1 #ifndef Fireworks_Core_CmsShowMainFrame_h
2 #define Fireworks_Core_CmsShowMainFrame_h
23 #include <RQ_OBJECT.h>
28 #include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
37 class TGPictureButton;
60 public sigc::trackable
120 void makeFixedSizeLabel(TGHorizontalFrame*
const char* txt, UInt_t bgCol, UInt_t txtCol, Int_t width, Int_t height);
void CloseWindow() override
FWNumberEntryField * m_lumiEntry
void bindCSGActionKeys(const TGMainFrame *f) const
void loadEvent(const edm::EventBase &event)
CSGContinuousAction * playEventsBackwardsAction() const
~CmsShowMainFrame() override
void HandleMenu(Int_t id) override
FWCustomIconsButton * m_filterEnableBtn
CSGContinuousAction * loopAction() const
void enableNext(bool enable=true)
FWIntValueListener * m_delaySliderListener
void enableNavigatorControls()
CSGContinuousAction * m_playEventsBack
Bool_t HandleKey(Event_t *event) override
const TGPicture * m_filterIcons[9]
CSGContinuousAction * m_loopAction
TGMainFrame * m_fworksAbout
CSGAction * createNewViewerAction(const std::string &iActionName, bool seaprator)
FWNumberEntryField * m_eventEntry
void updateStatusBar(const char *status)
TGPopupMenu * m_newViewerMenu
FWNumberEntryField * m_runEntry
void enableActions(bool enable=true) override
CSGAction * m_previousEvent
ClassDefOverride(CmsShowMainFrame, 0)
CmsShowMainFrame(const TGWindow *p=nullptr, UInt_t w=1, UInt_t h=1, FWGUIManager *m=nullptr)
const CmsShowMainFrame & operator=(const CmsShowMainFrame &)
void setSummaryViewWeight(float)
void enablePrevious(bool enable=true)
CSGContinuousAction * m_playEvents
float getSummaryViewWeight() const
void makeFixedSizeLabel(TGHorizontalFrame *p, const char *txt, UInt_t bgCol, UInt_t txtCol, Int_t width, Int_t height)
void enableComplexNavigation(bool enable=true)
TGTextButton * m_filterShowGUIBtn
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
void setPlayDelayGUI(Float_t val, Bool_t sliderChanged)
CSGContinuousAction * playEventsAction() const