16 "detachedTripletStep",
20 "jetCoreRegionalStep",
22 "muonSeededStepInOut",
23 "muonSeededStepOutIn",
24 "outInEcalSeededConv",
25 "inOutEcalSeededConv",
29 "cosmicStandAloneMuon",
34 "displacedGeneralStep",
35 "reservedForUpgrades2",
46 "hiRegitMuInitialStep",
47 "hiRegitMuLowPtTripletStep",
48 "hiRegitMuPixelPairStep",
49 "hiRegitMuDetachedTripletStep",
50 "hiRegitMuMixedTripletStep",
51 "hiRegitMuPixelLessStep",
52 "hiRegitMuTobTecStep",
53 "hiRegitMuMuonSeededStepInOut",
54 "hiRegitMuMuonSeededStepOutIn"};
57 "loose",
69 algorithm_(undefAlgorithm),
70 originalAlgorithm_(undefAlgorithm),
98 covbetabeta_(covbetabeta),
106 algorithm_(algorithm),
107 originalAlgorithm_(algorithm),
110 stopReason_(stopReason) {
154 return std::sqrt((vtx.x() *
px() + vtx.y() *
py()) * (vtx.x() *
px() + vtx.y() *
py()) / (
pt() *
pt()) *
157 py() *
py() / (
pt() *
pt()) * vertexCov(0, 0) - 2 *
py() *
px() / (
pt() *
pt()) * vertexCov(0, 1) +
158 px() *
px() / (
pt() *
pt()) * vertexCov(1, 1));
void setQuality(const TrackQuality)
unsigned int index
index type
default constructor
track quality
double dxyError() const
error on dxy
double px() const
x coordinate of momentum vector
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
track algorithm
static const std::string qualityNames[]
std::bitset< algoSize > algoMask_
algo mask, bit set for the algo where it was reconstructed + each algo a track was found overlapping ...
CovarianceMatrix covariance() const
return track covariance matrix
PerigeeCovarianceMatrix & fillCovariance(PerigeeCovarianceMatrix &v, const float *data)
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
static TrackQuality qualityByName(const std::string &name)
virtual ~TrackBase()
virtual destructor
This class analyses the reconstruction quality for a given track.
static const std::string algoNames[]
float covariance_[covarianceSize]
perigee 5x5 covariance matrix
Structure Point Contains parameters of Gaussian fits to DMRs.
CovarianceMatrix & fill(CovarianceMatrix &v) const
fill SMatrix
static TrackAlgorithm algoByName(const std::string &name)
uint8_t algorithm_
track algorithm
math::XYZVector Vector
spatial vector
tuple size
Write out results.
double py() const
y coordinate of momentum vector
math::Error< dimension >::type CovarianceMatrix
5 parameter covariance matrix