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TopMonitoring_cff Namespace Reference


tuple fullyhadronic_DoubleBTag_all
tuple fullyhadronic_DoubleBTag_bjet
tuple fullyhadronic_DoubleBTag_jet
tuple fullyhadronic_DoubleBTag_ref
tuple fullyhadronic_ref350
 FullyHadronic. More...
tuple fullyhadronic_ref370
tuple fullyhadronic_ref430
tuple fullyhadronic_SingleBTag_all
tuple fullyhadronic_SingleBTag_bjet
tuple fullyhadronic_SingleBTag_jet
tuple fullyhadronic_SingleBTag_ref
tuple fullyhadronic_TripleBTag_all
tuple fullyhadronic_TripleBTag_bjet
tuple fullyhadronic_TripleBTag_jet
tuple topDiElectronHLTMonitor
 DiElectron. More...
tuple topDiElectronHLTMonitor_Dz
tuple topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Dz
tuple topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Dz_Mu17_Mu8
tuple topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Mass3p8
tuple topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Mass3p8Mon
tuple topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Mass8
tuple topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Mass8Mon
tuple topDiMuonHLTMonitor_noDz
 DiMuon. More...
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor
 ElecMuon. More...
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Dz_Mu12Ele23
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Dz_Mu23Ele12
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Dz_Mu8Ele23
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu12Ele23
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu12Ele23_ref
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu23Ele12
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu23Ele12_ref
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu8Ele23
tuple topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu8Ele23_ref
tuple topEleHT_all
tuple topEleHT_ele
tuple topEleHT_ht
 Ele+HT. More...
tuple topEleJet_all
tuple topEleJet_ele
tuple topEleJet_jet
 Ele+Jet. More...
tuple topHLTDQMSourceExtra
tuple topMonitorHLT
tuple topMonitorHLT_2016 = topMonitorHLT.copy()
tuple topSingleMuonHLTMonitor_Mu24
 SingleMuon. More...
tuple topSingleMuonHLTMonitor_Mu27
tuple topSingleMuonHLTMonitor_Mu50

Variable Documentation

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_DoubleBTag_all
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/DoubleBTag/GlobalMonitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 6,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 2,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.4941, # Medium (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,140,160,200],
16  HTBinning = [0,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT400_SixPFJet32_DoublePFBTagDeepCSV_2p94_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 417 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_DoubleBTag_bjet
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/DoubleBTag/BJetMonitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 6,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 2,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.1522, # Loose (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,140,160,200],
16  HTBinning = [0,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT400_SixPFJet32_DoublePFBTagDeepCSV_2p94_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT400_SixPFJet32_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 488 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_DoubleBTag_jet
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/DoubleBTag/JetMonitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 6,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 2,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.4941, # Medium (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,140,160,200],
16  HTBinning = [0,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT400_SixPFJet32_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT370_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 451 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_DoubleBTag_ref
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/DoubleBTag/RefMonitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 6,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 0,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.4941, # Medium (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,140,160,200],
16  HTBinning = [0,360,380,400,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT400_SixPFJet32_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 526 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_ref350
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/Reference/PFHT350Monitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
6  HTcut = 250,
7  # Binning
8  histoPSet =dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000 ),
9  HTBinning = [0,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,1000]),
10  # Trigger
11  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT350_v*']),
12  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
13 )


Definition at line 372 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_ref370
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/Reference/PFHT370Monitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
6  HTcut = 250,
7  # Binning
8  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
9  HTBinning = [0,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,1000]),
10  # Trigger
11  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT370_v*']),
12  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
13 )

Definition at line 387 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_ref430
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/Reference/PFHT430Monitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
6  HTcut = 250,
7  # Binning
8  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000 ),
9  HTBinning = [0,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,1000]),
10  # Trigger
11  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT430_v*']),
12  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
13 )

Definition at line 402 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_SingleBTag_all
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName= 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/SingleBTag/GlobalMonitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 6,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 2,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.4941, # Medium (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,140,160,200],
16  HTBinning = [0,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT450_SixPFJet36_PFBTagDeepCSV_1p59_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 561 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_SingleBTag_bjet
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName= 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/SingleBTag/BJetMonitor/',
3  # Selection
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 6,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 2,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.1522, # Loose (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,140,160,200],
16  HTBinning = [0,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT450_SixPFJet36_PFBTagDeepCSV_1p59_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT450_SixPFJet36_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 634 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_SingleBTag_jet
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName= 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/SingleBTag/JetMonitor/',
3  # Selection
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 6,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 2,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.4941, # Medium (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,140,160,200],
16  HTBinning = [0,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT450_SixPFJet36_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT430_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 596 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_SingleBTag_ref
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName= 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/SingleBTag/RefMonitor/',
3  # Selection
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 6,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 0,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>40 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.4941, # Medium (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,140,160,200],
16  HTBinning = [0,400,420,440,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT450_SixPFJet36_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 672 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_TripleBTag_all
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/TripleBTag/GlobalMonitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 4,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>45 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 4,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>45 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.4941, # Medium (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet =dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,200,400],
16  HTBinning = [0,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT330PT30_QuadPFJet_75_60_45_40_TriplePFBTagDeepCSV_4p5_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 707 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_TripleBTag_bjet
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/TripleBTag/BJetMonitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 4,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>45 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 4,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>45 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.1522, # Loose (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,200,400],
16  HTBinning = [0,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT330PT30_QuadPFJet_75_60_45_40_TriplePFBTagDeepCSV_4p5_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT330PT30_QuadPFJet_75_60_45_40_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 768 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.fullyhadronic_TripleBTag_jet
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/FullyHadronic/TripleBTag/JetMonitor/',
3  # Selections
4  leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
5  njets = 4,
6  jetSelection = 'pt>45 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 500,
9  nbjets = 4,
10  bjetSelection = 'pt>45 & abs(eta)<2.4',
11  btagAlgos = ["pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb", "pfDeepCSVJetTags:probbb"],
12  workingpoint = 0.4941, # Medium (According to:
13  # Binning
14  histoPSet = dict(htPSet = dict(nbins= 50, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 1000),
15  jetPtBinning = [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90,100,120,200,400],
16  HTBinning = [0,460,480,500,520,540,560,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900]),
17  # Triggers
18  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT330PT30_QuadPFJet_75_60_45_40_v*']),
19  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT350_v*'])
20 )

Definition at line 737 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiElectronHLTMonitor
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiElectron/Ele23Ele12/',
3  nmuons = 0,
4  nelectrons = 2,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25 & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele23_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*'])
10 )


Definition at line 191 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiElectronHLTMonitor_Dz
Initial value:
1 = topDiElectronHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiElectron/Ele23Ele12_DzEfficiency/',
3  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele23_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*'])
4 )

Definition at line 203 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Dz
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mu17_Mu8_Dz/',
3  nmuons = 2,
4  nelectrons = 0,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25 & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet =dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*'])
10 )

Definition at line 223 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Dz_Mu17_Mu8
Initial value:
1 = topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Dz.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mu17_Mu8_DzEfficiency/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*']),
4  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_v*'])
5 )

Definition at line 235 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Mass3p8
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mass3p8/',
3  nmuons = 2,
4  nelectrons = 0,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25 & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_Mass3p8_v*'])
10 )

Definition at line 254 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Mass3p8Mon
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  #FolderName = 'HLT/TopHLTOffline/TopMonitor/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mu17_Mu8_Mass3p8Efficiency/',
3  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mu17_Mu8_Mass3p8Efficiency/',
4  nmuons = 2,
5  nelectrons = 0,
6  njets = 0,
7  eleSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  muoSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25 & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
9  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
10  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_Mass3p8_v*']),
11  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*'])
12 )

Definition at line 280 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Mass8
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mass8/',
3  nmuons = 2,
4  nelectrons = 0,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25 & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_Mass8_v*'])
10 )

Definition at line 242 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiMuonHLTMonitor_Mass8Mon
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  #FolderName = 'HLT/TopHLTOffline/TopMonitor/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mu17_Mu8_Mass8Efficiency/',
3  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mu17_Mu8_Mass8Efficiency/',
4  nmuons = 2,
5  nelectrons = 0,
6  njets = 0,
7  eleSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  muoSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25 & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
9  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
10  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_Mass8_v*']),
11  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*'])
12 )

Definition at line 266 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topDiMuonHLTMonitor_noDz
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/DiMuon/Mu17_Mu8/',
3  nmuons = 2,
4  nelectrons = 0,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25 & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_v*'])
10 )


Definition at line 211 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/OR/',
3  nmuons = 1,
4  nelectrons = 1,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.4 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.))/pt < 0.25 & isPFMuon & (isTrackerMuon || isGlobalMuon)',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*',
10  'HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*',
11  'HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*',
12  'HLT_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*',
13  'HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*',
14  'HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*'])
15 )


Definition at line 296 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Dz_Mu12Ele23
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu12Ele23_DzEfficiency/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*']),
4  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*'])
5 )

Definition at line 313 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Dz_Mu23Ele12
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu23Ele12_DzEfficiency/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*']),
4  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*'])
5 )

Definition at line 327 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Dz_Mu8Ele23
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu8Ele23_DzEfficiency/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*']),
4  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*'])
5 )

Definition at line 320 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu12Ele23
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu12Ele23/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*'])
4 )

Definition at line 334 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu12Ele23_ref
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu12Ele23_Ref/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*'])
4 )

Definition at line 352 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu23Ele12
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu23Ele12/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*'])
4 )

Definition at line 346 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu23Ele12_ref
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu23Ele12_Ref/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*'])
4 )

Definition at line 364 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu8Ele23
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu8Ele23/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ_v*'])
4 )

Definition at line 340 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topElecMuonHLTMonitor_Mu8Ele23_ref
Initial value:
1 = topElecMuonHLTMonitor.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/DiLepton/ElecMuon/Mu8Ele23_Ref/',
3  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_v*'])
4 )

Definition at line 358 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topEleHT_all
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/EleHT/GlobalMonitor',
3  nmuons = 0,
4  nelectrons = 1,
5  njets = 2,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>25 & abs(eta)<2.1',
7  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 100,
9  histoPSet = dict(eleEtaBinning = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.6,-0.3,-0.1,0,0.1,0.3,0.6,0.9,1.5,2.1],
10  eleEtaBinning2D = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.6,0,0.6,1.5,2.1],
11  elePtBinning = [0,25,30,32.5,35,40,45,50,60,80,120,200,400],
12  elePtBinning2D = [0,25,30,40,50,60,80,100,200,400],
13  jetPtBinning = [0,30,40,50,60,80,120,200,400],
14  jetPtBinning2D = [0,30,40,60,80,100,200,400],
15  HTBinning = [0,100,120,140,150,160,175,200,300,400,500,700],
16  HTBinning2D = [0,100,125,150.175,200,400,700]),
17  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele28_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf_HT150_v*'])
18  #denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu24_v*'])
19 )

Definition at line 130 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topEleHT_ele
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/EleHT/ElectronMonitor',
3  nmuons = 0,
4  nelectrons = 1,
5  njets = 2,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>25 & abs(eta)<2.1',
7  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 200,
9  histoPSet = dict(eleEtaBinning = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.6,-0.3,-0.1,0,0.1,0.3,0.6,0.9,1.5,2.1],
10  eleEtaBinning2D = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.6,0,0.6,1.5,2.1],
11  elePtBinning = [0,25,30,32.5,35,40,45,50,60,80,120,200,400],
12  elePtBinning2D = [0,25,30,40,50,60,80,100,200,400],
13  jetPtBinning = [0,30,40,50,60,80,120,200,400],
14  jetPtBinning2D = [0,30,40,60,80,100,200,400],
15  HTBinning = [0,200,250,300,350,400,500,700],
16  HTBinning2D = [0,200,250,300,400,500,700]),
17  numGenericTriggerEventPSet =dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele28_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf_HT150_v*']),
18  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFHT250_v*',
19  'HLT_PFHT370_v*',
20  'HLT_PFHT430_v*',
21  'HLT_PFHT510_v*',
22  'HLT_PFHT590_v*',
23  'HLT_PFHT680_v*',
24  'HLT_PFHT780_v*',
25  'HLT_PFHT890_v*'])
26 )

Definition at line 102 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topEleHT_ht
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/EleHT/HTMonitor',
3  nmuons = 0,
4  nelectrons = 1,
5  njets = 2,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>50 & abs(eta)<2.1',
7  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  HTcut = 100,
9  histoPSet = dict(eleEtaBinning = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.6,-0.3,-0.1,0,0.1,0.3,0.6,0.9,1.5,2.1],
10  eleEtaBinning2D = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.6,0,0.6,1.5,2.1],
11  elePtBinning = [0,50,60,80,120,200,400],
12  elePtBinning2D = [0,50,70,120,200,400],
13  jetPtBinning = [0,30,40,50,60,80,120,200,400],
14  jetPtBinning2D = [0,30,40,60,80,100,200,400],
15  HTBinning = [0,100,120,140,150,160,175,200,300,400,500,700],
16  HTBinning2D = [0,100,125,150,175,200,400,700]),
17  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele28_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf_HT150_v*']),
18  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele35_WPTight_Gsf_v*',
19  'HLT_Ele38_WPTight_Gsf_v*',
20  'HLT_Ele40_WPTight_Gsf_v*'])
21 )


Definition at line 79 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topEleJet_all
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/EleJet/GlobalMonitor',
3  nmuons = 0,
4  nelectrons = 1,
5  njets = 1,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>25 & abs(eta)<2.1',
7  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  histoPSet = dict(eleEtaBinning = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.6,-0.3,-0.1,0,0.1,0.3,0.6,0.9,1.5,2.1],
9  eleEtaBinning2D = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.6,0,0.6,1.5,2.1],
10  elePtBinning = [0,25,30,32.5,35,40,45,50,60,80,120,200,400],
11  elePtBinning2D = [0,25,30,40,50,60,80,100,200,400],
12  jetPtBinning = [0,30,35,37.5,40,50,60,80,120,200,400],
13  jetPtBinning2D = [0,30,35,40,50,60,80,100,200,400]),
14  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele30_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf_CentralPFJet35_EleCleaned_v*']),
15  #denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu24_v*'])
16 )

Definition at line 59 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topEleJet_ele
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/EleJet/ElectronMonitor',
3  nmuons = 0,
4  nelectrons = 1,
5  njets = 1,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>25 & abs(eta)<2.1',
7  jetSelection = 'pt>50 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  histoPSet = dict(eleEtaBinning = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.6,-0.3,-0.1,0,0.1,0.3,0.6,0.9,1.5,2.1],
9  eleEtaBinning2D = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.6,0,0.6,1.5,2.1],
10  elePtBinning = [0,25,30,32.5,35,40,45,50,60,80,120,200,400],
11  elePtBinning2D = [0,25,30,40,50,60,80,100,200,400],
12  jetPtBinning = [0,50,60,80,120,200,400],
13  jetPtBinning2D = [0,50,60,80,100,200,400]),
14  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele30_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf_CentralPFJet35_EleCleaned_v*']),
15  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_PFJet60_v*',
16  'HLT_PFJet80_v*',
17  'HLT_PFJet140_v*',
18  'HLT_PFJet200_v*',
19  'HLT_PFJet260_v*',
20  'HLT_PFJet320_v*',
21  'HLT_PFJet400_v*',
22  'HLT_PFJet450_v*',
23  'HLT_PFJet500_v*',
24  'HLT_PFJet550_v*'])
25 )

Definition at line 33 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topEleJet_jet
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/EleJet/JetMonitor',
3  nmuons = 0,
4  nelectrons = 1,
5  njets = 1,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>50 & abs(eta)<2.1',
7  jetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
8  histoPSet = dict(eleEtaBinning = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.6,-0.3,-0.1,0,0.1,0.3,0.6,0.9,1.5,2.1],
9  eleEtaBinning2D = [-2.1,-1.5,-0.6,0,0.6,1.5,2.1],
10  elePtBinning = [0,50,60,80,120,200,400],
11  elePtBinning2D = [0,50,70,120,200,400],
12  jetPtBinning = [0,30,35,37.5,40,50,60,80,120,200,400],
13  jetPtBinning2D = [0,30,35,40,50,60,80,100,200,400]),
14  numGenericTriggerEventPSet= dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele30_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf_CentralPFJet35_EleCleaned_v*']),
15  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Ele35_WPTight_Gsf_v*',
16  'HLT_Ele38_WPTight_Gsf_v*',
17  'HLT_Ele40_WPTight_Gsf_v*',])
18 )


Definition at line 13 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topHLTDQMSourceExtra
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2 )

Definition at line 858 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topMonitorHLT

Definition at line 805 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topMonitorHLT_2016 = topMonitorHLT.copy()

Definition at line 861 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topSingleMuonHLTMonitor_Mu24
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/SingleLepton/SingleMuon/Mu24/',
3  nmuons = 1,
4  nelectrons = 0,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>26 & abs(eta)<2.1 & isPFMuon & isGlobalMuon & isTrackerMuon & numberOfMatches>1 & innerTrack.hitPattern.trackerLayersWithMeasurement>5 & innerTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidPixelHits>0 & globalTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits>0 & globalTrack.normalizedChi2<10 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.) )/pt<0.15',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>20 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu24_eta2p1_v*', 'HLT_IsoMu24_v*'])
10 )


Definition at line 153 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topSingleMuonHLTMonitor_Mu27
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/SingleLepton/SingleMuon/Mu27/',
3  nmuons = 1,
4  nelectrons = 0,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>26 & abs(eta)<2.1 & isPFMuon & isGlobalMuon & isTrackerMuon & numberOfMatches>1 & innerTrack.hitPattern.trackerLayersWithMeasurement>5 & innerTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidPixelHits>0 & globalTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits>0 & globalTrack.normalizedChi2<10 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.) )/pt<0.15',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>20 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_IsoMu27_v*'])
10 )

Definition at line 165 of file

tuple TopMonitoring_cff.topSingleMuonHLTMonitor_Mu50
Initial value:
1 = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
2  FolderName = 'HLT/TOP/SingleLepton/SingleMuon/Mu50/',
3  nmuons = 1,
4  nelectrons = 0,
5  njets = 0,
6  eleSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
7  muoSelection = 'pt>26 & abs(eta)<2.1 & isPFMuon & isGlobalMuon & isTrackerMuon & numberOfMatches>1 & innerTrack.hitPattern.trackerLayersWithMeasurement>5 & innerTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidPixelHits>0 & globalTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits>0 & globalTrack.normalizedChi2<10 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.) )/pt<0.15',
8  jetSelection = 'pt>20 & abs(eta)<2.4',
9  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(hltPaths = ['HLT_Mu50_v*'])
10 )

Definition at line 177 of file