7 #include <fmt/printf.h>
19 desc.
"eventRange", 10000)->setComment(
"Preallocate a buffer for N events");
20 desc.
"eventResolution", 1)->setComment(
"Sample the processing time every N events");
30 descriptions.
"ThroughputService", desc);
35 m_startup(std::chrono::system_clock::
37 m_resolution(config.getUntrackedParameter<uint32_t>(
39 m_events(config.getUntrackedParameter<uint32_t>(
"eventRange") / m_resolution),
40 m_print_event_summary(config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(
41 m_enable_dqm(config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(
42 m_dqm_bynproc(m_enable_dqm ? config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(
"dqmPathByProcesses") :
43 m_dqm_path(m_enable_dqm ? config.getUntrackedParameter<std::
"dqmPath") :
44 m_time_range(m_enable_dqm ? config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(
"timeRange") : 0.),
45 m_time_resolution(m_enable_dqm ? config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(
"timeResolution") : 0.) {
59 "/Running on %s with %d streams on %d threads",
processor_model, concurrent_streams, concurrent_threads);
68 edm::LogWarning(
"ThroughputService") <<
"The DQMStore is not avalable, the DQM plots will not be generated";
118 edm::LogWarning(
"ThroughputService") <<
"Not enough events to measure the throughput with a resolution of "
135 std::vector<double>
143 double throughput_avg = double(
m_resolution) / time_avg;
144 double throughput_dev = double(
m_resolution) * time_dev / time_avg / time_avg;
146 info <<
"Average throughput: " << throughput_avg <<
" ± " << throughput_dev <<
" ev/s";
void preallocate(edm::service::SystemBounds const &bounds)
unsigned int maxNumberOfThreads() const
ParameterDescriptionNode * ifValue(ParameterDescription< T > const &switchParameter, std::unique_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< T >> cases)
dqm::reco::MonitorElement * m_sourced_events
ParameterDescriptionBase * addUntracked(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
void watchPostEndJob(PostEndJob::slot_type const &iSlot)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventIDconst &, edm::Timestampconst & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
void preSourceEvent(edm::StreamID sid)
void watchPostEvent(PostEvent::slot_type const &iSlot)
dqm::reco::MonitorElement * m_retired_events
void postEvent(edm::StreamContext const &sc)
tbb::concurrent_vector< std::chrono::system_clock::time_point > m_events
void preGlobalBeginRun(edm::GlobalContext const &gc)
const uint16_t range(const Frame &aFrame)
unsigned int maxNumberOfStreams() const
bool m_print_event_summary
virtual void setXTitle(std::string const &title)
const std::string processor_model
void watchPreGlobalBeginRun(PreGlobalBeginRun::slot_type const &iSlot)
#define DEFINE_FWK_SERVICE(type)
virtual void setYTitle(std::string const &title)
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
ThroughputService(const edm::ParameterSet &, edm::ActivityRegistry &)
std::atomic< uint32_t > m_counter
tuple config
parse the configuration file
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_startup
const double m_time_resolution
const double m_time_range
void watchPreSourceEvent(PreSourceEvent::slot_type const &iSlot)
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
const uint32_t m_resolution