5 Scenario supporting proton collisions for AlCa needs when ALCANANO is produced
8 from __future__
import print_function
14 from Configuration.DataProcessing.Utils
import stepALCAPRODUCER,dqmIOSource,harvestingMode,dictIO,gtNameAndConnect,addMonitoring
15 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
19 Scenario.__init__(self)
21 self.
promptCustoms= [
'Configuration/DataProcessing/RecoTLR.customisePrompt' ]
27 Implement configuration building for data processing for proton
28 collision data taking for AlCa needs when ALCANANO is produced
33 if not 'skims' in args:
37 if not 'skims' in args:
38 args[
39 if not 'customs' in args:
45 options.__dict__.update(defaultOptions.__dict__)
46 options.scenario =
51 print(args[
52 options.customisation_file=args[
58 process = cms.Process(
'RECO', cms.ModifierChain(self.eras, self.
promptModifiers) )
59 cb =
ConfigBuilder(options, process = process, with_output =
62 process.source = cms.Source(
63 fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring()
boost::dynamic_bitset append(const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &bs1, const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &bs2)
this method takes two bitsets bs1 and bs2 and returns result of bs2 appended to the end of bs1 ...
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)