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EwkMuDQM Class Reference

#include <EwkMuDQM.h>

Inheritance diagram for EwkMuDQM:
DQMEDAnalyzer edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache >, edm::EndRunProducer, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::Accumulator >

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
 EwkMuDQM (const edm::ParameterSet &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
void accumulate (edm::Event const &event, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginStream (edm::StreamID id) final
 DQMEDAnalyzer ()
void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void endRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
virtual bool getCanSaveByLumi ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache >, edm::EndRunProducer, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::Accumulator >
 EDProducer ()=default
 EDProducer (const EDProducer &)=delete
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
const EDProduceroperator= (const EDProducer &)=delete

Protected Member Functions

void bookHistograms (DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void dqmBeginRun (const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
void init_histograms ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
uint64_t meId () const

Private Attributes

double acopCut_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpotbeamSpotTag_
double dimuonMassMax_
double dimuonMassMin_
double dxyCut_
double eJetMin_
double etaCut_
HLTPrescaleProvider hltPrescaleProvider_
bool isAlsoTrackerMuon_
bool isCombinedIso_
double isoCut03_
bool isRelativeIso_
bool isValidHltConfig_
edm::InputTag jetTag_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View
< reco::Jet > > 
double metMax_
double metMin_
edm::InputTag metTag_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View
< reco::MET > > 
double mtMax_
double mtMin_
int muonHitsCut_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View
< reco::Muon > > 
unsigned int nall
unsigned int nhlt
unsigned int niso
int nJetMax_
int nMatchesCut_
unsigned int nmet
double normalizedChi2Cut_
int nPhoMax_
unsigned int nrec
unsigned int nsel
unsigned int nz
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View
< reco::Photon > > 
int pixelHitsCut_
double ptCut_
double ptThrForPhoton_
double ptThrForZ1_
double ptThrForZ2_
int trackerHitsCut_
std::vector< std::string > trigPathNames_
< edm::TriggerResults
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View
< reco::Vertex > > 

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
typedef dqm::reco::DQMStore DQMStore
typedef dqm::reco::MonitorElement MonitorElement
- Public Types inherited from edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache >, edm::EndRunProducer, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::Accumulator >
using CacheTypes = CacheContexts< T...>
using GlobalCache = typename CacheTypes::GlobalCache
using HasAbility = AbilityChecker< T...>
using InputProcessBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::InputProcessBlockCache
using LuminosityBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockCache
using LuminosityBlockContext = LuminosityBlockContextT< LuminosityBlockCache, RunCache, GlobalCache >
using LuminosityBlockSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockSummaryCache
using RunCache = typename CacheTypes::RunCache
using RunContext = RunContextT< RunCache, GlobalCache >
using RunSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::RunSummaryCache
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
static void globalEndJob (DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache const *)
static void globalEndLuminosityBlockProduce (edm::LuminosityBlock &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup, LuminosityBlockContext const *context)
static void globalEndRunProduce (edm::Run &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup, RunContext const *context)
static std::unique_ptr
< DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache
initializeGlobalCache (edm::ParameterSet const &)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenlumiToken_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenrunToken_
unsigned int streamId_

Detailed Description

DQM offline for EWKMu

Definition at line 28 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EwkMuDQM::EwkMuDQM ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)

Definition at line 36 of file

References isValidHltConfig_.

37  : // Input collections
38  metTag_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("METTag", edm::InputTag("pfmet"))),
39  jetTag_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("JetTag", edm::InputTag("ak4PFJets"))),
40  //trigTag_(consumes<edm::TriggerResults>(
41  // cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>(
42  // "TrigTag", edm::InputTag("TriggerResults::HLT")))),
44  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("MuonTag", edm::InputTag("muons")))),
45  metToken_(
46  consumes<edm::View<reco::MET> >(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("METTag", edm::InputTag("pfmet")))),
48  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("JetTag", edm::InputTag("ak4PFJets")))),
50  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("phoTag", edm::InputTag("photons")))),
52  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("VertexTag", edm::InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices")))),
53  beamSpotTag_(consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(
54  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("beamSpotTag", edm::InputTag("offlineBeamSpot")))),
55  // trigPathNames_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string> >(
56  // "TrigPathNames")),
58  // Muon quality cuts
59  isAlsoTrackerMuon_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsAlsoTrackerMuon", true)), // Glb muon also tracker muon
60  dxyCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("DxyCut", 0.2)), // dxy < 0.2 cm
62  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("NormalizedChi2Cut", 10.)), // chi2/ndof (of global fit) <10.0
63  trackerHitsCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("TrackerHitsCut",
64  11)), // Tracker Hits >10
65  pixelHitsCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("PixelHitsCut", 1)), // Pixel Hits >0
66  muonHitsCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("MuonHitsCut",
67  1)), // Valid Muon Hits >0
68  nMatchesCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("NMatchesCut", 2)), // At least 2 Chambers with matches
70  // W-boson cuts
71  isRelativeIso_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsRelativeIso", true)),
72  isCombinedIso_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsCombinedIso", false)),
73  isoCut03_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("IsoCut03", 0.1)),
74  acopCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("AcopCut", 999.)),
75  metMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MetMin", -999999.)),
76  metMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MetMax", 999999.)),
77  mtMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MtMin", 50.)),
78  mtMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MtMax", 200.)),
79  ptCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtCut", 20.)),
80  etaCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EtaCut", 2.4)),
82  // Z rejection
83  ptThrForZ1_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtThrForZ1", 20.)),
84  ptThrForZ2_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtThrForZ2", 10.)),
86  // Z selection
87  dimuonMassMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dimuonMassMin", 80.)),
88  dimuonMassMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("dimuonMassMax", 120.)),
90  // Top rejection
91  eJetMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EJetMin", 999999.)),
92  nJetMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("NJetMax", 999999)),
94  // Photon cuts
95  ptThrForPhoton_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ptThrForPhoton", 5.)),
96  nPhoMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("nPhoMax", 999999)),
97  hltPrescaleProvider_(cfg, consumesCollector(), *this) {
98  isValidHltConfig_ = false;
99 }
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
double etaCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:71
int nMatchesCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:58
double mtMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:68
double ptThrForPhoton_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:82
double metMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:66
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > beamSpotTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:49
double ptCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:70
double isoCut03_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:62
double eJetMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:79
double metMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:65
double ptThrForZ2_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:74
int nJetMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:80
double dxyCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:53
bool isAlsoTrackerMuon_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:52
double dimuonMassMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:76
bool isCombinedIso_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:61
double dimuonMassMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:77
bool isRelativeIso_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:60
HLTPrescaleProvider hltPrescaleProvider_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:86
edm::InputTag jetTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:42
int pixelHitsCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:56
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Vertex > > vertexTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:48
double normalizedChi2Cut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:54
edm::InputTag metTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:41
int trackerHitsCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:55
double mtMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:67
double ptThrForZ1_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:73
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Jet > > jetToken_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:46
int muonHitsCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:57
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Muon > > muonTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:44
int nPhoMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:83
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::MET > > metToken_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:45
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Photon > > phoTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:47
double acopCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:64
bool isValidHltConfig_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:85

Member Function Documentation

void EwkMuDQM::analyze ( const edm::Event ev,
const edm::EventSetup iSet 

Reimplemented from DQMEDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 243 of file

References acop_after_, acop_before_, acopCut_, beamSpotTag_, RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, reco::LeafCandidate::charge(), EcalCondDBWriter_cfi::cosmic, dimuonmass_afterZ_, dimuonmass_before_, dimuonMassMax_, dimuonMassMin_, HLT_FULL_cff::distance, PVValHelper::dxy, dxy1_afterZ_, dxy2_afterZ_, dxy_after_, dxy_before_, dxyCut_, eJetMin_, reco::MuonIsolation::emEt, reco::LeafCandidate::et(), PVValHelper::eta, reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), eta1_afterZ_, HLT_FULL_cff::eta2, eta2_afterZ_, eta_after_, eta_before_, etaCut_, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::Fill(), edm::Event::getByToken(), reco::Muon::globalTrack(), goodewkmuon1_afterZ_, goodewkmuon2_afterZ_, goodewkmuon_after_, goodewkmuon_before_, reco::MuonIsolation::hadEt, hltPrescaleProvider_, mps_fire::i, reco::Muon::innerTrack(), isCombinedIso_, reco::Muon::isGlobalMuon(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), iso1_afterZ_, iso2_afterZ_, iso_after_, iso_before_, isoCut03_, reco::Muon::isolationR03(), isRelativeIso_, reco::Muon::isTrackerMuon(), reco::Vertex::isValid(), dqmiolumiharvest::j, metsig::jet, jetToken_, findQualityFiles::jj, leadingjet_eta_after_, leadingjet_eta_afterZ_, leadingjet_eta_before_, leadingjet_pt_after_, leadingjet_pt_afterZ_, leadingjet_pt_before_, LogTrace, M_PI, objects.METAnalyzer::met, met_after_, met_afterZ_, met_before_, HLT_FULL_cff::metCollection, metMax_, metMin_, metToken_, mt_after_, mt_before_, mtMax_, mtMin_, RPCpg::mu, muoncharge_after_, muoncharge_afterZ_, muoncharge_before_, muonHitsCut_, muonTag_, n_zselPt1thr_, n_zselPt2thr_, nall, ngoodmuons_, nJetMax_, HLT_FULL_cff::njets, njets_after_, njets_afterZ_, njets_before_, nMatchesCut_, nmuons_, HLT_FULL_cff::normalizedChi2, normalizedChi2Cut_, nph_, npvs_after_, npvs_afterZ_, npvs_before_, reco::Muon::numberOfMatches(), reco::LeafCandidate::p(), phEta_, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), phoTag_, phPt_, pixelHitsCut_, HLTPrescaleProvider::prescaleSet(), DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), pt1_afterZ_, pt2_afterZ_, pt_after_, pt_before_, ptCut_, ptDiffPM_afterZ_, ptDiffPM_before_, ptThrForPhoton_, ptThrForZ1_, ptThrForZ2_, reco::LeafCandidate::px(), reco::LeafCandidate::py(), reco::LeafCandidate::pz(), quality, mathSSE::sqrt(), reco::MuonIsolation::sumPt, trackerHitsCut_, Geom::Phi< T1, Range >::value(), GoodVertex_cfg::vertexCollection, and vertexTag_.

243  {
244  // Muon collection
245  Handle<View<Muon> > muonCollection;
246  if (!ev.getByToken(muonTag_, muonCollection)) {
247  // LogWarning("") << ">>> Muon collection does not exist !!!";
248  return;
249  }
250  unsigned int muonCollectionSize = muonCollection->size();
252  // Beam spot
253  Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotHandle;
254  if (!ev.getByToken(beamSpotTag_, beamSpotHandle)) {
255  // LogWarning("") << ">>> No beam spot found !!!";
256  return;
257  }
259  // Loop to reject/control Z->mumu is done separately
260  unsigned int nmuonsForZ1 = 0;
261  unsigned int nmuonsForZ2 = 0;
262  bool cosmic = false;
263  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < muonCollectionSize; i++) {
264  const Muon& mu = muonCollection->at(i);
265  if (!mu.isGlobalMuon())
266  continue;
267  double pt =;
268  double dxy = mu.innerTrack()->dxy(beamSpotHandle->position());
270  if (fabs(dxy) > 1) {
271  cosmic = true;
272  break;
273  }
275  if (pt > ptThrForZ1_)
276  nmuonsForZ1++;
277  if (pt > ptThrForZ2_)
278  nmuonsForZ2++;
280  for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < muonCollectionSize; j++) {
281  const Muon& mu2 = muonCollection->at(j);
282  if (mu2.isGlobalMuon() && (mu.charge() * mu2.charge() == -1)) {
283  const math::XYZTLorentzVector ZRecoGlb(
284  mu.px() + mu2.px(), +, mu.pz() + mu2.pz(), mu.p() + mu2.p());
285  dimuonmass_before_->Fill(ZRecoGlb.mass());
286  if (mu.charge() > 0) {
287  ptDiffPM_before_->Fill( -;
288  } else {
289  ptDiffPM_before_->Fill( -;
290  }
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  if (cosmic)
295  return;
297  LogTrace("") << "> Z rejection: muons above " << ptThrForZ1_ << " [GeV]: " << nmuonsForZ1;
298  LogTrace("") << "> Z rejection: muons above " << ptThrForZ2_ << " [GeV]: " << nmuonsForZ2;
300  // MET
302  if (!ev.getByToken(metToken_, metCollection)) {
303  // LogWarning("") << ">>> MET collection does not exist !!!";
304  return;
305  }
306  const MET& met = metCollection->at(0);
307  double met_et =;
308  LogTrace("") << ">>> MET, MET_px, MET_py: " << met_et << ", " << met.px() << ", " << << " [GeV]";
309  met_before_->Fill(met_et);
311  // Vertices in the event
313  if (!ev.getByToken(vertexTag_, vertexCollection)) {
314  LogError("") << ">>> Vertex collection does not exist !!!";
315  return;
316  }
317  unsigned int vertexCollectionSize = vertexCollection->size();
319  int nvvertex = 0;
320  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertexCollectionSize; i++) {
321  const Vertex& vertex = vertexCollection->at(i);
322  if (vertex.isValid())
323  nvvertex++;
324  }
326  npvs_before_->Fill(nvvertex);
328  // bool trigger_fired = false;
329  //Handle<TriggerResults> triggerResults;
330  // if (!ev.getByToken(trigTag_, triggerResults)) {
331  // LogWarning("") << ">>> TRIGGER collection does not exist !!!";
332  // return;
333  // }
334  // const edm::TriggerNames& trigNames = ev.triggerNames(*triggerResults);
335  // LogWarning("")<<"Loop over triggers";
337  //HLTConfigProvider const& hltConfigProvider = hltPrescaleProvider_.hltConfigProvider();
339  /* change faulty logic of triggering
340  for (unsigned int i=0; i<triggerResults->size(); i++)
341  {
342  const std::string trigName = trigNames.triggerName(i);
344  bool found=false;
345  for(unsigned int index=0; index<trigPathNames_.size() && found==false;
346  index++) {
347  size_t trigPath = trigName.find(trigPathNames_[index]); // 0 if
348  found, pos if not
349  if (trigPath==0) found=true;
350  }
351  if(!found) {continue;}
353  bool prescaled=false;
354  for (unsigned int ps= 0; ps< hltConfigProvider.prescaleSize();
355  ps++){
356  const unsigned int prescaleValue =
357  hltConfigProvider.prescaleValue(ps, trigName) ;
358  if (prescaleValue != 1) prescaled =true;
359  }
361  if( triggerResults->accept(i) && !prescaled){ trigger_fired=true;}
362  // LogWarning("")<<"TrigNo: "<<i<<" "<<found<<"
363  "<<trigName<<" ---> FIRED";}
364  }
365  */
367  // get the prescale set for this event
368  const int prescaleSet = hltPrescaleProvider_.prescaleSet(ev, iSet);
369  if (prescaleSet == -1) {
370  LogTrace("") << "Failed to determine prescaleSet\n";
371  // std::cout << "Failed to determine prescaleSet. Check the GlobalTag in
372  // cfg\n";
373  return;
374  }
376  // for (unsigned int i = 0;
377  // (i < triggerResults->size()) && (trigger_fired == false); i++) {
378  // skip trigger, if it did not fire
379  //if (!triggerResults->accept(i)) continue;
381  // skip trigger, if it is not on our list
382  //bool found = false;
383  //const std::string trigName = trigNames.triggerName(i);
384  //for (unsigned int index = 0;
385  // index < trigPathNames_.size() && found == false; index++) {
386  // if (trigName.find( == 0) found = true;
387  // }
388  // if (!found) continue;
390  // skip trigger, if it is prescaled
391  /* if (prescaleSet != -1) {
392  if (hltConfigProvider.prescaleValue(prescaleSet, trigName) != 1)
393  continue;
394  } else {
395  // prescaleSet is not known.
396  // This branch is not needed, if prescaleSet=-1 forces to skip event
397  int prescaled = 0;
398  for (unsigned int ps = 0;
399  !prescaled && (ps < hltConfigProvider.prescaleSize()); ++ps) {
400  if (hltConfigProvider.prescaleValue(ps, trigName) != 1) {
401  prescaled = 1;
402  }
403  }
404  if (prescaled) {
405  // std::cout << "trigger prescaled\n";
406  continue;
407  }
408  }
409 */
410  // std::cout << "found unprescaled trigger that fired: " << trigName <<
411  // "\n";
412  // trigger_fired = true;
413  // }
414  // if (trigger_fired) std::cout << "\n\tGot Trigger\n";
416  // trig_before_->Fill(trigger_fired);
418  // Jet collection
419  Handle<View<Jet> > jetCollection;
420  if (!ev.getByToken(jetToken_, jetCollection)) {
421  // LogError("") << ">>> JET collection does not exist !!!";
422  return;
423  }
424  unsigned int jetCollectionSize = jetCollection->size();
425  int njets = 0;
426  int LEADJET = -1;
427  double max_pt = 0;
428  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < jetCollectionSize; i++) {
429  const Jet& jet = jetCollection->at(i);
430  double minDistance = 99999; // This is in order to use PFJets
431  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < muonCollectionSize; j++) {
432  const Muon& mu = muonCollection->at(j);
433  double distance =
434  sqrt((mu.eta() - jet.eta()) * (mu.eta() - jet.eta()) + (mu.phi() - jet.phi()) * (mu.phi() - jet.phi()));
435  if (minDistance > distance)
436  minDistance = distance;
437  }
438  if (minDistance < 0.3)
439  continue; // 0.3 is the isolation cone around the muon
440  if ( > max_pt) {
441  LEADJET = i;
442  max_pt =;
443  }
444  if ( > eJetMin_) {
445  njets++;
446  }
447  }
449  LogTrace("") << ">>> Total number of jets: " << jetCollectionSize;
450  LogTrace("") << ">>> Number of jets above " << eJetMin_ << " [GeV]: " << njets;
451  njets_before_->Fill(njets);
452  double lead_jet_pt = -1;
453  double lead_jet_eta = -100;
454  if (LEADJET != -1) {
455  const Jet& leadJet = jetCollection->at(LEADJET);
456  leadingjet_pt_before_->Fill(;
457  leadingjet_eta_before_->Fill(leadJet.eta());
458  lead_jet_pt =;
459  lead_jet_eta = leadJet.eta();
460  }
461  // Photon Collection
462  Handle<View<Photon> > photonCollection;
463  if (!ev.getByToken(phoTag_, photonCollection)) {
464  // LogError("")
465  return;
466  }
467  unsigned int ngam = 0;
469  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < photonCollection->size(); i++) {
470  const Photon& ph = photonCollection->at(i);
471  double photonPt =;
472  if (photonPt > ptThrForPhoton_) {
473  ngam++;
474  phEta_->Fill(ph.eta());
475  }
476  phPt_->Fill(photonPt);
477  }
478  nph_->Fill(ngam);
479  LogTrace("") << " >>> N photons " << ngam << std::endl;
481  nmuons_->Fill(muonCollectionSize);
483  // Start counting
484  nall++;
486  // Histograms per event should be done only once, so keep track of them
487  // bool hlt_hist_done = false;
488  // bool zhlt_hist_done = false;
489  bool zjets_hist_done = false;
490  bool zfullsel_hist_done = false;
491  bool met_hist_done = false;
492  bool njets_hist_done = false;
493  bool wfullsel_hist_done = false;
495  // Central W->mu nu selection criteria
496  const int NFLAGS = 10;
497  bool muon_sel[NFLAGS];
498  const int NFLAGSZ = 12;
499  bool zmuon_sel[NFLAGSZ];
500  bool muon4Z = false;
502  double number_of_muons = 0;
503  double number_of_goodMuons = 0;
505  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < muonCollectionSize; i++) {
506  for (int j = 0; j < NFLAGS; ++j) {
507  muon_sel[j] = false;
508  }
510  number_of_muons++;
512  const Muon& mu = muonCollection->at(i);
513  if (!mu.isGlobalMuon())
514  continue;
515  if (mu.globalTrack().isNull())
516  continue;
517  if (mu.innerTrack().isNull())
518  continue;
520  LogTrace("") << "> Wsel: processing muon number " << i << "...";
521  reco::TrackRef gm = mu.globalTrack();
522  reco::TrackRef tk = mu.innerTrack();
524  // Pt,eta cuts
525  double pt =;
526  double eta = mu.eta();
527  LogTrace("") << "\t... pt, eta: " << pt << " [GeV], " << eta;
528  ;
529  if (pt > ptCut_)
530  muon_sel[0] = true;
531  if (fabs(eta) < etaCut_)
532  muon_sel[1] = true;
534  double charge = mu.charge();
536  // d0, chi2, nhits quality cuts
537  double dxy = gm->dxy(beamSpotHandle->position());
538  double normalizedChi2 = gm->normalizedChi2();
539  double trackerHits = tk->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits();
540  int pixelHits = tk->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits();
541  int muonHits = gm->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits();
542  int nMatches = mu.numberOfMatches();
544  LogTrace("") << "\t... dxy, normalizedChi2, trackerHits, isTrackerMuon?: " << dxy << " [cm], " << normalizedChi2
545  << ", " << trackerHits << ", " << mu.isTrackerMuon();
546  if (fabs(dxy) < dxyCut_)
547  muon_sel[2] = true;
549  bool quality = true;
551  if (normalizedChi2 > normalizedChi2Cut_)
552  quality = false;
553  if (trackerHits < trackerHitsCut_)
554  quality = false;
555  if (pixelHits < pixelHitsCut_)
556  quality = false;
557  if (muonHits < muonHitsCut_)
558  quality = false;
559  ;
560  if (!mu.isTrackerMuon())
561  quality = false;
562  if (nMatches < nMatchesCut_)
563  quality = false;
564  muon_sel[3] = quality;
565  if (quality)
566  number_of_goodMuons++;
568  pt_before_->Fill(pt);
569  eta_before_->Fill(eta);
570  dxy_before_->Fill(dxy);
571  muoncharge_before_->Fill(charge);
572  goodewkmuon_before_->Fill(quality);
574  // Charge asymmetry
575  // if (quality) {
576  // if (charge>0) ptPlus_before_->Fill(pt);
577  // if (charge<0) ptMinus_before_->Fill(pt);
578  //}
580  // Isolation cuts
581  double isovar = mu.isolationR03().sumPt;
582  if (isCombinedIso_) {
583  isovar += mu.isolationR03().emEt;
584  isovar += mu.isolationR03().hadEt;
585  }
586  if (isRelativeIso_)
587  isovar /= pt;
588  if (isovar < isoCut03_)
589  muon_sel[4] = true;
591  LogTrace("") << "\t... isolation value" << isovar << ", isolated? " << muon_sel[6];
592  iso_before_->Fill(isovar);
594  // HLT (not mtched to muon for the time being)
595  // if (trigger_fired) muon_sel[5] = true;
597  // For Z:
598  if (pt > ptThrForZ1_ && fabs(eta) < etaCut_ && fabs(dxy) < dxyCut_ && quality && isovar < isoCut03_) {
599  muon4Z = true;
600  }
602  // MET/MT cuts
603  double w_et = met_et +;
604  double w_px = met.px() + mu.px();
605  double w_py = +;
607  double massT = w_et * w_et - w_px * w_px - w_py * w_py;
608  massT = (massT > 0) ? sqrt(massT) : 0;
610  LogTrace("") << "\t... W mass, W_et, W_px, W_py: " << massT << ", " << w_et << ", " << w_px << ", " << w_py
611  << " [GeV]";
612  if (massT > mtMin_ && massT < mtMax_)
613  muon_sel[5] = true;
614  mt_before_->Fill(massT);
615  if (met_et > metMin_ && met_et < metMax_)
616  muon_sel[6] = true;
618  // Acoplanarity cuts
619  Geom::Phi<double> deltaphi(mu.phi() - atan2(, met.px()));
620  double acop = deltaphi.value();
621  if (acop < 0)
622  acop = -acop;
623  acop = M_PI - acop;
624  LogTrace("") << "\t... acoplanarity: " << acop;
625  if (acop < acopCut_)
626  muon_sel[7] = true;
627  acop_before_->Fill(acop);
629  // Remaining flags (from global event information)
630  if (nmuonsForZ1 < 1 || nmuonsForZ2 < 2)
631  muon_sel[8] = true;
632  if (njets <= nJetMax_)
633  muon_sel[9] = true;
635  // Collect necessary flags "per muon"
636  int flags_passed = 0;
637  for (int j = 0; j < NFLAGS; ++j) {
638  if (muon_sel[j])
639  flags_passed += 1;
640  }
642  // Do N-1 histograms now (and only once for global event quantities)
643  if (flags_passed >= (NFLAGS - 1)) {
644  if (!muon_sel[0] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
645  pt_after_->Fill(pt);
646  if (!muon_sel[1] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
647  eta_after_->Fill(eta);
648  if (!muon_sel[2] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
649  dxy_after_->Fill(dxy);
650  if (!muon_sel[3] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
651  goodewkmuon_after_->Fill(quality);
652  if (!muon_sel[4] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
653  iso_after_->Fill(isovar);
654  // if (!muon_sel[5] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
655  // if (!hlt_hist_done) trig_after_->Fill(trigger_fired);
656  //hlt_hist_done = true;
657  if (!muon_sel[5] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
658  mt_after_->Fill(massT);
659  if (!muon_sel[6] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
660  if (!met_hist_done)
661  met_after_->Fill(met_et);
662  met_hist_done = true;
663  if (!muon_sel[7] || flags_passed == NFLAGS)
664  acop_after_->Fill(acop);
665  // no action here for muon_sel[8]
666  if (!muon_sel[9] || flags_passed == NFLAGS) {
667  if (!njets_hist_done) {
668  njets_after_->Fill(njets);
669  leadingjet_pt_after_->Fill(lead_jet_pt);
670  leadingjet_eta_after_->Fill(lead_jet_eta);
671  }
672  njets_hist_done = true;
673  }
674  if (flags_passed == NFLAGS) {
675  if (!wfullsel_hist_done) {
676  npvs_after_->Fill(nvvertex);
677  muoncharge_after_->Fill(charge);
678  // if (charge>0) ptPlus_afterW_->Fill(pt);
679  // if (charge<0) ptMinus_afterW_->Fill(pt);
680  }
681  wfullsel_hist_done = true;
682  }
683  }
685  // The cases in which the event is rejected as a Z are considered
686  // independently:
687  if (muon4Z && !muon_sel[8]) {
688  // Plots for 2 muons
689  for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < muonCollectionSize; j++) {
690  for (int ij = 0; ij < NFLAGSZ; ++ij) {
691  zmuon_sel[ij] = false;
692  }
694  for (int ji = 0; ji < 5; ++ji) {
695  zmuon_sel[ji] = muon_sel[ji];
696  }
698  const Muon& mu2 = muonCollection->at(j);
699  if (!mu2.isGlobalMuon())
700  continue;
701  if (mu2.charge() * charge != -1)
702  continue;
703  reco::TrackRef gm2 = mu2.globalTrack();
704  reco::TrackRef tk2 = mu2.innerTrack();
705  double pt2 =;
706  if (pt2 > ptThrForZ2_)
707  zmuon_sel[5] = true;
708  double eta2 = mu2.eta();
709  if (fabs(eta2) < etaCut_)
710  zmuon_sel[6] = true;
711  double dxy2 = gm2->dxy(beamSpotHandle->position());
712  if (fabs(dxy2) < dxyCut_)
713  zmuon_sel[7] = true;
714  double normalizedChi22 = gm2->normalizedChi2();
715  double trackerHits2 = tk2->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits();
716  int pixelHits2 = tk2->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits();
717  int muonHits2 = gm2->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits();
718  int nMatches2 = mu2.numberOfMatches();
719  bool quality2 = true;
720  if (normalizedChi22 > normalizedChi2Cut_)
721  quality2 = false;
722  if (trackerHits2 < trackerHitsCut_)
723  quality2 = false;
724  if (pixelHits2 < pixelHitsCut_)
725  quality2 = false;
726  if (muonHits2 < muonHitsCut_)
727  quality2 = false;
728  if (!mu2.isTrackerMuon())
729  quality2 = false;
730  if (nMatches2 < nMatchesCut_)
731  quality2 = false;
732  zmuon_sel[8] = quality2;
733  double isovar2 = mu2.isolationR03().sumPt;
734  if (isCombinedIso_) {
735  isovar2 += mu2.isolationR03().emEt;
736  isovar2 += mu2.isolationR03().hadEt;
737  }
738  if (isRelativeIso_)
739  isovar2 /= pt2;
740  if (isovar2 < isoCut03_)
741  zmuon_sel[9] = true;
742  // if (trigger_fired) zmuon_sel[10] = true;
743  const math::XYZTLorentzVector ZRecoGlb(
744  mu.px() + mu2.px(), +, mu.pz() + mu2.pz(), mu.p() + mu2.p());
745  if (ZRecoGlb.mass() > dimuonMassMin_ && ZRecoGlb.mass() < dimuonMassMax_)
746  zmuon_sel[10] = true;
748  // jet flag
749  if (njets <= nJetMax_)
750  zmuon_sel[11] = true;
752  // start filling histos: N-1 plots
753  int flags_passed_z = 0;
755  for (int jj = 0; jj < NFLAGSZ; ++jj) {
756  if (zmuon_sel[jj])
757  ++flags_passed_z;
758  }
760  if (flags_passed_z >= (NFLAGSZ - 1)) {
761  if (!zmuon_sel[0] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
762  pt1_afterZ_->Fill(pt);
763  }
764  if (!zmuon_sel[1] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
765  eta1_afterZ_->Fill(eta);
766  }
767  if (!zmuon_sel[2] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
768  dxy1_afterZ_->Fill(dxy);
769  }
770  if (!zmuon_sel[3] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
771  goodewkmuon1_afterZ_->Fill(quality);
772  }
773  if (!zmuon_sel[4] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
774  iso1_afterZ_->Fill(isovar);
775  }
776  if (!zmuon_sel[5] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
777  pt2_afterZ_->Fill(pt2);
778  }
779  if (!zmuon_sel[6] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
780  eta2_afterZ_->Fill(eta2);
781  }
782  if (!zmuon_sel[7] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
783  dxy2_afterZ_->Fill(dxy2);
784  }
785  if (!zmuon_sel[8] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
786  goodewkmuon2_afterZ_->Fill(quality2);
787  }
788  if (!zmuon_sel[9] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
789  iso2_afterZ_->Fill(isovar2);
790  }
791  // if (!zmuon_sel[10] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
792  // if (!zhlt_hist_done) ztrig_afterZ_->Fill(trigger_fired);
793  // zhlt_hist_done = true;
794  // }
795  if (!zmuon_sel[10] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
796  dimuonmass_afterZ_->Fill(ZRecoGlb.mass());
797  }
798  if (!zmuon_sel[11] || flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
799  if (!zjets_hist_done) {
800  njets_afterZ_->Fill(njets);
801  leadingjet_pt_afterZ_->Fill(lead_jet_pt);
802  leadingjet_eta_afterZ_->Fill(lead_jet_eta);
803  }
804  zjets_hist_done = true;
805  }
806  if (flags_passed_z == NFLAGSZ) {
807  met_afterZ_->Fill(met_et);
808  if (!zfullsel_hist_done) {
809  npvs_afterZ_->Fill(nvvertex);
810  muoncharge_afterZ_->Fill(charge);
811  if (charge > 0) {
812  // ptPlus_afterZ_->Fill(;
813  // ptMinus_afterZ_->Fill(;
814  ptDiffPM_afterZ_->Fill( -;
815  } else {
816  // ptPlus_afterZ_->Fill(;
817  // ptMinus_afterZ_->Fill(;
818  ptDiffPM_afterZ_->Fill( -;
819  }
820  }
821  zfullsel_hist_done = true;
822  }
823  }
824  }
825  }
826  }
828  if (zfullsel_hist_done) {
829  // here was a Z candidate
830  n_zselPt1thr_->Fill(nmuonsForZ1);
831  n_zselPt2thr_->Fill(nmuonsForZ2);
832  }
834  // nmuons_->Fill(number_of_muons);
835  // nmuons_->Fill(muonCollectionSize);
836  ngoodmuons_->Fill(number_of_goodMuons);
838  return;
839 }
MonitorElement * met_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:110
float hadEt
hcal sum-Et
Definition: MuonIsolation.h:8
MonitorElement * ptDiffPM_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:132
double etaCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:71
MonitorElement * dimuonmass_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:152
unsigned int nall
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:88
int nMatchesCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:58
double pz() const final
z coordinate of momentum vector
MonitorElement * phEta_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:170
float sumPt
sum-pt of tracks
Definition: MuonIsolation.h:6
MonitorElement * njets_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:117
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
MonitorElement * iso2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:144
double mtMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:68
MonitorElement * npvs_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:154
double ptThrForPhoton_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:82
virtual TrackRef innerTrack() const
Definition: Muon.h:45
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:539
MonitorElement * dxy1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:137
MonitorElement * njets_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:115
MonitorElement * dxy_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:100
MonitorElement * leadingjet_eta_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:123
double metMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:66
MonitorElement * muoncharge_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:158
Base class for all types of Jets.
Definition: Jet.h:20
bool isValid() const
Tells whether the vertex is valid.
Definition: Vertex.h:72
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > beamSpotTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:49
MonitorElement * eta2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:141
double ptCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:70
double isoCut03_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:62
MonitorElement * npvs_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:156
MonitorElement * leadingjet_eta_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:121
string quality
double eJetMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:79
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
MonitorElement * acop_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:112
MonitorElement * leadingjet_pt_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:119
tuple vertexCollection
MonitorElement * goodewkmuon_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:102
MonitorElement * eta_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:99
MonitorElement * muoncharge_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:160
MonitorElement * pt_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:96
bool isTrackerMuon() const override
Definition: Muon.h:302
#define LogTrace(id)
MonitorElement * dxy2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:142
MonitorElement * leadingjet_pt_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:118
MonitorElement * goodewkmuon1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:138
void Fill(long long x)
MonitorElement * iso_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:104
XYZTLorentzVectorD XYZTLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
Definition: LorentzVector.h:29
MonitorElement * npvs_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:155
tuple normalizedChi2
MonitorElement * goodewkmuon2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:143
double px() const final
x coordinate of momentum vector
MonitorElement * njets_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:116
double p() const final
magnitude of momentum vector
MonitorElement * ngoodmuons_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:163
MonitorElement * n_zselPt2thr_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:148
double metMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:65
MonitorElement * pt2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:140
double ptThrForZ2_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:74
int nJetMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:80
Definition: MET.h:41
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
float emEt
ecal sum-Et
Definition: MuonIsolation.h:7
MonitorElement * met_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:134
double dxyCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:53
MonitorElement * leadingjet_eta_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:122
double dimuonMassMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:76
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
bool isCombinedIso_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:61
double dimuonMassMax_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:77
double py() const final
y coordinate of momentum vector
MonitorElement * mt_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:109
MonitorElement * goodewkmuon_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:103
MonitorElement * muoncharge_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:159
MonitorElement * mt_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:108
bool isNull() const
Checks for null.
Definition: Ref.h:235
MonitorElement * eta_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:98
MonitorElement * iso1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:139
bool isRelativeIso_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:60
#define M_PI
int prescaleSet(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
HLTPrescaleProvider hltPrescaleProvider_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:86
int pixelHitsCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:56
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Vertex > > vertexTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:48
MonitorElement * nmuons_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:162
double normalizedChi2Cut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:54
MonitorElement * pt_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:97
MonitorElement * iso_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:105
MonitorElement * eta1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:136
MonitorElement * ptDiffPM_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:127
int numberOfMatches(ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const
get number of chambers with matched segments
MonitorElement * pt1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:135
MonitorElement * nph_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:166
int trackerHitsCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:55
double mtMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:67
MonitorElement * phPt_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:168
double ptThrForZ1_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:73
double et() const final
transverse energy
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Jet > > jetToken_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:46
MonitorElement * dxy_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:101
int muonHitsCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:57
MonitorElement * met_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:111
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Muon > > muonTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:44
MonitorElement * n_zselPt1thr_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:147
double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::MET > > metToken_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:45
Definition: Phi.h:52
bool isGlobalMuon() const override
Definition: Muon.h:301
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Photon > > phoTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:47
MonitorElement * dimuonmass_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:151
const MuonIsolation & isolationR03() const
Definition: Muon.h:166
double acopCut_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:64
int charge() const final
electric charge
virtual TrackRef globalTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector
Definition: Muon.h:51
MonitorElement * leadingjet_pt_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:120
MonitorElement * acop_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:113
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity
void EwkMuDQM::bookHistograms ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &   

\ For Z-boson events

Implements DQMEDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 117 of file

References acop_after_, acop_before_, dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1D(), dimuonmass_afterZ_, dimuonmass_before_, dxy1_afterZ_, dxy2_afterZ_, dxy_after_, dxy_before_, eJetMin_, eta1_afterZ_, eta2_afterZ_, eta_after_, eta_before_, goodewkmuon1_afterZ_, goodewkmuon2_afterZ_, goodewkmuon_after_, goodewkmuon_before_, isCombinedIso_, iso1_afterZ_, iso2_afterZ_, iso_after_, iso_before_, isRelativeIso_, jetTag_, edm::InputTag::label(), leadingjet_eta_after_, leadingjet_eta_afterZ_, leadingjet_eta_before_, leadingjet_pt_after_, leadingjet_pt_afterZ_, leadingjet_pt_before_, M_PI, met_after_, met_afterZ_, met_before_, metTag_, mt_after_, mt_before_, muoncharge_after_, muoncharge_afterZ_, muoncharge_before_, n_zselPt1thr_, n_zselPt2thr_, ngoodmuons_, njets_after_, njets_afterZ_, njets_before_, nmuons_, nph_, npvs_after_, npvs_afterZ_, npvs_before_, phEta_, phPt_, pt1_afterZ_, pt2_afterZ_, pt_after_, pt_before_, ptDiffPM_afterZ_, ptDiffPM_before_, ptThrForPhoton_, ptThrForZ1_, ptThrForZ2_, and dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder().

117  {
118  ibooker.setCurrentFolder("Physics/EwkMuDQM");
120  char chtitle[256] = "";
122  pt_before_ = ibooker.book1D("PT_BEFORECUTS", "Muon transverse momentum (global muon) [GeV]", 100, 0., 100.);
123  pt_after_ = ibooker.book1D("PT_AFTERWCUTS", "Muon transverse momentum (global muon) [GeV]", 100, 0., 100.);
125  eta_before_ = ibooker.book1D("ETA_BEFORECUTS", "Muon pseudo-rapidity", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
126  eta_after_ = ibooker.book1D("ETA_AFTERWCUTS", "Muon pseudo-rapidity", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
128  dxy_before_ = ibooker.book1D("DXY_BEFORECUTS", "Muon transverse distance to beam spot [cm]", 100, -0.5, 0.5);
129  dxy_after_ = ibooker.book1D("DXY_AFTERWCUTS", "Muon transverse distance to beam spot [cm]", 100, -0.5, 0.5);
131  goodewkmuon_before_ = ibooker.book1D("GOODEWKMUON_BEFORECUTS", "Quality-muon flag", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
132  goodewkmuon_after_ = ibooker.book1D("GOODEWKMUON_AFTERWCUTS", "Quality-muon flag", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
134  if (isRelativeIso_) {
135  if (isCombinedIso_) {
136  iso_before_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO_BEFORECUTS", "Relative (combined) isolation variable", 100, 0., 1.);
137  iso_after_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO_AFTERWCUTS", "Relative (combined) isolation variable", 100, 0., 1.);
138  } else {
139  iso_before_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO_BEFORECUTS", "Relative (tracker) isolation variable", 100, 0., 1.);
140  iso_after_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO_AFTERWCUTS", "Relative (tracker) isolation variable", 100, 0., 1.);
141  }
142  } else {
143  if (isCombinedIso_) {
144  iso_before_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO_BEFORECUTS", "Absolute (combined) isolation variable [GeV]", 100, 0., 20.);
145  iso_after_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO_AFTERWCUTS", "Absolute (combined) isolation variable [GeV]", 100, 0., 20.);
146  } else {
147  iso_before_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO_BEFORECUTS", "Absolute (tracker) isolation variable [GeV]", 100, 0., 20.);
148  iso_after_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO_AFTERWCUTS", "Absolute (tracker) isolation variable [GeV]", 100, 0., 20.);
149  }
150  }
152  /* trig_before_ = ibooker.book1D("TRIG_BEFORECUTS",
153  "Trigger response (boolean of muon triggers)", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
154  trig_after_ = ibooker.book1D("TRIG_AFTERWCUTS",
155  "Trigger response (boolean of muon triggers)", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
156 */
157  snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Transverse mass (%s) [GeV]", metTag_.label().data());
158  mt_before_ = ibooker.book1D("MT_BEFORECUTS", chtitle, 150, 0., 300.);
159  mt_after_ = ibooker.book1D("MT_AFTERWCUTS", chtitle, 150, 0., 300.);
161  snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Missing transverse energy (%s) [GeV]", metTag_.label().data());
162  met_before_ = ibooker.book1D("MET_BEFORECUTS", chtitle, 100, 0., 200.);
163  met_after_ = ibooker.book1D("MET_AFTERWCUTS", chtitle, 100, 0., 200.);
164  met_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("MET_AFTERZCUTS", chtitle, 100, 0., 200.);
166  snprintf(chtitle, 255, "MU-MET (%s) acoplanarity", metTag_.label().data());
167  acop_before_ = ibooker.book1D("ACOP_BEFORECUTS", chtitle, 50, 0., M_PI);
168  acop_after_ = ibooker.book1D("ACOP_AFTERWCUTS", chtitle, 50, 0., M_PI);
170  snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Z selection: muons above %.2f GeV", ptThrForZ1_);
171  n_zselPt1thr_ = ibooker.book1D("NZSELPT1THR", chtitle, 10, -0.5, 9.5);
172  snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Z selection: muons above %.2f GeV", ptThrForZ2_);
173  n_zselPt2thr_ = ibooker.book1D("NZSELPT2THR", chtitle, 10, -0.5, 9.5);
175  snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Number of jets (%s) above %.2f GeV", jetTag_.label().data(), eJetMin_);
176  njets_before_ = ibooker.book1D("NJETS_BEFORECUTS", chtitle, 16, -0.5, 15.5);
177  njets_after_ = ibooker.book1D("NJETS_AFTERWCUTS", chtitle, 16, -0.5, 15.5);
178  njets_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("NJETS_AFTERZCUTS", chtitle, 16, -0.5, 15.5);
180  leadingjet_pt_before_ = ibooker.book1D("LEADINGJET_PT_BEFORECUTS", "Leading Jet transverse momentum", 300, 0., 300.);
181  leadingjet_pt_after_ = ibooker.book1D("LEADINGJET_PT_AFTERWCUTS", "Leading Jet transverse momentum", 300, 0., 300.);
182  leadingjet_pt_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("LEADINGJET_PT_AFTERZCUTS", "Leading Jet transverse momentum", 300, 0., 300.);
184  leadingjet_eta_before_ = ibooker.book1D("LEADINGJET_ETA_BEFORECUTS", "Leading Jet pseudo-rapidity", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
185  leadingjet_eta_after_ = ibooker.book1D("LEADINGJET_ETA_AFTERWCUTS", "Leading Jet pseudo-rapidity", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
186  leadingjet_eta_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("LEADINGJET_ETA_AFTERZCUTS", "Leading Jet pseudo-rapidity", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
188  ptDiffPM_before_ = ibooker.book1D("PTDIFFPM_BEFORE_CUTS", "pt(Muon+)-pt(Muon-) after Z cuts [GeV]", 200, -100., 100.);
189  ptDiffPM_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("PTDIFFPM_AFTERZ_CUTS", "pt(Muon+)-pt(Muon-) after Z cuts [GeV]", 200, -100., 100.);
193  pt1_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("PT1_AFTERZCUTS", "Muon transverse momentum (global muon) [GeV]", 100, 0., 100.);
194  eta1_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ETA1_AFTERZCUTS", "Muon pseudo-rapidity", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
195  dxy1_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("DXY1_AFTERZCUTS", "Muon transverse distance to beam spot [cm]", 100, -0.5, 0.5);
196  goodewkmuon1_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("GOODEWKMUON1_AFTERZCUTS", "Quality-muon flag", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
198  if (isRelativeIso_) {
199  if (isCombinedIso_) {
200  iso1_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO1_AFTERZCUTS", "Relative (combined) isolation variable", 100, 0., 1.);
201  iso2_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO2_AFTERZCUTS", "Relative (combined) isolation variable", 100, 0., 1.);
202  } else {
203  iso1_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO1_AFTERZCUTS", "Relative (tracker) isolation variable", 100, 0., 1.);
204  iso2_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO2_AFTERZCUTS", "Relative (tracker) isolation variable", 100, 0., 1.);
205  }
206  } else {
207  if (isCombinedIso_) {
208  iso1_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO1_AFTERZCUTS", "Absolute (combined) isolation variable [GeV]", 100, 0., 20.);
209  iso2_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO2_AFTERZCUTS", "Absolute (combined) isolation variable [GeV]", 100, 0., 20.);
210  } else {
211  iso1_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO1_AFTERZCUTS", "Absolute (tracker) isolation variable [GeV]", 100, 0., 20.);
212  iso2_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ISO2_AFTERZCUTS", "Absolute (tracker) isolation variable [GeV]", 100, 0., 20.);
213  }
214  }
216  pt2_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("PT2_AFTERZCUTS", "Muon transverse momentum (global muon) [GeV]", 100, 0., 100.);
217  eta2_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ETA2_AFTERZCUTS", "Muon pseudo-rapidity", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
218  dxy2_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("DXY2_AFTERZCUTS", "Muon transverse distance to beam spot [cm]", 100, -0.5, 0.5);
219  goodewkmuon2_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("GOODEWKMUON2_AFTERZCUTS", "Quality-muon flag", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
220  /* ztrig_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("ZTRIG_AFTERZCUTS",
221  "Trigger response (boolean of muon triggers)", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
222  */
223  dimuonmass_before_ = ibooker.book1D("DIMUONMASS_BEFORECUTS", "DiMuonMass (2 globals)", 100, 0, 200);
224  dimuonmass_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("DIMUONMASS_AFTERZCUTS", "DiMuonMass (2 globals)", 100, 0, 200);
225  npvs_before_ = ibooker.book1D("NPVs_BEFORECUTS", "Number of Valid Primary Vertices", 51, -0.5, 50.5);
226  npvs_after_ = ibooker.book1D("NPVs_AFTERWCUTS", "Number of Valid Primary Vertices", 51, -0.5, 50.5);
227  npvs_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("NPVs_AFTERZCUTS", "Number of Valid Primary Vertices", 51, -0.5, 50.5);
228  muoncharge_before_ = ibooker.book1D("MUONCHARGE_BEFORECUTS", "Muon Charge", 3, -1.5, 1.5);
229  muoncharge_after_ = ibooker.book1D("MUONCHARGE_AFTERWCUTS", "Muon Charge", 3, -1.5, 1.5);
230  muoncharge_afterZ_ = ibooker.book1D("MUONCHARGE_AFTERZCUTS", "Muon Charge", 3, -1.5, 1.5);
232  // Adding these to replace the NZ ones (more useful, since they are more
233  // general?)
234  nmuons_ = ibooker.book1D("NMuons", "Number of muons in the event", 10, -0.5, 9.5);
235  ngoodmuons_ = ibooker.book1D("NGoodMuons", "Number of muons passing the quality criteria", 10, -0.5, 9.5);
237  nph_ = ibooker.book1D("nph", "Number of photons in the event", 20, 0., 20.);
238  phPt_ = ibooker.book1D("phPt", "Photon transverse momentum [GeV]", 100, 0., 1000.);
239  snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Photon pseudorapidity (pT>%4.1f)", ptThrForPhoton_);
240  phEta_ = ibooker.book1D("phEta", chtitle, 100, -2.5, 2.5);
241 }
MonitorElement * met_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:110
MonitorElement * ptDiffPM_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:132
MonitorElement * dimuonmass_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:152
MonitorElement * phEta_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:170
MonitorElement * njets_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:117
MonitorElement * iso2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:144
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
MonitorElement * npvs_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:154
double ptThrForPhoton_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:82
MonitorElement * dxy1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:137
MonitorElement * njets_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:115
MonitorElement * dxy_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:100
MonitorElement * leadingjet_eta_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:123
MonitorElement * muoncharge_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:158
MonitorElement * eta2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:141
MonitorElement * npvs_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:156
MonitorElement * leadingjet_eta_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:121
double eJetMin_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:79
MonitorElement * acop_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:112
MonitorElement * leadingjet_pt_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:119
MonitorElement * goodewkmuon_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:102
MonitorElement * eta_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:99
MonitorElement * muoncharge_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:160
MonitorElement * pt_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:96
MonitorElement * dxy2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:142
MonitorElement * leadingjet_pt_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:118
MonitorElement * goodewkmuon1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:138
MonitorElement * iso_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:104
MonitorElement * npvs_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:155
MonitorElement * goodewkmuon2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:143
MonitorElement * njets_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:116
MonitorElement * ngoodmuons_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:163
MonitorElement * n_zselPt2thr_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:148
MonitorElement * pt2_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:140
double ptThrForZ2_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:74
MonitorElement * met_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:134
MonitorElement * leadingjet_eta_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:122
bool isCombinedIso_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:61
MonitorElement * mt_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:109
MonitorElement * goodewkmuon_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:103
MonitorElement * muoncharge_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:159
MonitorElement * mt_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:108
MonitorElement * eta_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:98
MonitorElement * iso1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:139
bool isRelativeIso_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:60
#define M_PI
edm::InputTag jetTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:42
MonitorElement * nmuons_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:162
edm::InputTag metTag_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:41
MonitorElement * pt_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:97
MonitorElement * iso_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:105
MonitorElement * eta1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:136
MonitorElement * ptDiffPM_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:127
MonitorElement * pt1_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:135
std::string const & label() const
Definition: InputTag.h:36
MonitorElement * nph_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:166
MonitorElement * phPt_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:168
double ptThrForZ1_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:73
MonitorElement * dxy_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:101
MonitorElement * met_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:111
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
MonitorElement * n_zselPt1thr_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:147
MonitorElement * dimuonmass_before_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:151
MonitorElement * leadingjet_pt_afterZ_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:120
MonitorElement * acop_after_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:113
void EwkMuDQM::dqmBeginRun ( const edm::Run iRun,
const edm::EventSetup iSet 

Reimplemented from DQMEDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 101 of file

References hltPrescaleProvider_, HLTPrescaleProvider::init(), isValidHltConfig_, nall, nhlt, niso, nmet, nrec, nsel, and nz.

101  {
102  nall = 0;
103  nsel = 0;
104  nz = 0;
106  nrec = 0;
107  niso = 0;
108  nhlt = 0;
109  nmet = 0;
111  // passed as parameter to HLTConfigProvider::init(), not yet used
112  bool isConfigChanged = false;
113  // isValidHltConfig_ used to short-circuit analyze() in case of problems
114  isValidHltConfig_ = hltPrescaleProvider_.init(iRun, iSet, "HLT", isConfigChanged);
115 }
unsigned int nall
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:88
unsigned int nrec
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:89
unsigned int nhlt
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:91
unsigned int nsel
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:93
HLTPrescaleProvider hltPrescaleProvider_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:86
unsigned int nz
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:94
unsigned int niso
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:90
bool init(const edm::Run &iRun, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const std::string &processName, bool &changed)
unsigned int nmet
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:92
bool isValidHltConfig_
Definition: EwkMuDQM.h:85
void EwkMuDQM::init_histograms ( )

Member Data Documentation

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::acop_after_

Definition at line 113 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::acop_before_

Definition at line 112 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::acopCut_

Definition at line 64 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::BeamSpot> EwkMuDQM::beamSpotTag_

Definition at line 49 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::dimuonmass_afterZ_

Definition at line 152 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::dimuonmass_before_

Definition at line 151 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::dimuonMassMax_

Definition at line 77 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuDQM::dimuonMassMin_

Definition at line 76 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::dxy1_afterZ_

Definition at line 137 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::dxy2_afterZ_

Definition at line 142 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::dxy_after_

Definition at line 101 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::dxy_before_

Definition at line 100 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::dxyCut_

Definition at line 53 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuDQM::eJetMin_

Definition at line 79 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::eta1_afterZ_

Definition at line 136 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::eta2_afterZ_

Definition at line 141 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::eta_after_

Definition at line 99 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::eta_before_

Definition at line 98 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::etaCut_

Definition at line 71 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::goodewkmuon1_afterZ_

Definition at line 138 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::goodewkmuon2_afterZ_

Definition at line 143 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::goodewkmuon_after_

Definition at line 103 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::goodewkmuon_before_

Definition at line 102 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

HLTPrescaleProvider EwkMuDQM::hltPrescaleProvider_

Definition at line 86 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and dqmBeginRun().

bool EwkMuDQM::isAlsoTrackerMuon_

Definition at line 52 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

bool EwkMuDQM::isCombinedIso_

Definition at line 61 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::iso1_afterZ_

Definition at line 139 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::iso2_afterZ_

Definition at line 144 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::iso_after_

Definition at line 105 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::iso_before_

Definition at line 104 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::isoCut03_

Definition at line 62 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EwkMuDQM::isRelativeIso_

Definition at line 60 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

bool EwkMuDQM::isValidHltConfig_

Definition at line 85 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun(), and EwkMuDQM().

edm::InputTag EwkMuDQM::jetTag_

Definition at line 42 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Jet> > EwkMuDQM::jetToken_

Definition at line 46 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::leadingjet_eta_after_

Definition at line 122 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::leadingjet_eta_afterZ_

Definition at line 123 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::leadingjet_eta_before_

Definition at line 121 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::leadingjet_pt_after_

Definition at line 119 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::leadingjet_pt_afterZ_

Definition at line 120 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::leadingjet_pt_before_

Definition at line 118 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::met_after_

Definition at line 111 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::met_afterZ_

Definition at line 134 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::met_before_

Definition at line 110 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::metMax_

Definition at line 66 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuDQM::metMin_

Definition at line 65 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::InputTag EwkMuDQM::metTag_

Definition at line 41 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::MET> > EwkMuDQM::metToken_

Definition at line 45 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::mt_after_

Definition at line 109 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::mt_before_

Definition at line 108 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::mtMax_

Definition at line 68 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuDQM::mtMin_

Definition at line 67 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::muoncharge_after_

Definition at line 159 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::muoncharge_afterZ_

Definition at line 160 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::muoncharge_before_

Definition at line 158 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

int EwkMuDQM::muonHitsCut_

Definition at line 57 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Muon> > EwkMuDQM::muonTag_

Definition at line 44 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::n_zselPt1thr_

Definition at line 147 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::n_zselPt2thr_

Definition at line 148 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

unsigned int EwkMuDQM::nall

Definition at line 88 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and dqmBeginRun().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::ngoodmuons_

Definition at line 163 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

unsigned int EwkMuDQM::nhlt

Definition at line 91 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun().

unsigned int EwkMuDQM::niso

Definition at line 90 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun().

int EwkMuDQM::nJetMax_

Definition at line 80 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::njets_after_

Definition at line 116 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::njets_afterZ_

Definition at line 117 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::njets_before_

Definition at line 115 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

int EwkMuDQM::nMatchesCut_

Definition at line 58 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EwkMuDQM::nmet

Definition at line 92 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::nmuons_

Definition at line 162 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::normalizedChi2Cut_

Definition at line 54 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::npfph_

Definition at line 165 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::nph_

Definition at line 166 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

int EwkMuDQM::nPhoMax_

Definition at line 83 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::npvs_after_

Definition at line 155 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::npvs_afterZ_

Definition at line 156 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::npvs_before_

Definition at line 154 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

unsigned int EwkMuDQM::nrec

Definition at line 89 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun().

unsigned int EwkMuDQM::nsel

Definition at line 93 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun().

unsigned int EwkMuDQM::nz

Definition at line 94 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::pfphEta_

Definition at line 169 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::pfphPt_

Definition at line 167 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::phEta_

Definition at line 170 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Photon> > EwkMuDQM::phoTag_

Definition at line 47 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::phPt_

Definition at line 168 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

int EwkMuDQM::pixelHitsCut_

Definition at line 56 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::pt1_afterZ_

Definition at line 135 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::pt2_afterZ_

Definition at line 140 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::pt_after_

Definition at line 97 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::pt_before_

Definition at line 96 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::ptCut_

Definition at line 70 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and badGlobalMuonTaggerFWLite.BadGlobalMuonTagger::badMuons().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::ptDiffPM_afterZ_

Definition at line 132 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::ptDiffPM_before_

Definition at line 127 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::ptThrForPhoton_

Definition at line 82 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::ptThrForZ1_

Definition at line 73 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuDQM::ptThrForZ2_

Definition at line 74 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

int EwkMuDQM::trackerHitsCut_

Definition at line 55 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::trig_after_

Definition at line 107 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::trig_before_

Definition at line 106 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

std::vector<std::string> EwkMuDQM::trigPathNames_

Definition at line 50 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::TriggerResults> EwkMuDQM::trigTag_

Definition at line 43 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Vertex> > EwkMuDQM::vertexTag_

Definition at line 48 of file EwkMuDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuDQM::ztrig_afterZ_

Definition at line 150 of file EwkMuDQM.h.