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L1TrackerEtMissProducer_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple L1TrackerEtMiss
tuple L1TrackerEtMissExtended

Variable Documentation

tuple L1TrackerEtMissProducer_cfi.L1TrackerEtMiss
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer('L1TrackerEtMissProducer',
2  L1TrackInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTTracksFromTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
3  L1VertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("L1TkPrimaryVertex"),
4  maxZ0 = cms.double ( 15. ) , # in cm
5  maxEta = cms.double ( 2.4 ) , # max eta allowed for chosen tracks
6  chi2dofMax = cms.double( 10. ), # max chi2/dof allowed for chosen tracks
7  bendChi2Max = cms.double( 2.2 ),# max bendchi2 allowed for chosen tracks
8  minPt = cms.double( 2. ), # in GeV
9  deltaZ = cms.double( 3. ), # in cm
10  nStubsmin = cms.int32( 4 ), # min number of stubs for the tracks
11  nPSStubsMin = cms.int32( -1 ), # min number of stubs in the PS Modules
12  maxPt = cms.double( 200. ), # in GeV. When maxPt > 0, tracks with PT above maxPt are considered as
13  # mismeasured and are treated according to highPtTracks below.
14  # When maxPt < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
15  highPtTracks = cms.int32( 1 ), # when = 0 : truncation. Tracks with PT above maxPt are ignored
16  # when = 1 : saturation. Tracks with PT above maxPt are set to PT=maxPt.
17  # When maxPt < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
18  displaced = cms.bool(False) # Use promt/displaced tracks
19 )

Definition at line 3 of file

tuple L1TrackerEtMissProducer_cfi.L1TrackerEtMissExtended
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer('L1TrackerEtMissProducer',
2  L1TrackInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTTracksFromExtendedTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
3  L1VertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("L1TkPrimaryVertex"),
4  maxZ0 = cms.double ( 15. ) , # in cm
5  maxEta = cms.double ( 2.4 ) , # max eta allowed for chosen tracks
6  chi2dofMax = cms.double( 40. ), # max chi2/dof allowed for chosen tracks
7  bendChi2Max = cms.double( 2.4 ),# max bendchi2 allowed for chosen tracks
8  minPt = cms.double( 3. ), # in GeV
9  deltaZ = cms.double( 3.0 ), # in cm
10  nStubsmin = cms.int32( 4 ), # min number of stubs for the tracks
11  nPSStubsMin = cms.int32( -1 ), # min number of stubs in the PS Modules
12  maxPt = cms.double( 200. ), # in GeV. When maxPt > 0, tracks with PT above maxPt are considered as
13  # mismeasured and are treated according to highPtTracks below.
14  # When maxPt < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
15  highPtTracks = cms.int32( 1 ), # when = 0 : truncation. Tracks with PT above maxPt are ignored
16  # when = 1 : saturation. Tracks with PT above maxPt are set to PT=maxPt.
17  # When maxPt < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
18  displaced = cms.bool(True) # Use promt/displaced tracks
19 )

Definition at line 23 of file