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1 //
2 //
3 // File: src/
4 // Purpose: Represent an event for kinematic fitting as a collection
5 // of 4-vectors.
6 // Created: Jul, 2000, sss, based on run 1 mass analysis code.
7 //
8 // CMSSW File : src/
9 // Original Author : Scott Stuart Snyder <> for D0
10 // Imported to CMSSW by Haryo Sumowidagdo <>
11 //
14 #include <cassert>
15 #include <ostream>
40 using std::ostream;
42 namespace hitfit {
44  FE_Obj::FE_Obj(const Fourvec& the_p,
45  double the_mass,
46  int the_label,
47  double the_p_error,
48  double the_phi_error,
49  double the_eta_error,
50  bool the_muon_p)
51  //
52  // Purpose: Contructor.
53  //
54  // Inputs:
55  // the_p - 4-momentum.
56  // the_mass - The mass of the object.
57  // The constrained fit will fix the mass to this value.
58  // the_p_error - Uncertainty in p (or, if the_muon_p is set, in 1/p).
59  // the_phi_error-Uncertainty in phi.
60  // the_eta_error-Uncertainty in eta.
61  // the_muon_p - If true, the `p' uncertainty is in 1/p, and 1/p
62  // should be used as the fit variable instead of p.
63  //
64  : p(the_p),
65  mass(the_mass),
66  label(the_label),
67  p_error(the_p_error),
68  phi_error(the_phi_error),
69  eta_error(the_eta_error),
70  muon_p(the_muon_p) {}
80  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const FE_Obj& o)
81  //
82  // Purpose: Print the object to S.
83  //
84  // Inputs:
85  // s - The stream to which to write.
86  // o - The object to write.
87  //
88  // Returns:
89  // The stream S.
90  //
91  {
92  s << o.p << " - " << o.mass << " - " << o.label << "\n";
93  s << " errors: " << o.p_error << " " << o.phi_error << " " << o.eta_error;
94  if (o.muon_p)
95  s << " (mu)";
96  s << "\n";
97  return s;
98  }
100  //************************************************************************
103  //
104  // Purpose: Constructor.
105  //
106  : _kt_x_error(0), _kt_y_error(0), _kt_xy_covar(0), _has_neutrino(false) {}
109  //
110  // Purpose: Return true if this event has a neutrino.
111  //
112  // Returns:
113  // True if this event has a neutrino.
114  //
115  {
116  return _has_neutrino;
117  }
120  //
121  // Purpose: Return the number of objects in the event, not including
122  // any neutrino.
123  //
124  // Returns:
125  // The number of objects in the event, not including any neutrino.
126  //
127  {
128  return _objs.size() - (_has_neutrino ? 1 : 0);
129  }
132  //
133  // Purpose: Return the number of objects in the event, including any neutrino.
134  //
135  // Returns:
136  // The number of objects in the event, including any neutrino.
137  //
138  {
139  return _objs.size();
140  }
143  //
144  // Purpose: Access object I.
145  //
146  // Inputs:
147  // i - The index of the desired object (0-based indexing).
148  //
149  {
150  assert(i < _objs.size());
151  return _objs[i];
152  }
155  //
156  // Purpose: Access the neutrino 4-vector.
157  //
158  {
160  return _objs.back().p;
161  }
164  //
165  // Purpose: Access the kt 4-vector.
166  //
167  {
168  return _kt;
169  }
172  //
173  // Purpose: Access the X 4-vector.
174  //
175  {
176  return _x;
177  }
180  //
181  // Purpose: Return the X uncertainty in kt.
182  //
183  // Returns:
184  // The X uncertainty in kt.
185  //
186  {
187  return _kt_x_error;
188  }
191  //
192  // Purpose: Return the Y uncertainty in kt.
193  //
194  // Returns:
195  // The Y uncertainty in kt.
196  //
197  {
198  return _kt_y_error;
199  }
202  //
203  // Purpose: Return the kt XY covariance.
204  //
205  // Returns:
206  // The kt XY covariance.
207  //
208  {
209  return _kt_xy_covar;
210  }
220  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Fourvec_Event& fe)
221  //
222  // Purpose: Print out the contents of the class.
223  //
224  // Inputs:
225  // s - The stream to which to write.
226  // fe - The object to write.
227  //
228  // Returns:
229  // The stream S.
230  //
231  {
232  s << "kt: (" << fe._kt.x() << ", " << fe._kt.y() << "); "
233  << " error: " << fe._kt_x_error << " " << fe._kt_y_error << " " << fe._kt_xy_covar << "\n";
234  s << "x: " << fe._x << "\n";
235  for (unsigned i = 0; i < fe._objs.size(); i++)
236  s << i + 1 << ": " << fe._objs[i];
237  return s;
238  }
241  //
242  // Purpose: Add an object to the event.
243  //
244  // Inputs:
245  // obj - The object to add.
246  // It should not be a neutrino.
247  //
248  {
249  assert(obj.label != nu_label);
251  // Add to the end of the list, but before any neutrino.
252  if (_has_neutrino) {
253  assert(!_objs.empty());
254  _objs.insert(_objs.begin() + _objs.size() - 1, obj);
255  } else
256  _objs.push_back(obj);
258  // Maintain kt.
259  _kt += obj.p;
260  }
263  //
264  // Purpose: Set the neutrino 4-momentum to P.
265  // This adds a neutrino if there wasn't one there already.
266  //
267  // Inputs:
268  // p - The new 4-momentum of the neutrino.
269  //
270  {
271  if (_has_neutrino) {
272  _kt -= _objs.back().p;
273  _objs.back().p = p;
274  } else {
275  _has_neutrino = true;
276  _objs.push_back(FE_Obj(p, 0, nu_label, 0, 0, 0, false));
277  }
279  _kt += p;
280  }
283  //
284  // Purpose: Set object I's 4-momentum to P.
285  //
286  // Inputs:
287  // i - The index of the object to change (0-based indexing).
288  // p - The new 4-momentum.
289  //
290  {
291  assert(i < _objs.size());
292  _kt -= _objs[i].p;
293  _objs[i].p = p;
294  _kt += p;
295  }
298  //
299  // Purpose: Set the momentum of the X object to P.
300  //
301  // Inputs:
302  // p - The new 4-momentum.
303  //
304  {
305  _kt -= _x;
306  _x = p;
307  _kt += p;
308  }
310  void Fourvec_Event::set_kt_error(double kt_x_error, double kt_y_error, double kt_xy_covar)
311  //
312  // Purpose: Set the kt uncertainties.
313  //
314  // Inputs:
315  // kt_x_error - The uncertainty in the X component of kt.
316  // kt_y_error - The uncertainty in the Y component of kt.
317  // kt_xy_covar - The covariance between the X and Y components.
318  //
319  {
323  }
325 } // namespace hitfit
const Fourvec & nu() const
Access the neutrino four-momentum.
Default constructor.
void set_kt_error(double kt_x_error, double kt_y_error, double kt_xy_covar)
Set the uncertainties on .
double kt_xy_covar() const
Return the xy covariance in .
Represent an event for kinematic fitting as a collection of four-momenta. Each object is represented ...
void add(const FE_Obj &obj)
Add an object to the event. The object should not be a neutrino, use the method set_nu_p for that...
const int nu_label
assert(be >=bs)
uint16_t size_type
std::vector< FE_Obj > _objs
char const * label
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector Fourvec
Typedef for a HepLorentzVector.
Definition: fourvec.h:55
void set_nu_p(const Fourvec &p)
Set the neutrino four-momentum to . This method adds a neutrino if there wasn&#39;t already one...
void set_obj_p(std::vector< FE_Obj >::size_type i, const Fourvec &p)
Set the four-momentum of object at index i to .
int nobjs() const
Return the number of objects in the event not including any neutrinos.
int nobjs_all() const
Return the number of objects in the event including any neutrinos.
void set_x_p(const Fourvec &p)
Set the four-momentum of the object.
bool has_neutrino() const
Return TRUE is this event contains a neutrino, otherwise returns FALSE.
const Fourvec & kt() const
Access the four-momentum.
double kt_y_error() const
Return the y uncertainty in .
double kt_x_error() const
Return the x uncertainty in .
const FE_Obj & obj(std::vector< FE_Obj >::size_type i) const
Access object at index i, with the convention that the index starts at 0.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Constraint_Intermed &ci)
Output stream operator, print the content of this Constraint_Intermed to an output stream...
FE_Obj(const Fourvec &the_p, double the_mass, int the_label, double the_p_error, double the_phi_error, double the_eta_error, bool the_muon_p)
Represent a single object in a Fourvec_Event, this is just a dumb data container. Each object in a Fo...
Definition: Fourvec_Event.h:90
const Fourvec & x() const
Access the four-momentum.
Represent an event for kinematic fitting as a collection of four-momenta.