TauBxCollection > m_l1TauToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:131
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection > m_l1MuonShowerToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:116
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalObjectMapRecord > m_l1GtObjectMapToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:101

◆ ~HLTL1TSeed()

HLTL1TSeed::~HLTL1TSeed ( )


Definition at line 83 of file

83  {
84  // empty now
85 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs()

void HLTL1TSeed::dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs ( trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs filterproduct) const

detailed print of filter content

Definition at line 148 of file

References trigger::TriggerRefsCollections::getObjects(), mps_fire::i, LogTrace, m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression, getGTfromDQMFile::obj, trigger::TriggerL1AsymEt, trigger::TriggerL1AsymEtHF, trigger::TriggerL1AsymHt, trigger::TriggerL1AsymHtHF, trigger::TriggerL1Centrality, trigger::TriggerL1EG, trigger::TriggerL1ETM, trigger::TriggerL1ETMHF, trigger::TriggerL1ETT, trigger::TriggerL1HTM, trigger::TriggerL1HTT, trigger::TriggerL1Jet, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM0, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM1, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP0, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP1, trigger::TriggerL1Mu, trigger::TriggerL1MuShower, trigger::TriggerL1Tau, and trigger::TriggerL1TowerCount.

Referenced by hltFilter().

148  {
149  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nHLTL1TSeed::hltFilter "
150  << "\n Dump TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs\n"
151  << endl;
153  vector<l1t::MuonRef> seedsL1Mu;
154  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Mu, seedsL1Mu);
155  const size_t sizeSeedsL1Mu = seedsL1Mu.size();
157  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n HLTL1TSeed: seed logical expression = " << m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression << endl;
159  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1Mu seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1Mu << endl << endl;
161  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1Mu; i++) {
162  l1t::MuonRef obj = l1t::MuonRef(seedsL1Mu[i]);
164  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1Mu "
165  << "\t"
166  << "q = "
167  << obj->hwCharge() // TEMP get hwCharge insead of charge which is not yet set NEED FIX.
168  << "\t"
169  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
170  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
171  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
172  }
174  vector<l1t::MuonShowerRef> seedsL1MuShower;
175  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MuShower, seedsL1MuShower);
176  const size_t sizeSeedsL1MuShower = seedsL1MuShower.size();
178  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n HLTL1TSeed: seed logical expression = " << m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression << endl;
180  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1MuShower seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1MuShower << endl << endl;
182  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1MuShower; i++) {
183  l1t::MuonShowerRef obj = l1t::MuonShowerRef(seedsL1MuShower[i]);
185  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1MuShower "
186  << "\t"
187  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
188  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
189  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
190  }
192  vector<l1t::EGammaRef> seedsL1EG;
193  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1EG, seedsL1EG);
194  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EG = seedsL1EG.size();
196  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EG seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EG << endl << endl;
198  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EG; i++) {
199  l1t::EGammaRef obj = l1t::EGammaRef(seedsL1EG[i]);
201  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EG "
202  << "\t"
203  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
204  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
205  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
206  }
208  vector<l1t::JetRef> seedsL1Jet;
209  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Jet, seedsL1Jet);
210  const size_t sizeSeedsL1Jet = seedsL1Jet.size();
212  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1Jet seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1Jet << endl << endl;
214  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1Jet; i++) {
215  l1t::JetRef obj = l1t::JetRef(seedsL1Jet[i]);
217  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1Jet "
218  << "\t"
219  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
220  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
221  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
222  }
224  vector<l1t::TauRef> seedsL1Tau;
225  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Tau, seedsL1Tau);
226  const size_t sizeSeedsL1Tau = seedsL1Tau.size();
228  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1Tau seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1Tau << endl << endl;
230  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1Tau; i++) {
231  l1t::TauRef obj = l1t::TauRef(seedsL1Tau[i]);
233  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1Tau "
234  << "\t"
235  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
236  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
237  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
238  }
240  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumETT;
241  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1ETT, seedsL1EtSumETT);
242  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumETT = seedsL1EtSumETT.size();
243  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum ETT seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumETT << endl << endl;
245  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumETT; i++) {
246  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumETT[i]);
248  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum ETT"
249  << "\t"
250  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
251  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
252  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
253  }
255  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumHTT;
256  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1HTT, seedsL1EtSumHTT);
257  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTT = seedsL1EtSumHTT.size();
258  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum HTT seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTT << endl << endl;
260  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTT; i++) {
261  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumHTT[i]);
263  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum HTT"
264  << "\t"
265  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
266  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
267  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
268  }
270  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumETM;
271  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1ETM, seedsL1EtSumETM);
272  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumETM = seedsL1EtSumETM.size();
273  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum ETM seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumETM << endl << endl;
275  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumETM; i++) {
276  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumETM[i]);
278  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum ETM"
279  << "\t"
280  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
281  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
282  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
283  }
285  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumETMHF;
286  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1ETMHF, seedsL1EtSumETMHF);
287  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumETMHF = seedsL1EtSumETMHF.size();
288  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum ETMHF seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumETMHF << endl << endl;
290  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumETMHF; i++) {
291  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumETMHF[i]);
293  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum ETMHF"
294  << "\t"
295  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
296  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
297  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
298  }
300  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumHTM;
301  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1HTM, seedsL1EtSumHTM);
302  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTM = seedsL1EtSumHTM.size();
303  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum HTM seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTM << endl << endl;
305  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumHTM; i++) {
306  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumHTM[i]);
308  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum HTM"
309  << "\t"
310  << "pt = " << obj->pt() << "\t"
311  << "eta = " << obj->eta() << "\t"
312  << "phi = " << obj->phi(); //<< "\t" << "BX = " << obj->bx();
313  }
315  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumCentrality;
316  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Centrality, seedsL1EtSumCentrality);
317  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumCentrality = seedsL1EtSumCentrality.size();
318  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum Centrality seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumCentrality << endl << endl;
320  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumCentrality; i++) {
321  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumCentrality[i]);
323  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum Centrality Bits: " << std::bitset<8>(obj->hwPt())
324  << " (hwPt = " << obj->hwPt() << ")";
325  }
327  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0;
328  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP0, seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0);
329  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0 = seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0.size();
330  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum MinBiasHFP0 seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0 << endl << endl;
332  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0; i++) {
333  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP0[i]);
335  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum MinBiasHFP0: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
336  }
338  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0;
339  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM0, seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0);
340  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0 = seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0.size();
341  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum MinBiasHFM0 seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0 << endl << endl;
343  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0; i++) {
344  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM0[i]);
346  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum MinBiasHFM0: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
347  }
349  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1;
350  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP1, seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1);
351  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1 = seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1.size();
352  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum MinBiasHFP1 seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1 << endl << endl;
354  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1; i++) {
355  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFP1[i]);
357  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum MinBiasHFP1: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
358  }
360  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1;
361  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM1, seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1);
362  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1 = seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1.size();
363  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum MinBiasHFM1 seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1 << endl << endl;
365  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1; i++) {
366  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumMinBiasHFM1[i]);
368  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum MinBiasHFM1: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
369  }
371  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumTowerCount;
372  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1TowerCount, seedsL1EtSumTowerCount);
373  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumTowerCount = seedsL1EtSumTowerCount.size();
374  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum TowerCount seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumTowerCount << endl << endl;
376  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumTowerCount; i++) {
377  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumTowerCount[i]);
379  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum TowerCount: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
380  }
382  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumAsymEt;
383  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1AsymEt, seedsL1EtSumAsymEt);
384  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEt = seedsL1EtSumAsymEt.size();
385  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum AsymEt seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEt << endl << endl;
387  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEt; i++) {
388  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumAsymEt[i]);
390  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum AsymEt: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
391  }
393  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumAsymHt;
394  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1AsymHt, seedsL1EtSumAsymHt);
395  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHt = seedsL1EtSumAsymHt.size();
396  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum AsymHt seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHt << endl << endl;
398  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHt; i++) {
399  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumAsymHt[i]);
401  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum AsymHt: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
402  }
404  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF;
405  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1AsymEtHF, seedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF);
406  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF = seedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF.size();
407  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum AsymEtHF seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF << endl << endl;
409  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF; i++) {
410  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumAsymEtHF[i]);
412  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum AsymEtHF: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
413  }
415  vector<l1t::EtSumRef> seedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF;
416  filterproduct.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1AsymHtHF, seedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF);
417  const size_t sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF = seedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF.size();
418  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n L1EtSum AsymHtHF seeds: " << sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF << endl << endl;
420  for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeSeedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF; i++) {
421  l1t::EtSumRef obj = l1t::EtSumRef(seedsL1EtSumAsymHtHF[i]);
423  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tL1EtSum AsymHtHF: hwPt = " << obj->hwPt();
424  }
426  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << " \n\n" << endl;
427 }
std::string m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:97
void getObjects(Vids &ids, VRphoton &refs) const
various physics-level getters:
edm::Ref< EGammaBxCollection > EGammaRef
Definition: TkEGTau.h:35
enum start value shifted to 81 so as to avoid clashes with PDG codes
edm::Ref< JetBxCollection > JetRef
Definition: Jet.h:12
edm::Ref< EtSumBxCollection > EtSumRef
Definition: EtSum.h:12
#define LogTrace(id)
edm::Ref< TauBxCollection > TauRef
Definition: Tau.h:12
edm::Ref< MuonShowerBxCollection > MuonShowerRef
Definition: MuonShower.h:20
edm::Ref< MuonBxCollection > MuonRef
Definition: Muon.h:13

◆ fillDescriptions()

void HLTL1TSeed::fillDescriptions ( edm::ConfigurationDescriptions descriptions)

parameter description

Definition at line 89 of file

References edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::add(), submitPVResolutionJobs::desc, HLT_2022v14_cff::InputTag, and HLTStreamFilter::makeHLTFilterDescription().

89  {
93  // # logical expression for the required L1 algorithms;
94  // # the algorithms are specified by name
95  // # allowed operators: "AND", "OR", "NOT", "(", ")"
96  // #
97  // # by convention, "L1GlobalDecision" logical expression means global decision
98  desc.add<string>("L1SeedsLogicalExpression", "");
99  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1ObjectMapInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2ObjectMap"));
100  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1GlobalInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis"));
101  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1MuonInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:Muon"));
102  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1MuonShowerInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:MuonShower"));
103  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1EGammaInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:EGamma"));
104  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1JetInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:Jet"));
105  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1TauInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:Tau"));
106  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("L1EtSumInputTag", edm::InputTag("hltGtStage2Digis:EtSum"));
107  descriptions.add("hltL1TSeed", desc);
108 }
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
static void makeHLTFilterDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription &desc)

◆ hltFilter()

bool HLTL1TSeed::hltFilter ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup evSetup,
trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs filterproduct 

filter the event

Implements HLTStreamFilter.

Definition at line 110 of file

References trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs::addCollectionTag(), dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs(), iEvent, m_isDebugEnabled, m_l1EGammaTag, m_l1EtSumTag, m_l1JetTag, m_l1MuonShowerTag, m_l1MuonTag, m_l1TauTag, HLTStreamFilter::saveTags(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

112  {
113  bool rc = false;
115  // the filter object
116  if (saveTags()) {
117  // muons
118  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1MuonTag);
120  // muon showers
121  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1MuonShowerTag);
123  // egamma
124  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1EGammaTag);
126  // jet
127  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1JetTag);
129  // tau
130  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1TauTag);
132  // etsum
133  filterproduct.addCollectionTag(m_l1EtSumTag);
134  }
136  // Get all the seeding from iEvent (i.e. L1TriggerObjectMapRecord)
137  //
138  rc = seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps(iEvent, filterproduct);
140  if (m_isDebugEnabled) {
141  dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs(filterproduct);
142  }
144  return rc;
145 }
bool saveTags() const
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:110
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:115
bool seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps(edm::Event &, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &)
seeding is done via L1 trigger object maps, considering the objects which fired in L1 ...
void dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs(trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &) const
detailed print of filter content
int iEvent
edm::InputTag m_l1JetTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:125
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:135
edm::InputTag m_l1TauTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:130
bool m_isDebugEnabled
cache edm::isDebugEnabled()
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:142
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:120
void addCollectionTag(const edm::InputTag &collectionTag)

◆ seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps()

bool HLTL1TSeed::seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps ( edm::Event iEvent,
trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs filterproduct 

seeding is done via L1 trigger object maps, considering the objects which fired in L1

Loop over the list of required algorithms for seeding /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Unpacked GT result of algorithm is false after masks and prescales - no seeds ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Emulated GT result of algorithm is false - no seeds - but still save the event

Definition at line 430 of file

References trigger::TriggerRefsCollections::addObject(), GlobalObjectMap::algoBitNumber(), GlobalObjectMap::algoGtlResult(), MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm_cfi::algoName, GlobalObjectMap::algoName(), cms::cuda::assert(), BXVector< T >::at(), BXVector< T >::begin(), GlobalObjectMap::combinationVector(), HLT_2022v14_cff::distance, BXVector< T >::end(), Exception, GlobalLogicParser::expressionResult(), GlobalObjectMap::getCombinationsInCond(), GlobalObjectMapRecord::getObjectMap(), l1t::gtAsymmetryEt, l1t::gtAsymmetryEtHF, l1t::gtAsymmetryHt, l1t::gtAsymmetryHtHF, l1t::gtCentrality0, l1t::gtCentrality1, l1t::gtCentrality2, l1t::gtCentrality3, l1t::gtCentrality4, l1t::gtCentrality5, l1t::gtCentrality6, l1t::gtCentrality7, l1t::gtEG, l1t::gtETM, l1t::gtETMHF, l1t::gtETT, l1t::gtETTem, l1t::gtHTM, l1t::gtHTT, l1t::gtJet, l1t::gtMinBiasHFM0, l1t::gtMinBiasHFM1, l1t::gtMinBiasHFP0, l1t::gtMinBiasHFP1, l1t::gtMu, l1t::gtMuShower, GlobalObjectMapRecord::gtObjectMap(), l1t::gtTau, l1t::gtTowerCount, mps_fire::i, iEvent, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), PDWG_EXODelayedJetMET_cff::jets, l1t::EtSum::kAsymEt, l1t::EtSum::kAsymEtHF, l1t::EtSum::kAsymHt, l1t::EtSum::kAsymHtHF, l1t::EtSum::kCentrality, BXVector< T >::key(), l1t::EtSum::kMinBiasHFM0, l1t::EtSum::kMinBiasHFM1, l1t::EtSum::kMinBiasHFP0, l1t::EtSum::kMinBiasHFP1, l1t::EtSum::kMissingEt, l1t::EtSum::kMissingEtHF, l1t::EtSum::kMissingHt, l1t::EtSum::kTotalEt, l1t::EtSum::kTotalEtEm, l1t::EtSum::kTotalHt, l1t::EtSum::kTowerCount, LogTrace, m_isDebugEnabled, m_l1AlgoLogicParser, m_l1AlgoSeeds, m_l1EGammaTag, m_l1EGammaToken, m_l1EtSumTag, m_l1EtSumToken, m_l1GlobalDecision, m_l1GlobalTag, m_l1GlobalToken, m_l1GtObjectMapTag, m_l1GtObjectMapToken, m_l1JetTag, m_l1JetToken, m_l1MuonShowerTag, m_l1MuonShowerToken, m_l1MuonTag, m_l1MuonToken, m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression, m_l1TauTag, m_l1TauToken, PDWG_BPHSkim_cff::muons, GlobalObjectMap::objectTypeVector(), GlobalObjectMap::operandTokenVector(), GlobalLogicParser::operandTokenVector(), BXVector< T >::size(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, Tau3MuMonitor_cff::taus, trigger::TriggerL1AsymEt, trigger::TriggerL1AsymEtHF, trigger::TriggerL1AsymHt, trigger::TriggerL1AsymHtHF, trigger::TriggerL1Centrality, trigger::TriggerL1EG, trigger::TriggerL1ETM, trigger::TriggerL1ETMHF, trigger::TriggerL1ETT, trigger::TriggerL1HTM, trigger::TriggerL1HTT, trigger::TriggerL1Jet, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM0, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM1, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP0, trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP1, trigger::TriggerL1Mu, trigger::TriggerL1MuShower, trigger::TriggerL1Tau, trigger::TriggerL1TotalEtEm, and trigger::TriggerL1TowerCount.

Referenced by hltFilter().

430  {
431  // Two GT objects are obtained from the Event: (1) the unpacked GT and (2) the emulated GT.
432  // Return value of the function is the score of seeding logical expression, evaluated using (1).
433  // Seeding is performed (per l1_algo) if ACCEPT both in (1) and (2). Seed objects are identified
434  // and only available from ObjectMaps created in (2).
436  // define index lists for all particle types
438  std::list<int> listMuon;
439  std::list<int> listMuonShower;
441  std::list<int> listEG;
443  std::list<int> listJet;
444  std::list<int> listTau;
446  std::list<int> listETM;
447  std::list<int> listETT;
448  std::list<int> listHTT;
449  std::list<int> listHTM;
450  std::list<int> listETMHF;
452  std::list<int> listJetCounts;
454  std::list<int> listCentrality;
455  std::list<int> listMinBiasHFP0;
456  std::list<int> listMinBiasHFM0;
457  std::list<int> listMinBiasHFP1;
458  std::list<int> listMinBiasHFM1;
459  std::list<int> listTotalEtEm;
460  std::list<int> listMissingEtHF;
461  std::list<int> listTowerCount;
462  std::list<int> listAsymEt;
463  std::list<int> listAsymHt;
464  std::list<int> listAsymEtHF;
465  std::list<int> listAsymHtHF;
467  // get handle to unpacked GT
469  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1GlobalToken, uGtAlgoBlocks);
471  if (!uGtAlgoBlocks.isValid()) {
472  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << " Warning: GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1GlobalTag
473  << " requested in configuration, but not found in the event." << std::endl;
475  return false;
476  }
478  // check size
479  if (uGtAlgoBlocks->size() == 0) {
480  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << " Warning: GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1GlobalTag
481  << " is empty." << std::endl;
483  return false;
484  }
486  // get handle to object maps from emulator (one object map per algorithm)
487  edm::Handle<GlobalObjectMapRecord> gtObjectMapRecord;
488  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1GtObjectMapToken, gtObjectMapRecord);
490  if (!gtObjectMapRecord.isValid()) {
491  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << " Warning: GlobalObjectMapRecord with input tag " << m_l1GtObjectMapTag
492  << " requested in configuration, but not found in the event." << std::endl;
494  return false;
495  }
497  if (m_isDebugEnabled) {
498  const std::vector<GlobalObjectMap>& objMaps = gtObjectMapRecord->gtObjectMap();
500  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nHLTL1Seed"
501  << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
502  "-------------------------------";
504  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed")
505  << "\n\tAlgorithms in L1TriggerObjectMapRecord and GT results ( emulated | initial | prescaled | final ) "
506  << endl;
508  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n\tmap"
509  << "\tAlgoBit" << std::setw(40) << "algoName"
510  << "\t (emul|ini|pre|fin)" << endl;
512  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
513  "-----------------------------";
515  for (size_t imap = 0; imap < objMaps.size(); imap++) {
516  int bit = objMaps[imap].algoBitNumber(); // same as bit from L1T Menu
518  int emulDecision = objMaps[imap].algoGtlResult();
520  // For bx=0 , get 0th AlgoBlock, so in BXvector at(bx=0,i=0)
521  int initDecision = (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getAlgoDecisionInitial(bit);
522  int presDecision = (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getAlgoDecisionInterm(bit);
523  int finlDecision = (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getAlgoDecisionFinal(bit);
525  if (emulDecision != initDecision) {
526  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "L1T decision (emulated vs. unpacked initial) is not the same:"
527  << "\n\tbit = " << std::setw(3) << bit << std::setw(40) << objMaps[imap].algoName()
528  << "\t emulated decision = " << emulDecision
529  << "\t unpacked initial decision = " << initDecision
530  << "\nThis should not happen. Include the L1TGtEmulCompare module in the sequence."
531  << endl;
532  }
534  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\t" << std::setw(3) << imap << "\tbit = " << std::setw(3) << bit << std::setw(40)
535  << objMaps[imap].algoName() << "\t ( " << emulDecision << " | " << initDecision << " | "
536  << presDecision << " | " << finlDecision << " ) ";
537  }
538  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << endl;
539  }
541  // Filter decision in case of "L1GlobalDecision" logical expression.
542  // By convention, it means global decision.
543  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
544  if (m_l1GlobalDecision) {
545  // For bx=0 , get 0th AlgoBlock, so in BXvector at(bx=0,i=0)
546  return (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getFinalOR();
547  }
549  // Update/Reset m_l1AlgoLogicParser by reseting token result
550  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
551  std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken>& algOpTokenVector = m_l1AlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector();
553  for (auto& i : algOpTokenVector) {
554  // rest token result
555  //
556  i.tokenResult = false;
557  }
559  // Update m_l1AlgoLogicParser and store emulator results for algOpTokens
560  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
561  for (auto& i : algOpTokenVector) {
562  std::string algoName = i.tokenName;
564  const GlobalObjectMap* objMap = gtObjectMapRecord->getObjectMap(algoName);
566  if (objMap == nullptr) {
567  throw cms::Exception("FailModule")
568  << "\nAlgorithm " << algoName
569  << ", requested as seed by a HLT path, cannot be matched to a L1 algo name in any GlobalObjectMap\n"
570  << "Please check if algorithm " << algoName << " is present in the L1 menu\n"
571  << std::endl;
573  } else {
574  //(algOpTokenVector[i]).tokenResult = objMap->algoGtlResult();
576  int bit = objMap->algoBitNumber();
577  bool finalAlgoDecision = (uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0)).getAlgoDecisionFinal(bit);
578  i.tokenResult = finalAlgoDecision;
579  }
580  }
582  // Filter decision
583  // ///////////////
584  bool seedsResult = m_l1AlgoLogicParser.expressionResult();
586  if (m_isDebugEnabled) {
587  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nHLTL1TSeed: l1SeedsLogicalExpression (names) = '" << m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression << "'"
588  << "\n Result for logical expression after update of algOpTokens: " << seedsResult << "\n"
589  << std::endl;
590  }
595  for (std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken>::const_iterator itSeed = m_l1AlgoSeeds.begin();
596  itSeed != m_l1AlgoSeeds.end();
597  ++itSeed) {
598  std::string algoSeedName = (*itSeed).tokenName;
600  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n ---------------- algo seed name = " << algoSeedName << endl;
602  const GlobalObjectMap* objMap = gtObjectMapRecord->getObjectMap(algoSeedName);
604  if (objMap == nullptr) {
605  // Should not get here
606  //
607  throw cms::Exception("FailModule")
608  << "\nAlgorithm " << algoSeedName
609  << ", requested as seed by a HLT path, cannot be matched to a L1 algo name in any GlobalObjectMap\n"
610  << "Please check if algorithm " << algoSeedName << " is present in the L1 menu\n"
611  << std::endl;
612  }
614  int algoSeedBitNumber = objMap->algoBitNumber();
615  bool algoSeedResult = objMap->algoGtlResult();
617  // unpacked GT results: uGtAlgoBlock has decisions initial, prescaled, and final after masks
618  bool algoSeedResultMaskAndPresc = uGtAlgoBlocks->at(0, 0).getAlgoDecisionFinal(algoSeedBitNumber);
620  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n\tAlgo seed " << algoSeedName << " result emulated | final = " << algoSeedResult
621  << " | " << algoSeedResultMaskAndPresc << endl;
625  if (!algoSeedResultMaskAndPresc)
626  continue;
629  // This should not happen if the emulated and unpacked GT are consistent
631  if (!algoSeedResult)
632  continue;
634  const std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken>& opTokenVecObjMap = objMap->operandTokenVector();
635  const std::vector<L1TObjectTypeInCond>& condObjTypeVec = objMap->objectTypeVector();
636  const std::vector<CombinationsInCond>& condCombinations = objMap->combinationVector();
638  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n\talgoName =" << objMap->algoName() << "\talgoBitNumber = " << algoSeedBitNumber
639  << "\talgoGtlResult = " << algoSeedResult << endl
640  << endl;
642  if (opTokenVecObjMap.size() != condObjTypeVec.size()) {
643  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
644  << "\nWarning: GlobalObjectMapRecord with input tag " << m_l1GtObjectMapTag
645  << "\nhas object map for bit number " << algoSeedBitNumber
646  << " which contains different size vectors of operand tokens and of condition object types!" << std::endl;
648  assert(opTokenVecObjMap.size() == condObjTypeVec.size());
649  }
651  if (opTokenVecObjMap.size() != condCombinations.size()) {
652  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed")
653  << "\nWarning: GlobalObjectMapRecord with input tag " << m_l1GtObjectMapTag
654  << "\nhas object map for bit number " << algoSeedBitNumber
655  << " which contains different size vectors of operand tokens and of condition object combinations!"
656  << std::endl;
658  assert(opTokenVecObjMap.size() == condCombinations.size());
659  }
661  // operands are conditions of L1 algo
662  //
663  for (size_t condNumber = 0; condNumber < opTokenVecObjMap.size(); condNumber++) {
664  std::vector<l1t::GlobalObject> condObjType = condObjTypeVec[condNumber];
666  for (auto& jOb : condObjType) {
667  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << setw(15) << "\tcondObjType = " << jOb << endl;
668  }
670  const std::string condName = opTokenVecObjMap[condNumber].tokenName;
671  bool condResult = opTokenVecObjMap[condNumber].tokenResult;
673  // only procede for conditions that passed
674  //
675  if (!condResult) {
676  continue;
677  }
679  // loop over combinations for a given condition
680  //
681  const CombinationsInCond* condComb = objMap->getCombinationsInCond(condNumber);
683  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << setw(15) << "\tcondCombinations = " << condComb->size() << endl;
685  for (auto const& itComb : (*condComb)) {
686  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << setw(15) << "\tnew combination" << endl;
688  // loop over objects in a combination for a given condition
689  //
690  for (auto itObject = itComb.begin(); itObject != itComb.end(); itObject++) {
691  // in case of object-less triggers (e.g. L1_ZeroBias) condObjType vector is empty, so don't seed!
692  //
693  if (condObjType.empty()) {
694  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed")
695  << "\talgoName = " << objMap->algoName()
696  << " is object-less L1 algorithm, so do not attempt to store any objects to the list of seeds.\n"
697  << std::endl;
698  continue;
699  }
701  // the index of the object type is the same as the index of the object
702  size_t iType = std::distance(itComb.begin(), itObject);
704  // get object type and push indices on the list
705  //
706  const l1t::GlobalObject objTypeVal =;
708  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\tAdd object of type " << objTypeVal << " and index " << (*itObject)
709  << " to the seed list." << std::endl;
712  //gtMinBias,
713  //gtExternal,
714  //ObjNull
716  switch (objTypeVal) {
717  case l1t::gtMu: {
718  listMuon.push_back(*itObject);
719  } break;
720  case l1t::gtMuShower: {
721  listMuonShower.push_back(*itObject);
722  } break;
723  case l1t::gtEG: {
724  listEG.push_back(*itObject);
725  } break;
726  case l1t::gtJet: {
727  listJet.push_back(*itObject);
728  } break;
729  case l1t::gtTau: {
730  listTau.push_back(*itObject);
731  } break;
732  case l1t::gtETM: {
733  listETM.push_back(*itObject);
734  } break;
735  case l1t::gtETT: {
736  listETT.push_back(*itObject);
737  } break;
738  case l1t::gtHTT: {
739  listHTT.push_back(*itObject);
740  } break;
741  case l1t::gtHTM: {
742  listHTM.push_back(*itObject);
743  } break;
744  case l1t::gtETMHF: {
745  listETMHF.push_back(*itObject);
746  } break;
747  case l1t::gtTowerCount: {
748  listTowerCount.push_back(*itObject);
749  } break;
750  case l1t::gtMinBiasHFP0: {
751  listMinBiasHFP0.push_back(*itObject);
752  } break;
753  case l1t::gtMinBiasHFM0: {
754  listMinBiasHFM0.push_back(*itObject);
755  } break;
756  case l1t::gtMinBiasHFP1: {
757  listMinBiasHFP1.push_back(*itObject);
758  } break;
759  case l1t::gtMinBiasHFM1: {
760  listMinBiasHFM1.push_back(*itObject);
761  } break;
762  case l1t::gtETTem: {
763  listTotalEtEm.push_back(*itObject);
764  } break;
765  case l1t::gtAsymmetryEt: {
766  listAsymEt.push_back(*itObject);
767  } break;
768  case l1t::gtAsymmetryHt: {
769  listAsymHt.push_back(*itObject);
770  } break;
771  case l1t::gtAsymmetryEtHF: {
772  listAsymEtHF.push_back(*itObject);
773  } break;
774  case l1t::gtAsymmetryHtHF: {
775  listAsymHtHF.push_back(*itObject);
776  } break;
777  case l1t::gtCentrality0:
778  case l1t::gtCentrality1:
779  case l1t::gtCentrality2:
780  case l1t::gtCentrality3:
781  case l1t::gtCentrality4:
782  case l1t::gtCentrality5:
783  case l1t::gtCentrality6:
784  case l1t::gtCentrality7: {
785  listCentrality.push_back(*itObject);
786  } break;
788  //case JetCounts: {
789  // listJetCounts.push_back(*itObject);
790  //}
792  break;
793  default: {
794  // should not arrive here
796  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\n HLTL1TSeed::hltFilter "
797  << "\n Unknown object of type " << objTypeVal << " and index " << (*itObject)
798  << " in the seed list." << std::endl;
799  } break;
801  } // end switch objTypeVal
803  } // end for itObj
805  } // end for itComb
807  } // end for condition
809  } // end for itSeed
811  // eliminate duplicates
813  listMuon.sort();
814  listMuon.unique();
816  listMuonShower.sort();
817  listMuonShower.unique();
819  listEG.sort();
820  listEG.unique();
822  listJet.sort();
823  listJet.unique();
825  listTau.sort();
826  listTau.unique();
828  listETM.sort();
829  listETM.unique();
831  listETT.sort();
832  listETT.unique();
834  listHTT.sort();
835  listHTT.unique();
837  listHTM.sort();
838  listHTM.unique();
840  listETMHF.sort();
841  listETMHF.unique();
843  listJetCounts.sort();
844  listJetCounts.unique();
846  listCentrality.sort();
847  listCentrality.unique();
849  listMinBiasHFP0.sort();
850  listMinBiasHFP0.unique();
852  listMinBiasHFM0.sort();
853  listMinBiasHFM0.unique();
855  listMinBiasHFP1.sort();
856  listMinBiasHFP1.unique();
858  listMinBiasHFM1.sort();
859  listMinBiasHFM1.unique();
861  listTotalEtEm.sort();
862  listTotalEtEm.unique();
864  listMissingEtHF.sort();
865  listMissingEtHF.unique();
867  listTowerCount.sort();
868  listTowerCount.unique();
870  listAsymEt.sort();
871  listAsymEt.unique();
873  listAsymHt.sort();
874  listAsymHt.unique();
876  listAsymEtHF.sort();
877  listAsymEtHF.unique();
879  listAsymHtHF.sort();
880  listAsymHtHF.unique();
882  // record the L1 physics objects in the HLT filterproduct
883  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
885  // Muon
886  if (!listMuon.empty()) {
888  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1MuonToken, muons);
890  if (!muons.isValid()) {
891  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1MuonBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1MuonTag
892  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
893  << "\nNo muons added to filterproduct." << endl;
894  } else {
895  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listMuon.begin(); itObj != listMuon.end(); ++itObj) {
896  // Transform to index for Bx = 0 to begin of BxVector
897  unsigned int index = muons->begin(0) - muons->begin() + *itObj;
899  l1t::MuonRef myref(muons, index);
900  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1Mu, myref);
901  }
902  }
903  }
905  // Muon Shower
906  if (!listMuonShower.empty()) {
908  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1MuonShowerToken, muonShowers);
910  if (!muonShowers.isValid()) {
911  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1MuonShowerBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1MuonShowerTag
912  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
913  << "\nNo muon showers added to filterproduct." << endl;
914  } else {
915  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listMuonShower.begin(); itObj != listMuonShower.end(); ++itObj) {
916  // Transform to index for Bx = 0 to begin of BxVector
917  unsigned int index = muonShowers->begin(0) - muonShowers->begin() + *itObj;
919  l1t::MuonShowerRef myref(muonShowers, index);
920  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MuShower, myref);
921  }
922  }
923  }
925  // EG (isolated)
926  if (!listEG.empty()) {
928  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1EGammaToken, egammas);
929  if (!egammas.isValid()) {
930  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1EGammaBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1EGammaTag
931  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
932  << "\nNo egammas added to filterproduct." << endl;
933  } else {
934  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listEG.begin(); itObj != listEG.end(); ++itObj) {
935  // Transform to begin of BxVector
936  unsigned int index = egammas->begin(0) - egammas->begin() + *itObj;
938  l1t::EGammaRef myref(egammas, index);
939  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1EG, myref);
940  }
941  }
942  }
944  // Jet
945  if (!listJet.empty()) {
947  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1JetToken, jets);
949  if (!jets.isValid()) {
950  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1JetBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1JetTag
951  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
952  << "\nNo jets added to filterproduct." << endl;
953  } else {
954  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listJet.begin(); itObj != listJet.end(); ++itObj) {
955  // Transform to begin of BxVector
956  unsigned int index = jets->begin(0) - jets->begin() + *itObj;
958  l1t::JetRef myref(jets, index);
959  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1Jet, myref);
960  }
961  }
962  }
964  // Tau
965  if (!listTau.empty()) {
967  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1TauToken, taus);
969  if (!taus.isValid()) {
970  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1TauBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1TauTag
971  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
972  << "\nNo taus added to filterproduct." << endl;
973  } else {
974  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listTau.begin(); itObj != listTau.end(); ++itObj) {
975  // Transform to begin of BxVector
976  unsigned int index = taus->begin(0) - taus->begin() + *itObj;
978  l1t::TauRef myref(taus, index);
979  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1Tau, myref);
980  }
981  }
982  }
984  // ETT, HTT, ETM, HTM
986  iEvent.getByToken(m_l1EtSumToken, etsums);
987  if (!etsums.isValid()) {
988  edm::LogWarning("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nWarning: L1EtSumBxCollection with input tag " << m_l1EtSumTag
989  << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
990  << "\nNo etsums added to filterproduct." << endl;
991  } else {
994  for (iter = etsums->begin(0); iter != etsums->end(0); ++iter) {
995  l1t::EtSumRef myref(etsums, etsums->key(iter));
997  switch (iter->getType()) {
999  if (!listETT.empty())
1000  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1ETT, myref);
1001  break;
1002  case l1t::EtSum::kTotalHt:
1003  if (!listHTT.empty())
1004  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1HTT, myref);
1005  break;
1007  if (!listETM.empty())
1008  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1ETM, myref);
1009  break;
1011  if (!listHTM.empty())
1012  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1HTM, myref);
1013  break;
1015  if (!listETMHF.empty())
1016  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1ETMHF, myref);
1017  break;
1019  if (!listCentrality.empty())
1020  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1Centrality, myref);
1021  break;
1023  if (!listMinBiasHFP0.empty())
1024  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP0, myref);
1025  break;
1027  if (!listMinBiasHFM0.empty())
1028  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM0, myref);
1029  break;
1031  if (!listMinBiasHFP1.empty())
1032  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFP1, myref);
1033  break;
1035  if (!listMinBiasHFM1.empty())
1036  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1MinBiasHFM1, myref);
1037  break;
1039  if (!listTotalEtEm.empty())
1040  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1TotalEtEm, myref);
1041  break;
1043  if (!listTowerCount.empty())
1044  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1TowerCount, myref);
1045  break;
1046  case l1t::EtSum::kAsymEt:
1047  if (!listAsymEt.empty())
1048  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1AsymEt, myref);
1049  break;
1050  case l1t::EtSum::kAsymHt:
1051  if (!listAsymHt.empty())
1052  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1AsymHt, myref);
1053  break;
1054  case l1t::EtSum::kAsymEtHF:
1055  if (!listAsymEtHF.empty())
1056  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1AsymEtHF, myref);
1057  break;
1058  case l1t::EtSum::kAsymHtHF:
1059  if (!listAsymHtHF.empty())
1060  filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1AsymHtHF, myref);
1061  break;
1062  default:
1063  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << " L1EtSum seed of currently unsuported HLT TriggerType. l1t::EtSum type: "
1064  << iter->getType() << "\n";
1066  } // end switch
1068  } // end for
1070  } // end else
1072  // TODO FIXME uncomment if block when JetCounts implemented
1074  // // jet counts
1075  // if (!listJetCounts.empty()) {
1076  // edm::Handle<l1extra::L1JetCounts> l1JetCounts;
1077  // iEvent.getByToken(m_l1CollectionsToken.label(), l1JetCounts);
1078  //
1079  // for (std::list<int>::const_iterator itObj = listJetCounts.begin();
1080  // itObj != listJetCounts.end(); ++itObj) {
1081  //
1082  // filterproduct.addObject(trigger::TriggerL1JetCounts,l1extra::L1JetCountsRefProd(l1JetCounts));
1083  // // FIXME: RefProd!
1084  //
1085  // }
1086  //
1087  // }
1089  LogTrace("HLTL1TSeed") << "\nHLTL1Seed:seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps returning " << seedsResult << endl << endl;
1091  return seedsResult;
1092 }
const std::vector< L1TObjectTypeInCond > & objectTypeVector() const
std::string m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:97
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EtSumBxCollection > m_l1EtSumToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:136
unsigned int key(const_iterator &iter) const
Definition: BXVector.h:101
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:110
edm::InputTag m_l1MuonShowerTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:115
enum start value shifted to 81 so as to avoid clashes with PDG codes
Definition: GlobalObject.h:16
const std::vector< CombinationsInCond > & combinationVector() const
assert(be >=bs)
#define LogTrace(id)
const CombinationsInCond * getCombinationsInCond(const std::string &condNameVal) const
return all the combinations passing the requirements imposed in condition condNameVal ...
const_iterator begin(int bx) const
unsigned size(int bx) const
void addObject(int id, const reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef &ref)
setters for L3 collections: (id=physics type, and Ref<C>)
std::vector< T >::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: BXVector.h:18
bool algoGtlResult() const
int iEvent
edm::InputTag m_l1JetTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:125
edm::InputTag m_l1GtObjectMapTag
InputTag for L1 Global Trigger object maps. This is done per menu. Should be part of Run...
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:100
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::JetBxCollection > m_l1JetToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:126
std::vector< OperandToken > & operandTokenVector()
return the vector of operand tokens
GlobalLogicParser m_l1AlgoLogicParser
logic parser for m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:79
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::EGammaBxCollection > m_l1EGammaToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:121
edm::InputTag m_l1EtSumTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:135
edm::InputTag m_l1TauTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:130
const T & at(int bx, unsigned i) const
const std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken > & operandTokenVector() const
const std::vector< GlobalObjectMap > & gtObjectMap() const
get / set the vector of object maps
bool m_isDebugEnabled
cache edm::isDebugEnabled()
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:142
std::vector< GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken > m_l1AlgoSeeds
list of required algorithms for seeding
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:82
const GlobalObjectMap * getObjectMap(const std::string &algoNameVal) const
return the object map for the algorithm algoNameVal
edm::InputTag m_l1EGammaTag
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:120
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
const std::string & algoName() const
int algoBitNumber() const
get / set bit number for algorithm in the object map
edm::InputTag m_l1GlobalTag
InputTag for L1 Global Trigger.
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:104
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection > m_l1GlobalToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:105
const_iterator end(int bx) const
bool m_l1GlobalDecision
flag to pass if L1TGlobal accept
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:139
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
virtual const bool expressionResult() const
std::vector< SingleCombInCond > CombinationsInCond
all the object combinations evaluated to true in the condition
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonBxCollection > m_l1MuonToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:111
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::TauBxCollection > m_l1TauToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:131
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection > m_l1MuonShowerToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:116
edm::EDGetTokenT< GlobalObjectMapRecord > m_l1GtObjectMapToken
Definition: HLTL1TSeed.h:101

◆ updateAlgoLogicParser() [1/2]

void HLTL1TSeed::updateAlgoLogicParser ( const L1GtTriggerMenu ,
const AlgorithmMap  

update the tokenNumber (holding the bit numbers) from m_l1AlgoLogicParser for a new L1 Trigger menu

Definition at line 63 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

63 {};

◆ updateAlgoLogicParser() [2/2]

void HLTL1TSeed::updateAlgoLogicParser ( const std::vector< bool > &  gtWord,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  triggerMask,
const int  physicsDaqPartition 

update the tokenResult members from m_l1AlgoLogicParser for a new event

Definition at line 67 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

69  {};

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_isDebugEnabled

bool HLTL1TSeed::m_isDebugEnabled

cache edm::isDebugEnabled()

Definition at line 142 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1AlgoLogicParser

GlobalLogicParser HLTL1TSeed::m_l1AlgoLogicParser

logic parser for m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression

Definition at line 79 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1AlgoSeeds

std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::OperandToken> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1AlgoSeeds

list of required algorithms for seeding

Definition at line 82 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType

std::vector<std::vector<const std::vector<l1t::GlobalObject>*> > HLTL1TSeed::m_l1AlgoSeedsObjType

vector of object-type vectors for each condition in the required algorithms for seeding

Definition at line 88 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed().

◆ m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn

std::vector<const std::vector<GlobalLogicParser::TokenRPN>*> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1AlgoSeedsRpn

vector of Rpn vectors for the required algorithms for seeding

Definition at line 85 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed().

◆ m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EGammaCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.

Definition at line 119 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1EGammaTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EGammaTag

Definition at line 120 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1EGammaToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EGammaBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EGammaToken

Definition at line 121 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.

Definition at line 134 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1EtSumTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumTag

Definition at line 135 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1EtSumToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EtSumBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1EtSumToken

Definition at line 136 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GlobalDecision

bool HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GlobalDecision

flag to pass if L1TGlobal accept

Definition at line 139 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by HLTL1TSeed(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GlobalTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GlobalTag

InputTag for L1 Global Trigger.

Definition at line 104 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GlobalToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GlobalToken

Definition at line 105 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GtObjectMapTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GtObjectMapTag

InputTag for L1 Global Trigger object maps. This is done per menu. Should be part of Run.

Definition at line 100 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1GtObjectMapToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<GlobalObjectMapRecord> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1GtObjectMapToken

Definition at line 101 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1JetCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1JetCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.

Definition at line 124 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1JetTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1JetTag

Definition at line 125 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1JetToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::JetBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1JetToken

Definition at line 126 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1MuonCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection.

Definition at line 109 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1MuonShowerCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonShowerCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Muon collection.

Definition at line 114 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1MuonShowerTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonShowerTag

Definition at line 115 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1MuonShowerToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonShowerToken

Definition at line 116 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1MuonTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonTag

Definition at line 110 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1MuonToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::MuonBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1MuonToken

Definition at line 111 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1NrBxInEvent

int HLTL1TSeed::m_l1NrBxInEvent

option used forL1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = False only number of BxInEvent: 1: L1A=0; 3: -1, L1A=0, 1; 5: -2, -1, L1A=0, 1, 2

Definition at line 93 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression

std::string HLTL1TSeed::m_l1SeedsLogicalExpression

logical expression for the required L1 algorithms the algorithms are specified by name

Definition at line 97 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by dumpTriggerFilterObjectWithRefs(), HLTL1TSeed(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1TauCollectionsTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1TauCollectionsTag

Meta InputTag for L1 Egamma collection.

Definition at line 129 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

◆ m_l1TauTag

edm::InputTag HLTL1TSeed::m_l1TauTag

Definition at line 130 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by hltFilter(), and seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().

◆ m_l1TauToken

edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::TauBxCollection> HLTL1TSeed::m_l1TauToken

Definition at line 131 of file HLTL1TSeed.h.

Referenced by seedsL1TriggerObjectMaps().