![]() |
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Public Member Functions | |
ConversionProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &) | |
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EDProducer ()=default | |
EDProducer (const EDProducer &)=delete | |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final |
const EDProducer & | operator= (const EDProducer &)=delete |
Private Types | |
typedef math::XYZPointF | Point |
typedef std::vector< Point > | PointCollection |
Private Member Functions | |
void | buildCollection (edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const std::multimap< float, edm::Ptr< reco::ConversionTrack > > &allTracks, const std::multimap< double, reco::CaloClusterPtr > &superClusterPtrs, const std::multimap< double, reco::CaloClusterPtr > &basicClusterPtrs, const reco::Vertex &the_pvtx, reco::ConversionCollection &outputConvPhotonCollection) |
void | buildSuperAndBasicClusterGeoMap (const edm::Event &, std::multimap< double, reco::CaloClusterPtr > &basicClusterPtrs, std::multimap< double, reco::CaloClusterPtr > &superClusterPtrs) |
bool | checkPhi (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > &tk_l, const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > &tk_r, TrackerGeometry const &trackerGeom, MagneticField const &magField, const reco::Vertex &the_vertex) |
bool | checkTrackPair (const std::pair< edm::RefToBase< reco::Track >, reco::CaloClusterPtr > &ll, const std::pair< edm::RefToBase< reco::Track >, reco::CaloClusterPtr > &rr) |
bool | checkVertex (const reco::TransientTrack &ttk_l, const reco::TransientTrack &ttk_r, MagneticField const &magField, reco::Vertex &the_vertex) |
double | etaTransformation (float EtaParticle, float Zvertex) |
bool | getMatchedBC (const std::multimap< double, reco::CaloClusterPtr > &bcMap, const math::XYZPointF &trackImpactPosition, reco::CaloClusterPtr &closestBC) |
bool | getTrackImpactPosition (const reco::Track *tk_ref, TrackerGeometry const &trackerGeom, MagneticField const &magField, math::XYZPointF &ew) |
bool | matchingSC (const std::multimap< double, reco::CaloClusterPtr > &scMap, reco::Conversion &conv, reco::CaloClusterPtrVector &mSC) |
bool | preselectTrackPair (const reco::TransientTrack &ttk_l, const reco::TransientTrack &ttk_r, double &appDist) |
void | produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override |
math::XYZPointF | toFConverterP (const math::XYZPoint &val) |
math::XYZVectorF | toFConverterV (const math::XYZVector &val) |
bool | trackD0Cut (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > &ref) |
bool | trackD0Cut (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > &ref, const reco::Vertex &the_pvtx) |
bool | trackQualityFilter (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > &ref, bool isLeft) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
using | CacheTypes = CacheContexts< T... > |
using | GlobalCache = typename CacheTypes::GlobalCache |
using | HasAbility = AbilityChecker< T... > |
using | InputProcessBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::InputProcessBlockCache |
using | LuminosityBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockCache |
using | LuminosityBlockContext = LuminosityBlockContextT< LuminosityBlockCache, RunCache, GlobalCache > |
using | LuminosityBlockSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockSummaryCache |
using | RunCache = typename CacheTypes::RunCache |
using | RunContext = RunContextT< RunCache, GlobalCache > |
using | RunSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::RunSummaryCache |
Description: Produces converted photon objects using default track collections
Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">
Definition at line 65 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
private |
Definition at line 79 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
private |
Definition at line 80 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
explicit |
Definition at line 206 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
private |
match the track pair with a SC. If at least one track matches, store the SC
Definition at line 404 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References reco::TrackBase::algo(), reco::Conversion::algoByName(), algoName_, allowOppCharge_, allowTrackBC_, muonTagProbeFilters_cff::allTracks, reco::Conversion::arbitratedEcalSeeded, tkConvValidator_cfi::arbitratedEcalSeeded, reco::Conversion::arbitratedMerged, tkConvValidator_cfi::arbitratedMerged, reco::Conversion::arbitratedMergedEcalGeneral, TransientTrackBuilder::build(), bypassPreselEcal_, bypassPreselEcalEcal_, bypassPreselGsf_, edm::RefToBase< T >::castTo(), reco::TrackBase::charge(), checkPhi(), checkVertex(), reco::Vertex::chi2(), ChiSquaredProbability(), deltaEta_, energyTotalBC_, reco::Track::extra(), reco::Conversion::generalTracksOnly, tkConvValidator_cfi::generalTracksOnly, edm::RefToBase< T >::get(), edm::EventSetup::getData(), getMatchedBC(), getTrackImpactPosition(), reco::TrackBase::gsf, reco::Conversion::gsfTracksOpenOnly, reco::Conversion::highPurity, reco::Track::innerMomentum(), reco::Track::innerPosition(), reco::TrackBase::inOutEcalSeededConv, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), reco::Vertex::isValid(), magneticField_, matchingSC(), reco::Vertex::ndof(), ConversionHitChecker::nHitsBeforeVtx(), ConversionHitChecker::nSharedHits(), reco::Track::outerMomentum(), reco::TrackBase::outInEcalSeededConv, preselectTrackPair(), findQualityFiles::rr, reco::Conversion::setMatchingSuperCluster(), reco::Conversion::setQuality(), thettbuilder_, toFConverterP(), toFConverterV(), trackD0Cut(), trackerGeometry_, trackQualityFilter(), and vtxChi2_.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 355 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References bcBarrelCollection_, bcEndcapCollection_, energyBC_, patZpeak::handle, iEvent, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), minSCEt_, scBarrelProducer_, and scEndcapProducer_.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 820 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References allowDeltaPhi_, anyDirection, reco::deltaPhi(), deltaPhi_, HLT_2022v12_cff::dPhi, reco::Track::extra(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalDirection(), reco::Track::innerMomentum(), trajectoryStateTransform::innerStateOnSurface(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), PropagatorWithMaterial::propagate(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, and extraflags_cff::vtx.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 926 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References allowTrackBC_, energyTotalBC_, edm::Ptr< T >::isNonnull(), rightBC_, and findQualityFiles::rr.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 161 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References ConversionVertexFinder::run(), and vertexFinder_.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 948 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References ETA, etaBarrelEndcap, dqm-mbProfile::log, PI, R_ECAL, funct::tan(), Z_Endcap, and ZEcal.
Referenced by matchingSC().
private |
Definition at line 788 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References HLT_2022v12_cff::delta_eta, HLT_2022v12_cff::delta_phi, reco::deltaPhi(), dEtaTkBC_, dPhiTkBC_, halfWayEta_, and HLT_2022v12_cff::min_eta.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 716 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References alongMomentum, barrelHalfLength, barrelRadius, endcapRadius, endcapZ, geometryDiff::epsilon, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), f, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalPosition(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), trajectoryStateTransform::outerStateOnSurface(), PropagatorWithMaterial::propagate(), and makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 759 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References HLT_2022v12_cff::delta_eta, HLT_2022v12_cff::delta_phi, reco::deltaPhi(), dEtacutForSCmatching_, dPhicutForSCmatching_, TrackSplittingMonitor_cfi::dphiMin, etaTransformation(), match(), edm::PtrVector< T >::push_back(), reco::Conversion::refittedPairMomentum(), and reco::Conversion::zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks().
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 871 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References funct::abs(), allowDeltaCot_, allowMinApproach_, TangentApproachInRPhi::calculate(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::calculate(), TangentApproachInRPhi::crossingPoint(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::crossingPoint(), deltaCotTheta_, dzCut_, reco::Track::innerMomentum(), reco::TransientTrack::innermostMeasurementState(), maxTrackRho_, maxTrackZ_, minApproachHigh_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), TangentApproachInRPhi::perpdist(), r_cut, rho, TangentApproachInRPhi::status(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::status(), funct::tan(), reco::TransientTrack::track(), TangentApproachInRPhi::trajectoryParameters(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().
Referenced by buildCollection().
overrideprivate |
Definition at line 295 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References buildCollection(), buildSuperAndBasicClusterGeoMap(), ConvertedPhotonCollection_, edm::EventSetup::getData(), iEvent, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), maxNumOfTrackInPU_, eostools::move(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), src_, submitPVValidationJobs::t, thettbuilder_, transientTrackBuilder_, usePvtx_, spclusmultinvestigator_cfi::vertexCollection, and vertexProducer_.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 186 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References heppy_batch::val.
Referenced by buildCollection().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 188 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References heppy_batch::val.
Referenced by buildCollection().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 706 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References allowD0_, reco::TrackBase::charge(), reco::TrackBase::d0(), d0Cut_, and reco::TrackBase::d0Error().
Referenced by buildCollection().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 711 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References allowD0_, reco::TrackBase::charge(), d0Cut_, reco::TrackBase::dxy(), reco::TrackBase::dxyError(), and reco::Vertex::position().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 695 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
References reco::Track::found(), maxChi2Left_, maxChi2Right_, minHitsLeft_, minHitsRight_, and reco::TrackBase::normalizedChi2().
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 77 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 94 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by trackD0Cut().
private |
Definition at line 94 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by preselectTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 94 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by checkPhi().
private |
Definition at line 94 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by preselectTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 94 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 128 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
private |
Definition at line 94 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection(), and checkTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 94 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
private |
Definition at line 86 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildSuperAndBasicClusterGeoMap().
private |
Definition at line 87 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildSuperAndBasicClusterGeoMap().
private |
Definition at line 96 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 96 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 96 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 88 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 115 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by trackD0Cut().
private |
Definition at line 122 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by preselectTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 104 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 122 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by checkPhi().
private |
Definition at line 111 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by matchingSC().
private |
Definition at line 117 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by getMatchedBC().
private |
Definition at line 112 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by matchingSC().
private |
Definition at line 117 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by getMatchedBC().
private |
Definition at line 116 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by preselectTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 113 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildSuperAndBasicClusterGeoMap().
private |
Definition at line 114 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection(), and checkTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 106 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by getMatchedBC().
private |
Definition at line 106 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
private |
Definition at line 92 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 119 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by trackQualityFilter().
private |
Definition at line 119 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by trackQualityFilter().
private |
Definition at line 107 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 109 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by preselectTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 108 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by preselectTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 122 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by preselectTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 122 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
private |
Definition at line 120 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by trackQualityFilter().
private |
Definition at line 120 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by trackQualityFilter().
private |
Definition at line 110 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildSuperAndBasicClusterGeoMap().
private |
Definition at line 125 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by preselectTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 129 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by checkTrackPair().
private |
Definition at line 84 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildSuperAndBasicClusterGeoMap().
private |
Definition at line 85 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildSuperAndBasicClusterGeoMap().
private |
Definition at line 82 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 102 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection(), and produce().
private |
Definition at line 91 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().
private |
Definition at line 90 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 98 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 100 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by checkVertex().
private |
Definition at line 99 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 126 of file ConversionProducer.cc.
Referenced by buildCollection().