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PPSAlignmentHarvester Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PPSAlignmentHarvester:
DQMEDHarvester edm::one::EDProducer< T > edm::one::EDProducerBase edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

Public Member Functions

 PPSAlignmentHarvester (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
 ~PPSAlignmentHarvester () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from DQMEDHarvester
void accumulate (edm::Event const &ev, edm::EventSetup const &es) final
void beginJob () override
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void beginRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &) override
virtual void dqmAnalyze (DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &, edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
 DQMEDHarvester (edm::ParameterSet const &iConfig)
 DQMEDHarvester ()
virtual void dqmEndLuminosityBlock (DQMStore::IBooker &, DQMStore::IGetter &, edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &) final
void endLuminosityBlockProduce (edm::LuminosityBlock &lumi, edm::EventSetup const &es) final
void endProcessBlockProduce (edm::ProcessBlock &) final
void endRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void endRunProduce (edm::Run &run, edm::EventSetup const &es) final
 ~DQMEDHarvester () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducer< T >
 EDProducer ()=default
 EDProducer (const EDProducer &)=delete
SerialTaskQueueglobalLuminosityBlocksQueue () final
SerialTaskQueueglobalRunsQueue () final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final
bool hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final
const EDProduceroperator= (const EDProducer &)=delete
bool wantsGlobalLuminosityBlocks () const final
bool wantsGlobalRuns () const final
bool wantsInputProcessBlocks () const final
bool wantsProcessBlocks () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
 EDProducerBase ()
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
bool wantsStreamLuminosityBlocks () const
bool wantsStreamRuns () const
 ~EDProducerBase () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
void callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func)
< edm::ProductResolverIndex >
const & 
indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const
 ProducerBase ()
< edm::ProductResolverIndex >
const & 
putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const
void registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &)
std::function< void(BranchDescription
const &)> 
registrationCallback () const
 used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel)
 ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
std::vector< ConsumesInfoconsumesInfo () const
void convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName)
 Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
 EDConsumerBase ()
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
 EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
ESProxyIndex const * esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const
std::vector< ESProxyIndex > const & esGetTokenIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const
std::vector< ESRecordIndex >
const & 
esGetTokenRecordIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const
void itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
void itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit >
const & 
itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const
void labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const
void modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::array< std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > *, NumBranchTypes > &modulesAll, std::vector< ModuleProcessName > &modulesInPreviousProcesses, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const * > const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const
EDConsumerBase const & operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete
EDConsumerBaseoperator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default
bool registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const
bool registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const
void selectInputProcessBlocks (ProductRegistry const &productRegistry, ProcessBlockHelperBase const &processBlockHelperBase)
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const
void updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet)
void updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProxyIndices const &)
virtual ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false)

Static Public Member Functions

static void fillDescriptions (edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)

Private Member Functions

std::unique_ptr< TGraphErrors > buildGraphFromMonitorElements (DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig &rpc, const std::vector< MonitorElement * > &mes, const unsigned int fitProfileMinBinEntries, const unsigned int fitProfileMinNReasonable)
std::unique_ptr< TGraphErrors > buildGraphFromVector (const std::vector< PPSAlignmentConfiguration::PointErrors > &pv)
TH1D * buildModeGraph (DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, const MonitorElement *h2_y_vs_x, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig &rpc)
void doMatch (DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig &rpc, TGraphErrors *g_ref, TGraphErrors *g_test, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::SelectionRange &range_ref, const double sh_min, const double sh_max, double &sh_best, double &sh_best_unc)
void dqmEndJob (DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter) override
void dqmEndRun (DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, edm::Run const &iRun, edm::EventSetup const &iSetup) override
void xAlignment (DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg_ref)
void xAlignmentRelative (DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg)
void yAlignment (DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg)

Static Private Member Functions

static double findMax (const TF1 *ff_fit)
static std::unique_ptr< TH1D > getTH1DFromTGraphErrors (TGraphErrors *graph, const std::string &title="", const std::string &labels="", int n=-1, double binWidth=-1., double min=-1.)
static void writeCutPlot (TH2D *h, const double a, const double c, const double si, const double n_si, const std::string &label)

Private Attributes

const bool debug_
std::unique_ptr< TFile > debugFile_
const std::string dqmDir_
< PPSAlignmentConfiguration,
< PPSAlignmentConfiguration,
const bool overwriteShX_
int seqPos = 1
const std::vector< std::string > sequence_
std::map< unsigned int, double > sh_x_map_
std::ofstream textResultsFile_
const bool writeSQLiteResults_
const bool xAliRelFinalSlopeFixed_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliRelResults_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliResults_
const std::pair< double, double > xCorrRange_
const bool yAliFinalSlopeFixed_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData yAliResults_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData yAliResultsSlopeFixed_
const std::pair< double, double > yCorrRange_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DQMEDHarvester
typedef dqm::harvesting::DQMStore DQMStore
- Public Types inherited from edm::one::EDProducerBase
typedef EDProducerBase ModuleType
- Public Types inherited from edm::ProducerBase
using ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex >>
- Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
typedef ProductLabels Labels
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::ProducerBase
ProducesCollector producesCollector ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B = InEvent>
EDConsumerBaseAdaptor< Bconsumes (edm::InputTag tag) noexcept
EDGetToken consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector ()
 Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<BranchType B>
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes ()
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag)
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
constexpr auto esConsumes ()
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
auto esConsumes (ESInputTag tag)
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event>
ESGetTokenGeneric esConsumes (eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey const &iRecord, eventsetup::DataKey const &iKey)
 Used with EventSetupRecord::doGet. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
void resetItemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DQMEDHarvester
edm::GetterOfProducts< DQMTokenjobmegetter_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenjobToken_
edm::GetterOfProducts< DQMTokenlumimegetter_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenlumiToken_
edm::GetterOfProducts< DQMTokenrunmegetter_
edm::EDPutTokenT< DQMTokenrunToken_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PPSAlignmentHarvester::PPSAlignmentHarvester ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig)

Definition at line 141 of file

References debug_, debugFile_, dqmDir_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), mps_fire::i, submitPVResolutionJobs::out, overwriteShX_, sequence_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, textResultsFile_, pileupReCalc_HLTpaths::trunc, writeSQLiteResults_, xAliRelFinalSlopeFixed_, xCorrRange_, yAliFinalSlopeFixed_, and yCorrRange_.

142  : esTokenTest_(esConsumes<PPSAlignmentConfiguration, PPSAlignmentConfigurationRcd, edm::Transition::EndRun>(
143  edm::ESInputTag("", ""))),
144  esTokenReference_(esConsumes<PPSAlignmentConfiguration, PPSAlignmentConfigurationRcd, edm::Transition::EndRun>(
145  edm::ESInputTag("", "reference"))),
146  dqmDir_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("dqm_dir")),
147  sequence_(iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("sequence")),
148  overwriteShX_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("overwrite_sh_x")),
149  writeSQLiteResults_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("write_sqlite_results")),
150  xAliRelFinalSlopeFixed_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("x_ali_rel_final_slope_fixed")),
151  yAliFinalSlopeFixed_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("y_ali_final_slope_fixed")),
152  xCorrRange_(std::make_pair(iConfig.getParameter<double>("x_corr_min") / 1000.,
153  iConfig.getParameter<double>("x_corr_max") / 1000.)), // um -> mm
154  yCorrRange_(std::make_pair(iConfig.getParameter<double>("y_corr_min") / 1000.,
155  iConfig.getParameter<double>("y_corr_max") / 1000.)), // um -> mm
156  debug_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("debug")) {
157  auto textResultsPath = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("text_results_path");
158  if (!textResultsPath.empty()) {
159, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
160  }
161  if (debug_) {
162  debugFile_ = std::make_unique<TFile>("debug_harvester.root", "recreate");
163  }
165  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester").log([&](auto& li) {
166  li << "parameters:\n";
167  li << "* dqm_dir: " << dqmDir_ << "\n";
168  li << "* sequence:\n";
169  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sequence_.size(); i++) {
170  li << " " << i + 1 << ": " << sequence_[i] << "\n";
171  }
172  li << "* overwrite_sh_x: " << std::boolalpha << overwriteShX_ << "\n";
173  li << "* text_results_path: " << textResultsPath << "\n";
174  li << "* write_sqlite_results: " << std::boolalpha << writeSQLiteResults_ << "\n";
175  li << "* x_ali_rel_final_slope_fixed: " << std::boolalpha << xAliRelFinalSlopeFixed_ << "\n";
176  li << "* y_ali_final_slope_fixed: " << std::boolalpha << yAliFinalSlopeFixed_ << "\n";
177  // print in um
178  li << "* x_corr_min: " << std::fixed << xCorrRange_.first * 1000. << ", x_corr_max: " << xCorrRange_.second * 1000.
179  << "\n";
180  // print in um
181  li << "* y_corr_min: " << std::fixed << yCorrRange_.first * 1000. << ", y_corr_max: " << yCorrRange_.second * 1000.;
182  li << "* debug: " << std::boolalpha << debug_ << "\n";
183  });
184 }
edm::ESGetToken< PPSAlignmentConfiguration, PPSAlignmentConfigurationRcd > esTokenReference_
const std::pair< double, double > yCorrRange_
const std::vector< std::string > sequence_
edm::ESGetToken< PPSAlignmentConfiguration, PPSAlignmentConfigurationRcd > esTokenTest_
std::unique_ptr< TFile > debugFile_
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
const std::pair< double, double > xCorrRange_
PPSAlignmentHarvester::~PPSAlignmentHarvester ( )

Definition at line 186 of file

References textResultsFile_.

186  {
187  if (textResultsFile_.is_open()) {
188  textResultsFile_.close();
189  }
190 }

Member Function Documentation

std::unique_ptr< TGraphErrors > PPSAlignmentHarvester::buildGraphFromMonitorElements ( DQMStore::IGetter iGetter,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig rpc,
const std::vector< MonitorElement * > &  mes,
const unsigned int  fitProfileMinBinEntries,
const unsigned int  fitProfileMinNReasonable 

Definition at line 374 of file

References ztail::d, debug_, alig_utils::fitProfile(), g, dqm::implementation::IGetter::get(), hlt_dqm_clientPB-live_cfg::me, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::y_cen_add_, and PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::y_width_mult_.

Referenced by xAlignment().

379  {
380  auto g = std::make_unique<TGraphErrors>();
382  for (auto* me : mes) {
383  if (me->getName() == "h_y") // find "h_y"
384  {
385  // retrieve parent directory
386  std::string parentPath = me->getPathname();
387  size_t parentPos = parentPath.substr(0, parentPath.size() - 1).find_last_of('/') + 1;
388  std::string parentName = parentPath.substr(parentPos);
389  size_t d = parentName.find('-');
390  const double x_min = std::stod(parentName.substr(0, d));
391  const double x_max = std::stod(parentName.substr(d + 1));
393  TH1D* h_y = me->getTH1D();
395  // collect "p_y_diffFN_vs_y" corresponding to found "h_y"
396  auto* p_y_diffFN_vs_y_monitor = iGetter.get(parentPath + "p_y_diffFN_vs_y");
397  if (p_y_diffFN_vs_y_monitor == nullptr) {
398  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << "[x_alignment] could not find p_y_diffFN_vs_y in: " << parentPath;
399  continue;
400  }
401  TProfile* p_y_diffFN_vs_y = p_y_diffFN_vs_y_monitor->getTProfile();
403  double y_cen = h_y->GetMean() + rpc.y_cen_add_;
404  double y_width = h_y->GetRMS() * rpc.y_width_mult_;
406  double sl, sl_unc;
407  int fr = alig_utils::fitProfile(
408  p_y_diffFN_vs_y, y_cen, y_width, fitProfileMinBinEntries, fitProfileMinNReasonable, sl, sl_unc);
409  if (fr != 0)
410  continue;
412  if (debug_)
413  p_y_diffFN_vs_y->Write(parentName.c_str());
415  int idx = g->GetN();
416  g->SetPoint(idx, (x_max + x_min) / 2., sl);
417  g->SetPointError(idx, (x_max - x_min) / 2., sl_unc);
418  }
419  }
420  g->Sort();
422  return g;
423 }
int fitProfile(TProfile *p, double x_mean, double x_rms, unsigned int minBinEntries, unsigned int minNBinsReasonable, double &sl, double &sl_unc)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e g
Definition: Activities.doc:4
tuple d
virtual MonitorElement * get(std::string const &fullpath) const
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
std::unique_ptr< TGraphErrors > PPSAlignmentHarvester::buildGraphFromVector ( const std::vector< PPSAlignmentConfiguration::PointErrors > &  pv)

Definition at line 359 of file

References g, mps_fire::i, and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by xAlignment().

360  {
361  auto g = std::make_unique<TGraphErrors>();
363  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pv.size(); i++) {
364  const auto& p = pv[i];
365  g->SetPoint(i, p.x_, p.y_);
366  g->SetPointError(i, p.ex_, p.ey_);
367  }
368  g->Sort();
370  return g;
371 }
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e g
Definition: Activities.doc:4
TH1D * PPSAlignmentHarvester::buildModeGraph ( DQMStore::IBooker iBooker,
const MonitorElement h2_y_vs_x,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration cfg,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig rpc 

Definition at line 796 of file

References dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1DD(), visDQMUpload::buf, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::chiSqThreshold(), debug_, change_name::diff, findMax(), dqm::impl::MonitorElement::getNbinsX(), dqm::legacy::MonitorElement::getTH2D(), SiStripPI::min, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::multSelProjYMinEntries(), mathSSE::sqrt(), w(), x, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::x_max_fit_mode_, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::x_min_fit_mode_, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::y_max_fit_mode_, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::y_mode_max_valid(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::y_mode_sys_unc(), and PPSAlignmentConfiguration::y_mode_unc_max_valid().

Referenced by yAlignment().

799  {
800  TDirectory* d_top = nullptr;
801  if (debug_)
802  d_top = gDirectory;
804  auto ff_fit = std::make_unique<TF1>("ff_fit", "[0] * exp(-(x-[1])*(x-[1])/2./[2]/[2]) + [3] + [4]*x");
806  int h_n = h2_y_vs_x->getNbinsX();
807  double diff = h2_y_vs_x->getTH2D()->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1) / 2.;
808  auto h_mode = iBooker.book1DD("mode",
809  ";x (mm); mode of y (mm)",
810  h_n,
811  h2_y_vs_x->getTH2D()->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) - diff,
812  h2_y_vs_x->getTH2D()->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(h_n) + diff);
814  // find mode for each bin
815  for (int bix = 1; bix <= h_n; bix++) {
816  const double x = h2_y_vs_x->getTH2D()->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(bix);
818  char buf[100];
819  sprintf(buf, "h_y_x=%.3f", x);
820  TH1D* h_y = h2_y_vs_x->getTH2D()->ProjectionY(buf, bix, bix);
822  if (h_y->GetEntries() < cfg.multSelProjYMinEntries())
823  continue;
825  if (debug_) {
826  sprintf(buf, "x=%.3f", x);
827  gDirectory = d_top->mkdir(buf);
828  }
830  double conMax = -1.;
831  double conMax_x = 0.;
832  for (int biy = 1; biy < h_y->GetNbinsX(); biy++) {
833  if (h_y->GetBinContent(biy) > conMax) {
834  conMax = h_y->GetBinContent(biy);
835  conMax_x = h_y->GetBinCenter(biy);
836  }
837  }
839  ff_fit->SetParameters(conMax, conMax_x, h_y->GetRMS() * 0.75, 0., 0.);
840  ff_fit->FixParameter(4, 0.);
842  double x_min = rpc.x_min_fit_mode_, x_max = rpc.x_max_fit_mode_;
843  h_y->Fit(ff_fit.get(), "Q", "", x_min, x_max);
845  ff_fit->ReleaseParameter(4);
846  double w = std::min(4., 2. * ff_fit->GetParameter(2));
847  x_min = ff_fit->GetParameter(1) - w;
848  x_max = std::min(rpc.y_max_fit_mode_, ff_fit->GetParameter(1) + w);
850  h_y->Fit(ff_fit.get(), "Q", "", x_min, x_max);
852  if (debug_)
853  h_y->Write("h_y");
855  double y_mode = findMax(ff_fit.get());
856  const double y_mode_fit_unc = ff_fit->GetParameter(2) / 10;
857  const double y_mode_sys_unc = cfg.y_mode_sys_unc();
858  double y_mode_unc = std::sqrt(y_mode_fit_unc * y_mode_fit_unc + y_mode_sys_unc * y_mode_sys_unc);
860  const double chiSqThreshold = cfg.chiSqThreshold();
862  const bool valid =
863  !(std::fabs(y_mode_unc) > cfg.y_mode_unc_max_valid() || std::fabs(y_mode) > cfg.y_mode_max_valid() ||
864  ff_fit->GetChisquare() / ff_fit->GetNDF() > chiSqThreshold);
866  if (debug_) {
867  auto g_data = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
868  g_data->SetPoint(0, y_mode, y_mode_unc);
869  g_data->SetPoint(1, ff_fit->GetChisquare(), ff_fit->GetNDF());
870  g_data->SetPoint(2, valid, 0.);
871  g_data->Write("g_data");
872  }
874  if (!valid)
875  continue;
877  h_mode->Fill(x, y_mode);
878  h_mode->setBinError(bix, y_mode_unc);
879  }
881  return h_mode->getTH1D();
882 }
virtual TH2D * getTH2D() const
unsigned int multSelProjYMinEntries() const
MonitorElement * book1DD(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:155
virtual int getNbinsX() const
get # of bins in X-axis
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
static double findMax(const TF1 *ff_fit)
T w() const
void PPSAlignmentHarvester::doMatch ( DQMStore::IBooker iBooker,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration cfg,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig rpc,
TGraphErrors *  g_ref,
TGraphErrors *  g_test,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::SelectionRange range_ref,
const double  sh_min,
const double  sh_max,
double &  sh_best,
double &  sh_best_unc 

Definition at line 426 of file

References PPSAlignmentConfiguration::alignment_x_meth_o_ranges(), dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1DD(), debug_, getTH1DFromTGraphErrors(), mps_fire::i, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::id_, dqmiolumiharvest::j, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::methOUncFitRange(), funct::pow(), mathSSE::sqrt(), x, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::x_ali_sh_step(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::SelectionRange::x_max_, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::SelectionRange::x_min_, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::x_slice_min_, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::x_slice_n_, and PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig::x_slice_w_.

Referenced by xAlignment().

435  {
436  const auto range_test = cfg.alignment_x_meth_o_ranges().at(rpc.id_);
438  // print config
439  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "[x_alignment] "
440  << "ref: x_min = " << range_ref.x_min_ << ", x_max = " << range_ref.x_max_
441  << "\n"
442  << "test: x_min = " << range_test.x_min_ << ", x_max = " << range_test.x_max_;
444  // make spline from g_ref
445  auto s_ref = std::make_unique<TSpline3>("s_ref", g_ref->GetX(), g_ref->GetY(), g_ref->GetN());
447  // book match-quality graphs
448  auto g_n_points = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
449  g_n_points->SetName("g_n_points");
450  g_n_points->SetTitle(";sh;N");
451  auto g_chi_sq = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
452  g_chi_sq->SetName("g_chi_sq");
453  g_chi_sq->SetTitle(";sh;S2");
454  auto g_chi_sq_norm = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
455  g_chi_sq_norm->SetName("g_chi_sq_norm");
456  g_chi_sq_norm->SetTitle(";sh;S2 / N");
458  // optimalisation variables
459  double S2_norm_best = 1E100;
461  for (double sh = sh_min; sh <= sh_max; sh += cfg.x_ali_sh_step()) {
462  // calculate chi^2
463  int n_points = 0;
464  double S2 = 0.;
466  for (int i = 0; i < g_test->GetN(); ++i) {
467  const double x_test = g_test->GetX()[i];
468  const double y_test = g_test->GetY()[i];
469  const double y_test_unc = g_test->GetErrorY(i);
471  const double x_ref = x_test + sh;
473  if (x_ref < range_ref.x_min_ || x_ref > range_ref.x_max_ || x_test < range_test.x_min_ ||
474  x_test > range_test.x_max_)
475  continue;
477  const double y_ref = s_ref->Eval(x_ref);
479  int js = -1, jg = -1;
480  double xs = -1E100, xg = +1E100;
481  for (int j = 0; j < g_ref->GetN(); ++j) {
482  const double x = g_ref->GetX()[j];
483  if (x < x_ref && x > xs) {
484  xs = x;
485  js = j;
486  }
487  if (x > x_ref && x < xg) {
488  xg = x;
489  jg = j;
490  }
491  }
492  if (jg == -1)
493  jg = js;
495  const double y_ref_unc = (g_ref->GetErrorY(js) + g_ref->GetErrorY(jg)) / 2.;
497  n_points++;
498  const double S2_inc = pow(y_test - y_ref, 2.) / (y_ref_unc * y_ref_unc + y_test_unc * y_test_unc);
499  S2 += S2_inc;
500  }
502  // update best result
503  double S2_norm = S2 / n_points;
505  if (S2_norm < S2_norm_best) {
506  S2_norm_best = S2_norm;
507  sh_best = sh;
508  }
510  // fill in graphs
511  int idx = g_n_points->GetN();
512  g_n_points->SetPoint(idx, sh, n_points);
513  g_chi_sq->SetPoint(idx, sh, S2);
514  g_chi_sq_norm->SetPoint(idx, sh, S2_norm);
515  }
517  auto ff_pol2 = std::make_unique<TF1>("ff_pol2", "[0] + [1]*x + [2]*x*x");
519  // determine uncertainty
520  double fit_range = cfg.methOUncFitRange();
521  g_chi_sq->Fit(ff_pol2.get(), "Q", "", sh_best - fit_range, sh_best + fit_range);
522  sh_best_unc = 1. / sqrt(ff_pol2->GetParameter(2));
524  // print results
525  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "[x_alignment] "
526  << "sh_best = (" << sh_best << " +- " << sh_best_unc << ") mm";
528  auto g_test_shifted = std::make_unique<TGraphErrors>(*g_test);
529  for (int i = 0; i < g_test_shifted->GetN(); ++i) {
530  g_test_shifted->GetX()[i] += sh_best;
531  }
533  std::unique_ptr<TH1D> histPtr = getTH1DFromTGraphErrors(
534  g_test_shifted.get(), "test_shifted", ";x (mm);S", rpc.x_slice_n_, rpc.x_slice_w_, rpc.x_slice_min_ + sh_best);
535  iBooker.book1DD("h_test_shifted", histPtr.get());
537  if (debug_) {
538  // save graphs
539  g_n_points->Write();
540  g_chi_sq->Write();
541  g_chi_sq_norm->Write();
542  g_test_shifted->SetTitle(";x (mm);S");
543  g_test_shifted->Write("g_test_shifted");
545  // save results
546  auto g_results = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
547  g_results->SetName("g_results");
548  g_results->SetPoint(0, sh_best, sh_best_unc);
549  g_results->SetPoint(1, range_ref.x_min_, range_ref.x_max_);
550  g_results->SetPoint(2, range_test.x_min_, range_test.x_max_);
551  g_results->Write();
553  // save debug canvas
554  auto c_cmp = std::make_unique<TCanvas>("c_cmp");
555  g_ref->SetLineColor(1);
556  g_ref->SetName("g_ref");
557  g_ref->Draw("apl");
559  g_test->SetLineColor(4);
560  g_test->SetName("g_test");
561  g_test->Draw("pl");
563  g_test_shifted->SetLineColor(2);
564  g_test_shifted->SetName("g_test_shifted");
566  g_test_shifted->Draw("pl");
567  c_cmp->Write();
568  }
569 }
static std::unique_ptr< TH1D > getTH1DFromTGraphErrors(TGraphErrors *graph, const std::string &title="", const std::string &labels="", int n=-1, double binWidth=-1., double min=-1.)
MonitorElement * book1DD(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:155
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
const std::map< unsigned int, SelectionRange > & alignment_x_meth_o_ranges() const
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29
void PPSAlignmentHarvester::dqmEndJob ( DQMStore::IBooker iBooker,
DQMStore::IGetter iGetter 

Implements DQMEDHarvester.

Definition at line 211 of file

211 {}
void PPSAlignmentHarvester::dqmEndRun ( DQMStore::IBooker iBooker,
DQMStore::IGetter iGetter,
edm::Run const &  iRun,
edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup 

Reimplemented from DQMEDHarvester.

Definition at line 213 of file

References CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData::addCorrections(), CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData::addRPCorrection(), b, looper::cfg, cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::currentTime(), debug_, debugFile_, dqmDir_, esTokenReference_, esTokenTest_, dqm::implementation::IGetter::get(), edm::EventSetup::getData(), CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData::getRPCorrection(), CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData::getShX(), edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), omtf::DataWord64::rpc, seqPos, sequence_, sh_x_map_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, textResultsFile_, writeCutPlot(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::writeOneIOV(), writeSQLiteResults_, xAlignment(), xAlignmentRelative(), xAliRelFinalSlopeFixed_, xAliRelResults_, xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_, xAliResults_, xCorrRange_, yAliFinalSlopeFixed_, yAlignment(), yAliResults_, yAliResultsSlopeFixed_, and yCorrRange_.

216  {
217  const auto& cfg = iSetup.getData(esTokenTest_);
219  const auto& cfg_ref = iSetup.getData(esTokenReference_);
221  // setting default sh_x values from config
222  for (const auto& sc : {cfg.sectorConfig45(), cfg.sectorConfig56()}) {
223  for (const auto& rpc : {sc.rp_N_, sc.rp_F_}) {
224  sh_x_map_[rpc.id_] = rpc.sh_x_;
225  }
226  }
227  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester").log([&](auto& li) {
228  li << "Setting sh_x from config of:\n";
229  for (const auto& sc : {cfg.sectorConfig45(), cfg.sectorConfig56()}) {
230  for (const auto& rpc : {sc.rp_N_, sc.rp_F_}) {
231  li << " " << rpc.name_ << " to " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << rpc.sh_x_;
232  if (rpc.name_ != "R_2_F")
233  li << "\n";
234  }
235  }
236  });
238  bool doXAli = false, doXAliRel = false, doYAli = false;
239  for (const std::string& aliMethod : sequence_) {
240  if (aliMethod == "x_alignment") {
241  xAlignment(iBooker, iGetter, cfg, cfg_ref);
242  doXAli = true;
243  } else if (aliMethod == "x_alignment_relative") {
244  xAlignmentRelative(iBooker, iGetter, cfg);
245  doXAliRel = true;
246  } else if (aliMethod == "y_alignment") {
247  yAlignment(iBooker, iGetter, cfg);
248  doYAli = true;
249  } else
250  edm::LogError("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << aliMethod << " is a wrong method name.";
251  seqPos++;
252  }
254  // merge results from all the specified methods
255  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData finalResults;
256  if (doXAli) { // x alignment
257  finalResults.addCorrections(xAliResults_);
258  if (doXAliRel) { // merge with x alignment relative
259  for (const auto& sc : {cfg.sectorConfig45(), cfg.sectorConfig56()}) {
260  // extract shifts
261  double d_x_N = xAliResults_.getRPCorrection(sc.rp_N_.id_).getShX();
262  double d_x_F = xAliResults_.getRPCorrection(sc.rp_F_.id_).getShX();
264  double d_x_rel_N, d_x_rel_F;
266  d_x_rel_N = xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_.getRPCorrection(sc.rp_N_.id_).getShX();
267  d_x_rel_F = xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_.getRPCorrection(sc.rp_F_.id_).getShX();
268  } else {
269  d_x_rel_N = xAliRelResults_.getRPCorrection(sc.rp_N_.id_).getShX();
270  d_x_rel_F = xAliRelResults_.getRPCorrection(sc.rp_F_.id_).getShX();
271  }
273  // merge the results
274  double b = d_x_rel_N - d_x_rel_F;
275  double xCorrRel = b + d_x_F - d_x_N;
277  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData corrRelN(xCorrRel / 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
278  finalResults.addRPCorrection(sc.rp_N_.id_, corrRelN);
279  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData corrRelF(-xCorrRel / 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
280  finalResults.addRPCorrection(sc.rp_F_.id_, corrRelF);
281  }
282  }
283  }
284  if (doYAli) { // y alignment
285  if (yAliFinalSlopeFixed_) {
287  } else {
288  finalResults.addCorrections(yAliResults_);
289  }
290  }
292  // check if the results are within the reasonability ranges xCorrRange and yCorrRange
293  for (const auto& sc : {cfg.sectorConfig45(), cfg.sectorConfig56()}) {
294  for (const auto& rpc : {sc.rp_F_, sc.rp_N_}) {
295  auto& rpResults = finalResults.getRPCorrection(rpc.id_);
297  if (!(xCorrRange_.first <= rpResults.getShX() && rpResults.getShX() <= xCorrRange_.second)) {
298  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
299  << "The horizontal shift of " << rpc.name_ << " (" << std::fixed << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(1)
300  << rpResults.getShX() * 1000. << " um) outside of the reasonability range. Setting it to 0.";
301  rpResults.setShX(0.);
302  rpResults.setShXUnc(0.);
303  }
305  if (!(yCorrRange_.first <= rpResults.getShY() && rpResults.getShY() <= yCorrRange_.second)) {
306  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
307  << "The vertical shift of " << rpc.name_ << " (" << std::fixed << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(1)
308  << rpResults.getShY() * 1000. << " um) outside of the reasonability range. Setting it to 0.";
309  rpResults.setShY(0.);
310  rpResults.setShYUnc(0.);
311  }
312  }
313  }
315  // print the text results
316  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << "final merged results:\n" << finalResults;
318  if (textResultsFile_.is_open()) {
319  textResultsFile_ << "final merged results:\n" << finalResults;
320  }
322  // if requested, store the results in a DB object
323  if (writeSQLiteResults_) {
325  if (poolDbService.isAvailable()) {
326  poolDbService->writeOneIOV(finalResults, poolDbService->currentTime(), "CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsDataRcd");
327  } else {
328  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
329  << "Could not store the results in a DB object. PoolDBService not available.";
330  }
331  }
333  // if debug_, save nice-looking cut plots with the worker data in the debug ROOT file
334  if (debug_) {
335  TDirectory* cutsDir = debugFile_->mkdir("cuts");
336  for (const auto& sc : {cfg.sectorConfig45(), cfg.sectorConfig56()}) {
337  TDirectory* sectorDir = cutsDir->mkdir(sc.name_.c_str());
339  gDirectory = sectorDir->mkdir("cut_h");
340  auto* h2_cut_h_bef_monitor = iGetter.get(dqmDir_ + "/worker/" + sc.name_ + "/cuts/cut_h/h2_cut_h_bef");
341  auto* h2_cut_h_aft_monitor = iGetter.get(dqmDir_ + "/worker/" + sc.name_ + "/cuts/cut_h/h2_cut_h_aft");
342  writeCutPlot(
343  h2_cut_h_bef_monitor->getTH2D(), sc.cut_h_a_, sc.cut_h_c_, cfg.n_si(), sc.cut_h_si_, "canvas_before");
344  writeCutPlot(h2_cut_h_aft_monitor->getTH2D(), sc.cut_h_a_, sc.cut_h_c_, cfg.n_si(), sc.cut_h_si_, "canvas_after");
346  gDirectory = sectorDir->mkdir("cut_v");
347  auto* h2_cut_v_bef_monitor = iGetter.get(dqmDir_ + "/worker/" + sc.name_ + "/cuts/cut_v/h2_cut_v_bef");
348  auto* h2_cut_v_aft_monitor = iGetter.get(dqmDir_ + "/worker/" + sc.name_ + "/cuts/cut_v/h2_cut_v_aft");
349  writeCutPlot(
350  h2_cut_v_bef_monitor->getTH2D(), sc.cut_v_a_, sc.cut_v_c_, cfg.n_si(), sc.cut_v_si_, "canvas_before");
351  writeCutPlot(h2_cut_v_aft_monitor->getTH2D(), sc.cut_v_a_, sc.cut_v_c_, cfg.n_si(), sc.cut_v_si_, "canvas_after");
352  }
353  }
354 }
void xAlignment(DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg_ref)
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData & getRPCorrection(unsigned int id)
returns the correction value from the RP map
tuple cfg
static void writeCutPlot(TH2D *h, const double a, const double c, const double si, const double n_si, const std::string &label)
std::map< unsigned int, double > sh_x_map_
edm::ESGetToken< PPSAlignmentConfiguration, PPSAlignmentConfigurationRcd > esTokenReference_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliRelResults_
const std::pair< double, double > yCorrRange_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData yAliResults_
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
void xAlignmentRelative(DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg)
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData yAliResultsSlopeFixed_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliResults_
virtual MonitorElement * get(std::string const &fullpath) const
bool isAvailable() const
Definition: Service.h:40
Hash writeOneIOV(const T &payload, Time_t time, const std::string &recordName)
void yAlignment(DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg)
const std::vector< std::string > sequence_
edm::ESGetToken< PPSAlignmentConfiguration, PPSAlignmentConfigurationRcd > esTokenTest_
void addRPCorrection(unsigned int, const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData &, bool sumErrors=true, bool addSh=true, bool addRot=true)
std::unique_ptr< TFile > debugFile_
void addCorrections(const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData &, bool sumErrors=true, bool addSh=true, bool addRot=true)
adds (merges) corrections on top of the current values
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
Container for CTPPS RP alignment corrections. The corrections are stored on two levels - RP and senso...
const std::pair< double, double > xCorrRange_
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
Alignment correction for an element of the CT-PPS detector. Within the geometry description, every sensor (more generally every element) is given its translation and rotation. These two quantities shall be understood in local-to-global coordinate transform. That is, if r_l is a point in local coordinate system and x_g in global, then it holds.
void PPSAlignmentHarvester::fillDescriptions ( edm::ConfigurationDescriptions descriptions)

Definition at line 192 of file

References edm::ParameterSetDescription::add(), edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::addWithDefaultLabel(), submitPVResolutionJobs::desc, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

192  {
195  desc.add<std::string>("dqm_dir", "AlCaReco/PPSAlignment");
196  desc.add<std::vector<std::string>>("sequence", {"x_alignment", "x_alignment_relative", "y_alignment"});
197  desc.add<bool>("overwrite_sh_x", true);
198  desc.add<std::string>("text_results_path", "./alignment_results.txt");
199  desc.add<bool>("write_sqlite_results", false);
200  desc.add<bool>("x_ali_rel_final_slope_fixed", true);
201  desc.add<bool>("y_ali_final_slope_fixed", true);
202  desc.add<double>("x_corr_min", -1'000'000.);
203  desc.add<double>("x_corr_max", 1'000'000.);
204  desc.add<double>("y_corr_min", -1'000'000.);
205  desc.add<double>("y_corr_max", 1'000'000.);
206  desc.add<bool>("debug", false);
208  descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
209 }
void addWithDefaultLabel(ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
double PPSAlignmentHarvester::findMax ( const TF1 *  ff_fit)

Definition at line 775 of file

References RPCpg::mu, x, and y.

Referenced by buildModeGraph().

775  {
776  const double mu = ff_fit->GetParameter(1);
777  const double si = ff_fit->GetParameter(2);
779  // unreasonable fit?
780  if (si > 25. || std::fabs(mu) > 100.)
781  return 1E100;
783  double x_max = 1E100;
784  double y_max = -1E100;
785  for (double x = mu - si; x <= mu + si; x += 0.001) {
786  double y = ff_fit->Eval(x);
787  if (y > y_max) {
788  x_max = x;
789  y_max = y;
790  }
791  }
793  return x_max;
794 }
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
std::unique_ptr< TH1D > PPSAlignmentHarvester::getTH1DFromTGraphErrors ( TGraphErrors *  graph,
const std::string &  title = "",
const std::string &  labels = "",
int  n = -1,
double  binWidth = -1.,
double  min = -1. 

Definition at line 1021 of file

References change_name::diff, gpuVertexFinder::hist, mps_fire::i, SiStripPI::max, SiStripPI::min, dqmiodumpmetadata::n, x, and y.

Referenced by doMatch(), and xAlignment().

1022  {
1023  std::unique_ptr<TH1D> hist;
1024  if (n == 0) {
1025  hist = std::make_unique<TH1D>(title.c_str(), labels.c_str(), 0, -10., 10.);
1026  } else if (n == 1) {
1027  hist = std::make_unique<TH1D>(title.c_str(), labels.c_str(), 1, graph->GetPointX(0) - 5., graph->GetPointX(0) + 5.);
1028  } else {
1029  n = n == -1 ? graph->GetN() : n;
1030  binWidth = binWidth == -1 ? graph->GetPointX(1) - graph->GetPointX(0) : binWidth;
1031  double diff = binWidth / 2.;
1032  min = min == -1 ? graph->GetPointX(0) - diff : min;
1033  double max = min + n * binWidth;
1034  hist = std::make_unique<TH1D>(title.c_str(), labels.c_str(), n, min, max);
1035  }
1037  for (int i = 0; i < graph->GetN(); i++) {
1038  double x, y;
1039  graph->GetPoint(i, x, y);
1040  hist->Fill(x, y);
1041  hist->SetBinError(hist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x), graph->GetErrorY(i));
1042  }
1043  return hist;
1044 }
__shared__ Hist hist
void PPSAlignmentHarvester::writeCutPlot ( TH2D *  h,
const double  a,
const double  c,
const double  si,
const double  n_si,
const std::string &  label 

Definition at line 991 of file

References svgfig::canvas().

Referenced by dqmEndRun().

992  {
993  auto canvas = std::make_unique<TCanvas>();
994  canvas->SetName(label.c_str());
995  canvas->SetLogz(1);
997  h->Draw("colz");
999  double x_min = -30.;
1000  double x_max = 30.;
1002  auto g_up = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
1003  g_up->SetName("g_up");
1004  g_up->SetPoint(0, x_min, -a * x_min - c + n_si * si);
1005  g_up->SetPoint(1, x_max, -a * x_max - c + n_si * si);
1006  g_up->SetLineColor(1);
1007  g_up->Draw("l");
1009  auto g_down = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
1010  g_down->SetName("g_down");
1011  g_down->SetPoint(0, x_min, -a * x_min - c - n_si * si);
1012  g_down->SetPoint(1, x_max, -a * x_max - c - n_si * si);
1013  g_down->SetLineColor(1);
1014  g_down->Draw("l");
1016  canvas->Write();
1017 }
const edm::EventSetup & c
def canvas
char const * label
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
void PPSAlignmentHarvester::xAlignment ( DQMStore::IBooker iBooker,
DQMStore::IGetter iGetter,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration cfg,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration cfg_ref 

Definition at line 572 of file

References PPSAlignmentConfiguration::alignment_x_meth_o_ranges(), dqm::implementation::IBooker::book1DD(), buildGraphFromMonitorElements(), buildGraphFromVector(), debug_, debugFile_, doMatch(), dqmDir_, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::fitProfileMinBinEntries(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::fitProfileMinNReasonable(), dqm::implementation::IGetter::getAllContents(), getTH1DFromTGraphErrors(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::matchingReferencePoints(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::matchingShiftRanges(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::methOGraphMinN(), overwriteShX_, omtf::DataWord64::rpc, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::sectorConfig45(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::sectorConfig56(), seqPos, dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder(), CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData::setRPCorrection(), sh_x_map_, textResultsFile_, cond::impl::to_string(), and xAliResults_.

Referenced by dqmEndRun().

575  {
576  TDirectory* xAliDir = nullptr;
577  if (debug_)
578  xAliDir = debugFile_->mkdir((std::to_string(seqPos) + ": x alignment").c_str());
580  for (const auto& [sc, sc_ref] : {std::make_pair(cfg.sectorConfig45(), cfg_ref.sectorConfig45()),
581  std::make_pair(cfg.sectorConfig56(), cfg_ref.sectorConfig56())}) {
582  for (const auto& [rpc, rpc_ref] :
583  {std::make_pair(sc.rp_F_, sc_ref.rp_F_), std::make_pair(sc.rp_N_, sc_ref.rp_N_)}) {
584  auto mes_test = iGetter.getAllContents(dqmDir_ + "/worker/" + sc.name_ + "/near_far/x slices, " + rpc.position_);
585  if (mes_test.empty()) {
586  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << "[x_alignment] " << rpc.name_ << ": could not load mes_test";
587  continue;
588  }
590  TDirectory* rpDir = nullptr;
591  if (debug_)
592  rpDir = xAliDir->mkdir(rpc.name_.c_str());
594  auto vec_ref = cfg_ref.matchingReferencePoints().at(rpc.id_);
595  if (vec_ref.empty()) {
596  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << "[x_alignment] " << rpc.name_ << ": reference points vector is empty";
597  continue;
598  }
600  std::unique_ptr<TGraphErrors> g_ref = buildGraphFromVector(vec_ref);
602  if (debug_)
603  gDirectory = rpDir->mkdir("fits_test");
604  std::unique_ptr<TGraphErrors> g_test = buildGraphFromMonitorElements(
605  iGetter, rpc, mes_test, cfg.fitProfileMinBinEntries(), cfg.fitProfileMinNReasonable());
607  // require minimal number of points
608  if (g_ref->GetN() < (int)cfg.methOGraphMinN() || g_test->GetN() < (int)cfg.methOGraphMinN()) {
609  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
610  << "[x_alignment] " << rpc.name_ << ": insufficient data, skipping (g_ref " << g_ref->GetN() << "/"
611  << cfg.methOGraphMinN() << ", g_test " << g_test->GetN() << "/" << cfg.methOGraphMinN() << ")";
612  continue;
613  }
615  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(dqmDir_ + "/harvester/x alignment/" + rpc.name_);
617  std::unique_ptr<TH1D> histPtr = getTH1DFromTGraphErrors(
618  g_ref.get(), "ref", ";x (mm);S", rpc_ref.x_slice_n_, rpc_ref.x_slice_w_, rpc_ref.x_slice_min_);
619  iBooker.book1DD("h_ref", histPtr.get());
621  histPtr =
622  getTH1DFromTGraphErrors(g_test.get(), "test", ";x (mm);S", rpc.x_slice_n_, rpc.x_slice_w_, rpc.x_slice_min_);
623  iBooker.book1DD("h_test", histPtr.get());
625  if (debug_) {
626  gDirectory = rpDir;
627  g_ref->SetTitle(";x (mm);S");
628  g_ref->Write("g_ref");
629  g_test->SetTitle(";x (mm);S");
630  g_test->Write("g_test");
631  }
633  const auto& shiftRange = cfg.matchingShiftRanges().at(rpc.id_);
634  double sh = 0., sh_unc = 0.;
636  // matching
637  doMatch(iBooker,
638  cfg,
639  rpc,
640  g_ref.get(),
641  g_test.get(),
642  cfg_ref.alignment_x_meth_o_ranges().at(rpc.id_),
643  shiftRange.x_min_,
644  shiftRange.x_max_,
645  sh,
646  sh_unc);
648  // save the results
649  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData rpResult(sh, sh_unc, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
650  xAliResults_.setRPCorrection(rpc.id_, rpResult);
651  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "[x_alignment] "
652  << "Setting sh_x of " << rpc.name_ << " to " << sh;
654  // update the shift
655  if (overwriteShX_) {
656  sh_x_map_[rpc.id_] = sh;
657  }
658  }
659  }
661  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << seqPos << ": x_alignment:\n" << xAliResults_;
663  if (textResultsFile_.is_open())
664  textResultsFile_ << seqPos << ": x_alignment:\n" << xAliResults_ << "\n\n";
665 }
std::map< unsigned int, double > sh_x_map_
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
unsigned int fitProfileMinBinEntries() const
static std::unique_ptr< TH1D > getTH1DFromTGraphErrors(TGraphErrors *graph, const std::string &title="", const std::string &labels="", int n=-1, double binWidth=-1., double min=-1.)
unsigned int methOGraphMinN() const
std::string to_string(const V &value)
Definition: OMSAccess.h:71
const std::map< unsigned int, std::vector< PointErrors > > & matchingReferencePoints() const
const SectorConfig & sectorConfig56() const
void setRPCorrection(unsigned int id, const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData &ac)
sets the alignment correction for the given RP
const std::map< unsigned int, SelectionRange > & matchingShiftRanges() const
virtual std::vector< dqm::harvesting::MonitorElement * > getAllContents(std::string const &path) const
std::unique_ptr< TGraphErrors > buildGraphFromVector(const std::vector< PPSAlignmentConfiguration::PointErrors > &pv)
MonitorElement * book1DD(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:155
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliResults_
void doMatch(DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig &rpc, TGraphErrors *g_ref, TGraphErrors *g_test, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::SelectionRange &range_ref, const double sh_min, const double sh_max, double &sh_best, double &sh_best_unc)
std::unique_ptr< TGraphErrors > buildGraphFromMonitorElements(DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig &rpc, const std::vector< MonitorElement * > &mes, const unsigned int fitProfileMinBinEntries, const unsigned int fitProfileMinNReasonable)
std::unique_ptr< TFile > debugFile_
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
unsigned int fitProfileMinNReasonable() const
const SectorConfig & sectorConfig45() const
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
const std::map< unsigned int, SelectionRange > & alignment_x_meth_o_ranges() const
Alignment correction for an element of the CT-PPS detector. Within the geometry description, every sensor (more generally every element) is given its translation and rotation. These two quantities shall be understood in local-to-global coordinate transform. That is, if r_l is a point in local coordinate system and x_g in global, then it holds.
void PPSAlignmentHarvester::xAlignmentRelative ( DQMStore::IBooker iBooker,
DQMStore::IGetter iGetter,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration cfg 

Definition at line 669 of file

References a, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::alignment_x_relative_ranges(), b, dqm::implementation::IBooker::bookProfile(), debug_, debugFile_, dqmDir_, alignCSCRings::ff, dqm::implementation::IGetter::get(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::nearFarMinEntries(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::sectorConfig45(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::sectorConfig56(), seqPos, dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder(), CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData::setRPCorrection(), sh_x_map_, slope, textResultsFile_, cond::impl::to_string(), xAliRelResults_, and xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_.

Referenced by dqmEndRun().

671  {
672  TDirectory* xAliRelDir = nullptr;
673  if (debug_)
674  xAliRelDir = debugFile_->mkdir((std::to_string(seqPos) + ": x_alignment_relative").c_str());
676  auto ff = std::make_unique<TF1>("ff", "[0] + [1]*(x - [2])");
677  auto ff_sl_fix = std::make_unique<TF1>("ff_sl_fix", "[0] + [1]*(x - [2])");
679  // processing
680  for (const auto& sc : {cfg.sectorConfig45(), cfg.sectorConfig56()}) {
681  TDirectory* sectorDir = nullptr;
682  if (debug_) {
683  sectorDir = xAliRelDir->mkdir(sc.name_.c_str());
684  gDirectory = sectorDir;
685  }
687  auto* p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N_monitor = iGetter.get(dqmDir_ + "/worker/" + sc.name_ + "/near_far/p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N");
688  if (p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N_monitor == nullptr) {
689  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
690  << "[x_alignment_relative] " << sc.name_ << ": cannot load data, skipping";
691  continue;
692  }
693  TProfile* p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N = p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N_monitor->getTProfile();
695  if (p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N->GetEntries() < cfg.nearFarMinEntries()) {
696  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
697  << "[x_alignment_relative] " << sc.name_ << ": insufficient data, skipping (near_far "
698  << p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N->GetEntries() << "/" << cfg.nearFarMinEntries() << ")";
699  continue;
700  }
702  const double x_min = cfg.alignment_x_relative_ranges().at(sc.rp_N_.id_).x_min_;
703  const double x_max = cfg.alignment_x_relative_ranges().at(sc.rp_N_.id_).x_max_;
705  const double sh_x_N = sh_x_map_[sc.rp_N_.id_];
706  double slope = sc.slope_;
708  // calculate the results without slope fixed
709  ff->SetParameters(0., slope, 0.);
710  ff->FixParameter(2, -sh_x_N);
711  ff->SetLineColor(2);
712  p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N->Fit(ff.get(), "Q", "", x_min, x_max);
714  const double a = ff->GetParameter(1), a_unc = ff->GetParError(1);
715  const double b = ff->GetParameter(0), b_unc = ff->GetParError(0);
717  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
718  << "[x_alignment_relative] " << sc.name_ << ":\n"
719  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << " x_min = " << x_min << ", x_max = " << x_max << "\n"
720  << " sh_x_N = " << sh_x_N << ", slope (fix) = " << slope << ", slope (fitted) = " << a;
722  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData rpResult_N(+b / 2., b_unc / 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
723  xAliRelResults_.setRPCorrection(sc.rp_N_.id_, rpResult_N);
724  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData rpResult_F(-b / 2., b_unc / 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
725  xAliRelResults_.setRPCorrection(sc.rp_F_.id_, rpResult_F);
727  // calculate the results with slope fixed
728  ff_sl_fix->SetParameters(0., slope, 0.);
729  ff_sl_fix->FixParameter(1, slope);
730  ff_sl_fix->FixParameter(2, -sh_x_N);
731  ff_sl_fix->SetLineColor(4);
732  p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N->Fit(ff_sl_fix.get(), "Q+", "", x_min, x_max);
734  const double b_fs = ff_sl_fix->GetParameter(0), b_fs_unc = ff_sl_fix->GetParError(0);
736  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData rpResult_sl_fix_N(+b_fs / 2., b_fs_unc / 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
737  xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_.setRPCorrection(sc.rp_N_.id_, rpResult_sl_fix_N);
738  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData rpResult_sl_fix_F(-b_fs / 2., b_fs_unc / 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
739  xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_.setRPCorrection(sc.rp_F_.id_, rpResult_sl_fix_F);
741  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
742  << "[x_alignment_relative] " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "ff: " << ff->GetParameter(0) << " + "
743  << ff->GetParameter(1) << " * (x - " << ff->GetParameter(2) << "), ff_sl_fix: " << ff_sl_fix->GetParameter(0)
744  << " + " << ff_sl_fix->GetParameter(1) << " * (x - " << ff_sl_fix->GetParameter(2) << ")";
746  // rebook the diffFN plot in the harvester
747  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(dqmDir_ + "/harvester/x_alignment_relative/" + sc.name_);
748  iBooker.bookProfile("p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N", p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N);
750  if (debug_) {
751  p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N->Write("p_x_diffFN_vs_x_N");
753  auto g_results = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
754  g_results->SetPoint(0, sh_x_N, 0.);
755  g_results->SetPoint(1, a, a_unc);
756  g_results->SetPoint(2, b, b_unc);
757  g_results->SetPoint(3, b_fs, b_fs_unc);
758  g_results->Write("g_results");
759  }
760  }
762  // write results
763  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << seqPos << ": x_alignment_relative:\n"
764  << xAliRelResults_ << seqPos + 1 << ": x_alignment_relative_sl_fix:\n"
767  if (textResultsFile_.is_open()) {
768  textResultsFile_ << seqPos << ": x_alignment_relative:\n" << xAliRelResults_ << "\n";
769  textResultsFile_ << seqPos << ": x_alignment_relative_sl_fix:\n" << xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_ << "\n\n";
770  }
771 }
std::map< unsigned int, double > sh_x_map_
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliRelResults_
static const double slope[3]
std::string to_string(const V &value)
Definition: OMSAccess.h:71
const SectorConfig & sectorConfig56() const
void setRPCorrection(unsigned int id, const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData &ac)
sets the alignment correction for the given RP
MonitorElement * bookProfile(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s", FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:399
virtual MonitorElement * get(std::string const &fullpath) const
std::unique_ptr< TFile > debugFile_
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
unsigned int nearFarMinEntries() const
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
const SectorConfig & sectorConfig45() const
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_
const std::map< unsigned int, SelectionRange > & alignment_x_relative_ranges() const
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
Alignment correction for an element of the CT-PPS detector. Within the geometry description, every sensor (more generally every element) is given its translation and rotation. These two quantities shall be understood in local-to-global coordinate transform. That is, if r_l is a point in local coordinate system and x_g in global, then it holds.
void PPSAlignmentHarvester::yAlignment ( DQMStore::IBooker iBooker,
DQMStore::IGetter iGetter,
const PPSAlignmentConfiguration cfg 

Definition at line 884 of file

References a, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::alignment_y_ranges(), b, buildModeGraph(), debug_, debugFile_, dqmDir_, alignCSCRings::ff, dqm::implementation::IGetter::get(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::modeGraphMinN(), omtf::DataWord64::rpc, PPSAlignmentConfiguration::sectorConfig45(), PPSAlignmentConfiguration::sectorConfig56(), seqPos, dqm::implementation::NavigatorBase::setCurrentFolder(), CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData::setRPCorrection(), sh_x_map_, slope, textResultsFile_, cond::impl::to_string(), yAliResults_, and yAliResultsSlopeFixed_.

Referenced by dqmEndRun().

886  {
887  TDirectory* yAliDir = nullptr;
888  if (debug_)
889  yAliDir = debugFile_->mkdir((std::to_string(seqPos) + ": y_alignment").c_str());
891  auto ff = std::make_unique<TF1>("ff", "[0] + [1]*(x - [2])");
892  auto ff_sl_fix = std::make_unique<TF1>("ff_sl_fix", "[0] + [1]*(x - [2])");
894  // processing
895  for (const auto& sc : {cfg.sectorConfig45(), cfg.sectorConfig56()}) {
896  for (const auto& rpc : {sc.rp_F_, sc.rp_N_}) {
897  TDirectory* rpDir = nullptr;
898  if (debug_) {
899  rpDir = yAliDir->mkdir(rpc.name_.c_str());
900  gDirectory = rpDir->mkdir("x");
901  }
903  auto* h2_y_vs_x =
904  iGetter.get(dqmDir_ + "/worker/" + sc.name_ + "/multiplicity selection/" + rpc.name_ + "/h2_y_vs_x");
906  if (h2_y_vs_x == nullptr) {
907  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << "[y_alignment] " << rpc.name_ << ": cannot load data, skipping";
908  continue;
909  }
911  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(dqmDir_ + "/harvester/y alignment/" + rpc.name_);
912  auto* h_y_cen_vs_x = buildModeGraph(iBooker, h2_y_vs_x, cfg, rpc);
914  if ((unsigned int)h_y_cen_vs_x->GetEntries() < cfg.modeGraphMinN()) {
915  edm::LogWarning("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
916  << "[y_alignment] " << rpc.name_ << ": insufficient data, skipping (mode graph "
917  << h_y_cen_vs_x->GetEntries() << "/" << cfg.modeGraphMinN() << ")";
918  continue;
919  }
921  const double x_min = cfg.alignment_y_ranges().at(rpc.id_).x_min_;
922  const double x_max = cfg.alignment_y_ranges().at(rpc.id_).x_max_;
924  const double sh_x = sh_x_map_[rpc.id_];
925  double slope = rpc.slope_;
927  // calculate the results without slope fixed
928  ff->SetParameters(0., 0., 0.);
929  ff->FixParameter(2, -sh_x);
930  ff->SetLineColor(2);
931  h_y_cen_vs_x->Fit(ff.get(), "Q", "", x_min, x_max);
933  const double a = ff->GetParameter(1), a_unc = ff->GetParError(1);
934  const double b = ff->GetParameter(0), b_unc = ff->GetParError(0);
936  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
937  << "[y_alignment] " << rpc.name_ << ":\n"
938  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << " x_min = " << x_min << ", x_max = " << x_max << "\n"
939  << " sh_x = " << sh_x << ", slope (fix) = " << slope << ", slope (fitted) = " << a;
941  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData rpResult(0., 0., b, b_unc, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
942  yAliResults_.setRPCorrection(rpc.id_, rpResult);
944  // calculate the results with slope fixed
945  ff_sl_fix->SetParameters(0., 0., 0.);
946  ff_sl_fix->FixParameter(1, slope);
947  ff_sl_fix->FixParameter(2, -sh_x);
948  ff_sl_fix->SetLineColor(4);
949  h_y_cen_vs_x->Fit(ff_sl_fix.get(), "Q+", "", x_min, x_max);
951  const double b_fs = ff_sl_fix->GetParameter(0), b_fs_unc = ff_sl_fix->GetParError(0);
953  CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData rpResult_sl_fix(0., 0., b_fs, b_fs_unc, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
954  yAliResultsSlopeFixed_.setRPCorrection(rpc.id_, rpResult_sl_fix);
956  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester")
957  << "[y_alignment] " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "ff: " << ff->GetParameter(0) << " + "
958  << ff->GetParameter(1) << " * (x - " << ff->GetParameter(2) << "), ff_sl_fix: " << ff_sl_fix->GetParameter(0)
959  << " + " << ff_sl_fix->GetParameter(1) << " * (x - " << ff_sl_fix->GetParameter(2) << ")";
961  if (debug_) {
962  gDirectory = rpDir;
964  h_y_cen_vs_x->SetTitle(";x (mm); mode of y (mm)");
965  h_y_cen_vs_x->Write("h_y_cen_vs_x");
967  auto g_results = std::make_unique<TGraph>();
968  g_results->SetPoint(0, sh_x, 0.);
969  g_results->SetPoint(1, a, a_unc);
970  g_results->SetPoint(2, b, b_unc);
971  g_results->SetPoint(3, b_fs, b_fs_unc);
972  g_results->Write("g_results");
973  }
974  }
975  }
977  // write results
978  edm::LogInfo("PPSAlignmentHarvester") << seqPos << ": y_alignment:\n"
979  << yAliResults_ << seqPos << ": y_alignment_sl_fix:\n"
982  if (textResultsFile_.is_open()) {
983  textResultsFile_ << seqPos << ": y_alignment:\n" << yAliResults_ << "\n";
984  textResultsFile_ << seqPos << ": y_alignment_sl_fix:\n" << yAliResultsSlopeFixed_ << "\n\n";
985  }
986 }
std::map< unsigned int, double > sh_x_map_
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
static const double slope[3]
std::string to_string(const V &value)
Definition: OMSAccess.h:71
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData yAliResults_
const SectorConfig & sectorConfig56() const
void setRPCorrection(unsigned int id, const CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionData &ac)
sets the alignment correction for the given RP
const std::map< unsigned int, SelectionRange > & alignment_y_ranges() const
CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData yAliResultsSlopeFixed_
virtual MonitorElement * get(std::string const &fullpath) const
std::unique_ptr< TFile > debugFile_
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
TH1D * buildModeGraph(DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, const MonitorElement *h2_y_vs_x, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration &cfg, const PPSAlignmentConfiguration::RPConfig &rpc)
const SectorConfig & sectorConfig45() const
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
Alignment correction for an element of the CT-PPS detector. Within the geometry description, every sensor (more generally every element) is given its translation and rotation. These two quantities shall be understood in local-to-global coordinate transform. That is, if r_l is a point in local coordinate system and x_g in global, then it holds.

Member Data Documentation

const bool PPSAlignmentHarvester::debug_
std::unique_ptr<TFile> PPSAlignmentHarvester::debugFile_
const std::string PPSAlignmentHarvester::dqmDir_
edm::ESGetToken<PPSAlignmentConfiguration, PPSAlignmentConfigurationRcd> PPSAlignmentHarvester::esTokenReference_

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun().

edm::ESGetToken<PPSAlignmentConfiguration, PPSAlignmentConfigurationRcd> PPSAlignmentHarvester::esTokenTest_

Definition at line 111 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun().

const bool PPSAlignmentHarvester::overwriteShX_

Definition at line 117 of file

Referenced by PPSAlignmentHarvester(), and xAlignment().

int PPSAlignmentHarvester::seqPos = 1

Definition at line 128 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), xAlignment(), xAlignmentRelative(), and yAlignment().

const std::vector<std::string> PPSAlignmentHarvester::sequence_

Definition at line 116 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and PPSAlignmentHarvester().

std::map<unsigned int, double> PPSAlignmentHarvester::sh_x_map_

Definition at line 87 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), xAlignment(), xAlignmentRelative(), and yAlignment().

std::ofstream PPSAlignmentHarvester::textResultsFile_
const bool PPSAlignmentHarvester::writeSQLiteResults_

Definition at line 118 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and PPSAlignmentHarvester().

const bool PPSAlignmentHarvester::xAliRelFinalSlopeFixed_

Definition at line 119 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and PPSAlignmentHarvester().

CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData PPSAlignmentHarvester::xAliRelResults_

Definition at line 132 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and xAlignmentRelative().

CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData PPSAlignmentHarvester::xAliRelResultsSlopeFixed_

Definition at line 133 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and xAlignmentRelative().

CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData PPSAlignmentHarvester::xAliResults_

Definition at line 130 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and xAlignment().

const std::pair<double, double> PPSAlignmentHarvester::xCorrRange_

Definition at line 121 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and PPSAlignmentHarvester().

const bool PPSAlignmentHarvester::yAliFinalSlopeFixed_

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and PPSAlignmentHarvester().

CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData PPSAlignmentHarvester::yAliResults_

Definition at line 135 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and yAlignment().

CTPPSRPAlignmentCorrectionsData PPSAlignmentHarvester::yAliResultsSlopeFixed_

Definition at line 136 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and yAlignment().

const std::pair<double, double> PPSAlignmentHarvester::yCorrRange_

Definition at line 122 of file

Referenced by dqmEndRun(), and PPSAlignmentHarvester().