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associators_cff Namespace Reference


 _DTrechitTag = SimMuon.MCTruth.MuonAssociatorByHits_cfi.muonAssociatorByHits.DTrechitTag
tuple hltTPClusterProducer
tuple hltTrackAssociatorByDeltaR = SimTracker.TrackAssociatorProducers.trackAssociatorByPosition_cfi.trackAssociatorByPosition.clone()
tuple hltTrackAssociatorByHits = SimTracker.TrackAssociatorProducers.quickTrackAssociatorByHits_cfi.quickTrackAssociatorByHits.clone()
tuple MABH
tuple MABHcosmic
tuple MABHhlt
tuple muonAssociation_seq
tuple muonAssociationCosmic_seq
tuple muonAssociationDisplaced_seq
tuple muonAssociationHLT_seq
tuple muonAssociationRefit_seq
tuple muonAssociationTEV_seq
tuple tpToDisplacedGlbMuonAssociation
tuple tpToDisplacedStaMuonAssociation
tuple tpToDisplacedStaSeedAssociation
tuple tpToDisplacedTrkMuonAssociation
tuple tpToGEMMuonMuonAssociation
tuple tpToGlbCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
tuple tpToGlbCosmicSelMuonAssociation
tuple tpToGlbMuonAssociation
tuple tpToHLTgsfTrackAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter0HPtracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter0tracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter1HPtracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter1MergedTracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter1tracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter2HPtracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter2MergedTracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter2tracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter3HPtracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter3MergedTracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter3tracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter4HPtracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter4MergedTracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTiter4tracksAssociation
tuple tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation
tuple tpToHLTtracksAssociationSequence
tuple tpToL2MuonAssociation
tuple tpToL2UpdMuonAssociation
tuple tpToL3FromL1TkMuonAssociation
tuple tpToL3GlbMuonAssociation
tuple tpToL3MuonAssociation
tuple tpToL3NoIDMuonAssociation
tuple tpToL3OITkMuonAssociation
tuple tpToL3TkMuonAssociation
tuple tpToME0MuonMuonAssociation
tuple tpToPFMuonAssociation
tuple tpTorecoMuonMuonAssociation
tuple tpToStaCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
tuple tpToStaCosmicSelMuonAssociation
tuple tpToStaMuonAssociation
tuple tpToStaRefitMuonAssociation
tuple tpToStaRefitUpdMuonAssociation
tuple tpToStaSeedAssociation
tuple tpToStaUpdMuonAssociation
tuple tpToTevDytMuonAssociation
tuple tpToTevFirstMuonAssociation
tuple tpToTevPickyMuonAssociation
tuple tpToTkCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
tuple tpToTkCosmicSelMuonAssociation
 2-legs cosmics reco: simhits can be twice the reconstructed ones in any single leg (Quality cut have to be set at 0.25, purity cuts can stay at default value 0.75) T.B.D. More...
tuple tpToTkMuonAssociation
tuple tpToTkmuTrackAssociation
tuple tpToTunePMuonAssociation
tuple trackAssociatorByHits = SimTracker.TrackAssociatorProducers.quickTrackAssociatorByHits_cfi.quickTrackAssociatorByHits.clone()

Variable Documentation

associators_cff._DTrechitTag = SimMuon.MCTruth.MuonAssociatorByHits_cfi.muonAssociatorByHits.DTrechitTag

Definition at line 330 of file

tuple associators_cff.hltTPClusterProducer
Initial value:
1 = _tpClusterProducer.clone(
2  pixelClusterSrc = "hltSiPixelClusters",
3 # stripClusterSrc = "hltSiStripClusters",
4  stripClusterSrc = "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility",
5 )

Definition at line 10 of file

Definition at line 22 of file

Definition at line 16 of file

tuple associators_cff.MABH
Initial value:
1 = SimMuon.MCTruth.MuonAssociatorByHits_cfi.muonAssociatorByHits.clone(
2 # DEFAULTS ###################################
3 # EfficiencyCut_track = 0.,
4 # PurityCut_track = 0.,
5 # EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.,
6 # PurityCut_muon = 0.,
7 # includeZeroHitMuons = True,
8 # acceptOneStubMatchings = False,
9 # rejectBadGlobal = True,
10 # tpTag = "mix","MergedTrackTruth",
11 # tpRefVector = False
12 ##############################################
13  EfficiencyCut_track = 0.5,
14  PurityCut_track = 0.75,
15  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.5,
16  PurityCut_muon = 0.75,
17  includeZeroHitMuons = False,
18  tpTag = ("TPmu"),
19  tpRefVector = True
20 ##############################################
21 )

Definition at line 23 of file

Referenced by MuonTrackValidator.analyze(), and MuonTrackValidator.bookHistograms().

tuple associators_cff.MABHcosmic
Initial value:
1 = SimMuon.MCTruth.MuonAssociatorByHits_cfi.muonAssociatorByHits.clone(
2 # DEFAULTS ###################################
3 # acceptOneStubMatchings = False,
4 # rejectBadGlobal = True,
5 # tpTag = "mix:MergedTrackTruth",
6 # tpRefVector = False,
7 ###############################################
8  EfficiencyCut_track = 0.5,
9  PurityCut_track = 0.75,
10  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.5,
11  PurityCut_muon = 0.75,
12  includeZeroHitMuons = False
13 )

Definition at line 232 of file

tuple associators_cff.MABHhlt
Initial value:
1 = SimMuon.MCTruth.MuonAssociatorByHits_cfi.muonAssociatorByHits.clone(
2 # DEFAULTS ###################################
3 # EfficiencyCut_track = cms.double(0.), # backup solution as UseGrouped/UseSplitting are always assumed to be true
4 # EfficiencyCut_muon = cms.double(0.), # | loose matching requests for triggering
5 # includeZeroHitMuons = cms.bool(True), # |
6 # acceptOneStubMatchings = cms.bool(False),
7 # rejectBadGlobal = cms.bool(True),
8 ##############################################
9  PurityCut_track = 0.75,
10  PurityCut_muon = 0.75,
11  DTrechitTag = 'hltDt1DRecHits',
12  ignoreMissingTrackCollection = True,
13  tpTag = ("TPmu"),
14  tpRefVector = True
15 )

Definition at line 169 of file

tuple associators_cff.muonAssociation_seq
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  probeTracks_seq+tpToTkMuonAssociation
3  +trackAssociatorByHits+tpToTkmuTrackAssociation
4  +seedsOfSTAmuons_seq+tpToStaSeedAssociation+tpToStaMuonAssociation+tpToStaUpdMuonAssociation
5  +tpToGlbMuonAssociation
6  +pfMuonTracks_seq+tpToPFMuonAssociation
7  +recoMuonTracks_seq+tpTorecoMuonMuonAssociation
8  )

Definition at line 290 of file

tuple associators_cff.muonAssociationCosmic_seq
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  tpToTkCosmicSelMuonAssociation+ tpToTkCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
3  +tpToStaCosmicSelMuonAssociation+tpToStaCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
4  +tpToGlbCosmicSelMuonAssociation+tpToGlbCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
5  )

Definition at line 313 of file

tuple associators_cff.muonAssociationDisplaced_seq
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  seedsOfDisplacedSTAmuons_seq+tpToDisplacedStaSeedAssociation+tpToDisplacedStaMuonAssociation
3  +tpToDisplacedTrkMuonAssociation+tpToDisplacedGlbMuonAssociation
4  )

Definition at line 304 of file

tuple associators_cff.muonAssociationHLT_seq
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  tpToL2MuonAssociation+tpToL2UpdMuonAssociation
3  +tpToL3OITkMuonAssociation+tpToL3TkMuonAssociation+tpToL3FromL1TkMuonAssociation
4  +tpToL3GlbMuonAssociation
5  +hltIterL3MuonsNoIDTracks_seq+tpToL3NoIDMuonAssociation
6  +hltIterL3MuonsTracks_seq+tpToL3MuonAssociation
7  )

Definition at line 319 of file

tuple associators_cff.muonAssociationRefit_seq
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  tpToStaRefitMuonAssociation+tpToStaRefitUpdMuonAssociation
3  )

Definition at line 309 of file

tuple associators_cff.muonAssociationTEV_seq
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  tpToTevFirstMuonAssociation+tpToTevPickyMuonAssociation+tpToTevDytMuonAssociation
3  +tunepMuonTracks_seq+tpToTunePMuonAssociation
4  )

Definition at line 299 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToDisplacedGlbMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'displacedGlobalMuons',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 99 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToDisplacedStaMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'displacedStandAloneMuons',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 94 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToDisplacedStaSeedAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'seedsOfDisplacedSTAmuons',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.
6 )

Definition at line 88 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToDisplacedTrkMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'displacedTracks',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = False,
5  tpTag = ("TPtrack")
6 )

Definition at line 82 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToGEMMuonMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'extractGemMuons',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = False
5 )

Definition at line 162 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToGlbCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHcosmic.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'globalCosmicMuons1Leg',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 281 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToGlbCosmicSelMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHcosmic.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'globalCosmicMuons',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_track = 0.25,
6  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.25
7 )

Definition at line 263 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToGlbMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'globalMuons',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 67 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTgsfTrackAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltEgammaGsfTracks"),
3 )

Definition at line 97 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter0HPtracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity"),
3 # associator = cms.InputTag('hltTrackAssociatorByDeltaR'),
4 )

Definition at line 44 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter0tracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter0PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks"),
3 # associator = cms.InputTag('hltTrackAssociatorByDeltaR'),
4 )

Definition at line 39 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter1HPtracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity"),
3 )

Definition at line 53 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter1MergedTracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter1Merged"),
3 )

Definition at line 57 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter1tracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter1PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks"),
3 )

Definition at line 49 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter2HPtracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity"),
3 )

Definition at line 65 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter2MergedTracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter2Merged"),
3 )

Definition at line 69 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter2tracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter2PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks"),
3 )

Definition at line 61 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter3HPtracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter3PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity"),
3 )

Definition at line 77 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter3MergedTracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter3Merged"),
3 )

Definition at line 81 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter3tracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter3PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks"),
3 )

Definition at line 73 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter4HPtracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter4PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity"),
3 )

Definition at line 89 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter4MergedTracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter4Merged"),
3 )

Definition at line 93 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTiter4tracksAssociation
Initial value:
1 = tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltIter4PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks"),
3 )

Definition at line 85 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation
Initial value:
1 = _trackingParticleRecoTrackAsssociation.clone(
2  label_tr = cms.InputTag("hltPixelTracks"),
3  associator = cms.InputTag('hltTrackAssociatorByHits'),
4  ignoremissingtrackcollection = cms.untracked.bool(True)
5 )

Definition at line 33 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToHLTtracksAssociationSequence
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  hltTrackAssociatorByHits +
3  tpToHLTpixelTrackAssociation +
4 # tpToHLTiter0tracksAssociation +
5  tpToHLTiter0HPtracksAssociation +
6 # tpToHLTiter1tracksAssociation +
7  tpToHLTiter1HPtracksAssociation +
8  tpToHLTiter1MergedTracksAssociation +
9 # tpToHLTiter2tracksAssociation +
10  tpToHLTiter2HPtracksAssociation +
11  tpToHLTiter2MergedTracksAssociation +
12 # tpToHLTiter3tracksAssociation +
13  tpToHLTiter3HPtracksAssociation +
14  tpToHLTiter3MergedTracksAssociation +
15 # tpToHLTiter4tracksAssociation +
16  tpToHLTiter4HPtracksAssociation +
17  tpToHLTiter4MergedTracksAssociation
18 )

Definition at line 101 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToL2MuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHhlt.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'hltL2Muons',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 186 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToL2UpdMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHhlt.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'hltL2Muons:UpdatedAtVtx',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 191 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToL3FromL1TkMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHhlt.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'hltIterL3MuonAndMuonFromL1Merged',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = False
5 )

Definition at line 206 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToL3GlbMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHhlt.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'hltIterL3GlbMuon',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 211 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToL3MuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHhlt.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'hltIterL3MuonsTracks',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  rejectBadGlobal = False
6 )

Definition at line 222 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToL3NoIDMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHhlt.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'hltIterL3MuonsNoIDTracks',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  rejectBadGlobal = False
6 )

Definition at line 216 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToL3OITkMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHhlt.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'hltIterL3OIMuonTrackSelectionHighPurity',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = False
5 )

Definition at line 196 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToL3TkMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHhlt.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'hltIterL3MuonMerged',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = False
5 )

Definition at line 201 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToME0MuonMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'extractMe0Muons',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = False
5 )

Definition at line 156 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToPFMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'pfMuonTracks',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  tpTag = ("TPpfmu"),
6  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.,
7  rejectBadGlobal = False
8 )

Definition at line 132 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpTorecoMuonMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'recoMuonTracks',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_track = 0.,
6  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.,
7  # matching to a skimmed TP collection needs a purity cut to avoid pathological cases
8  #PurityCut_track = 0.,
9  #PurityCut_muon = 0.,
10  includeZeroHitMuons = True,
11  rejectBadGlobal = False
12 )

Definition at line 143 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToStaCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHcosmic.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'cosmicMuons1Leg',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 276 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToStaCosmicSelMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHcosmic.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'cosmicMuons',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.25
6 )

Definition at line 257 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToStaMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'standAloneMuons',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 57 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToStaRefitMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'refittedStandAloneMuons',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 72 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToStaRefitUpdMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'refittedStandAloneMuons:UpdatedAtVtx',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 77 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToStaSeedAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'seedsOfSTAmuons',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.
6 )

Definition at line 51 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToStaUpdMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'standAloneMuons:UpdatedAtVtx',
3  UseTracker = False,
4  UseMuon = True
5 )

Definition at line 62 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToTevDytMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'tevMuons:dyt',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.,
6  rejectBadGlobal = False
7 )

Definition at line 116 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToTevFirstMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'tevMuons:firstHit',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.
6 )

Definition at line 104 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToTevPickyMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'tevMuons:picky',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.
6 )

Definition at line 110 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToTkCosmic1LegSelMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHcosmic.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'ctfWithMaterialTracksP5',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = False
5 )

Definition at line 271 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToTkCosmicSelMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABHcosmic.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'ctfWithMaterialTracksP5LHCNavigation',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = False,
5  EfficiencyCut_track = 0.25
6 )

2-legs cosmics reco: simhits can be twice the reconstructed ones in any single leg (Quality cut have to be set at 0.25, purity cuts can stay at default value 0.75) T.B.D.

upper and lower leg should be analyzed separately

Definition at line 251 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToTkMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  #tracksTag = 'generalTracks',
3  tracksTag ='probeTracks',
4  UseTracker = True,
5  UseMuon = False,
6  tpTag = ("TPtrack")
7 )

Definition at line 44 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToTkmuTrackAssociation
Initial value:
1 = _trackingParticleRecoTrackAsssociation.clone(
2  associator = 'trackAssociatorByHits',
3 # label_tr = 'generalTracks',
4  label_tr = 'probeTracks'
5 )

Definition at line 13 of file

tuple associators_cff.tpToTunePMuonAssociation
Initial value:
1 = MABH.clone(
2  tracksTag = 'tunepMuonTracks',
3  UseTracker = True,
4  UseMuon = True,
5  EfficiencyCut_muon = 0.,
6  rejectBadGlobal = False
7 )

Definition at line 124 of file

Definition at line 10 of file