1 #ifndef RecoMuon_TrackingTools_MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster_H
2 #define RecoMuon_TrackingTools_MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster_H
void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
void beginJob() override
framework method
std::remove_cv< typename std::remove_reference< argument_type >::type >::type key_type
edm::RefProd< reco::TrackExtraCollection > theRefprodTE
get reference before put track extra to the event, in order to create edm::Ref
reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix fix_cov_matrix(const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &error_matrix, const GlobalVector &momentum)
return a corrected error matrix
std::string theInstanceName
instrance name of the created track collecion. rechit and trackextra have no instance name ...
edm::InputTag theTrackLabel
input tag of the reco::Track collection to be corrected
bool attachRecHits(const reco::Track &recotrack_orig, reco::Track &recotrack, reco::TrackExtra &trackextra, TrackingRecHitCollection &RHcol, const TrackerTopology &ttopo)
attached rechits to the newly created reco::Track and reco::TrackExtra
std::string theCategory
log category: MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster
void multiply(reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &revised_matrix, const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &scale_matrix)
mutliply revised_matrix (first argument) by second matrix TERM by TERM
edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > theField
hold on to the magnetic field
MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster(const edm::ParameterSet &)
MuonErrorMatrix * theMatrixProvider
bool divide(reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &num_matrix, const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &denom_matrix)
divide the num_matrix (first argument) by second matrix, TERM by TERM
~MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster() override
edm::Ref< reco::TrackExtraCollection >::key_type theTEi
edm::RefProd< TrackingRecHitCollection > theRefprodRH
get reference before put rechit to the event, in order to create edm::Ref
edm::ParameterSet theMatrixProvider_pset
holds the error matrix parametrization
std::vector< TrackExtra > TrackExtraCollection
collection of TrackExtra objects
reco::TrackExtra * makeTrackExtra(const reco::Track &recotrack_orig, reco::Track &recotrack, reco::TrackExtraCollection &TEcol)
create a track extra for the newly created recotrack, scaling the outer/inner measurment error matrix...
bool selectTrack(const reco::Track &recotrack_orig)
make a selection on the reco:Track. (dummy for the moment)
reco::Track makeTrack(const reco::Track &recotrack_orig, const FreeTrajectoryState &PCAstate)
create a corrected reco::Track from itself and trajectory state (redundant information) ...
bool theRescale
select the rescaling or replacing method to correct the error matrix
math::Error< dimension >::type CovarianceMatrix
5 parameter covariance matrix
edm::Ref< TrackingRecHitCollection >::key_type theRHi