1 #ifndef CD_NuclearInteractionFinder_H_
2 #define CD_NuclearInteractionFinder_H_
97 std::vector<SeedFromNuclearInteraction>
std::unique_ptr< TangentHelix > thePrimaryHelix
double rescaleErrorFactor
std::unique_ptr< TrajectorySeedCollection > getPersistentSeeds()
Fill 'output' with persistent nuclear seeds.
bool run(const Trajectory &traj, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &event)
Run the Finder.
std::vector< TrajectoryMeasurement > findMeasurementsFromTSOS(const TSOS ¤tState, DetId detid, const LayerMeasurements &layerMeasurements) const
void improveSeeds(const MeasurementTrackerEvent &event)
Improve the seeds with a third RecHit.
std::unique_ptr< SeedFromNuclearInteraction > currentSeed
const NavigationSchool * nav() const
std::unique_ptr< NuclearTester > nuclTester
std::vector< TrajectoryMeasurement > findCompatibleMeasurements(const TM &lastMeas, double rescaleFactor, const LayerMeasurements &layerMeasurements) const
Find compatible TM of a TM with error rescaled by rescaleFactor.
const MeasurementTracker * theMeasurementTracker
const NavigationSchool * theNavigationSchool
const Propagator * thePropagator
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
std::vector< SeedFromNuclearInteraction > allSeeds
Class used to obtain vector of all compatible TMs associated to a trajectory to be used by the Nuclea...
TrajectoryMeasurement::ConstRecHitPointer ConstRecHitPointer
TrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer ConstRecHitPointer
const GeometricSearchTracker * theGeomSearchTracker
TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
std::vector< Trajectory > TrajectoryContainer
void fillSeeds(const std::pair< TrajectoryMeasurement, std::vector< TrajectoryMeasurement > > &tmPairs)
get the seeds at the interaction point
NuclearInteractionFinder(const Config &iConfig, const TrackerGeometry *theTrckerGeom, const Propagator *thePropagator, const MeasurementEstimator *theEstimator, const MeasurementTracker *theMeasurementTracker, const GeometricSearchTracker *theGeomSearchTracker, const NavigationSchool *theNavigationSchool)
void definePrimaryHelix(std::vector< TrajectoryMeasurement >::const_iterator it_meas)
Calculate the parameters of the circle representing the primary track at the interaction point...
TrajectoryStateOnSurface rescaleError(float rescale, const TSOS &state) const
double rescaleErrorFactor