40 edm::LogError(
"L1T|EMTF") <<
"Payload size in 'GEM Data Record' is different than expected";
44 for (
size_t i = 0;
i < 4; ++
i) {
47 edm::LogError(
"L1T|EMTF") <<
"Payload[" << i <<
"] has more than 16 bits in 'GEM Data Record'";
59 edm::LogError(
"L1T|EMTF") <<
"Format identifier bits in GEMa are incorrect";
63 edm::LogError(
"L1T|EMTF") <<
"Format identifier bits in GEMb are incorrect";
67 edm::LogError(
"L1T|EMTF") <<
"Format identifier bits in GEMc are incorrect";
71 edm::LogError(
"L1T|EMTF") <<
"Format identifier bits in GEMd are incorrect";
108 sector = (link != 6 ? evt_sector : (evt_sector == 1 ? 6 : evt_sector - 1));
109 subsector = (link != 6 ? link : 0);
110 neighbor = (link == 6 ? 1 : 0);
111 layer = (cluster_id % 8);
146 int iOut = res->size() - 1;
154 res_GEM =
177 int _station, _ring, _sector, _subsector, _neighbor, _layer;
184 (res->at(iOut)).PtrEventHeader()->Sector(),
190 int _sector_gem = _sector;
192 int _subsector_gem = ((_subsector + 1) % 6) + 1;
194 int _chamber = (_sector_gem - 1) * 6 + _subsector_gem;
196 int _subsector_csc = (_station != 1) ? 0 : ((_chamber % 6 > 2) ? 1 : 2);
206 ImportGEM(Hit_, GEM_, (res->at(iOut)).PtrEventHeader()->Endcap(), (res->at(iOut)).PtrEventHeader()->Sector());
213 bool exact_duplicate =
214 for (
auto const& iHit : *res_hit) {
215 if (Hit_.
BX() == iHit.BX() && Hit_.
Endcap() == iHit.Endcap() && Hit_.
Station() == iHit.Station() &&
216 Hit_.
Chamber() == iHit.Chamber()) {
217 if ((iHit.Is_CSC() == 1 && iHit.Ring() == 2) ||
218 (iHit.Is_GEM() == 1)) {
219 if (Hit_.
Neighbor() == iHit.Neighbor()) {
221 if (iHit.Is_GEM() == 1 && iHit.Ring() == Hit_.
Ring() && iHit.Roll() == Hit_.
Roll() &&
222 iHit.Pad() == Hit_.
Pad()) {
223 exact_duplicate =
237 (res->at(iOut)).push_GEM(GEM_);
238 if (!exact_duplicate)
239 res_hit->push_back(Hit_);
241 if (!exact_duplicate)
void set_neighbor(int bits)
const std::vector< uint32_t > & payload() const
void set_stub_num(int bits)
void set_station(int bits)
void set_gem_bxn(const int bits)
int Pad() const
Repurpose "strip" as GEM pad for GEM sourced hits.
GEMPadDigiCluster CreateGEMPadDigiCluster() const
int Link() const
Returns the input link of the cluster.
virtual int checkFormat(const Block &block)
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
GEMDetId GEM_DetId() const
void ImportGEM(EMTFHit &_hit, const l1t::emtf::GEM &_GEM, const int _endcap, const int _evt_sector)
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
void set_bc0(const int bits)
void set_link(const int bits)
void set_tbin(const int bits)
std::vector< EMTFHit > EMTFHitCollection
int ClusterID() const
Returns the the cluster ID within the link.
void set_cluster_id(const int bits)
std::vector< EMTFDaqOut > EMTFDaqOutCollection
void set_partition(const int bits)
bool unpack(const Block &block, UnpackerCollections *coll) override
Unpack the GEM payload in the EMTF DAQ payload.
void set_vp(const int bits)
void set_pad(const int bits)
void set_sector(int bits)
void convert_GEM_location(int &station, int &ring, int §or, int &subsector, int &neighbor, int &layer, const int evt_sector, const int cluster_id, const int link)
Converts station, ring, sector, subsector, neighbor, and segment from the GEM output.
#define DEFINE_L1T_UNPACKER(type)
uint16_t GetHexBits(uint16_t word, uint16_t lowBit, uint16_t highBit)
void set_chamber(int bits)
void set_subsector(int bits)
void set_cluster_size(const int bits)