2 #ifndef Fireworks_Core_FWEventItemsManager_h
3 #define Fireworks_Core_FWEventItemsManager_h
24 #include "sigc++/signal.h"
FWModelChangeManager * m_changeManager
void removeItem(const FWEventItem *)
sigc::signal< void(FWEventItem *)> newItem_
void setFrom(const FWConfiguration &) override
const FWEventItemsManager & operator=(const FWEventItemsManager &)=delete
void setContext(fireworks::Context *)
~FWEventItemsManager() override
FWEventItem * add(const FWPhysicsObjectDesc &iItem, const FWConfiguration *pbConf=nullptr, bool doSetEvent=true)
const FWEventItem * find(const std::string &iName) const
const edm::EventBase * m_event
std::shared_ptr< FWItemAccessorFactory > m_accessorFactory
const_iterator begin() const
NOTE: iterator is allowed to return a null object for items that have been removed.
sigc::signal< void(const FWEventItem *)> removingItem_
void newEvent(const edm::EventBase *iEvent)
void addTo(FWConfiguration &) const override
fireworks::Context * m_context
std::vector< FWEventItem * > m_items
std::vector< FWEventItem * >::const_iterator const_iterator
sigc::signal< void()> goingToClearItems_
FWEventItemsManager(FWModelChangeManager *)
const_iterator end() const