#include <L2MuonSeedGenerator.h>
Public Member Functions | |
L2MuonSeedGenerator (const edm::ParameterSet &) | |
Constructor. More... | |
void | produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override |
~L2MuonSeedGenerator () override | |
Destructor. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from edm::stream::EDProducer<> | |
EDProducer ()=default | |
EDProducer (const EDProducer &)=delete | |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final |
const EDProducer & | operator= (const EDProducer &)=delete |
Private Member Functions | |
const TrajectorySeed * | associateOfflineSeedToL1 (edm::Handle< edm::View< TrajectorySeed > > &, std::vector< int > &, TrajectoryStateOnSurface &) |
Private Attributes | |
edm::EDGetTokenT < L1MuGMTReadoutCollection > | gmtToken_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT < l1extra::L1MuonParticleCollection > | muCollToken_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View < TrajectorySeed > > | offlineSeedToken_ |
MeasurementEstimator * | theEstimator |
edm::InputTag | theL1GMTReadoutCollection |
const double | theL1MaxEta |
const double | theL1MinPt |
const unsigned | theL1MinQuality |
edm::InputTag | theOfflineSeedLabel |
std::string | thePropagatorName |
MuonServiceProxy * | theService |
the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update More... | |
edm::InputTag | theSource |
const bool | useOfflineSeed |
const bool | useUnassociatedL1 |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Types inherited from edm::stream::EDProducer<> | |
using | CacheTypes = CacheContexts< T...> |
using | GlobalCache = typename CacheTypes::GlobalCache |
using | HasAbility = AbilityChecker< T...> |
using | InputProcessBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::InputProcessBlockCache |
using | LuminosityBlockCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockCache |
using | LuminosityBlockContext = LuminosityBlockContextT< LuminosityBlockCache, RunCache, GlobalCache > |
using | LuminosityBlockSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::LuminosityBlockSummaryCache |
using | RunCache = typename CacheTypes::RunCache |
using | RunContext = RunContextT< RunCache, GlobalCache > |
using | RunSummaryCache = typename CacheTypes::RunSummaryCache |
L2 muon seed generator: Transform the L1 informations in seeds for the L2 muon reconstruction
ORCA's author: N. Neumeister
L2 muon seed generator: Transform the L1 informations in seeds for the L2 muon reconstruction
ORCA's author: N. Neumeister
Definition at line 54 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
explicit |
Definition at line 44 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.cc.
References Chi2MeasurementEstimator_cfi::Chi2MeasurementEstimator, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), gmtToken_, muCollToken_, MuonServiceProxy_cff::MuonServiceProxy, offlineSeedToken_, theEstimator, theL1GMTReadoutCollection, theOfflineSeedLabel, theService, theSource, and useOfflineSeed.
override |
Definition at line 75 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.cc.
References theEstimator, and theService.
private |
Definition at line 325 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.cc.
References edm::View< T >::begin(), HLT_FULL_cff::deltaR, MuonPatternRecoDumper::dumpMuonId(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalPosition(), LogDebug, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), Geom::Phi< T1, Range >::phi(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::surface(), thePropagatorName, and theService.
Referenced by produce().
override |
Definition at line 82 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.cc.
References alongMomentum, associateOfflineSeedToL1(), Reference_intrackfit_cff::barrel, RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::charge(), L1MuGMTCand::charge_valid(), GeometricSearchDet::compatibleDets(), funct::cos(), CSCDetId, debug, DTChamberId, MuonPatternRecoDumper::dumpFTS(), MuonPatternRecoDumper::dumpLayer(), MuonPatternRecoDumper::dumpMuonId(), L1MuGMTCand::empty(), relativeConstraints::error, PVValHelper::eta, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), funct::exp(), GeomDet::geographicalId(), L1MuGMTReadoutRecord::getBrlRPCCands(), edm::Event::getByToken(), L1MuGMTReadoutRecord::getCSCCands(), L1MuGMTReadoutRecord::getDTBXCands(), L1MuGMTExtendedCand::getDTCSCIndex(), L1MuGMTReadoutRecord::getFwdRPCCands(), L1MuGMTExtendedCand::getRPCIndex(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalMomentum(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalPosition(), gmtToken_, gpuClustering::id, L1MuGMTExtendedCand::isFwd(), L1MuGMTExtendedCand::isRPC(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), LogDebug, LogTrace, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), metname, eostools::move(), muCollToken_, offlineSeedToken_, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), trajectoryStateTransform::persistentState(), phi, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), Geom::pi(), GeometricSearchDet::position(), DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, edm::OwnVector< T, P >::push_back(), edm::Event::put(), L1MuGMTCand::quality(), quality, CosmicsPD_Skims::radius, DetId::rawId(), TrajectorySeed::recHits(), funct::sin(), TrajectorySeed::startingState(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, GeometricSearchDet::surface(), theEstimator, theL1MaxEta, theL1MinPt, theL1MinQuality, thePropagatorName, theService, theta(), useOfflineSeed, useUnassociatedL1, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().
private |
Definition at line 70 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator(), and produce().
private |
Definition at line 71 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator(), and produce().
private |
Definition at line 72 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator(), and produce().
private |
Definition at line 83 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator(), produce(), and ~L2MuonSeedGenerator().
private |
Definition at line 66 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator().
private |
Definition at line 75 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 74 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 76 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by produce().
private |
Definition at line 67 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator().
private |
Definition at line 68 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by associateOfflineSeedToL1(), and produce().
private |
the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update
Definition at line 81 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by associateOfflineSeedToL1(), L2MuonSeedGenerator(), produce(), and ~L2MuonSeedGenerator().
private |
Definition at line 65 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator().
private |
Definition at line 77 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator(), and produce().
private |
Definition at line 78 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.
Referenced by produce().