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globals_cff Namespace Reference


tuple genTable
tuple globalTablesMCTask = cms.Task(puTable,genTable)
tuple globalTablesTask = cms.Task(rhoTable)
tuple puTable
tuple rhoTable

Variable Documentation

tuple globals_cff.genTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("SimpleGenEventFlatTableProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("generator"),
3  cut = cms.string(""),
4  name= cms.string("Generator"),
5  doc = cms.string("Generator information"),
6  singleton = cms.bool(True),
7  extension = cms.bool(False),
8  variables = cms.PSet(
9  x1 = Var( "?hasPDF?pdf().x.first:-1", float, doc="x1 fraction of proton momentum carried by the first parton",precision=14 ),
10  x2 = Var( "?hasPDF?pdf().x.second:-1", float, doc="x2 fraction of proton momentum carried by the second parton",precision=14 ),
11  xpdf1 = Var( "?hasPDF?pdf().xPDF.first:-1", float, doc="x*pdf(x) for the first parton", precision=14 ),
12  xpdf2 = Var( "?hasPDF?pdf().xPDF.second:-1", float, doc="x*pdf(x) for the second parton", precision=14 ),
13  id1 = Var( "?hasPDF?pdf().id.first:-1", int, doc="id of first parton", precision=6 ),
14  id2 = Var( "?hasPDF?pdf().id.second:-1", int, doc="id of second parton", precision=6 ),
15  scalePDF = Var( "?hasPDF?pdf().scalePDF:-1", float, doc="Q2 scale for PDF", precision=14 ),
16  binvar = Var("?hasBinningValues()?binningValues()[0]:-1", float, doc="MC generation binning value", precision=14),
17  weight = Var("weight()", float,doc="MC generator weight", precision=14),
18  ),
19 )

Definition at line 21 of file

tuple globals_cff.globalTablesMCTask = cms.Task(puTable,genTable)

Definition at line 42 of file

tuple globals_cff.globalTablesTask = cms.Task(rhoTable)

Definition at line 41 of file

tuple globals_cff.puTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("NPUTablesProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("slimmedAddPileupInfo"),
3  pvsrc = cms.InputTag("offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices"),
4  zbins = cms.vdouble( [0.0,1.7,2.6,3.0,3.5,4.2,5.2,6.0,7.5,9.0,12.0] ),
5  savePtHatMax = cms.bool(False),
6 )

Definition at line 14 of file

tuple globals_cff.rhoTable
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("GlobalVariablesTableProducer",
2  variables = cms.PSet(
3  fixedGridRhoFastjetAll = ExtVar( cms.InputTag("fixedGridRhoFastjetAll"), "double", doc = "rho from all PF Candidates, used e.g. for JECs" ),
4  fixedGridRhoFastjetCentralNeutral = ExtVar( cms.InputTag("fixedGridRhoFastjetCentralNeutral"), "double", doc = "rho from neutral PF Candidates with |eta| < 2.5, used e.g. for rho corrections of some lepton isolations" ),
5  fixedGridRhoFastjetCentralCalo = ExtVar( cms.InputTag("fixedGridRhoFastjetCentralCalo"), "double", doc = "rho from calo towers with |eta| < 2.5, used e.g. egamma PFCluster isolation" ),
6  fixedGridRhoFastjetCentral = ExtVar( cms.InputTag("fixedGridRhoFastjetCentral"), "double", doc = "rho from all PF Candidates for central region, used e.g. for JECs" ),
7  fixedGridRhoFastjetCentralChargedPileUp = ExtVar( cms.InputTag("fixedGridRhoFastjetCentralChargedPileUp"), "double", doc = "rho from charged PF Candidates for central region, used e.g. for JECs" ),
8  )
9 )
def ExtVar

Definition at line 4 of file