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inOutSeedsFromTrackerMuons_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple inOutSeedsFromTrackerMuons

Variable Documentation

tuple inOutSeedsFromTrackerMuons_cfi.inOutSeedsFromTrackerMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("MuonReSeeder",
2  ## Input collection of muons, and selection. track.isNonnull is implicit.
3  src = cms.InputTag("muons"),
4  cut = cms.string("pt > 2"),
5  ## Keep at most these layers from the tracker track of the muon
6  layersToKeep = cms.int32(5),
7  ## Use the inner part of the tracker track to make a seed
8  insideOut = cms.bool(True),
9  #### Turn on verbose debugging (to be removed at the end)
10  debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
11  ## Configuration for the refitter
12  DoPredictionsOnly = cms.bool(False),
13  Fitter = cms.string('KFFitterForRefitInsideOut'),
14  TrackerRecHitBuilder = cms.string('WithAngleAndTemplate'),
15  Smoother = cms.string('KFSmootherForRefitInsideOut'),
16  MuonRecHitBuilder = cms.string('MuonRecHitBuilder'),
17  MTDRecHitBuilder = cms.string('MTDRecHitBuilder'),
18  RefitDirection = cms.string('alongMomentum'),
19  RefitRPCHits = cms.bool(True),
20  Propagator = cms.string('SmartPropagatorAnyRKOpposite'),
21 )

Definition at line 3 of file