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checkPayloads Namespace Reference


def getListOfRunsAndLumiFromFile
def getListOfRunsAndLumiFromRR
def getUploadedIOVs
def main

Function Documentation

def checkPayloads.getListOfRunsAndLumiFromFile (   firstRun = -1,
  fileName = "" 

Definition at line 42 of file

Referenced by main().

43 def getListOfRunsAndLumiFromFile(firstRun=-1,fileName=""):
44  file = open(fileName);
45  jsonFile =;
46  file.close()
47  jsonList=json.loads(jsonFile);
49  selected_dcs = {};
50  for element in jsonList:
51  selected_dcs[long(element)]=jsonList[element]
52  return selected_dcs
def getListOfRunsAndLumiFromFile
def checkPayloads.getListOfRunsAndLumiFromRR (   firstRun = -1,
  error = "" 

Definition at line 54 of file

References print(), and str.

55 def getListOfRunsAndLumiFromRR(firstRun=-1,error=""):
56  RunReg =""
57  #RunReg = "http://localhost:40010/runregistry"
58  #Dataset=%Online%
59  Group = "Collisions10"
61  # get handler to RR XML-RPC server
62  FULLADDRESS=RunReg + "/xmlrpc"
63  #print "RunRegistry from: ",FULLADDRESS
64  #firstRun = 153000
65  server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(FULLADDRESS)
66  #sel_runtable="{groupName} ='" + Group + "' and {runNumber} > " + str(firstRun) + " and {datasetName} LIKE '" + Dataset + "'"
67  sel_runtable="{groupName} ='" + Group + "' and {runNumber} > " + str(firstRun)
69  tries = 0;
70  maxAttempts = 3
71  while tries<maxAttempts:
72  try:
73  run_data = server.DataExporter.export('RUN', 'GLOBAL', 'csv_runs', sel_runtable)
74  break
75  except:
76  tries += 1
77  print("Trying to get run data. This fails only 2-3 times so don't panic yet...", tries, "/", maxAttempts)
78  time.sleep(1)
79  print("Exception type: ", sys.exc_info()[0])
80  if tries==maxAttempts:
81  error = "Ok, now registry unaccessible...I'll get the runs from a json file!"
82  print(error);
83  return {};
85  listOfRuns=[]
86  runErrors = {}
87  for line in run_data.split("\n"):
88  run=line.split(',')[0]
89  if run.isdigit():
90  listOfRuns.append(run)
92  tries = 0
93  maxAttempts = 3
94  firstRun = listOfRuns[len(listOfRuns)-1];
95  lastRun = listOfRuns[0];
96  sel_dcstable="{groupName} ='" + Group + "' and {runNumber} >= " + str(firstRun) + " and {runNumber} <= " + str(lastRun) + " and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsH0} = 1 and {parDcsHf} = 1"
97  while tries<maxAttempts:
98  try:
99  dcs_data = server.DataExporter.export('RUNLUMISECTION', 'GLOBAL', 'json' , sel_dcstable)
100  break
101  except:
102  tries += 1
103  print("I was able to get the list of runs and now I am trying to access the detector status", tries, "/", maxAttempts)
104  time.sleep(1)
105  print("Exception type: ", sys.exc_info()[0])
107  if tries==maxAttempts:
108  error = "Ok, now registry unaccessible...I'll get the runs from a json file!"
109  print(error);
110  return {};
112  #This is the original and shold work in the furture as soon as the server will be moved to a more powerfull PC
113  #while tries<maxAttempts:
114  # try:
115  # run_data = server.DataExporter.export('RUN' , 'GLOBAL', 'csv_runs', sel_runtable)
116  # dcs_data = server.DataExporter.export('RUNLUMISECTION', 'GLOBAL', 'json' , sel_dcstable)
117  # #print run_data
118  # #print dcs_data
119  # break
120  # except:
121  # print "Something wrong in accessing runregistry, retrying in 5s...."
122  # tries += 1
123  # time.sleep(2)
124  # print "Exception type: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
125  #
126  # if tries==maxAttempts:
127  # error = "Run registry unaccessible.....exiting now"
128  # sys.exit(error)
132  selected_dcs={}
133  jsonList=json.loads(dcs_data)
135  #for element in jsonList:
136  for element in listOfRuns:
137  #if element in listOfRuns:
138  if element in jsonList:
139  selected_dcs[long(element)]=jsonList[element]
140  else:
141  #print "WARNING: Run " + element + " is a collision10 run with 0 lumis in Run Registry!"
142  selected_dcs[long(element)]= [[]]
143  return selected_dcs
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def getListOfRunsAndLumiFromRR
#define str(s)
def checkPayloads.getUploadedIOVs (   tagName,
  destDB = "oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_BEAMSPOT" 

Definition at line 17 of file

References beamvalidation.exit(), spr.find(), and submitPVValidationJobs.split().

Referenced by main().

18 def getUploadedIOVs(tagName,destDB="oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_BEAMSPOT"):
19  listIOVCommand = "cmscond_list_iov -c " + destDB + " -P /afs/ -t " + tagName
20  dbError = subprocess.getstatusoutput( listIOVCommand )
21  if dbError[0] != 0 :
22  if dbError[1].find("metadata entry \"" + tagName + "\" does not exist") != -1:
23  exit(dbError[1])
24  else:
25  exit("ERROR: Can\'t connect to db because:\n" + dbError[1])
28  aCommand = listIOVCommand + " | grep DB= | awk \'{print $1}\'"
29  #print aCommand
30  output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( aCommand )
32  #WARNING when we pass to lumi IOV this should be long long
33  if output[1] == '':
34  exit("ERROR: The tag " + tagName + " exists but I can't get the value of the last IOV")
36  runs = []
37  for run in output[1].split('\n'):
38  runs.append(long(run))
40  return runs
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
def checkPayloads.main ( )

Definition at line 145 of file

References beamvalidation.exit(), getListOfRunsAndLumiFromFile(), getUploadedIOVs(), if(), print(), and str.

146 def main():
147  usage = "USAGE: ./ (optional tagNumber) (optional \"lumi\") (optional \"z\" (optional destDB)"
148  printExtra = False
149  tagNumber = "14"
150  dbBase = ""
151  sigmaZ = ""
153  if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
154  if not sys.argv[1].isdigit():
155  exit(usage)
156  else:
157  tagNumber = sys.argv[1]
158  if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
159  if not sys.argv[2] == "lumi":
160  exit(usage)
161  else:
162  dbBase = "_LumiBased"
163  if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
164  if not sys.argv[3] == "z":
165  exit(usage)
166  else:
167  sigmaZ = "_SigmaZ"
168  destDB = ""
169  if(len(sys.argv) > 4):
170  destDB = sys.argv[4]
171  #132573 Beam lost immediately
172  #132958 Bad strips
173  #133081 Bad pixels bad strips
174  #133242 Bad strips
175  #133472 Bad strips
176  #133473 Only 20 lumisection, run duration 00:00:03:00
177  #133509 Should be good!!!!!!!!!!
178  #136290 Bad Pixels bad strips
179  #138560 Bad pixels bad strips
180  #138562 Bad HLT bad L1T, need to rescale the Jet Triggers
181  #139363 NOT in the bad list but only 15 lumis and stopped for DAQ problems
182  #139455 Bad Pixels and Strips and stopped because of HCAL trigger rate too high
183  #140133 Beams dumped
184  #140182 No pixel and Strips with few entries
185  #141865 Pixel are bad but Strips work. Run is acceptable but need relaxed cuts since there are no pixels. BeamWidth measurement is bad 80um compared to 40um
186  #142461 Run crashed immediately due to PIX, stable beams since LS1
187  #142465 PostCollsions10, beams lost, HCAl DQM partly working
188  #142503 Bad pixels bad strips
189  #142653 Strips not in data taking
190  #143977 No Beam Strips and Pixels bad
191  #148859 Strips and Pixels HV off waiting for beam
193  knownMissingRunList = [132573,132958,133081,133242,133472,133473,136290,138560,138562,139455,140133,140182,142461,142465,142503,142653,143977,148859]
194  tagName = "BeamSpotObjects_2009" + dbBase + sigmaZ + "_v" + tagNumber + "_offline"
195  print("Checking payloads for tag " + tagName)
196  listOfRunsAndLumi = {};
197  #listOfRunsAndLumi = getListOfRunsAndLumiFromRR(-1);
198  if(not listOfRunsAndLumi):
199  listOfRunsAndLumi = getListOfRunsAndLumiFromFile(-1,"/afs/");
200  tmpListOfIOVs = []
201  if(destDB != ""):
202  tmpListOfIOVs = getUploadedIOVs(tagName,destDB)
203  else:
204  tmpListOfIOVs = getUploadedIOVs(tagName)
207  listOfIOVs = []
208  if(dbBase == ''):
209  listOfIOVs = tmpListOfIOVs
210  else:
211  for iov in tmpListOfIOVs:
212  if((iov >> 32) not in listOfIOVs):
213  listOfIOVs.append(iov >>32)
214  RRRuns = sorted(listOfRunsAndLumi.keys())
215  for run in RRRuns:
216  #print listOfRunsAndLumiFromRR[run]
217  if run not in listOfIOVs:
218  extraMsg = ""
219  if listOfRunsAndLumi[run] == [[]]:
220  extraMsg = " but it is empty in the RR"
221  if not printExtra: continue
222  if run in knownMissingRunList :
223  extraMsg = " but this run is know to be bad " #+ runErrors[run]
224  if not printExtra: continue
225  print("Run: " + str(run) + " is missing for DB tag " + tagName + extraMsg)
if(conf_.getParameter< bool >("UseStripCablingDB"))
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
#define str(s)
def getListOfRunsAndLumiFromFile