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HLTObjectMonitor_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple axisLabel = cms.string("dimuon mass [GeV]")
string bJet_moduleNameCalo = "hltBTagCalo80x6CSVp0p92DoubleWithMatching"
string bJet_moduleNamePF = "hltBTagPFCSVp075Double"
string bJet_pathNameCalo = "HLT_DoubleJets100_DoubleBTagCSV_0p92_DoublePFJets128MaxDeta1p6"
string bJet_pathNamePF = "HLT_PFHT380_SixJet32_DoubleBTagCSV_p075"
tuple bJetCSVCalo
tuple bJetCSVPF
tuple bJetEta
tuple bJetPhi
tuple caloHtPt
string caloMet_moduleName = "hltMET60"
string caloMet_pathName = "HLT_MET60_IsoTrk35_Loose"
tuple caloMetPhi
tuple caloMetPt
tuple diElecMass
tuple diMuonLowMass
tuple diMuonMass
string electron_moduleName = "hltEle38noerWPTightGsfTrackIsoFilter"
string electron_pathName = "HLT_Ele38_WPTight_Gsf"
tuple hltObjectMonitor
string jetAk8_moduleName = "hltAK8SinglePFJet400TrimModMass30"
string jetAk8_pathName = "HLT_AK8PFJet400_TrimMass30"
string l2muon_moduleName = "hltL2fL1sMu22L1f0L2Filtered10Q"
string l2muon_pathName = "HLT_L2Mu10"
string l2NoBPTXmuon_moduleName = "hltL2fL1sMuOpenNotBptxORNoHaloMu3BXL1f0NoVtxCosmicSeedMeanTimerL2Filtered40Sta3"
string l2NoBPTXmuon_pathName = "HLT_L2Mu40_NoVertex_3Sta_NoBPTX3BX"
tuple mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True)
tuple mr
string muon_moduleName = "hltL3crIsoL1sMu22Or25L1f0L2f10QL3f27QL3trkIsoFiltered0p07"
string muon_pathName = "HLT_IsoMu27"
tuple muonDxy
tuple NbinsX = cms.int32(50)
tuple pAL1DoubleMuZMass
tuple pAL2DoubleMuZMass
tuple pAL3DoubleMuZMass
tuple pfHtPt
string pfMet_moduleName = "hltPFMET110"
string pfMet_pathName = "HLT_PFMET110_PFMHT110_IDTight"
tuple pfMetPhi
tuple pfMetPt
string photon_moduleName = "hltEG33CaloIdLClusterShapeFilter"
string photon_pathName = "HLT_DoublePhoton33_CaloIdL"
tuple plotLabel = cms.string("diMuon_Mass")
tuple rsq
string rsq_mr_moduleName = "hltRsqMR240Rsq0p09MR200"
string rsq_mr_pathName = "HLT_RsqMR240_Rsq0p09_MR200"
tuple wallTime
tuple Xmax = cms.double(160)
tuple Xmin = cms.double(60)

Variable Documentation

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.axisLabel = cms.string("dimuon mass [GeV]")

Definition at line 382 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.bJet_moduleNameCalo = "hltBTagCalo80x6CSVp0p92DoubleWithMatching"

Definition at line 32 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.bJet_moduleNamePF = "hltBTagPFCSVp075Double"

Definition at line 35 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.bJet_pathNameCalo = "HLT_DoubleJets100_DoubleBTagCSV_0p92_DoublePFJets128MaxDeta1p6"

Definition at line 31 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.bJet_pathNamePF = "HLT_PFHT380_SixJet32_DoubleBTagCSV_p075"

Definition at line 34 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.bJetCSVCalo
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(bJet_pathNameCalo),
3  moduleName = cms.string(bJet_moduleNameCalo),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("bJetCSVCalo"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("calo b-jet CSV"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(110),
8  Xmin = cms.double(0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(1)
10  )

Definition at line 336 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.bJetCSVPF
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(bJet_pathNamePF),
3  moduleName = cms.string(bJet_moduleNamePF),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("bJetCSVPF"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("PF b-jet CSV"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(110),
8  Xmin = cms.double(0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(1)
10  )

Definition at line 346 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.bJetEta
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(bJet_pathNameCalo),
3  moduleName = cms.string(bJet_moduleNameCalo),
4  pathName_OR = cms.string(bJet_pathNamePF),
5  moduleName_OR = cms.string(bJet_moduleNamePF),
6  plotLabel = cms.string("bJet_eta"),
7  axisLabel = cms.string("b-jet eta"),
8  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(False),
9  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
10  Xmin = cms.double(-3),
11  Xmax = cms.double(3)
12  )

Definition at line 312 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.bJetPhi
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(bJet_pathNameCalo),
3  moduleName = cms.string(bJet_moduleNameCalo),
4  pathName_OR = cms.string(bJet_pathNamePF),
5  moduleName_OR = cms.string(bJet_moduleNamePF),
6  plotLabel = cms.string("bJet_phi"),
7  axisLabel = cms.string("b-jet phi"),
8  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(False),
9  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
10  Xmin = cms.double(-3.4),
11  Xmax = cms.double(3.4)
12  )

Definition at line 324 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.caloHtPt
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_HT650_DisplacedDijet80_Inclusive"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltHT650"),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("CaloHT_pT"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("calo HT p_{T} [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(200),
8  Xmin = cms.double(0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(2000)
10  )

Definition at line 292 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.caloMet_moduleName = "hltMET60"

Definition at line 20 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.caloMet_pathName = "HLT_MET60_IsoTrk35_Loose"

Definition at line 19 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.caloMetPhi
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(caloMet_pathName),
3  moduleName = cms.string(caloMet_moduleName),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("CaloMET_phi"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("calo MET phi"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(False),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
8  Xmin = cms.double(-3.4),
9  Xmax = cms.double(3.4)
10  )

Definition at line 262 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.caloMetPt
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(caloMet_pathName),
3  moduleName = cms.string(caloMet_moduleName),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("CaloMET_pT"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("calo MET p_{T} [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(60),
8  Xmin = cms.double(50),
9  Xmax = cms.double(250)
10  )

Definition at line 252 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.diElecMass
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_Ele23_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltEle23Ele12CaloIdLTrackIdLIsoVLDZFilter"),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("di-Electron_Mass"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("di-electron mass [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
8  Xmin = cms.double(0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(160)
10  )

Definition at line 418 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.diMuonLowMass
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_DoubleMu4_3_Jpsi_Displaced"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltDisplacedmumuFilterDoubleMu43Jpsi"),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("Dimuon_LowMass"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("di-muon low mass [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(100),
8  Xmin = cms.double(2.5),
9  Xmax = cms.double(3.5)
10  )

Definition at line 242 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.diMuonMass
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltDiMuonGlb17Glb8RelTrkIsoFiltered0p4"), #hltDiMuonGlb17Glb8RelTrkIsoFiltered0p4DzFiltered0p2"), pathName_OR = cms.string("HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_TkMu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ"), moduleName_OR = cms.string("hltDiMuonGlb17Glb8RelTrkIsoFiltered0p4"), # hltDiMuonGlb17Trk8RelTrkIsoFiltered0p4DzFiltered0p2")

Definition at line 376 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.electron_moduleName = "hltEle38noerWPTightGsfTrackIsoFilter"

Definition at line 17 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.electron_pathName = "HLT_Ele38_WPTight_Gsf"

Definition at line 16 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.hltObjectMonitor

Definition at line 40 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.jetAk8_moduleName = "hltAK8SinglePFJet400TrimModMass30"

Definition at line 26 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.jetAk8_pathName = "HLT_AK8PFJet400_TrimMass30"

Definition at line 25 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.l2muon_moduleName = "hltL2fL1sMu22L1f0L2Filtered10Q"

Definition at line 11 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.l2muon_pathName = "HLT_L2Mu10"

Definition at line 10 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.l2NoBPTXmuon_moduleName = "hltL2fL1sMuOpenNotBptxORNoHaloMu3BXL1f0NoVtxCosmicSeedMeanTimerL2Filtered40Sta3"

Definition at line 14 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.l2NoBPTXmuon_pathName = "HLT_L2Mu40_NoVertex_3Sta_NoBPTX3BX"

Definition at line 13 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True)

Definition at line 383 of file

Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(rsq_mr_pathName),
3  moduleName = cms.string(rsq_mr_moduleName),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("mr"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("M_{R} [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
8  Xmin = cms.double(0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(2000)
10  )

Definition at line 366 of file

Referenced by RazorComputer.compute(), DDCheckMaterials(), mkfit.findSeedsByRoadSearch(), KinematicRefittedTrackState.kinematicMomentumVector(), and NuclearInteractionFinder.rescaleError().

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.muon_moduleName = "hltL3crIsoL1sMu22Or25L1f0L2f10QL3f27QL3trkIsoFiltered0p07"

Definition at line 8 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.muon_pathName = "HLT_IsoMu27"

Definition at line 7 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.muonDxy
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_DoubleMu18NoFiltersNoVtx"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltL3fDimuonL1f0L2NVf10L3NoFiltersNoVtxFiltered18"),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("Muon_dxy"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("muon d_{xy} [mm]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(2000),
8  Xmin = cms.double(-10),
9  Xmax = cms.double(10)
10  )

Definition at line 428 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.NbinsX = cms.int32(50)

Definition at line 384 of file

Referenced by Book.fill().

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.pAL1DoubleMuZMass
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_PAL1DoubleMu10"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltL1fL1sDoubleMu10BptxANDL1Filtered0"),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("PAL1DoubleMu10_ZMass"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("dimuon mass [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
8  Xmin = cms.double(60.0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(160.0)
10  )

Definition at line 388 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.pAL2DoubleMuZMass
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_PAL2DoubleMu10"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltL2fL1sDoubleMu10BptxANDL1f0L2Filtered10"),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("PAL2DoubleMu10_ZMass"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("dimuon mass [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
8  Xmin = cms.double(60.0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(160.0)
10  )

Definition at line 398 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.pAL3DoubleMuZMass
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_PAL3DoubleMu10"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltL3fL1sDoubleMu10BptxANDL1f0L2f10L3Filtered10"),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("PAL3DoubleMu10_ZMass"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("dimuon mass [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
8  Xmin = cms.double(60.0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(160.0)
10  )

Definition at line 408 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.pfHtPt
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("HLT_PFHT750_4JetPt50"),
3  moduleName = cms.string("hltPF4JetPt50HT750"),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("PFHT_pT"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("PF HT p_{T} [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(200),
8  Xmin = cms.double(0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(2000)
10  )

Definition at line 302 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.pfMet_moduleName = "hltPFMET110"

Definition at line 23 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.pfMet_pathName = "HLT_PFMET110_PFMHT110_IDTight"

Definition at line 22 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.pfMetPhi
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(pfMet_pathName),
3  moduleName = cms.string(pfMet_moduleName),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("PFMET_phi"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("PF MET phi"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(False),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(50),
8  Xmin = cms.double(-3.4),
9  Xmax = cms.double(3.4)
10  )

Definition at line 282 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.pfMetPt
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(pfMet_pathName),
3  moduleName = cms.string(pfMet_moduleName),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("PFMET_pT"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("PF MET p_{T} [GeV]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(60),
8  Xmin = cms.double(100),
9  Xmax = cms.double(500)
10  )

Definition at line 272 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.photon_moduleName = "hltEG33CaloIdLClusterShapeFilter"

Definition at line 5 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.photon_pathName = "HLT_DoublePhoton33_CaloIdL"

Definition at line 4 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.plotLabel = cms.string("diMuon_Mass")
tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.rsq
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string(rsq_mr_pathName),
3  moduleName = cms.string(rsq_mr_moduleName),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("Rsq"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("R^{2}"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(30),
8  Xmin = cms.double(0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(2)
10  )

Definition at line 356 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.rsq_mr_moduleName = "hltRsqMR240Rsq0p09MR200"

Definition at line 29 of file

string HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.rsq_mr_pathName = "HLT_RsqMR240_Rsq0p09_MR200"

Definition at line 28 of file

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.wallTime
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  pathName = cms.string("wall time per event"),
3  moduleName = cms.string(""),
4  plotLabel = cms.string("wallTime"),
5  axisLabel = cms.string("wall time per event [seconds]"),
6  mainWorkspace = cms.bool(True),
7  NbinsX = cms.int32(1000),
8  Xmin = cms.double(0),
9  Xmax = cms.double(0.005)
10  )

Definition at line 438 of file

Referenced by HLTObjectMonitorProtonLead.analyze(), and HLTObjectMonitor.analyze().

tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.Xmax = cms.double(160)
tuple HLTObjectMonitor_cfi.Xmin = cms.double(60)

Definition at line 385 of file