9 #include "HepPDT/ParticleID.hh"
12 #include "G4HEPEvtParticle.hh"
14 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
15 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
16 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
17 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
24 : fPCuts(p.getParameter<bool>(
25 fPtransCut(p.getParameter<bool>(
26 fEtaCuts(p.getParameter<bool>(
27 fPhiCuts(p.getParameter<bool>(
28 theMinPhiCut(p.getParameter<double>(
29 theMaxPhiCut(p.getParameter<double>(
30 theMinEtaCut(p.getParameter<double>(
31 theMaxEtaCut(p.getParameter<double>(
32 theMinPCut(p.getParameter<double>(
33 theMaxPCut(p.getParameter<double>(
34 theEtaCutForHector(p.getParameter<double>(
35 verbose(p.getUntrackedParameter<int>(
"Verbosity", 0)),
50 double theRDecLenCut = p.
"RDecLenCut") * CLHEP::cm;
62 if (p.
"PDGselection")) {
65 if (!pdgFilter.empty()) {
68 ss <<
"SimG4Core/Generator: ";
70 ss <<
" Selecting only PDG ID = ";
72 ss <<
" Filtering out PDG ID = ";
74 for (
unsigned int ii = 0;
ii < pdgFilter.size(); ++
ii) {
75 ss << pdgFilter[
ii] <<
" ";
88 edm::LogVerbatim(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
"SimG4Core/Generator: Rdecaycut= " << theRDecLenCut / CLHEP::cm
89 <<
" cm; Zdecaycut= " << theDecLenCut / CLHEP::cm
90 <<
"Z_min= " <<
Z_lmin / CLHEP::cm <<
" cm; Z_max= " <<
Z_lmax / CLHEP::cm
92 <<
" MaxZCentralCMS = " << maxZCentralCMS /
94 <<
" Z_hector = " <<
Z_hector / CLHEP::cm <<
" cm\n"
95 <<
" ApplyCuts: " << fFiductialCuts
98 <<
" LumiMonitorCut: " <<
101 <<
"SimG4Core/Generator: Pmin(GeV)= " << theMinPCut <<
"; Pmax(GeV)= " <<
115 if (*(evt->vertices_begin()) ==
nullptr) {
116 std::stringstream
117 ss <<
"SimG4Core/Generator: in event " << g4evt->GetEventID() <<
" Corrupted Event - GenEvent with no vertex \n";
121 if (!evt->weights().empty()) {
123 for (
unsigned int iw = 1; iw < evt->weights().size(); ++iw) {
125 if (evt->weights()[iw] <= 0)
131 if (
vtx_ !=
nullptr) {
135 (*(evt->vertices_begin()))->position().y(),
136 (*(evt->vertices_begin()))->position().z(),
137 (*(evt->vertices_begin()))->position().t());
142 unsigned int ng4vtx = 0;
143 unsigned int ng4par = 0;
145 for (HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vitr = evt->vertices_begin(); vitr != evt->vertices_end(); ++vitr) {
151 HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator pitr;
152 for (pitr = (*vitr)->particles_begin(HepMC::children); pitr != (*vitr)->particles_end(HepMC::children); ++pitr) {
157 int status = (*pitr)->status();
158 int pdg = (*pitr)->pdg_id();
167 if (status == 2 &&
abs(pdg) == 9900015) {
180 LogDebug(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
"GenVertex barcode = " << (*vitr)->barcode()
181 <<
" selected for GenParticle barcode = " << (*pitr)->barcode();
187 else if (status == 2) {
188 if ((*pitr)->end_vertex() !=
nullptr) {
189 double xx = (*pitr)->end_vertex()->position().x();
190 double yy = (*pitr)->end_vertex()->position().y();
191 double r_dd = xx * xx + yy * yy;
196 <<
"GenVertex barcode = " << (*vitr)->barcode()
197 <<
" selected for GenParticle barcode = " << (*pitr)->barcode() <<
" radius = " <<
215 double x1 = (*vitr)->position().x() * CLHEP::mm;
216 double y1 = (*vitr)->position().y() * CLHEP::mm;
217 double z1 = (*vitr)->position().z() * CLHEP::mm;
218 double t1 = (*vitr)->position().t() * CLHEP::mm / CLHEP::c_light;
220 G4PrimaryVertex *g4vtx =
new G4PrimaryVertex(x1, y1, z1, t1);
222 for (pitr = (*vitr)->particles_begin(HepMC::children); pitr != (*vitr)->particles_end(HepMC::children); ++pitr) {
223 int status = (*pitr)->status();
224 int pdg = (*pitr)->pdg_id();
225 bool hasDecayVertex = (
nullptr != (*pitr)->end_vertex());
233 <<
" Skiped GenParticle barcode= " << (*pitr)->barcode() <<
" PDGid= " << pdg <<
" status= " << status
235 <<
" isInTheList: " << isInTheList <<
" hasDecayVertex: " << hasDecayVertex;
242 <<
"Generator: pdg= " << pdg <<
" status= " << status <<
" hasPreDefinedDecay: " << hasDecayVertex
245 <<
" MaxZCentralCMS = " <<
maxZCentralCMS /
CLHEP::m <<
" m; (x,y,z,t): (" << x1 <<
"," << y1 <<
"," << z1
249 status = hasDecayVertex ? 2 : 1;
251 if (status == 2 &&
abs(pdg) == 9900015) {
256 if (2 == status && !hasDecayVertex) {
258 << g4evt->GetEventID() <<
" a particle "
259 <<
" pdgid= " << pdg <<
" has status=2 but has no decay vertex, so will be fully tracked by Geant4";
266 double decay_length = 0.0;
268 x2 = (*pitr)->end_vertex()->position().x();
269 y2 = (*pitr)->end_vertex()->position().y();
270 z2 = (*pitr)->end_vertex()->position().z();
271 decay_length =
std::sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1) + (z2 - z1) * (z2 - z1));
276 double px = (*pitr)->momentum().px();
277 double py = (*pitr)->momentum().py();
278 double pz = (*pitr)->momentum().pz();
279 double ptot =
std::sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz);
288 const double minTan = 1.e-20;
291 double del = (zimpact - z1) / pz;
295 double rimpact2 = ximpact * ximpact + yimpact * yimpact;
298 LogDebug(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
"Processing GenParticle barcode= " << (*pitr)->barcode() <<
" pdg= " << pdg
299 <<
" status= " << (*pitr)->status() <<
" st= " << status
300 <<
" rimpact(cm)= " <<
std::sqrt(rimpact2) / cm
301 <<
" zimpact(cm)= " << zimpact / cm <<
" ptot(GeV)= " << ptot
302 <<
" pz(GeV)= " << pz;
308 toBeAdded = (2112 ==
std::abs(pdg) || 22 == pdg);
311 <<
"GenParticle barcode = " << (*pitr)->barcode() <<
" very forward; to be added: " << toBeAdded;
322 double phi =
336 if (
std::abs(pz) >= minTan * ptot) {
337 if ((zi >=
Z_lmax) & (pz < 0.0)) {
339 }
else if ((zi <=
Z_lmin) & (pz > 0.0)) {
348 double del = (zi - z1) / pz;
363 <<
"GenParticle barcode = " << (*pitr)->barcode() <<
" passed case 1";
371 edm::LogVerbatim(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
"GenParticle barcode = " << (*pitr)->barcode() <<
" passed case 2"
372 <<
" decay_length(cm)= " << decay_length / CLHEP::cm;
376 G4PrimaryParticle *g4prim =
new G4PrimaryParticle(pdg, px * GeV, py * GeV, pz * GeV);
378 if (g4prim->GetG4code() !=
nullptr) {
379 g4prim->SetMass(g4prim->GetG4code()->GetPDGMass());
380 double charge = g4prim->GetG4code()->GetPDGCharge();
387 g4prim->SetCharge(charge);
393 setGenId(g4prim, (*pitr)->barcode());
402 g4vtx->SetPrimary(g4prim);
403 edm::LogVerbatim(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
" " << ng4par <<
". new Geant4 particle pdg= " << pdg
404 <<
" Ptot(GeV/c)= " << ptot <<
" Pt= " <<
std::sqrt(px * px + py * py)
405 <<
" status= " << status <<
"; dir= " << g4prim->GetMomentumDirection();
411 g4evt->AddPrimaryVertex(g4vtx);
418 G4PrimaryVertex *g4vtx =
new G4PrimaryVertex(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
422 g4evt->AddPrimaryVertex(g4vtx);
425 edm::LogVerbatim(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
"The list of Geant4 primaries includes " << ng4par <<
" particles in "
426 << ng4vtx <<
" vertex";
432 LogDebug(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
"Special case of long decay length \n"
433 <<
"Assign daughters with to mother with decaylength=" << decaylength / cm <<
" cm";
438 double proper_time = decaylength / (
p.Beta() *
p.Gamma() * c_light);
439 g4p->SetProperTime(proper_time);
442 LogDebug(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
" px= " <<
p.px() <<
" py= " <<
p.py() <<
" pz= " <<
p.pz() <<
" e= " <<
443 <<
" beta= " <<
p.Beta() <<
" gamma= " <<
444 <<
" Proper time= " << proper_time / ns <<
" ns";
449 double x1 = vp->end_vertex()->position().x();
450 double y1 = vp->end_vertex()->position().y();
451 double z1 = vp->end_vertex()->position().z();
453 for (HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator vpdec = vp->end_vertex()->particles_begin(HepMC::children);
454 vpdec != vp->end_vertex()->particles_end(HepMC::children);
458 (*vpdec)->momentum().px(), (*vpdec)->momentum().py(), (*vpdec)->momentum().pz(), (*vpdec)->momentum().e());
461 G4PrimaryParticle *g4daught =
462 new G4PrimaryParticle((*vpdec)->pdg_id(), pdec.x() * CLHEP::GeV, pdec.y() * CLHEP::GeV, pdec.z() * CLHEP::GeV);
464 if (g4daught->GetG4code() !=
nullptr) {
465 g4daught->SetMass(g4daught->GetG4code()->GetPDGMass());
466 g4daught->SetCharge(g4daught->GetG4code()->GetPDGCharge());
471 setGenId(g4daught, (*vpdec)->barcode());
474 LogDebug(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
"Assigning a " << (*vpdec)->pdg_id() <<
" as daughter of a " << vp->pdg_id();
476 if (((*vpdec)->status() == 2 || ((*vpdec)->status() == 23 &&
std::abs(vp->pdg_id()) == 1000015)) &&
477 (*vpdec)->end_vertex() !=
nullptr) {
478 double x2 = (*vpdec)->end_vertex()->position().x();
479 double y2 = (*vpdec)->end_vertex()->position().y();
480 double z2 = (*vpdec)->end_vertex()->position().z();
481 double dd =
std::sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2) + (z1 - z2) * (z1 - z2));
484 (*vpdec)->set_status(1000 + (*vpdec)->status());
485 g4p->SetDaughter(g4daught);
495 double ptot = p.mag();
496 if (
fPCuts && (ptot < theMinPCut * CLHEP::GeV || ptot >
theMaxPCut * CLHEP::GeV)) {
501 if (ptot < pz + 1.
e-10) {
505 double eta = 0.5 * G4Log((ptot + pz) / (ptot - pz));
512 double phi = p.phi();
519 LogDebug(
"SimG4CoreGenerator") <<
"Generator ptot(GeV)= " << ptot / GeV <<
" eta= " << p.eta()
520 <<
" phi= " << p.phi() <<
" Flag= " << flag;
527 return ((pdgid >= 1000000 && pdgid < 4000000 && pdgid != 3000022) ||
535 HepPDT::ParticleID pid(pdgcode);
536 int charge = pid.threeCharge();
537 return ((charge == 0) && (pdgid >= 1000000 && pdgid < 1000040));
551 int i = g4evt->GetNumberOfPrimaryVertex();
552 for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = evt->particles_begin(); it != evt->particles_end(); ++it) {
557 if (gp->status() != 1)
560 int pdg = gp->pdg_id();
561 G4PrimaryParticle *g4p =
new G4PrimaryParticle(
562 pdg, gp->momentum().px() * CLHEP::GeV, gp->momentum().py() * CLHEP::GeV, gp->momentum().pz() * CLHEP::GeV);
563 if (g4p->GetG4code() !=
nullptr) {
564 g4p->SetMass(g4p->GetG4code()->GetPDGMass());
565 g4p->SetCharge(g4p->GetG4code()->GetPDGCharge());
568 G4PrimaryVertex *
v =
new G4PrimaryVertex(gp->production_vertex()->position().x() * CLHEP::mm,
569 gp->production_vertex()->position().y() * CLHEP::mm,
570 gp->production_vertex()->position().z() * CLHEP::mm,
571 gp->production_vertex()->position().t() * CLHEP::mm / CLHEP::c_light);
573 g4evt->AddPrimaryVertex(v);
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
void setGenId(G4PrimaryParticle *p, int id) const
void nonCentralEvent2G4(const HepMC::GenEvent *g, G4Event *e)
double theEtaCutForHector
void HepMC2G4(const HepMC::GenEvent *g, G4Event *e)
Generator(const edm::ParameterSet &p)
bool exists(std::string const ¶meterName) const
checks if a parameter exists
bool isExoticNonDetectable(int pdgcode) const
Exp< T >::type exp(const T &t)
void particleAssignDaughters(G4PrimaryParticle *p, HepMC::GenParticle *hp, double length)
XYZTLorentzVectorD XYZTLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
LumiMonitorFilter * fLumiFilter
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
bool isExotic(int pdgcode) const
bool isGoodForLumiMonitor(const HepMC::GenParticle *) const
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
math::XYZTLorentzVector * vtx_
bool particlePassesPrimaryCuts(const G4ThreeVector &p) const
std::vector< int > pdgFilter
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
bool IsInTheFilterList(int pdgcode) const