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1 /* Implementation of the ME0GeometryParsFromDD Class
2  * Build the ME0Geometry from the DDD and DD4hep description
3  *
4  * DD4hep part added to the original old file (DD version) made by M. Maggi (INFN Bari)
5  * Author: Sergio Lo Meo (
6  * Created: Thu, 25 Feb 2021
7  *
8  */
24 #include <iostream>
25 #include <algorithm>
27 // DD
30  const MuonGeometryConstants& muonConstants,
31  RecoIdealGeometry& rgeo) {
32  std::string attribute = "MuStructure";
33  std::string value = "MuonEndCapME0";
35  // Asking only for the MuonME0's
36  DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter filter{DDValue(attribute, value, 0.0)};
37  DDFilteredView fview(*cview, filter);
39  this->buildGeometry(fview, muonConstants, rgeo);
40 }
43  const MuonGeometryConstants& muonConstants,
44  RecoIdealGeometry& rgeo) {
45  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "Building the geometry service";
46  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "About to run through the ME0 structure\n"
47  << " First logical part " << fv.logicalPart().name().name();
49  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "(0) ME0GeometryParsFromDD - DDD ";
50  MuonGeometryNumbering muonDDDNumbering(muonConstants);
51  ME0NumberingScheme me0Numbering(muonConstants);
53  bool doChambers = fv.firstChild();
54  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "doChamber = " << doChambers;
55  // loop over superchambers
56  while (doChambers) {
57  // getting chamber id from eta partitions
58  fv.firstChild();
59  fv.firstChild();
60  ME0DetId detIdCh =
61  ME0DetId(me0Numbering.baseNumberToUnitNumber(muonDDDNumbering.geoHistoryToBaseNumber(fv.geoHistory())));
62  // back to chambers
63  fv.parent();
64  fv.parent();
66  buildChamber(fv, detIdCh, rgeo);
68  // loop over chambers
69  // only 1 chamber
70  bool doLayers = fv.firstChild();
71  while (doLayers) {
72  // get layer ID
73  fv.firstChild();
74  ME0DetId detIdLa =
75  ME0DetId(me0Numbering.baseNumberToUnitNumber(muonDDDNumbering.geoHistoryToBaseNumber(fv.geoHistory())));
76  fv.parent();
77  // build layer
78  buildLayer(fv, detIdLa, rgeo);
80  // loop over ME0EtaPartitions
81  bool doEtaPart = fv.firstChild();
82  while (doEtaPart) {
83  ME0DetId detId =
84  ME0DetId(me0Numbering.baseNumberToUnitNumber(muonDDDNumbering.geoHistoryToBaseNumber(fv.geoHistory())));
85  buildEtaPartition(fv, detId, rgeo);
87  doEtaPart = fv.nextSibling();
88  }
89  fv.parent();
90  doLayers = fv.nextSibling();
91  }
92  fv.parent();
93  doChambers = fv.nextSibling();
94  }
95 }
98  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "buildChamber " << fv.logicalPart().name().name() << " " << detId << std::endl;
100  std::vector<double> pars = getDimension(fv);
101  std::vector<double> vtra = getTranslation(fv);
102  std::vector<double> vrot = getRotation(fv);
103  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
104  << "(4) DDD, Chamber DetID " << detId.chamberId().rawId() << " Name " << fv.logicalPart().name().name();
106  rgeo.insert(detId.chamberId().rawId(), vtra, vrot, pars, {fv.logicalPart().name().name()});
107 }
110  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "buildLayer " << fv.logicalPart().name().name() << " " << detId << std::endl;
112  std::vector<double> pars = getDimension(fv);
113  std::vector<double> vtra = getTranslation(fv);
114  std::vector<double> vrot = getRotation(fv);
116  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
117  << "(5) DDD, Layer DetID " << detId.layerId().rawId() << " Name " << fv.logicalPart().name().name();
118  rgeo.insert(detId.layerId().rawId(), vtra, vrot, pars, {fv.logicalPart().name().name()});
119 }
122  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "buildEtaPartition " << fv.logicalPart().name().name() << " " << detId
123  << std::endl;
125  // EtaPartition specific parameter (nstrips and npads)
126  DDValue numbOfStrips("nStrips");
127  DDValue numbOfPads("nPads");
128  const std::vector<const DDsvalues_type*>& specs = fv.specifics();
129  double nStrips = 0., nPads = 0.;
130  for (auto const& is : specs) {
131  if (DDfetch(is, numbOfStrips))
132  nStrips = numbOfStrips.doubles()[0];
133  if (DDfetch(is, numbOfPads))
134  nPads = numbOfPads.doubles()[0];
135  }
136  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << ((nStrips == 0.) ? ("No nStrips found!!")
137  : ("Number of strips: " + std::to_string(nStrips)));
138  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << ((nPads == 0.) ? ("No nPads found!!")
139  : ("Number of pads: " + std::to_string(nPads)));
141  std::vector<double> pars = getDimension(fv);
142  pars.emplace_back(nStrips);
143  pars.emplace_back(nPads);
144  std::vector<double> vtra = getTranslation(fv);
145  std::vector<double> vrot = getRotation(fv);
147  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
148  << "(6) DDD, Eta Partion DetID " << detId.rawId() << " Name " << fv.logicalPart().name().name() << " nStrips "
149  << nStrips << " nPads " << nPads;
151  rgeo.insert(detId.rawId(), vtra, vrot, pars, {fv.logicalPart().name().name()});
152 }
155  std::vector<double> dpar = fv.logicalPart().solid().parameters();
156  //dpar[4] bottom width is along local X
157  //dpar[8] top width is along local X
158  //dpar[3] thickness is long local Z
159  //dpar[0] length is along local Y
160  LogDebug("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "dimension dx1 " << dpar[4] << ", dx2 " << dpar[8] << ", dy " << dpar[0]
161  << ", dz " << dpar[3];
162  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
163  << "(1) DDD, dimension dx1 " << dpar[4] << ", dx2 " << dpar[8] << ", dy " << dpar[0] << ", dz " << dpar[3];
164  return {dpar[4], dpar[8], dpar[0], dpar[3]};
165 }
168  const DDTranslation& tran = fv.translation();
169  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
170  << "(2) DDD, tran vector " << tran.x() << " " << tran.y() << " " << tran.z();
171  return {tran.x(), tran.y(), tran.z()};
172 }
175  const DDRotationMatrix& rota = fv.rotation(); //.Inverse();
176  DD3Vector x, y, z;
177  rota.GetComponents(x, y, z);
178  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
179  << "(3) DDD, rot matrix " << x.X() << " " << x.Y() << " " << x.Z() << " " << y.X() << " " << y.Y() << " "
180  << y.Z() << " " << z.X() << " " << z.Y() << " " << z.Z();
181  return {x.X(), x.Y(), x.Z(), y.X(), y.Y(), y.Z(), z.X(), z.Y(), z.Z()};
182 }
184 // DD4hep
187  const MuonGeometryConstants& muonConstants,
188  RecoIdealGeometry& rgeo) {
189  std::string attribute = "MuStructure";
190  std::string value = "MuonEndCapME0";
191  const cms::DDFilter filter(attribute, value);
192  cms::DDFilteredView fview(*cview, filter);
193  this->buildGeometry(fview, muonConstants, rgeo);
194 }
197  const MuonGeometryConstants& muonConstants,
198  RecoIdealGeometry& rgeo) {
199  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "(0) ME0GeometryParsFromDD - DD4hep ";
201  MuonGeometryNumbering mdddnum(muonConstants);
202  ME0NumberingScheme me0Num(muonConstants);
204  static constexpr uint32_t levelChamber = 7;
205  static constexpr uint32_t levelLayer = 8;
206  uint32_t theLevelPart = muonConstants.getValue("level");
207  uint32_t theSectorLevel = muonConstants.getValue("m0_sector") / theLevelPart;
209  while (fv.firstChild()) {
210  const auto& history = fv.history();
212  ME0DetId detId(me0Num.baseNumberToUnitNumber(num));
214  if (fv.level() == levelChamber) {
215  buildChamber(fv, detId, rgeo);
216  } else if (fv.level() == levelLayer) {
217  buildLayer(fv, detId, rgeo);
218  } else if (history.tags.size() > theSectorLevel) {
219  buildEtaPartition(fv, detId, rgeo);
220  }
221  } // end while
222 } // end buildGeometry
225  std::string_view name =;
226  std::vector<double> pars = getDimension(fv);
227  std::vector<double> vtra = getTranslation(fv);
228  std::vector<double> vrot = getRotation(fv);
230  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
231  << "(4) DD4hep, Chamber DetID " << detId.chamberId().rawId() << " Name " << std::string(name);
233  rgeo.insert(detId.chamberId().rawId(), vtra, vrot, pars, {std::string(name)});
234 }
237  std::string_view name =;
238  std::vector<double> pars = getDimension(fv);
239  std::vector<double> vtra = getTranslation(fv);
240  std::vector<double> vrot = getRotation(fv);
242  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
243  << "(5) DD4hep, Layer DetID " << detId.layerId().rawId() << " Name " << std::string(name);
244  rgeo.insert(detId.layerId().rawId(), vtra, vrot, pars, {std::string(name)});
245 }
248  auto nStrips = fv.get<double>("nStrips");
249  auto nPads = fv.get<double>("nPads");
250  std::string_view name =;
251  std::vector<double> pars = getDimension(fv);
252  pars.emplace_back(nStrips);
253  pars.emplace_back(nPads);
254  std::vector<double> vtra = getTranslation(fv);
255  std::vector<double> vrot = getRotation(fv);
257  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD") << "(6) DD4hep, Eta Partion DetID " << detId.rawId() << " Name "
258  << std::string(name) << " nStrips " << nStrips << " nPads " << nPads;
260  rgeo.insert(detId.rawId(), vtra, vrot, pars, {std::string(name)});
261 }
264  std::vector<double> dpar = fv.parameters();
266  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
267  << "(1) DD4hep, dimension dx1 " << dpar[0] / dd4hep::mm << ", dx2 " << dpar[1] / dd4hep::mm << ", dy "
268  << dpar[3] / dd4hep::mm << ", dz " << dpar[2] / dd4hep::mm;
270  return {dpar[0] / dd4hep::mm, dpar[1] / dd4hep::mm, dpar[3] / dd4hep::mm, dpar[2] / dd4hep::mm};
271 }
274  std::vector<double> tran(3);
275  tran[0] = static_cast<double>(fv.translation().X()) / dd4hep::mm;
276  tran[1] = static_cast<double>(fv.translation().Y()) / dd4hep::mm;
277  tran[2] = static_cast<double>(fv.translation().Z()) / dd4hep::mm;
279  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
280  << "(2) DD4hep, tran vector " << tran[0] << " " << tran[1] << " " << tran[2];
281  return {tran[0], tran[1], tran[2]};
282 }
285  DDRotationMatrix rota;
286  fv.rot(rota);
287  DD3Vector x, y, z;
288  rota.GetComponents(x, y, z);
289  const std::vector<double> rot = {x.X(), x.Y(), x.Z(), y.X(), y.Y(), y.Z(), z.X(), z.Y(), z.Z()};
290  edm::LogVerbatim("ME0GeometryParsFromDD")
291  << "(3) DD4hep, rot matrix " << rot[0] << " " << rot[1] << " " << rot[2] << " " << rot[3] << " " << rot[4]
292  << " " << rot[5] << " " << rot[6] << " " << rot[7] << " " << rot[8];
293  return {rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]};
294 }
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
void build(const DDCompactView *, const MuonGeometryConstants &, RecoIdealGeometry &)
const std::vector< double > & parameters(void) const
Give the parameters of the solid.
bool parent()
set the current node to the parent node ...
ME0DetId layerId() const
Return the corresponding LayerId (mask eta partition)
Definition: ME0DetId.h:55
MuonBaseNumber geoHistoryToBaseNumber(const DDGeoHistory &history) const
const DDLogicalPart & logicalPart() const
The logical-part of the current node in the filtered-view.
const std::vector< double > & doubles() const
a reference to the double-valued values stored in the given instance of DDValue
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >> DD3Vector
void buildEtaPartition(DDFilteredView &fv, ME0DetId detId, RecoIdealGeometry &rgeo)
int getValue(const std::string &name) const
const N & name() const
Definition: DDBase.h:59
std::vector< double > getDimension(DDFilteredView &fv)
ME0DetId chamberId() const
Return the corresponding ChamberId (mask layers)
Definition: ME0DetId.h:53
bool nextSibling()
set the current node to the next sibling ...
const DDRotationMatrix & rotation() const
The absolute rotation of the current node.
bool insert(DetId id, const std::vector< double > &trans, const std::vector< double > &rot, const std::vector< double > &pars)
constexpr uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:57
std::string to_string(const V &value)
Definition: OMSAccess.h:71
const DDSolid & solid(void) const
Returns a reference object of the solid being the shape of this LogicalPart.
int baseNumberToUnitNumber(const MuonBaseNumber &) const override
Compact representation of the geometrical detector hierarchy.
Definition: DDCompactView.h:81
const DDGeoHistory & geoHistory() const
The list of ancestors up to the root-node of the current node.
void buildChamber(DDFilteredView &fv, ME0DetId detId, RecoIdealGeometry &rgeo)
bool DDfetch(const DDsvalues_type *, DDValue &)
helper for retrieving DDValues from DDsvalues_type *.
tuple nStrips
1.2 is to make the matching window safely the two nearest strips 0.35 is the size of an ME0 chamber i...
const Translation translation() const
std::vector< double > getRotation(DDFilteredView &fv)
ROOT::Math::Rotation3D DDRotationMatrix
A DDRotationMatrix is currently implemented with a ROOT Rotation3D.
const ExpandedNodes & history()
The numbering history of the current node.
const Double_t * rot() const
The absolute rotation of the current node.
std::string_view name() const
bool firstChild()
set the current node to the first child
T get(const std::string &)
extract attribute value
bool firstChild()
set the current node to the first child ...
const std::vector< double > parameters() const
extract shape parameters
const DDTranslation & translation() const
The absolute translation of the current node.
std::vector< const DDsvalues_type * > specifics() const
const int level() const
get Iterator level
void buildLayer(DDFilteredView &fv, ME0DetId detId, RecoIdealGeometry &rgeo)
std::vector< double > getTranslation(DDFilteredView &fv)
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double > > DDTranslation
Definition: DDTranslation.h:7
const std::string & name() const
Returns the name.
void buildGeometry(DDFilteredView &, const MuonGeometryConstants &, RecoIdealGeometry &)
#define LogDebug(id)