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18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <bitset>
20 #include <iterator>
21 #include <functional>
22 #include <numeric>
24 //#define EDM_ML_DEBUG
25 using namespace geant_units::operators;
28  : hgpar_(hp),
29  sqrt3_(std::sqrt(3.0)),
30  mode_(hgpar_->mode_),
31  fullAndPart_(((mode_ == HGCalGeometryMode::Hexagon8File) || (mode_ == HGCalGeometryMode::Hexagon8Module))) {
32 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
33  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Mode " << mode_ << " FullAndPart " << fullAndPart_;
34 #endif
35  if (waferHexagon6() || waferHexagon8()) {
38  hexside_ = 2.0 * rmax_ * tan30deg_;
39  hexsideT_ = 2.0 * rmaxT_ * tan30deg_;
40 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
41  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "rmax_ " << rmax_ << ":" << rmaxT_ << ":" << hexside_ << ":" << hexsideT_
42  << " CellSize " << 0.5 * HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * hgpar_->cellSize_[0] << ":"
44 #endif
45  }
46  // init maps and constants
47  modHalf_ = 0;
49  for (int simreco = 0; simreco < 2; ++simreco) {
50  tot_layers_[simreco] = layersInit((bool)simreco);
51  max_modules_layer_[simreco].resize(tot_layers_[simreco] + 1);
52  for (unsigned int layer = 1; layer <= tot_layers_[simreco]; ++layer) {
53  max_modules_layer_[simreco][layer] = modulesInit(layer, (bool)simreco);
54  if (simreco == 1) {
55  modHalf_ += max_modules_layer_[simreco][layer];
57 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
58  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Layer " << layer << " with " << max_modules_layer_[simreco][layer] << ":"
59  << modHalf_ << " modules in RECO";
60  } else {
61  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Layer " << layer << " with " << max_modules_layer_[simreco][layer]
62  << " modules in SIM";
63 #endif
64  }
65  }
66 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
67  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "SimReco " << simreco << " with " << tot_layers_[simreco] << " Layers";
68 #endif
69  }
70  tot_wafers_ = wafers();
72 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
73  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants initialized for " << name << " with " << layers(false) << ":"
74  << layers(true) << " layers, " << wafers() << ":" << 2 * modHalf_
75  << " wafers with maximum " << maxWafersPerLayer_ << " per layer and "
76  << "maximum of " << maxCells(false) << ":" << maxCells(true) << " cells";
77 #endif
78  if (waferHexagon6() || waferHexagon8()) {
79  int wminT(9999999), wmaxT(-9999999), kount1(0), kount2(0);
80  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getTrFormN(); ++i) {
81  int lay0 = getTrForm(i).lay;
82  int wmin(9999999), wmax(-9999999), kount(0);
83  for (int wafer = 0; wafer < sectors(); ++wafer) {
84  bool waferIn = waferInLayer(wafer, lay0, true);
85  if (waferHexagon8()) {
86  int kndx = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(lay0,
89  waferIn_[kndx] = waferIn;
90  }
91  if (waferIn) {
92  int waferU = ((waferHexagon6()) ? wafer : HGCalWaferIndex::waferU(hgpar_->waferCopy_[wafer]));
93  if (waferU < wmin)
94  wmin = waferU;
95  if (waferU > wmax)
96  wmax = waferU;
97  ++kount;
98  }
99  }
100  if (wminT > wmin)
101  wminT = wmin;
102  if (wmaxT < wmax)
103  wmaxT = wmax;
104  if (kount1 < kount)
105  kount1 = kount;
106  kount2 += kount;
107 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
108  int lay1 = getIndex(lay0, true).first;
109  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Index " << i << " Layer " << lay0 << ":" << lay1 << " Wafer " << wmin << ":"
110  << wmax << ":" << kount;
111 #endif
112  HGCWaferParam a1{{wmin, wmax, kount}};
113  waferLayer_[lay0] = a1;
114  }
115  waferMax_ = std::array<int, 4>{{wminT, wmaxT, kount1, kount2}};
116 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
117  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Overall wafer statistics: " << wminT << ":" << wmaxT << ":" << kount1 << ":"
118  << kount2;
119 #endif
120  }
121 }
125 std::pair<int, int> HGCalDDDConstants::assignCell(float x, float y, int lay, int subSec, bool reco) const {
126  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, reco);
127  if (index.first < 0)
128  return std::make_pair(-1, -1);
129  if (waferHexagon6()) {
130  float xx = (reco) ? x : HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * x;
131  float yy = (reco) ? y : HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * y;
133  // First the wafer
134  int wafer = cellHex(xx, yy, rmax_, hgpar_->waferPosX_, hgpar_->waferPosY_);
135  if (wafer < 0 || wafer >= (int)(hgpar_->waferTypeT_.size())) {
136  edm::LogWarning("HGCalGeom") << "Wafer no. out of bound for " << wafer << ":" << (hgpar_->waferTypeT_).size()
137  << ":" << (hgpar_->waferPosX_).size() << ":" << (hgpar_->waferPosY_).size()
138  << " ***** ERROR *****";
139  return std::make_pair(-1, -1);
140  } else {
141  // Now the cell
142  xx -= hgpar_->waferPosX_[wafer];
143  yy -= hgpar_->waferPosY_[wafer];
144  if (hgpar_->waferTypeT_[wafer] == 1)
145  return std::make_pair(wafer,
146  cellHex(xx,
147  yy,
150  hgpar_->cellFineY_));
151  else
152  return std::make_pair(wafer,
153  cellHex(xx,
154  yy,
157  hgpar_->cellCoarseY_));
158  }
159  } else {
160  return std::make_pair(-1, -1);
161  }
162 }
165  float x, float y, int lay, bool reco, bool extend, bool debug) const {
166  int waferU(0), waferV(0), waferType(-1), cellU(0), cellV(0);
167  if (waferHexagon8()) {
168  double xx = (reco) ? HGCalParameters::k_ScaleToDDD * x : x;
169  double yy = (reco) ? HGCalParameters::k_ScaleToDDD * y : y;
170  double wt(1.0);
171 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
172  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "assignCellHex x " << x << ":" << xx << " y " << y << ":" << yy << " Lay " << lay;
173 #endif
174  waferFromPosition(xx, yy, lay, waferU, waferV, cellU, cellV, waferType, wt, extend, debug);
175  }
176  return std::array<int, 5>{{waferU, waferV, waferType, cellU, cellV}};
177 }
179 std::array<int, 3> HGCalDDDConstants::assignCellTrap(float x, float y, float z, int layer, bool reco) const {
180  int irad(-1), iphi(-1), type(-1);
181  const auto& indx = getIndex(layer, reco);
182  if (indx.first < 0)
183  return std::array<int, 3>{{irad, iphi, type}};
184  double xx = (z > 0) ? x : -x;
185  double r = (reco ? std::sqrt(x * x + y * y) : HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * std::sqrt(x * x + y * y));
186  double phi = (r == 0. ? 0. : std::atan2(y, xx));
187  if (phi < 0)
188  phi += (2.0 * M_PI);
189  type = hgpar_->scintType(layer);
190  auto ir = std::lower_bound(hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type].begin(), hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type].end(), r);
191  irad = (int)(ir - hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type].begin());
192  irad = std::clamp(irad, hgpar_->iradMinBH_[indx.first], hgpar_->iradMaxBH_[indx.first]);
193  iphi = 1 + (int)(phi / indx.second);
194 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
195  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "assignCellTrap Input " << x << ":" << y << ":" << z << ":" << layer << ":" << reco
196  << " x|r " << xx << ":" << r << " phi " << phi << " o/p " << irad << ":" << iphi << ":"
197  << type;
198 #endif
199  return std::array<int, 3>{{irad, iphi, type}};
200 }
202 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::cellEtaPhiTrap(int type, int irad) const {
203  double dr(0), df(0);
204  if (tileTrapezoid()) {
205  double r = 0.5 * ((hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][irad - 1] + hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][irad]));
206  dr = (hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][irad] - hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][irad - 1]);
207  df = r * hgpar_->cellSize_[type];
208  }
209  return std::make_pair(dr, df);
210 }
212 bool HGCalDDDConstants::cellInLayer(int waferU, int waferV, int cellU, int cellV, int lay, bool reco) const {
213  const auto& indx = getIndex(lay, true);
214  if (indx.first >= 0) {
215  if (waferHexagon8() || waferHexagon6()) {
216  const auto& xy = ((waferHexagon8()) ? locateCell(lay, waferU, waferV, cellU, cellV, reco, true, true)
217  : locateCell(cellU, lay, waferU, reco));
218  double rpos = sqrt(xy.first * xy.first + xy.second * xy.second);
219  return ((rpos >= hgpar_->rMinLayHex_[indx.first]) && (rpos <= hgpar_->rMaxLayHex_[indx.first]));
220  } else {
221  return true;
222  }
223  } else {
224  return false;
225  }
226 }
229  double thick(-1);
230  int type = waferType(layer, waferU, waferV, false);
231  if (type >= 0) {
232  if (waferHexagon8()) {
233  thick = 10000.0 * hgpar_->cellThickness_[type]; // cm to micron
234  } else if (waferHexagon6()) {
235  thick = 100.0 * (type + 1); // type = 1,2,3 for 100,200,300 micron
236  }
237  }
238  return thick;
239 }
242  int indx = ((waferHexagon8()) ? ((type >= 1) ? 1 : 0) : ((type == 1) ? 1 : 0));
243  double cell = (tileTrapezoid() ? 0.5 * hgpar_->cellSize_[indx]
245  return cell;
246 }
248 HGCalTypes::CellType HGCalDDDConstants::cellType(int type, int cellU, int cellV) const {
249  // type=0: in the middle; 1..6: the edges clocwise from bottom left;
250  // =11..16: the corners clockwise from bottom
251  int N = (type == 0) ? hgpar_->nCellsFine_ : hgpar_->nCellsCoarse_;
252  if (cellU == 0) {
253  if (cellV == 0)
255  else if (cellV - cellU == N - 1)
257  else
259  } else if (cellV == 0) {
260  if (cellU - cellV == N)
262  else
264  } else if (cellU - cellV == N) {
265  if (cellU == 2 * N - 1)
267  else
269  } else if (cellU == 2 * N - 1) {
270  if (cellV == 2 * N - 1)
272  else
274  } else if (cellV == 2 * N - 1) {
275  if (cellV - cellU == N - 1)
277  else
279  } else if (cellV - cellU == N - 1) {
281  } else if ((cellU > 2 * N - 1) || (cellV > 2 * N - 1) || (cellV >= (cellU + N)) || (cellU > (cellV + N))) {
283  } else {
285  }
286 }
288 double HGCalDDDConstants::distFromEdgeHex(double x, double y, double z) const {
289  // Assming the point is within a hexagonal plane of the wafer, calculate
290  // the shortest distance from the edge
291  if (z < 0)
292  x = -x;
293  double dist(0);
294  // Input x, y in Geant4 unit and transformed to CMSSW standard
295  double xx = HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * x;
296  double yy = HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * y;
297  if (waferHexagon8()) {
298  int ll = layerIndex(getLayer(z, false), false);
299  xx -= hgpar_->xLayerHex_[ll];
300  yy -= hgpar_->yLayerHex_[ll];
301  }
302  int sizew = (int)(hgpar_->waferPosX_.size());
303  int wafer = sizew;
304  // Transform to the local coordinate frame of the wafer first
305  for (int k = 0; k < sizew; ++k) {
306  double dx = std::abs(xx - hgpar_->waferPosX_[k]);
307  double dy = std::abs(yy - hgpar_->waferPosY_[k]);
308  if ((dx <= rmax_) && (dy <= hexside_) && ((dy <= 0.5 * hexside_) || (dx * tan30deg_ <= (hexside_ - dy)))) {
309  wafer = k;
310  xx -= hgpar_->waferPosX_[k];
311  yy -= hgpar_->waferPosY_[k];
312  break;
313  }
314  }
315  // Look at only one quarter (both x,y are positive)
316  if (wafer < sizew) {
317  if (std::abs(yy) < 0.5 * hexside_) {
318  dist = rmax_ - std::abs(xx);
319  } else {
320  dist = 0.5 * ((rmax_ - std::abs(xx)) - sqrt3_ * (std::abs(yy) - 0.5 * hexside_));
321  }
322  } else {
323  dist = 0;
324  }
326 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
327  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DistFromEdgeHex: Local " << xx << ":" << yy << " wafer " << wafer << " flag "
328  << (wafer < sizew) << " Distance " << rmax_ << ":" << (rmax_ - std::abs(xx)) << ":"
329  << (std::abs(yy) - 0.5 * hexside_) << ":" << 0.5 * hexside_ << ":" << dist;
330 #endif
331  return dist;
332 }
334 double HGCalDDDConstants::distFromEdgeTrap(double x, double y, double z) const {
335  // Assming the point is within the eta-phi plane of the scintillator tile,
336  // calculate the shortest distance from the edge
337  int lay = getLayer(z, false);
338  double xx = (z < 0) ? -x : x;
339  int indx = layerIndex(lay, false);
340  double r = HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
341  double phi = (r == 0. ? 0. : std::atan2(y, xx));
342  if (phi < 0)
343  phi += (2.0 * M_PI);
344  int type = hgpar_->scintType(lay);
345  double cell = hgpar_->scintCellSize(lay);
346  // Compare with the center of the tile find distances along R and also phi
347  // Take the smaller value
348  auto ir = std::lower_bound(hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type].begin(), hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type].end(), r);
349  int irad = (int)(ir - hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type].begin());
350  irad = std::clamp(irad, hgpar_->iradMinBH_[indx], hgpar_->iradMaxBH_[indx]);
351  int iphi = 1 + (int)(phi / cell);
352  double dphi = std::max(0.0, (0.5 * cell - std::abs(phi - (iphi - 0.5) * cell)));
353  double dist = std::min((r - hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][irad - 1]), (hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][irad] - r));
354 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
355  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DistFromEdgeTrap: Global " << x << ":" << y << ":" << z << " Layer " << lay
356  << " Index " << indx << ":" << type << " xx " << xx << " R " << r << ":" << irad << ":"
357  << hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][irad - 1] << ":" << hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][irad]
358  << " Phi " << phi << ":" << iphi << ":" << (iphi - 0.5) * cell << " cell " << cell
359  << " Dphi " << dphi << " Dist " << dist << ":" << r * dphi;
360 #endif
361  return HGCalParameters::k_ScaleToDDD * std::min(r * dphi, dist);
362 }
364 int HGCalDDDConstants::getLayer(double z, bool reco) const {
365  // Get the layer # from the gloabl z coordinate
366  unsigned int k = 0;
367  double zz = (reco ? std::abs(z) : HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * std::abs(z));
368  const auto& zLayerHex = hgpar_->zLayerHex_;
369  auto itr = std::find_if(zLayerHex.begin() + 1, zLayerHex.end(), [&k, &zz, &zLayerHex](double zLayer) {
370  ++k;
371  return zz < 0.5 * (zLayerHex[k - 1] + zLayerHex[k]);
372  });
373  int lay = (itr == zLayerHex.end()) ? static_cast<int>(zLayerHex.size()) : k;
374  if (waferHexagon6() && reco) {
375  int indx = layerIndex(lay, false);
376  if (indx >= 0)
377  lay = hgpar_->layerGroupO_[indx];
378  } else {
379  lay += (hgpar_->firstLayer_ - 1);
380  }
381  return lay;
382 }
384 HGCalParameters::hgtrap HGCalDDDConstants::getModule(unsigned int indx, bool hexType, bool reco) const {
386  if (hexType) {
387  if (indx >= hgpar_->waferTypeL_.size())
388  edm::LogWarning("HGCalGeom") << "Wafer no. out bound for index " << indx << ":" << (hgpar_->waferTypeL_).size()
389  << ":" << (hgpar_->waferPosX_).size() << ":" << (hgpar_->waferPosY_).size()
390  << " ***** ERROR *****";
391  unsigned int type =
392  ((indx < hgpar_->waferTypeL_.size()) ? hgpar_->waferTypeL_[indx] - 1 : HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalCoarseThick);
393  mytr = hgpar_->getModule(type, reco);
394  } else {
395  mytr = hgpar_->getModule(indx, reco);
396  }
397  return mytr;
398 }
400 std::vector<HGCalParameters::hgtrap> HGCalDDDConstants::getModules() const {
401  std::vector<HGCalParameters::hgtrap> mytrs;
402  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->moduleLayR_.size(); ++k)
403  mytrs.emplace_back(hgpar_->getModule(k, true));
404  return mytrs;
405 }
407 int HGCalDDDConstants::getPhiBins(int lay) const { return (tileTrapezoid() ? hgpar_->scintCells(lay) : 0); }
409 std::pair<int, int> HGCalDDDConstants::getREtaRange(int lay) const {
410  int irmin(0), irmax(0);
411  if (tileTrapezoid()) {
412  int indx = layerIndex(lay, false);
413  if ((indx >= 0) && (indx < static_cast<int>(hgpar_->iradMinBH_.size()))) {
414  irmin = hgpar_->iradMinBH_[indx];
415  irmax = hgpar_->iradMaxBH_[indx];
416  }
417  }
418  return std::make_pair(irmin, irmax);
419 }
421 std::vector<HGCalParameters::hgtrform> HGCalDDDConstants::getTrForms() const {
422  std::vector<HGCalParameters::hgtrform> mytrs;
423  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->trformIndex_.size(); ++k)
424  mytrs.emplace_back(hgpar_->getTrForm(k));
425  return mytrs;
426 }
429  // Get the module type for scinitllator
430  if (tileTrapezoid()) {
431  return hgpar_->scintType(layer);
432  } else {
433  return -1;
434  }
435 }
438  // Get the module type for a silicon wafer
439  if (waferHexagon8()) {
440  auto itr = hgpar_->typesInLayers_.find(HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV));
441  return ((itr == hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end() ? 2 : hgpar_->waferTypeL_[itr->second]));
442  } else {
443  return -1;
444  }
445 }
447 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::getXY(int layer, double x, double y, bool forwd) const {
448  int ll = layer - hgpar_->firstLayer_;
449  double x0(x), y0(y);
450  if ((!hgpar_->layerType_.empty()) && (ll < static_cast<int>(hgpar_->layerRotV_.size()))) {
451  if (forwd) {
452  x0 = x * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].first + y * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].second;
453  y0 = y * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].first - x * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].second;
454  } else {
455  x0 = x * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].first - y * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].second;
456  y0 = y * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].first + x * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].second;
457  }
458  }
459 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
460  double x1(x0), y1(y0);
461  if (ll < static_cast<int>(hgpar_->layerRotV_.size())) {
462  if (forwd) {
463  x1 = x0 * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].first - y0 * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].second;
464  y1 = y0 * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].first + x0 * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].second;
465  } else {
466  x1 = x0 * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].first + y0 * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].second;
467  y1 = y0 * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].first - x0 * hgpar_->layerRotV_[ll].second;
468  }
469  }
470  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants: Layer " << layer << ":" << ll << " mode " << forwd << " x " << x
471  << ":" << x0 << ":" << x1 << " y " << y << ":" << y0 << ":" << y1;
472 #endif
473  return std::make_pair(x0, y0);
474 }
476 bool HGCalDDDConstants::isHalfCell(int waferType, int cell) const {
477  if (waferType < 1 || cell < 0)
478  return false;
479  return waferType == 2 ? hgpar_->cellCoarseHalf_[cell] : hgpar_->cellFineHalf_[cell];
480 }
482 bool HGCalDDDConstants::isValidHex(int lay, int mod, int cell, bool reco) const {
483  // Check validity for a layer|wafer|cell of pre-TDR version
484  bool result(false), resultMod(false);
485  int cellmax(0);
486  if (waferHexagon6()) {
487  int32_t copyNumber = hgpar_->waferCopy_[mod];
488  result = ((lay > 0 && lay <= (int)(layers(reco))));
489  if (result) {
490  const int32_t lay_idx = reco ? (lay - 1) * 3 + 1 : lay;
491  const auto& the_modules = hgpar_->copiesInLayers_[lay_idx];
492  auto moditr = the_modules.find(copyNumber);
493  result = resultMod = (moditr != the_modules.end());
494 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
495  if (!result)
496  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants: Layer " << lay << ":" << lay_idx << " Copy " << copyNumber
497  << ":" << mod << " Flag " << result;
498 #endif
499  if (result) {
500  if (moditr->second >= 0) {
501  if (mod >= (int)(hgpar_->waferTypeT_.size()))
502  edm::LogWarning("HGCalGeom") << "Module no. out of bound for " << mod << " to be compared with "
503  << (hgpar_->waferTypeT_).size() << " ***** ERROR *****";
504  cellmax = ((hgpar_->waferTypeT_[mod] - 1 == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine) ? (int)(hgpar_->cellFineX_.size())
505  : (int)(hgpar_->cellCoarseX_.size()));
506  result = (cell >= 0 && cell <= cellmax);
507  } else {
508  result = isValidCell(lay_idx, mod, cell);
509  }
510  }
511  }
512  }
514 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
515  if (!result)
516  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants: Layer " << lay << ":"
517  << (lay > 0 && (lay <= (int)(layers(reco)))) << " Module " << mod << ":" << resultMod
518  << " Cell " << cell << ":" << cellmax << ":" << (cell >= 0 && cell <= cellmax) << ":"
519  << maxCells(reco);
520 #endif
521  return result;
522 }
524 bool HGCalDDDConstants::isValidHex8(int layer, int modU, int modV, bool fullAndPart) const {
525  // Check validity for a layer|wafer|cell of post-TDR version
526  int indx = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, modU, modV);
527  auto itr = hgpar_->typesInLayers_.find(indx);
528 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
529  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants::isValidHex8:WaferType " << layer << ":" << modU << ":" << modV
530  << ":" << indx << " Test " << (itr != hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end());
531 #endif
532  if (itr == hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end())
533  return false;
535  if (fullAndPart_) {
536  auto ktr = hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.find(indx);
537 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
538  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants::isValidHex8:WaferInfoMap " << layer << ":" << modU << ":"
539  << modV << ":" << indx << " Test " << (ktr != hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.end());
540 #endif
541  if (ktr == hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.end())
542  return false;
543  } else {
544  auto jtr = waferIn_.find(indx);
545 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
546  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants::isValidHex8:WaferIn " << jtr->first << ":" << jtr->second;
547 #endif
548  if (!(jtr->second))
549  return false;
550  }
552  if (fullAndPart || fullAndPart_) {
553  auto ktr = hgpar_->waferTypes_.find(indx);
554  if (ktr != hgpar_->waferTypes_.end()) {
555  if (hgpar_->waferMaskMode_ > 0) {
556  if (ktr->second.first == HGCalTypes::WaferOut)
557  return false;
558  } else {
559  if (ktr->second.first < HGCalTypes::WaferCornerMin)
560  return false;
561  }
562  }
563  }
564  return true;
565 }
567 bool HGCalDDDConstants::isValidHex8(int layer, int modU, int modV, int cellU, int cellV, bool fullAndPart) const {
568  // First check validity for a layer|wafer| of post TDR version
569  if (!isValidHex8(layer, modU, modV, fullAndPart))
570  return false;
571  int indx = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, modU, modV);
572  auto itr = hgpar_->typesInLayers_.find(indx);
573  int type = hgpar_->waferTypeL_[itr->second];
574  int N = ((hgpar_->waferTypeL_[itr->second] == 0) ? hgpar_->nCellsFine_ : hgpar_->nCellsCoarse_);
575 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
576  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants::isValidHex8:Cell " << cellU << ":" << cellV << ":" << N
577  << " Tests " << (cellU >= 0) << ":" << (cellU < 2 * N) << ":" << (cellV >= 0) << ":"
578  << (cellV < 2 * N) << ":" << ((cellV - cellU) < N) << ":" << ((cellU - cellV) <= N);
579 #endif
580  if ((cellU < 0) || (cellU >= 2 * N) || (cellV < 0) || (cellV >= 2 * N))
581  return false;
582  if (((cellV - cellU) >= N) || ((cellU - cellV) > N))
583  return false;
585  return isValidCell8(layer, modU, modV, cellU, cellV, type);
586 }
588 bool HGCalDDDConstants::isValidTrap(int layer, int irad, int iphi) const {
589  // Check validity for a layer|eta|phi of scintillator
590  const auto& indx = getIndex(layer, true);
591  if (indx.first < 0)
592  return false;
593  return ((irad >= hgpar_->iradMinBH_[indx.first]) && (irad <= (hgpar_->iradMaxBH_[indx.first] + 1)) && (iphi > 0) &&
594  (iphi <= hgpar_->scintCells(layer)));
595 }
597 int HGCalDDDConstants::lastLayer(bool reco) const { return (hgpar_->firstLayer_ + tot_layers_[(int)reco] - 1); }
599 unsigned int HGCalDDDConstants::layers(bool reco) const { return tot_layers_[(int)reco]; }
601 int HGCalDDDConstants::layerIndex(int lay, bool reco) const {
602  int ll = lay - hgpar_->firstLayer_;
603  if (ll < 0 || ll >= (int)(hgpar_->layerIndex_.size()))
604  return -1;
605  if (waferHexagon6()) {
606  if (reco && ll >= (int)(hgpar_->depthIndex_.size()))
607  return -1;
608  return (reco ? hgpar_->depthLayerF_[ll] : hgpar_->layerIndex_[ll]);
609  } else {
610  return (hgpar_->layerIndex_[ll]);
611  }
612 }
614 unsigned int HGCalDDDConstants::layersInit(bool reco) const {
615  return (reco ? hgpar_->depthIndex_.size() : hgpar_->layerIndex_.size());
616 }
618 std::pair<float, float> HGCalDDDConstants::localToGlobal8(
619  int lay, int waferU, int waferV, double localX, double localY, bool reco, bool debug) const {
620  double x(localX), y(localY);
621  bool rotx =
623  if (debug)
624  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "LocalToGlobal " << lay << ":" << (lay - hgpar_->firstLayer_) << ":" << rotx
625  << " Local (" << x << ":" << y << ") Reco " << reco;
626  if (!reco) {
629  }
630  const auto& xy = waferPositionNoRot(lay, waferU, waferV, reco, debug);
631  x += xy.first;
632  y += xy.second;
633  if (debug)
634  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "With wafer " << x << ":" << y << " by addong " << xy.first << ":" << xy.second;
635  return (rotx ? getXY(lay, x, y, false) : std::make_pair(x, y));
636 }
638 std::pair<float, float> HGCalDDDConstants::locateCell(int cell, int lay, int type, bool reco) const {
639  // type refers to wafer # for hexagon cell
640  float x(999999.), y(999999.);
641  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, reco);
642  int i = index.first;
643  if (i < 0)
644  return std::make_pair(x, y);
645  if (waferHexagon6()) {
646  x = hgpar_->waferPosX_[type];
647  y = hgpar_->waferPosY_[type];
648 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
649  float x0(x), y0(y);
650 #endif
651  if (hgpar_->waferTypeT_[type] - 1 == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine) {
652  x += hgpar_->cellFineX_[cell];
653  y += hgpar_->cellFineY_[cell];
654  } else {
655  x += hgpar_->cellCoarseX_[cell];
656  y += hgpar_->cellCoarseY_[cell];
657  }
658 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
659  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "LocateCell (Wafer) " << x0 << ":" << y0 << " Final " << x << ":" << y;
660 #endif
661  if (!reco) {
664  }
665  }
666  return std::make_pair(x, y);
667 }
669 std::pair<float, float> HGCalDDDConstants::locateCell(
670  int lay, int waferU, int waferV, int cellU, int cellV, bool reco, bool all, bool debug) const {
671  double x(0), y(0);
672  int indx = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(lay, waferU, waferV);
673  auto itr = hgpar_->typesInLayers_.find(indx);
674  int type = ((itr == hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end()) ? 2 : hgpar_->waferTypeL_[itr->second]);
675  bool rotx =
677 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
678  if (debug) {
679  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "LocateCell " << lay << ":" << (lay - hgpar_->firstLayer_) << ":" << rotx << ":"
680  << waferU << ":" << waferV << ":" << indx << ":"
681  << (itr == hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end()) << ":" << type << " Flags " << reco << ":"
682  << all;
683  }
684 #endif
685  int kndx = cellV * 100 + cellU;
686  if (type == 0) {
687  auto ktr = hgpar_->cellFineIndex_.find(kndx);
688  if (ktr != hgpar_->cellFineIndex_.end()) {
689  x = hgpar_->cellFineX_[ktr->second];
690  y = hgpar_->cellFineY_[ktr->second];
691  }
692 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
693  if (debug)
694  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Fine " << cellU << ":" << cellV << ":" << kndx << ":" << x << ":" << y << ":"
695  << (ktr != hgpar_->cellFineIndex_.end());
696 #endif
697  } else {
698  auto ktr = hgpar_->cellCoarseIndex_.find(kndx);
699  if (ktr != hgpar_->cellCoarseIndex_.end()) {
700  x = hgpar_->cellCoarseX_[ktr->second];
701  y = hgpar_->cellCoarseY_[ktr->second];
702  }
703 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
704  if (debug)
705  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Coarse " << cellU << ":" << cellV << ":" << kndx << ":" << x << ":" << y << ":"
706  << (ktr != hgpar_->cellCoarseIndex_.end());
707 #endif
708  }
709  if (!reco) {
712  }
713  if (all) {
714  const auto& xy = waferPositionNoRot(lay, waferU, waferV, reco, debug);
715  x += xy.first;
716  y += xy.second;
717 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
718  if (debug)
719  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "With wafer " << x << ":" << y << " by addong " << xy.first << ":" << xy.second;
720 #endif
721  }
722  return (rotx ? getXY(lay, x, y, false) : std::make_pair(x, y));
723 }
725 std::pair<float, float> HGCalDDDConstants::locateCell(const HGCSiliconDetId& id, bool debug) const {
726  int lay(id.layer());
727  double r = 0.5 * (hgpar_->waferSize_ + hgpar_->sensorSeparation_);
728  double R = 2.0 * r / sqrt3_;
729  int ncells = (id.type() == 0) ? hgpar_->nCellsFine_ : hgpar_->nCellsCoarse_;
730  int n2 = ncells / 2;
731  auto xyoff = geomTools_.shiftXY(hgpar_->layerCenter_[lay - 1], (2.0 * r));
732  double xpos = xyoff.first + ((-2 * id.waferU() + id.waferV()) * r);
733  double ypos = xyoff.second + (1.5 * id.waferV() * R);
734 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
735  if (debug)
736  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "LocateCell " << id << " Lay " << lay << " r:R " << r << ":" << R << " N "
737  << ncells << ":" << n2 << " Off " << xyoff.first << ":" << xyoff.second << " Pos "
738  << xpos << ":" << ypos;
739 #endif
740  double R1 = hgpar_->waferSize_ / (3.0 * ncells);
741  double r1 = 0.5 * R1 * sqrt3_;
742  xpos += ((1.5 * (id.cellV() - ncells) + 1.0) * R1);
743  ypos += ((id.cellU() - 0.5 * id.cellV() - n2) * 2 * r1);
744 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
745  if (debug)
746  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "LocateCell r1:R1 " << r1 << ":" << R1 << " dx:dy "
747  << ((1.5 * (id.cellV() - ncells) + 1.0) * R1) << ":"
748  << ((id.cellU() - 0.5 * id.cellV() - n2) * 2 * r1) << " Pos " << xpos << ":" << ypos;
749 #endif
750  std::pair<double, double> xy = getXY(id.layer(), xpos, ypos, true);
751  return std::make_pair(xy.first * id.zside(), xy.second);
752 }
754 std::pair<float, float> HGCalDDDConstants::locateCell(const HGCScintillatorDetId& id, bool debug) const {
755  int lay(id.layer()), iphi(id.iphi()), ir(id.iradiusAbs());
756  double phi = (iphi - 0.5) * hgpar_->scintCellSize(lay);
757  int type = (id.type() > 0) ? 1 : 0;
758  double r = (((ir + 1) < static_cast<int>(hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type].size()))
759  ? (0.5 * (hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][ir] + hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][ir - 1]))
760  : (1.5 * hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][ir] - 0.5 * hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][ir - 1]));
761 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
762  if (debug)
763  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "LocateCell lay:ir:iphi:type " << lay << ":" << ir << ":" << iphi << ":" << type
764  << " r:phi " << r << ":" << convertRadToDeg(phi) << " x:y "
765  << (r * cos(phi) * id.zside()) << ":" << (r * sin(phi));
766 #endif
767  return std::make_pair(r * cos(phi) * id.zside(), r * sin(phi));
768 }
770 std::pair<float, float> HGCalDDDConstants::locateCellHex(int cell, int wafer, bool reco) const {
771  float x(0), y(0);
772  if (hgpar_->waferTypeT_[wafer] - 1 == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine) {
773  x = hgpar_->cellFineX_[cell];
774  y = hgpar_->cellFineY_[cell];
775  } else {
776  x = hgpar_->cellCoarseX_[cell];
777  y = hgpar_->cellCoarseY_[cell];
778  }
779  if (!reco) {
782  }
783  return std::make_pair(x, y);
784 }
786 std::pair<float, float> HGCalDDDConstants::locateCellTrap(int lay, int irad, int iphi, bool reco) const {
787  float x(0), y(0);
788  const auto& indx = getIndex(lay, reco);
789  if (indx.first >= 0) {
790  int ir = std::abs(irad);
791  int type = hgpar_->scintType(lay);
792  double phi = (iphi - 0.5) * indx.second;
793  double z = hgpar_->zLayerHex_[indx.first];
794  double r = 0.5 * (hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][ir - 1] + hgpar_->radiusLayer_[type][ir]);
795  std::pair<double, double> range = rangeR(z, true);
796 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
797  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "locateCellTrap:: Input " << lay << ":" << irad << ":" << iphi << ":" << reco
798  << " IR " << ir << ":" << hgpar_->iradMinBH_[indx.first] << ":"
799  << hgpar_->iradMaxBH_[indx.first] << " Type " << type << " Z " << indx.first << ":"
800  << z << " phi " << phi << " R " << r << ":" << range.first << ":" << range.second;
801 #endif
803  r = std::max(range.first, std::min(r, range.second));
804  x = r * std::cos(phi);
805  y = r * std::sin(phi);
806  if (irad < 0)
807  x = -x;
808  }
809  if (!reco) {
812  }
813  return std::make_pair(x, y);
814 }
816 bool HGCalDDDConstants::maskCell(const DetId& detId, int corners) const {
817  bool mask(false);
818  if (corners > 2 && corners <= (int)(HGCalParameters::k_CornerSize)) {
819  if (waferHexagon8()) {
820  int N(0), layer(0), waferU(0), waferV(0), u(0), v(0);
821  if (detId.det() == DetId::Forward) {
822  HFNoseDetId id(detId);
823  N = getUVMax(id.type());
824  layer = id.layer();
825  waferU = id.waferU();
826  waferV = id.waferV();
827  u = id.cellU();
828  v = id.cellV();
829  } else {
830  HGCSiliconDetId id(detId);
831  N = getUVMax(id.type());
832  layer = id.layer();
833  waferU = id.waferU();
834  waferV = id.waferV();
835  u = id.cellU();
836  v = id.cellV();
837  }
839  auto itr = hgpar_->waferTypes_.find(wl);
840 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
841  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "MaskCell: Layer " << layer << " Wafer " << waferU << ":" << waferV << " Index "
842  << wl << ":" << (itr != hgpar_->waferTypes_.end());
843 #endif
844  if (itr != hgpar_->waferTypes_.end()) {
845  if ((itr->second).second <= HGCalWaferMask::k_OffsetRotation)
846  mask = HGCalWaferMask::maskCell(u, v, N, (itr->second).first, (itr->second).second, corners);
847  else
848  mask = !(HGCalWaferMask::goodCell(
849  u, v, N, (itr->second).first, ((itr->second).second - HGCalWaferMask::k_OffsetRotation)));
850  }
851  }
852  }
853  return mask;
854 }
857  int cells(0);
858  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers(reco); ++i) {
859  int lay = reco ? hgpar_->depth_[i] : hgpar_->layer_[i];
860  if (cells < maxCells(lay, reco))
861  cells = maxCells(lay, reco);
862  }
863  return cells;
864 }
866 int HGCalDDDConstants::maxCells(int lay, bool reco) const {
867  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, reco);
868  if (index.first < 0)
869  return 0;
870  if (waferHexagon6()) {
871  unsigned int cells(0);
872  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->waferTypeT_.size(); ++k) {
873  if (waferInLayerTest(k, index.first, hgpar_->defineFull_)) {
874  unsigned int cell = (hgpar_->waferTypeT_[k] - 1 == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine) ? (hgpar_->cellFineX_.size())
875  : (hgpar_->cellCoarseX_.size());
876  if (cell > cells)
877  cells = cell;
878  }
879  }
880  return (int)(cells);
881  } else if (waferHexagon8()) {
882  int cells(0);
883  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->waferCopy_.size(); ++k) {
884  if (waferInLayerTest(k, index.first, hgpar_->defineFull_)) {
888  : hgpar_->waferTypeL_[itr->second]);
890  cells = std::max(cells, 3 * N * N);
891  }
892  }
893  return cells;
894  } else if (tileTrapezoid()) {
895  return hgpar_->scintCells(index.first + hgpar_->firstLayer_);
896  } else {
897  return 0;
898  }
899 }
901 int HGCalDDDConstants::maxRows(int lay, bool reco) const {
902  int kymax(0);
903  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, reco);
904  int i = index.first;
905  if (i < 0)
906  return kymax;
907  if (waferHexagon6()) {
908  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->waferCopy_.size(); ++k) {
909  if (waferInLayerTest(k, i, hgpar_->defineFull_)) {
910  int ky = ((hgpar_->waferCopy_[k]) / 100) % 100;
911  if (ky > kymax)
912  kymax = ky;
913  }
914  }
915  } else if (waferHexagon8()) {
916  kymax = 1 + 2 * hgpar_->waferUVMaxLayer_[index.first];
917  }
918  return kymax;
919 }
921 int HGCalDDDConstants::modifyUV(int uv, int type1, int type2) const {
922  // Modify u/v for transition of type1 to type2
923  return (((type1 == type2) || (type1 * type2 != 0)) ? uv : ((type1 == 0) ? (2 * uv + 1) / 3 : (3 * uv) / 2));
924 }
926 int HGCalDDDConstants::modules(int lay, bool reco) const {
927  if (getIndex(lay, reco).first < 0)
928  return 0;
929  else
930  return max_modules_layer_[(int)reco][lay];
931 }
933 int HGCalDDDConstants::modulesInit(int lay, bool reco) const {
934  int nmod(0);
935  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, reco);
936  if (index.first < 0)
937  return nmod;
938  if (!tileTrapezoid()) {
939  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->waferPosX_.size(); ++k) {
940  if (waferInLayerTest(k, index.first, hgpar_->defineFull_))
941  ++nmod;
942  }
943  } else {
944  nmod = 1 + hgpar_->lastModule_[index.first] - hgpar_->firstModule_[index.first];
945  }
946  return nmod;
947 }
949 double HGCalDDDConstants::mouseBite(bool reco) const {
951 }
954  int cells =
956  if (cells == 0) {
957  unsigned int nlayer = (reco) ? hgpar_->depth_.size() : hgpar_->layer_.size();
958  for (unsigned k = 0; k < nlayer; ++k) {
959  std::vector<int> ncells = numberCells(((reco) ? hgpar_->depth_[k] : hgpar_->layer_[k]), reco);
960  cells = std::accumulate(ncells.begin(), ncells.end(), cells);
961  }
962  }
963  return cells;
964 }
966 std::vector<int> HGCalDDDConstants::numberCells(int lay, bool reco) const {
967  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, reco);
968  int i = index.first;
969  std::vector<int> ncell;
970  if (i >= 0) {
971  if (waferHexagon6()) {
972  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->waferTypeT_.size(); ++k) {
973  if (waferInLayerTest(k, i, hgpar_->defineFull_)) {
974  unsigned int cell = (hgpar_->waferTypeT_[k] - 1 == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine)
975  ? (hgpar_->cellFineX_.size())
976  : (hgpar_->cellCoarseX_.size());
977  ncell.emplace_back((int)(cell));
978  }
979  }
980  } else if (tileTrapezoid()) {
981  int nphi = hgpar_->scintCells(lay);
982  for (int k = hgpar_->firstModule_[i]; k <= hgpar_->lastModule_[i]; ++k)
983  ncell.emplace_back(nphi);
984  } else {
985  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->waferCopy_.size(); ++k) {
986  if (waferInLayerTest(k, index.first, hgpar_->defineFull_)) {
987  int cell = numberCellsHexagon(lay,
990  true);
991  ncell.emplace_back(cell);
992  }
993  }
994  }
995  }
996  return ncell;
997 }
1000  if (wafer >= 0 && wafer < (int)(hgpar_->waferTypeT_.size())) {
1001  if (hgpar_->waferTypeT_[wafer] - 1 == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine)
1002  return (int)(hgpar_->cellFineX_.size());
1003  else
1004  return (int)(hgpar_->cellCoarseX_.size());
1005  } else {
1006  return 0;
1007  }
1008 }
1010 int HGCalDDDConstants::numberCellsHexagon(int lay, int waferU, int waferV, bool flag) const {
1011  auto itr = hgpar_->typesInLayers_.find(HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(lay, waferU, waferV));
1012  int type =
1013  ((itr == hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end()) ? HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalCoarseThick : hgpar_->waferTypeL_[itr->second]);
1014  int N = (type == 0) ? hgpar_->nCellsFine_ : hgpar_->nCellsCoarse_;
1015  if (flag)
1016  return (3 * N * N);
1017  else
1018  return N;
1019 }
1021 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::rangeR(double z, bool reco) const {
1022  double rmin(0), rmax(0), zz(0);
1023  if (hgpar_->detectorType_ > 0) {
1024  zz = (reco ? std::abs(z) : HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * std::abs(z));
1025  if (hgpar_->detectorType_ <= 2) {
1027  } else {
1028  rmin = HGCalGeomTools::radius(
1030  }
1031  if ((hgpar_->detectorType_ == 2) && (zz >= hgpar_->zLayerHex_[hgpar_->firstMixedLayer_ - 1])) {
1032  rmax = HGCalGeomTools::radius(
1034  } else {
1036  }
1037  }
1038  if (!reco) {
1041  }
1042 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1043  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants:rangeR: " << z << ":" << zz << " R " << rmin << ":" << rmax;
1044 #endif
1045  return std::make_pair(rmin, rmax);
1046 }
1048 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::rangeRLayer(int lay, bool reco) const {
1049  double rmin(0), rmax(0);
1050  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, reco);
1051  if (index.first >= 0 && index.first < static_cast<int>(hgpar_->rMinLayHex_.size())) {
1052  rmin = hgpar_->rMinLayHex_[index.first];
1053  rmax = hgpar_->rMaxLayHex_[index.first];
1054  }
1055  if (!reco) {
1058  }
1059 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1060  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants:rangeR: " << lay << ":" << index.first << " R " << rmin << ":"
1061  << rmax;
1062 #endif
1063  return std::make_pair(rmin, rmax);
1064 }
1066 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::rangeZ(bool reco) const {
1067  double zmin = (hgpar_->zLayerHex_[0] - hgpar_->waferThick_);
1068  double zmax = (hgpar_->zLayerHex_[hgpar_->zLayerHex_.size() - 1] + hgpar_->waferThick_);
1069 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1070  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "HGCalDDDConstants:rangeZ: " << zmin << ":" << zmax << ":" << hgpar_->waferThick_;
1071 #endif
1072  if (!reco) {
1075  }
1076  return std::make_pair(zmin, zmax);
1077 }
1079 std::pair<int, int> HGCalDDDConstants::rowColumnWafer(int wafer) const {
1080  int row(0), col(0);
1081  if (wafer < (int)(hgpar_->waferCopy_.size())) {
1082  int copy = hgpar_->waferCopy_[wafer];
1083  col = HGCalTypes::getUnpackedU(copy);
1084  row = HGCalTypes::getUnpackedV(copy);
1085  ;
1086  }
1087  return std::make_pair(row, col);
1088 }
1090 std::pair<int, int> HGCalDDDConstants::simToReco(int cell, int lay, int mod, bool half) const {
1091  if (!waferHexagon6()) {
1092  return std::make_pair(cell, lay);
1093  } else {
1094  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, false);
1095  int i = index.first;
1096  if (i < 0) {
1097  edm::LogWarning("HGCalGeom") << "Wrong Layer # " << lay << " not in the list ***** ERROR *****";
1098  return std::make_pair(-1, -1);
1099  }
1100  if (mod >= (int)(hgpar_->waferTypeL_).size()) {
1101  edm::LogWarning("HGCalGeom") << "Invalid Wafer # " << mod << "should be < " << (hgpar_->waferTypeL_).size()
1102  << " ***** ERROR *****";
1103  return std::make_pair(-1, -1);
1104  }
1105  int depth(-1);
1106  int kx = cell;
1107  int type = hgpar_->waferTypeL_[mod];
1108  if (type == 1) {
1109  depth = hgpar_->layerGroup_[i];
1110  } else if (type == 2) {
1111  depth = hgpar_->layerGroupM_[i];
1112  } else {
1113  depth = hgpar_->layerGroupO_[i];
1114  }
1115  return std::make_pair(kx, depth);
1116  }
1117 }
1120  int laymin(layer), laymax(layer), ringmin(ring), ringmax(ring), kount(0);
1121  if (layer == 0) {
1122  laymin = hgpar_->firstLayer_;
1123  laymax = lastLayer(true);
1124  }
1125  for (int lay = laymin; lay <= laymax; ++lay) {
1126  if (ring < 0) {
1127  int ll = lay - hgpar_->firstLayer_;
1128  ringmin = hgpar_->tileRingRange_[ll].first;
1129  ringmax = hgpar_->tileRingRange_[ll].second;
1130  }
1131  for (int rin = ringmin; rin <= ringmax; ++rin) {
1132  int indx = HGCalTileIndex::tileIndex(lay, rin + 1, 0);
1133  auto itr = hgpar_->tileInfoMap_.find(indx);
1134  if (itr != hgpar_->tileInfoMap_.end()) {
1135  for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
1136  std::bitset<24> b(itr->second.hex[k]);
1137  kount += b.count();
1138  }
1139  }
1140  }
1141  }
1142  return (3 * kount);
1143 }
1146  const int ncopies = hgpar_->waferCopy_.size();
1147  int wafer(ncopies);
1148  bool result(false);
1149  for (int k = 0; k < ncopies; ++k) {
1150  if (copy == hgpar_->waferCopy_[k]) {
1151  wafer = k;
1152  result = true;
1153  break;
1154  }
1155  }
1156  if (!result) {
1157  wafer = -1;
1158 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1159  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Cannot find " << copy << " in a list of " << ncopies << " members";
1160  for (int k = 0; k < ncopies; ++k)
1161  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "[" << k << "] " << hgpar_->waferCopy_[k];
1162 #endif
1163  }
1164 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1165  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "WaferFromCopy " << copy << ":" << wafer << ":" << result;
1166 #endif
1167  return wafer;
1168 }
1170 void HGCalDDDConstants::waferFromPosition(const double x, const double y, int& wafer, int& icell, int& celltyp) const {
1171  // Input x, y in Geant4 unit and transformed to CMSSW standard
1172  double xx = HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * x;
1173  double yy = HGCalParameters::k_ScaleFromDDD * y;
1174  int size_ = static_cast<int>(hgpar_->waferCopy_.size());
1175  wafer = size_;
1176  for (int k = 0; k < size_; ++k) {
1177  double dx = std::abs(xx - hgpar_->waferPosX_[k]);
1178  double dy = std::abs(yy - hgpar_->waferPosY_[k]);
1179  if (dx <= rmax_ && dy <= hexside_) {
1180  if ((dy <= 0.5 * hexside_) || (dx * tan30deg_ <= (hexside_ - dy))) {
1181  wafer = k;
1182  celltyp = hgpar_->waferTypeT_[k];
1183  xx -= hgpar_->waferPosX_[k];
1184  yy -= hgpar_->waferPosY_[k];
1185  break;
1186  }
1187  }
1188  }
1189  if (wafer < size_) {
1190  if (celltyp - 1 == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine)
1191  icell = cellHex(
1193  else
1194  icell = cellHex(xx,
1195  yy,
1198  hgpar_->cellCoarseY_);
1199  } else {
1200  wafer = -1;
1201 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1202  edm::LogWarning("HGCalGeom") << "Cannot get wafer type corresponding to " << x << ":" << y << " " << xx << ":"
1203  << yy;
1204 #endif
1205  }
1206 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1207  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Position " << x << ":" << y << " Wafer " << wafer << ":" << size_ << " XX " << xx
1208  << ":" << yy << " Cell " << icell << " Type " << celltyp;
1209 #endif
1210 }
1213  const double y,
1214  const int layer,
1215  int& waferU,
1216  int& waferV,
1217  int& cellU,
1218  int& cellV,
1219  int& celltype,
1220  double& wt,
1221  bool extend,
1222  bool debug) const {
1223  waferU = waferV = 1 + hgpar_->waferUVMax_;
1224  cellU = cellV = celltype = 0;
1225  if ((hgpar_->xLayerHex_.empty()) || (hgpar_->yLayerHex_.empty()))
1226  return;
1227  int ll = layer - hgpar_->firstLayer_;
1228  bool rotx = ((!hgpar_->layerType_.empty()) && (hgpar_->layerType_[ll] == HGCalTypes::WaferCenterR));
1229  double xx(0), yy(0);
1230  if (rotx) {
1231  std::pair<double, double> xy =
1233  xx = xy.first - hgpar_->xLayerHex_[ll];
1234  yy = xy.second - hgpar_->yLayerHex_[ll];
1235  } else {
1238  }
1239 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1240  if (debug)
1241  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "waferFromPosition:: Layer " << layer << ":" << ll << " Rot " << rotx << " X " << x
1242  << ":" << xx << " Y " << y << ":" << yy;
1243 #endif
1244  double rmax = extend ? rmaxT_ : rmax_;
1245  double hexside = extend ? hexsideT_ : hexside_;
1246  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->waferPosX_.size(); ++k) {
1247  double dx = std::abs(xx - hgpar_->waferPosX_[k]);
1248  double dy = std::abs(yy - hgpar_->waferPosY_[k]);
1249  if (dx <= rmax && dy <= hexside) {
1250  if ((dy <= 0.5 * hexside) || (dx * tan30deg_ <= (hexside - dy))) {
1254  int index = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV);
1255  celltype = HGCalWaferType::getType(index, hgpar_->waferInfoMap_);
1256  } else {
1257  auto itr = hgpar_->typesInLayers_.find(HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV));
1258  celltype = ((itr == hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end()) ? HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalCoarseThick
1259  : hgpar_->waferTypeL_[itr->second]);
1260  }
1261 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1262  if (debug)
1263  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "WaferFromPosition:: Input " << layer << ":" << ll << ":"
1264  << hgpar_->firstLayer_ << ":" << rotx << ":" << x << ":" << y << ":"
1265  << hgpar_->xLayerHex_[ll] << ":" << hgpar_->yLayerHex_[ll] << ":" << xx << ":"
1266  << yy << " compared with " << hgpar_->waferPosX_[k] << ":"
1267  << hgpar_->waferPosY_[k] << " difference " << dx << ":" << dy << ":"
1268  << dx * tan30deg_ << ":" << (hexside_ - dy) << " comparator " << rmax_ << ":"
1269  << rmaxT_ << ":" << hexside_ << ":" << hexsideT_ << " wafer " << waferU << ":"
1270  << waferV << ":" << celltype;
1271 #endif
1272  xx -= hgpar_->waferPosX_[k];
1273  yy -= hgpar_->waferPosY_[k];
1274  break;
1275  }
1276  }
1277  }
1278  if ((std::abs(waferU) <= hgpar_->waferUVMax_) && (celltype >= 0)) {
1279  cellHex(xx, yy, celltype, cellU, cellV, extend, debug);
1280  wt = (((celltype < 2) && (mode_ != HGCalGeometryMode::Hexagon8Module))
1281  ? (hgpar_->cellThickness_[celltype] / hgpar_->waferThick_)
1282  : 1.0);
1283  } else {
1284  cellU = cellV = 2 * hgpar_->nCellsFine_;
1285  wt = 1.0;
1286  celltype = -1;
1287  }
1288  if ((celltype < 0) && debug) {
1289  double x1(xx);
1290  double y1(yy);
1291  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "waferfFromPosition: Bad type for X " << x << ":" << x1 << ":" << xx << " Y " << y
1292  << ":" << y1 << ":" << yy << " Wafer " << waferU << ":" << waferV << " Cell " << cellU
1293  << ":" << cellV;
1294  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < hgpar_->waferPosX_.size(); ++k) {
1295  double dx = std::abs(x1 - hgpar_->waferPosX_[k]);
1296  double dy = std::abs(y1 - hgpar_->waferPosY_[k]);
1297  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Wafer [" << k << "] Position (" << hgpar_->waferPosX_[k] << ", "
1298  << hgpar_->waferPosY_[k] << ") difference " << dx << ":" << dy << ":"
1299  << dx * tan30deg_ << ":" << hexside - dy << " Paramerers " << rmax << ":"
1300  << hexside;
1301  }
1302  }
1303 }
1305 bool HGCalDDDConstants::waferInLayer(int wafer, int lay, bool reco) const {
1306  const auto& indx = getIndex(lay, reco);
1307  if (indx.first < 0)
1308  return false;
1309  return waferInLayerTest(wafer, indx.first, hgpar_->defineFull_);
1310 }
1312 bool HGCalDDDConstants::waferFullInLayer(int wafer, int lay, bool reco) const {
1313  const auto& indx = getIndex(lay, reco);
1314  if (indx.first < 0)
1315  return false;
1316  return waferInLayerTest(wafer, indx.first, false);
1317 }
1319 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::waferParameters(bool reco) const {
1320  if (reco)
1321  return std::make_pair(rmax_, hexside_);
1322  else
1324 }
1326 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::waferPosition(int wafer, bool reco) const {
1327  double xx(0), yy(0);
1328  if (wafer >= 0 && wafer < (int)(hgpar_->waferPosX_.size())) {
1329  xx = hgpar_->waferPosX_[wafer];
1330  yy = hgpar_->waferPosY_[wafer];
1331  }
1332  if (!reco) {
1335  }
1336  return std::make_pair(xx, yy);
1337 }
1339 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::waferPosition(
1340  int lay, int waferU, int waferV, bool reco, bool debug) const {
1341  int ll = lay - hgpar_->firstLayer_;
1342  bool rotx = ((!hgpar_->layerType_.empty()) && (hgpar_->layerType_[ll] == HGCalTypes::WaferCenterR));
1343 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1344  if (debug)
1345  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Layer " << lay << ":" << ll << " Rotation " << rotx << " U:V " << waferU << ":"
1346  << waferV;
1347 #endif
1348  auto xy = waferPositionNoRot(lay, waferU, waferV, reco, debug);
1349  std::pair<double, double> xy0 = (rotx) ? getXY(lay, xy.first, xy.second, false) : xy;
1350 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1351  if (debug)
1352  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Without and with rotation " << xy.first << ":" << xy.second << ":" << xy0.first
1353  << ":" << xy0.second;
1354 #endif
1355  return xy0;
1356 }
1358 int HGCalDDDConstants::waferType(DetId const& id, bool fromFile) const {
1359  int type(1);
1360  if (waferHexagon8()) {
1361  if (fromFile && (waferFileSize() > 0)) {
1362  int layer(0), waferU(0), waferV(0);
1363  if (id.det() != DetId::Forward) {
1364  HGCSiliconDetId hid(id);
1365  layer = hid.layer();
1366  waferU = hid.waferU();
1367  waferV = hid.waferV();
1368  } else {
1369  HFNoseDetId hid(id);
1370  layer = hid.layer();
1371  waferU = hid.waferU();
1372  waferV = hid.waferV();
1373  }
1374  auto itr = hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.find(HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV));
1375  if (itr != hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.end())
1376  type = (itr->second).type;
1377  } else {
1378  type = ((id.det() != DetId::Forward) ? HGCSiliconDetId(id).type() : HFNoseDetId(id).type());
1379  }
1380  } else if (waferHexagon6()) {
1381  type = waferTypeL(HGCalDetId(id).wafer()) - 1;
1382  }
1383  return type;
1384 }
1386 int HGCalDDDConstants::waferType(int layer, int waferU, int waferV, bool fromFile) const {
1388  if (waferHexagon8()) {
1389  if (fromFile && (waferFileSize() > 0)) {
1390  auto itr = hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.find(HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV));
1391  if (itr != hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.end())
1392  type = (itr->second).type;
1393  } else {
1394  auto itr = hgpar_->typesInLayers_.find(HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV));
1395  if (itr != hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end())
1396  type = hgpar_->waferTypeL_[itr->second];
1397  }
1398  } else if (waferHexagon6()) {
1399  if ((waferU >= 0) && (waferU < (int)(hgpar_->waferTypeL_.size())))
1400  type = (hgpar_->waferTypeL_[waferU] - 1);
1401  }
1402  return type;
1403 }
1405 std::tuple<int, int, int> HGCalDDDConstants::waferType(HGCSiliconDetId const& id, bool fromFile) const {
1406  const auto& index = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(id.layer(), id.waferU(), id.waferV());
1407  int type(-1), part(-1), orient(-1);
1408  if (fromFile && (waferFileSize() > 0)) {
1409  auto itr = hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.find(index);
1410  if (itr != hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.end()) {
1411  type = (itr->second).type;
1412  part = (itr->second).part;
1413  orient = (itr->second).orient;
1414  }
1415  } else {
1416  auto ktr = hgpar_->typesInLayers_.find(index);
1417  if (ktr != hgpar_->typesInLayers_.end())
1418  type = hgpar_->waferTypeL_[ktr->second];
1419  auto itr = hgpar_->waferTypes_.find(index);
1420  if (itr != hgpar_->waferTypes_.end()) {
1421  if ((itr->second).second < HGCalWaferMask::k_OffsetRotation) {
1422  orient = (itr->second).second;
1423  if ((itr->second).first == HGCalGeomTools::k_allCorners) {
1425  } else if ((itr->second).first == HGCalGeomTools::k_fiveCorners) {
1427  } else if ((itr->second).first == HGCalGeomTools::k_fourCorners) {
1429  } else if ((itr->second).first == HGCalGeomTools::k_threeCorners) {
1431  }
1432  } else {
1433  part = (itr->second).first;
1434  orient = ((itr->second).second - HGCalWaferMask::k_OffsetRotation);
1435  }
1436  } else {
1438  orient = 0;
1439  }
1440  }
1441  return std::make_tuple(type, part, orient);
1442 }
1445  int layer, int waferU, int waferV, bool fromFile, bool debug) const {
1446  int type(HGCalTypes::WaferOut), rotn(0);
1447  int wl = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV);
1448  bool withinList(true);
1449  if (fromFile && (waferFileSize() > 0)) {
1450  auto itr = hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.find(wl);
1451  withinList = (itr != hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.end());
1452  if (withinList) {
1453  type = (itr->second).part;
1454  rotn = (itr->second).orient;
1455  }
1456  } else {
1457  auto itr = hgpar_->waferTypes_.find(wl);
1458  if (waferHexagon8()) {
1459  withinList = (itr != hgpar_->waferTypes_.end());
1460  if (withinList) {
1461  if ((itr->second).second < HGCalWaferMask::k_OffsetRotation) {
1462  rotn = (itr->second).second;
1463  if ((itr->second).first == HGCalGeomTools::k_allCorners) {
1465  } else if ((itr->second).first == HGCalGeomTools::k_fiveCorners) {
1467  } else if ((itr->second).first == HGCalGeomTools::k_fourCorners) {
1469  } else if ((itr->second).first == HGCalGeomTools::k_threeCorners) {
1471  }
1472  } else {
1473  type = (itr->second).first;
1474  rotn = ((itr->second).second - HGCalWaferMask::k_OffsetRotation);
1475  }
1476  } else {
1478  rotn = HGCalTypes::WaferCorner0;
1479  }
1480  }
1481  }
1482 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1483  if (debug)
1484  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "waferTypeRotation: Layer " << layer << " Wafer " << waferU << ":" << waferV
1485  << " Index " << std::hex << wl << std::dec << ":" << withinList << " Type " << type
1486  << " Rotation " << rotn;
1487 #endif
1488  return std::make_pair(type, rotn);
1489 }
1492  bool type(false);
1493  if (waferHexagon8()) {
1494  int wl = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV, false);
1495  type = (hgpar_->waferTypes_.find(wl) != hgpar_->waferTypes_.end());
1496  } else if (waferHexagon6()) {
1497  int wl = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, 0, true);
1498  type = (hgpar_->waferTypes_.find(wl) != hgpar_->waferTypes_.end());
1499  }
1500  return type;
1501 }
1503 double HGCalDDDConstants::waferZ(int lay, bool reco) const {
1504  const auto& index = getIndex(lay, reco);
1505  if (index.first < 0)
1506  return 0;
1507  else
1508  return (reco ? hgpar_->zLayerHex_[index.first] : HGCalParameters::k_ScaleToDDD * hgpar_->zLayerHex_[index.first]);
1509 }
1512  int wafer(0);
1513  if (!tileTrapezoid()) {
1514  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers(true); ++i) {
1515  int lay = hgpar_->depth_[i];
1516  wafer += modules(lay, true);
1517  }
1518  } else {
1519  wafer = (int)(hgpar_->moduleLayR_.size());
1520  }
1521  return wafer;
1522 }
1524 int HGCalDDDConstants::wafers(int layer, int type) const {
1525  int wafer(0);
1526  if (!tileTrapezoid()) {
1527  auto itr = waferLayer_.find(layer);
1528  if (itr != waferLayer_.end()) {
1529  unsigned ity = (type > 0 && type <= 2) ? type : 0;
1530  wafer = (itr->second)[ity];
1531  }
1532  } else {
1533  const auto& index = getIndex(layer, true);
1534  wafer = 1 + hgpar_->lastModule_[index.first] - hgpar_->firstModule_[index.first];
1535  }
1536  return wafer;
1537 }
1540  double xx, double yy, const double& cellR, const std::vector<double>& posX, const std::vector<double>& posY) const {
1541  int num(0);
1542  const double tol(0.00001);
1543  double cellY = 2.0 * cellR * tan30deg_;
1544  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < posX.size(); ++k) {
1545  double dx = std::abs(xx - posX[k]);
1546  double dy = std::abs(yy - posY[k]);
1547  if (dx <= (cellR + tol) && dy <= (cellY + tol)) {
1548  double xmax = (dy <= 0.5 * cellY) ? cellR : (cellR - (dy - 0.5 * cellY) / tan30deg_);
1549  if (dx <= (xmax + tol)) {
1550  num = k;
1551  break;
1552  }
1553  }
1554  }
1555  return num;
1556 }
1559  double xloc, double yloc, int cellType, int& cellU, int& cellV, bool extend, bool debug) const {
1560  int N = (cellType == 0) ? hgpar_->nCellsFine_ : hgpar_->nCellsCoarse_;
1561  double Rc = 2 * rmax_ / (3 * N);
1562  double rc = 0.5 * Rc * sqrt3_;
1563  double RcT = (extend) ? (2 * rmaxT_ / (3 * N)) : Rc;
1564  double rcT = 0.5 * RcT * sqrt3_;
1565  double v0 = ((xloc / Rc - 1.0) / 1.5);
1566  int cv0 = (v0 > 0) ? (N + (int)(v0 + 0.5)) : (N - (int)(-v0 + 0.5));
1567  double u0 = (0.5 * yloc / rc + 0.5 * cv0);
1568  int cu0 = (u0 > 0) ? (N / 2 + (int)(u0 + 0.5)) : (N / 2 - (int)(-u0 + 0.5));
1569  cu0 = std::max(0, std::min(cu0, 2 * N - 1));
1570  cv0 = std::max(0, std::min(cv0, 2 * N - 1));
1571  if (cv0 - cu0 >= N)
1572  cv0 = cu0 + N - 1;
1573 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1574  if (debug)
1575  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "cellHex: input " << xloc << ":" << yloc << ":" << cellType << " parameter " << rc
1576  << ":" << Rc << " u0 " << u0 << ":" << cu0 << " v0 " << v0 << ":" << cv0;
1577 #endif
1578  bool found(false);
1579  static constexpr int shift[3] = {0, 1, -1};
1580  for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 3; ++i1) {
1581  cellU = cu0 + shift[i1];
1582  for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 3; ++i2) {
1583  cellV = cv0 + shift[i2];
1584  if (((cellV - cellU) < N) && ((cellU - cellV) <= N) && (cellU >= 0) && (cellV >= 0) && (cellU < 2 * N) &&
1585  (cellV < 2 * N)) {
1586  double xc = (1.5 * (cellV - N) + 1.0) * Rc;
1587  double yc = (2 * cellU - cellV - N) * rc;
1588  if ((std::abs(yloc - yc) <= rcT) && (std::abs(xloc - xc) <= RcT) &&
1589  ((std::abs(xloc - xc) <= 0.5 * RcT) || (std::abs(yloc - yc) <= sqrt3_ * (RcT - std::abs(xloc - xc))))) {
1590 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1591  if (debug)
1592  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom")
1593  << "cellHex: local " << xc << ":" << yc << " difference " << std::abs(xloc - xc) << ":"
1594  << std::abs(yloc - yc) << ":" << sqrt3_ * (Rc - std::abs(yloc - yc)) << " comparator " << rc << ":"
1595  << Rc << " (u,v) = (" << cellU << "," << cellV << ")";
1596 #endif
1597  found = true;
1598  break;
1599  }
1600  }
1601  }
1602  if (found)
1603  break;
1604  }
1605  if (!found) {
1606  cellU = cu0;
1607  cellV = cv0;
1608  }
1609 }
1611 std::pair<int, float> HGCalDDDConstants::getIndex(int lay, bool reco) const {
1612  int indx = layerIndex(lay, reco);
1613  if (indx < 0)
1614  return std::make_pair(-1, 0);
1615  float cell(0);
1616  if (waferHexagon6()) {
1617  cell = (reco ? hgpar_->moduleCellR_[0] : hgpar_->moduleCellS_[0]);
1618  } else {
1619  if (waferHexagon8()) {
1620  cell = (reco ? hgpar_->moduleCellR_[0] : hgpar_->moduleCellS_[0]);
1621  } else {
1622  cell = hgpar_->scintCellSize(lay);
1623  }
1624  }
1625  return std::make_pair(indx, cell);
1626 }
1629  int ll(-1);
1630  if (waferHexagon6() && reco) {
1631  ll = static_cast<int>(std::find(hgpar_->depthLayerF_.begin(), hgpar_->depthLayerF_.end(), index) -
1632  hgpar_->depthLayerF_.begin());
1633  if (ll == static_cast<int>(hgpar_->depthLayerF_.size()))
1634  ll = -1;
1635  } else {
1636  ll = static_cast<int>(std::find(hgpar_->layerIndex_.begin(), hgpar_->layerIndex_.end(), index) -
1637  hgpar_->layerIndex_.begin());
1638  if (ll == static_cast<int>(hgpar_->layerIndex_.size()))
1639  ll = -1;
1640  }
1641 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1642  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "LayerFromIndex for " << index << ":" << reco << ":" << waferHexagon6() << " is"
1643  << ll << ":" << (ll + hgpar_->firstLayer_);
1644 #endif
1645  return ((ll < 0) ? ll : (ll + hgpar_->firstLayer_));
1646 }
1648 bool HGCalDDDConstants::isValidCell(int lay, int wafer, int cell) const {
1649  // Calculate the position of the cell
1650  // Works for options HGCalHexagon/HGCalHexagonFull
1651  double x = hgpar_->waferPosX_[wafer];
1652  double y = hgpar_->waferPosY_[wafer];
1653  if (hgpar_->waferTypeT_[wafer] - 1 == HGCSiliconDetId::HGCalFine) {
1654  x += hgpar_->cellFineX_[cell];
1655  y += hgpar_->cellFineY_[cell];
1656  } else {
1657  x += hgpar_->cellCoarseX_[cell];
1658  y += hgpar_->cellCoarseY_[cell];
1659  }
1660  double rr = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
1661  bool result = ((rr >= hgpar_->rMinLayHex_[lay - 1]) && (rr <= hgpar_->rMaxLayHex_[lay - 1]) &&
1662  (wafer < (int)(hgpar_->waferPosX_.size())));
1663 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1664  if (!result)
1665  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Input " << lay << ":" << wafer << ":" << cell << " Position " << x << ":" << y
1666  << ":" << rr << " Compare Limits " << hgpar_->rMinLayHex_[lay - 1] << ":"
1667  << hgpar_->rMaxLayHex_[lay - 1] << " Flag " << result;
1668 #endif
1669  return result;
1670 }
1672 bool HGCalDDDConstants::isValidCell8(int lay, int waferU, int waferV, int cellU, int cellV, int type) const {
1673  float x(0), y(0);
1674  int kndx = cellV * 100 + cellU;
1675  if (type == 0) {
1676  auto ktr = hgpar_->cellFineIndex_.find(kndx);
1677  if (ktr != hgpar_->cellFineIndex_.end()) {
1678  x = hgpar_->cellFineX_[ktr->second];
1679  y = hgpar_->cellFineY_[ktr->second];
1680  }
1681 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1682  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Fine " << cellU << ":" << cellV << ":" << kndx << ":" << x << ":" << y << ":"
1683  << (ktr != hgpar_->cellFineIndex_.end());
1684 #endif
1685  } else {
1686  auto ktr = hgpar_->cellCoarseIndex_.find(kndx);
1687  if (ktr != hgpar_->cellCoarseIndex_.end()) {
1688  x = hgpar_->cellCoarseX_[ktr->second];
1689  y = hgpar_->cellCoarseY_[ktr->second];
1690  }
1691 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1692  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Coarse " << cellU << ":" << cellV << ":" << kndx << ":" << x << ":" << y << ":"
1693  << (ktr != hgpar_->cellCoarseIndex_.end());
1694 #endif
1695  }
1696  const auto& xy = waferPositionNoRot(lay, waferU, waferV, true, false);
1697  x += xy.first;
1698  y += xy.second;
1699 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1700  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "With wafer (" << waferU << "," << waferV << ") " << x << ":" << y;
1701 #endif
1702  double rr = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
1703  int ll = lay - hgpar_->firstLayer_;
1704  bool result = ((rr >= hgpar_->rMinLayHex_[ll]) && (rr <= hgpar_->rMaxLayHex_[ll]));
1705 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1706  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Input " << lay << ":" << ll << ":" << waferU << ":" << waferV << ":" << cellU << ":"
1707  << cellV << " Position " << x << ":" << y << ":" << rr << " Compare Limits "
1708  << hgpar_->rMinLayHex_[ll] << ":" << hgpar_->rMaxLayHex_[ll] << " Flag " << result;
1709 #endif
1711  int N = (type == 0) ? hgpar_->nCellsFine_ : hgpar_->nCellsCoarse_;
1712  auto partn = waferTypeRotation(lay, waferU, waferV, false, false);
1713  result = HGCalWaferMask::goodCell(cellU, cellV, N, partn.first, partn.second);
1714 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1715  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Input " << lay << ":" << waferU << ":" << waferV << ":" << cellU << ":" << cellV
1716  << " N " << N << " part " << partn.first << ":" << partn.second << " Result "
1717  << result;
1718 #endif
1719  }
1720  return result;
1721 }
1723 int32_t HGCalDDDConstants::waferIndex(int wafer, int index) const {
1724  int layer = layerFromIndex(index, true);
1727  int indx = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(layer, waferU, waferV);
1728 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1729  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "WaferIndex for " << wafer << ":" << index << " (" << layer << ":" << waferU << ":"
1730  << waferV << ") " << indx;
1731 #endif
1732  return indx;
1733 }
1735 bool HGCalDDDConstants::waferInLayerTest(int wafer, int lay, bool full) const {
1736  bool in = (waferHexagon6()) ? true : false;
1737  if (!in) {
1738  double xpos = hgpar_->waferPosX_[wafer] + hgpar_->xLayerHex_[lay];
1739  double ypos = hgpar_->waferPosY_[wafer] + hgpar_->yLayerHex_[lay];
1740  std::pair<int, int> corner = HGCalGeomTools::waferCorner(
1741  xpos, ypos, rmax_, hexside_, hgpar_->rMinLayHex_[lay], hgpar_->rMaxLayHex_[lay], in);
1742  in = (full ? (corner.first > 0) : (corner.first == (int)(HGCalParameters::k_CornerSize)));
1743  if (in && fullAndPart_) {
1744  int indx = waferIndex(wafer, lay);
1745  in = (hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.find(indx) != hgpar_->waferInfoMap_.end());
1746 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1747  if (!in)
1748  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "WaferInLayerTest: Layer " << lay << " wafer " << wafer << " index " << indx
1749  << "( " << HGCalWaferIndex::waferLayer(indx) << ", "
1750  << HGCalWaferIndex::waferU(indx) << ", " << HGCalWaferIndex::waferV(indx)
1751  << ") in " << in;
1752 #endif
1753  }
1754 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1755  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "WaferInLayerTest: Layer " << lay << " wafer " << wafer << " R-limits "
1756  << hgpar_->rMinLayHex_[lay] << ":" << hgpar_->rMaxLayHex_[lay] << " Corners "
1757  << corner.first << ":" << corner.second << " In " << in;
1758 #endif
1759  }
1760  return in;
1761 }
1763 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::waferPositionNoRot(
1764  int lay, int waferU, int waferV, bool reco, bool debug) const {
1765  int ll = lay - hgpar_->firstLayer_;
1766  double x = hgpar_->xLayerHex_[ll];
1767  double y = hgpar_->yLayerHex_[ll];
1768 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1769  if (debug)
1770  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Layer " << lay << ":" << ll << " Shift " << hgpar_->xLayerHex_[ll] << ":"
1771  << hgpar_->yLayerHex_[ll] << " U:V " << waferU << ":" << waferV;
1772 #endif
1773  if (!reco) {
1776  }
1777  const auto& xy = waferPosition(waferU, waferV, reco);
1778  x += xy.first;
1779  y += xy.second;
1780 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1781  if (debug)
1782  edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "With wafer " << x << ":" << y << ":" << xy.first << ":" << xy.second;
1783 #endif
1784  return std::make_pair(x, y);
1785 }
1787 std::pair<double, double> HGCalDDDConstants::waferPosition(int waferU, int waferV, bool reco) const {
1788  double xx(0), yy(0);
1789  int indx = HGCalWaferIndex::waferIndex(0, waferU, waferV);
1790  auto itr = hgpar_->wafersInLayers_.find(indx);
1791  if (itr != hgpar_->wafersInLayers_.end()) {
1792  xx = hgpar_->waferPosX_[itr->second];
1793  yy = hgpar_->waferPosY_[itr->second];
1794  }
1795  if (!reco) {
1798  }
1799  return std::make_pair(xx, yy);
1800 }
std::vector< int > iradMaxBH_
bool isHalfCell(int waferType, int cell) const
std::vector< double > waferPosY_
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
std::vector< int > layer_
const int nphi
std::vector< int > depthLayerF_
bool isValidTrap(int lay, int ieta, int iphi) const
std::vector< int > depth_
std::vector< double > zFrontMin_
std::vector< double > moduleCellR_
int getTypeTrap(int layer) const
wafer_map cellFineIndex_
layer_map copiesInLayers_
static void radius(double zf, double zb, std::vector< double > const &zFront1, std::vector< double > const &rFront1, std::vector< double > const &slope1, std::vector< double > const &zFront2, std::vector< double > const &rFront2, std::vector< double > const &slope2, int flag, std::vector< double > &zz, std::vector< double > &rin, std::vector< double > &rout)
int getLayer(double z, bool reco) const
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > layerRotV_
std::vector< HGCalParameters::hgtrap > getModules() const
bool waferHexagon6() const
std::vector< bool > cellCoarseHalf_
std::vector< bool > cellFineHalf_
uint16_t *__restrict__ id
int scintType(const int layer) const
void waferFromPosition(const double x, const double y, int &wafer, int &icell, int &celltyp) const
int type() const
get the type
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:50
static int32_t getUnpackedU(int id)
std::vector< int > moduleLayR_
static constexpr int k_fourCorners
double cellSizeHex(int type) const
HGCalParameters::hgtrform getTrForm(unsigned int k) const
Simrecovecs max_modules_layer_
int lastLayer(bool reco) const
std::pair< int, int > waferTypeRotation(int layer, int waferU, int waferV, bool fromFile=false, bool debug=false) const
double cellThickness(int layer, int waferU, int waferV) const
unsigned int layersInit(bool reco) const
int32_t waferU(const int32_t index)
int32_t waferLayer(const int32_t index)
int waferU() const
constexpr NumType convertRadToDeg(NumType radians)
Definition: angle_units.h:21
static bool goodCell(int u, int v, int N, int type, int rotn)
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
bool cellInLayer(int waferU, int waferV, int cellU, int cellV, int lay, bool reco) const
int maxRows(int lay, bool reco) const
int getTypeHex(int layer, int waferU, int waferV) const
std::vector< double > cellFineY_
unsigned int waferFileSize() const
constexpr uint16_t localY(uint16_t py)
static int32_t getUnpackedV(int id)
bool waferInLayerTest(int wafer, int lay, bool full) const
std::unordered_map< int32_t, bool > waferIn_
int zside(DetId const &)
int modulesInit(int lay, bool reco) const
std::pair< float, float > locateCell(int cell, int lay, int type, bool reco) const
std::vector< uint32_t > trformIndex_
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
bool isValidHex(int lay, int mod, int cell, bool reco) const
std::vector< int > layerGroupM_
bool isValidCell8(int lay, int waferU, int waferV, int cellU, int cellV, int type) const
double scintCellSize(const int layer) const
float float float z
int cellHex(double xx, double yy, const double &cellR, const std::vector< double > &posX, const std::vector< double > &posY) const
int32_t waferIndex(int wafer, int index) const
int layerIndex(int lay, bool reco) const
static constexpr uint32_t k_CornerSize
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
const uint16_t range(const Frame &aFrame)
tuple result
wafer_map wafersInLayers_
HGCalGeomTools geomTools_
std::pair< float, float > locateCellHex(int cell, int wafer, bool reco) const
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
std::vector< double > cellCoarseX_
static constexpr int scintillatorFile
std::pair< double, double > rangeR(double z, bool reco) const
std::map< int, HGCWaferParam > waferLayer_
int32_t tileIndex(int32_t layer, int32_t ring, int32_t phi)
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > tileRingRange_
int modules(int lay, bool reco) const
static std::pair< int32_t, int32_t > waferCorner(double xpos, double ypos, double r, double R, double rMin, double rMax, bool oldBug=false)
std::vector< int > firstModule_
std::pair< int, int > simToReco(int cell, int layer, int mod, bool half) const
int getType(double xpos, double ypos, double zpos)
unsigned int getTrFormN() const
double distFromEdgeTrap(double x, double y, double z) const
std::pair< double, double > rangeZ(bool reco) const
unsigned int layers(bool reco) const
int numberCellsHexagon(int wafer) const
std::vector< double > cellSize_
std::vector< int > waferUVMaxLayer_
std::vector< HGCalParameters::hgtrform > getTrForms() const
int waferV() const
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:78
int layer() const
get the layer #
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:56
std::pair< double, double > cellEtaPhiTrap(int type, int irad) const
std::vector< int > layerIndex_
double mouseBite(bool reco) const
std::vector< double > yLayerHex_
hgtrform getTrForm(unsigned int k) const
std::pair< double, double > shiftXY(int waferPosition, double waferSize) const
int type() const
get the type
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
std::pair< int, float > getIndex(int lay, bool reco) const
int waferU() const
Definition: HFNoseDetId.h:75
int layer() const
get the layer #
HGCalDDDConstants(const HGCalParameters *hp, const std::string &name)
std::pair< float, float > locateCellTrap(int lay, int ieta, int iphi, bool reco) const
if(conf_.getParameter< bool >("UseStripCablingDB"))
std::pair< float, float > localToGlobal8(int lay, int waferU, int waferV, double localX, double localY, bool reco, bool debug) const
std::vector< double > rMaxFront_
int waferV() const
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
bool tileTrapezoid() const
int scintCells(const int layer) const
hgtrap getModule(unsigned int k, bool reco) const
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
uint16_t const *__restrict__ x
Definition: gpuClustering.h:39
std::vector< double > slopeTop_
std::vector< int > layerCenter_
bool isValidCell(int layindex, int wafer, int cell) const
int waferTypeL(int wafer) const
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
int getPhiBins(int lay) const
std::vector< double > rMinLayHex_
int32_t waferIndex(int32_t layer, int32_t waferU, int32_t waferV, bool old=false)
HGCalTypes::CellType cellType(int type, int waferU, int waferV) const
std::pair< int, int > getREtaRange(int lay) const
std::pair< int, int > rowColumnWafer(const int wafer) const
std::vector< double > zLayerHex_
double waferZ(int layer, bool reco) const
std::vector< int > layerType_
#define M_PI
def all
workaround iterator generators for ROOT classes
waferT_map waferTypes_
#define TYPELOOKUP_DATA_REG(_dataclass_)
Definition: typelookup.h:102
std::pair< double, double > getXY(int layer, double x, double y, bool forwd) const
bool waferVirtual(int layer, int waferU, int waferV) const
std::vector< double > rMaxLayHex_
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const CAHitNtupletGeneratorKernelsGPU::HitToTuple const cms::cuda::AtomicPairCounter GPUCACell const *__restrict__ cells
std::vector< double > slopeMin_
Basic2DVector< T > xy() const
Definition: DetId.h:17
std::vector< int > lastModule_
std::array< int, 4 > waferMax_
int waferFromCopy(int copy) const
static constexpr double k_ScaleToDDD
std::vector< double > radiusMixBoundary_
#define debug
#define N
std::vector< double > cellThickness_
static constexpr int k_fiveCorners
std::vector< int > layerGroup_
constexpr uint16_t localX(uint16_t px)
Definition: HCALResponse.h:20
std::vector< double > moduleCellS_
bool maskCell(const DetId &id, int corners) const
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
std::array< int, 5 > assignCellHex(float x, float y, int lay, bool reco, bool extend=false, bool debug=false) const
int numberCells(bool reco) const
wafer_map cellCoarseIndex_
bool waferFullInLayer(int wafer, int lay, bool reco) const
bool isValidHex8(int lay, int waferU, int waferV, bool fullAndPart=false) const
std::vector< double > rMinFront_
std::vector< int > iradMinBH_
std::vector< double > cellFineX_
wafer_map typesInLayers_
const HGCalGeometryMode::GeometryMode mode_
static constexpr double k_ScaleFromDDD
std::pair< double, double > waferParameters(bool reco) const
std::vector< int > layerGroupO_
static constexpr int k_OffsetRotation
static constexpr int k_threeCorners
__host__ __device__ constexpr RandomIt lower_bound(RandomIt first, RandomIt last, const T &value, Compare comp={})
std::array< int, 3 > HGCWaferParam
int32_t waferV(const int32_t index)
std::vector< int > waferCopy_
bool waferHexagon8() const
int tileCount(int layer, int ring) const
static unsigned int const shift
std::vector< int > depthIndex_
std::pair< double, double > waferPosition(int wafer, bool reco) const
std::pair< int, int > assignCell(float x, float y, int lay, int subSec, bool reco) const
static constexpr double tan30deg_
std::array< int, 3 > assignCellTrap(float x, float y, float z, int lay, bool reco) const
std::vector< double > zFrontTop_
std::vector< double > radiusLayer_[2]
std::array< uint32_t, 2 > tot_layers_
std::vector< int > waferTypeT_
static constexpr int32_t WaferCornerMin
Definition: HGCalTypes.h:90
std::vector< double > cellCoarseY_
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
waferInfo_map waferInfoMap_
HGCalParameters::hgtrap getModule(unsigned int k, bool hexType, bool reco) const
std::pair< double, double > waferPositionNoRot(int lay, int waferU, int waferV, bool reco, bool debug=false) const
int col
__host__ __device__ V wmin
const HGCalParameters * hgpar_
int layerFromIndex(int index, bool reco) const
int maxCells(bool reco) const
std::vector< double > waferPosX_
int modifyUV(int uv, int type1, int type2) const
T mod(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: ecalDccMap.h:4
tileInfo_map tileInfoMap_
static constexpr int k_allCorners
std::vector< int > waferTypeL_
std::vector< double > xLayerHex_
std::pair< double, double > rangeRLayer(int lay, bool reco) const
tuple size
Write out results.
int getUVMax(int type) const
double distFromEdgeHex(double x, double y, double z) const
bool waferInLayer(int wafer, int lay, bool reco) const
int waferType(DetId const &id, bool fromFile=false) const
constexpr Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:46
__host__ __device__ V V wmax
static bool maskCell(int u, int v, int N, int ncor, int fcor, int corners)