5 #ifndef DataFormats_L1TMuon_EMTFHit_h 6 #define DataFormats_L1TMuon_EMTFHit_h void set_subsector_RPC(int bits)
void set_phi_glob(float val)
int slope
Run 3 For CSC only.
void set_theta_sim(float val)
void set_neighbor(int bits)
void set_rho_sim(float val)
int csc_nID
1 - 15. For CSCs only. Neighbors 10 - 15, 12 not filled.
int strip_eighth
Run 3 CSC parameters.
void set_csc_nID(int bits)
int ring
1 - 4. ME1/1a is denoted as "Ring 4". Should check dependence on input CSCDetId convention. - AWB 02.03.17
int strip_eighth_bit
Run 3 CSC parameters.
void set_pc_station(int bits)
void set_phi_sim(float val)
int mpc_link
1 - 3. Filled in EMTFHit.cc from CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi
int Partition() const
"roll" corresponds to the GEM eta partition
int neighbor
0 or 1. Filled in EMTFBlock(ME|GEM|RPC).cc
void set_stub_num(int bits)
float phi_loc
-20 - 60 (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
void set_station(int bits)
void set_theta(float val)
void set_bt_station(int bits)
int sector_idx
0 - 11. 0 - 5 for ME+, 6 - 11 for ME-. For neighbor hits, set by EMTF sector that received it...
void set_eta_sim(float val)
int pc_sector
1 - 6. EMTF sector that received the LCT, even those sent from neighbor sectors.
void set_sector_idx(int bits)
GEMPadDigiCluster CreateGEMPadDigiCluster() const
void set_strip_eighth(int bits)
void set_cluster_size(int bits)
void set_sync_err(int bits)
int sync_err
0 or 1. For CSCs only.
int subsector_RPC
0 - 6. RPC sector convention (in CMSSW): subsector 3 is the first chamber in the EMTF sector...
float time
? - ?. RPC time information (ns)
int sector_RPC
1 - 6. RPC sector convention (in CMSSW): sector 1 starts at -5 degrees
void SetME0DetId(const ME0DetId &id)
void set_theta_fp(int bits)
void set_endcap(int bits)
int subsystem
0 - 4. 0 for DT, 1 for CSC, 2 for RPC, 3 for GEM, 4 for ME0
void set_pad_hi(int bits)
int zone_code
0 - 12. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int Pad() const
Repurpose "strip" as GEM pad for GEM sourced hits.
void SetRPCDetId(const RPCDetId &id)
int roll
1 - 3. For RPCs only, sub-division of ring. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
ME0DetId CreateME0DetId() const
void set_strip_quart_bit(int bits)
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi CreateCSCCorrelatedLCTDigi() const
void set_strip_low(int bits)
int subsector
0 - 6. In CSCs, 1 or 2 for ME1, 0 for ME2/3/4.
void set_strip_eighth_bit(int bits)
int fs_zone_code
1 - 14. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int strip_quart
Run 3 CSC parameters.
CPPFDigi CreateCPPFDigi() const
void set_bt_segment(int bits)
int stub_num
0 or 1. Only from unpacked data? - AWB 02.03.17
void set_pattern(int bits)
int pattern_run3
Run 3 For CSC only.
int bend
0 or 1. For CSCs only.
void set_csc_ID(int bits)
std::vector< EMTFHit > EMTFHitCollection
void set_pc_chamber(int bits)
void set_strip_hi(int bits)
int zone_hit
4 - 156 (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
void set_pattern_run3(int bits)
void SetDTDetId(const DTChamberId &id)
uint32_t rawDetId
raw CMSSW DetId
int Strip_eighth_bit() const
void set_phi_loc(float val)
int pattern
0 - 10. For CSCs only.
int ClusterID() const
Repurpose "track_num" as the GEM cluster_id.
void set_pc_segment(int bits)
void SetCSCDetId(const CSCDetId &id)
int endcap
+/-1. For ME+ and ME-.
void set_fs_segment(int bits)
int strip
0 - 158 For CSCs only.
void set_sector_RPC(int bits)
void set_sector(int bits)
int strip_low
? - ?. For RPCs only, lowest strip in a cluster. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
RPCDetId RPC_DetId() const
int Strip_quart_bit() const
void set_z_sim(float val)
int layer
0 - 1. For GEMs only, superchamber detector layer (1 or 2).
int track_num
? - ?. For CSCs only. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int pc_station
0 - 5. 0 for ME1 subsector 1, 5 for neighbor hits.
int wire
0 - 111 For CSCs only.
int quality
0 - 15. For CSCs only.
int alct_quality
1 - 3. For emulated CSC LCTs only, maps to number of ALCT layers (4 - 6).
void set_subsystem(int bits)
int strip_hi
? - ?. For RPCs only, highest strip in a cluster. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
DTChamberId DT_DetId() const
void set_track_num(int bits)
int bc0
0 or 1. Only from unpacked data? - AWB 02.03.17
GEMDetId GEM_DetId() const
void set_cluster_id(int bits)
CSCDetId CSC_DetId() const
void set_zone_code(int bits)
int valid
0 or 1. For CSCs only (for now; could use to flag failing clusters? - AWB 02.03.17) ...
void set_pad_low(int bits)
void SetGEMDetId(const GEMDetId &id)
int sector
1 - 6. CSC / GEM / EMTF sector convention: sector 1 starts at 15 degrees
int chamber
1 - 36. Chamber 1 starts at -5 degrees.
void set_zone_hit(int bits)
int fs_segment
0 - 13. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int Pad_low() const
Repurpose "strip" as GEM pad for GEM sourced hits.
int clct_quality
4 - 6. For emulated CSC LCTs only, maps to number of CLCT layers (4 - 6).
void set_strip_quart(int bits)
int bt_segment
0 - 25. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
void set_fs_zone_code(int bits)
int strip_quart_bit
Run 3 CSC parameters.
void set_clct_quality(int bits)
RPCDetId CreateRPCDetId() const
GEMDetId CreateGEMDetId() const
void set_quality(int bits)
void set_mpc_link(int bits)
int Pad_hi() const
Repurpose "strip" as GEM pad for GEM sourced hits.
void set_chamber(int bits)
int ClusterSize() const
Repurpose "quality" as the GEM cluster_size (number of pads in the cluster)
void set_subsector(int bits)
int Subsector_RPC() const
void set_alct_quality(int bits)
void set_phi_fp(int bits)
void set_partition(int bits)
CSCDetId CreateCSCDetId() const
void set_pc_sector(int bits)
ME0DetId ME0_DetId() const
int csc_ID
1 - 9. For CSCs only.