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14 #include <fstream>
15 #include <vector>
17 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
21 public:
24  void initialize(const HGCalGeometry*, const HGCalGeometry*, const HGCalGeometry*) final;
25  void initialize(const HGCalGeometry*, const HGCalGeometry*, const HGCalGeometry*, const HGCalGeometry*) final;
26  void reset() final;
28  unsigned getTriggerCellFromCell(const unsigned) const final;
29  unsigned getModuleFromCell(const unsigned) const final;
30  unsigned getModuleFromTriggerCell(const unsigned) const final;
32  geom_set getCellsFromTriggerCell(const unsigned) const final;
33  geom_set getCellsFromModule(const unsigned) const final;
34  geom_set getTriggerCellsFromModule(const unsigned) const final;
36  geom_ordered_set getOrderedCellsFromModule(const unsigned) const final;
37  geom_ordered_set getOrderedTriggerCellsFromModule(const unsigned) const final;
39  geom_set getNeighborsFromTriggerCell(const unsigned) const final;
41  geom_set getStage1FpgasFromStage2Fpga(const unsigned) const final;
42  geom_set getStage2FpgasFromStage1Fpga(const unsigned) const final;
44  geom_set getStage1LinksFromStage2Fpga(const unsigned) const final;
45  unsigned getStage1FpgaFromStage1Link(const unsigned) const final;
46  unsigned getStage2FpgaFromStage1Link(const unsigned) const final;
47  geom_set getStage1LinksFromStage1Fpga(const unsigned) const final;
48  geom_set getLpgbtsFromStage1Fpga(const unsigned) const final;
49  unsigned getStage1FpgaFromLpgbt(const unsigned) const final;
50  geom_set getModulesFromLpgbt(const unsigned) const final;
51  geom_set getLpgbtsFromModule(const unsigned) const final;
52  unsigned getStage1FpgaFromModule(const unsigned module_id) const final;
54  unsigned getLinksInModule(const unsigned module_id) const final;
55  unsigned getModuleSize(const unsigned module_id) const final;
57  GlobalPoint getTriggerCellPosition(const unsigned) const final;
58  GlobalPoint getModulePosition(const unsigned) const final;
60  bool validCell(const unsigned) const final;
61  bool validTriggerCell(const unsigned) const final;
62  bool disconnectedModule(const unsigned) const final;
63  unsigned lastTriggerLayer() const final { return last_trigger_layer_; }
64  unsigned triggerLayer(const unsigned) const final;
66 private:
67  // HSc trigger cell grouping
68  unsigned hSc_triggercell_size_ = 2;
69  static constexpr unsigned hSc_num_panels_per_sector_ = 12;
70  static constexpr unsigned hSc_tcs_per_module_phi_ = 4;
71  static constexpr unsigned hSc_front_layers_split_ = 12;
72  static constexpr unsigned hSc_back_layers_split_ = 8;
73  static constexpr unsigned hSc_layer_for_split_ = 40;
74  static constexpr int hSc_tc_layer0_min_ = 24;
75  static constexpr int ntc_per_wafer_ = 48;
76  static constexpr int nSectors_ = 3;
78  edm::FileInPath jsonMappingFile_;
80  // rotation class
83  // module related maps
84  std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> links_per_module_;
86  std::unordered_multimap<unsigned, unsigned> stage2_to_stage1links_;
87  std::unordered_map<unsigned, bool> stage1links_samesector_;
88  std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> stage1link_to_stage2_;
89  std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> stage1link_to_stage1_;
90  std::unordered_multimap<unsigned, unsigned> stage1_to_stage1links_;
91  std::unordered_multimap<unsigned, unsigned> stage1_to_lpgbts_;
92  std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> lpgbt_to_stage1_;
93  std::unordered_multimap<unsigned, unsigned> lpgbt_to_modules_;
94  std::unordered_multimap<unsigned, unsigned> module_to_lpgbts_;
95  std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> module_to_stage1_;
97  // Disconnected modules and layers
98  std::unordered_set<unsigned> disconnected_layers_;
99  std::vector<unsigned> trigger_layers_;
100  std::vector<unsigned> trigger_nose_layers_;
101  unsigned last_trigger_layer_ = 0;
103  // layer offsets
104  unsigned heOffset_ = 0;
105  unsigned noseLayers_ = 0;
106  unsigned totalLayers_ = 0;
108  void fillMaps();
109  bool validCellId(unsigned det, unsigned cell_id) const;
110  bool validTriggerCellFromCells(const unsigned) const;
112  int detIdWaferType(unsigned det, unsigned layer, short waferU, short waferV) const;
113  void layerWithoutOffsetAndSubdetId(unsigned& layer, int& subdetId, bool isSilicon) const;
114  unsigned packLayerSubdetWaferId(unsigned layer, int subdet, int waferU, int waferV) const;
115  void unpackLayerSubdetWaferId(unsigned wafer, unsigned& layer, int& subdet, int& waferU, int& waferV) const;
116  HGCalGeomRotation::WaferCentring getWaferCentring(unsigned layer, int subdet) const;
117  void etaphiMappingFromSector0(int& ieta, int& iphi, unsigned sector) const;
118  unsigned tcEtaphiMappingToSector0(int& tc_ieta, int& tc_iphi) const;
119  void getScintillatoriEtaiPhi(int& ieta, int& iphi, int tc_eta, int tc_phi, unsigned layer) const;
120  unsigned layerWithOffset(unsigned) const;
121  unsigned getNextSector(const unsigned sector) const;
122  unsigned getPreviousSector(const unsigned sector) const;
123 };
126  : HGCalTriggerGeometryBase(conf),
127  hSc_triggercell_size_(conf.getParameter<unsigned>("ScintillatorTriggerCellSize")),
128  jsonMappingFile_(conf.getParameter<edm::FileInPath>("JsonMappingFile")) {
129  std::vector<unsigned> tmp_vector = conf.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned>>("DisconnectedLayers");
130  std::move(tmp_vector.begin(), tmp_vector.end(), std::inserter(disconnected_layers_, disconnected_layers_.end()));
131 }
134  stage2_to_stage1links_.clear();
135  stage1links_samesector_.clear();
136  stage1link_to_stage2_.clear();
137  stage1link_to_stage1_.clear();
138  stage1_to_stage1links_.clear();
139  stage1_to_lpgbts_.clear();
140  lpgbt_to_stage1_.clear();
141  lpgbt_to_modules_.clear();
142  module_to_lpgbts_.clear();
143  module_to_stage1_.clear();
144 }
147  const HGCalGeometry* hgc_hsi_geometry,
148  const HGCalGeometry* hgc_hsc_geometry) {
149  setEEGeometry(hgc_ee_geometry);
150  setHSiGeometry(hgc_hsi_geometry);
151  setHScGeometry(hgc_hsc_geometry);
154  trigger_layers_.resize(totalLayers_ + 1);
155  trigger_layers_[0] = 0; // layer number 0 doesn't exist
156  unsigned trigger_layer = 1;
157  for (unsigned layer = 1; layer < trigger_layers_.size(); layer++) {
158  if (disconnected_layers_.find(layer) == disconnected_layers_.end()) {
159  // Increase trigger layer number if the layer is not disconnected
160  trigger_layers_[layer] = trigger_layer;
161  trigger_layer++;
162  } else {
163  trigger_layers_[layer] = 0;
164  }
165  }
166  last_trigger_layer_ = trigger_layer - 1;
167  fillMaps();
168 }
171  const HGCalGeometry* hgc_hsi_geometry,
172  const HGCalGeometry* hgc_hsc_geometry,
173  const HGCalGeometry* hgc_nose_geometry) {
174  setEEGeometry(hgc_ee_geometry);
175  setHSiGeometry(hgc_hsi_geometry);
176  setHScGeometry(hgc_hsc_geometry);
177  setNoseGeometry(hgc_nose_geometry);
182  trigger_layers_.resize(totalLayers_ + 1);
183  trigger_layers_[0] = 0; // layer number 0 doesn't exist
184  unsigned trigger_layer = 1;
185  for (unsigned layer = 1; layer < trigger_layers_.size(); layer++) {
186  if (disconnected_layers_.find(layer) == disconnected_layers_.end()) {
187  // Increase trigger layer number if the layer is not disconnected
188  trigger_layers_[layer] = trigger_layer;
189  trigger_layer++;
190  } else {
191  trigger_layers_[layer] = 0;
192  }
193  }
194  last_trigger_layer_ = trigger_layer - 1;
195  fillMaps();
199  trigger_nose_layers_.resize(noseLayers_ + 1);
200  trigger_nose_layers_[0] = 0; // layer number 0 doesn't exist
201  unsigned trigger_nose_layer = 1;
202  for (unsigned layer = 1; layer < trigger_nose_layers_.size(); layer++) {
203  trigger_nose_layers_[layer] = trigger_nose_layer;
204  trigger_nose_layer++;
205  }
206 }
208 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getTriggerCellFromCell(const unsigned cell_id) const {
209  unsigned det = DetId(cell_id).det();
210  unsigned trigger_cell_id = 0;
211  // Scintillator
212  if (det == DetId::HGCalHSc) {
213  // Very rough mapping from cells to TC
214  HGCScintillatorDetId cell_sc_id(cell_id);
215  int ieta = ((cell_sc_id.ietaAbs() - 1) / hSc_triggercell_size_ + 1) * cell_sc_id.zside();
216  int iphi = (cell_sc_id.iphi() - 1) / hSc_triggercell_size_ + 1;
217  trigger_cell_id = HGCScintillatorDetId(cell_sc_id.type(), cell_sc_id.layer(), ieta, iphi);
218  }
219  // HFNose
220  else if (det == DetId::Forward && DetId(cell_id).subdetId() == ForwardSubdetector::HFNose) {
221  HFNoseDetId cell_nose_id(cell_id);
223  cell_nose_id.zside(),
224  cell_nose_id.type(),
225  cell_nose_id.layer(),
226  cell_nose_id.waferU(),
227  cell_nose_id.waferV(),
228  cell_nose_id.triggerCellU(),
229  cell_nose_id.triggerCellV());
230  }
231  // Silicon
232  else if (det == DetId::HGCalEE || det == DetId::HGCalHSi) {
233  HGCSiliconDetId cell_si_id(cell_id);
234  trigger_cell_id = HGCalTriggerDetId(
236  cell_si_id.zside(),
237  cell_si_id.type(),
238  cell_si_id.layer(),
239  cell_si_id.waferU(),
240  cell_si_id.waferV(),
241  cell_si_id.triggerCellU(),
242  cell_si_id.triggerCellV());
243  }
244  return trigger_cell_id;
245 }
247 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getModuleFromCell(const unsigned cell_id) const {
249 }
251 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getModuleFromTriggerCell(const unsigned trigger_cell_id) const {
252  unsigned det = DetId(trigger_cell_id).det();
253  int zside = 0;
254  unsigned tc_type = 1;
255  unsigned layer = 0;
256  unsigned module_id = 0;
258  // Scintillator
259  if (det == DetId::HGCalHSc) {
260  HGCScintillatorDetId trigger_cell_sc_id(trigger_cell_id);
261  tc_type = trigger_cell_sc_id.type();
262  layer = trigger_cell_sc_id.layer();
263  zside = trigger_cell_sc_id.zside();
264  int tc_eta = trigger_cell_sc_id.ietaAbs();
265  int tc_phi = trigger_cell_sc_id.iphi();
266  unsigned sector = tcEtaphiMappingToSector0(tc_eta, tc_phi);
267  int ieta = 0;
268  int iphi = 0;
269  getScintillatoriEtaiPhi(ieta, iphi, tc_eta, tc_phi, layer);
270  module_id =
271  HGCalTriggerModuleDetId(HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HGCalHScTrigger, zside, tc_type, layer, sector, ieta, iphi);
272  }
273  // HFNose
274  else if (det == DetId::HGCalTrigger and
275  HGCalTriggerDetId(trigger_cell_id).subdet() == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) {
276  HFNoseTriggerDetId trigger_cell_trig_id(trigger_cell_id);
277  tc_type = trigger_cell_trig_id.type();
278  layer = trigger_cell_trig_id.layer();
279  zside = trigger_cell_trig_id.zside();
280  int waferu = trigger_cell_trig_id.waferU();
281  int waferv = trigger_cell_trig_id.waferV();
282  unsigned sector = geom_rotation_120_.uvMappingToSector0(
284  module_id =
285  HGCalTriggerModuleDetId(HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger, zside, tc_type, layer, sector, waferu, waferv);
286  }
287  // Silicon
288  else {
289  HGCalTriggerDetId trigger_cell_trig_id(trigger_cell_id);
290  unsigned subdet = trigger_cell_trig_id.subdet();
291  tc_type = trigger_cell_trig_id.type();
292  layer = trigger_cell_trig_id.layer();
293  zside = trigger_cell_trig_id.zside();
294  int waferu = trigger_cell_trig_id.waferU();
295  int waferv = trigger_cell_trig_id.waferV();
296  unsigned sector = geom_rotation_120_.uvMappingToSector0(getWaferCentring(layer, subdet), waferu, waferv);
297  module_id = HGCalTriggerModuleDetId(HGCalTriggerSubdetector(subdet), zside, tc_type, layer, sector, waferu, waferv);
298  }
299  return module_id;
300 }
303  const unsigned trigger_cell_id) const {
304  DetId trigger_cell_det_id(trigger_cell_id);
305  unsigned det = trigger_cell_det_id.det();
306  geom_set cell_det_ids;
307  // Scintillator
308  if (det == DetId::HGCalHSc) {
309  HGCScintillatorDetId trigger_cell_sc_id(trigger_cell_id);
310  int ieta0 = (trigger_cell_sc_id.ietaAbs() - 1) * hSc_triggercell_size_ + 1;
311  int iphi0 = (trigger_cell_sc_id.iphi() - 1) * hSc_triggercell_size_ + 1;
312  for (int ietaAbs = ieta0; ietaAbs < ieta0 + (int)hSc_triggercell_size_; ietaAbs++) {
313  int ieta = ietaAbs * trigger_cell_sc_id.zside();
314  for (int iphi = iphi0; iphi < iphi0 + (int)hSc_triggercell_size_; iphi++) {
315  unsigned cell_id = HGCScintillatorDetId(trigger_cell_sc_id.type(), trigger_cell_sc_id.layer(), ieta, iphi);
316  if (validCellId(DetId::HGCalHSc, cell_id))
317  cell_det_ids.emplace(cell_id);
318  }
319  }
320  }
321  // HFNose
322  else if (det == DetId::HGCalTrigger and
323  HGCalTriggerDetId(trigger_cell_id).subdet() == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) {
324  HFNoseTriggerDetId trigger_cell_nose_id(trigger_cell_id);
325  int layer = trigger_cell_nose_id.layer();
326  int zside = trigger_cell_nose_id.zside();
327  int type = trigger_cell_nose_id.type();
328  int waferu = trigger_cell_nose_id.waferU();
329  int waferv = trigger_cell_nose_id.waferV();
330  std::vector<int> cellus = trigger_cell_nose_id.cellU();
331  std::vector<int> cellvs = trigger_cell_nose_id.cellV();
332  for (unsigned ic = 0; ic < cellus.size(); ic++) {
333  HFNoseDetId cell_det_id(zside, type, layer, waferu, waferv, cellus[ic], cellvs[ic]);
334  cell_det_ids.emplace(cell_det_id);
335  }
336  }
337  // Silicon
338  else {
339  HGCalTriggerDetId trigger_cell_trig_id(trigger_cell_id);
340  unsigned subdet = trigger_cell_trig_id.subdet();
343  int layer = trigger_cell_trig_id.layer();
344  int zside = trigger_cell_trig_id.zside();
345  int type = trigger_cell_trig_id.type();
346  int waferu = trigger_cell_trig_id.waferU();
347  int waferv = trigger_cell_trig_id.waferV();
348  std::vector<int> cellus = trigger_cell_trig_id.cellU();
349  std::vector<int> cellvs = trigger_cell_trig_id.cellV();
350  for (unsigned ic = 0; ic < cellus.size(); ic++) {
351  HGCSiliconDetId cell_det_id(cell_det, zside, type, layer, waferu, waferv, cellus[ic], cellvs[ic]);
352  cell_det_ids.emplace(cell_det_id);
353  }
354  }
355  }
356  return cell_det_ids;
357 }
360  geom_set cell_det_ids;
361  geom_set trigger_cells = getTriggerCellsFromModule(module_id);
363  for (auto trigger_cell_id : trigger_cells) {
364  geom_set cells = getCellsFromTriggerCell(trigger_cell_id);
365  cell_det_ids.insert(cells.begin(), cells.end());
366  }
367  return cell_det_ids;
368 }
371  const unsigned module_id) const {
372  geom_ordered_set cell_det_ids;
373  geom_ordered_set trigger_cells = getOrderedTriggerCellsFromModule(module_id);
374  for (auto trigger_cell_id : trigger_cells) {
375  geom_set cells = getCellsFromTriggerCell(trigger_cell_id);
376  cell_det_ids.insert(cells.begin(), cells.end());
377  }
378  return cell_det_ids;
379 }
382  const unsigned module_id) const {
383  HGCalTriggerModuleDetId hgc_module_id(module_id);
384  unsigned subdet = hgc_module_id.triggerSubdetId();
386  geom_set trigger_cell_det_ids;
387  // Scintillator
389  int ieta0 = hgc_module_id.eta();
390  int iphi0 = hgc_module_id.phi();
392  unsigned layer = hgc_module_id.layer();
393  etaphiMappingFromSector0(ieta0, iphi0, hgc_module_id.sector());
395  if (ieta0 == 1) {
396  ieta0 = ieta0 + split;
397  } else {
398  ieta0 = ieta0 + 1;
399  }
400  iphi0 = (iphi0 * hSc_tcs_per_module_phi_) + hSc_tc_layer0_min_ + 1;
402  if (iphi0 > total_tcs) {
403  iphi0 = iphi0 - total_tcs;
404  }
406  int hSc_tcs_per_module_eta = (layer > hSc_layer_for_split_) ? hSc_back_layers_split_ : hSc_front_layers_split_;
408  for (int ietaAbs = ieta0; ietaAbs < ieta0 + (int)hSc_tcs_per_module_eta; ietaAbs++) {
409  int ieta = ietaAbs * hgc_module_id.zside();
410  for (int iphi = iphi0; iphi < iphi0 + (int)hSc_tcs_per_module_phi_; iphi++) {
411  unsigned trigger_cell_id = HGCScintillatorDetId(hgc_module_id.type(), hgc_module_id.layer(), ieta, iphi);
412  if (validTriggerCellFromCells(trigger_cell_id))
413  trigger_cell_det_ids.emplace(trigger_cell_id);
414  }
415  }
416  }
417  // HFNose
418  else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) {
419  HFNoseDetId module_nose_id(module_id);
421  std::vector<HFNoseTriggerDetId> ids = hfn.getTriggerDetIds(module_nose_id);
422  for (auto const& idx : ids) {
423  if (validTriggerCellFromCells(idx.rawId()))
424  trigger_cell_det_ids.emplace(idx);
425  }
426  }
427  // Silicon
428  else {
429  HGCSiliconDetIdToROC tc2roc;
430  int moduleU = hgc_module_id.moduleU();
431  int moduleV = hgc_module_id.moduleV();
432  unsigned layer = hgc_module_id.layer();
434  //Rotate to sector
435  geom_rotation_120_.uvMappingFromSector0(getWaferCentring(layer, subdet), moduleU, moduleV, hgc_module_id.sector());
439  unsigned wafer_type = detIdWaferType(det, layer, moduleU, moduleV);
440  int nroc = (wafer_type == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine ? 6 : 3);
441  // Loop on ROCs in wafer
442  for (int roc = 1; roc <= nroc; roc++) {
443  // loop on TCs in ROC
444  auto tc_uvs = tc2roc.getTriggerId(roc, wafer_type);
445  for (const auto& tc_uv : tc_uvs) {
446  HGCalTriggerDetId trigger_cell_id(
447  subdet, hgc_module_id.zside(), wafer_type, layer, moduleU, moduleV, tc_uv.first, tc_uv.second);
448  if (validTriggerCellFromCells(trigger_cell_id.rawId()))
449  trigger_cell_det_ids.emplace(trigger_cell_id);
450  }
451  }
452  }
454  return trigger_cell_det_ids;
455 }
458  const unsigned module_id) const {
459  HGCalTriggerModuleDetId hgc_module_id(module_id);
460  unsigned subdet = hgc_module_id.triggerSubdetId();
462  geom_ordered_set trigger_cell_det_ids;
464  // Scintillator
466  int ieta0 = hgc_module_id.eta();
467  int iphi0 = hgc_module_id.phi();
469  unsigned layer = hgc_module_id.layer();
470  etaphiMappingFromSector0(ieta0, iphi0, hgc_module_id.sector());
472  if (ieta0 == 1) {
473  ieta0 = ieta0 + split;
474  } else {
475  ieta0 = ieta0 + 1;
476  }
477  iphi0 = (iphi0 * hSc_tcs_per_module_phi_) + hSc_tc_layer0_min_ + 1;
479  if (iphi0 > total_tcs) {
480  iphi0 = iphi0 - total_tcs;
481  }
483  int hSc_tcs_per_module_eta = (layer > hSc_layer_for_split_) ? hSc_back_layers_split_ : hSc_front_layers_split_;
485  for (int ietaAbs = ieta0; ietaAbs < ieta0 + (int)hSc_tcs_per_module_eta; ietaAbs++) {
486  int ieta = ietaAbs * hgc_module_id.zside();
487  for (int iphi = iphi0; iphi < iphi0 + (int)hSc_tcs_per_module_phi_; iphi++) {
488  unsigned trigger_cell_id = HGCScintillatorDetId(hgc_module_id.type(), hgc_module_id.layer(), ieta, iphi);
489  if (validTriggerCellFromCells(trigger_cell_id))
490  trigger_cell_det_ids.emplace(trigger_cell_id);
491  }
492  }
493  }
495  // HFNose
496  else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) {
497  HFNoseDetId module_nose_id(module_id);
499  std::vector<HFNoseTriggerDetId> ids = hfn.getTriggerDetIds(module_nose_id);
500  for (auto const& idx : ids) {
501  if (validTriggerCellFromCells(idx.rawId()))
502  trigger_cell_det_ids.emplace(idx);
503  }
504  }
505  // Silicon
506  else {
507  HGCSiliconDetIdToROC tc2roc;
508  int moduleU = hgc_module_id.moduleU();
509  int moduleV = hgc_module_id.moduleV();
510  unsigned layer = hgc_module_id.layer();
512  //Rotate to sector
513  geom_rotation_120_.uvMappingFromSector0(getWaferCentring(layer, subdet), moduleU, moduleV, hgc_module_id.sector());
517  unsigned wafer_type = detIdWaferType(det, layer, moduleU, moduleV);
518  int nroc = (wafer_type == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine ? 6 : 3);
519  // Loop on ROCs in wafer
520  for (int roc = 1; roc <= nroc; roc++) {
521  // loop on TCs in ROC
522  auto tc_uvs = tc2roc.getTriggerId(roc, wafer_type);
523  for (const auto& tc_uv : tc_uvs) {
524  HGCalTriggerDetId trigger_cell_id(
525  subdet, hgc_module_id.zside(), wafer_type, layer, moduleU, moduleV, tc_uv.first, tc_uv.second);
526  if (validTriggerCellFromCells(trigger_cell_id.rawId()))
527  trigger_cell_det_ids.emplace(trigger_cell_id);
528  }
529  }
530  }
532  return trigger_cell_det_ids;
533 }
536  const unsigned trigger_cell_id) const {
537  throw cms::Exception("FeatureNotImplemented") << "Neighbor search is not implemented in HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3";
538 }
540 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getLinksInModule(const unsigned module_id) const {
541  HGCalTriggerModuleDetId module_det_id(module_id);
542  unsigned subdet = module_det_id.triggerSubdetId();
544  unsigned links = 0;
545  // HF Nose
547  links = 1;
548  }
549  // TO ADD HFNOSE : getLinksInModule
550  // Silicon and Scintillator
551  else {
552  int packed_module =
553  packLayerSubdetWaferId(module_det_id.layer(), subdet, module_det_id.moduleU(), module_det_id.moduleV());
554  links =;
555  }
556  return links;
557 }
559 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getModuleSize(const unsigned module_id) const {
560  unsigned nWafers = 1;
561  return nWafers;
562 }
564 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getNextSector(const unsigned sector) const {
565  unsigned next_sector = 0;
566  if (sector < 2) {
567  next_sector = sector + 1;
568  }
569  return next_sector;
570 }
572 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getPreviousSector(const unsigned sector) const {
573  unsigned previous_sector = 2;
574  if (sector > 0) {
575  previous_sector = sector - 1;
576  }
577  return previous_sector;
578 }
581  const unsigned stage2_id) const {
582  geom_set stage1_ids;
584  geom_set stage1_links = getStage1LinksFromStage2Fpga(stage2_id);
585  for (const auto& stage1_link : stage1_links) {
586  stage1_ids.emplace(getStage1FpgaFromStage1Link(stage1_link));
587  }
589  return stage1_ids;
590 }
593  const unsigned stage1_id) const {
594  geom_set stage2_ids;
596  geom_set stage1_links = getStage1LinksFromStage1Fpga(stage1_id);
597  for (const auto& stage1_link : stage1_links) {
598  stage2_ids.emplace(getStage2FpgaFromStage1Link(stage1_link));
599  }
601  return stage2_ids;
602 }
605  const unsigned stage2_id) const {
606  geom_set stage1link_ids;
607  HGCalTriggerBackendDetId id(stage2_id);
608  auto stage2_itrs = stage2_to_stage1links_.equal_range(id.label());
609  for (auto stage2_itr = stage2_itrs.first; stage2_itr != stage2_itrs.second; stage2_itr++) {
610  unsigned label = stage2_itr->second;
611  if ( == true) { //link and stage2 FPGA are the same sector
612  stage1link_ids.emplace(
613  HGCalTriggerBackendDetId(id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::Stage1Link, id.sector(), label));
614  } else { //link is from the next sector (anti-clockwise)
615  stage1link_ids.emplace(HGCalTriggerBackendDetId(
616  id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::Stage1Link, getNextSector(id.sector()), label));
617  }
618  }
620  return stage1link_ids;
621 }
623 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getStage1FpgaFromStage1Link(const unsigned link_id) const {
624  HGCalTriggerBackendDetId id(link_id);
625  unsigned stage1_label =;
628  id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::Stage1FPGA, id.sector(), stage1_label);
629 }
631 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getStage2FpgaFromStage1Link(const unsigned link_id) const {
632  HGCalTriggerBackendDetId id(link_id);
633  bool same_sector =;
634  unsigned sector = id.sector();
636  if (!same_sector) {
637  sector = getPreviousSector(sector);
638  }
640  return HGCalTriggerBackendDetId(id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::Stage2FPGA, sector, 0);
641 }
644  const unsigned stage1_id) const {
645  geom_set stage1link_ids;
646  HGCalTriggerBackendDetId id(stage1_id);
648  auto stage1_itrs = stage1_to_stage1links_.equal_range(id.label());
649  for (auto stage1_itr = stage1_itrs.first; stage1_itr != stage1_itrs.second; stage1_itr++) {
650  stage1link_ids.emplace(HGCalTriggerBackendDetId(
651  id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::Stage1Link, id.sector(), stage1_itr->second));
652  }
654  return stage1link_ids;
655 }
658  geom_set lpgbt_ids;
659  HGCalTriggerBackendDetId id(stage1_id);
661  auto stage1_itrs = stage1_to_lpgbts_.equal_range(id.label());
662  for (auto stage1_itr = stage1_itrs.first; stage1_itr != stage1_itrs.second; stage1_itr++) {
663  lpgbt_ids.emplace(HGCalTriggerBackendDetId(
664  id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::LpGBT, id.sector(), stage1_itr->second));
665  }
667  return lpgbt_ids;
668 }
670 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getStage1FpgaFromLpgbt(const unsigned lpgbt_id) const {
671  HGCalTriggerBackendDetId id(lpgbt_id);
672  unsigned stage1_label =;
675  id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::Stage1FPGA, id.sector(), stage1_label);
676 }
680  HGCalTriggerBackendDetId id(lpgbt_id);
682  auto lpgbt_itrs = lpgbt_to_modules_.equal_range(id.label());
683  for (auto lpgbt_itr = lpgbt_itrs.first; lpgbt_itr != lpgbt_itrs.second; lpgbt_itr++) {
684  unsigned layer = 0;
685  int moduleU = 0;
686  int moduleV = 0;
687  int subdet = 0;
688  unpackLayerSubdetWaferId(lpgbt_itr->second, layer, subdet, moduleU, moduleV);
689  unsigned det = 0;
690  switch (subdet) {
692  det = DetId::HGCalEE;
693  break;
695  det = DetId::HGCalHSi;
696  break;
698  det = DetId::HGCalHSc;
699  break;
700  default:
701  det = DetId::HGCalEE;
702  break;
703  }
705  int type = detIdWaferType(det, layer, moduleU, moduleV);
706  modules.emplace(HGCalTriggerModuleDetId(
707  HGCalTriggerSubdetector(subdet), id.zside(), type, layer, id.sector(), moduleU, moduleV));
708  }
710  return modules;
711 }
714  geom_set lpgbt_ids;
715  HGCalTriggerModuleDetId id(module_id);
717  auto module_itrs = module_to_lpgbts_.equal_range(
718  packLayerSubdetWaferId(id.layer(), id.triggerSubdetId(), id.moduleU(), id.moduleV()));
719  for (auto module_itr = module_itrs.first; module_itr != module_itrs.second; module_itr++) {
720  lpgbt_ids.emplace(HGCalTriggerBackendDetId(
721  id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::LpGBT, id.sector(), module_itr->second));
722  }
724  return lpgbt_ids;
725 }
727 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getStage1FpgaFromModule(const unsigned module_id) const {
728  HGCalTriggerModuleDetId id(module_id);
730  unsigned stage1_label =
731, id.triggerSubdetId(), id.moduleU(), id.moduleV()));
734  id.zside(), HGCalTriggerBackendDetId::BackendType::Stage1FPGA, id.sector(), stage1_label);
735 }
737 GlobalPoint HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getTriggerCellPosition(const unsigned trigger_cell_det_id) const {
738  unsigned det = DetId(trigger_cell_det_id).det();
740  // Position: barycenter of the trigger cell.
741  Basic3DVector<float> triggerCellVector(0., 0., 0.);
742  const auto cell_ids = getCellsFromTriggerCell(trigger_cell_det_id);
743  // Scintillator
744  if (det == DetId::HGCalHSc) {
745  for (const auto& cell : cell_ids) {
746  triggerCellVector += hscGeometry()->getPosition(cell).basicVector();
747  }
748  }
749  // HFNose
750  else if (det == DetId::HGCalTrigger and
751  HGCalTriggerDetId(trigger_cell_det_id).subdet() == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) {
752  for (const auto& cell : cell_ids) {
753  HFNoseDetId cellDetId(cell);
754  triggerCellVector += noseGeometry()->getPosition(cellDetId).basicVector();
755  }
756  }
757  // Silicon
758  else {
759  for (const auto& cell : cell_ids) {
760  HGCSiliconDetId cellDetId(cell);
761  triggerCellVector += (cellDetId.det() == DetId::HGCalEE ? eeGeometry()->getPosition(cellDetId)
762  : hsiGeometry()->getPosition(cellDetId))
763  .basicVector();
764  }
765  }
766  return GlobalPoint(triggerCellVector / cell_ids.size());
767 }
769 GlobalPoint HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::getModulePosition(const unsigned module_det_id) const {
770  unsigned subdet = HGCalTriggerModuleDetId(module_det_id).triggerSubdetId();
771  // Position: barycenter of the module.
772  Basic3DVector<float> moduleVector(0., 0., 0.);
773  const auto cell_ids = getCellsFromModule(module_det_id);
774  // Scintillator
776  for (const auto& cell : cell_ids) {
777  moduleVector += hscGeometry()->getPosition(cell).basicVector();
778  }
779  }
780  // HFNose
781  else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) {
782  for (const auto& cell : cell_ids) {
783  HFNoseDetId cellDetId(cell);
784  moduleVector += noseGeometry()->getPosition(cellDetId).basicVector();
785  }
786  } // Silicon
787  else {
788  for (const auto& cell : cell_ids) {
789  HGCSiliconDetId cellDetId(cell);
790  moduleVector += (cellDetId.det() == DetId::HGCalEE ? eeGeometry()->getPosition(cellDetId)
791  : hsiGeometry()->getPosition(cellDetId))
792  .basicVector();
793  }
794  }
796  return GlobalPoint(moduleVector / cell_ids.size());
797 }
800  // read json mapping file
801  json mapping_config;
802  std::ifstream json_input_file(jsonMappingFile_.fullPath());
803  if (!json_input_file.is_open()) {
804  throw cms::Exception("MissingDataFile") << "Cannot open HGCalTriggerGeometry L1TMapping file\n";
805  }
806  json_input_file >> mapping_config;
808  try {
809  //Stage 2 to Stage 1 links mapping
810  for (unsigned stage2_id = 0; stage2_id <"Stage2").size(); stage2_id++) {
811  for (unsigned link_id = 0; link_id <"Stage2").at(stage2_id).at("Stage1Links").size();
812  link_id++) {
813  stage2_to_stage1links_.emplace(stage2_id, link_id);
814  stage1links_samesector_.emplace(
815  link_id,"Stage2").at(stage2_id).at("Stage1Links").at(link_id).at("SameSector"));
816  }
817  }
818  } catch (const json::exception& e) {
819  edm::LogError("HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3")
820  << "The mapping input json file does not have the expected structure for the Stage2 block";
821  }
823  try {
824  for (unsigned link_id = 0; link_id <"Stage1Links").size(); link_id++) {
825  //Stage 1 links to Stage 1 FPGAs mapping
826  stage1link_to_stage1_.emplace(link_id,"Stage1Links").at(link_id).at("Stage1"));
828  //Stage 1 links to Stage 2 mapping
829  stage1link_to_stage2_.emplace(link_id,"Stage1Links").at(link_id).at("Stage2SameSector"));
830  }
831  } catch (const json::exception& e) {
832  edm::LogError("HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3")
833  << "The mapping input json file does not have the expected structure for the Stage1Links block";
834  }
836  try {
837  for (unsigned stage1_id = 0; stage1_id <"Stage1").size(); stage1_id++) {
838  //Stage 1 to Stage 1 links mapping
839  for (auto& link_id :"Stage1").at(stage1_id).at("Stage1Links")) {
840  stage1_to_stage1links_.emplace(stage1_id, link_id);
841  }
843  //Stage 1 to lpgbt mapping
844  for (auto& lpgbt_id :"Stage1").at(stage1_id).at("lpgbts")) {
845  stage1_to_lpgbts_.emplace(stage1_id, lpgbt_id);
846  }
847  }
849  } catch (const json::exception& e) {
850  edm::LogError("HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3")
851  << "The mapping input json file does not have the expected structure for the Stage1 block";
852  }
854  try {
855  for (unsigned lpgbt_id = 0; lpgbt_id <"lpgbt").size(); lpgbt_id++) {
856  //lpgbt to Stage 1 mapping
857  unsigned stage1_id ="lpgbt").at(lpgbt_id).at("Stage1");
858  lpgbt_to_stage1_.emplace(lpgbt_id, stage1_id);
860  //lpgbt to module mapping
861  for (auto& modules :"lpgbt").at(lpgbt_id).at("Modules")) {
862  unsigned layer ="layer");
863  int subdetId = 0;
864  bool isSilicon ="isSilicon");
865  layerWithoutOffsetAndSubdetId(layer, subdetId, isSilicon);
866  unsigned packed_value = packLayerSubdetWaferId(layer, subdetId,"u"),"v"));
867  lpgbt_to_modules_.emplace(lpgbt_id, packed_value);
869  //fill subsiduary module to stage 1 mapping
870  auto result = module_to_stage1_.emplace(packed_value, stage1_id);
871  if (result.second == false &&
872  stage1_id != result.first->second) { //check that the stage1_id is the same as in the existing map
873  edm::LogError("HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3") << "One module is connected to two separate Stage1 FPGAs";
874  }
875  }
876  }
878  } catch (const json::exception& e) {
879  edm::LogError("HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3")
880  << "The mapping input json file does not have the expected structure for the lpGBT block";
881  }
883  try {
884  //module to lpgbt mapping
885  for (unsigned module = 0; module <"Module").size(); module++) {
886  unsigned num_elinks = 0; //Sum number of e-links in each module over lpGBTs
887  unsigned layer ="Module").at(module).at("layer");
888  unsigned moduleU ="Module").at(module).at("u");
889  unsigned moduleV ="Module").at(module).at("v");
890  bool isSilicon ="Module").at(module).at("isSilicon");
891  int subdetId = 0;
892  layerWithoutOffsetAndSubdetId(layer, subdetId, isSilicon);
894  for (auto& lpgbt :"Module").at(module).at("lpgbts")) {
895  module_to_lpgbts_.emplace(packLayerSubdetWaferId(layer, subdetId, moduleU, moduleV),"id"));
896  num_elinks += unsigned("nElinks"));
897  }
898  int packed_module = packLayerSubdetWaferId(layer, subdetId, moduleU, moduleV);
899  links_per_module_.emplace(packed_module, num_elinks);
900  }
901  } catch (const json::exception& e) {
902  edm::LogError("HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3")
903  << "The mapping input json file does not have the expected structure for the Module block";
904  }
906  json_input_file.close();
907 }
909 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::packLayerSubdetWaferId(unsigned layer, int subdet, int waferU, int waferV) const {
910  unsigned packed_value = 0;
912  packed_value |=
914  packed_value |=
916  packed_value |= ((subdet & HGCalTriggerModuleDetId::kHGCalTriggerSubdetMask)
919  return packed_value;
920 }
923  unsigned wafer, unsigned& layer, int& subdet, int& waferU, int& waferV) const {
926  subdet =
929 }
931 void HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::etaphiMappingFromSector0(int& ieta, int& iphi, unsigned sector) const {
932  if (sector == 0) {
933  return;
934  }
935  if (sector == 2) {
936  iphi = iphi + hSc_num_panels_per_sector_;
937  } else if (sector == 1) {
938  iphi = iphi + (2 * hSc_num_panels_per_sector_);
939  }
940 }
943  if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HGCalEETrigger) { // CE-E
945  } else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HGCalHSiTrigger) {
946  if ((layer % 2) == 1) { // CE-H Odd
948  } else { // CE-H Even
950  }
951  } else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) { //HFNose
953  } else {
954  edm::LogError("HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3")
955  << "HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3: trigger sub-detector expected to be silicon";
957  }
958 }
960 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::tcEtaphiMappingToSector0(int& tc_ieta, int& tc_iphi) const {
961  unsigned sector = 0;
963  if (tc_iphi > hSc_tc_layer0_min_ && tc_iphi <= hSc_tc_layer0_min_ + ntc_per_wafer_) {
964  sector = 0;
965  } else if (tc_iphi > hSc_tc_layer0_min_ + ntc_per_wafer_ && tc_iphi <= hSc_tc_layer0_min_ + 2 * ntc_per_wafer_) {
966  sector = 2;
967  } else {
968  sector = 1;
969  }
971  if (sector == 0) {
972  tc_iphi = tc_iphi - hSc_tc_layer0_min_;
973  } else if (sector == 2) {
974  tc_iphi = tc_iphi - (hSc_tc_layer0_min_ + ntc_per_wafer_);
975  } else if (sector == 1) {
976  if (tc_iphi <= hSc_tc_layer0_min_) {
977  tc_iphi = tc_iphi + nSectors_ * ntc_per_wafer_;
978  }
979  tc_iphi = tc_iphi - (nSectors_ * ntc_per_wafer_ - hSc_tc_layer0_min_);
980  }
982  return sector;
983 }
986  int& ieta, int& iphi, int tc_eta, int tc_phi, unsigned layer) const {
987  iphi = (tc_phi - 1) / hSc_tcs_per_module_phi_; //Phi index 1-12
990  if (layer > hSc_layer_for_split_) {
991  split = hSc_back_layers_split_;
992  }
993  if (tc_eta <= split) {
994  ieta = 0;
995  } else {
996  ieta = 1;
997  }
998 }
1000 bool HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::validTriggerCell(const unsigned trigger_cell_id) const {
1001  return validTriggerCellFromCells(trigger_cell_id);
1002 }
1004 bool HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::disconnectedModule(const unsigned module_id) const {
1005  bool disconnected = false;
1006  HGCalTriggerModuleDetId id(module_id);
1007  if (module_to_stage1_.find(packLayerSubdetWaferId(id.layer(), id.triggerSubdetId(), id.moduleU(), id.moduleV())) ==
1008  module_to_stage1_.end()) {
1009  disconnected = true;
1010  }
1011  if (disconnected_layers_.find(layerWithOffset(module_id)) != disconnected_layers_.end()) {
1012  disconnected = true;
1013  }
1014  return disconnected;
1015 }
1017 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::triggerLayer(const unsigned id) const {
1018  unsigned layer = layerWithOffset(id);
1020  if (DetId(id).det() == DetId::HGCalTrigger and
1022  if (layer >= trigger_nose_layers_.size())
1023  return 0;
1024  return trigger_nose_layers_[layer];
1025  }
1026  if (layer >= trigger_layers_.size())
1027  return 0;
1028  return trigger_layers_[layer];
1029 }
1031 bool HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::validCell(unsigned cell_id) const {
1032  bool is_valid = false;
1033  unsigned det = DetId(cell_id).det();
1034  switch (det) {
1035  case DetId::HGCalEE:
1036  is_valid = eeTopology().valid(cell_id);
1037  break;
1038  case DetId::HGCalHSi:
1039  is_valid = hsiTopology().valid(cell_id);
1040  break;
1041  case DetId::HGCalHSc:
1042  is_valid = hscTopology().valid(cell_id);
1043  break;
1044  case DetId::Forward:
1045  is_valid = noseTopology().valid(cell_id);
1046  break;
1047  default:
1048  is_valid = false;
1049  break;
1050  }
1051  return is_valid;
1052 }
1054 bool HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::validTriggerCellFromCells(const unsigned trigger_cell_id) const {
1055  // Check the validity of a trigger cell with the
1056  // validity of the cells. One valid cell in the
1057  // trigger cell is enough to make the trigger cell
1058  // valid.
1059  const geom_set cells = getCellsFromTriggerCell(trigger_cell_id);
1060  bool is_valid = false;
1061  for (const auto cell_id : cells) {
1062  unsigned det = DetId(cell_id).det();
1063  is_valid |= validCellId(det, cell_id);
1064  if (is_valid)
1065  break;
1066  }
1067  return is_valid;
1068 }
1070 bool HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::validCellId(unsigned subdet, unsigned cell_id) const {
1071  bool is_valid = false;
1072  switch (subdet) {
1073  case DetId::HGCalEE:
1074  is_valid = eeTopology().valid(cell_id);
1075  break;
1076  case DetId::HGCalHSi:
1077  is_valid = hsiTopology().valid(cell_id);
1078  break;
1079  case DetId::HGCalHSc:
1080  is_valid = hscTopology().valid(cell_id);
1081  break;
1082  case DetId::Forward:
1083  is_valid = noseTopology().valid(cell_id);
1084  break;
1085  default:
1086  is_valid = false;
1087  break;
1088  }
1089  return is_valid;
1090 }
1092 int HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::detIdWaferType(unsigned det, unsigned layer, short waferU, short waferV) const {
1093  int wafer_type = 0;
1094  switch (det) {
1095  case DetId::HGCalEE:
1096  wafer_type = eeTopology().dddConstants().getTypeHex(layer, waferU, waferV);
1097  break;
1098  case DetId::HGCalHSi:
1099  wafer_type = hsiTopology().dddConstants().getTypeHex(layer, waferU, waferV);
1100  break;
1101  case DetId::HGCalHSc:
1102  wafer_type = hscTopology().dddConstants().getTypeTrap(layer);
1103  break;
1104  default:
1105  break;
1106  };
1107  return wafer_type;
1108 }
1110 void HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::layerWithoutOffsetAndSubdetId(unsigned& layer, int& subdetId, bool isSilicon) const {
1111  if (!isSilicon) {
1112  layer = layer - heOffset_;
1114  } else {
1115  if (layer > heOffset_) {
1117  layer = layer - heOffset_;
1118  } else {
1120  }
1121  }
1122 }
1124 unsigned HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3::layerWithOffset(unsigned id) const {
1125  unsigned det = DetId(id).det();
1126  unsigned layer = 0;
1128  if (det == DetId::HGCalTrigger) {
1129  unsigned subdet = HGCalTriggerDetId(id).subdet();
1131  layer = HGCalTriggerDetId(id).layer();
1132  } else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HGCalHSiTrigger) {
1133  layer = heOffset_ + HGCalTriggerDetId(id).layer();
1134  } else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) {
1135  layer = HFNoseTriggerDetId(id).layer();
1136  }
1137  } else if (det == DetId::HGCalHSc) {
1138  layer = heOffset_ + HGCScintillatorDetId(id).layer();
1139  } else if (det == DetId::Forward) {
1140  unsigned subdet = HGCalTriggerModuleDetId(id).triggerSubdetId();
1142  layer = HGCalTriggerModuleDetId(id).layer();
1143  } else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HGCalHSiTrigger ||
1145  layer = heOffset_ + HGCalDetId(id).layer();
1146  } else if (subdet == HGCalTriggerSubdetector::HFNoseTrigger) {
1147  layer = HGCalTriggerModuleDetId(id).layer();
1148  }
1149  }
1150  return layer;
1151 }
geom_set getNeighborsFromTriggerCell(const unsigned) const final
static constexpr unsigned hSc_tcs_per_module_phi_
geom_set getLpgbtsFromModule(const unsigned) const final
GlobalPoint getTriggerCellPosition(const unsigned) const final
int zside() const
get the z-side of the module (1/-1)
std::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned > links_per_module_
geom_set getLpgbtsFromStage1Fpga(const unsigned) const final
std::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned > stage1link_to_stage1_
int triggerCellU() const
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:87
int getTypeTrap(int layer) const
static const int kHGCalTriggerSubdetMask
geom_set getStage2FpgasFromStage1Fpga(const unsigned) const final
geom_set getTriggerCellsFromModule(const unsigned) const final
int zside() const
get the z-side of the cell (1/-1)
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:53
geom_ordered_set getOrderedTriggerCellsFromModule(const unsigned) const final
int detIdWaferType(unsigned det, unsigned layer, short waferU, short waferV) const
HGCalTriggerSubdetector subdet() const
get the subdetector
std::unordered_multimap< unsigned, unsigned > stage1_to_stage1links_
uint16_t *__restrict__ id
void setEEGeometry(const HGCalGeometry *geom)
int type() const
get the type
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:50
nlohmann::json json
static constexpr unsigned hSc_back_layers_split_
unsigned getStage1FpgaFromLpgbt(const unsigned) const final
int32_t waferU(const int32_t index)
GlobalPoint getModulePosition(const unsigned) const final
int waferU() const
const HGCalGeometry * eeGeometry() const
const HGCalTopology & eeTopology() const
bool valid(const DetId &id) const override
Is this a valid cell id.
std::unordered_multimap< unsigned, unsigned > lpgbt_to_modules_
unsigned getTriggerCellFromCell(const unsigned) const final
HGCalGeomRotation::WaferCentring getWaferCentring(unsigned layer, int subdet) const
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
static const int kHGCalModuleVOffset
void layerWithoutOffsetAndSubdetId(unsigned &layer, int &subdetId, bool isSilicon) const
int getTypeHex(int layer, int waferU, int waferV) const
void uvMappingFromSector0(WaferCentring waferCentring, int &moduleU, int &moduleV, unsigned sector) const
std::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned > lpgbt_to_stage1_
int type() const
get/set the type
unsigned getNextSector(const unsigned sector) const
unsigned triggerLayer(const unsigned) const final
std::unordered_multimap< unsigned, unsigned > stage2_to_stage1links_
std::vector< int > cellV() const
int zside() const
get the z-side of the cell (1/-1)
int zside() const
get the z-side of the cell (1/-1)
void unpackLayerSubdetWaferId(unsigned wafer, unsigned &layer, int &subdet, int &waferU, int &waferV) const
int zside(DetId const &)
const HGCalTopology & hsiTopology() const
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
void setHSiGeometry(const HGCalGeometry *geom)
bool validCell(const unsigned) const final
unsigned getStage2FpgaFromStage1Link(const unsigned) const final
std::vector< HFNoseTriggerDetId > getTriggerDetIds(HFNoseDetId const &id) const
unsigned tcEtaphiMappingToSector0(int &tc_ieta, int &tc_iphi) const
std::unordered_map< unsigned, bool > stage1links_samesector_
int type() const
get the type
std::unordered_multimap< unsigned, unsigned > module_to_lpgbts_
static const int kHGCalModuleUOffset
void setNoseGeometry(const HGCalGeometry *geom)
bool validTriggerCell(const unsigned) const final
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > getTriggerId(int roc, int type) const
tuple result
unsigned getModuleSize(const unsigned module_id) const final
int layer() const
get the layer #
geom_ordered_set getOrderedCellsFromModule(const unsigned) const final
char const * label
const HGCalGeometry * noseGeometry() const
int type() const
get the type
unsigned getModuleFromTriggerCell(const unsigned) const final
unsigned int layers(bool reco) const
unsigned getModuleFromCell(const unsigned) const final
unsigned lastTriggerLayer() const final
unsigned getPreviousSector(const unsigned sector) const
int waferV() const
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:78
int layer() const
get the layer #
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:56
int type() const
get the type
int waferU() const
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:75
int layer() const
get the layer #
void etaphiMappingFromSector0(int &ieta, int &iphi, unsigned sector) const
bool disconnectedModule(const unsigned) const final
int zside() const
get the z-side of the cell (1/-1)
int waferV() const
def move
constexpr int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:48
int eta() const
get the scintillator panel eta
std::vector< int > cellV() const
void setHScGeometry(const HGCalGeometry *geom)
int phi() const
get the scintillator panel phi
int iphi() const
get the phi index
std::vector< unsigned > trigger_layers_
int sector() const
get the sector #
int layer() const
get the layer #
unsigned getLinksInModule(const unsigned module_id) const final
int moduleU() const
get the module U
HGCalTriggerGeometryV9Imp3(const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
unsigned getStage1FpgaFromModule(const unsigned module_id) const final
const HGCalGeometry * hsiGeometry() const
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const CAHitNtupletGeneratorKernelsGPU::HitToTuple const cms::cuda::AtomicPairCounter GPUCACell const *__restrict__ cells
Definition: DetId.h:17
std::vector< int > cellU() const
std::unordered_multimap< unsigned, unsigned > stage1_to_lpgbts_
int moduleV() const
get the module V
geom_set getStage1FpgasFromStage2Fpga(const unsigned) const final
const HGCalDDDConstants & dddConstants() const
Definition: HGCalTopology.h:98
const HGCalGeometry * hscGeometry() const
const HGCalTopology & hscTopology() const
Definition: DetId.h:24
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
int triggerSubdetId() const
get the trigger sub-detector
void getScintillatoriEtaiPhi(int &ieta, int &iphi, int tc_eta, int tc_phi, unsigned layer) const
std::set< unsigned > geom_ordered_set
int layer() const
get the layer #
int layer() const
get the layer #
unsigned packLayerSubdetWaferId(unsigned layer, int subdet, int waferU, int waferV) const
int triggerCellU() const
bool validCellId(unsigned det, unsigned cell_id) const
std::vector< int > cellU() const
int zside() const
get the z-side of the cell (1/-1)
std::unordered_set< unsigned > geom_set
GlobalPoint getPosition(const DetId &id, bool debug=false) const
int32_t waferV(const int32_t index)
bool validTriggerCellFromCells(const unsigned) const
const HGCalTopology & noseTopology() const
int triggerCellV() const
geom_set getStage1LinksFromStage2Fpga(const unsigned) const final
geom_set getModulesFromLpgbt(const unsigned) const final
static constexpr unsigned hSc_front_layers_split_
std::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned > stage1link_to_stage2_
std::string fullPath() const
geom_set getCellsFromModule(const unsigned) const final
std::vector< unsigned > trigger_nose_layers_
#define DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN(factory, type, name)
unsigned layerWithOffset(unsigned) const
unsigned getStage1FpgaFromStage1Link(const unsigned) const final
int type() const
get the type
geom_set getStage1LinksFromStage1Fpga(const unsigned) const final
void initialize(const HGCalGeometry *, const HGCalGeometry *, const HGCalGeometry *) final
geom_set getCellsFromTriggerCell(const unsigned) const final
const BasicVectorType & basicVector() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:53
unsigned uvMappingToSector0(WaferCentring waferCentring, int &moduleU, int &moduleV) const
static constexpr unsigned hSc_num_panels_per_sector_
std::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned > module_to_stage1_
static constexpr unsigned hSc_layer_for_split_
int layer() const
get the layer #
Definition: HGCalDetId.h:46
std::unordered_set< unsigned > disconnected_layers_
tuple module
static const int kHGCalTriggerSubdetOffset
int triggerCellV() const
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:94
constexpr Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:46