1 #ifndef MuonAnalysis_MuonAssociators_interface_PropagateToMuon_h 2 #define MuonAnalysis_MuonAssociators_interface_PropagateToMuon_h const BoundDisk * endcapDiskNeg_[3]
WhichTrack whichTrack_
Labels for input collections.
edm::ESHandle< Propagator > propagator_
const BoundCylinder * barrelCylinder_
FreeTrajectoryState startingState(const reco::Candidate &reco) const
Starting state for the propagation.
edm::ESHandle< Propagator > propagatorAny_
edm::ESHandle< Propagator > propagatorOpposite_
Propagate an object (usually a track) to the second (default) or first muon station.
TrajectoryStateOnSurface getBestDet(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const DetLayer *station) const
Get the best TSOS on one of the chambres of this DetLayer, or an invalid TSOS if none match...
edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > magfield_
bool cosmicPropagation_
for cosmics, some things change: the along-opposite is not in-out, nor the innermost/outermost states...
TrajectoryStateOnSurface extrapolate(const reco::Candidate &tk) const
Extrapolate reco::Candidate to the muon station 2, return an invalid TSOS if it fails.
std::vector< SimVertex > SimVertexContainer
std::pair< float, float > endcapRadii_[3]
edm::ESHandle< MuonDetLayerGeometry > muonGeometry_
bool fallbackToME1_
Fallback to ME1 if propagation to ME2 fails.
const BoundDisk * endcapDiskPos_[3]
TrajectoryStateOnSurface extrapolate(const reco::Track &tk) const
Extrapolate reco::Track to the muon station 2, return an invalid TSOS if it fails.
TrajectoryStateOnSurface extrapolate(const SimTrack &tk, const edm::SimVertexContainer &vtxs) const