Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <fstream>
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <memory>
4 #include <string>
5 using std::cerr;
6 using std::cout;
7 using std::endl;
8 using std::ostream;
10 #include <iomanip>
28  : fileName(conf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("rctTestInputFile")),
29  rctLookupTables(new L1RCTLookupTables),
30  rct(new L1RCT(rctLookupTables)),
31  useEcal(conf.getParameter<bool>("useEcal")),
32  useHcal(conf.getParameter<bool>("useHcal")),
33  ecalDigisToken_(consumes(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ecalDigisLabel"))),
34  hcalDigisToken_(consumes(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hcalDigisLabel"))),
35  rctParametersToken_(esConsumes<L1RCTParameters, L1RCTParametersRcd>()),
36  channelMaskToken_(esConsumes<L1RCTChannelMask, L1RCTChannelMaskRcd>()),
37  emScaleToken_(esConsumes<L1CaloEtScale, L1EmEtScaleRcd>()),
38  transcoderToken_(esConsumes<CaloTPGTranscoder, CaloTPGRecord>()),
39  hcalScaleToken_(esConsumes<L1CaloHcalScale, L1CaloHcalScaleRcd>()),
40  ecalScaleToken_(esConsumes<L1CaloEcalScale, L1CaloEcalScaleRcd>()),
41  useDebugTpgScales(conf.getParameter<bool>("useDebugTpgScales")),
42  tokens_(consumesCollector()) {
43, std::ios::app);
44  if (!ofs) {
45  throw cms::Exception("FailedFileOpen") << "Could not create " << fileName << std::endl;
46  }
47 }
50  if (rct != nullptr)
51  delete rct;
52  if (rctLookupTables != nullptr)
53  delete rctLookupTables;
54 }
58  const L1RCTParameters *r = rctParameters.product();
60  const L1RCTChannelMask *c = channelMask.product();
62  const L1CaloEtScale *s = emScale.product();
68  if (useDebugTpgScales) {
69  // use old-style scales
71  const CaloTPGTranscoder *h_tpg = transcoder.product();
75  L1CaloEcalScale *ecalScale = new L1CaloEcalScale();
76  L1CaloHcalScale *hcalScale = new L1CaloHcalScale();
78  // create input scales, werner's code
79  // ECAL
80  std::cout << "ECAL Pos " << L1CaloEcalScale::nBinRank << std::endl;
81  for (unsigned short ieta = 1; ieta <= L1CaloEcalScale::nBinEta; ++ieta) {
82  for (unsigned short irank = 0; irank < L1CaloEcalScale::nBinRank; ++irank) {
83  std::cout << ieta << " " << irank;
84  EcalSubdetector subdet = (ieta <= 17) ? EcalBarrel : EcalEndcap;
85  double etGeVPos = e_tpg.getTPGInGeV(irank,
86  EcalTrigTowerDetId(1, // +ve eta
87  subdet,
88  ieta,
89  1)); // dummy phi value
90  ecalScale->setBin(irank, ieta, 1, etGeVPos);
91  std::cout << etGeVPos << ", ";
92  }
93  std::cout << std::endl;
94  }
95  std::cout << std::endl;
97  std::cout << "ECAL Neg" << std::endl;
98  for (unsigned short ieta = 1; ieta <= L1CaloEcalScale::nBinEta; ++ieta) {
99  for (unsigned short irank = 0; irank < L1CaloEcalScale::nBinRank; ++irank) {
100  EcalSubdetector subdet = (ieta <= 17) ? EcalBarrel : EcalEndcap;
102  std::cout << ieta << " " << irank;
103  double etGeVNeg = e_tpg.getTPGInGeV(irank,
104  EcalTrigTowerDetId(-1, // -ve eta
105  subdet,
106  ieta,
107  2)); // dummy phi value
108  ecalScale->setBin(irank, ieta, -1, etGeVNeg);
109  std::cout << etGeVNeg << ", ";
110  }
111  std::cout << std::endl;
112  }
113  std::cout << std::endl;
115  // HCAL
116  std::cout << "HCAL" << std::endl;
117  for (unsigned short ieta = 1; ieta <= L1CaloHcalScale::nBinEta; ++ieta) {
118  for (unsigned short irank = 0; irank < L1CaloHcalScale::nBinRank; ++irank) {
119  double etGeV = h_tpg->hcaletValue(ieta, irank);
121  hcalScale->setBin(irank, ieta, 1, etGeV);
122  hcalScale->setBin(irank, ieta, -1, etGeV);
123  std::cout << etGeV << ", ";
124  std::cout << std::endl;
125  }
126  std::cout << std::endl;
127  }
129  // set the input scales
130  rctLookupTables->setEcalScale(ecalScale);
131  rctLookupTables->setHcalScale(hcalScale);
133  } else {
135  const L1CaloHcalScale *h = hcalScale.product();
137  const L1CaloEcalScale *e = ecalScale.product();
141  }
147  if (ecal.isValid()) {
148  ecalColl = *ecal;
149  }
150  if (hcal.isValid()) {
151  hcalColl = *hcal;
152  }
153  rct->digiInput(ecalColl, hcalColl);
154  static int nEvents = 0;
155  if (nEvents == 0) {
156  ofs << "Crate = 0-17" << std::endl
157  << "Card = 0-7 within the crate" << std::endl
158  << "Tower = 0-31 covers 4 x 8 covered by the card" << std::endl
159  << "EMAddr(0:8) = EMFGBit(0:0)+CompressedEMET(1:8)" << std::endl
160  << "HDAddr(0:8) = HDFGBit(0:0)+CompressedHDET(1:8) - note: "
161  "HDFGBit(0:0) is not part of the hardware LUT address"
162  << std::endl
163  << "LutOut(0:17)= "
164  "LinearEMET(0:6)+HoEFGVetoBit(7:7)+LinearJetET(8:16)+ActivityBit(17:"
165  "17)"
166  << std::endl
167  << "Event"
168  << "\t"
169  << "Crate"
170  << "\t"
171  << "Card"
172  << "\t"
173  << "Tower"
174  << "\t"
175  << "EMAddr"
176  << "\t"
177  << "HDAddr"
178  << "\t"
179  << "LUTOut" << std::endl;
180  }
181  if (nEvents < 64) {
182  for (unsigned short iCrate = 0; iCrate < 18; iCrate++) {
183  for (unsigned short iCard = 0; iCard < 7; iCard++) {
184  // tower numbered from 0-31
185  for (unsigned short iTower = 0; iTower < 32; iTower++) {
186  unsigned short ecal = rct->ecalCompressedET(iCrate, iCard, iTower);
187  unsigned short hcal = rct->hcalCompressedET(iCrate, iCard, iTower);
188  unsigned short fgbit = rct->ecalFineGrainBit(iCrate, iCard, iTower);
189  unsigned short mubit = rct->hcalFineGrainBit(iCrate, iCard, iTower);
190  unsigned long lutOutput = rctLookupTables->lookup(ecal, hcal, fgbit, iCrate, iCard, iTower);
191  ofs << std::hex << nEvents << "\t" << iCrate << "\t" << iCard << "\t" << iTower << "\t" << ecal * 2 + fgbit
192  << "\t" << hcal * 2 + mubit << "\t" << lutOutput << std::dec << std::endl;
193  }
194  }
195  }
196  }
197  nEvents++;
198 }
ESGetTokenH3DDVariant esConsumes(std::string const &Record, edm::ConsumesCollector &)
unsigned int lookup(unsigned short ecalInput, unsigned short hcalInput, unsigned short fgbit, unsigned short crtNo, unsigned short crdNo, unsigned short twrNo) const
unsigned short hcalCompressedET(int crate, int card, int tower)
Definition: L1RCT.h:65
EcalTPGScale::Tokens tokens_
edm::EDGetTokenT< HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection > hcalDigisToken_
void setBin(unsigned short rank, unsigned short eta, short etaSign, double et)
set scale element; use this to create non-linear scales
L1RCTSaveInput(const edm::ParameterSet &)
L1RCTLookupTables * rctLookupTables
void setBin(unsigned short rank, unsigned short eta, short etaSign, double et)
set scale element; use this to create non-linear scales
unsigned short hcalFineGrainBit(int crate, int card, int tower)
Definition: L1RCT.h:68
edm::EDGetTokenT< EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection > ecalDigisToken_
edm::ESGetToken< CaloTPGTranscoder, CaloTPGRecord > transcoderToken_
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
void setHcalScale(const L1CaloHcalScale *hcalScale)
unsigned short ecalFineGrainBit(int crate, int card, int tower)
Definition: L1RCT.h:64
unsigned short ecalCompressedET(int crate, int card, int tower)
Definition: L1RCT.h:63
static const unsigned short nBinRank
std::string fileName
edm::ESGetToken< L1CaloEcalScale, L1CaloEcalScaleRcd > ecalScaleToken_
edm::ESGetToken< L1RCTChannelMask, L1RCTChannelMaskRcd > channelMaskToken_
void setL1CaloEtScale(const L1CaloEtScale *etScale)
std::vector< edm::EDGetTokenT< int > > tokens_
std::ofstream ofs
edm::ESGetToken< L1CaloHcalScale, L1CaloHcalScaleRcd > hcalScaleToken_
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
edm::ESGetToken< L1CaloEtScale, L1EmEtScaleRcd > emScaleToken_
double getTPGInGeV(const EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi &tpDigi) const
void setEcalScale(const L1CaloEcalScale *ecalScale)
edm::ESGetToken< L1RCTParameters, L1RCTParametersRcd > rctParametersToken_
void setRCTParameters(const L1RCTParameters *rctParameters)
HLT enums.
static const unsigned short nBinRank
void digiInput(const EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection &ecalCollection, const HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection &hcalCollection)
static const unsigned short nBinEta
static const unsigned short nBinEta
Definition: L1RCT.h:20
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
virtual double hcaletValue(const int &ieta, const int &iphi, const int &version, const int &compressedValue) const =0
void setChannelMask(const L1RCTChannelMask *channelMask)
~L1RCTSaveInput() override