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l1t Namespace Reference

delete x; More...




class   Description
class  AlgorithmEvaluation
class  AMC13DumpToRaw
class  AMCDumpToRaw
class  Block
class  BlockHeader
class  BxBlock
class  BxBlockHeader
class  BXVectorInputProducer
class  CaloCluster
class  CaloCondition
class  CaloConfig
class  CaloConfigHelper
class  CaloEmCand
class  CaloMainProcessor
class  CaloParams
class  CaloParamsHelper
class  CaloParamsHelperO2O
class  CaloRegion
class  CaloSpare
class  CaloStage1Cluster
class  CaloStage1FirmwareFactory
class  CaloStage2JetAlgorithm
class  CaloStage2Nav
class  CaloStage2TowerAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  CaloTools
class  CaloTower
class  ClusterShapes
class  ConditionEvaluation
class  CorrCondition
class  CorrThreeBodyCondition
class  CorrWithOverlapRemovalCondition
class  CPPFDigi
class  CTP7Payload
class  DataAlreadyPresentException
class  DataInvalidException
class  DataManager
class  DataWriter
class  DataWriterExt
class  EGamma
class  EMTFDaqOut
class  EMTFHit
struct  EMTFPtLUT
class  EMTFRoad
class  EMTFTrack
class  EndCapParamsHelper
class  EnergySumCondition
class  EtSum
class  EtSumHelper
class  ExternalCondition
class  FakeInputProducer
class  GenToInputProducer
class  GlobalBoard
class  GlobalParamsHelper
class  GlobalScales
class  GMTInternalMuon
struct  GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum
struct  GtConditionTypeStringToEnum
class  GtInputDump
class  GtRecordDump
class  HGC3DClusterGenMatchSelector
class  HGC3DClusterSimpleSelector
class  HGC3DClusterTMVASelector
class  HGCalCluster
class  HGCalClusterT
class  HGCalConcentratorData
class  HGCalMulticluster
class  HGCalTower
struct  HGCalTowerCoord
class  HGCalTowerID
class  HGCalTowerMap
class  HGCalTriggerCell
class  HGCalTriggerSums
class  HGCFETriggerDigi
class  HPSPFTau
class  Jet
class  L1CaloTkTau
class  L1Candidate
class  L1ComparatorRun2
class  L1DataEmulResult
struct  L1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum
class  L1TCaloRCTToUpgradeConverter
class  L1TCaloStage1LutWriter
class  L1TCaloTowersFilter
class  L1TCaloUpgradeToGCTConverter
class  L1TDigiToRaw
class  L1TExtCondLegacyToStage2
class  L1TExtCondProducer
class  L1TGlobalAnalyzer
class  L1TGlobalUtil
class  L1TGlobalUtilHelper
struct  L1TGtObjectStringToEnum
 the string to enum and enum to string conversions for GlobalObject More...
class  L1TRawToDigi
class  L1TrkTau
class  L1TStage1Layer2Producer
class  L1TStage2CaloAnalyzer
class  LUT
class  Mask
class  MicroGMTAbsoluteIsolationCheckLUT
class  MicroGMTAbsoluteIsolationCheckLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTCaloIndexSelectionLUT
class  MicroGMTCaloIndexSelectionLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTCancelOutUnit
class  MicroGMTConfiguration
class  MicroGMTExtrapolationLUT
class  MicroGMTExtrapolationLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTIsolationUnit
class  MicroGMTLUT
class  MicroGMTMatchQualFineLUT
class  MicroGMTMatchQualLUT
class  MicroGMTMatchQualLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTMatchQualSimpleLUT
class  MicroGMTRankPtQualLUT
class  MicroGMTRankPtQualLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTRelativeIsolationCheckLUT
class  MicroGMTRelativeIsolationCheckLUTFactory
class  MP7BufferDumpToRaw
class  MP7Payload
class  MTF7Payload
class  MuCondition
class  Muon
class  MuonCaloSum
class  MuonRawDigiTranslator
class  MuonShower
class  MuonShowerCondition
class  MuonStub
class  OMDSReader
class  OnlineDBqueryHelper
class  Packer
class  PackerFactory
class  PackerTokens
class  PackingSetup
class  PackingSetupFactory
class  Parameter
class  Payload
class  PFCandidate
class  PFCluster
class  PFJet
class  PFTau
class  PFTrack
class  PhysicsToBitConverter
class  PrescalesVetosFractHelper
class  PrescalesVetosHelper
class  rctDataBase
class  RegionalMuonCand
class  RegionalMuonRawDigiTranslator
class  RegionalMuonShower
class  SAMuon
class  Stage1Layer2CentralityAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2DiTauAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHI
class  Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW
class  Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP
class  Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHI
class  Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW
class  Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP
class  Stage1Layer2FirmwareFactory
class  Stage1Layer2FlowAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2HFBitCountAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2HFMinimumBias
class  Stage1Layer2HFRingSumAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI
class  Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP
class  Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW
class  Stage1Layer2MainProcessor
class  Stage1Layer2MainProcessorFirmwareImp1
class  Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI
class  Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW
class  Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP
class  Stage1TauIsolationLUT
class  Stage2Layer1FirmwareFactory
class  Stage2Layer2ClusterAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2ClusterAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxEGAlgo
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxEGAlgoFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxJetAlgo
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxJetAlgoFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxSumsAlgo
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxSumsAlgoFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxTauAlgo
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxTauAlgoFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2EGAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2EGammaAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2EGammaAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2EtSumAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2EtSumAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2FirmwareFactory
class  Stage2Layer2JetAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2JetAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2JetSumAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2JetSumAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2MainProcessorFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2SumsAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2TauAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2TauAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2MainProcessor
class  Stage2MainProcessorFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2PreProcessor
class  Stage2PreProcessorFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2TowerCompressAlgorithm
class  Stage2TowerCompressAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2TowerDecompressAlgorithm
class  Stage2TowerDecompressAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Tau
class  TkBsCandidate
class  TkEGTau
class  TkElectron
class  TkEm
class  TkEtMiss
class  TkGlbMuon
class  TkHTMiss
class  TkJet
class  TkJetWord
class  TkMuon
class  TkPhiCandidate
class  TkPrimaryVertex
class  TkTau
class  TrackerMuon
class  TriggerMenuParser
class  TriggerSystem
class  Unpacker
class  UnpackerCollections
class  UnpackerFactory
class  Vertex
class  VertexWord
class  WriterProxy
class  WriterProxyT
class  XmlConfigParser


typedef std::map< std::string, GlobalAlgorithmAlgorithmMap
 map containing the algorithms More...
typedef std::vector< BlockBlocks
typedef std::vector< BxBlockBxBlocks
typedef BXVector< CaloClusterCaloClusterBxCollection
typedef BXVector< CaloEmCandCaloEmCandBxCollection
typedef BXVector< CaloRegionCaloRegionBxCollection
typedef BXVector< CaloSpareCaloSpareBxCollection
typedef BXVector< CaloStage1ClusterCaloStage1ClusterBxCollection
typedef BXVector< CaloTowerCaloTowerBxCollection
typedef AlgorithmMap::const_iterator CItAlgo
 iterators through map containing the algorithms More...
typedef ConditionMap::const_iterator CItCond
 iterators through map containing the conditions More...
typedef std::map< std::string, GlobalCondition * > ConditionMap
typedef std::vector< CPPFDigiCPPFDigiCollection
typedef BXVector< EGammaEGammaBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< EGammaBxCollectionEGammaRef
typedef ObjectRefBxCollection< EGammaEGammaRefBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefPair< EGammaEGammaRefPair
typedef ObjectRefPairBxCollection< EGammaEGammaRefPairBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector< EGammaBxCollectionEGammaRefVector
typedef std::vector< EGammaRefEGammaVectorRef
typedef std::vector< EMTFDaqOutEMTFDaqOutCollection
typedef std::vector< EMTFHitEMTFHitCollection
typedef std::vector< EMTFRoadEMTFRoadCollection
typedef std::vector< EMTFTrackEMTFTrackCollection
typedef BXVector< EtSumEtSumBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< EtSumBxCollectionEtSumRef
typedef ObjectRefBxCollection< EtSumEtSumRefBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefPair< EtSumEtSumRefPair
typedef ObjectRefPairBxCollection< EtSumEtSumRefPairBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector< EtSumBxCollectionEtSumRefVector
typedef std::vector< EtSumRefEtSumVectorRef
typedef std::vector< GMTInternalMuonGMTInternalMuonCollection
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< GMTInternalMuon > > GMTInternalMuonList
typedef std::map< int, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< GMTInternalMuon > > > GMTInternalWedges
typedef BXVector< HGCalClusterHGCalClusterBxCollection
typedef BXVector< HGCalConcentratorDataHGCalConcentratorDataBxCollection
typedef BXVector< HGCalMulticlusterHGCalMulticlusterBxCollection
typedef BXVector< HGCalTowerHGCalTowerBxCollection
typedef BXVector< HGCalTowerMapHGCalTowerMapBxCollection
typedef BXVector< HGCalTriggerCellHGCalTriggerCellBxCollection
typedef BXVector< HGCalTriggerSumsHGCalTriggerSumsBxCollection
typedef edm::SortedCollection< HGCFETriggerDigiHGCFETriggerDigiCollection
typedef edm::Ptr< HGCFETriggerDigiHGCFETriggerDigiPtr
typedef std::vector< HGCFETriggerDigiPtrHGCFETriggerDigiPtrVector
typedef edm::Ref< HGCFETriggerDigiCollectionHGCFETriggerDigiRef
typedef edm::RefVector< HGCFETriggerDigiCollectionHGCFETriggerDigiRefVector
typedef std::vector< HPSPFTauHPSPFTauCollection
typedef edm::Ref< HPSPFTauCollectionHPSPFTauRef
typedef edm::RefVector< HPSPFTauCollectionHPSPFTauRefVector
typedef std::vector< HPSPFTauRefHPSPFTauVectorRef
typedef AlgorithmMap::iterator ItAlgo
typedef ConditionMap::iterator ItCond
typedef BXVector< JetJetBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< JetBxCollectionJetRef
typedef ObjectRefBxCollection< JetJetRefBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefPair< JetJetRefPair
typedef ObjectRefPairBxCollection< JetJetRefPairBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector< JetBxCollectionJetRefVector
typedef std::vector< JetRefJetVectorRef
typedef std::vector< L1CaloTkTauL1CaloTkTauCollection
typedef edm::Ref< L1CaloTkTauCollectionL1CaloTkTauRef
typedef edm::RefVector< L1CaloTkTauCollectionL1CaloTkTauRefVector
typedef std::vector< L1CaloTkTauRefL1CaloTkTauVectorRef
typedef BXVector< L1CandidateL1CandidateBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< L1CandidateBxCollectionL1CandidateRef
typedef edm::RefVector< L1CandidateBxCollectionL1CandidateRefVector
typedef std::vector< L1CandidateRefL1CandidateVectorRef
typedef BXVector< L1DataEmulResultL1DataEmulResultBxCollection
typedef std::vector< L1TrkTauL1TrkTauCollection
typedef edm::Ref< L1TrkTauCollectionL1TrkTauRef
typedef edm::RefVector< L1TrkTauCollectionL1TrkTauRefVector
typedef std::vector< L1TrkTauRefL1TrkTauVectorRef
typedef std::vector< L1TTTrackTypeL1TTTrackCollection
typedef edm::Ptr< L1TTTrackTypeL1TTTrackRefPtr
typedef std::vector< L1TTTrackRefPtrL1TTTrackRefPtr_Collection
typedef TTTrack< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_L1TTTrackType
typedef BXVector< MuonMuonBxCollection
typedef BXVector< MuonCaloSumMuonCaloSumBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< MuonBxCollectionMuonRef
typedef ObjectRefBxCollection< MuonMuonRefBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefPair< MuonMuonRefPair
typedef ObjectRefPairBxCollection< MuonMuonRefPairBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector< MuonBxCollectionMuonRefVector
typedef BXVector< MuonShowerMuonShowerBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< MuonShowerBxCollectionMuonShowerRef
typedef ObjectRefBxCollection< MuonShowerMuonShowerRefBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefPair< MuonShowerMuonShowerRefPair
typedef ObjectRefPairBxCollection< MuonShowerMuonShowerRefPairBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector< MuonShowerBxCollectionMuonShowerRefVector
typedef std::vector< MuonShowerRefMuonShowerVectorRef
typedef std::vector< MuonStubMuonStubCollection
typedef edm::Ref< MuonStubCollectionMuonStubRef
typedef std::vector< edm::Ref< MuonStubCollection > > MuonStubRefVector
typedef std::vector< MuonRefMuonVectorRef
template<typename T >
using ObjectRef = edm::Ref< BXVector< T > >
template<typename T >
using ObjectRefBxCollection = BXVector< ObjectRef< T > >
template<typename T >
using ObjectRefPair = std::pair< edm::Ref< BXVector< T > >, edm::Ref< BXVector< T > >>
template<typename T >
using ObjectRefPairBxCollection = BXVector< ObjectRefPair< T > >
typedef Packer *() pack_fct()
typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< pack_fctPackerFactoryT
typedef std::map< std::pair< int, int >, PackersPackerMap
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Packer > > Packers
typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< prov_fctPackingSetupFactoryT
typedef std::vector< l1t::PFCandidatePFCandidateCollection
typedef edm::Ref< l1t::PFCandidateCollectionPFCandidateRef
typedef edm::RefVector< l1t::PFCandidateCollectionPFCandidateRefVector
typedef std::vector< l1t::PFClusterPFClusterCollection
typedef edm::Ref< l1t::PFClusterCollectionPFClusterRef
typedef std::vector< l1t::PFJetPFJetCollection
typedef edm::Ref< l1t::PFJetCollectionPFJetRef
typedef std::vector< l1t::PFJetRefPFJetVectorRef
typedef std::vector< l1t::PFTauPFTauCollection
typedef edm::Ref< l1t::PFTauCollectionPFTauRef
typedef edm::RefVector< l1t::PFTauCollectionPFTauRefVector
typedef std::vector< l1t::PFTauRefPFTauVectorRef
typedef std::vector< l1t::PFTrackPFTrackCollection
typedef edm::Ref< l1t::PFTrackCollectionPFTrackRef
typedef edm::RefVector< l1t::PFTrackCollectionPFTrackRefVector
typedef std::vector< l1t::PFTrackRefPFTrackVectorRef
typedef PackingSetup *() prov_fct()
typedef BXVector< RegionalMuonCandRegionalMuonCandBxCollection
typedef ObjectRef< RegionalMuonCandRegionalMuonCandRef
typedef ObjectRefBxCollection< RegionalMuonCandRegionalMuonCandRefBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefPair< RegionalMuonCandRegionalMuonCandRefPair
typedef ObjectRefPairBxCollection< RegionalMuonCandRegionalMuonCandRefPairBxCollection
typedef BXVector< RegionalMuonShowerRegionalMuonShowerBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefBxCollection< RegionalMuonShowerRegionalMuonShowerRefBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefPair< RegionalMuonShowerRegionalMuonShowerRefPair
typedef ObjectRefPairBxCollection< RegionalMuonShowerRegionalMuonShowerRefPairBxCollection
typedef std::vector< SAMuonSAMuonCollection
typedef edm::Ref< SAMuonCollectionSAMuonRef
typedef std::vector< edm::Ref< SAMuonCollection > > SAMuonRefVector
typedef BXVector< TauTauBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TauBxCollectionTauRef
typedef ObjectRefBxCollection< TauTauRefBxCollection
typedef ObjectRefPair< TauTauRefPair
typedef ObjectRefPairBxCollection< TauTauRefPairBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector< TauBxCollectionTauRefVector
typedef std::vector< TauRefTauVectorRef
using TkBsCandidateCollection = std::vector< TkBsCandidate >
using TkBsCandidateRef = edm::Ref< TkBsCandidateCollection >
using TkBsCandidateRefVector = edm::RefVector< TkBsCandidateCollection >
using TkBsCandidateVectorRef = std::vector< TkBsCandidateRef >
typedef std::vector< TkEGTauTkEGTauCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TkEGTauCollectionTkEGTauRef
typedef edm::RefVector< TkEGTauCollectionTkEGTauRefVector
typedef std::vector< TkEGTauRefTkEGTauVectorRef
typedef std::vector< TkElectronTkElectronCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TkElectronCollectionTkElectronRef
typedef edm::RefVector< TkElectronCollectionTkElectronRefVector
typedef std::vector< TkElectronRefTkElectronVectorRef
typedef std::vector< TkEmTkEmCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TkEmCollectionTkEmRef
typedef edm::RefVector< TkEmCollectionTkEmRefVector
typedef std::vector< TkEmRefTkEmVectorRef
typedef std::vector< TkEtMissTkEtMissCollection
typedef std::vector< TkGlbMuonTkGlbMuonCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TkGlbMuonCollectionTkGlbMuonRef
typedef edm::RefVector< TkGlbMuonCollectionTkGlbMuonRefVector
typedef std::vector< TkGlbMuonRefTkGlbMuonVectorRef
typedef std::vector< TkHTMissTkHTMissCollection
typedef std::vector< TkJetTkJetCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TkJetCollectionTkJetRef
typedef edm::RefProd< TkJetTkJetRefProd
typedef edm::RefVector< TkJetCollectionTkJetRefVector
typedef std::vector< TkJetRefTkJetVectorRef
typedef std::vector< l1t::TkJetWordTkJetWordCollection
typedef std::vector< TkMuonTkMuonCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TkMuonCollectionTkMuonRef
typedef edm::RefVector< TkMuonCollectionTkMuonRefVector
typedef std::vector< TkMuonRefTkMuonVectorRef
using TkPhiCandidateCollection = std::vector< TkPhiCandidate >
using TkPhiCandidateRef = edm::Ref< TkPhiCandidateCollection >
using TkPhiCandidateRefVector = edm::RefVector< TkPhiCandidateCollection >
using TkPhiCandidateVectorRef = std::vector< TkPhiCandidateRef >
typedef std::vector< TkPrimaryVertexTkPrimaryVertexCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TkPrimaryVertexCollectionTkPrimaryVertexRef
typedef edm::RefVector< TkPrimaryVertexCollectionTkPrimaryVertexRefVector
typedef std::vector< TkPrimaryVertexRefTkPrimaryVertexVectorRef
typedef std::vector< TkTauTkTauCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TkTauCollectionTkTauRef
typedef edm::RefVector< TkTauCollectionTkTauRefVector
typedef std::vector< TkTauRefTkTauVectorRef
typedef std::vector< TrackerMuonTrackerMuonCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TrackerMuonCollectionTrackerMuonRef
typedef std::vector< edm::Ref< TrackerMuonCollection > > TrackerMuonRefVector
typedef Unpacker *() unpack_fct()
typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< unpack_fctUnpackerFactoryT
typedef std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< Unpacker > > UnpackerMap
typedef std::vector< VertexVertexCollection
typedef std::vector< VertexWordVertexWordCollection
typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< l1t::WriterProxy *()> WriterFactory
typedef std::unique_ptr< WriterProxyWriterProxyPtr


enum  block_t { MP7 = 0, CTP7, MTF7 }
enum  cancel_t {
  bmtf_bmtf, omtf_bmtf_pos, omtf_emtf_pos, omtf_omtf_pos,
  emtf_emtf_pos, omtf_bmtf_neg, omtf_emtf_neg, omtf_omtf_neg,
enum  cancelmode { tracks, kftracks, coordinate }
enum  GlobalObject {
  gtMu, gtMuShower, gtEG, gtJet,
  gtTau, gtETM, gtETT, gtHTT,
  gtHTM, gtETMHF, gtTowerCount, gtMinBiasHFP0,
  gtMinBiasHFM0, gtMinBiasHFP1, gtMinBiasHFM1, gtETTem,
  gtAsymmetryEt, gtAsymmetryHt, gtAsymmetryEtHF, gtAsymmetryHtHF,
  gtCentrality0, gtCentrality1, gtCentrality2, gtCentrality3,
  gtCentrality4, gtCentrality5, gtCentrality6, gtCentrality7,
  gtExternal, ObjNull
enum  GtConditionCategory {
  CondNull, CondMuon, CondCalo, CondEnergySum,
  CondCorrelation, CondExternal, CondCorrelationWithOverlapRemoval, CondCorrelationThreeBody,
 condition categories More...
enum  GtConditionType {
  TypeNull, Type1s, Type2s, Type2wsc,
  Type2cor, Type3s, Type4s, TypeETM,
  TypeETT, TypeHTT, TypeHTM, TypeETMHF,
  TypeTowerCount, TypeMinBiasHFP0, TypeMinBiasHFM0, TypeMinBiasHFP1,
  TypeMinBiasHFM1, TypeETTem, TypeExternal, Type2corWithOverlapRemoval,
  TypeCent0, TypeCent1, TypeCent2, TypeCent3,
  TypeCent4, TypeCent5, TypeCent6, TypeCent7,
  TypeAsymEt, TypeAsymHt, TypeAsymEtHF, TypeAsymHtHF
enum  L1GtBoardType { MP7 = 0, BoardNull }
 board types in GT More...
enum  tftype {
  bmtf, omtf_neg, omtf_pos, emtf_neg,
enum  TrigFunc_t { COS, SIN }
enum  UseEventSetupIn { UseEventSetupIn::Run, UseEventSetupIn::Event, UseEventSetupIn::RunAndEvent }


void calibrateAndRankJets (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output)
void calibrateAndRankTaus (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output)
template<class T >
T castTo (const char *arg)
bool castTo< bool > (const char *arg)
char castTo< char > (const char *arg)
double castTo< double > (const char *arg)
float castTo< float > (const char *arg)
int castTo< int > (const char *arg)
long castTo< long > (const char *arg)
long double castTo< long double > (const char *arg)
long long castTo< long long > (const char *arg)
short castTo< short > (const char *arg)
unsigned char castTo< unsigned char > (const char *arg)
unsigned int castTo< unsigned int > (const char *arg)
unsigned long castTo< unsigned long > (const char *arg)
unsigned long long castTo< unsigned long long > (const char *arg)
unsigned short castTo< unsigned short > (const char *arg)
template<class T >
T castTo_impl (const char *arg, std::true_type, std::false_type)
template<class T >
T castTo_impl (const char *arg, std::false_type, std::true_type)
template<class T >
T castTo_impl (const char *arg, std::false_type, std::false_type)
template<class T >
T castToInt_impl (const char *arg, std::true_type)
template<class T >
T castToInt_impl (const char *arg, std::false_type)
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< uint64_t > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< char > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< short > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< long > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< long long > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< unsigned char > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< unsigned short > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
l1t::LUT convertToLUT (const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
int deltaGctPhi (const CaloRegion &region, const CaloRegion &neighbor)
void EGammaToGtScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *input, std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *output)
void EtSumToGtScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *input, std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *output)
void getBXRange (int nbx, int &first, int &last)
const unsigned int gtEta (const unsigned int iEta)
constexpr unsigned char hgcal_bad_codec (0xff)
void HICaloRingSubtraction (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &regions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions, CaloParamsHelper const *params)
 ------------— For heavy ion ----------------------------------— More...
void JetCalibration (std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets, std::vector< double > jetCalibrationParams, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *jets, std::string jetCalibrationType, double jetLSB)
void JetToGtEtaScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output)
void JetToGtPtScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output)
std::string l1GtBoardTypeEnumToString (const L1GtBoardType &)
L1GtBoardType l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum (const std::string &)
std::string l1GtConditionCategoryEnumToString (const GtConditionCategory &)
GtConditionCategory l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum (const std::string &)
std::string l1GtConditionTypeEnumToString (const GtConditionType &)
GtConditionType l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnum (const std::string &)
std::string l1TGtObjectEnumToString (const GlobalObject &)
l1t::GlobalObject l1TGtObjectStringToEnum (const std::string &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const l1t::CaloParamsHelper &p)
bool operator> (const l1t::Tau &a, const l1t::Tau &b)
bool operator> (const l1t::EGamma &a, const l1t::EGamma &b)
bool operator> (l1t::Tau &a, l1t::Tau &b)
bool operator> (l1t::EGamma &a, l1t::EGamma &b)
bool operator> (const l1t::Jet &a, const l1t::Jet &b)
bool operator> (const l1t::Jet &a, l1t::Jet &b)
bool operator> (const l1t::EGamma &a, l1t::EGamma &b)
bool operator> (const l1t::Tau &a, l1t::Tau &b)
unsigned int pack15bits (int pt, int eta, int phi)
unsigned int pack16bits (int pt, int eta, int phi)
unsigned int pack16bitsEgammaSpecial (int pt, int eta, int phi)
void passThroughJets (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets)
void RegionCorrection (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &regions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions, CaloParamsHelper const *params)
 ------— New region correction (PUsub, no response correction at the moment) --------— More...
void simpleHWSubtraction (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &regions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions)
void slidingWindowJetFinder (const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets)
void SortEGammas (std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *input, std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *output)
void SortJets (std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output)
void SortTaus (std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output)
void TauToGtEtaScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output)
void TauToGtPtScales (CaloParamsHelper const *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output)
void TwelveByTwelveFinder (const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets)
void TwoByTwoFinder (const int, const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets)


static constexpr float PFTAU_NN_LOOSE_CUT = 0.05
static constexpr float PFTAU_NN_OFFSET = 0.1
static constexpr float PFTAU_NN_OVERALL_SCALE = 1. / 20.1
static constexpr double PFTAU_NN_PT_CUTOFF = 100.0
static constexpr float PFTAU_NN_SLOPE = 0.2
static constexpr float PFTAU_NN_TIGHT_CUT = 0.25
static constexpr float PFTAU_PF_LOOSE_CUT = 10.0
static constexpr float PFTAU_PF_TIGHT_CUT = 5.0

Detailed Description

delete x;

map containing the conditions

Description: Simple Navigator class for the CaloTowers

: Sam Harper - RAL, Olivier Davignon - Bristol

Description: Firmware headers

Implementation: Collects concrete algorithm implmentations.

: R. Alex Barbieri MIT Kalanand Mishra, Fermilab

Description: Firmware headers

Implementation: Collects concrete algorithm implmentations.

: R. Alex Barbieri MIT

Description: Firmware headers

Implementation: Concrete firmware implementations

: Jim Brooke - University of Bristol

Description: Firmware headers

Implementation: Concrete firmware implementations

: Jim Brooke - University of Bristol Modified: Adam Elwood - ICL

Description: enums for the L1 GT.

Implementation: Defines various enums for CondFormats L1 GT. For each enum, define the lightweight "maps" for enum string label and enum value

: Vladimir Rekovic, Brian Winer, OSU Vasile Mihai Ghete - HEPHY Vienna Elisa Fontanesi - extended for three-body correlation conditions

$Date$ $Revision$

Typedef Documentation

◆ AlgorithmMap

typedef std::map<std::string, GlobalAlgorithm> l1t::AlgorithmMap

map containing the algorithms

Definition at line 32 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

◆ Blocks

typedef std::vector<Block> l1t::Blocks

Definition at line 99 of file Block.h.

◆ BxBlocks

typedef std::vector<BxBlock> l1t::BxBlocks

Definition at line 79 of file BxBlock.h.

◆ CaloClusterBxCollection

Definition at line 78 of file CaloCluster.h.

◆ CaloEmCandBxCollection

Definition at line 19 of file CaloEmCand.h.

◆ CaloRegionBxCollection

Definition at line 43 of file CaloRegion.h.

◆ CaloSpareBxCollection

Definition at line 9 of file CaloSpare.h.

◆ CaloStage1ClusterBxCollection

Definition at line 20 of file CaloStage1Cluster.h.

◆ CaloTowerBxCollection

Definition at line 9 of file CaloTower.h.

◆ CItAlgo

typedef AlgorithmMap::const_iterator l1t::CItAlgo

iterators through map containing the algorithms

Definition at line 39 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

◆ CItCond

typedef ConditionMap::const_iterator l1t::CItCond

iterators through map containing the conditions

Definition at line 35 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

◆ ConditionMap

typedef std::map<std::string, GlobalCondition*> l1t::ConditionMap

Definition at line 29 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

◆ CPPFDigiCollection

typedef std::vector<CPPFDigi> l1t::CPPFDigiCollection

Definition at line 83 of file CPPFDigi.h.

◆ EGammaBxCollection

Definition at line 10 of file EGamma.h.

◆ EGammaRef

Definition at line 35 of file TkEGTau.h.

◆ EGammaRefBxCollection

Definition at line 16 of file EGamma.h.

◆ EGammaRefPair

Definition at line 17 of file EGamma.h.

◆ EGammaRefPairBxCollection

Definition at line 18 of file EGamma.h.

◆ EGammaRefVector

Definition at line 13 of file EGamma.h.

◆ EGammaVectorRef

typedef std::vector< EGammaRef > l1t::EGammaVectorRef

Definition at line 36 of file TkEGTau.h.

◆ EMTFDaqOutCollection

typedef std::vector<EMTFDaqOut> l1t::EMTFDaqOutCollection

Definition at line 179 of file EMTFDaqOut.h.

◆ EMTFHitCollection

typedef std::vector<EMTFHit> l1t::EMTFHitCollection

Definition at line 366 of file EMTFHit.h.

◆ EMTFRoadCollection

typedef std::vector<EMTFRoad> l1t::EMTFRoadCollection

Definition at line 66 of file EMTFRoad.h.

◆ EMTFTrackCollection

typedef std::vector<EMTFTrack> l1t::EMTFTrackCollection

Definition at line 251 of file EMTFTrack.h.

◆ EtSumBxCollection

Definition at line 10 of file EtSum.h.

◆ EtSumRef

Definition at line 12 of file EtSum.h.

◆ EtSumRefBxCollection

Definition at line 16 of file EtSum.h.

◆ EtSumRefPair

Definition at line 17 of file EtSum.h.

◆ EtSumRefPairBxCollection

Definition at line 18 of file EtSum.h.

◆ EtSumRefVector

Definition at line 13 of file EtSum.h.

◆ EtSumVectorRef

typedef std::vector<EtSumRef> l1t::EtSumVectorRef

Definition at line 14 of file EtSum.h.

◆ GMTInternalMuonCollection

Definition at line 9 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.

◆ GMTInternalMuonList

typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<GMTInternalMuon> > l1t::GMTInternalMuonList

Definition at line 12 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.

◆ GMTInternalWedges

typedef std::map<int, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GMTInternalMuon> > > l1t::GMTInternalWedges

Definition at line 11 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.

◆ HGCalClusterBxCollection

Definition at line 27 of file HGCalCluster.h.

◆ HGCalConcentratorDataBxCollection

Definition at line 9 of file HGCalConcentratorData.h.

◆ HGCalMulticlusterBxCollection

Definition at line 95 of file HGCalMulticluster.h.

◆ HGCalTowerBxCollection

Definition at line 10 of file HGCalTower.h.

◆ HGCalTowerMapBxCollection

Definition at line 12 of file HGCalTowerMap.h.

◆ HGCalTriggerCellBxCollection

Definition at line 11 of file HGCalTriggerCell.h.

◆ HGCalTriggerSumsBxCollection

Definition at line 11 of file HGCalTriggerSums.h.

◆ HGCFETriggerDigiCollection

Definition at line 15 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.

◆ HGCFETriggerDigiPtr

Definition at line 20 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.

◆ HGCFETriggerDigiPtrVector

Definition at line 21 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.

◆ HGCFETriggerDigiRef

Definition at line 18 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.

◆ HGCFETriggerDigiRefVector

Definition at line 19 of file HGCFETriggerDigiDefs.h.

◆ HPSPFTauCollection

typedef std::vector<HPSPFTau> l1t::HPSPFTauCollection

Definition at line 7 of file HPSPFTauFwd.h.


Definition at line 9 of file HPSPFTauFwd.h.

◆ HPSPFTauRefVector

Definition at line 10 of file HPSPFTauFwd.h.

◆ HPSPFTauVectorRef

typedef std::vector<HPSPFTauRef> l1t::HPSPFTauVectorRef

Definition at line 11 of file HPSPFTauFwd.h.

◆ ItAlgo

typedef AlgorithmMap::iterator l1t::ItAlgo

Definition at line 40 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

◆ ItCond

typedef ConditionMap::iterator l1t::ItCond

Definition at line 36 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

◆ JetBxCollection

Definition at line 10 of file Jet.h.

◆ JetRef

Definition at line 12 of file Jet.h.

◆ JetRefBxCollection

Definition at line 16 of file Jet.h.

◆ JetRefPair

Definition at line 17 of file Jet.h.

◆ JetRefPairBxCollection

Definition at line 18 of file Jet.h.

◆ JetRefVector

Definition at line 13 of file Jet.h.

◆ JetVectorRef

typedef std::vector<JetRef> l1t::JetVectorRef

Definition at line 14 of file Jet.h.

◆ L1CaloTkTauCollection

Definition at line 23 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.

◆ L1CaloTkTauRef

Definition at line 27 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.

◆ L1CaloTkTauRefVector

Definition at line 28 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.

◆ L1CaloTkTauVectorRef

Definition at line 29 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.

◆ L1CandidateBxCollection

Definition at line 8 of file L1Candidate.h.

◆ L1CandidateRef

Definition at line 10 of file L1Candidate.h.

◆ L1CandidateRefVector

Definition at line 11 of file L1Candidate.h.

◆ L1CandidateVectorRef

Definition at line 12 of file L1Candidate.h.

◆ L1DataEmulResultBxCollection

Definition at line 7 of file L1DataEmulResult.h.

◆ L1TrkTauCollection

typedef std::vector<L1TrkTau> l1t::L1TrkTauCollection

Definition at line 23 of file L1TrkTau.h.

◆ L1TrkTauRef

Definition at line 27 of file L1TrkTau.h.

◆ L1TrkTauRefVector

Definition at line 28 of file L1TrkTau.h.

◆ L1TrkTauVectorRef

typedef std::vector<L1TrkTauRef> l1t::L1TrkTauVectorRef

Definition at line 29 of file L1TrkTau.h.

◆ L1TTTrackCollection

typedef std::vector< L1TTTrackType > l1t::L1TTTrackCollection

Definition at line 32 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.

◆ L1TTTrackRefPtr

Definition at line 33 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.

◆ L1TTTrackRefPtr_Collection

Definition at line 34 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.

◆ L1TTTrackType

Definition at line 31 of file L1CaloTkTau.h.

◆ MuonBxCollection

Definition at line 11 of file Muon.h.

◆ MuonCaloSumBxCollection

Definition at line 7 of file MuonCaloSumFwd.h.

◆ MuonRef

Definition at line 13 of file Muon.h.

◆ MuonRefBxCollection

Definition at line 17 of file Muon.h.

◆ MuonRefPair

Definition at line 18 of file Muon.h.

◆ MuonRefPairBxCollection

Definition at line 19 of file Muon.h.

◆ MuonRefVector

Definition at line 14 of file Muon.h.

◆ MuonShowerBxCollection

Definition at line 18 of file MuonShower.h.

◆ MuonShowerRef

Definition at line 20 of file MuonShower.h.

◆ MuonShowerRefBxCollection

Definition at line 24 of file MuonShower.h.

◆ MuonShowerRefPair

Definition at line 25 of file MuonShower.h.

◆ MuonShowerRefPairBxCollection

Definition at line 26 of file MuonShower.h.

◆ MuonShowerRefVector

Definition at line 21 of file MuonShower.h.

◆ MuonShowerVectorRef

Definition at line 22 of file MuonShower.h.

◆ MuonStubCollection

typedef std::vector<MuonStub> l1t::MuonStubCollection

Definition at line 40 of file MuonStub.h.

◆ MuonStubRef

Definition at line 43 of file MuonStub.h.

◆ MuonStubRefVector

Definition at line 44 of file MuonStub.h.

◆ MuonVectorRef

typedef std::vector<MuonRef> l1t::MuonVectorRef

Definition at line 15 of file Muon.h.

◆ ObjectRef

template<typename T >
using l1t::ObjectRef = typedef edm::Ref<BXVector<T> >

Definition at line 10 of file L1TObjComparison.h.

◆ ObjectRefBxCollection

template<typename T >
using l1t::ObjectRefBxCollection = typedef BXVector<ObjectRef<T> >

Definition at line 12 of file L1TObjComparison.h.

◆ ObjectRefPair

template<typename T >
using l1t::ObjectRefPair = typedef std::pair<edm::Ref<BXVector<T> >, edm::Ref<BXVector<T> >>

Definition at line 14 of file L1TObjComparison.h.

◆ ObjectRefPairBxCollection

template<typename T >
using l1t::ObjectRefPairBxCollection = typedef BXVector<ObjectRefPair<T> >

Definition at line 16 of file L1TObjComparison.h.

◆ pack_fct

typedef Packer*() l1t::pack_fct()

Definition at line 9 of file PackerFactory.h.

◆ PackerFactoryT

Definition at line 10 of file PackerFactory.h.

◆ PackerMap

typedef std::map<std::pair<int, int>, Packers> l1t::PackerMap

Definition at line 23 of file PackingSetup.h.

◆ Packers

typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Packer> > l1t::Packers

Definition at line 25 of file Packer.h.

◆ PackingSetupFactoryT

Definition at line 10 of file PackingSetupFactory.h.

◆ PFCandidateCollection

Definition at line 57 of file PFCandidate.h.

◆ PFCandidateRef

Definition at line 58 of file PFCandidate.h.

◆ PFCandidateRefVector

Definition at line 59 of file PFCandidate.h.

◆ PFClusterCollection

Definition at line 73 of file PFCluster.h.

◆ PFClusterRef

Definition at line 74 of file PFCluster.h.

◆ PFJetCollection

typedef std::vector<l1t::PFJet> l1t::PFJetCollection

Definition at line 44 of file PFJet.h.

◆ PFJetRef

Definition at line 45 of file PFJet.h.

◆ PFJetVectorRef

typedef std::vector<l1t::PFJetRef> l1t::PFJetVectorRef

Definition at line 46 of file PFJet.h.

◆ PFTauCollection

typedef std::vector<l1t::PFTau> l1t::PFTauCollection

Definition at line 61 of file PFTau.h.

◆ PFTauRef

Definition at line 63 of file PFTau.h.

◆ PFTauRefVector

Definition at line 64 of file PFTau.h.

◆ PFTauVectorRef

typedef std::vector<l1t::PFTauRef> l1t::PFTauVectorRef

Definition at line 65 of file PFTau.h.

◆ PFTrackCollection

typedef std::vector<l1t::PFTrack> l1t::PFTrackCollection

Definition at line 84 of file PFTrack.h.

◆ PFTrackRef

Definition at line 85 of file PFTrack.h.

◆ PFTrackRefVector

Definition at line 86 of file PFTrack.h.

◆ PFTrackVectorRef

typedef std::vector<l1t::PFTrackRef> l1t::PFTrackVectorRef

Definition at line 87 of file PFTrack.h.

◆ prov_fct

typedef PackingSetup*() l1t::prov_fct()

Definition at line 9 of file PackingSetupFactory.h.

◆ RegionalMuonCandBxCollection

Definition at line 9 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.

◆ RegionalMuonCandRef

Definition at line 12 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.

◆ RegionalMuonCandRefBxCollection

Definition at line 13 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.

◆ RegionalMuonCandRefPair

Definition at line 14 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.

◆ RegionalMuonCandRefPairBxCollection

Definition at line 15 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.

◆ RegionalMuonShowerBxCollection

Definition at line 12 of file RegionalMuonShower.h.

◆ RegionalMuonShowerRefBxCollection

Definition at line 14 of file RegionalMuonShower.h.

◆ RegionalMuonShowerRefPair

Definition at line 15 of file RegionalMuonShower.h.

◆ RegionalMuonShowerRefPairBxCollection

Definition at line 16 of file RegionalMuonShower.h.

◆ SAMuonCollection

typedef std::vector<SAMuon> l1t::SAMuonCollection

Definition at line 13 of file SAMuon.h.

◆ SAMuonRef

Definition at line 16 of file SAMuon.h.

◆ SAMuonRefVector

Definition at line 17 of file SAMuon.h.

◆ TauBxCollection

Definition at line 10 of file Tau.h.

◆ TauRef

Definition at line 12 of file Tau.h.

◆ TauRefBxCollection

Definition at line 16 of file Tau.h.

◆ TauRefPair

Definition at line 17 of file Tau.h.

◆ TauRefPairBxCollection

Definition at line 18 of file Tau.h.

◆ TauRefVector

Definition at line 13 of file Tau.h.

◆ TauVectorRef

typedef std::vector<TauRef> l1t::TauVectorRef

Definition at line 14 of file Tau.h.

◆ TkBsCandidateCollection

using l1t::TkBsCandidateCollection = typedef std::vector<TkBsCandidate>

Definition at line 17 of file TkBsCandidateFwd.h.

◆ TkBsCandidateRef

Definition at line 18 of file TkBsCandidateFwd.h.

◆ TkBsCandidateRefVector

Definition at line 19 of file TkBsCandidateFwd.h.

◆ TkBsCandidateVectorRef

using l1t::TkBsCandidateVectorRef = typedef std::vector<TkBsCandidateRef>

Definition at line 20 of file TkBsCandidateFwd.h.

◆ TkEGTauCollection

typedef std::vector<TkEGTau> l1t::TkEGTauCollection

Definition at line 23 of file TkEGTau.h.

◆ TkEGTauRef

Definition at line 27 of file TkEGTau.h.

◆ TkEGTauRefVector

Definition at line 28 of file TkEGTau.h.

◆ TkEGTauVectorRef

typedef std::vector<TkEGTauRef> l1t::TkEGTauVectorRef

Definition at line 29 of file TkEGTau.h.

◆ TkElectronCollection

typedef std::vector<TkElectron> l1t::TkElectronCollection

Definition at line 15 of file TkElectronFwd.h.

◆ TkElectronRef

Definition at line 19 of file TkElectronFwd.h.

◆ TkElectronRefVector

Definition at line 20 of file TkElectronFwd.h.

◆ TkElectronVectorRef

Definition at line 21 of file TkElectronFwd.h.

◆ TkEmCollection

typedef std::vector<TkEm> l1t::TkEmCollection

Definition at line 16 of file TkEmFwd.h.

◆ TkEmRef

Definition at line 20 of file TkEmFwd.h.

◆ TkEmRefVector

Definition at line 21 of file TkEmFwd.h.

◆ TkEmVectorRef

typedef std::vector<TkEmRef> l1t::TkEmVectorRef

Definition at line 22 of file TkEmFwd.h.

◆ TkEtMissCollection

typedef std::vector<TkEtMiss> l1t::TkEtMissCollection

Definition at line 10 of file TkEtMissFwd.h.

◆ TkGlbMuonCollection

typedef std::vector<TkGlbMuon> l1t::TkGlbMuonCollection

Definition at line 16 of file TkGlbMuonFwd.h.

◆ TkGlbMuonRef

Definition at line 20 of file TkGlbMuonFwd.h.

◆ TkGlbMuonRefVector

Definition at line 21 of file TkGlbMuonFwd.h.

◆ TkGlbMuonVectorRef

typedef std::vector<TkGlbMuonRef> l1t::TkGlbMuonVectorRef

Definition at line 22 of file TkGlbMuonFwd.h.

◆ TkHTMissCollection

typedef std::vector<TkHTMiss> l1t::TkHTMissCollection

Definition at line 10 of file TkHTMissFwd.h.

◆ TkJetCollection

typedef std::vector<TkJet> l1t::TkJetCollection

Definition at line 20 of file TkJetFwd.h.

◆ TkJetRef

Definition at line 22 of file TkJetFwd.h.

◆ TkJetRefProd

Definition at line 16 of file TkJetFwd.h.

◆ TkJetRefVector

Definition at line 23 of file TkJetFwd.h.

◆ TkJetVectorRef

typedef std::vector<TkJetRef> l1t::TkJetVectorRef

Definition at line 24 of file TkJetFwd.h.

◆ TkJetWordCollection

Definition at line 174 of file TkJetWord.h.

◆ TkMuonCollection

typedef std::vector<TkMuon> l1t::TkMuonCollection

Definition at line 16 of file TkMuonFwd.h.

◆ TkMuonRef

Definition at line 20 of file TkMuonFwd.h.

◆ TkMuonRefVector

Definition at line 21 of file TkMuonFwd.h.

◆ TkMuonVectorRef

typedef std::vector<TkMuonRef> l1t::TkMuonVectorRef

Definition at line 22 of file TkMuonFwd.h.

◆ TkPhiCandidateCollection

using l1t::TkPhiCandidateCollection = typedef std::vector<TkPhiCandidate>

Definition at line 17 of file TkPhiCandidateFwd.h.

◆ TkPhiCandidateRef

Definition at line 18 of file TkPhiCandidateFwd.h.

◆ TkPhiCandidateRefVector

Definition at line 19 of file TkPhiCandidateFwd.h.

◆ TkPhiCandidateVectorRef

using l1t::TkPhiCandidateVectorRef = typedef std::vector<TkPhiCandidateRef>

Definition at line 20 of file TkPhiCandidateFwd.h.

◆ TkPrimaryVertexCollection

Definition at line 30 of file TkPrimaryVertex.h.

◆ TkPrimaryVertexRef

Definition at line 31 of file TkPrimaryVertex.h.

◆ TkPrimaryVertexRefVector

Definition at line 32 of file TkPrimaryVertex.h.

◆ TkPrimaryVertexVectorRef

Definition at line 33 of file TkPrimaryVertex.h.

◆ TkTauCollection

typedef std::vector<TkTau> l1t::TkTauCollection

Definition at line 16 of file TkTauFwd.h.

◆ TkTauRef

Definition at line 20 of file TkTauFwd.h.

◆ TkTauRefVector

Definition at line 21 of file TkTauFwd.h.

◆ TkTauVectorRef

typedef std::vector<TkTauRef> l1t::TkTauVectorRef

Definition at line 22 of file TkTauFwd.h.

◆ TrackerMuonCollection

Definition at line 15 of file TrackerMuon.h.

◆ TrackerMuonRef

Definition at line 18 of file TrackerMuon.h.

◆ TrackerMuonRefVector

Definition at line 19 of file TrackerMuon.h.

◆ unpack_fct

typedef Unpacker*() l1t::unpack_fct()

Definition at line 9 of file UnpackerFactory.h.

◆ UnpackerFactoryT

Definition at line 10 of file UnpackerFactory.h.

◆ UnpackerMap

typedef std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<Unpacker> > l1t::UnpackerMap

Definition at line 25 of file PackingSetup.h.

◆ VertexCollection

typedef std::vector<Vertex> l1t::VertexCollection

Definition at line 31 of file Vertex.h.

◆ VertexWordCollection

typedef std::vector<VertexWord> l1t::VertexWordCollection

Definition at line 195 of file VertexWord.h.

◆ WriterFactory

Definition at line 85 of file WriterProxy.h.

◆ WriterProxyPtr

typedef std::unique_ptr<WriterProxy> l1t::WriterProxyPtr

Definition at line 35 of file DataWriterExt.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ block_t


Definition at line 11 of file Block.h.

11 { MP7 = 0, CTP7, MTF7 };
Definition: Block.h:11

◆ cancel_t


Definition at line 11 of file MicroGMTMatchQualLUT.h.

◆ cancelmode


Definition at line 11 of file MicroGMTCancelOutUnit.h.

◆ GlobalObject

L1 GT objects ObjNull catch all errors


Definition at line 16 of file GlobalObject.h.

16  {
17  gtMu,
18  gtMuShower,
19  gtEG,
20  gtJet,
21  gtTau,
22  gtETM,
23  gtETT,
24  gtHTT,
25  gtHTM,
26  gtETMHF,
32  gtETTem,
45  gtExternal,
46  ObjNull
47  };

◆ GtConditionCategory

condition categories


Definition at line 93 of file GlobalDefinitions.h.

◆ GtConditionType

condition types TypeNull: null type - for condition constructor only Type1s : one particle Type2s : two particles, same type, no spatial correlations among them Type2wsc : two particles, same type, with spatial correlations among them Type2cor : two particles, different type, with spatial correlations among them Type3s : three particles, same type Type4s : four particles, same type TypeETM, TypeETT, TypeHTT, TypeHTM : ETM, ETT, HTT, HTM TypeExternal: external conditions (logical result only; definition in L1 GT external systems)


Definition at line 49 of file GlobalDefinitions.h.

49  {
50  TypeNull,
51  Type1s,
52  Type2s,
53  Type2wsc,
54  Type2cor,
55  Type3s,
56  Type4s,
57  TypeETM,
58  TypeETT,
59  TypeHTT,
60  TypeHTM,
61  TypeETMHF,
67  TypeETTem,
70  TypeCent0,
71  TypeCent1,
72  TypeCent2,
73  TypeCent3,
74  TypeCent4,
75  TypeCent5,
76  TypeCent6,
77  TypeCent7,
78  TypeAsymEt,
79  TypeAsymHt,
82  };

◆ L1GtBoardType

board types in GT


Definition at line 29 of file GlobalDefinitions.h.

◆ tftype


Definition at line 8 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.

◆ TrigFunc_t


Definition at line 61 of file TriggerMenuParser.h.

61 { COS, SIN } TrigFunc_t;
#define COS(A)
#define SIN(A)

◆ UseEventSetupIn

enum l1t::UseEventSetupIn

Definition at line 42 of file L1TGlobalUtil.h.

Function Documentation

◆ calibrateAndRankJets()

void l1t::calibrateAndRankJets ( CaloParamsHelper const *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  output 

Definition at line 12 of file

References PVValHelper::eta, input, hltrates_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::offset, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, submitPVValidationJobs::params, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().

14  {
15  for (std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator itJet = input->begin(); itJet != input->end(); ++itJet) {
16  unsigned int pt = itJet->hwPt();
17  if (pt > ((1 << 10) - 1))
18  pt = ((1 << 10) - 1);
19  unsigned int eta = itJet->hwEta();
20  if (eta > 10) { // LUT is symmetric in eta. For eta>10 map to corresponding eta<10 bin
21  int offset = 2 * (eta - 10) - 1;
22  eta = eta - offset;
23  }
24  unsigned int lutAddress = (eta << 10) + pt;
26  unsigned int rank = params->jetCalibrationLUT()->data(lutAddress);
28  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
29  l1t::Jet outJet(*&ldummy, rank, itJet->hwEta(), itJet->hwPhi(), itJet->hwQual());
30  output->push_back(outJet);
31  }
32  }
static std::string const input
Definition: Jet.h:20

◆ calibrateAndRankTaus()

void l1t::calibrateAndRankTaus ( CaloParamsHelper const *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  output 

Definition at line 34 of file

References PVValHelper::eta, input, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, submitPVValidationJobs::params, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

36  {
37  for (std::vector<l1t::Tau>::const_iterator itTau = input->begin(); itTau != input->end(); ++itTau) {
38  unsigned int pt = itTau->hwPt();
39  if (pt > ((1 << 10) - 1))
40  pt = ((1 << 10) - 1);
41  unsigned int eta = itTau->hwEta();
42  unsigned int lutAddress = (eta << 10) + pt;
44  unsigned int rank = params->tauCalibrationLUT()->data(lutAddress);
46  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
47  l1t::Tau outTau(*&ldummy, rank, itTau->hwEta(), itTau->hwPhi(), itTau->hwQual());
48  output->push_back(outTau);
49  }
50  }
Definition: Tau.h:20
static std::string const input

◆ castTo()

template<class T >
T l1t::castTo ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 159 of file Parameter.h.

159  {
160  return castTo_impl<T>(arg, std::is_integral<T>(), std::is_floating_point<T>());
161  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo< bool >()

bool l1t::castTo< bool > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 84 of file

84  {
85  if (strlen(arg) > 3) {
86  // look for "true"
87  if (strstr(arg, "true") != nullptr && strstr(arg, "false") == nullptr)
88  return true;
89  // look for "false"
90  if (strstr(arg, "true") == nullptr && strstr(arg, "false") != nullptr)
91  return false;
92  }
93  // look for "a number
94  char *endptr = nullptr;
95  long retval = strtol(arg, &endptr, 0);
96  if (*endptr == '\0')
97  return retval;
98  // nothing worked
99  throw runtime_error("Cannot convert '" + string(arg) + "' to boolean");
100  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo< char >()

char l1t::castTo< char > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 103 of file

References castTo< long long >().

103  {
104  return castTo<long long>(arg);
105  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
long long castTo< long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castTo< double >()

double l1t::castTo< double > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 133 of file

References castTo< long double >().

133  {
134  return castTo<long double>(arg);
135  }
long double castTo< long double >(const char *arg)
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo< float >()

float l1t::castTo< float > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 129 of file

References castTo< long double >().

129  {
130  return castTo<long double>(arg);
131  }
long double castTo< long double >(const char *arg)
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo< int >()

int l1t::castTo< int > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 111 of file

References castTo< long long >().

111  {
112  return castTo<long long>(arg);
113  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
long long castTo< long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castTo< long >()

long l1t::castTo< long > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 115 of file

References castTo< long long >().

115  {
116  return castTo<long long>(arg);
117  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
long long castTo< long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castTo< long double >()

long double l1t::castTo< long double > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by castTo< double >(), castTo< float >(), and castTo_impl().

120  {
121  char *endptr = nullptr;
122  long double retval = strtold(arg, &endptr);
123  if (*endptr == '\0')
124  return retval;
125  else
126  throw runtime_error("Cannot convert '" + string(arg) + "' to floating point type");
127  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo< long long >()

long long l1t::castTo< long long > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by castTo< char >(), castTo< int >(), castTo< long >(), castTo< short >(), and castToInt_impl().

73  {
74  char *endptr = nullptr;
75  long long retval = strtoll(arg, &endptr, 0);
76  if (*endptr == '\0')
77  return retval;
78  else
79  throw runtime_error("Cannot convert '" + string(arg) + "' to integral type");
80  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo< short >()

short l1t::castTo< short > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 107 of file

References castTo< long long >().

107  {
108  return castTo<long long>(arg);
109  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
long long castTo< long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castTo< unsigned char >()

unsigned char l1t::castTo< unsigned char > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 147 of file

References castTo< unsigned long long >().

147  {
149  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
unsigned long long castTo< unsigned long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castTo< unsigned int >()

unsigned int l1t::castTo< unsigned int > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 155 of file

References castTo< unsigned long long >().

155  {
157  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
unsigned long long castTo< unsigned long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castTo< unsigned long >()

unsigned long l1t::castTo< unsigned long > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 159 of file

References castTo< unsigned long long >().

159  {
161  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
unsigned long long castTo< unsigned long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castTo< unsigned long long >()

unsigned long long l1t::castTo< unsigned long long > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 138 of file

Referenced by castTo< unsigned char >(), castTo< unsigned int >(), castTo< unsigned long >(), castTo< unsigned short >(), and castToInt_impl().

138  {
139  char *endptr = nullptr;
140  unsigned long long retval = strtoull(arg, &endptr, 0);
141  if (*endptr == '\0')
142  return retval;
143  else
144  throw runtime_error("Cannot convert '" + string(arg) + "' to unsigned integral type");
145  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo< unsigned short >()

unsigned short l1t::castTo< unsigned short > ( const char *  arg)

Definition at line 151 of file

References castTo< unsigned long long >().

151  {
153  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
unsigned long long castTo< unsigned long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castTo_impl() [1/3]

template<class T >
T l1t::castTo_impl ( const char *  arg,
std::true_type  ,

Definition at line 164 of file Parameter.h.

164  {
165  return castToInt_impl<T>(arg, std::is_unsigned<T>());
166  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo_impl() [2/3]

template<class T >
T l1t::castTo_impl ( const char *  arg,
std::false_type  ,

Definition at line 179 of file Parameter.h.

References castTo< long double >().

179  {
180  return castTo<long double>(arg);
181  }
long double castTo< long double >(const char *arg)
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31

◆ castTo_impl() [3/3]

template<class T >
T l1t::castTo_impl ( const char *  arg,
std::false_type  ,

Definition at line 184 of file Parameter.h.

184  {
185  return T(arg);
186  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
long double T

◆ castToInt_impl() [1/2]

template<class T >
T l1t::castToInt_impl ( const char *  arg,

Definition at line 169 of file Parameter.h.

References castTo< unsigned long long >().

169  {
171  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
unsigned long long castTo< unsigned long long >(const char *arg)

◆ castToInt_impl() [2/2]

template<class T >
T l1t::castToInt_impl ( const char *  arg,

Definition at line 174 of file Parameter.h.

References castTo< long long >().

174  {
175  return castTo<long long>(arg);
176  }
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:31
long long castTo< long long >(const char *arg)

◆ convertToLUT() [1/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< uint64_t > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 10 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References mps_fire::i, l1t::LUT::read(), and findQualityFiles::v.

Referenced by convertToLUT(), L1TMuonGlobalParamsHelper::loadFromOnline(), and L1TCaloParamsOnlineProd::readCaloLayer2OnlineSettings().

10  {
11  unsigned int addrWidth = (32 - __builtin_clz(uint32_t(v.size() - 1)));
12  std::stringstream oss;
13  oss << "#<header> V1 " << addrWidth << " 31 </header> " << std::endl; // hardcode 32 bits for data
14  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
15  oss << i << " " << v[i] << std::endl;
16  // add padding to 2^addrWidth rows
17  if (padding >= 0)
18  for (unsigned int i = v.size(); i < (size_t)(1 << addrWidth); i++)
19  oss << i << " " << padding << std::endl;
21  l1t::LUT lut;
24  return lut;
25  }
int read(std::istream &stream)
Definition: LUT.h:29

◆ convertToLUT() [2/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< char > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 27 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.

27  {
28  return convertToLUT(std::vector<uint64_t>(v.begin(), v.end()), padding);
29  }
l1t::LUT convertToLUT(const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
Definition: ConvertToLUT.h:48

◆ convertToLUT() [3/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< short > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 30 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.

30  {
31  return convertToLUT(std::vector<uint64_t>(v.begin(), v.end()), padding);
32  }
l1t::LUT convertToLUT(const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
Definition: ConvertToLUT.h:48

◆ convertToLUT() [4/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< int > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 33 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.

33  {
34  return convertToLUT(std::vector<uint64_t>(v.begin(), v.end()), padding);
35  }
l1t::LUT convertToLUT(const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
Definition: ConvertToLUT.h:48

◆ convertToLUT() [5/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< long > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 36 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.

36  {
37  return convertToLUT(std::vector<uint64_t>(v.begin(), v.end()), padding);
38  }
l1t::LUT convertToLUT(const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
Definition: ConvertToLUT.h:48

◆ convertToLUT() [6/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< long long > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 39 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.

39  {
40  return convertToLUT(std::vector<uint64_t>(v.begin(), v.end()), padding);
41  }
l1t::LUT convertToLUT(const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
Definition: ConvertToLUT.h:48

◆ convertToLUT() [7/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< unsigned char > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 42 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.

42  {
43  return convertToLUT(std::vector<uint64_t>(v.begin(), v.end()), padding);
44  }
l1t::LUT convertToLUT(const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
Definition: ConvertToLUT.h:48

◆ convertToLUT() [8/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< unsigned short > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 45 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.

45  {
46  return convertToLUT(std::vector<uint64_t>(v.begin(), v.end()), padding);
47  }
l1t::LUT convertToLUT(const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
Definition: ConvertToLUT.h:48

◆ convertToLUT() [9/9]

l1t::LUT l1t::convertToLUT ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &  v,
int  padding = -1 

Definition at line 48 of file ConvertToLUT.h.

References convertToLUT(), and findQualityFiles::v.

48  {
49  return convertToLUT(std::vector<uint64_t>(v.begin(), v.end()), padding);
50  }
l1t::LUT convertToLUT(const std::vector< unsigned int > &v, int padding=-1) noexcept
Definition: ConvertToLUT.h:48

◆ deltaGctPhi()

int l1t::deltaGctPhi ( const CaloRegion region,
const CaloRegion neighbor 

Definition at line 18 of file

References funct::abs(), change_name::diff, l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI, and HLT_2022v12_cff::region.

Referenced by slidingWindowJetFinder(), TwelveByTwelveFinder(), and TwoByTwoFinder().

18  {
19  int phi1 = region.hwPhi();
20  int phi2 = neighbor.hwPhi();
21  int diff = phi1 - phi2;
22  if (std::abs(phi1 - phi2) == L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI - 1) { //18 regions in phi
23  diff = -diff / std::abs(diff);
24  }
25  return diff;
26  }
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
static const unsigned N_PHI

◆ EGammaToGtScales()

void l1t::EGammaToGtScales ( CaloParamsHelper const *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *  output 

Definition at line 89 of file

References gtEta(), input, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

91  {
92  for (std::vector<l1t::EGamma>::const_iterator itEGamma = input->begin(); itEGamma != input->end(); ++itEGamma) {
93  unsigned newEta = gtEta(itEGamma->hwEta());
94  unsigned newPhi = itEGamma->hwPhi();
95  const uint16_t rankPt = (uint16_t)itEGamma->hwPt(); //max value?
97  //hwQual &10 == 10 means that the object came from a sort and is padding
98  if ((itEGamma->hwQual() & 0x10) == 0x10) {
99  newEta = 0x0;
100  newPhi = 0x0;
101  }
103  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
105  l1t::EGamma gtEGamma(*&ldummy, rankPt, newEta, newPhi, itEGamma->hwQual(), itEGamma->hwIso());
106  output->push_back(gtEGamma);
107  }
108  }
const unsigned int gtEta(const unsigned int iEta)
static std::string const input

◆ EtSumToGtScales()

void l1t::EtSumToGtScales ( CaloParamsHelper const *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *  output 

Definition at line 147 of file

References input, L1Analysis::kMissingHt, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent().

149  {
150  for (std::vector<l1t::EtSum>::const_iterator itEtSum = input->begin(); itEtSum != input->end(); ++itEtSum) {
151  uint16_t rankPt;
152  // Hack for now to make sure they come out with the right scale
153  //rankPt = params->jetScale().rank((uint16_t)itEtSum->hwPt());
154  rankPt = (uint16_t)itEtSum->hwPt();
155  if (EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingHt == itEtSum->getType()) {
156  // if(rankPt > params->HtMissScale().linScaleMax()) rankPt = params->HtMissScale().linScaleMax();
157  // params->HtMissScale().linScaleMax() always returns zero. Hardcode 512 for now
159  // comment out for mht/ht (already in GT scale)
160  //if(rankPt > 512) rankPt = 512;
161  //rankPt = params->HtMissScale().rank(rankPt*params->emScale().linearLsb());
162  }
164  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
166  l1t::EtSum gtEtSum(*&ldummy, itEtSum->getType(), rankPt, 0, itEtSum->hwPhi(), itEtSum->hwQual());
168  output->push_back(gtEtSum);
169  }
170  }
static std::string const input

◆ getBXRange()

void l1t::getBXRange ( int  nbx,
int &  first,
int &  last 

◆ gtEta()

const unsigned int l1t::gtEta ( const unsigned int  iEta)

Definition at line 172 of file

References L1TowerCalibrationProducer_cfi::iEta.

Referenced by EGammaToGtScales(), JetToGtEtaScales(), l1t::Stage2Layer2DemuxJetAlgoFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), and TauToGtEtaScales().

172  {
173  unsigned rctEta = (iEta < 11 ? 10 - iEta : iEta - 11);
174  return (((rctEta % 7) & 0x7) | (iEta < 11 ? 0x8 : 0));
175  }

◆ hgcal_bad_codec()

constexpr unsigned char l1t::hgcal_bad_codec ( 0xff  )

◆ HICaloRingSubtraction()

void l1t::HICaloRingSubtraction ( const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &  regions,
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  subRegions,
CaloParamsHelper const *  params 

------------— For heavy ion ----------------------------------—

Definition at line 18 of file

References mps_fire::i, SiStripPI::max, L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA, and HLT_2022v12_cff::region.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and RegionCorrection().

20  {
21  int puLevelHI[L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA];
23  for (unsigned i = 0; i < L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA; ++i) {
24  puLevelHI[i] = 0;
25  }
27  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions.begin(); region != regions.end(); region++) {
28  puLevelHI[region->hwEta()] += region->hwPt();
29  }
31  for (unsigned i = 0; i < L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA; ++i) {
32  //puLevelHI[i] = floor(((double)puLevelHI[i] / (double)L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI)+0.5);
33  puLevelHI[i] = (puLevelHI[i] + 9) * 455 / (1 << 13); // approx equals X/18 +0.5
34  }
36  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions.begin(); region != regions.end(); region++) {
37  int subPt = std::max(0, region->hwPt() - puLevelHI[region->hwEta()]);
38  int subEta = region->hwEta();
39  int subPhi = region->hwPhi();
41  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
43  CaloRegion newSubRegion(
44  *&ldummy, 0, 0, subPt, subEta, subPhi, region->hwQual(), region->hwEtEm(), region->hwEtHad());
45  subRegions->push_back(newSubRegion);
46  }
47  }
static const unsigned N_ETA

◆ JetCalibration()

void l1t::JetCalibration ( std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets,
std::vector< double >  jetCalibrationParams,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  jets,
std::string  jetCalibrationType,
double  jetLSB 

Definition at line 12 of file

References alpha, CustomPhysics_cfi::gamma, createfilelist::int, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetCalibrationParams, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetCalibrationType, reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, reco::btau::jetPt, and PDWG_EXODelayedJetMET_cff::jets.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().

16  {
17  for (std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator uncalibjet = uncalibjets->begin(); uncalibjet != uncalibjets->end();
18  ++uncalibjet) {
19  if (jetCalibrationType == "None") {
20  l1t::Jet corrjets = *uncalibjet;
21  jets->push_back(corrjets);
22  continue;
23  }
25  if (jetCalibrationType == "Stage1JEC") {
26  int jetPt = (uncalibjet->hwPt()) * jetLSB; // correction factors are parameterized as functions of physical pt
27  int jetPhi = uncalibjet->hwPhi();
28  int jetEta = uncalibjet->hwEta();
29  int jetQual = uncalibjet->hwQual();
30  double jpt = 0.0;
32  double alpha = jetCalibrationParams[2 * jetEta + 0]; //Scale factor (See
33  double gamma = ((jetCalibrationParams[2 * jetEta + 1])); //Offset
35  jpt = jetPt * alpha + gamma;
36  unsigned int corjetET = (int)(jpt / jetLSB);
38  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0, 0, 0, 0);
39  l1t::Jet corrjets(*&jetLorentz, corjetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
41  jets->push_back(corrjets);
42  }
43  }
44  }
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:105
Definition: Jet.h:20

◆ JetToGtEtaScales()

void l1t::JetToGtEtaScales ( CaloParamsHelper const *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  output 

Definition at line 52 of file

References gtEta(), gtJet, input, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().

54  {
55  for (std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator itJet = input->begin(); itJet != input->end(); ++itJet) {
56  unsigned newPhi = itJet->hwPhi();
57  unsigned newEta = gtEta(itJet->hwEta());
59  // jets with hwQual & 10 ==10 are "padding" jets from a sort, set their eta and phi
60  // to the max value
61  if ((itJet->hwQual() & 0x10) == 0x10) {
62  newEta = 0x0;
63  newPhi = 0x0;
64  }
66  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
68  l1t::Jet gtJet(*&ldummy, itJet->hwPt(), newEta, newPhi, itJet->hwQual());
69  output->push_back(gtJet);
70  }
71  }
const unsigned int gtEta(const unsigned int iEta)
static std::string const input
Definition: Jet.h:20

◆ JetToGtPtScales()

void l1t::JetToGtPtScales ( CaloParamsHelper const *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  output 

Definition at line 73 of file

References gtJet, input, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, and submitPVValidationJobs::params.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().

75  {
76  for (std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator itJet = input->begin(); itJet != input->end(); ++itJet) {
77  uint16_t linPt = (uint16_t)itJet->hwPt();
78  if (linPt > params->jetScale().linScaleMax())
79  linPt = params->jetScale().linScaleMax();
80  const uint16_t rankPt = params->jetScale().rank(linPt);
82  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
84  l1t::Jet gtJet(*&ldummy, rankPt, itJet->hwEta(), itJet->hwPhi(), itJet->hwQual());
85  output->push_back(gtJet);
86  }
87  }
static std::string const input
Definition: Jet.h:20

◆ l1GtBoardTypeEnumToString()

std::string l1t::l1GtBoardTypeEnumToString ( const L1GtBoardType boardType)

Definition at line 115 of file

References BoardNull, and mps_fire::result.

115  {
116  char const *result = valueToKey(boardType, l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnumMap);
117  if (boardType == l1t::BoardNull) {
118  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n l1t::BoardNull means no valid board type defined!";
119  }
120  if (!result) {
121  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << boardType << "' is not a recognized l1t::L1GtBoardType. "
122  << "\n Return l1t::BoardNull, which means no valid board type defined!";
123  return "l1t::BoardNull";
124  }
125  return result;
126 }
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo

◆ l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum()

l1t::L1GtBoardType l1t::l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum ( const std::string &  label)

Definition at line 100 of file

References BoardNull, BoardNull, label, and relativeConstraints::value.

100  {
101  l1t::L1GtBoardType value = keyToValue(label.c_str(), l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnumMap);
102  if (value == (l1t::L1GtBoardType)-1) {
103  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << label
104  << "' is not a recognized l1t::L1GtBoardType. \n Return l1t::BoardNull.";
106  }
108  if (value == l1t::BoardNull) {
109  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n l1t::BoardNull means no valid board type defined!";
110  }
112  return value;
113 }
board types in GT
char const * label
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo

◆ l1GtConditionCategoryEnumToString()

std::string l1t::l1GtConditionCategoryEnumToString ( const GtConditionCategory conditionCategory)

Definition at line 177 of file

References CondNull, and mps_fire::result.

177  {
178  char const *result = valueToKey(conditionCategory, l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnumMap);
179  if (conditionCategory == l1t::CondNull)
180  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n Return l1t::CondNull, which means no valid condition category defined!";
182  if (!result) {
183  result = "l1t::CondNull";
184  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << conditionCategory << "' is not a recognized l1t::GtConditionCategory. "
185  << "\n Return l1t::CondNull, which means no valid condition category defined!";
186  }
188  return result;
189 }
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo

◆ l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum()

l1t::GtConditionCategory l1t::l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum ( const std::string &  label)

Definition at line 159 of file

References CondNull, CondNull, label, and relativeConstraints::value.

159  {
160  l1t::GtConditionCategory value = keyToValue(label.c_str(), l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnumMap);
161  // in case of unrecognized l1t::GtConditionCategory, return l1t::CondNull
162  // to be dealt by the corresponding module
163  if (value == (l1t::GtConditionCategory)-1) {
164  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << label
165  << "' is not a recognized l1t::GtConditionCategory. \n Return l1t::CondNull.";
168  }
170  if (value == l1t::CondNull) {
171  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n l1t::CondNull means no valid condition category defined!";
172  }
174  return value;
175 }
condition categories
char const * label
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo

◆ l1GtConditionTypeEnumToString()

std::string l1t::l1GtConditionTypeEnumToString ( const GtConditionType conditionType)

Definition at line 147 of file

References mps_fire::result, and TypeNull.

147  {
148  const char *result = valueToKey(conditionType, l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnumMap);
149  if (conditionType == l1t::TypeNull)
150  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n Return l1t::TypeNull, which means no valid condition type defined!";
151  if (!result) {
152  result = "l1t::TypeNull";
153  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << conditionType << "' is not a recognized l1t::GtConditionType. "
154  << "\n Return l1t::TypeNull, which means no valid condition type defined!";
155  }
156  return result;
157 }
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo

◆ l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnum()

l1t::GtConditionType l1t::l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnum ( const std::string &  label)

Definition at line 128 of file

References label, TypeNull, TypeNull, and relativeConstraints::value.

128  {
129  l1t::GtConditionType value = keyToValue(label.c_str(), l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnumMap);
131  // in case of unrecognized l1t::GtConditionType, return l1t::TypeNull
132  // to be dealt by the corresponding module
133  if (value == (l1t::GtConditionType)-1) {
134  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << label
135  << "' is not a recognized l1t::GtConditionType. \n Return l1t::TypeNull.";
138  }
140  if (value == l1t::TypeNull) {
141  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n l1t::TypeNull means no valid condition type defined!";
142  }
144  return value;
145 }
char const * label
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo

◆ l1TGtObjectEnumToString()

std::string l1t::l1TGtObjectEnumToString ( const GlobalObject gtObject)

Definition at line 83 of file

References gtAsymmetryEt, gtAsymmetryEtHF, gtAsymmetryHt, gtAsymmetryHtHF, gtCentrality0, gtCentrality1, gtCentrality2, gtCentrality3, gtCentrality4, gtCentrality5, gtCentrality6, gtCentrality7, gtEG, gtETM, gtETMHF, gtETT, gtETTem, gtExternal, gtHTM, gtHTT, gtJet, gtMinBiasHFM0, gtMinBiasHFM1, gtMinBiasHFP0, gtMinBiasHFP1, gtMu, gtMuShower, gtTau, gtTowerCount, ObjNull, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by l1t::CorrCondition::evaluateCondition(), l1t::CorrThreeBodyCondition::evaluateCondition(), and l1t::CorrWithOverlapRemovalCondition::evaluateCondition().

83  {
84  std::string gtObjectString;
86  switch (gtObject) {
87  case gtMu: {
88  gtObjectString = "Mu";
89  } break;
91  case gtMuShower: {
92  gtObjectString = "MuShower";
93  } break;
95  case gtEG: {
96  gtObjectString = "EG";
97  } break;
99  case gtTau: {
100  gtObjectString = "Tau";
101  } break;
103  case gtJet: {
104  gtObjectString = "Jet";
105  } break;
107  case gtETM: {
108  gtObjectString = "ETM";
109  } break;
111  case gtETT: {
112  gtObjectString = "ETT";
113  } break;
115  case gtHTT: {
116  gtObjectString = "HTT";
117  } break;
119  case gtHTM: {
120  gtObjectString = "HTM";
121  } break;
123  case gtETMHF: {
124  gtObjectString = "ETMHF";
125  } break;
127  case gtTowerCount: {
128  gtObjectString = "TowerCount";
129  } break;
131  case gtMinBiasHFP0: {
132  gtObjectString = "MinBiasHFP0";
133  } break;
135  case gtMinBiasHFM0: {
136  gtObjectString = "MinBiasHFM0";
137  } break;
139  case gtMinBiasHFP1: {
140  gtObjectString = "MinBiasHFP1";
141  } break;
143  case gtMinBiasHFM1: {
144  gtObjectString = "MinBiasHFM1";
145  } break;
147  case gtETTem: {
148  gtObjectString = "ETTem";
149  } break;
151  case gtAsymmetryEt: {
152  gtObjectString = "AsymEt";
153  } break;
155  case gtAsymmetryHt: {
156  gtObjectString = "AsymHt";
157  } break;
159  case gtAsymmetryEtHF: {
160  gtObjectString = "AsymEtHF";
161  } break;
163  case gtAsymmetryHtHF: {
164  gtObjectString = "AsymHtHF";
165  } break;
167  case gtCentrality0: {
168  gtObjectString = "CENT0";
169  } break;
171  case gtCentrality1: {
172  gtObjectString = "CENT1";
173  } break;
175  case gtCentrality2: {
176  gtObjectString = "CENT2";
177  } break;
179  case gtCentrality3: {
180  gtObjectString = "CENT3";
181  } break;
183  case gtCentrality4: {
184  gtObjectString = "CENT4";
185  } break;
187  case gtCentrality5: {
188  gtObjectString = "CENT5";
189  } break;
191  case gtCentrality6: {
192  gtObjectString = "CENT6";
193  } break;
195  case gtCentrality7: {
196  gtObjectString = "CENT7";
197  } break;
199  case gtExternal: {
200  gtObjectString = "External";
201  } break;
203  case ObjNull: {
204  gtObjectString = "ObjNull";
205  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n ObjNull means no valid GlobalObject defined!";
206  } break;
208  default: {
209  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << gtObject << "' is not a recognized GlobalObject. "
210  << "\n Return ObjNull, which means no valid GlobalObject defined!";
212  gtObjectString = "ObjNull";
214  } break;
215  }
217  return gtObjectString;
218 }
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo

◆ l1TGtObjectStringToEnum()

l1t::GlobalObject l1t::l1TGtObjectStringToEnum ( const std::string &  )

Definition at line 26 of file

References newFWLiteAna::found, gtAsymmetryEt, gtAsymmetryEtHF, gtAsymmetryHt, gtAsymmetryHtHF, gtCentrality0, gtCentrality1, gtCentrality2, gtCentrality3, gtCentrality4, gtCentrality5, gtCentrality6, gtCentrality7, gtEG, gtETM, gtETMHF, gtETT, gtETTem, gtExternal, gtHTM, gtHTT, gtJet, gtMinBiasHFM0, gtMinBiasHFM1, gtMinBiasHFP0, gtMinBiasHFP1, gtMu, gtMuShower, gtTau, gtTowerCount, mps_fire::i, label, l1t::L1TGtObjectStringToEnum::label, ObjNull, l1t::L1TGtObjectStringToEnum::value, and relativeConstraints::value.

26  {
27  static const l1t::L1TGtObjectStringToEnum l1TGtObjectStringToEnumMap[] = {{"Mu", gtMu},
28  {"MuShower", gtMuShower},
29  {"EG", gtEG},
30  {"Tau", gtTau},
31  {"Jet", gtJet},
32  {"ETM", gtETM},
33  {"ETT", gtETT},
34  {"HTT", gtHTT},
35  {"HTM", gtHTM},
36  {"ETMHF", gtETMHF},
37  {"TowerCount", gtTowerCount},
38  {"MinBiasHFP0", gtMinBiasHFP0},
39  {"MinBiasHFM0", gtMinBiasHFM0},
40  {"MinBiasHFP1", gtMinBiasHFP1},
41  {"MinBiasHFM1", gtMinBiasHFM1},
42  {"ETTem", gtETTem},
43  {"AsymEt", gtAsymmetryEt},
44  {"AsymHt", gtAsymmetryHt},
45  {"AsymEtHF", gtAsymmetryEtHF},
46  {"AsymEtHF", gtAsymmetryHtHF},
47  {"CENT0", gtCentrality0},
48  {"CENT1", gtCentrality1},
49  {"CENT2", gtCentrality2},
50  {"CENT3", gtCentrality3},
51  {"CENT4", gtCentrality4},
52  {"CENT5", gtCentrality5},
53  {"CENT6", gtCentrality6},
54  {"CENT7", gtCentrality7},
55  {"External", gtExternal},
56  {"ObjNull", ObjNull},
57  {nullptr, (GlobalObject)-1}};
61  bool found = false;
62  for (int i = 0; l1TGtObjectStringToEnumMap[i].label && (!found); ++i)
63  if (!std::strcmp(label.c_str(), l1TGtObjectStringToEnumMap[i].label)) {
64  found = true;
65  value = l1TGtObjectStringToEnumMap[i].value;
66  }
68  // in case of unrecognized GlobalObject, returns Mu
69  // and write a warning (to not throw an exception)
70  if (!found) {
71  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << label << "' is not a recognized GlobalObject. \n Return ObjNull.";
73  value = ObjNull;
74  }
76  if (value == ObjNull) {
77  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n ObjNull means no valid GlobalObject defined!";
78  }
80  return value;
81 }
Definition: GlobalObject.h:16
the string to enum and enum to string conversions for GlobalObject
Definition: GlobalObject.h:51
char const * label
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & l1t::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const l1t::CaloParamsHelper p 

Definition at line 16 of file

16 { return os << "CaloParamsHelper..."; }

◆ operator>() [1/8]

bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::Tau a,
const l1t::Tau b 

Definition at line 15 of file

References a, and b.

15 { return >; }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119

◆ operator>() [2/8]

bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::EGamma a,
const l1t::EGamma b 

Definition at line 17 of file

References a, and b.

17 { return >; }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119

◆ operator>() [3/8]

bool l1t::operator> ( l1t::Tau a,
l1t::Tau b 

Definition at line 18 of file

References a, and b.

18  {
19  if ( == {
20  if (a.hwPhi() == b.hwPhi()) {
21  return a.hwEta() > b.hwEta();
22  } else {
23  return a.hwPhi() > b.hwPhi();
24  }
26  } else {
27  return >;
28  }
29  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119

◆ operator>() [4/8]

bool l1t::operator> ( l1t::EGamma a,
l1t::EGamma b 

Definition at line 18 of file

References a, and b.

18  {
19  if ( == {
20  if (a.hwPhi() == b.hwPhi()) {
21  return a.hwEta() > b.hwEta();
22  } else {
23  return a.hwPhi() > b.hwPhi();
24  }
26  } else {
27  return >;
28  }
29  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119

◆ operator>() [5/8]

bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::Jet a,
const l1t::Jet b 

Definition at line 22 of file

References a, and b.

22 { return a.hwPt() > b.hwPt(); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119

◆ operator>() [6/8]

bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::Jet a,
l1t::Jet b 

Definition at line 44 of file

References a, and b.

44 { return a.hwPt() > b.hwPt(); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119

◆ operator>() [7/8]

bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::EGamma a,
l1t::EGamma b 

Definition at line 45 of file

References a, and b.

45 { return a.hwPt() > b.hwPt(); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119

◆ operator>() [8/8]

bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::Tau a,
l1t::Tau b 

Definition at line 46 of file

References a, and b.

46 { return a.hwPt() > b.hwPt(); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119

◆ pack15bits()

unsigned int l1t::pack15bits ( int  pt,
int  eta,
int  phi 

Definition at line 21 of file

References PVValHelper::eta, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.

21  {
22  return (((pt & 0x3f)) + ((eta & 0xf) << 6) + ((phi & 0x1f) << 10));
23  }

◆ pack16bits()

unsigned int l1t::pack16bits ( int  pt,
int  eta,
int  phi 

Definition at line 25 of file

References PVValHelper::eta, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.

25  {
26  return (0x8000 + ((pt & 0x3f)) + ((eta & 0xf) << 6) + ((phi & 0x1f) << 10));
27  }

◆ pack16bitsEgammaSpecial()

unsigned int l1t::pack16bitsEgammaSpecial ( int  pt,
int  eta,
int  phi 

Definition at line 29 of file

References PVValHelper::eta, and DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt.

29  {
30  return (0x8000 + ((pt & 0x3f) << 9) + ((eta & 0xf)) + ((phi & 0x1f) << 4));
31  }

◆ passThroughJets()

void l1t::passThroughJets ( const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  regions,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets 

Definition at line 29 of file

References reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, and HLT_2022v12_cff::region.

29  {
30  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions->begin(); region != regions->end(); region++) {
31  int jetQual = 0;
32  if (region->hwEta() < 4 || region->hwEta() > 17)
33  jetQual = 2;
34  int jetET = region->hwPt();
35  int jetEta = region->hwEta();
36  int jetPhi = region->hwPhi();
38  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0, 0, 0, 0);
39  l1t::Jet theJet(*&jetLorentz, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
40  uncalibjets->push_back(theJet);
41  }
42  }
Definition: Jet.h:20

◆ RegionCorrection()

void l1t::RegionCorrection ( const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &  regions,
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  subRegions,
CaloParamsHelper const *  params 

------— New region correction (PUsub, no response correction at the moment) --------—

Definition at line 69 of file

References HICaloRingSubtraction(), createfilelist::int, SiStripPI::max, submitPVValidationJobs::params, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::regionPUSType, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

71  {
72  std::string regionPUSType = params->regionPUSType();
74  if (regionPUSType == "None") {
75  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator notCorrectedRegion = regions.begin();
76  notCorrectedRegion != regions.end();
77  notCorrectedRegion++) {
78  CaloRegion newSubRegion = *notCorrectedRegion;
79  subRegions->push_back(newSubRegion);
80  }
81  }
83  if (regionPUSType == "HICaloRingSub") {
84  HICaloRingSubtraction(regions, subRegions, params);
85  }
87  if (regionPUSType == "PUM0") {
88  int puMult = 0;
90  // ------------ This calulates PUM0 ------------------
91  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator notCorrectedRegion = regions.begin();
92  notCorrectedRegion != regions.end();
93  notCorrectedRegion++) {
94  int regionET = notCorrectedRegion->hwPt();
95  if (regionET > 0) {
96  puMult++;
97  }
98  }
99  int pumbin = (int)puMult / 22;
100  if (pumbin == 18)
101  pumbin = 17; // if puMult = 396 exactly there is an overflow
103  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator notCorrectedRegion = regions.begin();
104  notCorrectedRegion != regions.end();
105  notCorrectedRegion++) {
106  int regionET = notCorrectedRegion->hwPt();
107  int regionEta = notCorrectedRegion->hwEta();
108  int regionPhi = notCorrectedRegion->hwPhi();
110  //int puSub = ceil(regionPUSParams[18*regionEta+pumbin]*2);
111  int puSub = params->regionPUSValue(pumbin, regionEta);
112  // The values in regionSubtraction are MULTIPLIED by
113  // RegionLSB=.5 (physicalRegionEt), so to get back unmultiplied
114  // regionSubtraction we want to multiply the number by 2
115  // (aka divide by LSB).
117  int regionEtCorr = std::max(0, regionET - puSub);
118  if (regionET == 1023)
119  regionEtCorr = 1023; // do not subtract overflow regions
120  if ((regionET == 255) && (regionEta < 4 || regionEta > 17))
121  regionEtCorr = 255;
123  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > lorentz(0, 0, 0, 0);
124  CaloRegion newSubRegion(*&lorentz,
125  0,
126  0,
127  regionEtCorr,
128  regionEta,
129  regionPhi,
130  notCorrectedRegion->hwQual(),
131  notCorrectedRegion->hwEtEm(),
132  notCorrectedRegion->hwEtHad());
133  subRegions->push_back(newSubRegion);
134  }
135  }
136  }
void HICaloRingSubtraction(const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &regions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions, CaloParamsHelper const *params)
------------— For heavy ion ----------------------------------—

◆ simpleHWSubtraction()

void l1t::simpleHWSubtraction ( const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &  regions,
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  subRegions 

Definition at line 49 of file

References HLT_2022v12_cff::region.

49  {
50  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions.begin(); region != regions.end(); region++) {
51  int subEta = region->hwEta();
52  int subPhi = region->hwPhi();
53  int subPt = region->hwPt();
55  if (subPt != (2 << 10) - 1)
56  subPt = subPt - (10 + subEta); // arbitrary value chosen in meeting
57  if (subPt < 0)
58  subPt = 0;
59  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
61  CaloRegion newSubRegion(
62  *&ldummy, 0, 0, subPt, subEta, subPhi, region->hwQual(), region->hwEtEm(), region->hwEtHad());
63  subRegions->push_back(newSubRegion);
64  }
65  }

◆ slidingWindowJetFinder()

void l1t::slidingWindowJetFinder ( const int  jetSeedThreshold,
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  regions,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets 

Definition at line 44 of file

References cms::cuda::assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetSeedThreshold, and HLT_2022v12_cff::region.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().

46  {
47  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions->begin(); region != regions->end(); region++) {
48  int regionET = region->hwPt(); //regionPhysicalEt(*region);
49  if (regionET <= jetSeedThreshold)
50  continue;
51  int neighborN_et = 0;
52  int neighborS_et = 0;
53  int neighborE_et = 0;
54  int neighborW_et = 0;
55  int neighborNE_et = 0;
56  int neighborSW_et = 0;
57  int neighborNW_et = 0;
58  int neighborSE_et = 0;
59  unsigned int nNeighbors = 0;
60  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator neighbor = regions->begin(); neighbor != regions->end();
61  neighbor++) {
62  int neighborET = neighbor->hwPt(); //regionPhysicalEt(*neighbor);
63  if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta()) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
64  neighborN_et = neighborET;
65  nNeighbors++;
66  continue;
67  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta()) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
68  neighborS_et = neighborET;
69  nNeighbors++;
70  continue;
71  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
72  neighborE_et = neighborET;
73  nNeighbors++;
74  continue;
75  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
76  neighborW_et = neighborET;
77  nNeighbors++;
78  continue;
79  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
80  neighborNE_et = neighborET;
81  nNeighbors++;
82  continue;
83  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
84  neighborSW_et = neighborET;
85  nNeighbors++;
86  continue;
87  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
88  neighborNW_et = neighborET;
89  nNeighbors++;
90  continue;
91  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
92  neighborSE_et = neighborET;
93  nNeighbors++;
94  continue;
95  }
96  }
97  if (regionET > neighborN_et && regionET > neighborNW_et && regionET > neighborW_et && regionET > neighborSW_et &&
98  regionET >= neighborNE_et && regionET >= neighborE_et && regionET >= neighborSE_et &&
99  regionET >= neighborS_et) {
100  unsigned int jetET = regionET + neighborN_et + neighborS_et + neighborE_et + neighborW_et + neighborNE_et +
101  neighborSW_et + neighborSE_et + neighborNW_et;
103  int jetPhi = region->hwPhi();
104  int jetEta = region->hwEta();
106  bool neighborCheck = (nNeighbors == 8);
107  // On the eta edge we only expect 5 neighbors
108  if (!neighborCheck && (jetEta == 0 || jetEta == 21) && nNeighbors == 5)
109  neighborCheck = true;
111  if (!neighborCheck) {
112  std::cout << "phi: " << jetPhi << " eta: " << jetEta << " n: " << nNeighbors << std::endl;
113  assert(false);
114  }
116  //first iteration, eta cut defines forward
117  //const bool forward = (jetEta <= 4 || jetEta >= 17);
118  const bool forward = (jetEta < 4 || jetEta > 17);
119  int jetQual = 0;
120  if (forward)
121  jetQual |= 0x2;
123  // check for input overflow regions
124  if (forward && regionET == 255) {
125  jetET = 1023; // 10 bit max
126  } else if (!forward && regionET == 1023) {
127  jetET = 1023; // 10 bit max
128  } else if (region->hwEta() == 17) {
129  if (neighborNE_et == 255 || neighborE_et == 255 || neighborSE_et == 255)
130  jetET = 1023; // 10 bit max
131  } else if (region->hwEta() == 4) {
132  if (neighborNW_et == 255 || neighborW_et == 255 || neighborSW_et == 255)
133  jetET = 1023; // 10 bit max
134  }
136  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0, 0, 0, 0);
137  l1t::Jet theJet(*&jetLorentz, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
138  //l1t::Jet theJet(0, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi);
140  uncalibjets->push_back(theJet);
141  }
142  }
143  }
assert(be >=bs)
Definition: Jet.h:20
int deltaGctPhi(const CaloRegion &region, const CaloRegion &neighbor)

◆ SortEGammas()

void l1t::SortEGammas ( std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *  output 

Definition at line 428 of file

References mps_fire::i, input, createfilelist::int, dqmdumpme::k, reco::HaloData::minus, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, presort_egamma(), alignCSCRings::r, l1t::L1Candidate::setHwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwPhi(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwPt(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwQual(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), super_sort_matrix_rows(), and createJobs::tmp.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

428  {
429  //Initialize
430  const int FIBER_PAIRS = 18;
431  const int N_INPUT_EGAMMAS = 4;
432  const int N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA = 36;
433  const int PRESORT_DEPTH = 4;
434  const int N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE = 6;
435  const int N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE = 6;
436  const int N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS = 6;
437  const int N_KEEP_EGAMMA = 4;
439  //Input
440  //Each egamma: RCT isolation, RCT order, phi index, eta index
442  vector<l1t::L1Candidate> iso_egamma_array_p,
443  iso_egamma_array_m; //reusing objects. should probably rename to something like "object"
444  vector<l1t::L1Candidate> noniso_egamma_array_p, noniso_egamma_array_m;
446  for (int k = 0; k < 2 * N_INPUT_EGAMMAS * FIBER_PAIRS; k++) {
447  l1t::L1Candidate dummyJet;
448  dummyJet.setHwPt(0);
449  dummyJet.setHwEta(99);
450  dummyJet.setHwPhi(99);
451  dummyJet.setHwQual(0x10);
453  iso_egamma_array_p.push_back(dummyJet);
454  noniso_egamma_array_p.push_back(dummyJet);
455  } else {
456  iso_egamma_array_m.push_back(dummyJet);
457  noniso_egamma_array_m.push_back(dummyJet);
458  }
459  }
461  for (std::vector<l1t::EGamma>::const_iterator ineg = input->begin(); ineg != input->end(); ++ineg) {
462  int fiberNum = (int)floor(gt_to_fw_phi_map[ineg->hwPhi()] / 2);
463  int index = ineg->hwQual();
464  bool iso = ineg->hwIso();
465  bool minus = (ineg->hwEta() < 11);
467  // while waiting for firmware LUT, set all iso to true
468  //iso = true;
470  if (iso && minus)
471  iso_egamma_array_m[8 * fiberNum + index] = *ineg;
472  else if (iso && !minus)
473  iso_egamma_array_p[8 * fiberNum + index] = *ineg;
474  else if (!iso && minus)
475  noniso_egamma_array_m[8 * fiberNum + index] = *ineg;
476  else if (!iso && !minus)
477  noniso_egamma_array_p[8 * fiberNum + index] = *ineg;
478  }
480  // std::cout << "iso_egamma_array_m" << std::endl;
481  // for(int i = 0; i < (int)iso_egamma_array_m.size(); ++i)
482  // {
483  // std::cout << iso_egamma_array_m[i].hwPt() << " "
484  // << iso_egamma_array_m[i].hwEta() << " "
485  // << iso_egamma_array_m[i].hwPhi() << std::endl;
486  // }
488  // std::cout << "iso_egamma_array_p" << std::endl;
489  // for(int i = 0; i < (int)iso_egamma_array_p.size(); ++i)
490  // {
491  // std::cout << iso_egamma_array_p[i].hwPt() << " "
492  // << iso_egamma_array_p[i].hwEta() << " "
493  // << iso_egamma_array_p[i].hwPhi() << std::endl;
494  // }
496  //verbose = true;
497  //1
498  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_iso_matrix_sig_p =
499  presort_egamma(iso_egamma_array_p, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA / 2, PRESORT_DEPTH);
500  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_iso_matrix_sig_m =
501  presort_egamma(iso_egamma_array_m, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA / 2, PRESORT_DEPTH);
502  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_non_iso_matrix_sig_p =
503  presort_egamma(noniso_egamma_array_p, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA / 2, PRESORT_DEPTH);
504  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_non_iso_matrix_sig_m =
505  presort_egamma(noniso_egamma_array_m, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA / 2, PRESORT_DEPTH);
507  //2
508  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_p =
509  sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_iso_matrix_sig_p, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE);
510  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_m =
511  sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_iso_matrix_sig_m, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE);
512  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_p =
513  sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_non_iso_matrix_sig_p, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE);
514  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_m =
515  sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_non_iso_matrix_sig_m, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE);
517  //3
518  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_p =
519  super_sort_matrix_rows(iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_p, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
520  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_m =
521  super_sort_matrix_rows(iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_m, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
522  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_p =
523  super_sort_matrix_rows(non_iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_p, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
524  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_m =
525  super_sort_matrix_rows(non_iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_m, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
526  //combine plus and minus
527  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig(
528  N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(N_KEEP_EGAMMA));
529  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig(
530  N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(N_KEEP_EGAMMA));
531  for (int r = 0; r < N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS / 2; r++) {
532  iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig[r] = iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_m[r];
533  iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig[r + N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS / 2] = iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_p[r];
534  non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig[r] = non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_m[r];
535  non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig[r + N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS / 2] =
536  non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_p[r];
537  }
539  //4
540  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_stage2_row_sorted_matrix_sig =
541  sort_by_row_in_groups(iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE);
542  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_stage2_row_sorted_matrix_sig =
543  sort_by_row_in_groups(non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE);
545  //5
546  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_stage2_super_sorted_matrix_sig =
547  super_sort_matrix_rows(iso_stage2_row_sorted_matrix_sig, N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
548  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_stage2_super_sorted_matrix_sig =
549  super_sort_matrix_rows(non_iso_stage2_row_sorted_matrix_sig, N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
551  //Prepare output
552  std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> sorted_iso_egammas = iso_stage2_super_sorted_matrix_sig[0];
553  std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> sorted_noniso_egammas = non_iso_stage2_super_sorted_matrix_sig[0];
555  //verbose = false;
557  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
558  auto const& tmp = sorted_iso_egammas[i];
559  output->emplace_back(tmp.p4(), tmp.hwPt(), tmp.hwEta(), tmp.hwPhi(), tmp.hwQual(), 1 /*Iso*/);
560  }
561  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
562  auto const& tmp = sorted_noniso_egammas[i];
563  output->emplace_back(tmp.p4(), tmp.hwPt(), tmp.hwEta(), tmp.hwPhi(), tmp.hwQual(), tmp.hwIso());
564  }
565  }
void setHwQual(int qual)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:31
static std::string const input
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > sort_by_row_in_groups(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > const &input_matrix, int group_size)
void setHwPhi(int phi)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:30
void setHwPt(int pt)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:28
void setHwEta(int eta)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:29
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > presort_egamma(std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > const &input_egamma, int rows, int cols)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > super_sort_matrix_rows(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > const &input_matrix, unsigned int group_size, unsigned int n_keep)

◆ SortJets()

void l1t::SortJets ( std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  output 

Definition at line 291 of file

References mps_fire::i, input, dqmiolumiharvest::j, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, presort(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), super_sort_matrix_rows(), and createJobs::tmp.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().

291  {
292  //verbose = true;
293  const int CENTRAL_ETA_SLICES = 14;
294  const int N_PHI_GROUPS = 5;
296  const int PRESORT_DEPTH = 4;
297  const int N_KEEP_CENTRAL = 4;
298  const int N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL = 4;
299  const int N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL = 4;
301  const int HFM_ETA_SLICES = 4;
302  const int HFP_ETA_SLICES = 4;
305  const int N_KEEP_FORWARD = 4;
307  const int cen_nrows = 18;
308  const int cen_ncols = 14;
309  const int hfm_nrows = 18, hfp_nrows = 18;
310  const int hfm_ncols = 4, hfp_ncols = 4;
312  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > cen_input_energy(cen_nrows, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(cen_ncols));
313  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_input_energy(hfm_nrows, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(hfm_ncols));
314  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_input_energy(hfp_nrows, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(hfp_ncols));
316  for (std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator injet = input->begin(); injet != input->end(); ++injet) {
317  if (injet->hwEta() >= 4 && injet->hwEta() <= 17) {
318  unsigned int myrow = gt_to_fw_phi_map[injet->hwPhi()];
319  unsigned int mycol = injet->hwEta() - 4; //hardcoding is bad
320  cen_input_energy[myrow][mycol] = *injet;
321  } else if (injet->hwEta() < 4) {
322  unsigned int myrow = gt_to_fw_phi_map[injet->hwPhi()];
323  unsigned int mycol = injet->hwEta(); //hardcoding is bad
324  hfm_input_energy[myrow][mycol] = *injet;
325  } else if (injet->hwEta() > 17) {
326  unsigned int myrow = gt_to_fw_phi_map[injet->hwPhi()];
327  unsigned int mycol = injet->hwEta() - 18; //hardcoding is bad
328  hfp_input_energy[myrow][mycol] = *injet;
329  } else
330  edm::LogError("HardwareJetSort") << "Region out of bounds: " << injet->hwEta();
331  }
333  for (int i = 0; i < cen_nrows; ++i)
334  for (int j = 0; j < cen_ncols; ++j) {
335  if (cen_input_energy[i][j].hwPt() == 0) {
336  cen_input_energy[i][j].setHwPhi(fw_to_gt_phi_map[i]);
337  cen_input_energy[i][j].setHwEta(4 + j);
338  }
339  }
341  for (int i = 0; i < hfm_nrows; ++i)
342  for (int j = 0; j < hfm_ncols; ++j) {
343  if (hfm_input_energy[i][j].hwPt() == 0) {
344  hfm_input_energy[i][j].setHwPhi(fw_to_gt_phi_map[i]);
345  hfm_input_energy[i][j].setHwEta(j);
346  hfm_input_energy[i][j].setHwQual(2);
347  }
348  }
350  for (int i = 0; i < hfp_nrows; ++i)
351  for (int j = 0; j < hfp_ncols; ++j) {
352  if (hfp_input_energy[i][j].hwPt() == 0) {
353  hfp_input_energy[i][j].setHwPhi(fw_to_gt_phi_map[i]);
354  hfp_input_energy[i][j].setHwEta(j + 18);
355  hfp_input_energy[i][j].setHwQual(2);
356  }
357  }
359  //Each CLK is one clock
361  //CLK 1
362  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_energies_matrix_sig =
363  presort(cen_input_energy, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_CENTRAL, PRESORT_DEPTH);
364  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_presorted_energies_matrix_sig =
365  presort(hfm_input_energy, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_HFM, PRESORT_DEPTH);
366  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_presorted_energies_matrix_sig =
367  presort(hfp_input_energy, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_HFP, PRESORT_DEPTH);
369  //CLK 2
370  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig =
371  sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS);
372  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig =
373  sort_by_row_in_groups(hfm_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS);
374  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig =
375  sort_by_row_in_groups(hfp_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS);
377  //CLK 3
378  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig =
379  super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
380  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig =
381  super_sort_matrix_rows(hfm_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
382  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig =
383  super_sort_matrix_rows(hfp_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
385  //CLK 4
386  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig =
387  sort_by_row_in_groups(sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL);
388  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig =
389  sort_by_row_in_groups(hfm_sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, HFM_ETA_SLICES);
390  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig =
391  sort_by_row_in_groups(hfp_sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, HFP_ETA_SLICES);
393  //CLK 5
394  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig =
395  super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
396  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig =
397  super_sort_matrix_rows(hfm_row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, HFM_ETA_SLICES, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
398  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig =
399  super_sort_matrix_rows(hfp_row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, HFP_ETA_SLICES, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
401  //CLK 6
402  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig =
403  sort_by_row_in_groups(sorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL);
404  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hf_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig(
405  2, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(N_KEEP_FORWARD));
406  hf_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig[0] = hfm_sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig[0];
407  hf_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig[1] = hfp_sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig[0];
408  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hf_row_presorted_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig =
409  sort_by_row_in_groups(hf_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig, 2);
411  //CLK 7
412  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig =
413  super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
414  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hf_sorted_final_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig =
415  super_sort_matrix_rows(hf_row_presorted_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig, 2, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
417  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
418  auto const& tmp = sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig[0][i];
419  output->emplace_back(tmp.p4(), tmp.hwPt(), tmp.hwEta(), tmp.hwPhi(), tmp.hwQual());
420  }
421  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
422  auto const& tmp = hf_sorted_final_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig[0][i];
423  output->emplace_back(tmp.p4(), tmp.hwPt(), tmp.hwEta(), tmp.hwPhi(), tmp.hwQual() | 2);
424  }
425  //verbose = false;
426  }
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
static std::string const input
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > sort_by_row_in_groups(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > const &input_matrix, int group_size)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > presort(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > const &energies, int rows, int cols)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > super_sort_matrix_rows(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > const &input_matrix, unsigned int group_size, unsigned int n_keep)

◆ SortTaus()

void l1t::SortTaus ( std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  output 

Definition at line 567 of file

References mps_fire::i, input, dqmiolumiharvest::j, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, presort(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), super_sort_matrix_rows(), and createJobs::tmp.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

567  {
568  const int CENTRAL_ETA_SLICES = 14;
569  const int N_PHI_GROUPS = 5;
571  const int PRESORT_DEPTH = 4;
572  const int N_KEEP_CENTRAL = 4;
573  const int N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL = 4;
574  const int N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL = 4;
576  const int cen_nrows = 18;
577  const int cen_ncols = 14;
579  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > cen_input_energy(cen_nrows, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(cen_ncols));
581  for (std::vector<l1t::Tau>::const_iterator injet = input->begin(); injet != input->end(); ++injet) {
582  if (injet->hwEta() >= 4 && injet->hwEta() <= 17) {
583  unsigned int myrow = gt_to_fw_phi_map[injet->hwPhi()];
584  unsigned int mycol = injet->hwEta() - 4; //hardcoding is bad
585  cen_input_energy[myrow][mycol] = *injet;
586  } else
587  edm::LogError("HardwareTauSort") << "Region out of bounds: " << injet->hwEta();
588  }
590  for (int i = 0; i < cen_nrows; ++i)
591  for (int j = 0; j < cen_ncols; ++j) {
592  if (cen_input_energy[i][j].hwPt() == 0) {
593  cen_input_energy[i][j].setHwPhi(fw_to_gt_phi_map[i]);
594  cen_input_energy[i][j].setHwEta(4 + j);
595  }
596  }
598  //Each CLK is one clock
600  //CLK 1
601  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_energies_matrix_sig =
602  presort(cen_input_energy, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_CENTRAL, PRESORT_DEPTH);
603  //CLK 2
604  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig =
605  sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS);
606  //CLK 3
607  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig =
608  super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
609  //CLK 4
610  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig =
611  sort_by_row_in_groups(sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL);
612  //CLK 5
613  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig =
614  super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
615  //CLK 6
616  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig =
617  sort_by_row_in_groups(sorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL);
618  //CLK 7
619  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig =
620  super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
622  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
623  auto const& tmp = sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig[0][i];
624  output->emplace_back(tmp.p4(), tmp.hwPt(), tmp.hwEta(), tmp.hwPhi(), tmp.hwQual(), tmp.hwIso());
625  }
626  }
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
static std::string const input
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > sort_by_row_in_groups(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > const &input_matrix, int group_size)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > presort(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > const &energies, int rows, int cols)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > super_sort_matrix_rows(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > const &input_matrix, unsigned int group_size, unsigned int n_keep)

◆ TauToGtEtaScales()

void l1t::TauToGtEtaScales ( CaloParamsHelper const *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  output 

Definition at line 110 of file

References gtEta(), gtTau, input, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

112  {
113  for (std::vector<l1t::Tau>::const_iterator itTau = input->begin(); itTau != input->end(); ++itTau) {
114  unsigned newPhi = itTau->hwPhi();
115  unsigned newEta = gtEta(itTau->hwEta());
117  // taus with hwQual & 10 ==10 are "padding" jets from a sort, set their eta and phi
118  // to the max value
119  if ((itTau->hwQual() & 0x10) == 0x10) {
120  newEta = 0x0;
121  newPhi = 0x0;
122  }
124  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
126  l1t::Tau gtTau(*&ldummy, itTau->hwPt(), newEta, newPhi, itTau->hwQual(), itTau->hwIso());
127  output->push_back(gtTau);
128  }
129  }
Definition: Tau.h:20
const unsigned int gtEta(const unsigned int iEta)
static std::string const input

◆ TauToGtPtScales()

void l1t::TauToGtPtScales ( CaloParamsHelper const *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  output 

Definition at line 131 of file

References gtTau, input, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, and submitPVValidationJobs::params.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().

133  {
134  for (std::vector<l1t::Tau>::const_iterator itTau = input->begin(); itTau != input->end(); ++itTau) {
135  uint16_t linPt = (uint16_t)itTau->hwPt();
136  if (linPt > params->jetScale().linScaleMax())
137  linPt = params->jetScale().linScaleMax();
138  const uint16_t rankPt = params->jetScale().rank(linPt);
140  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0, 0, 0, 0);
142  l1t::Tau gtTau(*&ldummy, rankPt, itTau->hwEta(), itTau->hwPhi(), itTau->hwQual(), itTau->hwIso());
143  output->push_back(gtTau);
144  }
145  }
Definition: Tau.h:20
static std::string const input

◆ TwelveByTwelveFinder()

void l1t::TwelveByTwelveFinder ( const int  jetSeedThreshold,
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  regions,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets 

Definition at line 145 of file

References cms::cuda::assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetSeedThreshold, and HLT_2022v12_cff::region.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

147  {
148  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions->begin(); region != regions->end(); region++) {
149  int regionET = region->hwPt(); //regionPhysicalEt(*region);
150  if (regionET < jetSeedThreshold)
151  continue;
152  int neighborN_et = 0;
153  int neighborS_et = 0;
154  int neighborE_et = 0;
155  int neighborW_et = 0;
156  int neighborNE_et = 0;
157  int neighborSW_et = 0;
158  int neighborNW_et = 0;
159  int neighborSE_et = 0;
160  unsigned int nNeighbors = 0;
161  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator neighbor = regions->begin(); neighbor != regions->end();
162  neighbor++) {
163  int neighborET = neighbor->hwPt(); //regionPhysicalEt(*neighbor);
164  if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta()) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
165  neighborN_et = neighborET;
166  nNeighbors++;
167  continue;
168  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta()) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
169  neighborS_et = neighborET;
170  nNeighbors++;
171  continue;
172  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
173  neighborE_et = neighborET;
174  nNeighbors++;
175  continue;
176  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
177  neighborW_et = neighborET;
178  nNeighbors++;
179  continue;
180  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
181  neighborNE_et = neighborET;
182  nNeighbors++;
183  continue;
184  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
185  neighborSW_et = neighborET;
186  nNeighbors++;
187  continue;
188  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
189  neighborNW_et = neighborET;
190  nNeighbors++;
191  continue;
192  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
193  neighborSE_et = neighborET;
194  nNeighbors++;
195  continue;
196  }
197  }
198  unsigned int jetET = regionET + neighborN_et + neighborS_et + neighborE_et + neighborW_et + neighborNE_et +
199  neighborSW_et + neighborSE_et + neighborNW_et;
201  int jetPhi = region->hwPhi();
202  int jetEta = region->hwEta();
204  bool neighborCheck = (nNeighbors == 8);
205  // On the eta edge we only expect 5 neighbors
206  if (!neighborCheck && (jetEta == 0 || jetEta == 21) && nNeighbors == 5)
207  neighborCheck = true;
209  if (!neighborCheck) {
210  std::cout << "phi: " << jetPhi << " eta: " << jetEta << " n: " << nNeighbors << std::endl;
211  assert(false);
212  }
214  //first iteration, eta cut defines forward
215  //const bool forward = (jetEta <= 4 || jetEta >= 17);
216  const bool forward = (jetEta < 4 || jetEta > 17);
217  int jetQual = 0;
218  if (forward)
219  jetQual |= 0x2;
221  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0, 0, 0, 0);
222  l1t::Jet theJet(*&jetLorentz, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
223  //l1t::Jet theJet(0, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi);
225  uncalibjets->push_back(theJet);
226  }
227  }
assert(be >=bs)
Definition: Jet.h:20
int deltaGctPhi(const CaloRegion &region, const CaloRegion &neighbor)

◆ TwoByTwoFinder()

void l1t::TwoByTwoFinder ( const int  jetSeedThreshold,
const int  etaMask,
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  regions,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets 

Definition at line 229 of file

References cms::cuda::assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, caloParams_2018_v1_0_ECALZS_inconsistent_cfi::jetSeedThreshold, SiStripPI::max, and HLT_2022v12_cff::region.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent().

232  {
233  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions->begin(); region != regions->end(); region++) {
234  int regionET = region->hwPt();
235  if (regionET <= jetSeedThreshold)
236  continue;
237  int subEta = region->hwEta();
238  if ((etaMask & (1 << subEta)) >> subEta)
239  regionET = 0;
240  int neighborN_et = 0;
241  int neighborS_et = 0;
242  int neighborE_et = 0;
243  int neighborW_et = 0;
244  int neighborNE_et = 0;
245  int neighborSW_et = 0;
246  int neighborNW_et = 0;
247  int neighborSE_et = 0;
248  unsigned int nNeighbors = 0;
249  for (std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator neighbor = regions->begin(); neighbor != regions->end();
250  neighbor++) {
251  int neighborET = neighbor->hwPt();
252  int subEta2 = neighbor->hwEta();
253  if ((etaMask & (1 << subEta2)) >> subEta2)
254  neighborET = 0;
256  if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta()) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
257  neighborN_et = neighborET;
258  nNeighbors++;
259  continue;
260  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta()) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
261  neighborS_et = neighborET;
262  nNeighbors++;
263  continue;
264  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
265  neighborE_et = neighborET;
266  nNeighbors++;
267  continue;
268  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
269  neighborW_et = neighborET;
270  nNeighbors++;
271  continue;
272  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
273  neighborNE_et = neighborET;
274  nNeighbors++;
275  continue;
276  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
277  neighborSW_et = neighborET;
278  nNeighbors++;
279  continue;
280  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 && (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
281  neighborNW_et = neighborET;
282  nNeighbors++;
283  continue;
284  } else if (deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 && (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
285  neighborSE_et = neighborET;
286  nNeighbors++;
287  continue;
288  }
289  }
290  if (regionET > neighborN_et && regionET > neighborNW_et && regionET > neighborW_et && regionET > neighborSW_et &&
291  regionET >= neighborNE_et && regionET >= neighborE_et && regionET >= neighborSE_et &&
292  regionET >= neighborS_et) {
293  // use the highest-pT 2x2 jet inside this 3x3
294  unsigned int jetET_NW;
295  unsigned int jetET_NE;
296  unsigned int jetET_SW;
297  unsigned int jetET_SE;
299  jetET_NW = regionET + neighborW_et + neighborNW_et + neighborN_et;
300  jetET_NE = regionET + neighborE_et + neighborNE_et + neighborN_et;
301  jetET_SW = regionET + neighborS_et + neighborSW_et + neighborW_et;
302  jetET_SE = regionET + neighborS_et + neighborSE_et + neighborE_et;
304  unsigned int jetET = std::max(jetET_NW, jetET_NE);
305  jetET = std::max(jetET, jetET_SW);
306  jetET = std::max(jetET, jetET_SE);
308  int jetPhi = region->hwPhi();
309  int jetEta = region->hwEta();
311  bool neighborCheck = (nNeighbors == 8);
312  // On the eta edge we only expect 5 neighbor
313  if (!neighborCheck && (jetEta == 0 || jetEta == 21) && nNeighbors == 5)
314  neighborCheck = true;
316  if (!neighborCheck) {
317  std::cout << "phi: " << jetPhi << " eta: " << jetEta << " n: " << nNeighbors << std::endl;
318  assert(false);
319  }
321  //first iteration, eta cut defines forward
322  const bool forward = (jetEta < 4 || jetEta > 17);
323  int jetQual = 0;
324  if (forward)
325  jetQual |= 0x2;
327  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0, 0, 0, 0);
328  l1t::Jet theJet(*&jetLorentz, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
329  uncalibjets->push_back(theJet);
330  }
331  }
332  }
assert(be >=bs)
Definition: Jet.h:20
int deltaGctPhi(const CaloRegion &region, const CaloRegion &neighbor)

Variable Documentation


constexpr float l1t::PFTAU_NN_LOOSE_CUT = 0.05

Definition at line 14 of file PFTau.h.

Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN().


constexpr float l1t::PFTAU_NN_OFFSET = 0.1

Definition at line 10 of file PFTau.h.

Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN(), and l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().


constexpr float l1t::PFTAU_NN_OVERALL_SCALE = 1. / 20.1

Definition at line 12 of file PFTau.h.

Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN(), and l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().


constexpr double l1t::PFTAU_NN_PT_CUTOFF = 100.0

Definition at line 20 of file PFTau.h.

Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN(), and l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().


constexpr float l1t::PFTAU_NN_SLOPE = 0.2

Definition at line 11 of file PFTau.h.

Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLooseNN(), and l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().


constexpr float l1t::PFTAU_NN_TIGHT_CUT = 0.25

Definition at line 15 of file PFTau.h.

Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passTightNN().


constexpr float l1t::PFTAU_PF_LOOSE_CUT = 10.0

Definition at line 17 of file PFTau.h.

Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passLoosePF().


constexpr float l1t::PFTAU_PF_TIGHT_CUT = 5.0

Definition at line 18 of file PFTau.h.

Referenced by l1t::PFTau::passTightPF().