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hgcalHtml Namespace Reference


dictionary _allmaterialsplots = {"HGCal_x_vs_eta","HGCal_l_vs_eta","HGCal_x_vs_phi","HGCal_l_vs_phi","HGCal_x_vs_R","HGCal_l_vs_R","HGCal_x_vs_eta_vs_phi","HGCal_l_vs_eta_vs_phi","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rloc","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rloc"}
dictionary _allmaterialsPlotsDesc
dictionary _fromvertexplots = {"HGCal_l_vs_eta","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum_Zpluszoom"}
dictionary _fromVertexPlotsDesc
dictionary _geoPageNameMap
dictionary _hideShowFun
list _individualmaterials = ['Air','Aluminium','Cables','Copper','Epoxy','HGC_G10-FR4','Kapton','Lead','Other','Scintillator','Silicon','Stainless_Steel','WCu','Polystyrene','HGC_EEConnector','HGC_HEConnector']
dictionary _individualmatplots = {"HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rloc","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rloc"}
dictionary _individualMatPlotsDesc
list _MatBudSections = ["allhgcal","indimat","fromvertex"]
dictionary _matPageNameMap
dictionary _pageNameMap
dictionary _sampleFileName
dictionary _sampleName
tuple _sectionNameMapOrder
dictionary _summary = {}
list _summobj = ['hitCalibration','hitValidation', 'layerClusters','tracksters']
list summhitcalib
list summhitvalid
list summlc
list summmcEM
list summmcHAD
 summmcTICL = summmcEM+summmcHAD
list summstandalone

Variable Documentation

dictionary hgcalHtml._allmaterialsplots = {"HGCal_x_vs_eta","HGCal_l_vs_eta","HGCal_x_vs_phi","HGCal_l_vs_phi","HGCal_x_vs_R","HGCal_l_vs_R","HGCal_x_vs_eta_vs_phi","HGCal_l_vs_eta_vs_phi","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rloc","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rloc"}

Definition at line 231 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._allmaterialsPlotsDesc

Definition at line 244 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._fromvertexplots = {"HGCal_l_vs_eta","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum_Zpluszoom"}

Definition at line 233 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._fromVertexPlotsDesc
Initial value:
1 = {
2  "HGCal_x_vs_eta" : "The plot below shows the stacked profile histogram of all sub detectors in front of muon stations. This profile histogram displays the mean value of the material budget in units of radiation length in each eta bin. 250 bins in eta (-5,5), so eta is divided in 0.04 width bins. ",
4  "HGCal_l_vs_eta" : "The plots below shows the stacked profile histogram of all sub detectors in front of muon stations. This profile histogram displays the mean value of the material budget in units of interaction length in each eta bin. 250 bins in eta (-5,5), so eta is divided in 0.04 width bins. ",
6  "HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum" : "The plots below shows the detectors that are taken into account in the calculation of the material budget. Keep in mind that coloured regions that depicts each sub-detector area may contain Air as material.",
8  "HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum_Zpluszoom" : "The zoomed plots below shows the detectors that are taken into account in the calculation of the material budget. Keep in mind that coloured regions that depicts each sub-detector area may contain Air as material."
12 }

Definition at line 276 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._geoPageNameMap
Initial value:
1 = {
2  "allhgcal": "All materials",
3 # "zminus" : "Zminus",
4 # "zplus" : "Zplus",
5  "indimat" : "Individual materials",
6  "fromvertex": "From vertex up to in front of muon stations"
7 }

Definition at line 200 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._hideShowFun
Initial value:
1 = {
2  "thestyle" : "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\"> \n <style> \n body {font-family: Arial;} \ { \n overflow: hidden; \n border: 1px solid #ccc; \n background-color: #f1f1f1;} \n .tab button { background-color: inherit; \n float: left; \n border: none; \n outline: none; \n cursor: pointer; \n padding: 14px 16px; \n transition: 0.3s; \n font-size: 17px; } \n .tab button:hover { background-color: #ddd; } \n .tab { background-color: #ccc; } \n .tabcontent { display: none; \n padding: 6px 12px; \n border: 1px solid #ccc; \n border-top: none; \n} \n </style>",
3  "buttonandFunction" : "<script> \n function openRegion(evt, regionName) { \n var i, tabcontent, tablinks;\n tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName(\"tabcontent\"); \n for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) {\n tabcontent[i].style.display = \"none\";\n }\n tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName(\"tablinks\"); \n for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) {\n tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(\" active\", \"\"); \n }\n document.getElementById(regionName).style.display = \"block\";\n evt.currentTarget.className += \" active\"; \n}\n</script>\n",
4  "divTabs" : "<div class=\"tab\">\n <button class=\"tablinks\" onclick=\"openRegion(event, \'_AllHGCAL\')\">All HGCAL</button>\n <button class=\"tablinks\" onclick=\"openRegion(event, \'_ZminusZoom\')\">Zminus</button>\n <button class=\"tablinks\" onclick=\"openRegion(event, \'_ZplusZoom\')\">Zplus</button>\n </div>\n "
5 }

Definition at line 289 of file

list hgcalHtml._individualmaterials = ['Air','Aluminium','Cables','Copper','Epoxy','HGC_G10-FR4','Kapton','Lead','Other','Scintillator','Silicon','Stainless_Steel','WCu','Polystyrene','HGC_EEConnector','HGC_HEConnector']

Definition at line 208 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._individualmatplots = {"HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos","HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rloc","HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rloc"}

Definition at line 229 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._individualMatPlotsDesc
Initial value:
1 = {
2 "HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsum" : "The plots below shows the 2D profile histogram for THEMAT in all HGCAL that displays the mean value of the material budget in units of radiation length in each R-z cell. R-z cell is 1 cm x 1 mm. The plots depict the accumulated material budget as seen by the track, as the track travels throughout the detector.",
3 "HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsum" : "The plots below shows the 2D profile histogram for THEMAT in all HGCAL that displays the mean value of the material budget in units of interaction length in each R-z cell. R-z cell is 1 cm x 1 mm. The plots depict the accumulated material budget as seen by the track, as the track travels throughout the detector.",
4 "HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos" : "The plots below shows the 2D profile histogram for THEMAT in all HGCAL that displays the mean value of the material budget in units of radiation length in each R-z cell. R-z cell is 1 cm x 1 mm. The plots depict the orthogonal accumulated material budget, that is cos(theta) what the track sees. ",
5 "HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos" : "The plots below shows the 2D profile histogram for THEMAT in all HGCAL that displays the mean value of the material budget in units of interaction length in each R-z cell. R-z cell is 1 cm x 1 mm. The plots depict the orthogonal accumulated material budget, that is cos(theta) what the track sees. ",
6 "HGCal_x_vs_z_vs_Rloc" : "The plots below shows the 2D profile histogram for THEMAT in all HGCAL that displays the local mean value of the material budget in units of radiation length in each R-z cell. R-z cell is 1 cm x 1 mm. The plots depict the local material budget as seen by the track, as the track travels throughout the detector. ",
7 "HGCal_l_vs_z_vs_Rloc" : "The plots below shows the 2D profile histogram for THEMAT in all HGCAL that displays the local mean value of the material budget in units of interaction length in each R-z cell. R-z cell is 1 cm x 1 mm. The plots depict the local material budget as seen by the track, as the track travels throughout the detector. "
8 }

Definition at line 235 of file

list hgcalHtml._MatBudSections = ["allhgcal","indimat","fromvertex"]

Definition at line 198 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._matPageNameMap
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'Air': 'Air',
3  'Aluminium': 'Aluminium',
4  'Cables': 'Cables',
5  'Copper': 'Copper',
6  'Epoxy': 'Epoxy',
7  'HGC_G10-FR4': 'HGC_G10-FR4',
8  'Kapton': 'Kapton',
9  'Lead': 'Lead',
10  'Other': 'Other',
11  'Scintillator': 'Scintillator',
12  'Silicon': 'Silicon',
13  'Stainless_Steel': 'Stainless Steel',
14  'WCu': 'WCu',
15  'Polystyrene' : 'Polystyrene',
16  'HGC_EEConnector': 'CE-E Connector',
17  'HGC_HEConnector': 'CE-H Connector'
18 }

Definition at line 210 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._pageNameMap
Initial value:
1 = {
2  "summary": "Summary",
3  "hitCalibration": "Reconstructed hits calibration",
4  "hitValidation" : "Simulated hits, digis, reconstructed hits validation" ,
5  "layerClusters": "Layer clusters",
6  "tracksters":"Tracksters",
7  "ticlMultiClustersFromTrackstersEM": "Electromagnetic multiclusters",
8  "ticlMultiClustersFromTrackstersHAD": "Hadronic multiclusters",
9  "hgcalMultiClusters" : "Old multiclusters",
10  "standalone" : "Standalone study on simulated hits, digis, reconstructed hits"
11 }

Definition at line 96 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._sampleFileName

Definition at line 53 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._sampleName

Definition at line 4 of file

tuple hgcalHtml._sectionNameMapOrder
Initial value:
1 = collections.OrderedDict([
2  # These are for the summary page
3  # Will add later
4  # layerClusters
5  ("layerClusters", "Layer clusters"),
6  # ticlMultiClustersFromTrackstersEM
7  ("ticlMultiClustersFromTrackstersEM","Electromagnetic multiclusters"),
8  # ticlMultiClustersFromTrackstersHAD
9  ("ticlMultiClustersFromTrackstersHAD","Hadronic multiclusters"),
10  ("tracksters","Tracksters"),
11  # hgcalMultiClusters
12  ("hgcalMultiClusters","Old multiclusters"),
13 ])

Definition at line 108 of file

dictionary hgcalHtml._summary = {}

Definition at line 123 of file

list hgcalHtml._summobj = ['hitCalibration','hitValidation', 'layerClusters','tracksters']

Definition at line 127 of file

list hgcalHtml.summhitcalib
Initial value:
1 = [
2  'Layer_Occupancy/LayerOccupancy/LayerOccupancy.png',
3  'ReconstructableEnergyOverCPenergy/ReconstructableEnergyOverCPenergy/h_EoP_CPene_300_calib_fraction.png',
4  'ReconstructableEnergyOverCPenergy/ReconstructableEnergyOverCPenergy/h_EoP_CPene_200_calib_fraction.png',
5  'ReconstructableEnergyOverCPenergy/ReconstructableEnergyOverCPenergy/h_EoP_CPene_100_calib_fraction.png',
6  'ReconstructableEnergyOverCPenergy/ReconstructableEnergyOverCPenergy/h_EoP_CPene_scint_calib_fraction.png'
7  ]

Definition at line 131 of file

list hgcalHtml.summhitvalid
Initial value:
1 = [
2  'SimHits_Validation/HitValidation/heeEnSim.png',
3  'SimHits_Validation/HitValidation/hebEnSim.png',
4  'SimHits_Validation/HitValidation/hefEnSim.png']

Definition at line 140 of file

list hgcalHtml.summlc
Initial value:
1 = [
2  'hgcalLayerClusters_Z-minus: LC_CP association/Efficiencies_vs_layer/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
3  'hgcalLayerClusters_Z-plus: LC_CP association/Efficiencies_vs_layer/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
4  'hgcalLayerClusters_Z-minus: LC_CP association/Duplicates_vs_layer/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
5  'hgcalLayerClusters_Z-plus: LC_CP association/Duplicates_vs_layer/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
6  'hgcalLayerClusters_Z-minus: LC_CP association/FakeRate_vs_layer/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
7  'hgcalLayerClusters_Z-plus: LC_CP association/FakeRate_vs_layer/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
8  'hgcalLayerClusters_Z-minus: LC_CP association/MergeRate_vs_layer/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
9  'hgcalLayerClusters_Z-plus: LC_CP association/MergeRate_vs_layer/globalEfficiencies.png',
10  'SelectedCaloParticles_Photons/SelectedCaloParticles_num_caloparticle_eta.png',
11  'SelectedCaloParticles_Photons/SelectedCaloParticles_caloparticle_pt.png',
12  'SelectedCaloParticles_Photons/SelectedCaloParticles_caloparticle_phi.png',
13  'SelectedCaloParticles_Photons/SelectedCaloParticles_caloparticle_energy.png',
14  'SelectedCaloParticles_Photons/SelectedCaloParticles_Eta vs Zorigin.png'
15  ]

Definition at line 146 of file

list hgcalHtml.summmcEM
Initial value:
1 = [
2  'ticlTrackstersEM/Purities/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
3  'ticlTrackstersEM/Duplicates/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
4  'ticlTrackstersEM/FakeRate/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
5  'ticlTrackstersEM/MergeRate/globalEfficiencies.png'
6 ]

Definition at line 163 of file

list hgcalHtml.summmcHAD
Initial value:
1 = [
2  'ticlTrackstersHAD/Purities/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
3  'ticlTrackstersHAD/Duplicates/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
4  'ticlTrackstersHAD/FakeRate/globalEfficiencies.png' ,
5  'ticlTrackstersHAD/MergeRate/globalEfficiencies.png'
6 ]

Definition at line 171 of file

hgcalHtml.summmcTICL = summmcEM+summmcHAD

Definition at line 178 of file

list hgcalHtml.summstandalone
Initial value:
1 = [
2  'hgcalSimHitStudy/RZ_AllDetectors.png'
3 ]

Definition at line 181 of file