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B2GMonitoring_cff Namespace Reference


tuple AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_HTmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_Mjjmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_HTmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_Mjjmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_HTmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_Mjjmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_HTmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_Mjjmonitoring
tuple AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
tuple AK8PFJet360_TrimMass30_PromptMonitoring
tuple AK8PFJet380_TrimMass30_PromptMonitoring
tuple AK8PFJet400_TrimMass30_PromptMonitoring
tuple AK8PFJet420_TrimMass30_PromptMonitoring
tuple AK8PFJet500_Mjjmonitoring
tuple AK8PFJet500_Softdropmonitoring
tuple b2gHLTDQMSourceExtra
tuple b2gHLTDQMSourceWithRECO
 as reported in it turned out that all softdrop modules rely on a jet collection which is available only if the miniAOD step is run ==> it is fine in the PromptReco workflow, but this collection is not available in the Express reconstruction in addition, it is not available in the AOD (!!!!) ==> these modules needs to be run WithRECO step workflow (actually w/ the miniAOD step ....) More...
tuple b2gMonitorHLT
tuple hltDQMonitorB2G_MuEle
tuple hltDQMonitorB2G_MuTkMu
tuple PFHT1050_Mjjmonitoring
tuple PFHT1050_Softdropmonitoring

Variable Documentation

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_HTmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltHTmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 0 && eta < 2.5",
5  jetSelection_HT = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.5",
6  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_v*"])
7 )

Definition at line 48 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_Mjjmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltMjjmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.4",
5  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_v*"])
6 )

Definition at line 56 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltSoftdropmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50',
3  jetSelection = "pt > 65 && eta < 2.4",
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet= dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 63 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_HTmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltHTmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 0 && eta < 2.5",
5  jetSelection_HT = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.5",
6  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_v*"])
7 )

Definition at line 69 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_Mjjmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltMjjmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.4",
5  numGenericTriggerEventPSet= dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_v*"])
6 )

Definition at line 77 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltSoftdropmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50',
3  jetSelection = "pt > 65 && eta < 2.4",
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 84 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_HTmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltHTmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 0 && eta < 2.5",
5  jetSelection_HT = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.5",
6  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_v*"])
7 )

Definition at line 90 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_Mjjmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltMjjmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.4",
5  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_v*"])
6 )

Definition at line 98 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltSoftdropmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50',
3  jetSelection = "pt > 65 && eta < 2.4",
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 105 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_HTmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltHTmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 0 && eta < 2.5",
5  jetSelection_HT = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.5",
6  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_v*"])
7 )

Definition at line 111 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_Mjjmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltMjjmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.4",
5  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_v*"])
6 )

Definition at line 119 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltSoftdropmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50',
3  jetSelection = "pt > 65 && eta < 2.4",
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 126 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFJet360_TrimMass30_PromptMonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltJetMETmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFJet360_TrimMass30',
3  ptcut = 360,
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFJet360_TrimMass30_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 133 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFJet380_TrimMass30_PromptMonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltJetMETmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFJet380_TrimMass30',
3  ptcut = 380,
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFJet380_TrimMass30_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 139 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFJet400_TrimMass30_PromptMonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltJetMETmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFJet400_TrimMass30',
3  ptcut = 400,
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFJet400_TrimMass30_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 146 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFJet420_TrimMass30_PromptMonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltJetMETmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFJet420_TrimMass30',
3  ptcut = 420,
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFJet420_TrimMass30_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 152 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFJet500_Mjjmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltMjjmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFJet500',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.4",
5  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFJet500_v*"])
6 )

Definition at line 35 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.AK8PFJet500_Softdropmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltSoftdropmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/AK8PFJet500',
3  jetSelection = "pt > 65 && eta < 2.4",
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet= dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_AK8PFJet500_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 42 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.b2gHLTDQMSourceExtra
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2 )

Definition at line 225 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.b2gHLTDQMSourceWithRECO
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  PFHT1050_Softdropmonitoring +
3  AK8PFJet500_Softdropmonitoring +
4  AK8PFHT750_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring +
5  AK8PFHT800_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring +
6  AK8PFHT850_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring +
7  AK8PFHT900_TrimMass50_Softdropmonitoring
8 )

as reported in it turned out that all softdrop modules rely on a jet collection which is available only if the miniAOD step is run ==> it is fine in the PromptReco workflow, but this collection is not available in the Express reconstruction in addition, it is not available in the AOD (!!!!) ==> these modules needs to be run WithRECO step workflow (actually w/ the miniAOD step ....)

Definition at line 216 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.b2gMonitorHLT

Definition at line 174 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.hltDQMonitorB2G_MuEle
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/Dileptonic/HLT_MuXX_EleXX_CaloIdL_MW',
3  nelectrons = 1,
4  eleSelection = 'pt>20 & abs(eta)<2.5',
5  nmuons = 1,
6  muoSelection = 'pt>20 & abs(eta)<2.4 & ((pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25) & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
7  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu37_Ele27_CaloIdL_MW_v*', 'HLT_Mu27_Ele37_CaloIdL_MW_v*'])
8 )

Definition at line 158 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.hltDQMonitorB2G_MuTkMu
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/Dileptonic/HLT_Mu37_TkMu27',
3  nmuons = 2,
4  muoSelection = 'pt>20 & abs(eta)<2.4 & ((pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25) & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
5  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu37_TkMu27_v*'])
6 )

Definition at line 167 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.PFHT1050_Mjjmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltMjjmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/PFHT1050',
3  jets = "ak8PFJetsPuppi",
4  jetSelection = "pt > 200 && eta < 2.4",
5  numGenericTriggerEventPSet= dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_PFHT1050_v*"])
6 )

Definition at line 22 of file

tuple B2GMonitoring_cff.PFHT1050_Softdropmonitoring
Initial value:
1 = hltSoftdropmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/B2G/PFHT1050',
3  jetSelection = "pt > 65 && eta < 2.4",
4  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ["HLT_PFHT1050_v*"])
5 )

Definition at line 29 of file