void setBitsTss()
Set the quality bits for DTTSS analysis.
const edm::EventSetup & c
int isLH() const
Return if LH.
int isHtrig() const
Return HTRIG/LTRIG bit.
int tracoNumber() const
Return parent TRACO number.
void clearBitsBkmod()
Clear (set to 1) all the bits (back-up mode)
int pvCorr() const
Return the preview correaltion bit.
unsigned dataword() const
Return an uint16 with the content of the data word (for debugging)
void clear()
Clear the trigger.
const DTTracoTrigData * _tctrig
int isFirst() const
Return the first/second track bit.
int tssNumber() const
Return the DTTSS number.
const DTConfigTSPhi * config() const
Configuration set.
const DTConfigTSPhi * config() const
Configuration set.
int isH0() const
Return if H inner.
int tracoNumber() const
Return the TRACO number.
DTTSCand & operator=(const DTTSCand &tscand)
Assignment operator.
void setBitsTsm()
Set the quality bits for DTTSM analysis.
int isCarry() const
Return the carry bit.
int isHHorHL() const
Return if HH or HL.
void print() const
Print the trigger.
unsigned dataWord(const int i) const
int isLL() const
Return if LL.
int pvCode() const
Return the preview code.
const DTTracoTrigData * tracoTr() const
Return associated TRACO trigger.
int element(const int pos) const
void clearBits()
Clear (set to 1) the quality bits (but first/second track bit)
int isInner() const
Return Inner/Outer bit.
int is0L() const
Return if L outer.
void assign(const int p, const int n, const int val)
void resetCarry()
Reset the carry bit.
void setSecondTrack()
Set the first track bit to second track (used for carry)
int number() const
Return identifier.
int is0H() const
Return if H outer.
int TcPos() const
Retrun the TRACO position inside the TSS.
bool operator<=(const DTTSCand &c) const
Operator <= used for sorting.
int isL0() const
Return if L inner.
bool operator<(const DTTSCand &c) const
Operator < used for sorting.
void setBitsBkmod()
Set the bits for TSM back-up mode.
DTTSS * tss() const
Return the DTTSS.
int isCorr() const
Return correlation bit.