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GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource Class Reference

#include <GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h>

Inheritance diagram for GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource:
GEMOfflineDQMBase DQMEDAnalyzer edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache >, edm::EndRunProducer, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::Accumulator >

Public Member Functions

 GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from GEMOfflineDQMBase
template<typename T >
bool checkRefs (const std::vector< T * > &)
void fillME (MEMap &me_map, const GEMDetId &key, const float x)
void fillME (MEMap &me_map, const GEMDetId &key, const float x, const float y)
 GEMOfflineDQMBase (const edm::ParameterSet &)
int getDetOccXBin (const int, const int, const int)
int getDetOccXBin (const GEMDetId &, const edm::ESHandle< GEMGeometry > &)
GEMDetId getKey (const GEMDetId &)
int getMaxVFAT (const int)
int getNumEtaPartitions (const GEMStation *)
GEMDetId getReStEtKey (const GEMDetId &)
GEMDetId getReStKey (const int, const int)
GEMDetId getReStKey (const GEMDetId &)
GEMDetId getReStLaChKey (const GEMDetId &)
GEMDetId getReStLaKey (const GEMDetId &)
int getVFATNumber (const int, const int, const int)
int getVFATNumberByStrip (const int, const int, const int)
void setDetLabelsEta (MonitorElement *, const GEMStation *)
void setDetLabelsVFAT (MonitorElement *, const GEMStation *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
void accumulate (edm::Event const &event, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void beginStream (edm::StreamID id) final
virtual void dqmBeginRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
 DQMEDAnalyzer ()
void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
void endRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup) final
virtual bool getCanSaveByLumi ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache >, edm::EndRunProducer, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::Accumulator >
 EDProducer ()=default
 EDProducer (const EDProducer &)=delete
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
const EDProduceroperator= (const EDProducer &)=delete

Static Public Member Functions

static void fillDescriptions (edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
static void globalEndJob (DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache const *)
static void globalEndLuminosityBlockProduce (edm::LuminosityBlock &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &setup, LuminosityBlockContext const *context)
static void globalEndRunProduce (edm::Run &run, edm::EventSetup const &setup, RunContext const *context)
static std::unique_ptr
< DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache
initializeGlobalCache (edm::ParameterSet const &)

Private Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) override
void analyzeME11GE11Segment (const GEMCSCSegment &)
void bookEfficiencyChamber (DQMStore::IBooker &, const edm::ESHandle< GEMGeometry > &)
void bookHistograms (DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void bookMisc (DQMStore::IBooker &, const edm::ESHandle< GEMGeometry > &)
MonitorElementbookNumerator1D (DQMStore::IBooker &, MonitorElement *)
void checkCoincidenceGE11 (const GEMRecHit *, const GEMRecHit *, const GEMCSCSegment &)
void findMatchedME11Segments (const reco::MuonCollection *)
bool isME11SegmentMatched (const CSCSegment &)

Private Attributes

const std::string kFolder_
const edm::EDGetTokenT
< GEMCSCSegmentCollection
const edm::ESGetToken
< GEMGeometry,
const std::string kLogCategory_
const uint32_t kMinCSCRecHits_
const edm::EDGetTokenT
< reco::MuonCollection
const bool kUseMuon_
std::vector< const CSCSegment * > matched_me11_segment_vector_
MEMap me_chamber_
MEMap me_chamber_matched_
MEMap me_csc_chamber_type_
MEMap me_csc_chamber_type_matched_
MEMap me_muon_chamber_
MEMap me_muon_chamber_matched_
MEMap me_num_csc_hits_
MEMap me_num_csc_hits_matched_
MEMap me_reduced_chi2_
MEMap me_reduced_chi2_matched_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from GEMOfflineDQMBase
using MEMap = std::map< GEMDetId, dqm::impl::MonitorElement * >
- Public Types inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
typedef dqm::reco::DQMStore DQMStore
typedef dqm::reco::MonitorElement MonitorElement
- Public Types inherited from edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DQMEDAnalyzerGlobalCache >, edm::EndRunProducer, edm::EndLuminosityBlockProducer, edm::Accumulator >
using CacheTypes = CacheContexts< T...>
using GlobalCache = typename CacheTypes::GlobalCache
using HasAbility = AbilityChecker< T...>
using InputProcessBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::InputProcessBlockCache
using LuminosityBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockCache
using LuminosityBlockContext = LuminosityBlockContextT< LuminosityBlockCache, RunCache, GlobalCache >
using LuminosityBlockSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockSummaryCache
using RunCache = typename CacheTypes::RunCache
using RunContext = RunContextT< RunCache, GlobalCache >
using RunSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::RunSummaryCache
- Public Attributes inherited from GEMOfflineDQMBase
std::string log_category_
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
uint64_t meId () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from DQMEDAnalyzer
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenlumiToken_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenrunToken_
unsigned int streamId_

Detailed Description

GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource measures the efficiency of GE11-L1(2) using GE11-L2(1) and ME11 as trigger detectors. See

Seungjin Yang

Definition at line 23 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource ( const edm::ParameterSet parameter_set)

Definition at line 5 of file

6  : GEMOfflineDQMBase(parameter_set),
7  kGEMTokenBeginRun_(esConsumes<edm::Transition::BeginRun>()),
9  consumes<GEMCSCSegmentCollection>(parameter_set.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("gemcscSegmentTag"))),
10  kMuonToken_(consumes<reco::MuonCollection>(parameter_set.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("muonTag"))),
11  kUseMuon_(parameter_set.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useMuon")),
12  kMinCSCRecHits_(parameter_set.getUntrackedParameter<uint32_t>("minCSCRecHits")),
13  kFolder_(parameter_set.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("folder")),
14  kLogCategory_(parameter_set.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("logCategory")) {}
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
const edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::MuonCollection > kMuonToken_
GEMOfflineDQMBase(const edm::ParameterSet &)
const edm::EDGetTokenT< GEMCSCSegmentCollection > kGEMCSCSegmentToken_
const edm::ESGetToken< GEMGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord > kGEMTokenBeginRun_
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::~GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource ( )

Definition at line 16 of file

16 {}

Member Function Documentation

void GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup eventSetup 

Reimplemented from DQMEDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 152 of file

References analyzeME11GE11Segment(), GEMCSCSegment::cscDetId(), findMatchedME11Segments(), edm::Event::getHandle(), patZpeak::handle, CSCDetId::isME11(), kGEMCSCSegmentToken_, kLogCategory_, kMuonToken_, kUseMuon_, and LogDebug.

152  {
154  // get data from Event & EventSetup
155  const GEMCSCSegmentCollection* gemcsc_segment_collection = nullptr;
157  gemcsc_segment_collection = handle.product();
159  } else {
160  edm::LogError(kLogCategory_) << "invalid GEMCSCSegmentCollection";
161  return;
162  }
164  const reco::MuonCollection* muon_collection = nullptr;
165  if (kUseMuon_) {
167  muon_collection = handle.product();
169  } else {
170  edm::LogError(kLogCategory_) << "invalid reco::MuonCollection";
171  return;
172  }
173  }
176  // quick check
177  if (gemcsc_segment_collection->size() < 1) {
178  LogDebug(kLogCategory_) << "empty GEMCSCSegment";
179  return;
180  }
183  //
184  if (kUseMuon_) {
185  findMatchedME11Segments(muon_collection);
186  }
189  // main loop
190  for (edm::OwnVector<GEMCSCSegment>::const_iterator iter = gemcsc_segment_collection->begin();
191  iter != gemcsc_segment_collection->end();
192  iter++) {
193  const GEMCSCSegment& gemcsc_segment = *iter;
195  const CSCDetId csc_id = gemcsc_segment.cscDetId();
196  if (csc_id.isME11()) {
197  analyzeME11GE11Segment(gemcsc_segment);
199  } else {
200  LogDebug(kLogCategory_) << "skip " << csc_id;
201  continue;
202  }
203  } // GEMCSCSegment
204 }
const edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::MuonCollection > kMuonToken_
const edm::EDGetTokenT< GEMCSCSegmentCollection > kGEMCSCSegmentToken_
CSCDetId cscDetId() const
Definition: GEMCSCSegment.h:73
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
std::vector< Muon > MuonCollection
collection of Muon objects
Definition: MuonFwd.h:9
void findMatchedME11Segments(const reco::MuonCollection *)
Handle< PROD > getHandle(EDGetTokenT< PROD > token) const
Definition: Event.h:563
bool isME11() const
void analyzeME11GE11Segment(const GEMCSCSegment &)
tuple handle
#define LogDebug(id)
void GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::analyzeME11GE11Segment ( const GEMCSCSegment gemcsc_segment)

Definition at line 206 of file

References checkCoincidenceGE11(), GEMCSCSegment::cscDetId(), GEMCSCSegment::gemRecHits(), GEMDetId::isGE11(), kLogCategory_, phase1PixelTopology::layer, and GEMDetId::layer().

Referenced by analyze().

206  {
207  const GEMRecHit* ge11_hit_layer1 = nullptr;
208  const GEMRecHit* ge11_hit_layer2 = nullptr;
210  const CSCDetId csc_id = gemcsc_segment.cscDetId();
211  for (const GEMRecHit& gem_hit : gemcsc_segment.gemRecHits()) {
212  const GEMDetId gem_id = gem_hit.gemId();
214  if (not gem_id.isGE11()) {
215  edm::LogWarning(kLogCategory_) << "CSCSegment is in " << csc_id << " but GEMRecHit is in " << gem_id
216  << ". skip this GEMCSCSegment."
217  << "check if RecoLocalMuon/GEMCSCSegment/plugins/ has changed.";
218  return;
219  }
221  const int layer = gem_id.layer();
222  if (layer == 1) {
223  ge11_hit_layer1 = &gem_hit;
225  } else if (layer == 2) {
226  ge11_hit_layer2 = &gem_hit;
228  } else {
229  edm::LogError(kLogCategory_) << "isGE11 but got unexpected layer " << gem_id << ". skip this GEMCSCSegment.";
230  return;
231  }
232  } // GEMRecHit
234  checkCoincidenceGE11(ge11_hit_layer1, ge11_hit_layer2, gemcsc_segment);
235  checkCoincidenceGE11(ge11_hit_layer2, ge11_hit_layer1, gemcsc_segment);
236 }
void checkCoincidenceGE11(const GEMRecHit *, const GEMRecHit *, const GEMCSCSegment &)
CSCDetId cscDetId() const
Definition: GEMCSCSegment.h:73
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
const std::vector< GEMRecHit > & gemRecHits() const
Definition: GEMCSCSegment.h:68
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
bool isGE11() const
constexpr int layer() const
Definition: GEMDetId.h:190
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
void GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::bookEfficiencyChamber ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
const edm::ESHandle< GEMGeometry > &  gem 

Definition at line 42 of file

References dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1D(), bookNumerator1D(), GEMOfflineDQMBase::checkRefs(), GEMOfflineDQMBase::getReStLaKey(), GEMUtils::getSuffixName(), GEMUtils::getSuffixTitle(), submitPVResolutionJobs::key, kFolder_, kLogCategory_, kUseMuon_, LogDebug, me_chamber_, me_chamber_matched_, me_muon_chamber_, me_muon_chamber_matched_, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder(), relativeConstraints::station, and cond::impl::to_string().

Referenced by bookHistograms().

43  {
44  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(kFolder_ + "/Efficiency");
46  for (const GEMStation* station : gem->stations()) {
47  const int region_id = station->region();
48  const int station_id = station->station();
50  if (station_id == 1) {
51  // GE11
52  const std::vector<const GEMSuperChamber*> superchambers = station->superChambers();
53  if (not checkRefs(superchambers)) {
54  edm::LogError(kLogCategory_) << "failed to get a valid vector of GEMSuperChamber ptrs";
55  return;
56  }
58  const int num_chambers = superchambers.size();
59  for (const GEMChamber* chamber :>chambers()) {
60  const int layer_id = chamber->id().layer();
62  const TString name_suffix = GEMUtils::getSuffixName(region_id, station_id, layer_id);
63  const TString title_suffix = GEMUtils::getSuffixTitle(region_id, station_id, layer_id);
64  const GEMDetId key = getReStLaKey(chamber->id());
66  me_chamber_[key] = ibooker.book1D("chamber" + name_suffix, title_suffix, num_chambers, 0.5, num_chambers + 0.5);
67  me_chamber_[key]->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
68  for (int binx = 1; binx <= num_chambers; binx++) {
69  me_chamber_[key]->setBinLabel(binx, std::to_string(binx), 1);
70  }
71  me_chamber_matched_[key] = bookNumerator1D(ibooker, me_chamber_[key]);
73  if (kUseMuon_) {
75  ibooker.book1D("muon_chamber" + name_suffix, title_suffix, num_chambers, 0.5, num_chambers + 0.5);
76  me_muon_chamber_[key]->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
77  for (int binx = 1; binx <= num_chambers; binx++) {
78  me_muon_chamber_[key]->setBinLabel(binx, std::to_string(binx), 1);
79  }
81  }
82  } // layer
84  } else {
85  LogDebug(kLogCategory_) << "skip " << station->getName();
86  continue;
87  }
88  } // station
89 }
GEMDetId getReStLaKey(const GEMDetId &)
TString getSuffixName(Int_t region_id)
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
MonitorElement * bookNumerator1D(DQMStore::IBooker &, MonitorElement *)
std::string to_string(const V &value)
Definition: OMSAccess.h:71
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
TString getSuffixTitle(Int_t region_id)
bool checkRefs(const std::vector< T * > &)
tuple key
prepare the HTCondor submission files and eventually submit them
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
#define LogDebug(id)
virtual void setAxisTitle(const std::string &title, int axis=1)
set x-, y- or z-axis title (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
void GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::bookHistograms ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &  setup 

Implements DQMEDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 29 of file

References bookEfficiencyChamber(), bookMisc(), edm::EventSetup::getHandle(), edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), kGEMTokenBeginRun_, and kLogCategory_.

31  {
32  const edm::ESHandle<GEMGeometry>& gem = setup.getHandle(kGEMTokenBeginRun_);
33  if (not gem.isValid()) {
34  edm::LogError(kLogCategory_) << "invalid GEMGeometry";
35  return;
36  }
38  bookEfficiencyChamber(ibooker, gem);
39  bookMisc(ibooker, gem);
40 }
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
const edm::ESGetToken< GEMGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord > kGEMTokenBeginRun_
void bookMisc(DQMStore::IBooker &, const edm::ESHandle< GEMGeometry > &)
void bookEfficiencyChamber(DQMStore::IBooker &, const edm::ESHandle< GEMGeometry > &)
bool isValid() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:44
void GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::bookMisc ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
const edm::ESHandle< GEMGeometry > &  gem 

Definition at line 91 of file

References dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1D(), bookNumerator1D(), CSCDetId::chamberName(), GEMOfflineDQMBase::checkRefs(), GEMOfflineDQMBase::getReStLaKey(), GEMUtils::getSuffixName(), GEMUtils::getSuffixTitle(), submitPVResolutionJobs::key, kFolder_, kLogCategory_, label, LogDebug, me_csc_chamber_type_, me_csc_chamber_type_matched_, me_num_csc_hits_, me_num_csc_hits_matched_, me_reduced_chi2_, me_reduced_chi2_matched_, dqm::impl::MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder(), relativeConstraints::station, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

91  {
92  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(kFolder_ + "/Misc");
94  for (const GEMStation* station : gem->stations()) {
95  const int region_id = station->region();
96  const int station_id = station->station();
98  if (station_id == 1) {
99  // GE11
100  const std::vector<const GEMSuperChamber*> superchambers = station->superChambers();
101  if (not checkRefs(superchambers)) {
102  edm::LogError(kLogCategory_) << "failed to get a valid vector of GEMSuperChamber ptrs";
103  return;
104  }
106  for (const GEMChamber* chamber :>chambers()) {
107  const int layer_id = chamber->id().layer();
109  const TString name_suffix = GEMUtils::getSuffixName(region_id, station_id, layer_id);
110  const TString title_suffix = GEMUtils::getSuffixTitle(region_id, station_id, layer_id);
111  const GEMDetId key = getReStLaKey(chamber->id());
113  // num_csc_hits
114  me_num_csc_hits_[key] = ibooker.book1D("num_csc_hits" + name_suffix, title_suffix, 4, 2.5, 6.5);
115  me_num_csc_hits_[key]->setAxisTitle("Number of CSCRecHits", 1);
117  me_num_csc_hits_matched_[key] = bookNumerator1D(ibooker, me_num_csc_hits_[key]);
119  // reduced_chi2
120  me_reduced_chi2_[key] = ibooker.book1D("reduced_chi2" + name_suffix, title_suffix, 30, 0, 3);
121  me_reduced_chi2_[key]->setAxisTitle("#chi^{2} / dof", 1);
125  // CSC chamber type
126  //
127  me_csc_chamber_type_[key] = ibooker.book1D("csc_chamber_type" + name_suffix, title_suffix, 10, 0.5, 10.5);
128  me_csc_chamber_type_[key]->setAxisTitle("CSC chamber type", 1);
129  for (int chamber_type = 1; chamber_type <= 10; chamber_type++) {
130  const std::string label = CSCDetId::chamberName(chamber_type);
131  me_csc_chamber_type_[key]->setBinLabel(chamber_type, label, 1);
132  }
136  } // layer
138  } else {
139  LogDebug(kLogCategory_) << "skip " << station->getName();
140  continue;
141  }
142  } // region-station
143 }
GEMDetId getReStLaKey(const GEMDetId &)
TString getSuffixName(Int_t region_id)
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
MonitorElement * bookNumerator1D(DQMStore::IBooker &, MonitorElement *)
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
TString getSuffixTitle(Int_t region_id)
char const * label
bool checkRefs(const std::vector< T * > &)
tuple key
prepare the HTCondor submission files and eventually submit them
std::string chamberName() const
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
#define LogDebug(id)
virtual void setAxisTitle(const std::string &title, int axis=1)
set x-, y- or z-axis title (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
dqm::impl::MonitorElement * GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::bookNumerator1D ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
MonitorElement me 

Definition at line 145 of file

References dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1D(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getName(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getTH1F(), gpuVertexFinder::hist, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by bookEfficiencyChamber(), and bookMisc().

146  {
147  const std::string name = me->getName() + "_matched";
148  TH1F* hist = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(me->getTH1F()->Clone(name.c_str()));
149  return ibooker.book1D(name, hist);
150 }
virtual TH1F * getTH1F() const
const std::string & getName() const
get name of ME
__shared__ Hist hist
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
void GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::checkCoincidenceGE11 ( const GEMRecHit trigger_layer_hit,
const GEMRecHit detection_layer_hit,
const GEMCSCSegment gemcsc_segment 

Definition at line 238 of file

References GEMDetId::chamber(), GEMCSCSegment::chi2(), GEMCSCSegment::cscDetId(), GEMCSCSegment::cscRecHits(), GEMCSCSegment::cscSegment(), GEMCSCSegment::degreesOfFreedom(), GEMOfflineDQMBase::fillME(), GEMRecHit::gemId(), CSCDetId::iChamberType(), isME11SegmentMatched(), submitPVResolutionJobs::key, kLogCategory_, kMinCSCRecHits_, kUseMuon_, GEMDetId::layer(), LogDebug, me_chamber_, me_chamber_matched_, me_csc_chamber_type_, me_csc_chamber_type_matched_, me_muon_chamber_, me_muon_chamber_matched_, me_num_csc_hits_, me_num_csc_hits_matched_, me_reduced_chi2_, me_reduced_chi2_matched_, SiStripPI::min, GEMDetId::region(), and GEMDetId::station().

Referenced by analyzeME11GE11Segment().

240  {
241  if (trigger_layer_hit == nullptr) {
242  LogDebug(kLogCategory_) << "trigger_layer_hit is nullptr";
243  return;
244  }
246  const GEMDetId trigger_layer_id = trigger_layer_hit->gemId();
247  const int detection_layer = trigger_layer_id.layer() == 1 ? 2 : 1;
248  // detection layer key
249  // GEMDetId(int region, int ring, int station, int layer, int chamber, int ieta)
250  const GEMDetId key{trigger_layer_id.region(), 1, trigger_layer_id.station(), detection_layer, 0, 0};
252  const int chamber = trigger_layer_id.chamber();
253  const bool is_matched = kUseMuon_ ? isME11SegmentMatched(gemcsc_segment.cscSegment()) : false;
255  const int num_csc_hits = gemcsc_segment.cscRecHits().size();
256  // TODO fillMEWithinLimits
257  const double reduced_chi2 = std::min(gemcsc_segment.chi2() / gemcsc_segment.degreesOfFreedom(), 2.9999);
258  const int csc_chamber_type = gemcsc_segment.cscDetId().iChamberType();
260  // TODO add a method
261  const bool is_good = gemcsc_segment.cscRecHits().size() >= kMinCSCRecHits_;
263  fillME(me_num_csc_hits_, key, num_csc_hits);
264  fillME(me_reduced_chi2_, key, reduced_chi2);
265  fillME(me_csc_chamber_type_, key, csc_chamber_type);
266  if (detection_layer_hit) {
267  fillME(me_num_csc_hits_matched_, key, num_csc_hits);
268  fillME(me_reduced_chi2_matched_, key, reduced_chi2);
269  fillME(me_csc_chamber_type_matched_, key, csc_chamber_type);
270  }
272  if (is_good) {
273  // twofold coincidence rate
274  fillME(me_chamber_, key, chamber);
275  if (is_matched) {
276  fillME(me_muon_chamber_, key, chamber);
277  }
279  // threefold coincidence rate
280  if (detection_layer_hit) {
281  fillME(me_chamber_matched_, key, chamber);
282  if (is_matched) {
284  }
285  }
286  }
287 }
CSCDetId cscDetId() const
Definition: GEMCSCSegment.h:73
int degreesOfFreedom() const override
Degrees of freedom of the segment fit.
Definition: GEMCSCSegment.h:62
double chi2() const override
Chi2 of the segment fit.
Definition: GEMCSCSegment.h:58
constexpr int region() const
Definition: GEMDetId.h:171
tuple key
prepare the HTCondor submission files and eventually submit them
unsigned short iChamberType() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:96
const std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > & cscRecHits() const
Definition: GEMCSCSegment.h:69
void fillME(MEMap &me_map, const GEMDetId &key, const float x)
constexpr int chamber() const
Definition: GEMDetId.h:183
constexpr int layer() const
Definition: GEMDetId.h:190
constexpr int station() const
Definition: GEMDetId.h:179
bool isME11SegmentMatched(const CSCSegment &)
GEMDetId gemId() const
Return the gemId.
Definition: GEMRecHit.h:65
const CSCSegment cscSegment() const
Definition: GEMCSCSegment.h:67
#define LogDebug(id)
void GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::fillDescriptions ( edm::ConfigurationDescriptions descriptions)

Definition at line 18 of file

References edm::ParameterSetDescription::add(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::addUntracked(), edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::addWithDefaultLabel(), submitPVResolutionJobs::desc, HLT_FULL_cff::InputTag, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

18  {
20  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("gemcscSegmentTag", edm::InputTag("gemcscSegments"));
21  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("muonTag", edm::InputTag("muons"));
22  desc.addUntracked<bool>("useMuon", false);
23  desc.addUntracked<uint32_t>("minCSCRecHits", 6u);
24  desc.addUntracked<std::string>("folder", "GEM/Efficiency/GEMCSCSegment");
25  desc.addUntracked<std::string>("logCategory", "GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource");
26  descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
27 }
void addWithDefaultLabel(ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
ParameterDescriptionBase * addUntracked(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
void GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::findMatchedME11Segments ( const reco::MuonCollection muon_collection)

Definition at line 289 of file

References reco::MuonSegmentMatch::BestInStationByDR, MuonSubdetId::CSC, reco::MuonSegmentMatch::cscSegmentRef, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::get(), reco::MuonSegmentMatch::isMask(), matched_me11_segment_vector_, reco::Muon::matches(), and HLT_FULL_cff::muon.

Referenced by analyze().

289  {
291  for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < muon_collection->size(); idx++) {
292  const reco::Muon& muon = muon_collection->at(idx);
294  for (const reco::MuonChamberMatch& chamber_match : muon.matches()) {
295  if (chamber_match.detector() != MuonSubdetId::CSC) {
296  continue;
297  }
299  const CSCDetId csc_id{};
300  if (not csc_id.isME11()) {
301  continue;
302  }
304  for (const reco::MuonSegmentMatch& segment_match : chamber_match.segmentMatches) {
305  if (not segment_match.isMask(reco::MuonSegmentMatch::BestInStationByDR)) {
306  continue;
307  }
308  matched_me11_segment_vector_.push_back(segment_match.cscSegmentRef.get());
309  } // MuonSegmentMatch
310  } // MuonChamberMatch
311  } // MuonCollection
312 }
CSCSegmentRef cscSegmentRef
static const unsigned int BestInStationByDR
T const * get() const
Returns C++ pointer to the item.
Definition: Ref.h:232
bool isMask(unsigned int flag=Arbitrated) const
std::vector< MuonChamberMatch > & matches()
get muon matching information
Definition: Muon.h:145
std::vector< const CSCSegment * > matched_me11_segment_vector_
static constexpr int CSC
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:12
bool GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::isME11SegmentMatched ( const CSCSegment csc_segment)

Definition at line 315 of file

References CSCSegment::cscDetId(), newFWLiteAna::found, CSCDetId::isME11(), CSCSegment::localPosition(), matched_me11_segment_vector_, CSCSegment::time(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by checkCoincidenceGE11().

315  {
316  bool found = false;
318  const CSCDetId csc_id = csc_segment.cscDetId();
319  if (not csc_id.isME11()) {
320  return false;
321  }
323  for (const CSCSegment* matched_segment : matched_me11_segment_vector_) {
324  if (csc_id != matched_segment->cscDetId())
325  continue;
326  if (csc_segment.localPosition().x() != matched_segment->localPosition().x())
327  continue;
328  if (csc_segment.localPosition().y() != matched_segment->localPosition().y())
329  continue;
330  if (csc_segment.localPosition().z() != matched_segment->localPosition().z())
331  continue;
332  if (csc_segment.time() != matched_segment->time())
333  continue;
335  found = true;
336  }
338  return found;
339 }
LocalPoint localPosition() const override
Definition: CSCSegment.h:39
CSCDetId cscDetId() const
Definition: CSCSegment.h:70
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:60
bool isME11() const
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:61
std::vector< const CSCSegment * > matched_me11_segment_vector_
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:59
float time() const

Member Data Documentation

const std::string GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::kFolder_

Definition at line 49 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookEfficiencyChamber(), and bookMisc().

const edm::EDGetTokenT<GEMCSCSegmentCollection> GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::kGEMCSCSegmentToken_

Definition at line 45 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by analyze().

const edm::ESGetToken<GEMGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord> GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::kGEMTokenBeginRun_

Definition at line 44 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookHistograms().

const std::string GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::kLogCategory_
const uint32_t GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::kMinCSCRecHits_

Definition at line 48 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by checkCoincidenceGE11().

const edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::MuonCollection> GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::kMuonToken_

Definition at line 46 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by analyze().

const bool GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::kUseMuon_
std::vector<const CSCSegment *> GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::matched_me11_segment_vector_

Definition at line 53 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by findMatchedME11Segments(), and isME11SegmentMatched().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_chamber_

Definition at line 56 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookEfficiencyChamber(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_chamber_matched_

Definition at line 57 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookEfficiencyChamber(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_csc_chamber_type_

Definition at line 65 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookMisc(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_csc_chamber_type_matched_

Definition at line 66 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookMisc(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_muon_chamber_

Definition at line 58 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookEfficiencyChamber(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_muon_chamber_matched_

Definition at line 59 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookEfficiencyChamber(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_num_csc_hits_

Definition at line 61 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookMisc(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_num_csc_hits_matched_

Definition at line 62 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookMisc(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_reduced_chi2_

Definition at line 63 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookMisc(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().

MEMap GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource::me_reduced_chi2_matched_

Definition at line 64 of file GEMEffByGEMCSCSegmentSource.h.

Referenced by bookMisc(), and checkCoincidenceGE11().