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met_cff Namespace Reference


tuple _withFixEE2017_task = cms.Task(metTablesTask.copy(), metFixEE2017Table)
tuple caloMetTable
tuple chsMetTable
tuple deepMetResolutionTuneTable
tuple deepMetResponseTuneTable
tuple metFixEE2017Table = metTable.clone()
tuple metMCTable
tuple metMCTask = cms.Task( metMCTable )
tuple metTable
 Tables for final output and docs ##########################. More...
tuple metTablesTask = cms.Task( metTable, rawMetTable, caloMetTable, puppiMetTable, rawPuppiMetTable, tkMetTable, chsMetTable, deepMetResolutionTuneTable, deepMetResponseTuneTable )
tuple puppiMetTable
tuple rawMetTable
tuple rawPuppiMetTable
tuple tkMetTable

Variable Documentation

tuple met_cff._withFixEE2017_task = cms.Task(metTablesTask.copy(), metFixEE2017Table)

Definition at line 162 of file

tuple met_cff.caloMetTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = metTable.src,
3  name = cms.string("CaloMET"),
4  doc = cms.string("Offline CaloMET (muon corrected)"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the MET
7  variables = cms.PSet(#NOTA BENE: we don't copy PTVars here!
8  pt = Var("caloMETPt", float, doc="pt", precision=10),
9  phi = Var("caloMETPhi", float, doc="phi", precision=10),
10  sumEt = Var("caloMETSumEt", float, doc="scalar sum of Et", precision=10),
11  ),
12 )

Definition at line 41 of file

tuple met_cff.chsMetTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = metTable.src,
3  name = cms.string("ChsMET"),
4  doc = cms.string("PF MET computed with CHS PF candidates"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the TkMET
7  variables = cms.PSet(#NOTA BENE: we don't copy PTVars here!
8  pt = Var("corPt('RawChs')", float, doc="raw chs PF MET pt",precision=10),
9  phi = Var("corPhi('RawChs')", float, doc="raw chs PF MET phi",precision=10),
10  sumEt = Var("corSumEt('RawChs')", float, doc="raw chs PF scalar sum of Et",precision=10),
11  ),
12 )

Definition at line 103 of file

tuple met_cff.deepMetResolutionTuneTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  # current deepMets are saved in slimmedMETs in MiniAOD,
3  # in the same way as chsMet/TkMET
4  src = metTable.src,
5  name = cms.string("DeepMETResolutionTune"),
6  doc = cms.string("Deep MET trained with resolution tune"),
7  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
8  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the MET
9  variables = cms.PSet(#NOTA BENE: we don't copy PTVars here!
10  pt = Var("corPt('RawDeepResolutionTune')", float, doc="DeepMET ResolutionTune pt",precision=-1),
11  phi = Var("corPhi('RawDeepResolutionTune')", float, doc="DeepmET ResolutionTune phi",precision=12),
12  ),
13 )

Definition at line 116 of file

tuple met_cff.deepMetResponseTuneTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = metTable.src,
3  name = cms.string("DeepMETResponseTune"),
4  doc = cms.string("Deep MET trained with extra response tune"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the MET
7  variables = cms.PSet(#NOTA BENE: we don't copy PTVars here!
8  pt = Var("corPt('RawDeepResponseTune')", float, doc="DeepMET ResponseTune pt",precision=-1),
9  phi = Var("corPhi('RawDeepResponseTune')", float, doc="DeepMET ResponseTune phi",precision=12),
10  ),
11 )

Definition at line 130 of file

tuple met_cff.metFixEE2017Table = metTable.clone()

Definition at line 142 of file

tuple met_cff.metMCTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = metTable.src,
3  name = cms.string("GenMET"),
4  doc = cms.string("Gen MET"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True),
6  extension = cms.bool(False),
7  variables = cms.PSet(
8  pt = Var("", float, doc="pt", precision=10),
9  phi = Var("genMET.phi", float, doc="phi", precision=10),
10  ),
11 )

Definition at line 148 of file

tuple met_cff.metMCTask = cms.Task( metMCTable )

Definition at line 165 of file

tuple met_cff.metTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("slimmedMETs"),
3  name = cms.string("MET"),
4  doc = cms.string("slimmedMET, type-1 corrected PF MET"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the MET
7  variables = cms.PSet(PTVars,
8  sumEt = Var("sumEt()", float, doc="scalar sum of Et",precision=10),
9  covXX = Var("getSignificanceMatrix().At(0,0)",float,doc="xx element of met covariance matrix", precision=8),
10  covXY = Var("getSignificanceMatrix().At(0,1)",float,doc="xy element of met covariance matrix", precision=8),
11  covYY = Var("getSignificanceMatrix().At(1,1)",float,doc="yy element of met covariance matrix", precision=8),
12  significance = Var("metSignificance()", float, doc="MET significance",precision=10),
13  sumPtUnclustered = Var("metSumPtUnclustered()", float, doc="sumPt used for MET significance",precision=10),
14  MetUnclustEnUpDeltaX = Var("shiftedPx('UnclusteredEnUp')-px()", float, doc="Delta (METx_mod-METx) Unclustered Energy Up",precision=10),
15  MetUnclustEnUpDeltaY = Var("shiftedPy('UnclusteredEnUp')-py()", float, doc="Delta (METy_mod-METy) Unclustered Energy Up",precision=10),
17  ),
18 )

Tables for final output and docs ##########################.

Definition at line 7 of file

Definition at line 161 of file

tuple met_cff.puppiMetTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("slimmedMETsPuppi"),
3  name = cms.string("PuppiMET"),
4  doc = cms.string("PUPPI MET"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the MET
7  variables = cms.PSet(PTVars,
8  sumEt = Var("sumEt()", float, doc="scalar sum of Et",precision=10),
9  ptJERUp = Var("shiftedPt('JetResUp')", float, doc="JER up pt",precision=10),
10  ptJERDown = Var("shiftedPt('JetResDown')", float, doc="JER down pt",precision=10),
11  phiJERUp = Var("shiftedPhi('JetResUp')", float, doc="JER up phi",precision=10),
12  phiJERDown = Var("shiftedPhi('JetResDown')", float, doc="JER down phi",precision=10),
13  ptJESUp = Var("shiftedPt('JetEnUp')", float, doc="JES up pt",precision=10),
14  ptJESDown = Var("shiftedPt('JetEnDown')", float, doc="JES down pt",precision=10),
15  phiJESUp = Var("shiftedPhi('JetEnUp')", float, doc="JES up phi",precision=10),
16  phiJESDown = Var("shiftedPhi('JetEnDown')", float, doc="JES down phi",precision=10),
17  ptUnclusteredUp = Var("shiftedPt('UnclusteredEnUp')", float, doc="Unclustered up pt",precision=10),
18  ptUnclusteredDown = Var("shiftedPt('UnclusteredEnDown')", float, doc="Unclustered down pt",precision=10),
19  phiUnclusteredUp = Var("shiftedPhi('UnclusteredEnUp')", float, doc="Unclustered up phi",precision=10),
20  phiUnclusteredDown = Var("shiftedPhi('UnclusteredEnDown')", float, doc="Unclustered down phi",precision=10),
21  ),
22 )

Definition at line 54 of file

tuple met_cff.rawMetTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = metTable.src,
3  name = cms.string("RawMET"),
4  doc = cms.string("raw PF MET"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the MET
7  variables = cms.PSet(#NOTA BENE: we don't copy PTVars here!
8  pt = Var("uncorPt", float, doc="pt", precision=10),
9  phi = Var("uncorPhi", float, doc="phi", precision=10),
10  sumEt = Var("uncorSumEt", float, doc="scalar sum of Et", precision=10),
11  ),
12 )

Definition at line 27 of file

tuple met_cff.rawPuppiMetTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = puppiMetTable.src,
3  name = cms.string("RawPuppiMET"),
4  doc = cms.string("raw Puppi MET"),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the MET
7  variables = cms.PSet(#NOTA BENE: we don't copy PTVars here!
8  pt = Var("uncorPt", float, doc="pt", precision=10),
9  phi = Var("uncorPhi", float, doc="phi", precision=10),
10  sumEt = Var("uncorSumEt", float, doc="scalar sum of Et", precision=10),
11  ),)

Definition at line 77 of file

tuple met_cff.tkMetTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
2  src = metTable.src,
3  name = cms.string("TkMET"),
4  doc = cms.string("Track MET computed with tracks from PV0 ( pvAssociationQuality()>=4 ) "),
5  singleton = cms.bool(True), # there's always exactly one MET per event
6  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the TkMET
7  variables = cms.PSet(#NOTA BENE: we don't copy PTVars here!
8  pt = Var("corPt('RawTrk')", float, doc="raw track MET pt",precision=10),
9  phi = Var("corPhi('RawTrk')", float, doc="raw track MET phi",precision=10),
10  sumEt = Var("corSumEt('RawTrk')", float, doc="raw track scalar sum of Et",precision=10),
11  ),
12 )

Definition at line 90 of file