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18 #include <cmath>
20 namespace {
21  template <typename T>
22  int sgn(T val) {
23  return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));
24  }
26  int fixCscOffsetGeom(int offsetLoc) {
27  // fix for CSC geo dependence from GlobalTag
29  // dump of CSC offsets for MC global tag
30  const std::vector<int> offCSC = {-154, -133, -17, -4, 4, 17, 133, 146, 154, 167, 283, 296, 304, 317,
31  433, 446, 454, 467, 583, 596, 604, 617, 733, 746, 754, 767, 883, 904};
32  auto gep = std::lower_bound(offCSC.begin(), offCSC.end(), offsetLoc);
33  int fixOff = (gep != offCSC.end()) ? *gep : *(gep - 1);
34  if (gep != offCSC.begin() && std::abs(*(gep - 1) - offsetLoc) < std::abs(fixOff - offsetLoc))
35  fixOff = *(gep - 1);
36  return fixOff;
37  }
39 } // namespace
41 AngleConverterBase::AngleConverterBase() : _geom_cache_id(0ULL) {}
51  _georpc = es.getHandle(muonGeometryTokens.rpcGeometryEsToken);
52  _geocsc = es.getHandle(muonGeometryTokens.cscGeometryEsToken);
53  _geodt = es.getHandle(muonGeometryTokens.dtGeometryEsToken);
54  }
55  this->config = config;
56  nPhiBins = config->nPhiBins();
57 }
60 int AngleConverterBase::getProcessorPhi(int phiZero, l1t::tftype part, int dtScNum, int dtPhi) const {
61  int dtPhiBins = 4096;
63  double hsPhiPitch = 2 * M_PI / nPhiBins; // width of phi Pitch, related to halfStrip at CSC station 2
65  int sector = dtScNum + 1; //NOTE: there is a inconsistency in DT sector numb. Thus +1 needed to get detector numb.
67  double scale = 1. / dtPhiBins / hsPhiPitch;
68  int scale_coeff = lround(scale * pow(2, 11));
70  int ichamber = sector - 1;
71  if (ichamber > 6)
72  ichamber = ichamber - 12;
74  int offsetGlobal = (int)nPhiBins * ichamber / 12;
76  int phiConverted = floor(dtPhi * scale_coeff / pow(2, 11)) + offsetGlobal - phiZero;
78  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" phiZero "<<phiZero<<" phiDT "<<phiDT<<" sector "<<sector<<" ichamber "<<ichamber<<" offsetGlobal "<<offsetGlobal<<" phi "<<phi<<" foldPhi(phi) "<<omtfConfig->foldPhi(phi)<<std::endl;
79  return config->foldPhi(phiConverted);
80 }
85  const CSCDetId& csc,
86  const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& digi) const {
87  const double hsPhiPitch = 2 * M_PI / nPhiBins;
88  //
89  // get offset for each chamber.
90  // FIXME: These parameters depends on processor and chamber only so may be precomputed and put in map
91  //
93  int halfStrip = digi.getStrip(); // returns halfStrip 0..159
95  const CSCChamber* chamber = _geocsc->chamber(csc);
97  //in the PhaseIITDRSpring19DR dataset (generated with CMSSW_10_6_1_patch2?), in case of the ME1/1 ring 4 (higher eta) the detId in the CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection is ME1/1 ring 1 (instead ME1/1/4 as it was before),
98  //and the digi.getStrip() is increased by 2*64 (i.e. number of half strips in the chamber roll)
99  if (csc.station() == 1 && csc.ring() == 1 && halfStrip > 128) {
100  CSCDetId cscME11 = CSCDetId(csc.endcap(), csc.station(), 4, csc.chamber()); //changing ring to 4
101  chamber = _geocsc->chamber(cscME11);
102  }
104  const CSCChamberSpecs* cspec = chamber->specs();
105  const CSCLayer* layer = chamber->layer(3);
106  int order = (layer->centerOfStrip(2).phi() - layer->centerOfStrip(1).phi() > 0) ? 1 : -1;
107  double stripPhiPitch = cspec->stripPhiPitch();
108  double scale = fabs(stripPhiPitch / hsPhiPitch / 2.);
109  if (fabs(scale - 1.) < 0.0002)
110  scale = 1.;
112  double phiHalfStrip0 = layer->centerOfStrip(1).phi() - order * stripPhiPitch / 4.;
114  int offsetLoc = lround((phiHalfStrip0) / hsPhiPitch - phiZero);
115  offsetLoc = config->foldPhi(offsetLoc);
117  if (csc.station() == 1 && csc.ring() == 1 && halfStrip > 128) { //ME1/1/
118  /* if(cspec->nStrips() != 64)
119  edm::LogImportant("l1tOmtfEventPrint") <<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" cspec->nStrips() != 64 in case of the ME1/1, phi of the muon stub will be not correct. chamber "
120  <<csc<<" cspec->nStrips() "<<cspec->nStrips()<<std::endl;
121  this checks has no sense - the ME1/1/ ring 4 has cspec->nStrips() = 48. but the offset of 128 half strips in the digi.getStrip() looks to be good*/
122  halfStrip -= 128;
123  }
125  //FIXME: to be checked (only important for ME1/3) keep more bits for offset, truncate at the end
127  int fixOff = offsetLoc;
128  // a quick fix for towards geometry changes due to global tag.
129  // in case of MC tag fixOff should be identical to offsetLoc
132  fixOff = fixCscOffsetGeom(offsetLoc); //TODO does not work in when phiZero is always 0. Fix this
134  int phi = fixOff + order * scale * halfStrip;
135  //the phi conversion is done like above - and not simply converting the layer->centerOfStrip(halfStrip/2 +1).phi() - to mimic this what is done by the firmware,
136  //where phi of the stub is calculated with use of the offset and scale provided by an register
138  /*//debug
139  auto localPoint = layer->toLocal(layer->centerOfStrip(halfStrip));
140  LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint") << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << 147 << " csc: " <<csc.rawId()<<" "<< csc<<" layer "<<layer->id()<<" "<<layer->id().rawId()
141  << " halfStrip "<<halfStrip<<" phiGlobal " << layer->centerOfStrip(halfStrip).phi()<<" local phi "<<localPoint.phi()<<" x "<<localPoint.x()<<" y "<<localPoint.y() <<std::endl;
142  */
144  /*//debug
145  auto radToDeg = [](double rad) { return (180. / M_PI * rad); };
146  LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint") <<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" "<<std::setw(16)<<csc<<" phiZero "<<phiZero<<" hs: "<<std::setw(3)<< halfStrip <<" phiHalfStrip0 "<<std::setw(10)<<radToDeg(phiHalfStrip0)<<" offset: " << offsetLoc
147  <<" oder*scale: "<<std::setw(10)<< order*scale
148  <<" phi: " <<phi<<" foldPhi(phi) "<<config->foldPhi(phi)<<" ("<<offsetLoc + order*scale*halfStrip<<")"<<" centerOfStrip "<<std::setw(10)<< radToDeg( layer->centerOfStrip(halfStrip/2 +1).phi() )
149  <<" centerOfStrip/hsPhiPitch "<< ( (layer->centerOfStrip(halfStrip/2 + 1).phi() )/hsPhiPitch)<<" hsPhiPitch "<<hsPhiPitch
150  //<<" phiSpan.f "<<layer->geometry()->phiSpan().first<<" phiSpan.s "<<layer->geometry()->phiSpan().second
151  <<" nStrips "<<cspec->nStrips()
152  //<<" strip 1 "<<radToDeg( layer->centerOfStrip(1).phi() )<<" strip last "<<radToDeg( layer->centerOfStrip(cspec->nStrips()).phi() )
153  << std::endl;*/
155  return config->foldPhi(phi);
156 }
161  int phiZero, l1t::tftype part, const RPCDetId& rollId, const unsigned int& digi1, const unsigned int& digi2) const {
162  const double hsPhiPitch = 2 * M_PI / nPhiBins;
163  const int dummy = nPhiBins;
164  const RPCRoll* roll = _georpc->roll(rollId);
165  if (!roll)
166  return dummy;
168  double stripPhi1 = (roll->toGlobal(roll->centreOfStrip((int)digi1))).phi(); // note [-pi,pi]
169  double stripPhi2 = (roll->toGlobal(roll->centreOfStrip((int)digi2))).phi(); // note [-pi,pi]
171  // the case when the two strips are on different sides of phi = pi
172  if (std::signbit(stripPhi1) != std::signbit(stripPhi2) && abs(stripPhi1) > M_PI / 2.) {
173  if (std::signbit(stripPhi1)) { //stripPhi1 is negative
174  stripPhi1 += 2 * M_PI;
175  } else //stripPhi2 is negative
176  stripPhi2 += 2 * M_PI;
177  }
178  int halfStrip = lround(((stripPhi1 + stripPhi2) / 2.) / hsPhiPitch);
179  halfStrip = config->foldPhi(halfStrip); //only for the case when the two strips are on different sides of phi = pi
181  LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint") << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << 185 << " roll " << rollId.rawId() << " " << rollId
182  << " cluster: firstStrip " << digi1 << " stripPhi1Global " << stripPhi1
183  << " stripPhi1LocalPhi " << roll->centreOfStrip((int)digi1).x() << " y "
184  << roll->centreOfStrip((int)digi1).y() << " lastStrip " << digi2 << " stripPhi2Global "
185  << stripPhi2 << " stripPhi2LocalPhi x " << roll->centreOfStrip((int)digi2).x() << " y "
186  << roll->centreOfStrip((int)digi2).y() << " halfStrip " << halfStrip << std::endl;
188  return config->foldPhi(halfStrip - phiZero);
189 }
191 int AngleConverterBase::getProcessorPhi(unsigned int iProcessor,
193  const RPCDetId& rollId,
194  const unsigned int& digi) const {
195  const double hsPhiPitch = 2 * M_PI / nPhiBins;
196  const int dummy = nPhiBins;
197  int processor = iProcessor + 1;
198  const RPCRoll* roll = _georpc->roll(rollId);
199  if (!roll)
200  return dummy;
202  double phi15deg = M_PI / 3. * (processor - 1) + M_PI / 12.;
203  // "0" is 15degree moved cyclically to each processor, note [0,2pi]
205  double stripPhi = (roll->toGlobal(roll->centreOfStrip((int)digi))).phi(); // note [-pi,pi]
207  // adjust [0,2pi] and [-pi,pi] to get deltaPhi difference properly
208  switch (processor) {
209  case 1:
210  break;
211  case 6: {
212  phi15deg -= 2 * M_PI;
213  break;
214  }
215  default: {
216  if (stripPhi < 0)
217  stripPhi += 2 * M_PI;
218  break;
219  }
220  }
222  // local angle in CSC halfStrip usnits
223  int halfStrip = lround((stripPhi - phi15deg) / hsPhiPitch);
225  return halfStrip;
226 }
230  Local2DPoint chamberMiddleLP(0, 0);
231  GlobalPoint chamberMiddleGP = _geodt->chamber(detId)->toGlobal(chamberMiddleLP);
233  const DTChamberId baseidNeigh(detId.wheel() + (detId.wheel() >= 0 ? -1 : +1), detId.station(), detId.sector());
234  GlobalPoint chambNeighMiddleGP = _geodt->chamber(baseidNeigh)->toGlobal(chamberMiddleLP);
236  EtaValue etaValue = {
237  config->etaToHwEta(chamberMiddleGP.eta()),
238  config->etaToHwEta(fabs(chamberMiddleGP.eta() - chambNeighMiddleGP.eta())) / 2,
239  0, //quality
240  0, //bx
241  0 //timin
242  };
244  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" rawid "<<detId.rawId()<<" baseid "<<detId<<" chamberMiddleGP.eta() "<<chamberMiddleGP.eta()<<" eta "<<etaValue.eta<<" etaSigma "<<etaValue.etaSigma<<std::endl;
245  return etaValue;
246 }
250 void AngleConverterBase::getGlobalEta(const L1MuDTChambThDigi& thetaDigi, std::vector<EtaValue>& etaSegments) const {
251  const DTChamberId baseid(thetaDigi.whNum(), thetaDigi.stNum(), thetaDigi.scNum() + 1);
252  DTTrigGeom trig_geom(_geodt->chamber(baseid), false);
254  // super layer 2 is the theta superlayer in a DT chamber
255  // station 4 does not have a theta super layer
256  // the BTI index from the theta trigger is an OR of some BTI outputs
257  // so, we choose the BTI that's in the middle of the group
258  // as the BTI that we get theta from
259  // TODO:::::>>> need to make sure this ordering doesn't flip under wheel sign
260  const int NBTI_theta = trig_geom.nCell(2);
261  for (unsigned int btiGroup = 0; btiGroup < 7; ++btiGroup) {
262  if (thetaDigi.position(btiGroup)) {
263  unsigned btiActual = btiGroup * NBTI_theta / 7 + NBTI_theta / 14 + 1;
264  DTBtiId thetaBTI = DTBtiId(baseid, 2, btiActual);
265  GlobalPoint theta_gp = trig_geom.CMSPosition(thetaBTI);
267  EtaValue etaValue = {
268  config->etaToHwEta(theta_gp.eta()),
269  0,
270  thetaDigi.quality(btiGroup),
271  thetaDigi.bxNum(),
272  0 //TODO what about sub-bx timing???
273  };
274  etaSegments.emplace_back(etaValue);
276  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" bx "<<thetaDigi.bxNum()<<" baseid "<<baseid<<" btiGroup "<<btiGroup<<" quality "<<thetaDigi.quality(btiGroup)<<" theta_gp.eta() "<<theta_gp.eta()<<" eta "<<etaValue.eta<<" etaSigma "<<etaValue.etaSigma<<std::endl;
277  }
278  }
279 }
281 std::vector<EtaValue> AngleConverterBase::getGlobalEta(const L1MuDTChambThContainer* dtThDigis,
282  int bxFrom,
283  int bxTo) const {
284  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" dtThDigis size "<<dtThDigis->getContainer()->size()<<std::endl;
286  std::vector<EtaValue> etaSegments;
288  for (auto& thetaDigi : (*(dtThDigis->getContainer()))) {
289  if (thetaDigi.bxNum() >= bxFrom && thetaDigi.bxNum() <= bxTo) {
290  getGlobalEta(thetaDigi, etaSegments);
291  }
292  }
293  return etaSegments;
294 }
296 //just read from the drawing
298  if (detId.station() == 1) {
299  if (detId.ring() == 1)
300  return (2.5 - 1.6) / 2.;
302  if (detId.ring() == 2)
303  return (1.7 - 1.2) / 2.;
304  if (detId.ring() == 3)
305  return (1.12 - 0.9) / 2.;
306  if (detId.ring() == 4)
307  return (2.5 - 1.6) / 2.;
308  } else if (detId.station() == 2) {
309  if (detId.ring() == 1)
310  return (2.5 - 1.6) / 2.;
311  if (detId.ring() == 2)
312  return (1.6 - 1.0) / 2.;
313  } else if (detId.station() == 3) {
314  if (detId.ring() == 1)
315  return (2.5 - 1.7) / 2.;
316  if (detId.ring() == 2)
317  return (1.7 - 1.1) / 2.;
318  } else if (detId.station() == 4) {
319  if (detId.ring() == 1)
320  return (2.45 - 1.8) / 2.;
321  if (detId.ring() == 2)
322  return (1.8 - 1.2) / 2.;
323  }
324  return 0;
325 }
332  // alot of this is transcription and consolidation of the CSC
333  // global phi calculation code
334  // this works directly with the geometry
335  // rather than using the old phi luts
337  auto chamb = _geocsc->chamber(detId);
338  auto layer_geom = chamb->layer(CSCConstants::KEY_ALCT_LAYER)->geometry();
339  auto layer = chamb->layer(CSCConstants::KEY_ALCT_LAYER);
341  const uint16_t keyWG = aDigi.getKeyWG();
343  const LocalPoint lpWg = layer_geom->localCenterOfWireGroup(keyWG);
344  const GlobalPoint gpWg = layer->surface().toGlobal(lpWg);
346  EtaValue etaSegment = {
347  config->etaToHwEta(gpWg.eta()),
348  0, //config->etaToHwEta(cscChamberEtaSize(id) ),
349  0,
350  aDigi.getBX(),
351  0 //tming???
352  };
354  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" csc "<<detId<<" eta "<<gpWg.eta()<<" etaHw "<<etaSegment.eta<<" etaSigma "<<etaSegment.etaSigma<<std::endl;
355  return etaSegment;
356 }
358 //TODO the CSC ME1/1 has strips divided in two parts: a and b, so this function in principle can include that,
359 //then it should also receive the roll number as parameter, off course implementation should be different then
361  auto chamb = _geocsc->chamber(detId);
363  Local2DPoint chamberMiddleLP(0, 0);
364  GlobalPoint chamberMiddleGP = chamb->toGlobal(chamberMiddleLP);
366  EtaValue etaValue = {
367  config->etaToHwEta(chamberMiddleGP.eta()),
369  0,
370  0, //bx
371  0 //timnig
372  };
374  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" rawid "<<detId.rawId()<<" detId "<<detId<<" chamberMiddleGP.eta() "<<chamberMiddleGP.eta()<<" eta "<<etaValue.eta<<" etaSigma "<<etaValue.etaSigma<<std::endl;
375  return etaValue;
376 }
380 EtaValue AngleConverterBase::getGlobalEta(unsigned int rawid, const unsigned int& strip) const {
381  const RPCDetId id(rawid);
383  auto roll = _georpc->roll(id);
384  const LocalPoint lp = roll->centreOfStrip((int)strip);
385  const GlobalPoint gp = roll->toGlobal(lp);
387  int neighbRoll = 1; //neighbor roll in eta
388  //roll->chamber()->nrolls() does not work
389  if (id.region() == 0) { //barel
390  if (id.station() == 2 &&
391  ((abs(id.ring()) == 2 && id.layer() == 2) || (abs(id.ring()) != 2 && id.layer() == 1))) { //three-roll chamber
392  if (id.roll() == 2)
393  neighbRoll = 1;
394  else {
395  neighbRoll = 2;
396  }
397  } else //two-roll chamber
398  neighbRoll = (id.roll() == 1 ? 3 : 1);
399  } else { //endcap
400  neighbRoll = id.roll() + (id.roll() == 1 ? +1 : -1);
401  }
403  const RPCDetId idNeigh =
404  RPCDetId(id.region(), id.ring(), id.station(), id.sector(), id.layer(), id.subsector(), neighbRoll);
405  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" rpc "<<id<<std::endl;
406  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" rpc "<<idNeigh<<std::endl;
408  auto rollNeigh = _georpc->roll(idNeigh);
409  const LocalPoint lpNeigh = rollNeigh->centreOfStrip((int)strip);
410  const GlobalPoint gpNeigh = rollNeigh->toGlobal(lpNeigh);
412  EtaValue etaValue = {config->etaToHwEta(gp.eta()),
413  config->etaToHwEta(abs(gp.eta() - gpNeigh.eta())) /
414  2, //half of the size of the strip in eta - not precise, but OK
415  0};
417  //LogTrace("l1tOmtfEventPrint")<<__FUNCTION__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" rpc "<<id<<" eta "<<gp.eta()<<" etaHw "<<etaValue.eta<<" etaSigma "<<etaValue.etaSigma<<std::endl;
418  return etaValue;
419 }
423  const int nStrips = layer->geometry()->numberOfStrips();
424  const double phi1 = layer->centerOfStrip(1).phi();
425  const double phiN = layer->centerOfStrip(nStrips).phi();
426  return ((std::abs(phi1 - phiN) < M_PI && phi1 >= phiN) || (std::abs(phi1 - phiN) >= M_PI && phi1 < phiN));
427 }
431  int bti_group = -1;
433  const L1MuDTChambThDigi* theta_segm =
434  dtThDigis->chThetaSegm(aDigi.whNum(), aDigi.stNum(), aDigi.scNum(), aDigi.bxNum());
435  if (!theta_segm)
436  return bti_group;
438  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
439  if (theta_segm->position(i) && bti_group < 0)
440  bti_group = i;
444  else if (theta_segm->position(i) && bti_group > -1)
445  return -1;
446  }
448  return bti_group;
449 }
int chamber() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:62
The_Container const * getContainer() const
edm::ESHandle< DTGeometry > _geodt
LocalPoint centreOfStrip(int strip) const
uint16_t getBX() const
return BX
const ProcConfigurationBase * config
uint16_t *__restrict__ id
edm::ESGetToken< CSCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord > cscGeometryEsToken
virtual int etaToHwEta(double eta) const =0
float sgn(float val)
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Local2DPoint &lp) const
Conversion to the global R.F. from the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:49
edm::ESHandle< RPCGeometry > _georpc
muonGeometryTokens({esConsumes< RPCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord, edm::Transition::BeginRun >(), esConsumes< CSCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord, edm::Transition::BeginRun >(), esConsumes< DTGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord, edm::Transition::BeginRun >()})
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:66
constexpr uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:57
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:60
float cscChamberEtaSize(const CSCDetId &id) const
virtual unsigned int nPhiBins() const =0
int numberOfStrips() const
int quality(const int i) const
tuple nStrips
1.2 is to make the matching window safely the two nearest strips 0.35 is the size of an ME0 chamber i...
virtual void getGlobalEta(const L1MuDTChambThDigi &thetaDigi, std::vector< EtaValue > &etaSegments) const
#define LogTrace(id)
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
edm::ESGetToken< RPCGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord > rpcGeometryEsToken
int position(const int i) const
int endcap() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:85
float stripPhiPitch() const
virtual bool getFixCscGeometryOffset() const
uint16_t getKeyWG() const
return the key wire group. counts from 0.
const CSCChamberSpecs * specs() const
Definition: CSCChamber.h:39
virtual bool isCSCCounterClockwise(const CSCLayer *layer) const
Check orientation of strips in given CSC chamber.
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
const CSCLayer * layer(CSCDetId id) const
Return the layer corresponding to the given id.
unsigned int nPhiBins
Number of phi bins along 2Pi.
virtual const int findBTIgroup(const L1MuDTChambPhDigi &aDigi, const L1MuDTChambThContainer *dtThDigis)
Find BTI group.
#define M_PI
uint16_t getStrip(uint16_t n=2) const
return the key halfstrip from 0,159
int ring() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:68
GlobalPoint centerOfStrip(int strip) const
virtual int getProcessorPhi(int phiZero, l1t::tftype part, int dtScNum, int dtPhi) const
edm::ESGetToken< DTGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord > dtGeometryEsToken
virtual EtaValue getGlobalEtaCsc(const CSCDetId &detId) const
returns the eta position of the CSC chamber
virtual void checkAndUpdateGeometry(const edm::EventSetup &, const ProcConfigurationBase *config, const MuonGeometryTokens &muonGeometryTokens)
Update the Geometry with current Event Setup.
Definition: HCALResponse.h:20
L1MuDTChambThDigi const * chThetaSegm(int wheel, int stat, int sect, int bx) const
edm::ESHandle< CSCGeometry > _geocsc
bool check(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
Definition: ESWatcher.h:57
virtual int foldPhi(int phi) const
T eta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:73
tuple config
parse the configuration file
edm::ESWatcher< MuonGeometryRecord > muonGeometryRecordWatcher
__host__ __device__ constexpr RandomIt lower_bound(RandomIt first, RandomIt last, const T &value, Compare comp={})
int sector() const
Definition: DTChamberId.h:49
virtual EtaValue getGlobalEtaDt(const DTChamberId &detId) const
int station() const
Definition: CSCDetId.h:79
ESHandle< T > getHandle(const ESGetToken< T, R > &iToken) const
Definition: EventSetup.h:151
int station() const
Return the station number.
Definition: DTChamberId.h:42
int wheel() const
Return the wheel number.
Definition: DTChamberId.h:39
long double T
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:59
int nCell(int sl) const
Number of BTIs in a required superlayer (i.e. nCells in lay 1)
Definition: DTTrigGeom.h:88
const CSCLayerGeometry * geometry() const
Definition: CSCLayer.h:44
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:29