47 : _p(p), _type(type), _res(res) {}
172 s <<
"[" << _type <<
"] " << _p <<
"; pt: " << _p.perp() <<
", eta: " << _p.eta() <<
", phi: " << _p.phi();
209 return p().perp2() <
std::ostream & dump(std::ostream &s, bool full=false) const
Print the content of this object.
Represent a lepton in an instance of Lepjets_Event class. This class hold the following information: ...
void smear(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &engine, bool smear_dir=false)
Smear this object.
double phi_sigma(const Fourvec &v) const
Calculate the azimuthal angle resolution of a four-momentum.
Lepjets_Event_Lep(const Fourvec &p, int type, const Vector_Resolution &res)
Constructor, create a new instance of Lepjets_Event_Lep.
double eta_sigma() const
Return the uncertainty in pseudorapidity .
double p_sigma(const Fourvec &v) const
Calculate the momentum resolution of a four-momentum.
int & type()
Return a reference to the type code.
const Vector_Resolution & res() const
Return a constant reference to the resolution.
double phi_sigma() const
Return the uncertainty in azimuthal angle .
double eta_sigma(const Fourvec &v) const
Calculate the pseudorapidity resolution of a four-momentum.
double p_sigma() const
Return the uncertainty in momentum or ( or if the lepton is a tracking object).
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector Fourvec
Typedef for a HepLorentzVector.
void smear(Fourvec &v, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &engine, bool do_smear_dir=false) const
Smear a four-momentum according to the resolutions.
Represent a lepton in an instance of Lepjets_Event class.
Fourvec & p()
Return a reference to the four-momentum.
bool operator<(const Lepjets_Event_Lep &x) const
Comparison operator for sorting purpose, based on $p_{T}$.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Constraint_Intermed &ci)
Output stream operator, print the content of this Constraint_Intermed to an output stream...
Calculate and represent resolution for a vector of , pseudorapidity , and azimuthal angle ...