73 using namespace fireworks::expression;
82 using namespace boost::spirit::classic;
86 if (!
temp.c_str(), grammar.use_parser<0>() >> end_p, space_p).full) {
100 if ((*selectorPtr)(o)) {
long indexFromNewFormatToOldFormat(const std::string &iNewFormat, long iNewFormatIndex, const std::string &iOldFormat)
vector< string > parse(string line, const string &delimiter)
void setColor(Color_t iColor)
FWModelChangeManager * changeManager() const
const FWDisplayProperties & displayProperties() const
boost::spirit::classic::parser_error< reco::parser::SyntaxErrors > BaseException
void setDisplayProperties(int iIndex, const FWDisplayProperties &) const
static TypeWithDict byName(std::string const &name)
const char * baseExceptionWhat(const BaseException &e)
returns the appropriate 'what' message for the exception
void select(FWEventItem *iItem, const std::string &iExpression, Color_t iColor=-1) const
std::string oldToNewFormat(const std::string &iExpression)
const TClass * modelType() const
void select(int iIndex) const
const void * modelData(int iIndex) const
ModelInfo modelInfo(int iIndex) const
std::shared_ptr< SelectorBase > SelectorPtr