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particlelevel_cff Namespace Reference


tuple genParticles2HepMC
tuple genParticles2HepMCHiggsVtx
tuple HTXSCategoryTable
tuple lheInfoTable
tuple mergedGenParticles
 User floats producers, selectors ##########################. More...
tuple particleLevel
tuple particleLevelTablesTask = cms.Task(rivetLeptonTable,rivetPhotonTable,rivetMetTable,HTXSCategoryTable,lheInfoTable)
tuple particleLevelTask = cms.Task(mergedGenParticles,genParticles2HepMC,particleLevel,tautagger,genParticles2HepMCHiggsVtx,rivetProducerHTXS)
tuple rivetLeptonTable
 Tables for final output and docs ##########################. More...
tuple rivetMetTable
tuple rivetPhotonTable
tuple rivetProducerHTXS
tuple tautagger

Variable Documentation

tuple particlelevel_cff.genParticles2HepMC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("GenParticles2HepMCConverter",
2  genParticles = cms.InputTag("mergedGenParticles"),
3  genEventInfo = cms.InputTag("generator"),
4  signalParticlePdgIds = cms.vint32(),
5 )

Definition at line 13 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.genParticles2HepMCHiggsVtx
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("GenParticles2HepMCConverter",
2  genParticles = cms.InputTag("mergedGenParticles"),
3  genEventInfo = cms.InputTag("generator"),
4  signalParticlePdgIds = cms.vint32(25), ## for the Higgs analysis
5 )

Definition at line 19 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.HTXSCategoryTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleHTXSFlatTableProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("rivetProducerHTXS","HiggsClassification"),
3  cut = cms.string(""),
4  name = cms.string("HTXS"),
5  doc = cms.string("HTXS classification"),
6  singleton = cms.bool(True),
7  extension = cms.bool(False),
8  variables=cms.PSet(
9  stage_0 = Var("stage0_cat",int, doc="HTXS stage-0 category"),
10  stage_1_pTjet30 = Var("stage1_cat_pTjet30GeV",int, doc="HTXS stage-1 category (jet pt>30 GeV)"),
11  stage_1_pTjet25 = Var("stage1_cat_pTjet25GeV",int, doc="HTXS stage-1 category (jet pt>25 GeV)"),
12  stage1_1_cat_pTjet30GeV = Var("stage1_1_cat_pTjet30GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.1 category(jet pt>30 GeV)"),
13  stage1_1_cat_pTjet25GeV = Var("stage1_1_cat_pTjet25GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.1 category(jet pt>25 GeV)"),
14  stage1_1_fine_cat_pTjet30GeV = Var("stage1_1_fine_cat_pTjet30GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.1-fine category(jet pt>30 GeV)"),
15  stage1_1_fine_cat_pTjet25GeV = Var("stage1_1_fine_cat_pTjet25GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.1-fine category(jet pt>25 GeV)"),
16  stage1_2_cat_pTjet30GeV = Var("stage1_2_cat_pTjet30GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.2 category(jet pt>30 GeV)"),
17  stage1_2_cat_pTjet25GeV = Var("stage1_2_cat_pTjet25GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.2 category(jet pt>25 GeV)"),
18  stage1_2_fine_cat_pTjet30GeV = Var("stage1_2_fine_cat_pTjet30GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.2-fine category(jet pt>30 GeV)"),
19  stage1_2_fine_cat_pTjet25GeV = Var("stage1_2_fine_cat_pTjet25GeV",int,doc="HTXS stage-1.2-fine category(jet pt>25 GeV)"),
20  Higgs_pt = Var("higgs.Pt()",float, doc="pt of the Higgs boson as identified in HTXS", precision=14),
21  Higgs_y = Var("higgs.Rapidity()",float, doc="rapidity of the Higgs boson as identified in HTXS", precision=12),
22  njets30 = Var("jets30.size()","uint8", doc="number of jets with pt>30 GeV as identified in HTXS"),
23  njets25 = Var("jets25.size()","uint8", doc="number of jets with pt>25 GeV as identified in HTXS"),
24  )
25 )

Definition at line 147 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.lheInfoTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("LHETablesProducer",
2  lheInfo = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("externalLHEProducer"), cms.InputTag("source")),
3  precision = cms.int32(14),
4  storeLHEParticles = cms.bool(True)
5  )

Definition at line 173 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.mergedGenParticles
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("MergedGenParticleProducer",
2  inputPruned = cms.InputTag("prunedGenParticles"),
3  inputPacked = cms.InputTag("packedGenParticles"),
4 )

User floats producers, selectors ##########################.

Definition at line 8 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.particleLevel
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("ParticleLevelProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("genParticles2HepMC:unsmeared"),
4  doJetClustering = cms.bool(False), # Not needed as Rivet jets aren't used currently
5  usePromptFinalStates = cms.bool(True), # for leptons, photons, neutrinos
6  excludePromptLeptonsFromJetClustering = cms.bool(False),
7  excludeNeutrinosFromJetClustering = cms.bool(True),
9  particleMinPt = cms.double(0.),
10  particleMaxEta = cms.double(5.), # HF range. Maximum 6.0 on MiniAOD
12  lepConeSize = cms.double(0.1), # for photon dressing
13  lepMinPt = cms.double(1.),
14  lepMaxEta = cms.double(2.5),
16  jetConeSize = cms.double(0.4),
17  jetMinPt = cms.double(10.),
18  jetMaxEta = cms.double(999.),
20  fatJetConeSize = cms.double(0.8),
21  fatJetMinPt = cms.double(170.),
22  fatJetMaxEta = cms.double(999.),
24  phoIsoConeSize = cms.double(0.4),
25  phoMaxRelIso = cms.double(0.5),
26  phoMinPt = cms.double(1.),
27  phoMaxEta = cms.double(2.5),
28 )

Definition at line 26 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.particleLevelTablesTask = cms.Task(rivetLeptonTable,rivetPhotonTable,rivetMetTable,HTXSCategoryTable,lheInfoTable)

Definition at line 180 of file

Definition at line 179 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.rivetLeptonTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("particleLevel:leptons"),
3  cut = cms.string("pt > 15"),
4  name= cms.string("GenDressedLepton"),
5  doc = cms.string("Dressed leptons from Rivet-based ParticleLevelProducer"),
6  singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
7  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table
8  externalVariables = cms.PSet(
9  hasTauAnc = ExtVar(cms.InputTag("tautagger"),bool, doc="true if Dressed lepton has a tau as ancestor"),
10  ),
11  variables = cms.PSet(
12  P4Vars,
13  pdgId = Var("pdgId", int, doc="PDG id"),
14  )
15 )
def ExtVar

Tables for final output and docs ##########################.

Definition at line 63 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.rivetMetTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("particleLevel:mets"),
3  name = cms.string("MET"),
4  doc = cms.string("MET from Rivet-based ParticleLevelProducer in fiducial volume abs(eta)<5"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(True), # this is the main table
7  variables = cms.PSet(
8  fiducialGenPt = Var("pt", float, precision=10),
9  fiducialGenPhi = Var("phi", float, precision=10),
10  ),
11 )

Definition at line 135 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.rivetPhotonTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("particleLevel:photons"),
3  cut = cms.string("pt > 10"),
4  name= cms.string("GenIsolatedPhoton"),
5  doc = cms.string("Isolated photons from Rivet-based ParticleLevelProducer"),
6  singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
7  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table
8  variables = cms.PSet(
9  P4Vars
10  )
11 )

Definition at line 79 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.rivetProducerHTXS
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer('HTXSRivetProducer',
2  HepMCCollection = cms.InputTag('genParticles2HepMCHiggsVtx','unsmeared'),
3  LHERunInfo = cms.InputTag('externalLHEProducer'),
4  ProductionMode = cms.string('AUTO'),
5 )

Definition at line 55 of file

tuple particlelevel_cff.tautagger
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("GenJetTauTaggerProducer",
2  src = rivetLeptonTable.src,
3 )

Definition at line 91 of file