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mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff Namespace Reference


tuple MVA_WP80
tuple MVA_WP90
 WP to give about 90 and 80% signal efficiecny for electrons from Drell-Yan with pT > 25 GeV For turn-on and details see documentation linked above. More...
tuple mvaEleID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_producer_config
tuple mvaEleID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_wp80 = configureVIDMVAEleID( MVA_WP80 )
tuple mvaEleID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_wp90 = configureVIDMVAEleID( MVA_WP90 )
tuple mvaSpring16WeightFiles_V1
string mvaTag = "Spring16GeneralPurposeV1"
tuple workingPoints

Variable Documentation

tuple mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff.MVA_WP80
Initial value:
1 = EleMVA_WP(
2  idName = "mvaEleID-Spring16-GeneralPurpose-V1-wp80", mvaTag = mvaTag,
3  cutCategory0 = "0.940962684155", # EB1
4  cutCategory1 = "0.899208843708", # EB2
5  cutCategory2 = "0.758484721184", # EE
6  )

Definition at line 41 of file

tuple mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff.MVA_WP90
Initial value:
1 = EleMVA_WP(
2  idName = "mvaEleID-Spring16-GeneralPurpose-V1-wp90", mvaTag = mvaTag,
3  cutCategory0 = "0.836695742607", # EB1
4  cutCategory1 = "0.715337944031", # EB2
5  cutCategory2 = "0.356799721718", # EE
6  )

WP to give about 90 and 80% signal efficiecny for electrons from Drell-Yan with pT > 25 GeV For turn-on and details see documentation linked above.

Definition at line 35 of file

tuple mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff.mvaEleID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_producer_config
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  mvaName = cms.string(mvaClassName),
3  mvaTag = cms.string(mvaTag),
4  # Category parameters
5  nCategories = cms.int32(3),
6  categoryCuts = cms.vstring(*EleMVA_3CategoriesCuts),
7  # Weight files and variable definitions
8  weightFileNames = mvaSpring16WeightFiles_V1,
9  variableDefinition = cms.string(mvaVariablesFile)
10  )

Definition at line 58 of file

tuple mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff.mvaEleID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_wp80 = configureVIDMVAEleID( MVA_WP80 )
tuple mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff.mvaEleID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_wp90 = configureVIDMVAEleID( MVA_WP90 )
tuple mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff.mvaSpring16WeightFiles_V1
Initial value:
1 = cms.vstring(
2  "RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/data/Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1/electronID_mva_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_EB1_10.weights.xml.gz",
3  "RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/data/Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1/electronID_mva_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_EB2_10.weights.xml.gz",
4  "RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/data/Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1/electronID_mva_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_EE_10.weights.xml.gz"
5  )

Definition at line 27 of file

string mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff.mvaTag = "Spring16GeneralPurposeV1"
tuple mvaElectronID_Spring16_GeneralPurpose_V1_cff.workingPoints
Initial value:
1 = dict(
2  wp80 = MVA_WP80,
3  wp90 = MVA_WP90
4 )

Definition at line 48 of file