130 unsigned int theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex = 999.;
135 for (
unsigned int ind = 0; ind < vertex->size(); ++ind) {
136 if ((*vertex)[ind].isValid() && !((*vertex)[ind].isFake())) {
137 theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex = ind;
143 if (theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex < 100) {
144 posVtx = ((*vertex)[theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex]).
145 errVtx = ((*vertex)[theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex]).
147 LogInfo(
"RecoMuonValidator") <<
"reco::PrimaryVertex not found, use BeamSpot position instead\n";
156 errVtx(2, 2) = bs.
174 std::map<float, const reco::Muon*> muonMap;
175 for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator recoMu = muons->begin(); recoMu != muons->end(); ++recoMu) {
176 muonMap[recoMu->pt()] = &*recoMu;
178 std::vector<const reco::Muon*> LeadingMuon;
179 for (std::map<float, const reco::Muon*>::reverse_iterator rit = muonMap.rbegin(); rit != muonMap.rend(); ++rit) {
180 LeadingMuon.push_back((*rit).second);
185 const unsigned int nTrig(triggerNames.
186 bool _trig_SingleMu =
187 bool _trig_DoubleMu =
188 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < nTrig; ++
i) {
191 triggerResults->accept(
192 _trig_SingleMu =
195 triggerResults->accept(
196 _trig_DoubleMu =
199 cout <<
"[MuonRecoOneHLT] Trigger Fired ? " << (_trig_SingleMu || _trig_DoubleMu) << endl;
202 if (!_trig_SingleMu && !_trig_DoubleMu)
204 if (LeadingMuon.empty())
209 if ((*LeadingMuon[0]).isGlobalMuon()) {
210 LogTrace(
metname) <<
"[MuonRecoOneHLT] The mu is global - filling the histos";
211 if ((*LeadingMuon[0]).isTrackerMuon() && (*LeadingMuon[0]).isStandAloneMuon())
213 if (!((*LeadingMuon[0]).isTrackerMuon()) && (*LeadingMuon[0]).isStandAloneMuon())
215 if (!(*LeadingMuon[0]).isStandAloneMuon())
216 LogTrace(
metname) <<
"[MuonRecoOneHLT] ERROR: the mu is global but not standalone!";
219 reco::TrackRef recoCombinedGlbTrack = (*LeadingMuon[0]).combinedMuon();
237 ptGlbTrack[0]->Fill(recoCombinedGlbTrack->pt());
243 LogTrace(
metname) <<
"[MuonRecoOneHLT] The mu is tracker only - filling the histos";
245 reco::TrackRef recoCombinedGlbTrack = (*LeadingMuon[0]).combinedMuon();
254 if ((*LeadingMuon[0]).isTrackerMuon() && !((*LeadingMuon[0]).isGlobalMuon())) {
255 LogTrace(
metname) <<
"[MuonRecoOneHLT] The mu is tracker only - filling the histos";
256 if ((*LeadingMuon[0]).isStandAloneMuon())
258 if (!((*LeadingMuon[0]).isStandAloneMuon()))
271 if ((*LeadingMuon[0]).isStandAloneMuon() && !((*LeadingMuon[0]).isGlobalMuon())) {
272 LogTrace(
metname) <<
"[MuonRecoOneHLT] The mu is STA only - filling the histos";
273 if (!((*LeadingMuon[0]).isTrackerMuon()))
285 if ((*LeadingMuon[0]).isCaloMuon() && !((*LeadingMuon[0]).isGlobalMuon()) && !((*LeadingMuon[0]).isTrackerMuon()) &&
286 !((*LeadingMuon[0]).isStandAloneMuon()))
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResults > theTriggerResultsLabel_
MonitorElement * phiTight
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > theBeamSpotLabel_
MonitorElement * chi2OvDFTrack
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > theVertexLabel_
math::Error< dimension >::type Error
covariance error matrix (3x3)
MonitorElement * etaTight
MonitorElement * etaStaTrack
std::vector< std::string > doublemuonExpr_
edm::TriggerNames const & triggerNames(edm::TriggerResults const &triggerResults) const override
MonitorElement * chi2OvDFStaTrack
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
double BeamWidthX() const
beam width X
std::vector< MonitorElement * > phiGlbTrack
static std::string const triggerResults
MonitorElement * ptStaTrack
std::vector< std::string > singlemuonExpr_
std::vector< MonitorElement * > ptGlbTrack
MonitorElement * etaTrack
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
std::vector< MonitorElement * > etaGlbTrack
MonitorElement * phiTrack
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::MuonCollection > theMuonCollectionLabel_
std::string const & triggerName(unsigned int index) const
double sigmaZ() const
sigma z
double BeamWidthY() const
beam width Y
static int position[264][3]
MonitorElement * phiStaTrack
const Point & position() const
bool isTightMuon(const reco::Muon &, const reco::Vertex &)
MonitorElement * chi2OvDFTight
std::vector< MonitorElement * > chi2OvDFGlbTrack