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DQMOffline_Trigger_cff Namespace Reference


tuple dqmEnvHLT = DQMServices.Components.DQMEnvironment_cfi.dqmEnv.clone()
tuple dqmInfoHLTMon
tuple hltFiltersDQM
tuple OfflineHLTMonitoring
tuple OfflineHLTMonitoringPA
tuple offlineHLTSource
 old sequence, it should be dropped asa we are confident it is no longer used More...
tuple offlineHLTSource4ExpressPD
 SEQUENCES TO BE RUN #### Express : not really needed HLTMonitor : special collections allow to monitor tracks, strip and pixel clusters, b-tagging discriminator, etc –> OfflineHLTMonitoring Physics PDs : monitoring vs offline collection (typically, turnON) More...
tuple offlineHLTSource4HLTMonitorPD
 DQM step on HLTMonitor ADD here only sequences/modules which rely on HLT collections which are stored in the HLTMonitoring stream and are not available in the standard RAW format. More...
tuple offlineHLTSource4physicsPD
 DQM step on physics PDs transient collections produced by the RECO step are allowed ;) More...
tuple offlineHLTSource4relval
 DQM step on relval. More...
tuple offlineHLTSource4specialPhysicsPD
 DQM step on special physics PDs (HI, FSQ and LowLumi, etc) transient collections produced by the RECO step are allowed ;) More...
tuple offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
 on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly) ADD here sequences/modules which rely ONLY on collections stored in the AOD format More...
tuple offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
 offline DQM to be run on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly) only in the VALIDATION of the HLT menu based on data it is needed in order to have the DQM code in the release, w/o the issue of crashing the tier0 as the new modules in the sequence offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra are tested, these have to be migrated in the main offlineHLTSourceOnAOD sequence More...
tuple offlineHLTSourceOnMiniAOD
 SEQUENCES TO BE RUN depending on the input DATAFORMAT on MiniAOD ADD here sequences/modules which rely ONLY on collections stored in the MiniAOD format. More...
tuple offlineHLTSourceWithRECO
 w/ the RECO step on-the-fly (to be added to offlineHLTSourceOnAOD which should run anyhow) More...
tuple offlineValidationHLTSource
tuple offlineValidationHLTSourceOnAOD
 offline DQM to be run on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly) in the VALIDATION of the HLT menu based on data it is needed in order to have the DQM code in the release, w/o the issue of crashing the tier0 as the new modules in the sequence offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra are tested these have to be migrated in the main offlineHLTSourceOnAOD sequence More...
tuple triggerOfflineDQMSource
 sequence run (called by main DQM sequences in DQMOffline/Configuration/python/ on all PDs, but HLTMonitor one More...

Variable Documentation

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.dqmEnvHLT = DQMServices.Components.DQMEnvironment_cfi.dqmEnv.clone()

Definition at line 99 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.dqmInfoHLTMon
Initial value:
1 = DQMEDAnalyzer('DQMEventInfo',
2  subSystemFolder = cms.untracked.string('HLT')
3 )

Definition at line 103 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.hltFiltersDQM
Initial value:
1 = hltFiltersDQMonitor.clone(
2  folderName = 'HLT/Filters',
3  efficPlotNamePrefix = 'effic_',
4  triggerResults = 'TriggerResults::HLT',
5  triggerSummaryAOD = 'hltTriggerSummaryAOD::HLT',
6  triggerSummaryRAW = 'hltTriggerSummaryRAW::HLT',
7 )

Definition at line 8 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.OfflineHLTMonitoring
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  offlineHLTSource4HLTMonitorPD
3 )

Definition at line 199 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.OfflineHLTMonitoringPA
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  dqmInfoHLTMon *
3  trackingMonitorHLT *
4  PAtrackingMonitorHLT
5 )

Definition at line 204 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSource
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  offlineHLTSource4physicsPD
3 )

old sequence, it should be dropped asa we are confident it is no longer used

Definition at line 248 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSource4ExpressPD
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2 )

SEQUENCES TO BE RUN #### Express : not really needed HLTMonitor : special collections allow to monitor tracks, strip and pixel clusters, b-tagging discriminator, etc –> OfflineHLTMonitoring Physics PDs : monitoring vs offline collection (typically, turnON)

DQM step on Express

Definition at line 178 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSource4HLTMonitorPD
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  dqmInfoHLTMon *
3  lumiMonitorHLTsequence * # lumi
4  sistripMonitorHLTsequence * # strip
5  sipixelMonitorHLTsequence * # pixel
6  BTVHLTOfflineSource * # BTV
7  bTagHLTTrackMonitoringSequence * # BTV relative track efficeicies
8  trackingMonitorHLT * # tracking
9  trackingMonitorHLTDisplacedJet* # EXO : DisplacedJet Tracking
10  egmTrackingMonitorHLT * # EGM tracking
11  hltToOfflineTrackValidatorSequence * # Relative Online to Offline performace
12  vertexingMonitorHLT # vertexing
13 )

DQM step on HLTMonitor ADD here only sequences/modules which rely on HLT collections which are stored in the HLTMonitoring stream and are not available in the standard RAW format.

Definition at line 184 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSource4physicsPD
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
3  * offlineHLTSourceWithRECO
4 )

DQM step on physics PDs transient collections produced by the RECO step are allowed ;)

Definition at line 212 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSource4relval
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
3  * offlineHLTSourceWithRECO
4  * offlineHLTSource4HLTMonitorPD ## special collections (tracking, strip, pixel, etc)
5  * fsqHLTOfflineSourceSequence ## FSQ
6  * HILowLumiHLTOfflineSourceSequence ## HI
7  * offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra ## EXTRA
8 )

DQM step on relval.

Definition at line 227 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSource4specialPhysicsPD
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
3  * offlineHLTSourceWithRECO
4  * fsqHLTOfflineSourceSequence
5  * HILowLumiHLTOfflineSourceSequence
6 )

DQM step on special physics PDs (HI, FSQ and LowLumi, etc) transient collections produced by the RECO step are allowed ;)

Definition at line 219 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  dqmEnvHLT
3  * hltFiltersDQM
4  * lumiMonitorHLTsequence
5  * muonFullOfflineDQM
6  * HLTTauDQMOffline
7  * hltInclusiveVBFSource
8  * higPhotonJetHLTOfflineSource # plots are filled, but I'm not sure who is really looking at them and what you can get from them ... good candidates to be moved in offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
9 # eventshapeDQMSequence * ## OBSOLETE !!!! (looks for HLT_HIQ2Top005_Centrality1030_v, HLT_HIQ2Bottom005_Centrality1030_v, etc)
10 # HeavyIonUCCDQMSequence * ## OBSOLETE !!!! (looks for HLT_HIUCC100_v and HLT_HIUCC020_v)
11 # hotlineDQMSequence * ## ORPHAN !!!!
12  * egammaMonitorHLT
13  * exoticaMonitorHLT
14  * susyMonitorHLT
15  * b2gMonitorHLT
16  * higgsMonitorHLT
17  * smpMonitorHLT
18  * topMonitorHLT
19  * btagMonitorHLT
20  * bphMonitorHLT
21  * hltObjectsMonitor # as online DQM, requested/suggested by TSG coordinators
22  * jetmetMonitorHLT
23 )

on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly) ADD here sequences/modules which rely ONLY on collections stored in the AOD format

Definition at line 115 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2 ### POG
3  btvHLTDQMSourceExtra
4  * egmHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
5  * jmeHLTDQMSourceExtra
6  * muoHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
7  * tauHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
8  * trkHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
9 ### PAG
10  * b2gHLTDQMSourceExtra
11  * bphHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
12  * exoHLTDQMSourceExtra
13  * higHLTDQMSourceExtra
14  * smpHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
15  * susHLTDQMSourceExtra
16  * topHLTDQMSourceExtra
17  * fsqHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
18 # * hinHLTDQMSourceExtra
19 )

offline DQM to be run on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly) only in the VALIDATION of the HLT menu based on data it is needed in order to have the DQM code in the release, w/o the issue of crashing the tier0 as the new modules in the sequence offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra are tested, these have to be migrated in the main offlineHLTSourceOnAOD sequence

Definition at line 152 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSourceOnMiniAOD
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2 )

SEQUENCES TO BE RUN depending on the input DATAFORMAT on MiniAOD ADD here sequences/modules which rely ONLY on collections stored in the MiniAOD format.

Definition at line 110 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineHLTSourceWithRECO
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  hltFiltersDQM
3  * egHLTOffDQMSource ## NEEDED in VALIDATION, not really in MONITORING
4  * egHLTOffDQMSource_HEP17 ## NEEDED in VALIDATION, not really in MONITORING
5  * jetMETHLTOfflineAnalyzer
6  * b2gHLTDQMSourceWithRECO ## ak8PFJetsPuppiSoftDrop collection is not available in AOD, actually it is produced by the miniAOD step
7 )

w/ the RECO step on-the-fly (to be added to offlineHLTSourceOnAOD which should run anyhow)

Definition at line 140 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineValidationHLTSource
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  offlineHLTSource
3  + offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
4 )

Definition at line 259 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.offlineValidationHLTSourceOnAOD
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
3  + offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
4 )

offline DQM to be run on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly) in the VALIDATION of the HLT menu based on data it is needed in order to have the DQM code in the release, w/o the issue of crashing the tier0 as the new modules in the sequence offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra are tested these have to be migrated in the main offlineHLTSourceOnAOD sequence

Definition at line 240 of file

tuple DQMOffline_Trigger_cff.triggerOfflineDQMSource
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  offlineHLTSource
3 )

sequence run (called by main DQM sequences in DQMOffline/Configuration/python/ on all PDs, but HLTMonitor one

Definition at line 253 of file