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CSCStubMatcher Class Reference

#include <CSCStubMatcher.h>

Public Member Functions

std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContaineralcts () const
const CSCALCTDigiContaineralctsInChamber (unsigned int) const
const CSCALCTDigiContainerallALCTsInChamber (unsigned int) const
const CSCCLCTDigiContainerallCLCTsInChamber (unsigned int) const
 all stubs (not necessarily matching) from a particular crossed chamber More...
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainerallLCTsInChamber (unsigned int) const
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainerallMPLCTsInChamber (unsigned int) const
CSCALCTDigi bestAlctInChamber (unsigned int) const
CSCCLCTDigi bestClctInChamber (unsigned int) const
 best matching from a particular crossed chamber More...
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi bestLctInChamber (unsigned int) const
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi bestMplctInChamber (unsigned int) const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsALCT (int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsAllALCT (int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsAllCLCT (int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
 crossed chamber detIds with not necessarily matching stubs More...
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsAllLCT (int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsAllMPLCT (int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsCLCT (int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
 chamber detIds with matching stubs More...
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsLCT (int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsMPLCT (int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainerclcts () const
 all matching lcts More...
const CSCCLCTDigiContainerclctsInChamber (unsigned int) const
 all matching from a particular crossed chamber More...
std::shared_ptr< CSCDigiMatchercscDigiMatcher ()
 CSCStubMatcher (edm::ParameterSet const &iPS, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC)
std::shared_ptr< GEMDigiMatchergemDigiMatcher ()
GlobalPoint getGlobalPosition (unsigned int rawId, const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct) const
void init (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
 initialize the event More...
bool lctInChamber (const CSCDetId &id, const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainerlcts () const
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainerlctsInChamber (unsigned int) const
void match (const SimTrack &t, const SimVertex &v)
 do the matching More...
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainermplcts () const
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainermplctsInChamber (unsigned int) const
int nChambersWithALCT (int min_quality=0) const
int nChambersWithCLCT (int min_quality=0) const
 How many CSC chambers with matching stubs of some minimal quality did this SimTrack hit? More...
int nChambersWithLCT (int min_quality=0) const
int nChambersWithMPLCT (int min_quality=0) const
float zpositionOfLayer (unsigned int detid, int layer) const
 ~CSCStubMatcher ()

Private Member Functions

void addGhostLCTs (const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct11, const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct22, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer &lctcontainer) const
void clear ()
void matchALCTsToSimTrack (const CSCALCTDigiCollection &)
void matchCLCTsToSimTrack (const CSCCLCTDigiCollection &)
void matchLCTsToSimTrack (const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection &)
void matchMPLCTsToSimTrack (const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection &)
template<class D >
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds (D &, int) const

Private Attributes

bool addGhostLCTs_
edm::InputTag alctInputTag_
edm::Handle< CSCALCTDigiCollectionalctsH_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCALCTDigiCollectionalctToken_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainerchamber_to_alcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainerchamber_to_alcts_all_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainerchamber_to_clcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainerchamber_to_clcts_all_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainerchamber_to_lcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainerchamber_to_lcts_all_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainerchamber_to_mplcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainerchamber_to_mplcts_all_
edm::InputTag clctInputTag_
edm::Handle< CSCCLCTDigiCollectionclctsH_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCLCTDigiCollectionclctToken_
std::shared_ptr< CSCDigiMatchercscDigiMatcher_
const CSCGeometrycscGeometry_
std::shared_ptr< GEMDigiMatchergemDigiMatcher_
edm::ESGetToken< CSCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecordgeomToken_
edm::InputTag lctInputTag_
edm::Handle< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollectionlctsH_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollectionlctToken_
int maxBXALCT_
int maxBXCLCT_
int maxBXLCT_
int maxBXMPLCT_
int minBXALCT_
int minBXCLCT_
int minBXLCT_
int minBXMPLCT_
int minNHitsChamber_
int minNHitsChamberALCT_
int minNHitsChamberCLCT_
int minNHitsChamberLCT_
int minNHitsChamberMPLCT_
edm::InputTag mplctInputTag_
edm::Handle< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollectionmplctsH_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollectionmplctToken_
CSCALCTDigiContainer no_alcts_
CSCCLCTDigiContainer no_clcts_
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer no_lcts_
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer no_mplcts_
bool useGEMs_
bool verboseALCT_
bool verboseCLCT_
bool verboseLCT_
bool verboseMPLCT_

Detailed Description

Description: Matching of CSC L1 trigger stubs to SimTrack

Author: Sven Dildick (TAMU), Tao Huang (TAMU)

Definition at line 23 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CSCStubMatcher()

CSCStubMatcher::CSCStubMatcher ( edm::ParameterSet const &  iPS,
edm::ConsumesCollector &&  iC 

Definition at line 7 of file

References muonCSCStubPSet::cscALCT, muonCSCStubPSet::cscCLCT, muonCSCStubPSet::cscLCT, muonCSCStubPSet::cscMPLCT, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and eostools::move().

7  {
8  useGEMs_ = pSet.getParameter<bool>("useGEMs");
10  const auto& cscCLCT = pSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("cscCLCT");
11  minBXCLCT_ = cscCLCT.getParameter<int>("minBX");
12  maxBXCLCT_ = cscCLCT.getParameter<int>("maxBX");
13  verboseCLCT_ = cscCLCT.getParameter<int>("verbose");
14  minNHitsChamberCLCT_ = cscCLCT.getParameter<int>("minNHitsChamber");
16  const auto& cscALCT = pSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("cscALCT");
17  minBXALCT_ = cscALCT.getParameter<int>("minBX");
18  maxBXALCT_ = cscALCT.getParameter<int>("maxBX");
19  verboseALCT_ = cscALCT.getParameter<int>("verbose");
20  minNHitsChamberALCT_ = cscALCT.getParameter<int>("minNHitsChamber");
22  const auto& cscLCT = pSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("cscLCT");
23  minBXLCT_ = cscLCT.getParameter<int>("minBX");
24  maxBXLCT_ = cscLCT.getParameter<int>("maxBX");
25  verboseLCT_ = cscLCT.getParameter<int>("verbose");
26  minNHitsChamberLCT_ = cscLCT.getParameter<int>("minNHitsChamber");
27  addGhostLCTs_ = cscLCT.getParameter<bool>("addGhosts");
29  const auto& cscMPLCT = pSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("cscMPLCT");
30  minBXMPLCT_ = cscMPLCT.getParameter<int>("minBX");
31  maxBXMPLCT_ = cscMPLCT.getParameter<int>("maxBX");
32  verboseMPLCT_ = cscMPLCT.getParameter<int>("verbose");
33  minNHitsChamberMPLCT_ = cscMPLCT.getParameter<int>("minNHitsChamber");
35  if (useGEMs_)
36  gemDigiMatcher_.reset(new GEMDigiMatcher(pSet, std::move(iC)));
37  cscDigiMatcher_.reset(new CSCDigiMatcher(pSet, std::move(iC)));
39  clctInputTag_ = cscCLCT.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputTag");
40  alctInputTag_ = cscALCT.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputTag");
41  lctInputTag_ = cscLCT.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputTag");
42  mplctInputTag_ = cscMPLCT.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputTag");
50 }
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes(edm::InputTag const &tag)
edm::InputTag clctInputTag_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCLCTDigiCollection > clctToken_
std::shared_ptr< CSCDigiMatcher > cscDigiMatcher_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > mplctToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > lctToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCALCTDigiCollection > alctToken_
edm::InputTag mplctInputTag_
edm::ESGetToken< CSCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord > geomToken_
std::shared_ptr< GEMDigiMatcher > gemDigiMatcher_
edm::InputTag alctInputTag_
edm::InputTag lctInputTag_
def move(src, dest)

◆ ~CSCStubMatcher()

CSCStubMatcher::~CSCStubMatcher ( )

Definition at line 27 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

27 {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ addGhostLCTs()

void CSCStubMatcher::addGhostLCTs ( const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct11,
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct22,
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer lctcontainer 
) const

Definition at line 683 of file

References CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::getALCT(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::getCLCT(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::getKeyWG(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::getStrip(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::setALCT(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::setCLCT(), and CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::setWireGroup().

685  {
686  int wg1 = lct11.getKeyWG();
687  int wg2 = lct22.getKeyWG();
688  int hs1 = lct11.getStrip();
689  int hs2 = lct22.getStrip();
691  if (!(wg1 == wg2 || hs1 == hs2)) {
692  // flip the ALCTs
693  CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct12 = lct11;
694  lct12.setWireGroup(wg2);
695  lct12.setALCT(lct22.getALCT());
696  lct12.setCLCT(lct11.getCLCT());
697  lcts_tmp.push_back(lct12);
699  CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct21 = lct22;
700  lct21.setWireGroup(wg1);
701  lct21.setALCT(lct11.getALCT());
702  lct21.setCLCT(lct22.getCLCT());
703  lcts_tmp.push_back(lct21);
704  }
705 }
void setALCT(const CSCALCTDigi &alct)
void setWireGroup(const uint16_t wiregroup)
set wiregroup number
uint16_t getStrip(uint16_t n=2) const
return the key halfstrip from 0,159
const CSCCLCTDigi & getCLCT() const
uint16_t getKeyWG() const
return the key wire group. counts from 0.
void setCLCT(const CSCCLCTDigi &clct)
const CSCALCTDigi & getALCT() const

◆ alcts()

std::map<unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::alcts ( ) const

Definition at line 61 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

References chamber_to_alcts_.

61 { return chamber_to_alcts_; }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_

◆ alctsInChamber()

const CSCALCTDigiContainer & CSCStubMatcher::alctsInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

Definition at line 484 of file

484  {
485  if (chamber_to_alcts_.find(detid) == chamber_to_alcts_.end())
486  return no_alcts_;
487  return;
488 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_
CSCALCTDigiContainer no_alcts_

◆ allALCTsInChamber()

const CSCALCTDigiContainer & CSCStubMatcher::allALCTsInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

Definition at line 460 of file

460  {
461  if (chamber_to_alcts_all_.find(detid) == chamber_to_alcts_all_.end())
462  return no_alcts_;
463  return;
464 }
CSCALCTDigiContainer no_alcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_all_

◆ allCLCTsInChamber()

const CSCCLCTDigiContainer & CSCStubMatcher::allCLCTsInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

all stubs (not necessarily matching) from a particular crossed chamber

Definition at line 454 of file

454  {
455  if (chamber_to_clcts_all_.find(detid) == chamber_to_clcts_all_.end())
456  return no_clcts_;
457  return;
458 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_all_
CSCCLCTDigiContainer no_clcts_

◆ allLCTsInChamber()

const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & CSCStubMatcher::allLCTsInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

Definition at line 466 of file

466  {
467  if (chamber_to_lcts_all_.find(detid) == chamber_to_lcts_all_.end())
468  return no_lcts_;
469  return;
470 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_lcts_all_
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer no_lcts_

◆ allMPLCTsInChamber()

const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & CSCStubMatcher::allMPLCTsInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

Definition at line 472 of file

472  {
473  if (chamber_to_mplcts_all_.find(detid) == chamber_to_mplcts_all_.end())
474  return no_mplcts_;
475  return;
476 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_all_
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer no_mplcts_

◆ bestAlctInChamber()

CSCALCTDigi CSCStubMatcher::bestAlctInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

Definition at line 519 of file

References mps_fire::i, input, and quality.

519  {
520  //sort stubs based on quality
521  const auto& input(alctsInChamber(detid));
522  int bestQ = 0;
523  int index = -1;
524  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
525  int quality = input[i].getQuality();
526  if (quality > bestQ) {
527  bestQ = quality;
528  index = i;
529  }
530  }
531  if (index != -1)
532  return input[index];
533  return CSCALCTDigi();
534 }
static std::string const input
const CSCALCTDigiContainer & alctsInChamber(unsigned int) const
string quality

◆ bestClctInChamber()

CSCCLCTDigi CSCStubMatcher::bestClctInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

best matching from a particular crossed chamber

Definition at line 502 of file

References mps_fire::i, input, and quality.

502  {
503  //sort stubs based on quality
504  const auto& input(clctsInChamber(detid));
505  int bestQ = 0;
506  int index = -1;
507  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
508  int quality = input[i].getQuality();
509  if (quality > bestQ) {
510  bestQ = quality;
511  index = i;
512  }
513  }
514  if (index != -1)
515  return input[index];
516  return CSCCLCTDigi();
517 }
static std::string const input
const CSCCLCTDigiContainer & clctsInChamber(unsigned int) const
all matching from a particular crossed chamber
string quality

◆ bestLctInChamber()

CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi CSCStubMatcher::bestLctInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

Definition at line 536 of file

References mps_fire::i, input, and quality.

536  {
537  //sort stubs based on quality
538  const auto& input(lctsInChamber(detid));
539  int bestQ = 0;
540  int index = -1;
541  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
542  int quality = input[i].getQuality();
543  if (quality > bestQ) {
544  bestQ = quality;
545  index = i;
546  }
547  }
548  if (index != -1)
549  return input[index];
550  return CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi();
551 }
static std::string const input
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & lctsInChamber(unsigned int) const
string quality

◆ bestMplctInChamber()

CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi CSCStubMatcher::bestMplctInChamber ( unsigned  int) const

◆ chamberIdsALCT()

std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::chamberIdsALCT ( int  csc_type = MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const

Definition at line 442 of file

442  {
443  return selectDetIds(chamber_to_alcts_, csc_type);
444 }
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds(D &, int) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_

◆ chamberIdsAllALCT()

std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::chamberIdsAllALCT ( int  csc_type = MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const

Definition at line 426 of file

426  {
427  return selectDetIds(chamber_to_alcts_all_, csc_type);
428 }
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds(D &, int) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_all_

◆ chamberIdsAllCLCT()

std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::chamberIdsAllCLCT ( int  csc_type = MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const

crossed chamber detIds with not necessarily matching stubs

Definition at line 422 of file

422  {
423  return selectDetIds(chamber_to_clcts_all_, csc_type);
424 }
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds(D &, int) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_all_

◆ chamberIdsAllLCT()

std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::chamberIdsAllLCT ( int  csc_type = MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const

Definition at line 430 of file

430  {
431  return selectDetIds(chamber_to_lcts_all_, csc_type);
432 }
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds(D &, int) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_lcts_all_

◆ chamberIdsAllMPLCT()

std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::chamberIdsAllMPLCT ( int  csc_type = MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const

Definition at line 434 of file

434  {
435  return selectDetIds(chamber_to_mplcts_all_, csc_type);
436 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_all_
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds(D &, int) const

◆ chamberIdsCLCT()

std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::chamberIdsCLCT ( int  csc_type = MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const

chamber detIds with matching stubs

Definition at line 438 of file

438  {
439  return selectDetIds(chamber_to_clcts_, csc_type);
440 }
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds(D &, int) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_

◆ chamberIdsLCT()

std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::chamberIdsLCT ( int  csc_type = MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const

Definition at line 446 of file

446  {
447  return selectDetIds(chamber_to_lcts_, csc_type);
448 }
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds(D &, int) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_lcts_

◆ chamberIdsMPLCT()

std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::chamberIdsMPLCT ( int  csc_type = MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const

Definition at line 450 of file

450  {
451  return selectDetIds(chamber_to_mplcts_, csc_type);
452 }
std::set< unsigned int > selectDetIds(D &, int) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_

◆ clcts()

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::clcts ( ) const

all matching lcts

Definition at line 60 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

References chamber_to_clcts_.

60 { return chamber_to_clcts_; }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_

◆ clctsInChamber()

const CSCCLCTDigiContainer & CSCStubMatcher::clctsInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

all matching from a particular crossed chamber

Definition at line 478 of file

478  {
479  if (chamber_to_clcts_.find(detid) == chamber_to_clcts_.end())
480  return no_clcts_;
481  return;
482 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_
CSCCLCTDigiContainer no_clcts_

◆ clear()

void CSCStubMatcher::clear ( void  )

Definition at line 671 of file

671  {
672  chamber_to_clcts_all_.clear();
673  chamber_to_alcts_all_.clear();
674  chamber_to_lcts_all_.clear();
675  chamber_to_mplcts_all_.clear();
677  chamber_to_clcts_.clear();
678  chamber_to_alcts_.clear();
679  chamber_to_lcts_.clear();
680  chamber_to_mplcts_.clear();
681 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_all_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_lcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_lcts_all_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_all_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_all_

◆ cscDigiMatcher()

std::shared_ptr<CSCDigiMatcher> CSCStubMatcher::cscDigiMatcher ( )

Definition at line 85 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

References cscDigiMatcher_.

85 { return cscDigiMatcher_; }
std::shared_ptr< CSCDigiMatcher > cscDigiMatcher_

◆ gemDigiMatcher()

std::shared_ptr<GEMDigiMatcher> CSCStubMatcher::gemDigiMatcher ( )

Definition at line 86 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

References gemDigiMatcher_.

86 { return gemDigiMatcher_; }
std::shared_ptr< GEMDigiMatcher > gemDigiMatcher_

◆ getGlobalPosition()

GlobalPoint CSCStubMatcher::getGlobalPosition ( unsigned int  rawId,
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct 
) const

Definition at line 647 of file

References relativeConstraints::chamber, CSCDetId::chamber(), CSCDetId::endcap(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::getFractionalStrip(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::getKeyWG(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::getStrip(), CSCConstants::KEY_CLCT_LAYER, CSCDetId::layer(), CSCConstants::MAX_HALF_STRIP_ME1B, CSCConstants::NUM_STRIPS_ME1B, relativeConstraints::ring, CSCDetId::ring(), and CSCDetId::station().

647  {
648  CSCDetId cscId(rawId);
649  CSCDetId keyId(cscId.endcap(), cscId.station(), cscId.ring(), cscId.chamber(), CSCConstants::KEY_CLCT_LAYER);
650  float fractional_strip = lct.getFractionalStrip();
651  // case ME1/1
652  if (cscId.station() == 1 and (cscId.ring() == 4 || cscId.ring() == 1)) {
653  int ring = 1; // Default to ME1/b
655  ring = 4; // Change to ME1/a if the HalfStrip Number exceeds the range of ME1/b
656  fractional_strip -= CSCConstants::NUM_STRIPS_ME1B;
657  }
658  CSCDetId cscId_(cscId.endcap(), cscId.station(), ring, cscId.chamber(), cscId.layer());
659  cscId = cscId_;
660  }
661  // regular cases
662  const auto& chamber = cscGeometry_->chamber(cscId);
663  const auto& layer_geo = chamber->layer(CSCConstants::KEY_CLCT_LAYER)->geometry();
664  // LCT::getKeyWG() also starts from 0
665  float wire = layer_geo->middleWireOfGroup(lct.getKeyWG() + 1);
666  const LocalPoint& csc_intersect = layer_geo->intersectionOfStripAndWire(fractional_strip, wire);
667  const GlobalPoint& csc_gp = cscGeometry_->idToDet(keyId)->surface().toGlobal(csc_intersect);
668  return csc_gp;
669 }
const CSCChamber * chamber(CSCDetId id) const
Return the chamber corresponding to given DetId.
const CSCGeometry * cscGeometry_
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:79
uint16_t getStrip(uint16_t n=2) const
return the key halfstrip from 0,159
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:37
float getFractionalStrip(uint16_t n=2) const
return the fractional strip
uint16_t getKeyWG() const
return the key wire group. counts from 0.
const GeomDet * idToDet(DetId) const override

◆ init()

void CSCStubMatcher::init ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup eventSetup 

initialize the event

Definition at line 52 of file

References edm::EventSetup::getData(), and iEvent.

52  {
53  if (useGEMs_)
54  gemDigiMatcher_->init(iEvent, iSetup);
55  cscDigiMatcher_->init(iEvent, iSetup);
57  iEvent.getByToken(clctToken_, clctsH_);
58  iEvent.getByToken(alctToken_, alctsH_);
59  iEvent.getByToken(lctToken_, lctsH_);
60  iEvent.getByToken(mplctToken_, mplctsH_);
62  cscGeometry_ = &iSetup.getData(geomToken_);
63 }
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCLCTDigiCollection > clctToken_
edm::Handle< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > lctsH_
std::shared_ptr< CSCDigiMatcher > cscDigiMatcher_
const CSCGeometry * cscGeometry_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > mplctToken_
edm::Handle< CSCCLCTDigiCollection > clctsH_
int iEvent
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > lctToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CSCALCTDigiCollection > alctToken_
edm::Handle< CSCALCTDigiCollection > alctsH_
edm::ESGetToken< CSCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord > geomToken_
std::shared_ptr< GEMDigiMatcher > gemDigiMatcher_
edm::Handle< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > mplctsH_

◆ lctInChamber()

bool CSCStubMatcher::lctInChamber ( const CSCDetId id,
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct 
) const

Definition at line 639 of file

639  {
640  for (const auto& stub : lctsInChamber(id.rawId())) {
641  if (stub == lct)
642  return true;
643  }
644  return false;
645 }
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & lctsInChamber(unsigned int) const

◆ lcts()

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::lcts ( ) const

Definition at line 62 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

References chamber_to_lcts_.

62 { return chamber_to_lcts_; }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_lcts_

◆ lctsInChamber()

const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & CSCStubMatcher::lctsInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

Definition at line 490 of file

490  {
491  if (chamber_to_lcts_.find(detid) == chamber_to_lcts_.end())
492  return no_lcts_;
493  return;
494 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_lcts_
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer no_lcts_

◆ match()

void CSCStubMatcher::match ( const SimTrack t,
const SimVertex v 

do the matching

Definition at line 66 of file

References l1ct::clear(), submitPVValidationJobs::t, and findQualityFiles::v.

66  {
67  // match simhits first
68  if (useGEMs_)
69  gemDigiMatcher_->match(t, v);
70  cscDigiMatcher_->match(t, v);
77  // clear collections
78  clear();
80  if (!alctsH_.isValid()) {
81  edm::LogError("CSCStubMatcher") << "Cannot get ALCTs with label " << alctInputTag_.encode();
82  } else {
84  }
86  if (!clctsH_.isValid()) {
87  edm::LogError("CSCStubMatcher") << "Cannot get CLCTs with label " << clctInputTag_.encode();
88  } else {
90  }
92  if (!lctsH_.isValid()) {
93  edm::LogError("CSCStubMatcher") << "Cannot get LCTs with label " << lctInputTag_.encode();
94  } else {
96  }
98  if (!mplctsH_.isValid()) {
99  edm::LogError("CSCStubMatcher") << "Cannot get MPLCTs with label " << mplctInputTag_.encode();
100  } else {
102  }
103 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > mplcts() const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > alcts() const
edm::InputTag clctInputTag_
std::string encode() const
void matchMPLCTsToSimTrack(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection &)
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:70
edm::Handle< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > lctsH_
std::shared_ptr< CSCDigiMatcher > cscDigiMatcher_
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > clcts() const
all matching lcts
edm::Handle< CSCCLCTDigiCollection > clctsH_
void matchLCTsToSimTrack(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection &)
edm::InputTag mplctInputTag_
edm::Handle< CSCALCTDigiCollection > alctsH_
void matchALCTsToSimTrack(const CSCALCTDigiCollection &)
void matchCLCTsToSimTrack(const CSCCLCTDigiCollection &)
std::shared_ptr< GEMDigiMatcher > gemDigiMatcher_
edm::Handle< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection > mplctsH_
edm::InputTag alctInputTag_
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
edm::InputTag lctInputTag_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > lcts() const

◆ matchALCTsToSimTrack()

void CSCStubMatcher::matchALCTsToSimTrack ( const CSCALCTDigiCollection alcts)

Definition at line 207 of file

References a, CSCDetId::chamber(), filterCSVwithJSON::copy, gather_cfg::cout, mps_fire::end, CSCDetId::endcap(), spr::find(), globals_cff::id2, relativeConstraints::ring, CSCDetId::ring(), findQualityFiles::size, and CSCDetId::station().

207  {
208  const auto& anode_ids = cscDigiMatcher_->chamberIdsWire(0);
209  int n_minLayers = 0;
210  for (const auto& id : anode_ids) {
211  if (cscDigiMatcher_->nLayersWithWireInChamber(id) >= minNHitsChamberALCT_)
212  ++n_minLayers;
213  CSCDetId ch_id(id);
215  // fill 1 WG wide gaps
216  const auto& digi_wgs = cscDigiMatcher_->wiregroupsInChamber(id, 1);
217  if (verboseALCT_) {
218  cout << "alct: digi_wgs " << ch_id << " ";
219  copy(digi_wgs.begin(), digi_wgs.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
220  cout << endl;
221  }
223  int ring = ch_id.ring();
224  if (ring == 4)
225  ring = 1; //use ME1b id to get ALCTs
226  CSCDetId ch_id2(ch_id.endcap(), ch_id.station(), ring, ch_id.chamber(), 0);
227  auto id2 = ch_id2.rawId(); // ALCTs should be sorted into the det of the ALCTs.
229  const auto& alcts_in_det = alcts.get(ch_id2);
230  for (auto a = alcts_in_det.first; a != alcts_in_det.second; ++a) {
231  if (!a->isValid())
232  continue;
234  if (verboseALCT_)
235  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "alct " << ch_id << " " << *a;
237  // check that the BX for stub wasn't too early or too late
238  if (a->getBX() < minBXALCT_ || a->getBX() > maxBXALCT_)
239  continue;
241  int wg = a->getKeyWG() + 1; // as ALCT wiregroups numbers start from 0
243  // store all ALCTs in this chamber
244  chamber_to_alcts_all_[id2].push_back(*a);
246  // match by wiregroup with the digis
247  if (digi_wgs.find(wg) == digi_wgs.end()) {
248  continue;
249  }
250  if (verboseALCT_)
251  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "alctGOOD";
253  // store matching ALCTs in this chamber
255  chamber_to_alcts_[id2].push_back(*a);
256  }
257  }
258  if (chamber_to_alcts_[id2].size() > 2) {
259  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "WARNING!!! too many ALCTs " << chamber_to_alcts_[id2].size() << " in "
260  << ch_id;
261  for (auto& a : chamber_to_alcts_[id2])
262  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << " " << a;
263  }
264  }
265 }
Write out results.
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > alcts() const
std::shared_ptr< CSCDigiMatcher > cscDigiMatcher_
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_alcts_all_

◆ matchCLCTsToSimTrack()

void CSCStubMatcher::matchCLCTsToSimTrack ( const CSCCLCTDigiCollection clcts)

Definition at line 105 of file

References c, CSCDetId::chamber(), mps_fire::end, CSCDetId::endcap(), spr::find(), globals_cff::id2, phase1PixelTopology::layer, CSCDetId::maxLayerId(), CSCDetId::minLayerId(), or, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, submitPVResolutionJobs::q, CSCDetId::ring(), relativeConstraints::ring, findQualityFiles::size, and CSCDetId::station().

105  {
106  const auto& cathode_ids = cscDigiMatcher_->chamberIdsStrip(0);
108  for (const auto& id : cathode_ids) {
109  CSCDetId ch_id(id);
110  if (verboseCLCT_) {
111  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "To check CSC chamber " << ch_id;
112  }
114  int ring = ch_id.ring();
116  // do not consider CSCs with too few hits
117  if (cscDigiMatcher_->nLayersWithStripInChamber(ch_id) < minNHitsChamberCLCT_)
118  continue;
120  // get the comparator digis in this chamber
121  std::vector<CSCComparatorDigiContainer> comps;
122  for (int ilayer = CSCDetId::minLayerId(); ilayer <= CSCDetId::maxLayerId(); ilayer++) {
123  CSCDetId layerid(ch_id.endcap(), ch_id.station(), ring, ch_id.chamber(), ilayer);
124  comps.push_back(cscDigiMatcher_->comparatorDigisInDetId(layerid));
125  }
127  // print out the digis
128  if (verboseCLCT_) {
129  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "clct: comparators " << ch_id;
130  int layer = 0;
131  for (const auto& p : comps) {
132  layer++;
133  for (const auto& q : p) {
134  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "L" << layer << " " << q << " " << q.getHalfStrip() << " ";
135  }
136  }
137  }
139  //use ME1b id to get CLCTs
140  const bool isME1a(ch_id.station() == 1 and ch_id.ring() == 4);
141  if (isME1a)
142  ring = 1;
143  CSCDetId ch_id2(ch_id.endcap(), ch_id.station(), ring, ch_id.chamber(), 0);
144  auto id2 = ch_id2.rawId(); // CLCTs should be sorted into the det of the CLCTs.
146  const auto& clcts_in_det = clcts.get(ch_id2);
148  for (auto c = clcts_in_det.first; c != clcts_in_det.second; ++c) {
149  if (verboseCLCT_)
150  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "clct " << ch_id2 << " " << *c;
152  if (!c->isValid())
153  continue;
155  // check that the BX for this stub wasn't too early or too late
156  if (c->getBX() < minBXCLCT_ || c->getBX() > maxBXCLCT_)
157  continue;
159  // store all CLCTs in this chamber
160  chamber_to_clcts_all_[id2].push_back(*c);
162  // check that at least 3 comparator digis were matched!
163  int nMatches = 0;
164  int layer = 0;
165  for (const auto& p : comps) {
166  layer++;
167  for (const auto& q : p) {
168  if (verboseCLCT_)
169  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "L" << layer << " " << q << " " << q.getHalfStrip() << " " << std::endl;
170  for (const auto& clctComp : (*c).getHits()[layer - 1]) {
171  if (clctComp == 65535)
172  continue;
173  if (verboseCLCT_) {
174  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "\t" << clctComp << " ";
175  }
176  if (q.getHalfStrip() == clctComp or (isME1a and q.getHalfStrip() + 128 == clctComp)) {
177  nMatches++;
178  if (verboseCLCT_) {
179  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "\t\tnMatches " << nMatches << std::endl;
180  }
181  }
182  }
183  }
184  }
186  // require at least 3 good matches
187  if (nMatches < 3)
188  continue;
190  if (verboseCLCT_)
191  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "clctGOOD";
193  // store matching CLCTs in this chamber
195  chamber_to_clcts_[id2].push_back(*c);
196  }
197  }
198  if (chamber_to_clcts_[id2].size() > 2) {
199  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "WARNING!!! too many CLCTs " << chamber_to_clcts_[id2].size() << " in "
200  << ch_id2;
201  for (auto& c : chamber_to_clcts_[id2])
202  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << " " << c;
203  }
204  }
205 }
Write out results.
std::shared_ptr< CSCDigiMatcher > cscDigiMatcher_
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > clcts() const
all matching lcts
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_all_
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
static int minLayerId()
Definition: CSCDetId.h:242
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_clcts_
static int maxLayerId()
Definition: CSCDetId.h:243

◆ matchLCTsToSimTrack()

void CSCStubMatcher::matchLCTsToSimTrack ( const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection lcts)

Definition at line 267 of file

References simKBmtfDigis_cfi::bx, CSCDetId::chamber(), mps_fire::end, CSCDetId::endcap(), spr::find(), globals_cff::id2, or, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, CSCDetId::ring(), relativeConstraints::ring, findQualityFiles::size, CSCDetId::station(), and CSCDetId::zendcap().

267  {
268  // only look for stubs in chambers that already have CLCT and ALCT
269  const auto& cathode_ids = chamberIdsAllCLCT(0);
270  const auto& anode_ids = chamberIdsAllALCT(0);
272  std::set<int> cathode_and_anode_ids;
273  std::set_union(cathode_ids.begin(),
274  cathode_ids.end(),
275  anode_ids.begin(),
276  anode_ids.end(),
277  std::inserter(cathode_and_anode_ids, cathode_and_anode_ids.end()));
279  for (const auto& id : cathode_and_anode_ids) {
280  int iLct = -1;
282  CSCDetId ch_id(id);
284  //use ME1b id to get LCTs
285  int ring = ch_id.ring();
286  if (ring == 4)
287  ring = 1;
288  CSCDetId ch_id2(ch_id.endcap(), ch_id.station(), ring, ch_id.chamber(), 0);
289  auto id2 = ch_id2.rawId(); // LCTs should be sorted into the det of the LCTs.
291  const auto& lcts_in_det = lcts.get(ch_id2);
293  std::map<int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer> bx_to_lcts;
295  // collect all valid LCTs in a handy container
297  for (auto lct = lcts_in_det.first; lct != lcts_in_det.second; ++lct) {
298  if (!lct->isValid())
299  continue;
300  lcts_tmp.push_back(*lct);
301  int bx = lct->getBX();
302  bx_to_lcts[bx].push_back(*lct);
304  // Add ghost LCTs when there are two in bx
305  // and the two don't share half-strip or wiregroup
306  if (bx_to_lcts[bx].size() == 2 and addGhostLCTs_) {
307  auto lct11 = bx_to_lcts[bx][0];
308  auto lct22 = bx_to_lcts[bx][1];
309  addGhostLCTs(lct11, lct22, lcts_tmp);
310  }
311  }
313  for (const auto& lct : lcts_tmp) {
314  iLct++;
316  bool lct_clct_match(false);
317  bool lct_alct_match(false);
318  bool lct_gem1_match(false);
319  bool lct_gem2_match(false);
321  if (verboseLCT_) {
322  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << ch_id << " " << ch_id2;
323  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << lct;
324  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "getCLCT " << lct.getCLCT() << "\ngetALCT " << lct.getALCT() << "\ngetGEM1 "
325  << lct.getGEM1() << "\ngetGEM2 " << lct.getGEM2();
326  }
327  // Check if matched to an CLCT
328  for (const auto& p : clctsInChamber(id)) {
329  if (p == lct.getCLCT()) {
330  lct_clct_match = true;
331  if (verboseLCT_)
332  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "\t...lct_clct_match";
333  break;
334  }
335  }
337  // Check if matched to an ALCT
338  for (const auto& p : alctsInChamber(id)) {
339  if (p == lct.getALCT()) {
340  lct_alct_match = true;
341  if (verboseLCT_)
342  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "\t...lct_alct_match";
343  break;
344  }
345  }
347  if (useGEMs_) {
348  // fixME here: double check the timing of GEMPad
349  if (ch_id.ring() == 1 and (ch_id.station() == 1 or ch_id.station() == 2)) {
350  // Check if matched to an GEM pad L1
351  const GEMDetId gemDetIdL1(ch_id.zendcap(), 1, ch_id.station(), 1, ch_id.chamber(), 0);
352  for (const auto& p : gemDigiMatcher_->padsInChamber(gemDetIdL1.rawId())) {
353  if (p == lct.getGEM1()) {
354  lct_gem1_match = true;
355  if (verboseLCT_)
356  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "\t...lct_gem1_match";
357  break;
358  }
359  }
361  // Check if matched to an GEM pad L2
362  const GEMDetId gemDetIdL2(ch_id.zendcap(), 1, ch_id.station(), 2, ch_id.chamber(), 0);
363  for (const auto& p : gemDigiMatcher_->padsInChamber(gemDetIdL2.rawId())) {
364  if (p == lct.getGEM2()) {
365  lct_gem2_match = true;
366  if (verboseLCT_)
367  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "\t...lct_gem2_match";
368  break;
369  }
370  }
371  }
372  }
374  const bool alct_clct = lct_clct_match and lct_alct_match;
375  const bool alct_gem = lct_alct_match and lct_gem1_match and lct_gem2_match;
376  const bool clct_gem = lct_clct_match and lct_gem1_match and lct_gem2_match;
378  bool lct_tight_matched = alct_clct or alct_gem or clct_gem;
379  bool lct_loose_matched = lct_clct_match or lct_alct_match;
380  bool lct_matched = lct_loose_matched or lct_tight_matched;
382  if (lct_matched) {
383  if (verboseLCT_)
384  edm::LogInfo("CSCStubMatcher") << "...was matched";
386  chamber_to_lcts_[id2].emplace_back(lct);
387  }
388  }
389  } // lct loop over
390  }
391 }
Write out results.
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsAllALCT(int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsAllCLCT(int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
crossed chamber detIds with not necessarily matching stubs
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_lcts_
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
const CSCCLCTDigiContainer & clctsInChamber(unsigned int) const
all matching from a particular crossed chamber
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
const CSCALCTDigiContainer & alctsInChamber(unsigned int) const
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
std::shared_ptr< GEMDigiMatcher > gemDigiMatcher_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > lcts() const
void addGhostLCTs(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct11, const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct22, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer &lctcontainer) const

◆ matchMPLCTsToSimTrack()

void CSCStubMatcher::matchMPLCTsToSimTrack ( const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection mplcts)

Definition at line 393 of file

References mps_fire::end, spr::find(), and l1ctLayer2EG_cff::id.

393  {
394  // match simtrack to MPC LCT by looking only in chambers
395  // that already have LCTs matched to this simtrack
396  const auto& lcts_ids = chamberIdsLCT(0);
398  // loop on the detids
399  for (const auto& id : lcts_ids) {
400  const auto& mplcts_in_det = mplcts.get(id);
402  // loop on the MPC LCTs in this detid
403  for (auto lct = mplcts_in_det.first; lct != mplcts_in_det.second; ++lct) {
404  if (!lct->isValid())
405  continue;
407  chamber_to_mplcts_all_[id].emplace_back(*lct);
409  // check if this stub corresponds with a previously matched stub
410  for (const auto& sim_stub : lctsInChamber(id)) {
411  if (sim_stub == *lct) {
412  if (std::find(chamber_to_mplcts_[id].begin(), chamber_to_mplcts_[id].end(), *lct) ==
413  chamber_to_mplcts_[id].end()) {
414  chamber_to_mplcts_[id].emplace_back(*lct);
415  }
416  }
417  }
418  }
419  }
420 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > mplcts() const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_all_
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsLCT(int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & lctsInChamber(unsigned int) const

◆ mplcts()

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::mplcts ( ) const

Definition at line 63 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

References chamber_to_mplcts_.

63 { return chamber_to_mplcts_; }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_

◆ mplctsInChamber()

const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & CSCStubMatcher::mplctsInChamber ( unsigned int  detid) const

Definition at line 496 of file

496  {
497  if (chamber_to_mplcts_.find(detid) == chamber_to_mplcts_.end())
498  return no_mplcts_;
499  return;
500 }
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer no_mplcts_
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > chamber_to_mplcts_

◆ nChambersWithALCT()

int CSCStubMatcher::nChambersWithALCT ( int  min_quality = 0) const

Definition at line 579 of file

References mps_fire::result.

579  {
580  int result = 0;
581  const auto& chamber_ids = chamberIdsALCT();
582  for (const auto& id : chamber_ids) {
583  int nStubChamber = 0;
584  const auto& alcts = alctsInChamber(id);
585  for (const auto& alct : alcts) {
586  if (!alct.isValid())
587  continue;
588  if (alct.getQuality() >= min_quality) {
589  nStubChamber++;
590  }
591  }
592  if (nStubChamber > 0) {
593  ++result;
594  }
595  }
596  return result;
597 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer > alcts() const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsALCT(int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
const CSCALCTDigiContainer & alctsInChamber(unsigned int) const

◆ nChambersWithCLCT()

int CSCStubMatcher::nChambersWithCLCT ( int  min_quality = 0) const

How many CSC chambers with matching stubs of some minimal quality did this SimTrack hit?

Definition at line 559 of file

References mps_fire::result.

559  {
560  int result = 0;
561  const auto& chamber_ids = chamberIdsCLCT();
562  for (const auto& id : chamber_ids) {
563  int nStubChamber = 0;
564  const auto& clcts = clctsInChamber(id);
565  for (const auto& clct : clcts) {
566  if (!clct.isValid())
567  continue;
568  if (clct.getQuality() >= min_quality) {
569  nStubChamber++;
570  }
571  }
572  if (nStubChamber > 0) {
573  ++result;
574  }
575  }
576  return result;
577 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer > clcts() const
all matching lcts
const CSCCLCTDigiContainer & clctsInChamber(unsigned int) const
all matching from a particular crossed chamber
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsCLCT(int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
chamber detIds with matching stubs

◆ nChambersWithLCT()

int CSCStubMatcher::nChambersWithLCT ( int  min_quality = 0) const

Definition at line 599 of file

References mps_fire::result.

599  {
600  int result = 0;
601  const auto& chamber_ids = chamberIdsLCT();
602  for (const auto& id : chamber_ids) {
603  int nStubChamber = 0;
604  const auto& lcts = lctsInChamber(id);
605  for (const auto& lct : lcts) {
606  if (!lct.isValid())
607  continue;
608  if (lct.getQuality() >= min_quality) {
609  nStubChamber++;
610  }
611  }
612  if (nStubChamber > 0) {
613  ++result;
614  }
615  }
616  return result;
617 }
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsLCT(int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & lctsInChamber(unsigned int) const
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > lcts() const

◆ nChambersWithMPLCT()

int CSCStubMatcher::nChambersWithMPLCT ( int  min_quality = 0) const

Definition at line 619 of file

References mps_fire::result.

619  {
620  int result = 0;
621  const auto& chamber_ids = chamberIdsMPLCT();
622  for (const auto& id : chamber_ids) {
623  int nStubChamber = 0;
624  const auto& mplcts = mplctsInChamber(id);
625  for (const auto& mplct : mplcts) {
626  if (!mplct.isValid())
627  continue;
628  if (mplct.getQuality() >= min_quality) {
629  nStubChamber++;
630  }
631  }
632  if (nStubChamber > 0) {
633  ++result;
634  }
635  }
636  return result;
637 }
std::map< unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer > mplcts() const
std::set< unsigned int > chamberIdsMPLCT(int csc_type=MuonHitHelper::CSC_ALL) const
const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer & mplctsInChamber(unsigned int) const

◆ selectDetIds()

template<class D >
std::set< unsigned int > CSCStubMatcher::selectDetIds ( D &  digis,
int  csc_type 
) const

Definition at line 162 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, mps_fire::result, CSCDetId::ring(), CSCDetId::station(), and MuonHitHelper::toCSCType().

162  {
163  std::set<unsigned int> result;
164  for (auto& p : digis) {
165  auto id = p.first;
166  if (csc_type > 0) {
167  CSCDetId detId(id);
168  if (MuonHitHelper::toCSCType(detId.station(), detId.ring()) != csc_type)
169  continue;
170  }
171  result.insert(p.first);
172  }
173  return result;
174 }
static int toCSCType(int st, int ri)

◆ zpositionOfLayer()

float CSCStubMatcher::zpositionOfLayer ( unsigned int  detid,
int  layer 
) const

Definition at line 553 of file

References relativeConstraints::chamber, and phase1PixelTopology::layer.

553  {
554  const auto& id = CSCDetId(detid);
555  const auto& chamber(cscGeometry_->chamber(id));
556  return fabs(chamber->layer(layer)->centerOfStrip(20).z());
557 }
const CSCChamber * chamber(CSCDetId id) const
Return the chamber corresponding to given DetId.
const CSCGeometry * cscGeometry_
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer

Member Data Documentation

◆ addGhostLCTs_

bool CSCStubMatcher::addGhostLCTs_

Definition at line 136 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ alctInputTag_

edm::InputTag CSCStubMatcher::alctInputTag_

Definition at line 101 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ alctsH_

edm::Handle<CSCALCTDigiCollection> CSCStubMatcher::alctsH_

Definition at line 111 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ alctToken_

edm::EDGetTokenT<CSCALCTDigiCollection> CSCStubMatcher::alctToken_

Definition at line 106 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ chamber_to_alcts_

std::map<unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::chamber_to_alcts_

Definition at line 129 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

Referenced by alcts().

◆ chamber_to_alcts_all_

std::map<unsigned int, CSCALCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::chamber_to_alcts_all_

Definition at line 123 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ chamber_to_clcts_

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::chamber_to_clcts_

Definition at line 128 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

Referenced by clcts().

◆ chamber_to_clcts_all_

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::chamber_to_clcts_all_

Definition at line 122 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ chamber_to_lcts_

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::chamber_to_lcts_

Definition at line 130 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

Referenced by lcts().

◆ chamber_to_lcts_all_

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::chamber_to_lcts_all_

Definition at line 124 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ chamber_to_mplcts_

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::chamber_to_mplcts_

Definition at line 131 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

Referenced by mplcts().

◆ chamber_to_mplcts_all_

std::map<unsigned int, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer> CSCStubMatcher::chamber_to_mplcts_all_

Definition at line 125 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ clctInputTag_

edm::InputTag CSCStubMatcher::clctInputTag_

Definition at line 100 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ clctsH_

edm::Handle<CSCCLCTDigiCollection> CSCStubMatcher::clctsH_

Definition at line 110 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ clctToken_

edm::EDGetTokenT<CSCCLCTDigiCollection> CSCStubMatcher::clctToken_

Definition at line 105 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ cscDigiMatcher_

std::shared_ptr<CSCDigiMatcher> CSCStubMatcher::cscDigiMatcher_

Definition at line 115 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

Referenced by cscDigiMatcher().

◆ cscGeometry_

const CSCGeometry* CSCStubMatcher::cscGeometry_

Definition at line 119 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ gemDigiMatcher_

std::shared_ptr<GEMDigiMatcher> CSCStubMatcher::gemDigiMatcher_

Definition at line 116 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

Referenced by gemDigiMatcher().

◆ geomToken_

edm::ESGetToken<CSCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord> CSCStubMatcher::geomToken_

Definition at line 118 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ lctInputTag_

edm::InputTag CSCStubMatcher::lctInputTag_

Definition at line 102 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ lctsH_

edm::Handle<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> CSCStubMatcher::lctsH_

Definition at line 112 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ lctToken_

edm::EDGetTokenT<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> CSCStubMatcher::lctToken_

Definition at line 107 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ maxBXALCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::maxBXALCT_

Definition at line 151 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ maxBXCLCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::maxBXCLCT_

Definition at line 150 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ maxBXLCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::maxBXLCT_

Definition at line 152 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.


int CSCStubMatcher::maxBXMPLCT_

Definition at line 153 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ minBXALCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::minBXALCT_

Definition at line 151 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ minBXCLCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::minBXCLCT_

Definition at line 150 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ minBXLCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::minBXLCT_

Definition at line 152 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.


int CSCStubMatcher::minBXMPLCT_

Definition at line 153 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ minNHitsChamber_

int CSCStubMatcher::minNHitsChamber_

Definition at line 139 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ minNHitsChamberALCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::minNHitsChamberALCT_

Definition at line 140 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ minNHitsChamberCLCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::minNHitsChamberCLCT_

Definition at line 141 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ minNHitsChamberLCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::minNHitsChamberLCT_

Definition at line 142 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ minNHitsChamberMPLCT_

int CSCStubMatcher::minNHitsChamberMPLCT_

Definition at line 143 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ mplctInputTag_

edm::InputTag CSCStubMatcher::mplctInputTag_

Definition at line 103 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ mplctsH_

edm::Handle<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> CSCStubMatcher::mplctsH_

Definition at line 113 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ mplctToken_

edm::EDGetTokenT<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> CSCStubMatcher::mplctToken_

Definition at line 108 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ no_alcts_

CSCALCTDigiContainer CSCStubMatcher::no_alcts_

Definition at line 156 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ no_clcts_

CSCCLCTDigiContainer CSCStubMatcher::no_clcts_

Definition at line 155 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ no_lcts_

CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer CSCStubMatcher::no_lcts_

Definition at line 157 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ no_mplcts_

CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiContainer CSCStubMatcher::no_mplcts_

Definition at line 158 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ useGEMs_

bool CSCStubMatcher::useGEMs_

Definition at line 137 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ verboseALCT_

bool CSCStubMatcher::verboseALCT_

Definition at line 145 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ verboseCLCT_

bool CSCStubMatcher::verboseCLCT_

Definition at line 146 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ verboseLCT_

bool CSCStubMatcher::verboseLCT_

Definition at line 147 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.

◆ verboseMPLCT_

bool CSCStubMatcher::verboseMPLCT_

Definition at line 148 of file CSCStubMatcher.h.