bool autoDetectRequiredFormatTranslator(const unsigned char *data)
Looks at the firmware version header in the S-Link packet and instantiates relevant format translator...
std::vector< L1TriggerError > L1TriggerErrorCollection
const bool unpackSharedRegions_
Commissioning option: if true, where applicable the shared RCT calo regions will also be unpacked...
GctBlockHeaderCollection blockHeaders_
const unsigned numberOfGctSamplesToUnpack_
Number of BXs of GCT data to unpack (assuming they are in the raw data)
void addError(const unsigned code)
const bool hltMode_
If true, only outputs the GCT data sent to the GT (number of BXs defined by numberOfGctSamplesToUnpac...
void checkHeaders()
check block headers for consistency
virtual void endJob()
method called at job end - use to print summary report
void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
static const unsigned MAX_BLOCKS
The maximum number of blocks we will try to unpack before thinking something is wrong.
edm::InputTag inputLabel_
FED collection label.
const unsigned formatVersion_
Defines unpacker verison to be used (e.g.: "Auto-detect", "MCLegacy", "V35", etc).
GctRawToDigi(const edm::ParameterSet &)
unsigned unpackFailures_
To count the total number of GCT unpack failures.
const unsigned numberOfRctSamplesToUnpack_
Number of BXs of RCT data to unpack (assuming they are in the raw data)
RAII and useful methods for the many dataformat collections required by the GCT unpacker.
const bool verbose_
If true, then debug print out for each event.
const bool checkHeaders_
If true, check block headers for synchronisation.
static const unsigned MAX_ERR_CODE
void unpack(const FEDRawData &d, edm::Event &e, GctUnpackCollections *const colls)
Unpacks the raw data.
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
std::vector< unsigned > errorCounters_
Counts number of errors for each code (index)
GctFormatTranslateBase * formatTranslator_
pointer to the block-to-digi converter
void doVerboseOutput(const GctBlockHeaderCollection &bHdrs, const GctUnpackCollections *const colls) const
Prints out a list of blocks and the various numbers of trigger objects that have been unpacked from t...
L1TriggerErrorCollection * errors_
pointer to error collection
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)