Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include <iostream>
5  : theTpeak(-999.),
6  thePositionWithinStrip(-999.),
7  theErrorWithinStrip(-999.),
8  theEnergyDeposit(-994.),
9  theQuality(0),
10  theScaledWireTime(0),
11  theBadStrip(0),
12  theBadWireGroup(0),
13  nStrips_(0),
14  nWireGroups_(0),
15  nTimeBins_(0),
16  theLocalPosition(0., 0.),
17  theLocalError(0., 0., 0.) {
18  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAXSTRIPS; i++)
19  theStrips_[i] = 0;
20  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAXSTRIPS; i++)
21  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < MAXTIMEBINS; j++)
22  theADCs_[i * MAXTIMEBINS + j] = 0;
23 }
26  const LocalPoint& pos,
27  const LocalError& err,
29  const ADCContainer& adcs,
30  const ChannelContainer& wgroups,
31  float tpeak,
32  float posInStrip,
33  float errInStrip,
34  int quality,
35  short int badStrip,
36  short int badWireGroup,
37  int scaledWireTime,
38  float energyDeposit)
40  theTpeak(tpeak),
41  thePositionWithinStrip(posInStrip),
42  theErrorWithinStrip(errInStrip),
43  theEnergyDeposit(energyDeposit),
44  theQuality(quality),
45  theScaledWireTime(scaledWireTime),
46  theBadStrip(badStrip),
47  theBadWireGroup(badWireGroup),
48  theLocalPosition(pos),
49  theLocalError(err) {
50  nStrips_ = channels.size();
51  nWireGroups_ = wgroups.size();
53  if (nStrips_ > MAXSTRIPS) {
54  std::cout << "CSCRecHit2D: not enough strips in DataFormat! " << unsigned(nStrips_) << std::endl;
56  }
58  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAXSTRIPS; i++)
59  theStrips_[i] = 0;
60  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAXSTRIPS; i++)
61  theL1APhaseBits_[i] = 0;
62  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAXSTRIPS; i++)
63  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < MAXTIMEBINS; j++)
64  theADCs_[i * MAXTIMEBINS + j] = 0;
66  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nStrips_; i++) {
67  theStrips_[i] = channels[i] & 0x000000FF;
68  theL1APhaseBits_[i] = channels[i] & 0x0000FF00;
69  }
70  if (nWireGroups_ > 0) {
71  //take only the low bits
72  hitWire_ = wgroups[nWireGroups_ / 2] & 0x0000FFFF;
73  theWGroupsBX_ = (wgroups[nWireGroups_ / 2] >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF;
74  } else {
75  hitWire_ = 0;
76  theWGroupsBX_ = 0;
77  }
78  ADCContainer tmp(adcs); //must be a bug in RangeMap!!!???
79  nTimeBins_ = tmp.size() / nStrips_;
80  unsigned int k = 0;
81  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nStrips_; i++)
82  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nTimeBins_; j++) {
83  theADCs_[i * MAXTIMEBINS + j] = tmp[k];
84  k++;
85  }
86 }
91  // This is to satisfy the base class virtual function
93  // @@ Cast the enum (!) But what if the TRH::SIT changes?!
95  return sharesInput(other, cscWhat);
96 }
99  // Check to see if the TrackingRecHit is actually a CSCRecHit2D.
100  if (other->geographicalId().subdetId() != MuonSubdetId::CSC)
101  return false;
103  // Now I can static cast, because the previous guarantees that this is a CSCRecHit2D
104  const CSCRecHit2D* otherRecHit = static_cast<const CSCRecHit2D*>(other);
106  return sharesInput(otherRecHit, what);
107 }
110  // Check to see if the geographical ID of the two are the same
111  if (geographicalId() != otherRecHit->geographicalId())
112  return false;
114  // Trivial cases
115  if (nStrips() == 0 && otherRecHit->nStrips() == 0 && nWireGroups() == 0 && otherRecHit->nWireGroups() == 0)
116  return true;
117  if ((what == allWires || what == someWires) && nWireGroups() == 0 && otherRecHit->nWireGroups() == 0)
118  return true;
119  if ((what == allStrips || what == someStrips) && nStrips() == 0 && otherRecHit->nStrips() == 0)
120  return true;
122  // Check to see if the wire containers are the same length
123  if ((what == all || what == allWires) && nWireGroups() != otherRecHit->nWireGroups())
124  return false;
126  // Check to see if the strip containers are the same length
127  if ((what == all || what == allStrips) && nStrips() != otherRecHit->nStrips())
128  return false;
130  bool foundWire = false;
131  // Check to see if the wires are the same
132  if (what != allStrips && what != someStrips) {
133  //can we do better here?
134  if (hitWire() != otherRecHit->hitWire())
135  return false;
136  }
138  // Check to see if the wires are the same
139  bool foundStrip = false;
140  if (what != allWires && what != someWires) {
141  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nStrips(); i++) {
142  bool found = false;
143  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nStrips(); j++) {
144  //a strip is a channel for all but ME1/1a chambers (where 3 ganged strips are a channel)
145  if (cscDetId().channel(channels(i)) == otherRecHit->cscDetId().channel(otherRecHit->channels(j))) {
146  if (what == some || what == someStrips)
147  return true;
148  else {
149  found = true;
150  foundStrip = true;
151  break;
152  }
153  }
154  }
155  if ((what == all || what == allStrips) && !found)
156  return false;
157  }
158  if (what == someStrips && !foundStrip)
159  return false;
160  }
162  // In case we were looking for "some" and found absolutely nothing.
163  if (!foundWire && !foundStrip)
164  return false;
166  // If we made it this far, then:
167  // 1) the detector IDs are the same
168  // 2) the channel containers have the same number of entries
169  // 3) for each entry in my channel container, I can find the same value in the other RecHit's corresponding channel container
170  // I think that means we are the same.
171  return true;
172 }
174 void CSCRecHit2D::print() const {
175  std::cout << "CSCRecHit in CSC Detector: " << cscDetId() << std::endl;
176  std::cout << " local x = " << localPosition().x() << " +/- " << sqrt(localPositionError().xx())
177  << " y = " << localPosition().y() << " +/- " << sqrt(localPositionError().yy()) << std::endl;
179  std::cout << " tpeak " << theTpeak << " psoInStrip " << thePositionWithinStrip << " errorinstrip "
180  << theErrorWithinStrip << " "
181  << " qual " << theQuality << " wiretime " << theScaledWireTime << " tbs " << theBadStrip << " bwg "
182  << theBadWireGroup << std::endl;
184  std::cout << " Channels: ";
185  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nStrips(); i++) {
186  std::cout << std::dec << channels(i) << " "
187  << " ("
188  << "HEX: " << std::hex << channels(i) << ")"
189  << " ";
190  }
191  std::cout << std::endl;
194  std::cout << " L1APhase: ";
195  for (int i = 0; i < (int)nStrips(); i++) {
196  std::cout << "|";
197  for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
198  std::cout << ((channelsl1a(i) >> (15 - k)) & 0x1) << " ";
199  }
200  std::cout << "| ";
201  }
202  std::cout << std::endl;
204  std::cout << "nWireGroups " << (int)nWireGroups() << " central wire " << hitWire_ << std::endl;
205 }
207 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CSCRecHit2D& rh) {
208  os << "CSCRecHit2D: "
209  << "local x: " << rh.localPosition().x() << " +/- " << sqrt(rh.localPositionError().xx())
210  << " y: " << rh.localPosition().y() << " +/- " << sqrt(rh.localPositionError().yy())
211  << " in strip X: " << rh.positionWithinStrip() << " +/- " << rh.errorWithinStrip() << " quality: " << rh.quality()
212  << " tpeak: " << rh.tpeak() << " wireTime: " << rh.wireTime() << std::endl;
213  os << "strips: ";
214  for (size_t iS = 0; iS < rh.nStrips(); ++iS) {
215  os << rh.channels(iS) << " ";
216  }
217  int nwgs = rh.nWireGroups();
218  if (nwgs == 1) {
219  os << "central wire: " << rh.hitWire() << " of " << nwgs << " wiregroup" << std::endl;
220  } else {
221  os << "central wire: " << rh.hitWire() << " of " << nwgs << " wiregroups" << std::endl;
222  }
223  return os;
224 }
definition of equality via shared input
unsigned int nStrips() const
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:62
unsigned char nTimeBins_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:132
unsigned char nWireGroups_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:132
~CSCRecHit2D() override
bool sharesInput(const TrackingRecHit *other, TrackingRecHit::SharedInputType what) const override
Returns true if the two TrackingRecHits are using the same input information, false otherwise...
CSCDetId cscDetId() const
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:58
void print() const
Print the content of the RecHit2D including L1A (for debugging)
float errorWithinStrip() const
The uncertainty of the estimated position within the strip.
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:85
unsigned char nStrips_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:132
unsigned int nWireGroups() const
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:71
short int hitWire_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:127
static const unsigned int MAXSTRIPS
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:32
short int theBadStrip
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:129
float yy() const
Definition: LocalError.h:24
float wireTime() const
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:95
short int theBadWireGroup
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:130
int channel(int istrip)
Definition: CSCDetId.h:105
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
float theTpeak
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:121
float adcs(unsigned int strip, unsigned int timebin) const
Map of strip ADCs for strips comprising the rechit.
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:74
int theScaledWireTime
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:126
LocalError localPositionError() const override
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:57
float tpeak() const
Fitted peaking time.
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:79
LocalPoint localPosition() const override
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:56
float thePositionWithinStrip
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:122
DetId geographicalId() const
float theErrorWithinStrip
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:123
float positionWithinStrip() const
The estimated position within the strip.
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:82
static const unsigned int MAXTIMEBINS
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:33
short int theWGroupsBX_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:128
float theADCs_[N_ADC]
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:136
GloballyPositioned< float >::LocalPoint LocalPoint
int channels(unsigned int i) const
Extracting strip channel numbers comprising the rechit - low.
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:61
string quality
static constexpr int CSC
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:12
short int hitWire() const
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:68
float xx() const
Definition: LocalError.h:22
unsigned char theStrips_[MAXSTRIPS]
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:135
std::vector< int > ChannelContainer
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:20
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CSCRecHit2D &rh)
Output operator for CSCRecHit2D.
int quality() const
quality flag of the reconstruction
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:88
unsigned char theL1APhaseBits_[MAXSTRIPS]
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:134